IT is a gratifying and significant fact that our national securities have ad vanced since the Chicago Convention. With the curse of Johnsonism removed, and Grant and Colfax at the head of au administration, we shall have stability, honesty and econemy. IT is as hard for the Democracy to con ceal their anxiety over the Chicago Con vention as it is for our lady friends to dispose of their old hoop skirts. Neither can be sold, bartered nor concealed with out a great deal of trouble. Tux copperhead papers are writing up Lee as a greater General than Grant, and rebel troops as braver men than the Union soldiers. They did the same in '64 but it didn't amount to anything prac tically, and the chaalces don't seem to have improved since Appomattox. THE Cincinnati Inquirer assails Speaker Colfax because he offered a resolution for the expulsion of Alexander B. Long from Congress, when the latter during, the war, declared he hoped the Union arthy would be defeated. We hope the Copperhead papers will keep publishing the fact. Tun Charleston Mercury threatens that South Carolina will bolt the Demo cratic nomhiation, and let the party "go to the devil together," unless the ap proaching Natiohal Convention shall in sert into its platform a declaration against universal suffrage. IN Taunton, Joseph L. Titus tried to steal a box of figs from, the store of Evanda Prey. Praysaw him, chased him, fired three stones from a revolver at him, arrested and handed him over the police. Titus is a Democrat. AT Bowling Green, Ky., was murdered last Saturday a returned Union soldier of Kentuelsy--bis crinseothe snearitkg of bine. lie was killed on tits own thres hold, in the presence of his wife, who too was tired on and wounded. Such is Democracy. .I,x declaring tkat whiikeyls onty a luxury and not a necessity," jhe Itew York Herald has raised a terrible howl from the ranks of the Democracy. Brick Pomeroy contends that the doctrine of " whiskey as 4 necessity " must be insist ed upon as a fundamental principle of Democracy. Um Copperheads find fatfit because Grant is so silent. He certainly made enough noise for the Democratic party at Vicksburg and Appomattox. They would have been gratitiOd,no4ioubi, had, he been silent , theral . Tnt Augusta, Ga., Apublican (Radi cal) favors general amnesty—contending that no benefit can be derived from keep ing pains and penalties, which are never enforced, hanging over the heads of a large portion of the people. THZ tax collector of Houston county, Georgia, one of the largest and wealthi est counties in the State, is a negro, nom inated and elected on the " Democratic " or rebel ticket. Has the Lancaster In telligencer anything to say? A CtirrtionLab Piper says': " It was the Deiioci'ats who brought the war to a successful issue." Of course they did —by their unconditional surrender to Grant M Fort Donelson, yicksburg and Appomatton. .t, 't ALL that is needed to se cures rousing " victory for Grant and Colfax next No vember is thorough organization and effective work.jiet every Ikepublican celestite/IA irkconimittft of one twee that the thing is done. Tintlapublican joiirnals of California, who bolted during the last year's cam paign, and caused the defeat of the State ticket, have all placed the names of Grant and Colfax at the head of ; their columns. Tins madhig Copperheads no:* admit that without a large proportion of the negro vote the nomination of a candidate against -Brink will be a needless eere aony. - Britt Pomeroy. we take , for granted, will in future drop thdo " dth—" and embince'the " dear digger." A COPPZAREAD exchange calls the Chicago Convention " a wake." It will *ale 'lets of Copperhead , snakes .:rest November. fml hews. PZRBOITAL. —A. Southern exchange says: " There is a certain girl in this city who talks so much, and knows all about everything that does or does not happen, and everything that is going to happen, besides a good deal else, that it has been suggested that the Postmaster seriously , contemplate the propriety of taking the letter list from the newspa. and - grring *ter berc thelyeund that she has the largest circulation of any medium in town." querie : How many sich like " -we in Lancaster ? TnE" • i D TEMPLAR.- The 44," heretofore published 77 1 40... by the Grand Lodge of Good has just been changed into a setnighenthly paper under the above new 2,134 moire appropriate title. It is the offidatorgan of the Grand Lodge, ably edited by Miss L. Ellen Wright, G. W. Secretary, and contains much valuable and instructive reading matter. Price of subscription i4l a year, in advance. PREPARAT/Ortteare being rapidly com. plete4 for the grand,National Camp Meeting, which is be held at Manheim ; already 372 tents have been located, and it is thought that not less than as many more will be erected. TrIE PAMI . O7S RETURN. — We hear tily endorse the following suggestion, which we clip from the eolwnbia Spy : "From present indications we may ex pect Congress to adjourn in the course of a month, when our glorious old represen tative, Mr. Stevens, will return to Lan caster county. Can any good and true Republican conceive a more fitting move ment than the ovation of a 4rand recep tion of that time-honored friend of man as he touches the soil of Lancaster county ? " TILE HAPPY FAMILY."—The Pen dleton escort, numbering about four hun dred precious souls (?)—rebels, bounty jumpers, Canada sneaks, prison birds, Klu-Kluxers and "sieh"—passed through this city on Wednesday night on their way to the political menagerie to .be held to-morrow at Fire Points, New York. Of course they were all sober ! What a good time the buzzards will have over the carcass of the Copperhead party. THE FOUNEII,O-As yet no arrange ments have been made by our city au thorities for the proper celebration of the coming Fourth of July. Querie : Who is responsible ? Ask the bolting Copper head Councilmen. QrrET.—Our city has been remarkably free from whiSkey tights, burglaries, &c., for the last few days. Reason : The Cops have gone to New York. POLITICAL Wa are authorised.. to 40:m0u:ice CAPT. A• GODSHALL of East Cocalico township, as a can. ditiste for renomination for the Legislature at the Primary Elections of the Republican party, August 15th. Ws are authohaed annaunce MAJOR A. O. RELIFOR#L, of Atanlipimtognahip, as candidate for renomination for the Legislature at the Primary Election* of the Republican party, Au,gust 15th. Wu are authorised to announce the name of JACOB Q. PETERS, of Contistoga township, as a candidate for t hogialatitro, subject to the de c brio' of tito people &title ensuing primary meetin gs of the Republican party in Argigust Wu are authorized to announce that JACOB C. KREADY, of Manor township, will be a candidate for County Commissioner, at the ensuing primary meetings of the Republican party of Lancaster County. WIII arlt authorised to semounce the name of GEMBRtrBARtR as a Cartelidate for DISTRICT ATTORNEY, subject to the decision of the people at the Republican Primary Election on SATult- DAY, the 15th day of AUGUST, 1868. Wa, are authorized to announce that BENJAMIN F. BAER, of the City of Lancaster, will be a can didate for nomination for DISTRICT ATTOR NEY, at *e ensuing primary meetings of the Na tional Union Republican party of Lancaster county. 4 IN 1 BANKING. DAVIT) BAIR. IL W. BI.T.ENK E K , B K It , NORTHEAST ANGLE OF CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PE►INA. MUSICAL INS =l=Ull DEALERS IN PIANOS,,ORGANS, MELODEONS, And Musical Instranisnts Generally. MIMIC r M 17.710. A large stoat °titian& ald constantly receiving all the latest publications as soon as issued. Music sent by Mailfrse sf "stage. Sole agent for Steinway & Son's EZEI Also, agent for Prince & Co.'a ORGANS AND MELODEONS, No. 3, NORTH PRINCE Street. Lancaster. Pa DRY GOODS, &e. ABRAM SCHERTZ, NEW STORE =MEM PLAIN AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTITINC.' & NOTION'S', CUR. NORTH QUEEN ..4,7 ORANGE STREETS, LANCA9TErt. PA #04 1. 8 .VADE TO ORDER 'LODGE REGALIA. AtrartNßACH & BROTHER, Mg0:520 PENN STREET, READING-. PA., MAFIIFACTUFE.I2O OF REGALIAS, JEWELS AN - ?OTHER LODGE Gai= For Masons' Blue Lodges, Chapters and Councils • Odd Fellows' Lodges and Encampments; 0,-,,,,j, Templars, Tem le o donor and Sons of Tonper mast ance ; A a , Itto American Protestants, Red Men - . ` Id i repose, Knights of Pythias, • it . Union, and for all fe male lodges on on Wootiktioaa, fitted out at the short est notice. ~. ..... ..,.' Also, ifllf O r&f,' Hfiflffp, Fiats, Caps, and Regalia Trimmings of all Ititids constantly on hand. Orders respectfully solicited, and gooti, forwarded to all parts of the country. AUCHENBACII & DIMTIIER, No 621 PENN Street. Reading, Pa. FATHER ABRAHAM. F BOOKS & STATIONERY. F SCHOOL AND MISi:ET.I„kNII!O , :s DooKs, BLANK BOOKS OF ALL SIZES, BOOSEI"S CHEAP STANDARD MUSIC. Catalogues of the furnishal on application. KURTZ AND MONAGHAN'S CELEBRA TED GOLD PENS, Chap Ca.sli Book Store, S No. 32 North Queen Street. Lancaster, Pa. Q 10 NEW BOOKS AND NEW STATIONERY, —AT— BARR'S, No. 22 EAST KING STREET, Opposite the Court House. ALL NEW PUBLICATIONS REOULARLY RE CEIVED AS PAST AS ISSUED FROM THE AMERICAN PRESS. ALL THE NEW ENOLISH PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED AS SOON AS THEY AP PEAR IN THE AMERICAN MARKET. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO THE IMPOE- 200.000 ENVELOPES AND 400 REAMS OF PAPEE, JIIRT RICICIVEID, INCLUDING BILLETS. NOTES, LETTERS, LEGAL AND BILL CAPS OF ALL GRADES AND SIZES, RANG ING FROM 75c. to $l4 PER REAM. LAO, THE VERY 1.4 TEST STYLES OF ENGLISH AND ZRENCH PAPERS, AND EN VELOPES TO ALLICH. All Papers and Envelopes purchased at oar es tablishment will be stamped with the initials of the purchaser, fret of charge. in the very latest and best style, if desired. We are prepared to furnish dealers with Papers, Envelopes, and all kinds of StatiOnery at the very lowest Philadelphia and New York prices. We also call the attention of School Directors and Coun try Dealers torpor lorgoateck of School Books, upon which we can give the very beet inducements. .5. BARR, No. 2410 EAST KING Street, Lancaster, Pa.. JOHN BAER'S SONS, b rirg VOLKSFRE7ND AND BICO.BACHTEIC GERMAN AND ENGLISH ALMANACS, TESTAMENTS, EliflN ROOKS, &t: DIEA.I.ER IN WRITING PAPERS, NEW ANT) CETEAP BOOK STORE, BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, SCHOOL BOOKS,! MISCELLANEOUS BOONS, And a general variety of well selected Stationery. Maps and Fancy Articles In the line of trivle. SCNDAY SCHOOL BOORS Of an klrids. ipedalAttetitl6Th given. living Librarian of the Lancaster County Bible Society, I will furnish Sunday Schools with Bibles and Testaments at cost. Bi'dles for 30 cents; Testa ments for 10 cents. A variety of new Sewing Machines for sale cheaper than anywhere else. B. S. BARE. TMARSHALL SON'S • SOOT AND 81.10 E STORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA CAMPAIGN OF 1869. 6 NOW IS THE TIME FOR VICTORY! R UMENTS. We have started the Campaign by laying in a fresh stock of Give us a call. We otter Inducements never be fore offered. Our work is of the best quali. Don't forget the place, N. E. C'OR. CENTRE SQUARE. IoIANOS THE OLD PENN MUTUAL -LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ACCCNICLATIII) CAPITAL AfUr Paying Losses to the Amount of t31)120,000 ALL THE FILMPLUI DIVIDED AMONGAT THE POLICY HOLDERS EVECY YEAP. THE ONLY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY IN THE CITY OR .57.42 - E. For further information apply to JOHN J. COCHRAN, Agmt. P. 0. Lanclt , ter, Fu. SIGNS, BANNERS, &( .SIGN AND ORN.4 NE NT.IL P.ILTTE!? A:ND 14.NYUF1.CTI7Itt:7: GLASS TADLErs. C ANT-1117 :V BANNERS Painted in the latest stTle and at short notice. Room—Over Baker's Drag Store, CENTRE SQUARE, Lancaster, Pa. JOSEPH ROYER, Wholesale and Retail Confectioner. Dealer in Fruits, Nuts, Toys, Ice Cream, Cakes, &c., wholesale and retail. No. 33 West King Strret, Lancaster, Pa. BOOKS d' BT,ITIONERE A COMPLETE STOCK OF FAMILY AND pricKET BIDLEs A LARGEL ASSORTMENT STATIONERY, OF LG9,-_,D ANTHONY'S STEI:EOSCOPES, AMERICAN AND FOREIGN VIEWS. Liberal deductions to Merchants. OrdereGrespectitti'y Ail :cite." an iGprmipt iy J. H. SHEAFFER'S TA TION OP XNGLISH BOOKS. Na. I NORTH Q7EEN STREET LANCASTER. PA., =I A Republic4n Ni.xspapor SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, JUSTICES' BLANKS s Tro _YEE F (Cornur of ?ulton WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER BOOM AND SHOES. ROOTS AND SHOES. 25 eases Ladies' Gaiters. 25 Cases Mimeos Gaiters. 25 Cases Children's Gaiters. 2. Cages Boys' Shots. 25 Cases Men's Shoes. Cases Men's and Boys' Boots INSUTI:ANCIE. OF PHILADELPHIA CHARTER PERPETUAL PAINTING. JOheEPII BEIMMER, CONFECTIONER Y. DON'T READ THIS Proved it,elt without a ri :al in 3 - 113 late tact trial 3LII, Cit 7 With the Howe Machine. We therefore present it to the consideration of as intelligent public as INCOMI'dcnBLIC the BEST SEWING MACHINE L'r THE WORLD It I,l!glit rennin;—a:most no 1,,,!!.--and aria' ted range or work than any ocher While it at the sin time, carp eirnple A (Mild tn, with all 03,4?., ear: it in a short time. We can assure the publia that they loot. to their If in want of a TO SEE, TEST AND TRY THE SINGER, Befora deciding to take it or any other Machine. Parties often come to town in search of a Machine, and then listen to the advice of interested parties, or those who have but a limited knowladg,e of the Machines in question. BETTER SEE THEM FOR YOURSELVES, FRIENDS, And then von will not bs daceivod. W. W. BEARD SLICE, Agent, THE VERY HIGHEST PRIZE, THE IMPERIAL CROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, Was Awarded to the ItApres•natativo of th 3 GROVER ifk HAMiEIiottiEWING MACHINES At the Uttivereal Zatithitian, Paris, Ign, Thus attesting their great superiority over all other Sewing Machines. For sal-) by GEO. SPURRIER, No. 19 NORTH QUEEN St., Lancaster. H ATS AND CAPS An.' manufactured to order, any style and quality. T. R. TORR, S. W. CORNER CENTRE SQUARE AND WEST KING STREET. F SMITH, • MAYCPACTCRER .43rD DILILtit LY HATS AND CAPS. Ali kinds of HATS mad.; to ortior on short notice .1041 it low prices. SHULTZ & BRO., AIANUPACTVRZRS AND DBALURB HATS, CAPS, STRAW HATS, LADIES' SHADE HATS, SHAKER HOODS, &0., Wholesale and Retail, No. 2, North queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. ZAHM 86 JACKSON, "ENVELOPES WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, ffir Repairing attended to H. Z. RIIOADS 8z BRO., VIIIOLUSA.L.II AYD RIIAIL DRALIIRS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY BOOK JOB PRINTING. RAUCH & COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING ALL KINDS, From the largest POSTER to the smallest CARD or CIRCULAR etdctthql is the best style and a t reasonable prices. 17 'Orders from a •liMtaiv prnmptly attended to OFFICE—N. E. ANGLE CENT:IE SQUARE. J . B. McCASKEY, SURGEON DENTIST .$ 3,000,000 W . M. WIIITESIDE, DENTIST, Offico and residence, East King Street, next door to the Court House, over Fabnestock's Dry Goods Store, Lancaster, Teeth Extracted without pain, by the use of (Nitrous Oxide) (Jas. CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS FOR THE NEWEST STYLES OF COLL.: US, cuFrs, SLEEVE. BUTTONS, S Cr SPENDERS, WHITE AND FANCY KID GLOVES, STOCKINGS, EMBROIDERED SHIRT FRONTS, SUMMER UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, -AT- E.J. ERISMAN'S GENT'S FURNISHING STORE, 41% .NORTII QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. SE WING 31-ICIIIN ES. SIN+ MAC:HINE SEWING MACHINE OWN I..Yr R E,7 , :SEWING MACHINE, No. 3 EAST ORANGE STREET, (TAN) Doors from North Quoen,) LANCASTER, PA. HAI'S AN!) CAPS. A FULL STOCK ON HAND, LANC4S7IR, PIINN4 Ils WEST KING Stroet, Lancaster, Pa JEWELRY, cee. DEALERS IN SILVER a_VD SILTAR-PLATAD WARE, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN S.TREET, LANOASTER, PA A ND SILVER WARE, No. 22 WEST KING STREET, (Next Door Below Cooper's Hotel,) LANCASTER, PA LA NCA STUR, PPNNA DENTISTRY. OFFICE-EAST KING ST., OVER. TILE FIRST NKTION•L BANK, LANCASTER, P. 4 It4'"All Work Warranted.'fl FURNISHING GOODS. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL H. R. Trains have the Central Depot as follows: EA 9T7VA WERTWARD. Pliiin.Exi , ress.4.l7 A. M. PWIa. Fxpress.l.4B A. M. Fast Line 0.33 " Enig't Train... 3.03 Lane. Train.... 0.05 MaP 11.15 " Day P. M. Fast Line 240 P. M. H3rrisb'` Columbia Ac.. 2.45 " " 11-tarrisb'g Ae. -5.53 " Lane. Train " Ginein. READING AND COLUMBIA R. R. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1868, PASSENGER TRAINS WILL RUN ON THIS ROAD, AS FOLLOWS Lear: e Lancaster and Oolumbia at A rri ve at Reading j11019:11INING : Leavo }lauding at 7.00 A. M. 8.15 P. M. Arrive at L3nc 9'20 A. M. *6 " Columbia ,„.9:25 " " Lancaster and Columb ..8:30 P. M. 7UNDAY Tli : `and Colum ' 'NM A. M. Arita at • r.. • ' lariirtouNG 8.00 A. M. 3 . 40 P. M. Arrive at Lancaster and Columbia at...10:26 A. M. " Columbia and Lancaster 5t....6:00 P. M. Trains Nos. 2 and 4 make close connection at Reading with Trains North and South, on Philadel phia and Reading Railroad, snd West on Lebanon Valley Road. No 2 also makes close connection with Train for New York. EXCURSION TICKETS issued to parties to all points on this Road. at Reduced Rates. EXCURSION TICKETS sold between all the principal stations on this road,--good for Sunday Trains only. Tickets can be obtained at the Offices of the New Jersey Central Rrailroad, foot of Liberty Street, New York, and Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, 13th and Callowhill Streets, Philadelphia. Through tickets to New York and Philadelphia sold at all the Principal Stations, and Baggage Checked through. Trains are run by Philadelphia Sr Reading Rail road Time. which is 10 minutes raster than-Poun sylvanla R. R. Time. GEO. F. GAGE, Supt. E. F. Kalman, Gen. Frt. and Ticket Agent. Leave itqadias at, READING RAIL ROAD. suinis i t ARRANGEMENT. AY 20th, 1888. GREAT 'WAVE Inns FROM THE North and N__erthlrest - Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Phrt.ftlei; aninqus, Aahland, Lebanon, Al lentown, Easton, Eplisatn, Lids, Lancaster, Cohun bia, the., SW. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as fol lows: at 2.50, 5.25 and 8.10 A. M., 12.40 noon, and 2.05 and 9.35 P. M., connecting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 5:03, 10.00 and 11.00 A. M., and 3.50, 7.40 and 10.30 P. M. Sleeping care accompanying the 3.50 A. M, and 9.35 P. Si. train without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Potbsville, qua, Mineraviile , Ashland , Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10 A. H., and 2.00 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and Principal Way Stations; the 4.10 P. M. making conn ono for Philadelphia and Columbia only, For Pottsville, S.-huylkill Haven, and Auburn, via Schuylkill road Susquehanna Rail Road, leave Harrisburg at 3.55 P. M. Returning : leave New York at 9.00 A. M., 12.00 noon, and 5.00 and 8.00 P. Sleeping cars accompany the 9.00 A. M. and 5.00 and 8.00 P. M. trains, without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 1.30 A. 18., returning from Reading at 6.30 P. 51., stop ping at all Stations; Pottsville at 8.45 A. M. and 2.45 P. M.; Ashland 6.00 A. M. and 12.10 noon, and 2.00 P. M. ; Tamaqua at 8.31) A. M., and 1.00 and 8.45 P. M. Leave Pottsville ter liartisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road at 7.10 A. M. and 12.00 neon. Reading Accommodation Train: Leaves Reading at 7.30 A. M., r.nurning from Philadelphia at 6.15 P. M. Pottstown Accomm.alation Train : Leaves Potts town at 6.43 A. M., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 1.00 A. M. and 6.15 P. M. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, &c. Perkionien Rail Road Trains leave Perkiourmi Junction at 9.00 A. M., and 5.55 P. M. Returning: Leave Sklppack at 8.15 A. M., and 1.15 P. M. con. necting with similar trains on Reading Rail ROftoti. On Sundays: Leave New York at 8.00 P. M., Philadelphia 8.00 A. M. and 3.15 P. M., the 8.00 A. M. Train running only to Reading Pottsville 8.00 A. M. ; Harrisburg 5.26 A. M. and 4.10 and 9.35 P. M., and Reading at 1.10, 2.65 and 7.15 A. M. for Harrisburg, and 7 . 08 A. M. and 11.40 P. M. for New York and 4.25 P. M..for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tlekets,.to and fromall points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed each aeeenger. G. A. NICOLLS, Gee. Supt. Bum:axe, PA., May 20, 1888. F.L.4.GS, FIREWORKS, dr. 1776. FLAGSI II MIft‘FLAGSI FOR JULY FOURTH AND PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN We have now on hand and have made arrange ments with manufacturers to tarnish, at ehortent notice and cheapeet rates, FLAGS Of all sizes and qualities SILK, BUNTING, MUSLIN, do El= FIREWORKS EEC= FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATIONS, EXHIBI TIONS, PROCESSIONS, it:. All orders in person or mall will receive prompt attention by D. S. & J. S. BURSK, 'Wholesale and Retail Grocers No. 19 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER COAL. EIMER, BRENEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALIMA IN COA L , Of the best quality. Yant , —COß. WATER ST..t PENNA. R, R OFFicz—No. 2 EAST ORANGE ST., LANCASTER, PA.' 11 .y 1 BAUMGARDNER, DEALER IN COAL OF EVERY DESCRWTION, NORTH PRANCE STREET, 14F..kit TIE PENNSYLVANIA RAILIWAD, LANCASTER, PA. 8:00 A. M 3:00 P. 10:20 A. M .5:30 P. M .145 P. IA .140 P. ht 10:10 A. bt .6:00 P. 1868.