. ‘t. - E _ . ~. _.. . _ .„......i _,..:_,..p. ._.:„. „ A , '-• .„,...= a h § ,:,---- ,----- -------- ..„._ f ill ::. _ ..--- E --I 7- - -._ I - 4.- --- 1- --.- -,----_ At •E - , .... , . care for him who shall have 102-ne the battle,:wd '. " 'With malice towards none, with charity for ":;641*- all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us ;I'.,' for his ovidon. and his orphan,. to do all which may . ~,.." . to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace we are in •to bind up the nations wounds ;to --' ..- - ,:4.-..:' . among ourselves and with all nations."-4. Z. VOL. I. "FATHER ABRAHAM" Is PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY IMBSI 4EVENTY-FIVE CENTS, IN ADVANCE, FOR TILE CAMPAIGN -BY E. 11. RAUCH RAUCII & COCHRAN, NORTHEAST ANGLE CENTRE SQUARE, Adjoininy IV. G. Baker's Drug Story, and J. Marshall J Son's Shoe .Store, LANCASTER, PENN I SINGLE COPIES ADVERTISEMENTS. A limited number of advertisements will be taken at the following rates Fifteen cents per line for the first Insertion, at.d ten cents per line for each subsequent Insertion. Those advertising for the Campaign of stv. inouths will be charged as follows: ONE SQLTA RE (or ten lines) Two SQUARES Tniticx SQITAIigB Larger advertisements by contract. Rifle fur cocertisements collectable after the first in sertion. PROFESSIONAL. JOHN B. GOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office No. 56 East King Street, Lancaster, Po O J. DICKEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oprien-8017TH (OM, *feet, haw below the " Fountainn In," Laneaker, Ps. J. B. LIVINGS'rON, APPORNIMY AP LAW, ' Cirszcz—No. 11 IiSATH puhczotruet i witstaUla, north of the' Conti Haase, Lancaster, Pa. • P D. 8..94.1iNB A 4WOUNEY AT LAW T Orsloz—Vilth J. E T . Liylngston, NOR HDUKE Street, Lialoartel, Pa. B C. KRZADY, • . ATTORNEY AT LAW, OPFICY: 4 With I. E. Hlester, NORTH DUKE Street, near the Court Mouse, Laneatiter, Pa. CHARLES DENUES z ATTORNLY AT LAW, Opylea.--No. 3 SOUTH DUKE Street, LanenBter, Pa. IQ F. BAER, • B. • ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE—NO. 19 NOIXTH DUKE Street, Lancas ter, Ps. WM. LEAMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OPPICE—NO. 5 NORTH DUKE Street, Lancas ter, Pa. JK. RUTTER__, ty • ATTGIVNEY AT LAW, Omer—With General J. W. Fisher, NORTH DUKE Street, Lancaster, Pa. EDGAIL C. REED OR _, ATTN.EY AT LAW, (Epics—No. 18 NORTH DIME Street, Lanese ter, Pa. _T B. AMWAKE, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Opires—No. 4 SOUTH QUEEN Street, Lanese ter, Pa. j W. COE JOHNSON, T., • ATTISEY AT LAW, Orrncs—No. 25 SOVTPI QUEEN Street, Lan caster, Pa. " W. FISHER___, U • ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oericz—No. 30 NORTH DUKE Street, Lamar ter, Pa. AMOS H. MYLLY, ATToRIfEY AT LAW, Orszci—No. ti 8017TH QUEEN Street, Laws*. ter, Pa. W W. 11.0rialsi& ATTOIKNEY AT LAW Ormcs—No. WORM DU= Meant, Lwwo ter, Pa. JOHN SBIZEZNR_, AtTrani - Ey LAW, No. 135 South rum SiFeet, Philadelphia r H MALTZBE (DER ATTORNIIIY AT LAW, No. No. 48 Sixth Street, Readim, Pa GEORGE SELTAIER L L. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 604 COURT Street, (opposite the Court House) Reading, Pa. HORACE A.VINDT A MANDY ' AT IsAW, No. 21 NOB.TH *LIMA Streak, UNIMag• F9ggilmr A_so --- 10, No. 21 NORTH SIXTHIO2B4Oi LIE as fol 112 g dal .aelittrilitrAr ties of the year /.968 vPeibrahri hid five Saturdays; something , dist cur again until 18.96. The following mommy alp, have five Sundays : March, y,_ August and . Itovember. There will Ilse he Only twelve moons ; the usual number being Thirteen. TILOS. B. COCIIRAN THREE CENTS $BOO 1500 20 00 Miss Ella Bond came home from her walk one afternoon with a look of vexa tion on her pretty face. She shut the outer door with a little bang, and opened the inner one with a decided jerk. " Isn't It too bad, mamma?" Then she paused abruptly as she saw that her mother was not alone, and Mrs. Bond said, hastily: " My dear, here Alton." Ella's face cleared, and she came for ward with a smile to welcome the hand some and wealthy Mr. Tom Alton, who had of late been her most devoted ad mirer. Ile met her with a cordial_greet ing, locking down at the bright brOwn eyes very kindly, as he asked— Bilk?" And *hat is it that is 6 tbo bad,' Miss " " Nothing very much—at least nothing that you would care to hear about." " I care about anything that interests you," he said, gallantly. " May I not hear what it was r" "It's only Lay vexatious dressmaker." And *hat has the provokiog creature Lionel," asked Mr. Alton, with:4 gunuscd " You may laugh," pouted Ella, "but it really is very annoying when also. dis. appoints me, as she says she must now.". " Yes, poor Bella has been very . much tried by her," saldißrtrttlitili, coming to the moue; "bet Wink bit no**, my toter , " She says she can't .pamilbly have my dress done for Mrs. Hoyt's ball." " Not have it done?' qiedAlkii. Bond, looking as much allnaYect thatkougeontil" tile trouble about it, Asa Ella?" asked Mr. Alto_u. " Can't balP you any Oilier; as with it ?" ,no ! Quillinge are a kind of trimming; and, you see, my dress was to have the skirt quite covered with nate rows of pink and white tarleton quilliugs —something like ruffles, you know," she explained. porig. The Slf ;Chia I Cat. ES= There was a man named Ferguson, Ile lived on Market street, lie had a speckled Thomas cat That couldn't well be Croat; Ile'd catch mow rats and mice, and sich, Than forty cats could eat. This cat Nvould conic into the room And climb upon a cheer, And there he'd sit and lick hissell And purr so awful queer That Ferptsou would yell at him— But still he'd purr severe. And then he'd climb the moon-lit fence, And loaf around and yowl, And spit and claw another cat Alongside of the jowl ; And then they both would shake their tails, And jump around and howl. Oh, this here cat of Ferguson's Was fearful then to see; Ik'd yell precisely like he was In awful agony ; You'd think a first-class stomach-ache Had struck some small baby. And all the mothers in the street, Waked by the horrid din, Would rise right up and search their babes, To find some worrying pin; And still this vigorous eat would keep A hollerin' like sin. And as for Mr. Ferguson, 'Twas more than he could hear, And so he hurled his boot jack out, Right through the midnight air, But this vociferous Thotnatt Cat? Not one cent did he care. For still he yoWled' and keprhis fur A standing on an end, And blot old spine a ilodlan'AjP 454, 6 4 T, allit Would bond, Asi celiappliteas Litd•Onlilb lunge depend.. Bat *bile ciirvin' on hitspine, And within' to attack A cat upon the other fence, There came an awful crack ; AMI this here 'Ailletieetrrigkias cat Was busted in the back. When Ferguson came dowil next day, There lay his old feline, And not a life was left in him, Although he had full nine, "All this here comes," said Furguson, "Of curving of his spine." Now all you men whose tender hearts This painful tale does r*ek, Just take this moral to yourselves, All of you, white and black; Don't ever go, like this here eat, To gettin' up your baek. How a Belle Lost a Husband. LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY JUNE 12, Is6s " Pink and white ? You would be very facinating in that. Perhaps it is as well for the peace of mind of your friends that the dress should not he done." I want it t". wear, though," said "Then you certainly ought to have it," Mr. Alton answered, as though he were speaking to a spoiled child. "But you see. Mr. Alton. it is a very deal of work, and just at this season the dressmakers are all so busy." " Can't they hire extra laborers ?" sug gested Mr. Alton. " Not that are skilled in the business," said Mrs. Bond. " Now this trimming on Ella's dress can only be done as we wish it by one of Dutille's girls. - " That's just it," said Ella. Madame told me to-clay that Miss Johnson was ill." "111! That is vexatious." "I dare say she has been working very hard," said Mr. Alton. " Yes ; Dutille said she had been up half the night for the last week, working at the skirt, and now, when it is almost clone, she must go and fall ill! I think she might have waited another week be fore she had her inconvenient illness." Mr. Alton looked sharply at the pretty face of the speaker, but the words were spoken in earnest. There was no shadow of softness on the rosy lips and the bright brown eyes were 'hard and glitter ing. " You would rather have had her keep on at all risks?" asked Mr. Alton. Yes. If she had finished the dress I should not have cared what happened afterwards." It is really very trying. No wonder that dear Ella i 9 a little vexed," Mrs. Bond hurried to say, for she caught a look on Mr. Alton's face that frightened her. Ella also took warning. " I dare say, after all, the girl is only shamming," she said, "It is holiday times now, and Mete girl's often play ill to g et r, Ihtcatiott." But, if that is so, it's a shame you should be disappointed about your dress. Why don't you find out if this sewing girl is really ill or not." Ella: opened he eyes. " How can I?" " Why go to her home, wherever it may be." Go to her home! Why, Mr. Alton, it is probably in some wretched tenement house." " Are you afraid to go there ?" " Of course I am." " Then I'll tell you what, I have found something I can do for you. I will go and find out about this delinquent, if you will get me the address." Oh, how kind you are 1 But it is really not worth while ; besides, if she is ill, it might be of some horrid fever." "I am not afraid of that." lie smiling ly replied, " and I should like to be able to do this for you. But if the girl is ill, I suppose nothing can be done ?" " Oh, no, of course not, unless I can coax Dutille to do the rest of the quilling herself. But it is really too much trouble to ask of you." However, Mr. Alton insisted upon go ing, and after some further talk, it was agreed Miss Bond should get the address, and then he would hunt up the seam stress. " I suppose he intends to offer her something handsome to induce her to do it." said Mrs. Bond, after he was gone. "I think, Ella, you have him surely now. It was almost like an accepted lover to do this." And the mother and daughter congrat ulated themselves on their success ; for about those things were almost at the lest gasp with the. :Bonds. Mr. Bond was trembling on the verge of bankrupt cy, and the whole family were looking forward to the hope of this wealthy mar riage for Ella m a means of rescue from otherwise hopeless embarrassments. Meantime, Mr. Alton walked away from tb.e house, thinking a good deal of the young lady he had left. He admired her on many accounts, Since his return from Europe, he hadtbeen more attracted By her than by any women he had met. There was a brightness about her, a sparkle in her manner; that pleased him, and, wearied by long roving, he had very nearly decided to propose to her, and so settle for life ; but something in her man her had jarred upon him. There was a ardness in her tOtlpteeshe talked of the poor ntiring*tri that elincked him. Even when he RAMi thopreiltfiltii et ing angel she had been to the sick and poor l n the treighbbrhood ; but she had doubtleus forgotten him long ago. He had heard of her marriage when he was in .Europe ;. the promise she had given him when they, parted she bad broken, but although he was free to ma now, he felt, even when he was with E lla, that he should take the step gather from a sense of duty tlian from any ouch hope of happiness as he had dreamed of when he se a tbet once. ow a minister- in )9xisi in illness—A, stood under the chestnuts hi the moon light with that fair girl by his side. " May," he had whispered. then, " if you will not be engaged to me, will you, at least promise notl to marry until re turn?" And May had given him the pledge so solemnly that he never doubted she would keep it. However. that was all past now, and it was folly for him to think of it. Still, Ella Bond was a very pretty girl, and would grace his handsome home. So he went back to see her again, and was very devoted in his manner, lin gering long with her after he got the ad dress he came for, yet parting with her, after all, without the decisive word. It does not come from the heart," he i thought. "Is this surface tenderness all I have to give, even to such a faelnating creature as that ?" Then he drove away to find the sewing girl, as .he had promised. It was not very far, after all, from Ella's own home— only across an avenue or so. Mr. Alton made his way through one of a row of tenement houses, up all the dingy staircases to the top floor and back room, where he had been directed; but he knocked twice at the door before a feeble voice reached him that seemed to authorize his entrance. He bowed his tall head to go under the low door way, and then found himself in a small room neatly furnished, although cheerless, because without a tire. The sun was shining, however, and through the one small window, which was opened to admit the warmth and brightness, the beams fell in 4 shower of glory on the young girl a who lay on the low bed. She turned in startled surprise at the sound of the stranger's entrance ; then her blue ern dilated - elth a look of intense hap piness, and she, held out her thin arms with a glesfery-4 1 Torn ! Tow have yen) come at last !" Mr. Alton sprang to her side. " May 1" he said--" May 1" Then drew hack sud denly, and added : " I had no thought of finding you here, MrseClinton." The light faded suddenly out of the fair face, and the sweet lips trembled as she faltered her answer : " Forgive me, Mr. Alton. I had forgotten for a moo ment how long it was since we met ; lit I am not Mrs. Clinton." " You are May Johnson, yet !" he ex claimed. I " Surely." ! - But I heard you were married so long ago." . ' 'No ; that was my cousin, Mary John son, who married Mr. Fred. Clinton." ! - And you have been true all this time ? Oh, May 1 May!—my love—my ! own !—found at last I" And the pale face was gathered so close to his own that a faint color came back to the thin ! cheeks iu response to the ardent caress. For a time, there was not much con nected conversation between these two, re-united so strangely ; but, at last, May told her story. It was one that has often happened in this country. Mr. Johnson had died, leaving his only child heir Ap nothing but some encumbered propertTy. After a settlement had been made of his seemingly prosperous business, May had found herself utterly without income. Then began the weary struggle to earn her own living. She would not accept a home of dependence offered her by some distant relative, but came to the great city, where she had found employment, after many failures, in the dressmaking establishment of Madame Dutille. There she had toiled early and late, until the unwonted exertion had broken her down, and within the last few days she had been really ill. Mr. Alton almost hated Ella Bond, as he noticed on the table a pile of pink and white tarleton, and knew that it was the work on that which had been the last cause of May's illness. Before he left her that day, however, May was much better. It was solitude and unhappiness almost as much as poor food and hard work that made her ill ; and the sudden change in her whole life that had come to her, the unlooked for joy, gave her renewed vigor, enabling her to rally against the fever that had threatened. She showed her gratitude for the kind care Mr. Alton lavished on her by a speedy recovery. In a few days she was well enough to leave her humble home for more suitable rooms, and in a fortnight she was so well that one bright morning she drove to a quiet up-town ch with litri V hay tifflheWiliere t i w -best e!" chum with a 14 ,the he Rreae or a, fe Ida . : . . . - *of I : MU Beatilirldf Issle her dress .. 4 16 Mow Royt's ball; but she never imagined when she was shocked 'almost into a fainting fit by receiving cards announcin - Mr. Alton's marriage, that " Miss May Johnson," now his hap py bride, had anything to do with her disappointment. JEFFERSON DAVIS' trial has been again postponed until October. As during that mouth the country will be in the very heat of the Presidental canvass, it is hardly to be expected that either judges will be found to hear or counsel to argue this case, delayed already until it has lost all interest. Mr. Davis will, in all pro bability, be transferred as a legacy to the incoming Administration. A Baby's Soliloquy. 1 lam here. And, if this is what they I call the world, I don't think much of it. It's a very flannelly world, and smells of paregoric awfully. It's a dreadfully light world, too, and makes me blink, I tell you. And I don't know what to do with my hands; I think I'll dig my fists in my eyes. ,No, I won't. scrabble at the corner of my blanket and chew it up, and then I'll holler; whatever hap ,' pens, I'll holler. And the more pare goric they give ins the louder I'll yell. That old nurse puts the spoon in the cor ner of my mouth in a very uneasy way, and keeps tasting my milk herself all the while. She spilled snuff in it last night, and, when I hollered, she trotted me. That comes from being a two days' old baby. Never mind, when I'm a man, I'll pay her back good. There's a pin sticking in me now, and if I say a word about it I'll be trotted or fed, and I would rather have catnip tea. I'll tell You who I am. I found out to-day. I heard folks say, " Husk don't wake up Emmeline's baby." That's me. I'm " Emmeline's baby," and I suppose that pretty, white fkced woman over on the pillow is Emmeline. No, I was mistaken, for a chap was in here, just now and wanted to see Bob's baby, and looked at me and said I " was a. funny little toad, and looked ,just like Bob." He smelt of cigars, and I'm not used to them. I wonder who else I be long to. Yes, there* seethe? one— that's " Ganma." Emmeline told me, and then she took me up and held me against her soft cheek and said, " It was Ganma's baby, so it was." I declare I do not know who I belon to ; but I'll holler, and, may be, I'll fin d out. There comes AMOY .wit catnip tea. The idea of giting babies catnip tea when they are crying for information! I'm going to sleep. I wonder if I don't look pretty red in the face ? I wonder why my hands won't go where I want them to. . - Grant as a Cadet. A story is told of Grant during his ca det life which is worth repeating, as it is characteristic of the man. The persecu tiouglof his seniors were very annoying to him, and Grant, believing them no lon ger tolerable, had made up his mind to fight. One day when the company was on mock parade, the Captain put some insult 'Upon him, when. Grant stopped suddanly out of the ranks, pulled of his jacket, and said: Now, Captain, if you are as good a man as I am, pull off your coat and fight me." The Captain doffed his jacket and at it they went; Grant was the smallest of the two, but he got the Captain down and pummeled him until he cried enough. Row," said Grant, going up to the lieutenant, " you have been imposing on me, too, and I want a settlement with you." Such a challenge was not to be de clined, and the lieutenant pitched into him, but Grant knocked him down and thrashed him soundly, and then turning to the company, said: " Who comes next P I want peace and I am going to have it if I have got to lick the whole company." At this his comrades set up a shout, and the Captain coming up to him said: " You'll do ; I guess they won't bother you any more, Grant.' . ' For a longtime after this occurrence Grant was known at the Point as " Com pany Grant." The plucky little fellow had rid himself of his tormentors, the boys never afterward attempting to put any of their jokes on him. THE economy plank in the Republican platform finds a tit representative in Grant. During the brief time he was in charge of the War Department, be reduced the ex penses of the department twelve millions of dollars. When elected to the Presi dency his system of retrenchment will of itself greatly lessen taxes. Grant. The statesman-warrior, moderate, resolute, Whole in himself, q °ominous good ; Our greatest, ycl, with Bastetucis Great in co unM Via *tar, • Fesemust t Iteatur:; - 40Pse , And, as tbe greatest are, In his simpfkity sublime." Colfax. Colfax !—well chosen to preside O'er Freemen's Congress, and to guide, As one who holds the reigns of fate, The current of Its great debate ; Prompted by one too wise and good, And fair, withal, to be withstood Here, from our Northern river banks, For all the patience Wbieh was borne The weary toot of Bunkum's horn, The hissing of the Copperhead, And folly dropping wrialdi of lead f Still wisely ready when the scale Hangs poised to make the right prevail, Still foremost, though Secession's head Be crushed, withtseeniful heel to tread The life out from km writhing tail ! As wise, thin, faithful to the end God keep thee, prays thy sincere friend.. NO. ‘2.