Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, July 03, 1868, Image 2

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    “ t iithe,
S. H. IZAU('H, tt EinTons &
FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1563.
"I shall hare no polity/ of lay oa•n to e»-
force against the mill of the people."—G RA NT.
Vine Preatdent:
Areditor General:
Stornpyor Gerwral :
Invariable, in. Advance
Owe oopy to one address $ .73
rive copies 3.30
lbw t. '. 6.30
Fifteen t. 5.30
resproty if 10.00
And 50 rents for ervry addition& subscriber
over tweeter/.
03rOne eopy extes to the gott , r up of a Club of Tu,,re
is or wore.
Editors and Publishers,
Lancaster, Pa
Our Reading branch office is at No.
606 Court Street, opposite the Court
House, where subscriptions will be re
ceived for FATHER ABRAHAM.
Forty One Hundred!
We put No. 5 of FATUEP ABP.ABA3I
to press this week with a list of Four
Thousand One Hundred paid subscribers.
No similar enterprise ever before met
with such gratifying success. And the
cry continues, daily, from all parts of the
country. "We are coming, FATHER
ABRABA3I," and ready for a hundred
thoUsand more !
most overwhelmed with "Pennsylvania
Deitsch." Some of the productions are
very good, but owing to our limited
amount of space, but few of them can be
reached at all. It was our original de
sign to furnish about one column each
week of this kind of matter, but the com
munications now on hand would more than
fill the entire paper. All are laid by for
more thorough examination, and some
may be reached by and by.
A DEMOCRATIC B.t.Dois.—We woulilstugest
as an appropriate camp:ll4l badgo for the oip
perhads of this state—a el,lre , !
pct.—Lcrii :as
ter Expre.,.e.
We object. A coffee pot, under exist
ing circumstances, might be appropriate
as a badge for the more respectable class
of copper heads, such as newly imported
wild Irishmen and unreconstructed Sour
Krout Gorrillas, but for the real, genuine,
native copperhead, the only badge that
can be recognized as appropriate is
the whiskey bottle.
THE large amount of space occupied
by special matter on our fourth page to
day, compelled us to defer publishing a
beautiful likeness of ex-Gov. Curtin.
First class likenesses of Gov. Geary,
Gen. Cameron and other representative
men of the great Republican party have
been secured, and will shortly appear.
The Coppf , rhead Standqrd flea Per.
The D:mocratic Presidential candidate
anout to be nominated will be the leader
of the entire party of rele4.3 who lately
attempted to destroy the Arneriean Gov
ernment, in order to build upon its rains
an a7)sol;I:e despotism and perfect system
of hanian slavery in every State. and ter
riton-; he will be the candidate, and re
ceive the earnest and undivided support
of the barbarians of Andersouville, and
of the butchers of Fort Pillow ; of as.,,as
sins, hotel burners and importers of small
pox ; of all the organized gang of thieves,
pickpockets. burglars and shoulder hit
ters throughout the country ; of perjurers,
forgers, whiskey rings and bribed offi
cials ; of gamblers, lottery brokers and
gift swindlers ; of the inmates of low
groggeries, dens of prostitution, jails and
penitentiaries ; of ignorant Irishmen
made " better citizens " by means of
forged naturalization papers; of profes
sional beggars and Italian organ grinders ;
of bounty jumpers and draft skedaddlers
to Canada ; of wife-whippers, robbers of
hen roosts and newspaper stealers; of
Klu-Kluxers, Heidelberg numb-skills.
walking beer tubs and whiskey jugs; of
Limburger gluttons, chuckleheads,
heads and venomous copperheads. The
Five Points, New York—the devils,
great central recruiting station—is a fit
locality for the holding of the convention
of such a party of the ungodly!
Organize Now
Republicans of Pennsylvania! Re
member that we were beaten in 1867 be
cause our organization was neglected un
til the eleventh hour of the campaign,
whilst the enemy were constantly at
work, and thoroughly organized. We
have in Pennsylvania a clear Republican
majority of twenty-five thousand, but, to
secure it we must poll our entire vote,
and this can only be done by being
thoroughly organized, and by constant
work in every village and hamlet.
Grant and Colfai clubs should be or.
ganized at once. The intelligent young
men of the party must take the matter in
hand, and canvass every ward, borough
and township. We must ascertain our
strength ip every district. Wholesxne
Repultican reading matter should he
placed within the reach of every voter in
the State, and thus every doubtful man
may jbe secured; and a glorious victory be,
made certaiu.. Again we skty, organize
A friend who came from tho West on
Tuesday last called at the office of
FATHER ABRAHAM and related a most
infamously disgraceful scene witnessed
by himself on the train between Pitts
burg and Lancaster. A number of
drunken delegates to the Five Points
Democratic Convention were aboard,
hailing from Kentucky, Ohio and Indi
*liana, and a few from Mississippi. They
had with them a full blooded citizen s of
African descent, who was ):ean enough,
not only to suck bad whiskey out of the
same bottle with these filthy copper
heads, but he also permitted them to em
brace. and hug him in the most affection
ate manner, in the presence of respect
able passengers, and in broad daylight !
Of course the " nigger" was drunk also,
which fact may furnish some sort of an
excuse for the lasting disgrace which he
has brought upon his race by such social
familiarity with copperheads !
Grant's Silence.
The Copperhead press abuse Grant be
cause he says so little. We agree with
the Harrisburg Telegraph that, in this age
of endless talk and no work, for which
so many of our public men are remark
able, we consider Grant's silence refresh
ing. The great trouble in our politics is,
that our public men talk too much and do
too little. Had the impeachment trial
ti)t been delayed for weeks by the Nia
gra of speech with which the Senate way
drenched, the country would not have
witnessed the spectacle of the mountain
of words laboring and bringing forth the
mouse of acquittal. We have been af
flicted with one President given to limy
speeches, or rather speaking the > axe
speech over many times; let us have a
President who knows how to hold, hi,
tongue properly.
Darkies " Cheating" Democrats
A copperhead the other day com
plained of certain alleged election fraud
committed by negro voters down South.
Now that is decidedly interesting—cop
perheads whining about being cheated i,
poor. " i,gnorant, uneducated plantation.
niggi , rs
If it is really true, that the Southern
darkies have succeeded in cheating re
lar copperhead politicians, the question
as to their fitness to handle the ballot
with credit to themselves and benefit to
the country may be, regarded as settled.
The colored troops fought bravely,"
and the colored voters vote nobly!
- FAT T-1 t 4 1,1 Z. A
iurrlJt Caroii tire Del Iv( iiior, fn Nei(
The f,ilowing ire the (lelogite,i from
South Carolina to the C,pperhea+l Su
timl:ll which itlectl lu Nev
174,rk to morrow
, j , ;„ : „e ~„.11,) a . L. F. ,Ilut, JAN.
I iv-- Geneial Watt!: James
I 'ampl , oll.
li.'•,; J.. 1. A.
lion. C. M. Yunnan,
.7. I'. C art)ll.
C , lliThei W. S. MRIIIES, ILA:. J. L. Mal:Linz,
Getloral J. B. Kershaw; Hon. E. Di r.
CiAlos Tracy, 11o!.. C. 11. zi:iinr.lton,
1:. 1',11.-.tt, Jr., Esq., Joln, Haokei.
fcc„. 111 E. THIRD CoNGIIIIssit+NAI.
I I John S. l'roston, 4,0110: al 31. W. 6ary,
(;,.n .1-al M. L. Bonham, Hon. A. I'. Frelerick.
I! n. ArmirtraJ hurt, Hon. W. D. Simpson.
Let us make a note of some of these
Wade Hampton (ex-rebel general),
James Chesnut (a seceeding United
States Senator and member of the rebel
Congress), Judge Aldrich (last year re
moved by General Canby from his judge
ship for open hostility to the Govern
ment), ex-Governor John L. Manning
rebel commissioner front South Carolina
in 1861, and member of the State Con
vention that declared South Carolina out
of the Union), M. L. Bonham (one of
the seceeding members of the XXXVth
Congress, representative iu the rebel
Congress, rebel Governor of South Car
olina, and one of the rebel commission
ers to Buchanan who demanded that the
General Government should not attempt
to hold Fort Sumter), and Robert Barn
well Rhett, the Calhoun of the rebellion
—the first man who in the United States
Congress, of which he was both a Rep
sentative and Senator, openly advocated
the dissolution of the Union.
Keep record and remembrance of these
developments, Republicans ! They will
be as effective on the rebel Democracy
in peace as Grant's shot and shell were
upon the, rebel Democracy in arms.
Copperhead Argutpeti t.
As a specimen of Copperhead argu
ment since the ilomlnatiou of Grant for
President, we gimpy theffollowing from a
neighboring Copperhead sheet : Some
time ago. General Grant stwer.ed to
church, passr the hour of service in
drunken slee ). and when the eongre:ra
tion were dismissed, attempted to walk
out of a gothic window. Reaching his
residence at last, he fell insensible on the
door steps." Probably, when he penned
this, the editor had been smelling of his
favorite " red eye," and was in that hap
py condition when all surrounding ob
jects took the shape of his own fancies,
or, to use an old comparison, like the
squaw when she saw the whole regiment
We have selected our champions who
are to lead us, and have given utterance
to the principles which govern us in the
present political contest. Our leaders
are tried men. Our principles are those
of Truth and .Justice. Nothing remains
but for the party, united in all its power
and vigor. to sweep the country with
suLth a vote as shall show what the peo
ple think of loyalty and liberty, as rep
resented by Grant and Colfax. Organize,
then, without delay, and success is cer
Governor Andrew, of Massachusetts,
three days before his death said : The
tendency of the hour is towards Grant.
And that is best. It is not the ideal
good. It is bad for the country that he
should leave his present post—bad for
him, the soldier, to try to endure the
hard fate that awaits him in civil life.
But it is the apparently best good the
country can have. And Grant is so
0u..1 7;0n , :.: a man that I believe he
is bound to be i;1 the right, i,. time main, any-
lienr7. , Clay Dean, a Copoerhead
speaker (some say orator), well known
to the - Young, Men's Democratic As
sociatioo. o Lancaster," recently deliv
ered a , peeyh in lowa, in the course 6f
which he is reported to have said that
one a[me.l coot one le , oeci so:titers, thrust
u, o t e r our no.o?s as obieds charity, are
ti,` f. , ) the yollows.'' Boys in
make a nuto of this.
• • Cfmserva ti re" Solaie
The proper definition of a "conserva
ti k one who never did hurt
, and don't want to hurt anybody.
No wondel the "Conservative Soldiers'
and Saiio Convention of Lancaster
county, held in this city last week, was
a miserable failure ! The boys who
fought under Grant intend also voting for
Choice La)1,971017‘'
Hissis:!lippi, All Right
F0 . .7 <ome, day, the copperheads ap
peared to be in very good humor about
the Mississippi election, claiming tohave
carried that :State. under the reconstruc
tion act, by twenty thousand majority.
But later news clearly indicate the
triumphant election of the entire Repub
lican State ticket by a decided majority.
The conservative da.rkies," it appeari,
didn't amount to much after all.
"The Democratic Motto."
" Greenbacks for 1,on(!s " is the Derno, - T.ttic
wateliworti. and a good oue it ie. The bone
and sinew deinan.l Er'lb,.
" Your pocket book or your life
the highwayman's watchword, and an
emphatic one it 13. The bone, and sinew
and muscle demand it.
Ai& Old Democrat on Grant,
Hon. Isaac N. Morris, an old and in
fluential Democrat of Quincy, Illinois,
made a long and able speech lately in
favor of Grant and Colfax . . The conclu
sion of it was as follows :
"If you ask me to lift my voice against the
Great Captain to whom we are more indebted
for our preservation as a nation than to any
other living man, and who has written his
principles with the point of his sword on the
national records, and enstamped his fidelity to
liberty on the national heart, I tell you plainly
I cannot do that. I claim to have some little
gratitude left. The ensuing four years will, in
my judgment, be the most dangerous an.l event
ful in our history, and we must have one at the
head of the Government who will be equal to
the emergency, or w will sink under the
weight of a crushing revolution. No tremulous
hand must be at the helm ; no politician who
will seek only his own interest at the expense
or national security. I need hardly add that,
if I live until November, and can reach the
polls, appealing to the God of Hosts for the rec
titude otimy intentions, and believing that I shall
be serving the best interests of humanity - and
my country—believing there is a necessity
which rises far above contentional platforms
and party demands, ruquiring every patriotic
citizen to du his duty—l shad east my vote,
Democrat though I have always been, for the
incorruptible patriot, the best judge of char
acter, and the best thinker I know in the
United States, Llymes 8. Grant, and ;o thou
and do likewise, counting it a great privilege"
" I would rather have Grant, if he's silent
and still,
Than an empty declaimer of words;
I would rather have Grant with his goad honest
Than one ft-om noisy politicil
" His deeds are all written in the fa'.! , of the
And he who desires ran read them afar ;
He stands forth to -day with his hannei• un
furled •
/a the light of his N ttionai
[ TP0yr,27114 t.)
The Delegates all In—Baiter street
crowded—Caneue at, the Five Points--
Nash, on kand—Plekpockets—lbeadie.
ton, Chase, Brit:ism Young, Johnson
and Brick Pomeroy--Sebwelliebrenner
Sobbed, de.. ice.
NEW You R, July 2, 1363
Delegates about all in. Baxter street
crowded with strangers. Caucus at Five
Points now holding and a majority favor
able to Johnson for President, and Brig
ham Young for Vice President.
New Yowl, July 2, 1868.-10 A. s(.
Telegrat just received from Brigham
Young, as follows :
" SALT LAZE, July 2, 1888
To Pre.siderz? of Det);ocrce& Ova l:4 :
Can't think of accepting second posish under
A. J. Self-respect and due regard thr moral
character and social position forbid such a
questionable compliment.
NZW* YORK, July 2, 1368-2.3., P. M
Dispatch from Chase just received, ac
cepting nomination for Vice President,
as a compromise.
NEw Yong, July 2, 186 —}ti P. M
Informal ballot resulted in choice of
- Brigham Young for President by large.
majority. Chances even between A. J.,
Chase and Brick Pomeroy for Vice. In
tense excitement.
Yicw Yoruc,ly 2, 1861, 6 uhr owate
Icii, bin ach doll. Mer hen yusht about
a bully grosser crowd doh. De Bevvy is
derhehtn geblivva. Der Brick Yung •is
gentAnmenate fir Bresident, un mer
ua all noel for seller Brick Bummeroy for
Weis Bresident. Ich tin der Minder Naspy
hen amohl elms genumma, for ich hab
B.—Hohls 'Ma der delfel waiin se
now 11::!t my pocket buch g'shtohla hen,
under Mr. Naspy is ach entirely geburst,
un kanu mer nix lehna I Ich bin in er
ferdeihenkerter tighter plate
ON last Saturday night, between IL
and 12 o'clock, in a Democratic saloon at
Sixth and Benjamin streets, Reading, a
young., man named William Spotts was
shot m the stomach by a Democrat named
Edward Murphy. It is said that he in
tended to shoot one Killian, and hit Spotts
in a mistake. Of course he was in the
usual condition of a radical democrat,
which accounts for the mistake in hitting
the wrong man.
DAY by day the Richmond Enquirer
and Examiner reiterates its demand that
Conservative employers shall discharge
freedmen who presume to vote; and it
asserts that it feels "quite flattered" by
the denunciations with, which its proposal
has been visited by some of the Radical
papers in the North. Its programme, it
says, is very simple : "Employment and
no vote, or vote and starve." •
TIE Copperhead journals are getting
well under way with personal abuse and
angry invective on Ganeral Grant. The
"butcher," the "drunkard," the "tyrant,"
and the "dumb bayonet" res•und from
every side. Six years ago these same
Copperheads only mentioned Lincoln a. 3
a "tyrant," usurper " and ape."
IN his message to the Senate, Decem
ber, 1867, Andrew Johnson said of Gen
eral Grant, whom he had previously called
to the War Department that " salutary
reforms have been introduced by the Sec
retary ad interim, and great reductions of
expenses have been effected under his
administration of the War Department,
to the saving of millions to the Treasury."
enjoy the warm weather from which
other people are suffering. He fides out
daily, receives hosts of visitors, is in ex
cellent spirits, and works nearly all the H
time. o has just finished a speech,
which will be one of the most elaborate
and vigorous of his life, and he wtll either
speak it or have it read to the House in
a few days.
WE suggest to the Democratic National
Convention, which meats at New York
to-morrow, a faithful investigation into
the assassination of John Casy,,the mur
dered witness in the case of the Luzerne
county naturalization frauds. Let the
skirts of the Democracy of Pennsylvania
be washed of this murder if they Fan.
A DELEGATION of Cincinnati Demo
-esatakasa- -ragailaa aiterashmegals. at the
depot at the hands of the members of
that party
i in that city. The old coffee
pots used n days of yore to refresh rebel
prisoners on their way through the city
will again he brought into service by
their fair owners.—Pittsburg Gazette.
WHEREVER. the Klu-Klux rebel Dem
ocrats in Georgia could find negroes to so
far forget themselves as to vote their
ticket, they brought them to the polls in
carriages and buggies, and even carried
them in triumph on their shoulders !
What does the Lancaster Intenigencer,
York Gazette and " sich " say ?
Brown—This heavy shower will do
much danger by lodging the grain.
Jones—Yes it may but it i 0 a fine
shower for Democrats.
Jones—Because rain makes corn grow,
corn makes Whiskey, and whiskey makes
A LEADING Democrat of New York—
ex-Alderman O'Brien—recently swindled
Adam Roldiger out of $20,000. A war
rant was issued for his arrest, but he suc
ceeded iu making his escape.
fatiger brab,am's,,
So, boys! a final bumper,
While we all in chorus chant
4, For next Pmident we nominate
Our own Ulysses Grant!"
And if asked what State he hails from,
This our sole reply shall he,
From near Appomattox Court House,
With its famous apple tree !"
For 'twos there to our Ulysses
That Lee gave up the figbt—
Now, boys, " To Grant for President
And God defend the right."
• —Miles O'Reilly.
No matter who may be chosen the
Democratic candidate for President at
New York to-morrow, he will he the lead
er of the forces of the rebels : of the men
who, at any period of the war, would
have voted for the recognition of the
Confederacy and far the division of the
Union. Without their ballots there would,
in fact, be no Democratic party.
THB New York Leader having said,
If Colfax has ever been a printer, he'll
know what it is to have a form pied next
November," the Providence Journal
adds the following diamond footnote :
Exactly so. The Democratic form is
already so badly squabbled and off its feet
that the strongest chase in the country
can't hold it together, and there are clear
indications that it will bo in h--.-I,.the re
ceptacle for broken forms, very early in
IN his Washington letter to the Phila
delphia Press, Col., Forney makes, this
pointed remark : Until Ulysses 8.
Grant took command of our armies, re
bellion was confident of success. Until
Ulysses S. Grant took command of the
Republican party, the Democratic party
was confidento of success. And ail be
finished the first, so will he finish the
• GENERAL MCCLELLAN it is stated,
will return to this country in August, and
stump it for the individual who will be
nominated to the Presidency in opposi
tion to the man who took Richmond.
All we have to say on this subject is,
that if he don't stump it more erectively
than he stumped it after the rebels during
the late war, the Democratic party will
not be much benefited by his efforts.