Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, June 12, 1868, Image 2

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    "fitthcv sA,lnaltant."
shall hare no policy of my own to en
force against the will of the people."—G it A NT.
Fire President:
Auditor General:
Surveyor General:
invariably in Adranre :
One eopy to one address
Fire copies "
E 33
Twenty 4644( 10.00
And 50 cents for erery additional subscriber
over twenty.
Editors and Publishers,
lAneaster, Pa
How to Send Money.
In remitting money by mail, the safest
way to do so is by Draft, or Post, Office
money order; and when neither of these
can be had, send in " Registered " Letter.
We would call the special attention of
our friends to this notice.
The old standing struggle between Re
publican Lancaster and Democratic Berks
for the glory of giving the largest majority
will probably be more interesting and ex
citing this year than at any time within
the recollection of the oldest inhabitant.
Lancaster county can beat Berks ; the
only question is whether the necessary
effort will be made to do it. A full vote
in Lancaster cannot foot up less than
seven thousand five hundred for Grant
and Colfax; whilst Berks, with seven
thousand true and well-tried radical Re
publicans to fight for the RIGIIT cause ,
cannot exceed six thousand for the Cop
perheads, and, with an earnest effort, may
be reduced to less than five thousand.—
The common school system is beginning
to do its work in old Berks. It is true the
"Jackson and no-bank" voters continue
to read the democratic bible of "Alt Bar
ricks "—the Adler—and vote according to
the winding up they receive front city
leaders, county officials, contractors and
local jobbers, but, they are gradually giv
ing way to a new generation of educated,
public-spirited and progressive men. The
leaders themselvenow divided and dis
tracted, with no less than three separate
and distinct factions, each one desperately
chasing up and grabbing for the local
We have reason to feel sure that the
circulation of FATHER ABRAHAM will not
be less than eight thousand in these two
counties, and if so, it will do more towards
arousing the public mind to the impor
tance of the great work before us than
any other known agency. Therefore, let
our friends everywhere hurry up their
clubs, organize and get into line, with the
least possible delay. The enemy con
tends that Pennsylvania is the battle
ground. We don't think so, but, if it
should be so, then the fate of the country
will be decided by Lancaster and Perks !
Ja Ines Bach« n«H.
The death of James Buchanan which
took place at - Wheatland. near this City,
on :Monday morninz, of last we(k, is an
event of siruec intere,4, not particularly
to his inanediaie neiAbors and personal
f r i en d,, lu t 14, all who have attentively
studied the eventful liktory oureountry
(luring the last ten years.
'Without the t inclinatfn in to speak
harshly cat• the dead. we nest say that, in
our opinion, from the tiine that the had
leaders of the democracy in the South re
solved upon rebellion against the nation
al authority. Jame: ]hu•hanan. whether
intentioluttly or not. I,ccn u ie their most
valuable in•>trument. His Secretary of
War, Floyd. supplied the forthcomin! ,
rebellion with all kind.; of munitions of
war by robbill!r the arsenals of the North;
Toucey. his Secretary of the Navy, man
aged to send our fleets to, distant parts of
the world so as to he out of the way when
needed. whilst his secretary of the Trea
sury. Cobh, did all in his power to injure
the credit of the Government, and when
actual war had begun, Mr. Buchanan ob
stinately re;:uscal to take any decided
stop: fin• the pre! , ervat ion of our nation
ality. and thu all . tqlled all the tine needed
1 the rebel:: to fortify and prepare them
sielve, In n Nvurd, the adminstration of
Jaine! , . Buell:unto Wn , -, the inatezurat ion of
tho t,ri at sla\ohoder , ' rehollion.
On the lib of March, I st;l, I retired
from the Pres.idem
. v, and has sine, until
tho d:ty 11'. , death, spent Ilk time in
comparative oh , curily at Whoatland._
111.. m form.4r ith but few
exception:, appeart.4l (1i , p44; , c41 to itolore
and for , :cr him 4 , 41114 . 4.1 y. syliik4t his oppo
rant- ;41.4. 41, it) Nulty. to bunk
upon anal -Loricomings simply
I)art 4)l' ti 4 , rcat which. thank
G4)41, r0. , 1111.4 , 41 iu the 4 , mani.ipation of four
of Aavo-, iOrc sottling tho
great of Fit , pubiican 0 venom' lit
011 tho ,I.lllPrivan cow inent.
We repeat that as we l'imgriont iously
cannot 4lxcilk very wk.ll of him, Ivc do not
care to comment harshly. Ile has gone
to) his reward. Lot hint sleep'
(:rttllf aad Cal Letters of Ae-
The letters of acceptance addressed by
General Grant and Schuyler Colfax to
General Hawley, President of the Nation
al Union Republican Z'onvention, which,
at,Chicazo, notninatl‘l them respectively
as candidates for President and Vice-
President of the United States, have been
published. We regret that we are pre
vented by want of room, from giving them
in full to our readers.
General Grant's letter is brief, pointed
and every way satisfactory. It, has the
ring about it of that other famous missive
from his pen—" I propose to move upon
your works at once." his expressed de
termination to execute the will of the peo
ple is in striking contrast to the obstinacy
and egotism of Andrew Johnson. Mr.
Colfax writes more at length, and sums
up in comprehensive sentences the polit
ical situation of the nation. No man is
better able to place before the country its
dude and its requirements. Ile fully in
dorses the platform adopted by the Con
vention, and speaks of its principles in a
manlier which exhibits his own unquali
fied support of the grand ideas therein
enunciated. '
Our standard bearers are now before
the country. They are a tower of
strength. But let us not rely for success
upon their names alone, or the pure,
sound doctrines of their letters of accep
tance, or of the platform upon which they
stand. We have to tight the enemy every
inch of the way, awl the sooner we make
up our minds to it the better.
The Chicago Conrention.
If what people say is any indication of
the wisdom of the action of the Chicago
Convention, there never was one ever
more successful. On the ears, on the
street, in the public places—everywhere
is heard commendation, in enthusiastic
terms, of its action. The platform and
the candidates alike give satisfaction,
and command general approval. Not a
regret is expressed, either in public or
private—but in both public and private
nothing but perfect satisfaction with the
result of the convention is heard. Re
publicans everywhere express the deter
mination to go into the field; and our
foes know that such a result means vic
Ouse ( i)
With the name of Grant and Colfax
inscribed upon our banners, we close our
ranks; we lock our shields ; we sink our
dissensions. We remember that if we
fail, Civilization and Freedom fail; that
if we win. Liberty, Liberty, LIBFAITY to
all the races of man is secured—Liberty
now, Liberty to-morrow, Liberty here
after, Liberty throughout endless, end
less generations.
I-Ili] I Z
rept« nei..
-V I 31 ZAJ-lA_M.
Meeting of the Comity Committee.
The ' 6 Old GM/Pa 4. A wake.
We were 11111(.11 pleased at the mum
, imity of sentiment and feeling which pre
vailed at the meeting of the Republican
('minty Committee on Whit-Monday, the
Ist instant. During the. important
tical campaign upon which we are just
entering, all personal animosities and
unpleasant bickerings should be sacri
ficed to the good of the country. With
united counsels and a bold front, the
Old Guard " will send forth no Juicer_
taro sound in October and November
At. the meeting referred to, resolutions
heartily endorsing the nominations at
Chicago, with the entire action of the
Convention were adopted, and Saturday,
August 15th, 1868, was chosen as the
time for holding the primary elections
in the Wards, Boroughs and Townships,
for the election of candidates for the
offices to he tilled at the next general
election. The returns of the votes
polled will he made on the first Monday
after the election, August 17th.
A .111in•k Record.
The history of Democracy , MP since
P•i(ln, has been a yiyantic rebellion aml a
yiyant lc robbery. Beginning with the
robbery of the Indian bonds. under Jacob
Thompson „James l3uchanan's Secretary
of tin Interior ; the stripping of our
arsenals under Floyd, his Secretary of
War ; the sending ow to distant seas of
our ships by Isaac Toueey, his Secretary
of the - Navy ; the depreciation of our
nati(nial securities under Howell Cobb,
his Secretary of the Treasury, and the
assert ion of the di , ina that this Govern
ment had no power to prevent secession,
by J. S. Black, his Attorney General ;
follow them next into the open stealing
amunition and ships by the
rel)els they had encouraged, and you can
easily realize that the yreat whisky frauds
h,, which .An.lrew Johnson has so
.far sue
cee,led in preventing his ejection from of
ji re arc hut the logical results of a corrupt
and perjured beginning.
Stich is the damning record of the
pseud, Democratic party—black, blast
in,, and full of horror.
Noble Words of a Noble Mart.
" .flt may be sure, gentlenten, I shall
hare no policy of my own to enforce against
the will of the people." (Gen. Grant in
accepting the Chicago ndAnination.)
Noble words, fitly spoken I This sen
timent—this assurance, will be heartily
indorsed by the people who have seen
the country distracted and weighed
down under the Administration of John
son, who took possession of the Execu
tive office with a policy of his own to en
force against the will of the people, and
in open violation of the letter and spirit
of the Constitution. Go to work, then,
and secure his election.
" Wissers.
The hatelligencer still harps on Colfax's
having been a Know-Nothing. Whether
he was one or not, we don't know ; but
as we have not seen any statement to
that elThet in any other paper, we shall
not believe he was on its say-so. For de
liberate lying we will put it against Tom
Pepper ortaron Munchausen. But if he
was, is he any worse than the City Auditor,
who the Sour-Kraut Guerilla Ku-Kluxers
supported at the late City election, or
their candidate for Congress in 1864
North of Columbia? A pretty specimen
of consistency is the Intelligencer. Et to
Democratic Eloquence.
Oue of the shining lights of the Berks
county bar a few nights ago made a
Democratic speech before ; the assembled
Klu-Klux Kianers, in the city of Read
ing, from which we extract the following :
" But, fellow-Democrats, what did our fore
fathers do in defense of their principles ? When
they heard of the first great conflict at arms—
the battle of New Orleans, fought and won
by General Jackson in 17713—they left their
plows, their workshops, their stores, their
offices, their homes and their firesides; they
sacrificed their means, their health, their wives
and little ones, their happiness and their must
sacred huumw in defense of these same glori
ous principles of Democracy." (Immense ap
plat Ise.
A Democratic .Erpottuder.
A Republican of Roasting, a few days
ago, in a political controversy with a
Democratic lawyer of " old 13erks,"
asked him, " What is the first article of
the Constitution?" To which the learned
gentlemen replied : " 1% ell, now, thats a
—of a question to as ! Why the first
article is a Preamble."
Let there be a prompt and perfect
organization of the Republican party
throughout the laud, and next November
will be to the Northern allies of the Re
bellion what Appomattox Court house
was to their more courageous friends of
the South—the last ditch of treason.—
Friends of the ljuion,be up and doing I
"Any-body, Good Lord 1"
The Ku-Klux leaders just now are in
the anxious and hopeful condition of that
historical old maid who went into the
woods to pray. They want a candidate—
she wanted a husband. Crooking her
aged and stiffening knees at the foot of a
hemlock tree, she prayed long and earn
estly that heaven would send her a man.
A sleepy owl in the branches above just
then cried out, "Ifoo Roo! Hoo 1" "Any
body, good Lord !" responded the anxious
virgin. And " Anybody, good Lord,"
says the copperhead party.
Foot. Penotes
A brief analysis of the " arguments"
which influenced the "consciences" of
six of the recreant Republican Senators
in the impeachment matter, may be given
as follows :
Trumbull—Chronic quibbling.
Fessenden—Disappointed ambition.
Fowler—A. J.'s daughter.
Van Winkle—Ponderous stupidity.
Po rwa
This year's struggle is confessedly the
most important in our history. We shall
be fought with superhuman energy and
by superhuman means. How shall we
checkmate these influences? Not simply
by the justice of our cause, nor simply by
the ballots of good and virtuous men,
but by the untiring activity and sleepless
vigilance of the workingmen of the Repub
lican party. Republicans of the Old
Guard, be up and doing!
Our Party at the South.
The majorities of the Republican party
in the new States of the South have thus
far been as follows :
North Carolina,
South Carolina,
We are indebted to our kind friends
throughout the country for numerous
clubs of subscribers to FATHER ABRA
HAM. We proposed to make our paper a
success, and we rather think we
There is room for more, and whenever
it is necessary we will " amplify" accord
We return thanks to our eetem
poraries in Pennsylvania and other
States, for the favorable notices they have
given to FATHER ABRAHAM. They
have been many, and are highly appreci
ated. We shall try to merit the good
opinion of all, and shall " pitch into"
copperheadiSm with all our might. We
shall do our " last best."
Mn. W. it. OULD, a disabled Confed
erate soldier, undertook sometime since,
after securing permission from the neigh
boring people, to teach a colored school
near Canton Hill, Desoto. county, Missis
sippi. At his suggestion the freedmen
built a house for a place of worship and
for a school. He started out very en
couragingly. Besides a week-day school
he instructed the chiltiren in the Bible
on Sabbath morning. He soon found
that he was giving offense to the neigh
bors, who objected to a Southern rebel
teaching " niggers," and he was notified
to desist. He paid no attention to the
notice, whereupon the school house was
pulled down. The negroes rebuilt it, as
they did twice afterward when it was
burnt by the neighbors. Mr. Ould per
sisted, but recently the citizens assembled
and again destroyed his school house,
and compelled him to leave the place.
The Klu-Kluxers hereabouts say that
their copperhead friends served Mr.
Ould right I That's the party that talk
about being sustained by the people next
fall. What a set of ninnies these cop
perheads are !
Address of the State aydrat Com-
PHILADELPHIA, May 27, 1868.
To the Voters of Pennsylvania:
The National Convention of the Re
publican party, with a unanimity and
enthusiasm unprecedented, has nomin
ated candidates for President and Vice-
President and announced the principles
upon which they appeal to the people for
support. As to the individuals selected
no word of commendation is necessary.
Their deeds form a part of the history of
the country.
No matter who the candidates in op
position may be, they must represent an
organization that was unfaithfUl to the
country in the hour of its direst peril and
false to liberty and the rights of man.
For four years the Republic shook
with the tread of armed men in a struggle
to determine whether the will of the ma
jority constitutionally expressed should
be the law of the land till changed in the
mode prescribed by the organic law.
In the struggle three thousand millions
of treasure were wasted—three hundred
thousand hero-martyrs found in our ran
somed soil their graves, and sorrow sits
to-day at almost every fireside, mourning
the unreturning brave.
This waste of treasure and legacy of
woe was caused by the minority, in a fair
election, refusing to submit to the will of
the majority constitutionally expressed.
Suspended on the issue hung the life of
the Republic and the hopes of mankind.
The only political organization to give
aid, sympathy, and encouragement to
that mininority in its attempt to dismem
ber the Republic and thus destroy opr
liberties, was the party calling itself
Democratic. At its last National Con
vention, while half a million of men were
in arms for the overthrow of the Govern
ment, it declared the war for the 'Union
a failure, and demanded an immediate
cessation of hostilities.
" We were asked to spike our gnus when the
foe was at bay,
And tlw rags of his black banner were drop
ping away;
To tear down the proud name our hatioil had
And strike her brave bird from his home in the
Had the policy of the Democratic party
been successful, the genius of impartial
history would have written on the tomb
stone of the present generation an e_pi
taph of indelible infamy and endless dis
grace—that it preferred the Republic
should die rather than endure the sacri
fices necessary for it to live.
The men and the party that saved the
Government in war can preserve and
protect it in peace. The great captain
of the age will lead the loyal hosts of the
Republic to victory in November next,
as he lead its armies at Donnelson,
Vicksburg and Appomattox Court House.
Republicans of the Keystone State,
efficient organization secures certain
victory. Your party in its infancy saved
the Territories of the Union from the
blight and curse of human bondage, and
consecrated them forever in free homes
for free men. In its early manhood it
has grappled and crushed the most gigan
tic conspiracy ever formed for the de
struction of liberty and free government.
Treachery of public servants or apostaey
of trusted leaders cannot stay its onward
9 0,7(11
With truth and justice for weapons,
and the hearts of the people for a bul
wark, if true to yourselves, a certain end
glorious victory awaits you.
"The price of liberty is eternal vigilance."
Chairman Rep. State Con. Cmn.
#a4er 41galmm's
Oun candidate for President was not
nominated at Chicago ; he was adopted
there. The nomination was made by
the nation when Lee surrendered his
sword. It is not necessary to speak
in teams of eulogy of General Grant.
He is the embodiment of the national
valor, the personification of the Ameri
can soldiery, the friend of liberty,
the enemy of slavery. With him as our
great leader we can andmust carry Penn
sylvania ; our State must lead oft with a
Republican victory in October to inspire
our brethren States for the contest in
November. Into line, then, freemen,
for the State and National ticket.
The strength of General Grant as a
candidate has already been shown by the
eagerness of the Democrats to obtain
him. In those days when the political
opinions of the great General were in
doubt, the Democratic party was on its
knees before Grant in an estaey of hope
and fear. When the General entered
Johnson's Cabinet they rejoiced. Then
he was a great man, to whom we owed
the preservation of the Union, but when
he left it they speedily discovered what a
miserable commander he had been, and
how utterly he had lost the confidence of
the people.
Tux people never had a party until the
organization of the Republican party.—
Our party is emphatically one of the
people—wherein the people rule—where
in they are demanding to control all
nominations, decide who shall be candi
dates, and what shall be the terms of our
elected representatives.
THE Democracy now concede they can
not elect a President unless they secure
a large number of the votes of the black
men of the South, but the quandary with
the tricksters is how to retain the white
votes of the North while coquetting for
" nigger" support in the South.
SCHEMING politicians talk glibly of
forming a new political party. The seven
recreant Republican Senators are in this,
"up to their eyes." Their game is trans
parent, but will fail. 'TheyThave betrayed
the. Republican _party; hilt they cannot
ruin it.
THERE should be in the sentiment of .a
loyal people no statute of limitation to
treachery against the nation. There is
little difference now between an unrepen
tant Rebel and an unconverted Copper
IT is said that the illustrious seven in
tend to support the Republican ticket.—
They are welcome to do so, though their
best policy is to go where they belong.
We want to get rid of all dead weights
and dead wood.
TIIE Republican party is not conunit
ted to negro sufiVage. It is committed tq
universal suffrage. It is not in favor of
the riede of the black men eloue ;it is ie
favor of the right, of all men.
CHARGE the copperheads in front,
storm their breastworks, pierce their
centre, flank their strongholds, and take
them in the rear.
" LET us have peace." So says Gen.
Grant, and so say all but copperheads and