THE Democratic party is always found to be composed of a few adroit, able, and perhaps learned men, with a rank and tile taken from the lowest strata of socie ty. They had the poor white of the South and the unthinking and illiterate. Irish and foreign population of the North. We have taken the first away from them by war—we will take away the latter in time by our common schools. Hence their desperati or " SPEAKER COLFAX,''a3'..S a Washing ton letter writer, " is the hardest worker, largest hopefulness. brightest face and quickest wit of Congress. Grant, with his sober, steady, fighting face, takes his new honor quietly as an old married man hears that he has another child born. They are marvelous men both, in their quiet acceptance of honors." PENNSYLVANIA Coffee is becoming celebrated. It is used for making " better citizens" to vote Copperhead tickets. For further information inquire of W. A. Wallace, corner of 9th and Arch sts,, Philadelphia, or the Lancr"ter Atelligen co., Harrisburg Patriot, and York Oa .zette, &c. THE Democratic party—or the thing that claims and carries that once-honored name—is a systematic organization of the political fraud and crime of the country. It is nothing more but a huge corporation, organized and worked for the purposes of public plunder. THE New York World says it would rather see a Democratic President elected by negro votes than defeated by negro votes. That means• that the Democracy is getting to eat a very large pile of very dirty dirt. Any other diet would astound its stomach. THEODORE TILTON bays in the Inde pendent: "Verily, this is a changeable world! Long a partisan of Chase, and never a partisan of Grant, we frankly avow that since these two men have so signally changed places, we now a thou sand times prefer Grant to Chase." . GENERAL BITCNER, the new editor of the Louisville Courier, says Grant is no General. What made Mauer " git" at Fort Donelson, when Grant notified him that he was going to move on his works? DAN Itict, the clown and trainer of mules, has just been hired by the Dem ocratic party to travel and make Demo cratic speeches. In old Berks county he expects to distribute twenty thousand likenesses of General Jackson. SEVENTY-FITE voters of the Demo cratic persuasion came over to a Repub lican caucus, at Auburn, Maine, a few evenings since. and announced their in tention to work and vote with the Re publican party in future. A Pnit-ADELrirta "Democratic" can didate for Legislature declares himself oppt.scii to gamblers and corruption in lep;Rlation. The Copperhead leaders will not nominate him. lie is •ot the right stripe. IT is said to be a fact that the Post master General has received letters ask ing why Petroleum V. Nasby is allowed to remain in his department while at tempting to bring odium on the Admin istration. IT is an old proverb that too many cooks spoil the broth. The Copperhead broth is badly botched. It 'is flavored with Pendleton greens. Chase sauce, Seymour's cayenne and Hendrick's bitter herbs. • THE Democratic candidate for Presi dent will be endorsed by Breckinridge, Jeff. Davis, Dr. Blackburn, importer of small-pox. Surratt. Buckner, itfoseby and all " etch." McCoca., one of the prize fighters, now in jail in Lawrenceburg, Ind., was one of the principal attractions at a Copperhead Convention in the southern part of Indi anna on the 27th of May. ThitTY busitiess.--throwing hind at General Grant, the rescuer of his Cotuitry. More filth, however, adheres to the immds of those engaged in it than will ever reach the spotless commander. Imams Crux*, an active Democratic Ward politician of Philadelphia, was committed by Aide, .Morrow, a few days ago, on a charge atealing,a num :her of hats at a fir eataut street. HERMAN BLUMENTHAL 14 0 4 arrested and committed CD Monday last is Phila adelphia, elaarged.with the larceny of a watch from a store on Coates street. Herman is a Demoertit. ME Dewierlap ieem to Lai, an emi grated from Ilerkley county, Virginia. We see it stated that no miflacto.ebild has been born in that county within the' Burt year. GEN. GRANT is as invulnerable to the poisoned shafts of fhe maTignanemo racy. as he was invulnerable to the bul lets of their rebel allies. btai TrIE MONTHLY CIRCTLAR, heretofore published b ...the Grand Lodge of Good Templars his city, Xlll be changed into a se 1-• hly commencing on the fist o - 737 diiV-UlV67lR:lrke of THE KEYS • at it 1.0 ., a year' advitr• is the official it e order n this State, and edited i ' bility 4- Miss L. Ellen Wright, Grand Seerefty. EYE GLAWES.—.MessrE. H. L. 34 Z. J. Zahm, corner of North Queen and Centre Square, have just received a new and Un proved kind of eye glasses, which we have no hesitation in recorninonding as a very superior art* having, pr oatred a lisArte pair and iven iiiiikni. a Menial. ''The principal Ohs areitetlag which is , llimareSsibbodt riveting, .441111447,-; Excu . nearly all ing to vis, of the D in that c' New Yo 4th of Ju the Gth te inclusive, characte POLITIC AROUSED. county fri; ance of o In the will town, Grp formed, a I out the co organized. on. TEE DAILY COLUALEIA SPY..—The first number appeared en Monday last., It is a neatly mane up, live and reliablenewspaper, and entirely sound political ly. Success to the Daily Spy. - 72 -- 6 ?In - our .. SUM - la 15 Chin thoroughly the advertisement of " 4 in 1.15 POLITICAL Ws are authorized to announce that JACOB KREADY, of Manor township, will be a candidate for County Commissioner, at the ensuing primary meetings of the Republican party of Lancaster County. Wa are authorized to announce the name of GEO. BRUBAKER as a Candidate for DISTRICT ATTORNEY, subject to the decision of the people at the Republican Primary Election on SATUR DAY, the 16th day of AUGUST, 1868. WE are authorized to announce that BENJAMIN F. BAER, of the City of Lancaster, will be a can didate for nomination for DISTRICT ATTOR NEY, at the ensuing primary meetings of the Na tional Union Republican party of Lancaster county. 4 IN 1 1:;M:=!1 BANKING. ITZEIXZEI B AIR & SIIENK, BANKERS, NORTHEAST ANGLE OF CENTRE SQUARE LANOASPIR, P 1 MA MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. B. KZVINSKI, DXALEIIIB IN PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, And Musical initnimento Generally, A largo stock on hand, and constantly receiving all the Meat imam as isased. Music sent by /Maine gl,Apdgir. Sole sprit for Steinwty glon v lt()%1111 6 11011111 4 711D'Il1A10138 Aloe, agent Mr Mole* Co.s ORGAN!! vintouakmicaNP• Yo. NOR= PRI eXI 'DKr pool's', ,ec: ABRAM SCRZZTZ, E W fr 4 l` 0 : miAziat 11 PLAIN AND 'FANCY DRY Gt)61:08, caormpre 4 NOTIQNS, • COIL , I4OIIIII' QUIBIf k ONAI46IIIIIIII6IVPS, LASCAOTIR, PA. SUITS MAIM TO ORDXR LODGE' REGALIA. FATTIER ABRAHAM. 130 OAS d S,T4 TJOSER F BOOKS & STATIONERY. SCHOOL ANO 44ISCELIAMPLE0LII BOOKS, FAMILY I`OIOIIO4IBIBLES, , .' F GOOD A LAnu.4 - L LA ~ __ iimmt BLANK riIUOiRLZES, BOOOXY'S C HARD MUSIC. Cataloging , of t* e e furnished on application. KURTZ A=4lL - OW'S CELEBRA- Tav , : - , ..71111. PENS, OrTIOXOI,O 4.41401106PE5, *llO,O 411,111 1 0 011130* VIEW S. Liberal lisisseilliat 1e../*Teiiiiils. 01.411•Vispectruili . solisited andGprompt ' bpi •• . One k Store, ARM: airstdilt tombs ilinetilpinicavter, Pa. Or TILE VERY LATEST STFLES OF ENGLISH AND FRENCH PAPERS, AND EN VELOPES TO HATCH. Mt Papeete ,....Areteed at ear es tablishment will be stamped with the initials of the purchaser, free of ebarge, in the very latest and beet style, it desired. We are prepared to furnish dealers with Papers, Envelopes, and all kinds of Stationery at the very lowest Philadelphia and New York prices. We also call the attention of School Directors and Coun try Dealers to our large stock of School Books ' upon which we can give the very best inducements. J. E BARN, No. 29 EAST KING Street, Lancaster, Pa. JOHN BAER'S SONS, _ _ . No. 10 NORTH QUEEN STREET, THE VOLKSTREUND AND DEOBACHTEH, A German Republican Newspaper. GERMAN AND ENGLISH ALMANACS, TESTAMENTS, HYMN BOOKS, &c SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, NEW AND CHEAP BOOK STORE, (Corner of Fulton Buildinge,) WEST RING STREET, LANCASTER BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, SCHOOL BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, And a general variety of well selected Stationery, Maps and Fancy Articles In the line of trade. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS Of all kinds. Special attention given. Being Libriirian of the Lancaster oounty Bible Society, I will furnish Sunday Schools with Bibles and Testaments at cost. Bibles for 00 cents ; Testa ments for 10 cents. A variety of new Sewing Machines for sale cheaper thirs anywhere Wu. D. 8. BARE. I MARSHALL & SON'S to • BOOT AND SHOE STORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA CAMPAIGN OF ISM NOW IS THE TIME FOR VICTORY! We have Mai tad the Campaign by laying in a fresh stock of 110,021 AYD SHOES. 25 Cases Ladies' Gaiters. 25 Casts Mimes Gaiters. 26 Oases Children's Gaiters. 25 Cases Boys' Shots. 25 Cders Mett's Shoes. 25 Cases' Men's and Boys' Boots. Give as a tall. We othr inducements never be fore offered. Our work la of thq beet quality. Don't forget the place, E. E. CPR. CENTRE SQUARE. 7ZM - a Ai • "!, a I LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ACM= I. IILD sll`,o*l4ooo Aftet 110114 TAsius tofilio Amount of .1,120,000. CHARTZ.II ALL Tag Dfirttlas klitolgarr Ms POLICY mummy; avow Tim". TBi IiOAV,T =pc,' geggrAk COMPANY IN THE Cl-rr for twiner Information 0103 , to JOHN .1: tb MIRAN, Agent, Lanlagte!', Pa. SIGNS, BANNERS, &c. JOSEPH HHAWIMR, SIGN AND ORNArr44 fi *TAW •1 1 1 D MANE' ;f.CiU IFICOF I t ' Al 4 S 2wA t't 1 4 S • CAN.P.AIGN NitlM Painted n W a te i ft etre sad** short notice. Itoodo.d-ores . atom i CENTSE SSW, ANtri "uPOSttli . ' . • ail*: Good 'per vtat,,. . .• v ,...________, 4 ,,,,...„, ~..0 „ 4 „ .t , , 4. " ~..... sipik ' tik4`Canteetioaq, rlibret hi tittio_ , Toro r lee cream, Cates, Alm wittlealatiltdd I I, , . f ihiik *Wm* *FA 4*./0114.16044 Pa. A COMPLETE STOCK OF ING FROM 75c. to $l4 ,use_l24.43t, IMMI LANCASTER, PA., =I =I JUSTICES' BLABS ME STATIONER Y. BOOTS AND SHOES. IXBpcl.liT,CE r P/ILLADIALPILIA P. 4 INTjAiG. CONF , ONER.r. SEWING MA CHINES. DON'T READ THIS! SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE Proved itself without a rival in the late test trial in this city with the Howe Machine. We therefore present it to the consideration of un lutelligett public its INCOMCA RA 111. Y the BEST SEWING MACHINE IN THE WORLD It Is light running—almost noiseletts--and adapted to a wider range of work than any other While it Ss, at the same time, very simple indeed. A child can, with all case, learn to use it in a short time. We can assure the public that they will look to their OWN INTEREST, If in want of a SEWING MACHINE, TO SEE, TEST AND TRY THE SINGEIt, Before deciding to take It or any other Machine. Parties often come to town in search of a Machine, and then listen to the advice of interested parties, or those who have but a limited knowledge of the Machines in question. BETTER SEE THEM FOR YOURSELVES, FRIENDS, And then you will not be deceived. W. W. BEARD SLEE, Agent, No. 3 EAST ORANGE STREET, (Two Doore from North Queen,) LANCASTER, PA. ARLY RE vROM CATIONS AP- IpLE WAX MG/LW PRIZE, THE IMPERIAL CROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, Was Awarded to the Representative of the GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINES At the Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1847, Thus attesting their great superiority over all other Sewing ,Machines. Fur sale by GEO. SPURRIER, No. 19 NORTH QUEEN St., Lancaster. E I.VPOR- PES ETTEItS, ALL HATS AND CAPS. H ATS AND CAPS A FULL STOCK ON HAND, And manufactured to order, any style and quality. . S. W. CORNER CENTRE SQUARE AND WEST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PENNA. F SMITH, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN HATS AND CAPS. An kinds of HATS made to order on short notice and at low prices. SIIULTZ BRO., MANUFACTURERS A IV 1) DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, STRAW HATS, LADIES' SHADE HATS, SHAKER HOODS, dr.c., IVholesale and Retail, No. 20 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa JEWELRY, (tc. ZAIIM & JACKSON, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, AND SILVER-PLA TED WARE, SPbCTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, !ET Repairing attended to LT Z. RHOADS Sc WEIOLZSALIE AND NETAII. DEALER@ IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELKY SILVER WARE, No. 22 WEST KING STREET, (Next Door Belt,w Cooper'e hotel,) BOOK (E JOB PRINTING. RAUCH & COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING ALL KINDS, From the largest POSTER to the smallest CARD or CIRCULAR, executed in the best style and at reasonable prices. AT Orders from a distance promptly attended to. OFFICE—N. E. ANGLE CENTRE SQUARE. B. McCASKEY, • SURGEON DENTIST 07110E --E4 a Itl O NT., OTNIL TM* 711111 C, NATIMAL HAWN, sar Atli Work Warranted. "RN W . M. IVHITESIDE, Gillet. and residence, Eset Ring Street, next duo to the Court - Howse, over Falintstuele's Dry Goo Mere, Lancaster, PA. Teeth Attracted without pain, by the use o (Nitrous Oxide) (iu. FURNISHING GOODS. CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS FOR THE NEWEST STYLES OF COLLARS.'CL'FFs, SI,ZIVE BUTTONS, US"s• 4) BRA', WHITE ANP FANCY, NISO GLOVES, STOCKINGS, EMBROIDERED SHIRT FRONTS, fr.,N ; DEpSHIOT6' AND DRAWERS, —AT— E. J. ERISMAN'S _„ • azirrs FURNISHING STOXA. .11 NORTH Q.IIF.EN STREET,, LANCASTER/. PA.. SEWING ➢fACAINE, 11A; WEST KING Street, Lancaster, Pa SILVER LANCAFFLU, Ye IMED LANCASTER, PA ESEZ LANCAPTICR, PiNICA DENT'S T.ll Y. LA /VC ASTZR, Pa DENTIST, RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL 11. R Trains Leave the Central Depot ae follows: AkTIVA RP. WESTWARD. Phila. E.xpress.4.l7 A. M. Phila. Hipress.l.4B A. M Past Line C 35 " Enitet Train... 3.03 " Lane. Tra1n....5.05 " Mall 11.15 " Day P. at. Fast Lit. 240 P. 3f liarrisb'g A e... 6.15 " Culrunl,iu Ac 2.45 " C i nein. La ....10.47 • " Hai rish'g Ae " Vellneux. Train ....7.23 ' in. Ex.... 10.38 ‘• READIN( AND COLUMBIA It. R. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1868, PASSENGER TRAINS WILL RUN ON THIS ROAD, AS FOLLOWS Lcavc Lancaster and Columbia at Artier at Reading RETVENING Leave Reading at 4 7:00 A. M. 6.15 P. M. Arrive at Lancaster 14 9•20 A. M. 4 ,4, Columbia .., 9.2 " 44 " Lancaster all Columbia at....8:30 P. M. StiND TRAINS: Leary Lamilliliter and Columbia at DSO A. 3L 44 Lan ... 3445 P. M. 4 , Cal 340 P. M. A Arrive at .'':. , .. • • , ....... 4 . If 10:10 A. II . 6.00 P. M. ,8:00 A. 31 3 . 40 P.. 31 Arrive at Lancaster sod Cblunibia at...10:25 A. 31 " Oaiambia sa4 Lama imat l ar at....6:00 P. M Trains Nee. 2' and 4 make close connection at Reading with TrainaNOrth and South, on Philadel phia and Reading Railroad, and West on Lebanon Valley Road. No 2 also makes close connection with Train for New York. EXCURSION TICKETS issued to parties to all points on this Road, at Reduced Rates. EXCURSION TICKETS sold between all the principal stations on this road,—good for Sunday Trains only. Tickets can be obtained at the Offices of the New Jersey Central Itrailroad, foot of Liberty Street, New York, and Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, 13th and Callowhill Streets, Philadelphia. Through tickets to New York and Philadelphia sold at all the Principal Stations, and Baggage Checked through. Trains are run by Philadelphia & Reading Rail road Time, which is 10 lainutos faster than Penn sylvania It. R. Time. GEO. F. GAGE, Supt. E. F. Kxxvitn, Gen. Frt. and Ticket Agent. READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MAY 906 2 _1868. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM TILE North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Al lentown, Easton, Ephrata, Litia, Lancaster, Colum bia, &c. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as tbl lows : at 2.53, 5.25 and 8.10 A. hi 12.40 noon, and 2.05 and 9.35 I'. M., connecting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 5.00, 10.00 and 11.60 A. M., and 3.50,7.40 and 10.30 I'. M. Sleeping cars accompanying the 2.50 A. H. and 9.35 P. M. train without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua, 51inersville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10 A. M., and 2.05 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and Principal Way Stations; the 4.10 P. N. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, S. huylkill Haven, and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Sus.queliamat Rail Road, leave Harrisburg at 2.53 P. M. Returning: leave New York at 9.00 M., 12.00 noon, and 5.00 and 8.00 P. M. Sleeping cars accomintiv the 9.00 A. AI. and 5.00 and 8.00 P. 'M. trains, without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 A. 31., returning from Reading at G. 30 P. 3J., stop ping at all Stations; Pottsville at 8.45 A. M. and 2.45 P. M.; Ashland 6.00 A. M. and 12.10 noon, and 2.00 P. M.; Tamaqua at 8.30 A. 3L, and 1.00 and 8.45 P. 1%1. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, Via Schuylkill and Susquehanna, Rail Road at 1 . .10 A. M. and 12.00 110(M. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 7.30 A. M., returning from Philadelphia at 5.145 P. M. Pc ttbtown AN.onimodation Train : Leaves Potto- UWII a 6.4 b A. M., returning leaves Philadelphia La 4.30 P. M. Co!unibia Rail Road Tralrus kaiva 11410Ing at 7.0 A. M. and P. M. for Ephrata, Littz, Lancuater, Columbia &c. Perkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Perkiomeu JUriet :01 at ROO A. M., and 0.53 P. M. Returning: Leave. Skippack at 0.4.5 A. M., and 1.15 P. M., eon rim tang with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. On Stindmis : Leave New York at 8.00 P. M., Philadelphia 8.00 A. M. and 3.15 P. M., the B.a) A. M. Train running only to Reading ; Pottsville 8.00 A. M. ; Harrisburg 5.25 A. M. and 4.10 and 0.35 P. M., and Reading at 1.10, 2.55 and 7.13 A. M. for Harrisburg, and 7.00 A. M. and 11.44) P. M. fur New York and 4.25 P. M. fur Philadelphia. Commutlitiun, Mileage, Season, School and Ex curslon Tickets, to and from all points, az maimed rctes. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger G. A. NICOLLS, Gen. Sept. REArnso, Pn., May 20, 180. FLA GS, FIREWORKS, &c. 1776. FLAGS! FLAGS! FOR JULY FOURTH ESE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN We have now on hand and have made arrano menta with man ill actuters to rarulati, at ahorteet notice and oheapeat rates, FLAGS Of all sizes and qualities SILK, BUNTING, MUSLIN, itc 111,ZRY VAILLIIIPT Of FIREWORKS I= rouro OF JfILT. ogIes'CATIONIC EXAM 11011S, PR ILISION , All orders in person or mail will resolve prompt natation by D: S. & J. S. BUBSK, Wholesale ami Retail Grooets. No. 19 EAST xplia ST., LANCA.STM COAL. EHLER, BRENEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COA L , Of the beat quality. Penn—COlL WATER. ST. & PENNA. R R opsies--No. Emir ORANGE ST., LANC i .IiNTER, PA H . BAU 3444.11DNER , IMAILATir IN COAL OP - 19 1 199111 101 DESCIIIPTION, NORTH PRINCR STREET, NEAR ?Mg PEVNPYLVANIA RAIENIMAIN • LANCASTER, PA. .8:00 A. M .3:00 P. M 10:1W A. 'A .5.40 P. M 1868.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers