Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, October 23, 1867, Image 3

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    j-ii i a
\o(lce to <stse in Arrears.
"\Ye commence this week marking the
dates to which those in arrears have paid,
and will continue this weekly until the
whole list has been gone through, after
which the pruning process will begin.
Our town list will also be revised within
the next few weeks, when those who fait
to receive the paper will know that it is
for want of compliance with the terjns.
Considering the population of Miftiiu
county, there is probably no paper in the
State with so large a circulation as the
Gazette, and as our own expenses are all
cash, it follows that we can not, and do
not pretend, io furnish it on indefinite
credit; in truth we have serious thoughts
of commencing the next yearon the CASH
principle and discontinuing every paper
in or out of the county at tiie expiration
of the time paid for.
jci.Wanted, a hoy from 14 to 16 years
of age, who can read and write, and hoard
at home. Such an one will he taken at
this office, either temporarily or foraterm
of years, and paid weekly according to
his ability to render himself useful.
Sad Case of Drowning.—A little boy
named Robert Chester, son of Nathaniel,
aired five or six years, was drowned in
Kiskacoquillas creek on Monday after
noon. He had been seen playing among
s me boats moored there, and no doubt
foil in the water unobserved. He was not
missed for several hours, when his body
was dragged for and recovered near where
he must have fallen in.
Miltonian Tableaux.—These magnificent
paintings which were exhibited in this
place several evenings last week to crowd
ed houses ami elicited general approba
tion, has been purchased by two of our
young men, who purpose traveling in a
short time through central Pennsylvania.
As they are both members of tiie Press
fraternity we hope our brethren will give
them a helping hand toward crowded au
Look Out for the doming Lecture.—l>r.
Podge will deliver a lecture on MAN—
showing new wonders in science—the
phrenological coudiiton of tiie country,
Ac., &c., in the Town Hall, Lewistown,
on the evening of the 29tli October, 1867.
Attempted Celebration.—The democracy
of Brown township determined to get up
a celebration in honor of-—of—well nobody
seemed to know of what—on Friday even
ing last, in which an illumination, torch
light procession, and we don't know what
ali, were to figure, but proved a miserable
failure. The Burns Band had been invi
ted at a big figure, and they repaired to
Reedsville brimful of music and hopes of
good cheer; but on arriving there, were
rather taken aback by the total want of
arrangements made. They however fa
vored tiie citizens with a variety of good
music, for which some republicans paid,
and subsequently members of the same
party, if we are correctly informed, fur
nished them with a supper. The cops so
badly provided for the musicians, that
Home of them tramped home on foot,
while others remained till next morning.
4Ve suspect there will i>e sonic trouble to
get the Baud to another Brown township
Indian Summer. —During the past few
weeks we have had that most delightful
of all seasons of the year generally known
as Indian Summer. It was not, says the
Philadelphia Inquirer, on the bare Wes
tern plains, and by their turbid rivers that
lc so christened it, but here on the Atlan
tic slope where we arc living, by brighter
streams and nobler forests. The Leni
Lenape, whom our Swedish, Dutch and
English forefathers found on the shore
of the Delaware, and other rivers, loved
this season, and called it summer, becaust
the landscapes were now more beautiful;
it was the season of successful hunting;
of hazily invigorating atmospheres befit
ting the Indian nature, and the corn-fields
which were the only harvests of that
pleasantly idling race were now ripe in
the car and yellow in the leaf. The win
ter was secured; the full gratitude of sum
mer was come. Ho upon our broad placid
river, the canoe lay in the smoky light
making a dreamy shadow. The marshes
were alive with birds, whoso plumages
Were like the stained stalks and leaves,
and id! the horizons were crimson. Na
ture wore the Indian feathers; Iter face
Was painted; her blood was very ripe.
'1 he squaw gathered thesumach Iter "ies
for her dark hair, and all the nut trees
opened their pods and filled the mats and
La-kets of her red skinned boys. The
air was full of floating seeds, sown with a
lavish, leisurely hand, and the sunsets
seemed to have been trailed in the deep
vermilion foliages of the oaks, and looked
their last aflame. The Indian has gone
fioin our creeks, but his summer lives
upon the fields and streams, like his most
Dvid memory. The transparent haze
v. ears a pensive veil as for his sake, and
tne streams seem to laek his shadow; but
i! ' the ash tree's straight shuft we recall
hi- -tature, and the grand oaks wear his
Warrior's paint. All the shocks of corn
•'•land still, like his wigwams, and the
fowlers coming home with robins, quails
tool rabbits are tanned and indolent as he.
h'n is the season* for slimmer strolling;
fi'e wood paths are full of leaves; a dead
ripeness is the complexion of the world.
■n the winds will rise vhi teaud wrath
'* . like the coming of our own forc
u'bers, and a frost as cold as our eoldei
t'-i eri-s will strike llto landscapes her<
<e.'l drive awav, as we drove the In-
thy Indian summer.
Jurors for November Term.—The follow
ing is a list of the Grand and Petit Jurors
drawn for next court:
Brindle Richard Uuion township
itulick John M. Men no
Brower Joseph Decatur "
Belford Samuel Lewistown
Campbel! Robert D. Union township
Carson James Armagh
Freed William McVeytown
Fitzgerald John Menno township
Grinnninger Fred. Lewistown
ilurninell Elias B. Decatur township
Junkiu Robert H. Ijewistown
Johnston David Menno township
Kearns Philip 8. Decrtur
Kennedy A. J. McVeytown
MeLenahan Frank Armagh township
Maclay Jos. 11. Union "
Post let li wait T. F. Wayne "
Roland Samuel Granville "
Raker J Geo. B. Menno "
Rhodes John K. Newton Hamilton
Stine Henry, jr. Derry township
SpeieeJohu " "
Strunk Henry Brown "
Sands S. G. Armagh "
Allison Joseph Menno
Allen Joseph Oliver
Bell Charles M. Armagh
Bratton-John Granville
Boticher Jonas Brat ton
Bigelow Win. G. Union
Braimen Orren Lew is town
BoyerJohn A. "
Brindle John, jr. Union
Cop!in Owen Armagh
Cavanaugh John Granville
Fnltz Abraham Menno
Gro Simon Bratton
Graham W. It. Derry
Uibhoney Alhert,G- Union
Harslibarger Gideon Oliver
Heishley Sax fear Newton Hamilton
Horrell VV. H. Menno
Howe William Derry
Hoover William "
Henry Joseph Brown
Jacobs James H. Granville
Kline David Derry
Kreps Simon Decatur
Klepper Joseph Union
Kennedy Hugh "
Kreps Lawrence J. Granville
Kline Alfred Derry
Kearns John C. 'Decatur
Kline John Derry
Kurtz Jacob Men no
Louder Lawrence McVeytown
McGirk Win. Granville
McManiga! Wm. J. Armagh
Me A tee W. B. Lewistown
McNear Jas. F. Wayne
McKee George (1 rait ville
Mcßride Geo. W. McVeytown
Means Francis A. Derry
McKee J. Harvey Granville
Ort Martin "
Ream Peter Decatur
Stroup Simon "
Sigier Benjamin Newton Hamilton
Stroup Joseph Oliver
Shade Beni. F. Wayne
Wilkey William Armagh
Zollinger H. A. Lewistown
B*"3LOn the 111 th October, at a meeting
of the Mid lie Creek Railroad, at Selins
grove, Joseph Alexander was elected Pres
ident of the Company vice James Burns,
' The rush at Grove's is astonishing
—the store is packed full from the mo
ment it is opened until its close; but if it
is looked at in the right light, it is not so
stange after all—people will go where they
can buy cheap.
Great Bargains to be hai at Cheap John's,
in McVeytown.— Having a large stock <>f
all kinds of Goods on hand, I now otter
great inducements for the cash, as I wish
to close out my entire stock. Come and
examine my well selected stock before
purchasing elsewhere as 1 am bound to
sell, cheap far ca.v/i, or produce.
All persons indebted to me by book ac
count or Note will please call and settle.
Wheat,corn,oats,&c\, will answer if the
greenbacks are not convenient.
McVeytown, Oct. 23, 1*67. —2t.
£•. if R. W. Patton is ag dnon hand and
s giving bis personal attention to the re
[uiiring of fine watches; such asehrononi
■ters, Duplex Lever and Cylinder Watch
es. He has a fine lot of Musical Instru
ments and Fancy Goods. Go and see his
has just opened a fine stock
tf heavy goods, suitable for winter wear,
which are rapidly disappearing, custom
ers having already ordered an unusual
num >er of coats, pants, and vests to be
made up. As a famous bell-ringer says,
" You that have money come and buy—
you that have none set down and cry!"
jpe-y Dr. 11. M. Dunmire will be found
at his office on Main street at all times,
except the last few days in each month.
All business connected with the den till
profession attended to.
Still Ahead—Who? why, Dr. Thomp
son, of course. His iwjtrovcxl method of
instructing artificial teeth on gold, silver
>r vulcanite base, for beauty,comfort and
natural appearance cannot be surpassed
II this canuti/ or any where else. Thous
inda who wear his teeth daily recommend
heir friends, as he nevf r fails to please,
nd the numbers that visit his office attest
he fact that lie understands his profes
On the 17th inst., at Trinity M. E.
hurcli, Pliiliu, by the Rev. Dr. MeClel
aud. .1 A wKS H. IJ- EAOK, of this place,
o Miss LIZZIE L. GRIFFITH, of Phila.
The above is one of the resultsof going
~) see the ladies; and being so, and nolon
rer to be helped, we cannot do less than
A ish them a prosperous journey through
if*, with full cupboards, plenty of rnone; ,
rood health, and soforth.
On the 17th inst.., at the Washington
Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa., by Rev. J. Jack
son Kerr, JOSEPH M. BK< K of Locke's
Decatur, MifHiu county,
On the 25th ult., 1807, JOHN WHITK
of Gnelich township,Clearfield eo ,
Aged nearly 56 > ears.
In Clarion county, on the 10thOctober,
JAM F-S JIAIIIIEK, of Spring Mills, Centre;
jounty, aged about 70 years. The de-j
•eased died from apoplexy while riding
in a buggy. The remains were brought
to this place by railroad, and thence con
veyed to Centre county yesterday morn
Quite a number of copperhead papers
are publishing portraits of the negro
wenches they keep in their kitchens
Fairbanks' Standard Scales, then-correct
ness and convenience giving them pre
ference over all others. Chemists, As
sayers, Bankers, and all requiring delicate
apparatus, find them entirely satisfactory.
HAVE YOU A COUGH, Cold, pain in the
Chest, or Bronchitis? In fact, have you
the premonitory symptoms of the "insa
tiate archer," Consumption? J f so, know
that re'.ief is within your reach in tiie
shape of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry, which in many cases wherehope
had tied, has snatched the victim from the
yawning grave.
The llollidaysliurg Standard editor hav
ing got on a tonnage tax jollification over
the election, imagined everybody hut him
self had railroad, whisky and nigger on
the brain. If out of the abnndaneeof the
heart the mouth speakcth, he must be
pretty wellfrmncd bv ibis time, and albeit
lie may be a white man be don't seem
to lack "nigger principles."
It our friends will use preparations for
restoring gray hair, they should use the
best in the market. Our attention bus
lately been called to an article which has
an extensive sale and a very high reputa
tion, known as lting's Vegetable Ambro
sia, and we are inclined to think that it
possesses more desirable and less objec
tionable qualities than any other in the
market. It restores gray or faded hair to
its original color in a most remarkable
manner, and by its invigorating and
soothing properties removes all dandrutl'
and humors from the scalp. Give it a
fair trial and you cannot fail to lik it.
fl'orrespondenre of {he (fcrttc.
C'UI. PEPPER C. 11., V.Y.,
October ISth, 1867.
Mr. Editor:—A recent em grant to Vir
ginia, I feel myself so thoroughly pleased
with the country that I cannot forbear
addressing, through your valuable paper,
a few wordsto my old friends and acquain
tances in little Miftiin, relative to the
inducements now ottered to Pennsylvan
ians to emigrate to this State, and more
especially to that particular part lying
between tbe tide water line and the Blue
Ridge, known far and wide as the Pied
mont region; a section of country unsur
passed lor tbe variety and productiveness
of its soil, the beauty of its scenery, and
the hospitality of its people. And just
here let me say that, travel where he may,
a northern man will nowhere meet with
a more cordial welcome than is ex'.ended
by the Piedmonteseof Virginia. Known
to be a Republican, and almost always in
troduced as a "Yankee lieutenant," I have
never been more kindly received, or more
hospitably entertained than by these peo
ple. And strange as it may seem, those
who fought hardest, suffered most, and
rea| icd the least reward, are the most
friendly now. I have since coming here
repeatedly met men with whom we have
had many a long and bloody encounter,
and to a man, after a short talk about
matters and things, they will say, "Well,
you whipped us fairly, sure enough, so
let us be friends"; and thereupon wc
strike bands, and in future ignore all dif
ferences. Stretching from the Blue
Ridge eastward, an average distance of
eighty miles, with numberless streams on
their way from the mountains to the sea,
irrigating and beautifying it; possessing a
climate excelled by none, and a fertility
of soil almost incredible, a gradual slope
toward the southeast, giving the i est pos
sible exposure- offering <d'i the varieties of
high and low, rolling and level, cleared
and wooded lands, lies the Piedmont re
gion of Va., the home of Madison, Mon
roe, and Jefferson, tbe seat of learning
and reiiueuiuiit, the pride of tbe "old Do
Tbe large planters, left moneyless and
disheartened by the war, are anxious to
sell tlu-ir lands, and olfe-r them at prices
merely nominal, when all things arc fair
ly considered. Farms which arc cleared
and in cultivation, yielding averagecrops
of from 30 to 30 bushels of wheat, and
from 40 to (>0 bushels of corn per acre;
<> its, grass, &r. , in proportion; with south
eastern exposure; well watered by run
ning streams; lying in a country adjacent
to the best markets; with abundant rail
and water transpoilatino; where fevers
and epidemics are unknown, churches
and schools plentifully abound, and tbe
best society exi-ls, are certainly nominal
in price when offered at from lit to 40dol
lars per acre, varying with location and
improvements. For fruit and grapes it is
unsurpassed, and finer apples and peach
es are not to lie found than grow here.
What do you think of apples weighing a
pound and a half. And one was present
ed to a brother editor of yours in Char
lottsville, weighing twenty-eight ounces.
The climate is so mild that stock needs
little or no shelter, and requires to be fed
but three months in the year tbe severest
winters, while farmers are able to work
their lands an average of ten mouths in
the year, and can consequently do a great
deal more work with tbesanie teams than
in Pennsylvania. Why any one should
go off to the far West, when this country
offers all the inducements in the shape of
cheap lands which are offered there with
out any of its serious drawbacks, thin
population, ten-mile neighbors, Indians,
lack of wood, schools, churches, and pub
lic improvements, I can't understand; un
less it is that they don't know of, or can't
appreciate tin? advantages offered by the
Piedmont Beginti of Virginia. If they
would but come down here and see for
themselves, I know they would he pleas
ed. This whole region is traversed by
tin? Orange and Alexandria Railroad, so
that it is easily accessible from Washing
ton; and though but little of it is to lie
seen from the railroad by stopping off at
Culpepper 11. or at (Jharlottsville, any
one. can readily be convinced of the truth
of my statements. Already a large num
ber of Peiiusylvanhui i have purchased
and are settling here and we shall lie glad
to see more of them come down here to
keep us company.
VLOT of ground situate on the corner
of the diamond, in the Inirough of
McVeytown, Penna., fronting-53 feet on
Market street, and 314 feet on John street,
having thereon a two-story SBrlK More
Room. 18-3-5 feet, with a frame
{fiSt addition at the rear;also, a Brick pgjff
Office with a large fireproof vault
built from the ground; a good Frame
Dwelling House, with a never-failing well
of water and a good cistern at the door;
also, a large Warehouse on the canal,
with two apartments, occupied as Tin and
Shoemaker's shops, and Wareroora under
neath, 30 by 33 feet, a good stable and all
necessary outbuildings. The property is
in good repair. The storeroom has every
convenience, being in the centre of the
town, and a desirable place for business.,
For further information apply to
0c23~3m McVeytown. [
Special Notices.
Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Tn tho whole history of medical discoveries so RV.M
EPT has performed so many or rach remarkable cures
of the numerous affections of the THROAT, LI NOS, and
CHEST, as the long-tried and justly celebrated Balsam
So generally acknowledged is the superior excellence
of this remedy that but few of the many who have
tested its virtues by experience fail to keep it at hand
as a speedy and certain cure for sudden attacks of
Cold—fully believing that its remedial powers are com
preh uisivo enough to omhrace every form of disease
from the slightest cold to;Uie most dangerous symp
tom of pulmonary complaint.
From lir, Franri s Is Met!. J'acteir of thr South Ccaujrr
national Church, Brutgeport, Connecticut.
"I consider it a duty which I owe to suffering hu
manity to hear testimony to the virtues of Dr. Wistar's
Bal-um of Wild Cherry. " 1 Imve u-ed ft—when 1 have
had occasion for any remedy for Coughs, Olds or
•Sore Throat— f r ninny years, and never in a single
instance has it failed to relieve uid cure me. I have
frequently l-een very hoarse on Saturday, and looked
forward t-> the delivery of two sermons "on the foll.nv
ing dav with sad misgivings, but by aliberal use of the
Balsam my hoarseness has invariably been removed,
and 1 have preached without difficulty.
1 emnmend it to my brethren in the ministry, and
to public speakers generally, as a ret tain remedy for
the bronchial troubles to which we are pe iharlv ex
Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE k SON. 18 Tremont
St.. Boston, and for sale by Druggists generally.
Grace's Celebrated Salve.
From Mr. E.Tucker, Depot Master to Salishtity. Ma,-.
• 1 have been troubled for years wtth a had "humor:
sometimes outwardly and sometimes inwardly. I hir
ing the past summer it manifested itself more than
usual out ward Iv. and I used your Salve Alls g n.- of
it have since disappeared, without affecting mo in
wardly. indicating, 1 think, the. eradicating nature of
the Salve.
SEMI W. FOWLER k SON. Boston, Prop's. Soldliv
Druggists at '25 ets. a box. Sent by mail. ;io ct. o9ltn
of the fibres of the head, the whiskers, the mustaches, or ;
the beard, can be easily accomplished by the application
'Ot the scorching hair dyes and when every hair is
the paries deceived by these nostrums will regret, too i
late, that they did not use the wonderful and entirely pol
Soilless preparation which,
pro luces a black or brown which is not surpassed by na- :
ture's own hue. He wise In time. The only safe and sure j
article is
Manufactured bv J. CRISTADORO, 6S Maiden Lute. New j
York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by nil Hair Dress !
octXhn |
W iiiit Every One Wants.
A goo'J, reliable medicine that will be on hand when re
quired, and never falls w hen called on. That Is now to be
obtained in Dr. Tobias' Celebrate l Venetian Liniment.—
Many thousands call it the Wonder of the as it does
all that Is represented and more. It cures Diarrhoea, Dys
sentery. Colic, Kpasni*, Vomiting. Croup, ami Sea sick nuns
as surely as it Is used, and is perfectly innocent to take In
ternally, even In double the quantity named In the direc- j
lions; and as an external remedy for Chronic Uheuniatisni.
Ctvis, lirtlCtf. Old Sores, Mumps. Toothache, Headache. ;
Sore Throat, Sprains. Insect Slings, Pains n the Buck,
Chest and Id tubs, thousands have testified to, an I their }
certificates can be seen by any one a' lhe Doctor's Depot, j
56 Cortland Street. New York. Hundreds of physicians
use It iti their practice. It has been introduced since 1817. i
and hundreds who now have li iti their houses, say they '
would not he without it even If it was $lO per but! I* Kv ry j
drop is mixed t.y Dr. Tobias himself, and can le depended j
on. Only 50 cents and $1 per llottle. Sold by Dru-.'sUt*
Depot, 56 Court land street., N. Y. oc*.2 Dn j
in from 10 to 48 hours.
Wherj tern's Ointment cures the Itch.
H'hcutnn's <Hutment cures Stilt. Rheum. '
Whcaton' Ointment cures Tetter.
\Yhea'rm , x Ointment cures Jiarhcr y x Itch.
Whcfttiiii'g lHutment cures <>!tl Seres.
Wheat oil's Ointment cures Every kind
of Humor like Maf/ic.
Pii< " 50 fonts it box; by mail 60 cents Address
WEEKS X I 1.) I TER. No. 170 Wiv-hington strew. Bos
ton. Mass. For sale by ail druggists. slB-!j
Ihe Rev. KDW.VK. A. IMIAI.N will setul (free of!
i !uru< ) to all who rtrstri- u.th - prescription with the th
recl lon* for nt-'iki tig ami using I lie simple rente,! v hv vvlilelt 1
In- w.is cured of u lung all-it lon ami that <lrc'l •!ls-ai-j
l olistltlljilloil. Ills Ottlv Otij.ct is to bt itetlt the sfltictCl!,
HI I lie hopes every stilf-rrr will try this prescription, as U
will cost tie ill nothing, mill in t v prove s blessing, j'iease i
liilress It K V ED AY ARIt A WILSON,
No. liis-Bpnt!i Scvoiut street, Wlliiaiiisloirgli, N. Y. ;
Information gn.n itiilee t to pro iuee :t luxilrlinl growth !
if hsir upon a tial-l li-.v-l or lienrilless t.ice; also a recipe for !
ihe removal of I'it.iples. Blntehes. Eruptions, etc.. on the j
skin. leaving the -lime soft. . h-ar. ami beautiful, ran beob '
:ainei| without charge hv n.l lres.oig
Tlt Oft. A. CIiAI'UAN. Ohcml.t,
t maris 'firi] K23 llrort'lwar. New York, |
Errors of Youth.
A fJenth'Tnan w v> siin't r •■! for years from ••■rv/uis T>ibll
fy, Preni iture De-.iy, and ail the efiects* •! vo.itliful 1M lis '
jretton, will, for I he s.ike of surt:ii!ig hiiiu.inity, seul frei
0 all who need it, the recipe and direction* tor in-iklnt !
he simple remed\ by which lie was CUP* 1. Sulfeiers i
• >. : to prod I > the aifvertteer'a xpen. m t, ,n do j
mi by t!.i'- UK, tn perfci t con ft i -in
ni> l.Vly J 1!N 11. tXJDLN. -12 Cedar St.. New York.
f \KAF.\K>S, Baldness & (Jatarrh Mi' ted
1 / with the Utmost sueoeSß, by J ISAACS. M. I> . <•
and Aurisi. : formerly of Leydcn. Holland ) No
•Pi Pine street. Philadelphia. Testimonials from tie* :
nost reliable smir." in the city and country can I**
*cen at his office. The medieai faculty are invited t>
tccompany their patient.-*, as he has no secrets m his ;
practice. Artificial Kves inserted without pain. No j
•harge for examination. myl-ly j
{H'Y Farmers! Go and buy a Wiley
[>!ow at the Agricultural Implement
Agency. The best metal plow made. If
t doesn't work right you can take it
TT O T I O 13 .
The beautiful I*iaim Fortes of G*>VESTEE* * CO. are
lecrned by all judges to be the Ultima Thulc of
nslrunieiits of the kind.
We cannot sugjrest what is wanting to make amu-
Mcal instrument more perfect, although we are slow
o admit that the limit of improvement can ever b<
Ucfore they had brought their Pianos to their pre
sent excellence, they had submitted them to compe
tition with instruments of the licst makers of this |
•outitry and Europe, and received the reward of mer
it, over all others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It
is but justice to say tfiat tlejudgineDtthus pronounced j
has not been overruled by the musical world.
Still, by the improvements lately applied by them !
to their Pianos, it is admitted that a more perfect in
mrument has been made. They have accordingly j
achieved the paradox of making excellence more ,
excellent. Surely, after this, they are entitled to the
motto ••Excelsior." novll-ly
Lewistown, Out. 22, 18G7.
Eggs per dozen 20
Butler per lb 25
Wheat, red, perbubhel #2 30
*' white " 2 40
Corn, old, 1 20
Outs " 57
Flour isretniling at the following prices:
Levristown Extra Family per owt. 0 00
Superfine 5 00
Extr i Family per bbl 12 00
Superfine 10 (X)
Barley, I 20
CloYerseed 8 00
IMiilailclpHtn Mrkct.
Pennsylvania and Ohio Flour at slla
12.50; ret I wheat at ?2.."0:i2.00.
Extra Pa. and Western steers at
per pound, fair to good at OuHjo. per lh.
Hogs at ."j0.50a10.50 per 100 ll>. net. Cows
sold at $45a70 f'o r springers, and $60a85
l>er head for cow and calf.
rnriE undersigned having purchased the
1 Tannery of J. A. & W. It. McKoe,at
Lewis town, is prepared to pay the iiighest
cash price for Hides.
n,j; ~in ■ WM. M. PANNE BAKER.
IMarried lAIe.
Infm-mation and advice of vital impnriance tolhe I
married rf ith sexes, in n scaled envelope, emi be
obtained free of charge by addressing the undersign j
ed t Ke.spcctfiilly,
823 Broadway, N. Y.
A Fresh Supply
OF those cheap Prunes, Peaches, Gunned
Corn, &c, at BIUSiIIN'S.
W3uXho firemen's parade at Lan
caster was a magnificent success, thir
ty-throe companies being in line.
IgL Politics in Virginia aro report
ed as being in a very complex condi
B&f Gov. Geary has appointed Adam
B Clover Sheriff of Perry co., vice
Miller, resigned.
fey" At the next session of Congress,
efforts will be made to obtain an act
authorizing Snrratt to be tried in some
loyal State.
Tffy*. The fndians lately made a raid
on the town of U'ickenburg, Arizona,
and carried off all the stock belonging
to the citizens.
BatT At Boston, on Thursday night,
a woman named Caroline Ware, was
burned to death by the ignition of a
can of benzine. A German girl was
also fearfully burned. The women
were engaged in cleaning luriiiturej
with the benzine
Pa?" In the election in Indiana, nine
out of the eleven Congressional Lis
tricts went Republican, being a gain
ot one. The aggregate majority will
reach 20,(Jib) against 14,500 last year.
Chapman's chanticleer can't crow loud
lv over a Democratic victory in the
lloosier State.
BQL-Atnong the many articles required
by businessmen, fanners, and mechanics,
to make successful their plans and opera
tions, none may be found more useful
titan a l'ocket. Accountant, containing
methods for quick calculation, and con
rise rules for treating problems likely to
arise in every-day life. Sent postpaid for
cents. Address G. R. Frysinger, Lew
istown, Pa.
HAVING resumed the inanu'acture ol j
Woolen Goods, the undersigned will k*op con- '
•tuutjy on hand and for -ale. an >sortm*nt of Wool I
•ii (MXHIS, cxctuhi vt-ly of tbclr ouu mnuu
fac t urr, such .s
I'lain and Fancy, Common and Fine, J
Light and Heavy.
I'lain and Barred,
Heavy, Medium and Light,
\\ Lite, Gray and Colored,
STOCiIAG 1' fc it AS.
Germaiitown Zephyrs, &c.
Made to order, of three ply. all woo! c hain.
Our un-ls nr*- mad** with especial rcftTi'nce to
ffUKNG iII aud DritABILITV. hHng put up in the
N tMI fad uitinl manner and of the be : r material, and
nil he sc.Jd at | ; n-e- Lav as th*v esin he inannfao
ured for. and still retain desirable qualities.
We have wagons out from which JM rsnn.o an obtain
ur goods at their own doors at the same prices that
hey ar- sold for at the factory.
llij • WHO!. Soap mid I.nrti taken in exchange for goods.
nay 15-6 m JA M F.S Til <JM I 'SON k SONS.
His Great American Glova &
15 H E above named machine is the only
truly practicable Family Knitting
Machine in existence. It will knitstoek
ngs, commencing at the top, making an
•lastie selvage edge, either rib or plain
work, and precisely
111 HAM),
larrowing down the Blocking, turning
he heel complete with either double or
• ingle yarn, and narrowing oil*at the toe.
It will also knit (iloves. Mittens, Bus|en
lers. and a great variety of Fancy Arli
•les. For salt? by
.J. M. NOLTE, Agt. for Mifflin Co.
Lewistown, J'a., September 4, 'O7, tf
Preserving Kettles,
V LARGE und splendid assortment of
. Po ket and Table Cutlery, will be sold
ci v low at MrMANKJAI.'S. Mi'ri v. jul2
I AM selling Rims, Spokes, llubbs, Sprins,
Axles, &c., very low. A
L A 11 G E S T O 0 K
npr.l at SELIIEI MER'S.
1 \EC 1 1)1, Pi. V the l.est and cheapest
4 r Clothes Wringer that is out, for sale at
in-50, by A. FELIX.
J UST Received, a prime lot of Factory
Cheese, at A. Felix's, where his cut<>
iters can always get the best. o2
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Trains leave Stations in tins eounty as follows :
y.'.i't Uofvnrfi.
Pliil'a Fast Kini-
Ex. Mail. Line. grant.
a. in. p. m. p. m. a. tn.
Lowistown, 5.39 4.10 0.28 1104
Jranville, 4 22 11.15
MeWytown, 6.00 4.4 4 11.45
Manayunk, 4.58 12 00
N. Hamilton, 5 13 p.m. 12.15
J,rin f Ert'tl' aid.
I'lnl'a Pay Cin.
Ex. M.-il. Ex. Ex.
a. in. p. in. a. m. p. in.
L wistown, 12.17 555 11.06 0.38
N. Hamilton, 501 10.16
Manny unk, 5.13
McY'ey town, 525 10.40
Granville. 5.45 10.56
Faro to Ilnrrisburg *210; to Philadelphia 5 fi s; to
Nov York 7.00; Altoona 2 SU; to Pittsburgh 6 55; to
Baltimore 5 2U ; to York 3 20; to Uagerstown 4.55 ; to
ticket office will be open 20 minutes before
the arrival of each passenger train.
Galhraiili k Conner's ommhusses "onnevt witli all
the passenger trains, and rake up and sot down pas
sengers at all points within the borough. Orders are
requested to h* left at the National House.
Photograph and Art Gallery.
I.Alii BllKkll()l.l)EH>.
McKWENS wvn now furnish the pul>-
lie with Likenesses, from the tiniest
(Jem to a Portrnit or life size Photograph.
We have the only Solar Camera at work
in the Juniata Valley, and desire the pub
lic to call aud examine what Mr. Burk
liolder (an accomplished and well known
artist) and others have pronounced "a
success." Look at the array:
(J ems, AI buty j>es or I vory-
Ferrotypcs, types,
Alolainotypes, IHioto-M i niatu res
Ainbrotypes, Cabinet Photos., <*•
Card Photographs Portrait or Life size
Vignettes, Photographs—
Photographs for plain or in colors,
oval frames, &e., &e., &e.
Our work is executed in the best style,
plain or in colors, and at the lowest rates.
Call at McENVENS.
N. B.- nstruetions to students given
ct fair ates. ap4tf i
r | HE undersigned having formed a co
_L partnership under the name and style of
and having rented the
at Lewistown, and thetirain Warehouse of Mrs Abner !
Thompson, at Reedsy.iie, wdl u, prepared to p,. The '
highest market prieo in cash for all kinds of j
delivered at either of the above places.
A share of patronage is respectfully solicited.
kept constantly on hand.
ROM the most celebrated mines, and se- j
leetetl f.ir family use.
Nns. 1. 2 and 3, Stove and Egg.
LYKEN'S VALLEY. Stove and Chestnut.
Orders left at Store of Geo. Blymver
& Sun promptly attended to.
Lewistown, July 31, 1807.
JEST received, a fresh supply of SUN
HI'RY CUA i,. nil sizes, which will he sold at reduc
cd prices. Also,
REG EI \ ED, a full supply of
which will he sold at reduced prices. i
HiOliß, FEED A COAL delivered any
where within the limits of the Borough.
Car OK DEIIS hit at the store of Henry
Zarhe, promptly attended ti
au2l W. U. HOFFMAN & SONS, j
For Draining Wet Lands. Pipes for Cellar!
Drains, Water Pipe for < omlueiing Water
from Sj rings,
manufactured from the best material and for sale in 1 •
ativ ipianuty desired. Also a good stock of E.UU'U-'
E.N U AliK on hand. Orders prompt v attended to. |
J'IEL ZOOiv. j
aiiL'7-Tm* BelledWle, Milßin county, Pa. ||
| )S;i,IMT,R"S NOTIC E. t
i V Tii ' following accounts have liccn i
examined tin<i passed by me, and remain i
tiled on record at litis otfice for inspection ;
of 'teirs, legatees, creditors, and all others i
in any way interested, and will he pre
sented" to the Orphans' Court of Milllin
County, to be held in the Court House,
at Lewistown, on MON DA Y, the Hit day |
of November, IM>7, for allowance and con
tinuation, nisi, and unless exeeptious are j
tiled within four days thereafter, will be j
confirmed absolutely:
1. Final account of W. .T. Fleming,!
administrator of Samuel Wills, into ofj
Union township, deceased.
2. Partial account of Samuel H. McCoy, j
administrator of George 15. Penepacker, i
late of Granville township, deceased.
3. The account of James Thomjison and
Crawford Switzer,administratursof David I
Switzer, late of Armagh township, dee'd. I
4. Final account of Jacob Smith, ex
ecu tor of Hen ry Smith, late of the 110 rough I
of Lewistown, deceased.
5. The Guardianship account of John !
Yeatter, guardian of Ellen Hummel, uri-j
nor child of Ellis Hummel!, deceased.
0. The account of William Spieher, j
administrator, d. b. n. c. t. a. of John !
Spieher, deceased.
MICHAEL HINEY, Register. 1
Lewistown, October 9, IS(>7.
TESTATE XOTIC! 12. —Notice is here-j
1J by given that Letters of Administra- J
tion on die estate of Miller, late
of Rratton township, Mifflin eouuty, tie- j
ceased, have been granted to the under- ■
signed, l>oth residing in said township.'
All persons indebted to said estate are re I
quested to make immediate payment, and j
those having claims to present them duly j
authenticated for settlement.
oct2* Administrators.
ATI! AO m'IC 12.—Notice iis here- 1
J by given that . lettcrsofadministration '
on the estate of Santuri Oi l. late of !
Granville township, Mifflin county, de-j
ceased, have been granted to the under
signed, residing in Lockport, New York. [
All persons indebted to said estate are!
requested to make immediate payment,;
and those having c laims to present them j
duly authenticated for settlement.
The administrator will attend at the!
late residence ot the deceased, on the ltith ;
October, at which time all indebted are j
requested to make settlement, and those!
having claims to present them. slH.tit
TfSTRAI' NOTICE.—Came to the
.1 J premises of the undersigned, in 01-!
iver township, about the last week in Au-'
gust, a two-year-old SleiS'cr, in color;
between a red and brindle, with the left
horn broken partly ott— no other marks, i
The owner is requested to call, prove prop
erty, pay charges, and take her away, or
she will he disposed of according to law. j
Oliver township, Oct. 2 4t
DESSOEI 'TION of rartnrrsltip.
The partnership heretofore existing
between the undersigned, trading in the
name of Itittenhouse & McKiuney, lias
this day (October 3, I.S(iT) been dissolved,
by mutual consent. All persons indebted
to said lirm will make payment to 1). M.
Rittenhouse, cither at ttie store of J. L.
McKinuey 0r.1.5. Waream'soffice, where
he will remain until the 2-">th of Octolier,
and all accounts must l>e settled by that
Wall Paper.
i)" DIFFERENT Patterns—large assort-
Jit) incut at MoMAXIGAL'S, Milroy.
Brass Bells,
A LL sizes, and all articles generally kept
l\ in a Hardware Store,
at McManigaVt, Milroy.
Also, Oils and Paints, all kinds of Patent
Medicines and Drugs, a splendid assortment
of Hair and Horse Brushes, all kinds ot Per-j
fumeries and Soaps, llair Restoratives, Toilet)
Mouth Wash, &c. ju!2—4A
; . THE
Big Coffee Pot Sign
.£LGcJ±.XISr 2
VLTi the iniportnnt Stove Improvements
of the age can now be found at the Big
Coffee Pot Sign. By looking over our
i you can see that we have all the latest and
l choicest stove# of the dav.
1 lie latest and first Cookstove we bring to
: your notice is
*P T\ Ci TT T, L /■* ■">
\jr UP dim + W i,'o ?
j Extra heavy a- d large. The oven in num
ber 7 is as large as number 8 of any other
; stove, and it has no projection or low place
! in the front part of oven: it has also a revol
ving top. by which means you can move
your pots or boiler off or over the fire with
out lifting them, and thereby prevent the es-
I cape of either gas or smoke in the room.
But the greatest stove of the day, on no
count of the uiuny conveniences, is James
I Spear's
Cooking Stove,
which is preferred even before a range. You
I can have, by the hot water attacl ment, hot
and cold water up stairs; it also separates the
oiiburiu coal from the ashes without dust or
dirt in the house; the centre plates are all
double, with the air passing through them; it
is a perfect baker, and a tip top stove in eve
ry respect.
Our next Cook is the REGULATOR,
plain top. with feeder front. Ibis is the
same as the other except the top.
And last, but not least, is the
a stov 4 that we have been selling for six
years, and the sale of them is increasing ev
ery day. 'Tis a stove we put against the
world for baking purposes; it takes hut little
fuel, and is a plain, substantial stove,
i)MI jLLiiiEi ZWQWS*
Almost everybody has heard of Jan. Spear's
For beauty, economy, and durability they
stand second to none, and for cleanliness
there is none to equal thein; they only need
to be seen to be appreciated. We have also
Spear's Anti Dust Parlor EGG STOVE, just
new, and pretty.
And we have the stoves that we suppose
are going to 6et the world on fire, — the
Morning G-lory,
O 3R. I E XT T -A. X, ,
Our stork of STORE and OFFICE STOVES
is complete—new pattern, wood, etc., —and
in order that everybody can have a stove, we
Jure now manufacturing out of genuine Rus
sia Iron a new PARLOR GAS BURNER
I stove, called the HON TON; and to all those
j who wish to heat an upper and lower room
with one stove, I would say, cail and see J.
Parlor Heater.
I have now improved and completed tny
I Parlor Heater. With this stove you can per
i fectly heat up and down stairs at will, and
their cost is r.ot one third that of any other
i Heater. There is no mistake about it, and 1
ask no pay until you are perfectly satisfied it
will do as represented. And since lam de
termined to render satisfaction to all my cus
tomers. I have brought from Philadelphia
j one of the mechanics in the country, and
I we intend this season to give special atten
1 tion to furnishing off and putting op all cur
: stoves. We have been compelled, in order to
I supply the increasing demand for our stoves,
| to lease another building, on Brown street,
in which w- have a large stock of fcT'OVES.
j P. S. We will receive in a few days a
I large stock of
Housefurcishing Goods,
At the Big Coflee Pot Sign.
Lcwistown, Sept. 25, 1867
Lint of Caaxs for Trial at Nov. T, 1817.
1 .Tonkin's Heirs vs. John Miller, 142 Aug. 1865
2 W.J. McCoy foru-e vs.G.H.Calbraith 79 '- 1 860
3K. Bogle's exr's vs. J. M. Sellers 83 44 1863
4 J.Stonerond for use vs.G. H.Calbtailh 13 Ap'l ISO!
5 Wheeler A West vs. John Winn ' 67 Aug. 44
6 E. E. Locke ACo vs. George Bell 12 Ap'l ISC6
7R. G. Shaw vs. J. Crissman et al. 26 -* "
8 .1. Kyle, jr. vs. Freedom I. AB. Co. 124 44 44
9 Iter. M. Floyd et al. vs. J. Stroup 127 " 44
10 S. B. Haines who survived Ac, vs.
Ilutton Madden et al. 130 •' 44
II O. C. Chesney vs. John Kyle, sr. • 2 Aug. "
1 12 J. M. Kepner vs. Jonas Zook 62 44 "
■l3 Anna Hawthorn vs. 11. Rarcus et al. 70 " "
jll4 Henry Snowden vs. John T. Lane 126 " 44
15 Cunningham's adm's TS. R. D. Smith 131 " 44
116 E. E. Locke, jr. vs. R.Gallagher et al. 2 Nov- 44
117 Dr. J. J. Dahlen vs. The Co. of Mifflin 39 14 "
JIS Mets, trustee. Ac. vs. E. L Benedict 58 44 44
iI9T. E. Williams vs. 8. 9. Woods 62 44 44
20 John Marks vs. Gabriel l.ehr 7'2 44 44
21 Mary A. (Joshorn vs. A. M. Shoop 76 44 44
: 22 Hannah M. McKae vs.TheP.R.R.Co 4 Jan. 186T
:23 Henry Taylor vs. Robt. Campbell 31 44 44
i 24 Alfred Kline vs. The Lewist'n A Kish.
, | Turnpike Road Co. 42 44 "
!j2SJ. M. Cutnmings vs. Sam'! Watts 51 " 44
,I 26 Henry Zerbe vs. C. K. Davis et al. 35 Ap'l 44
j27 Amos Hoot vs. same 36 44 44
■| 28 Win. J. Klemming vs. same 37 44 44
,|29A. W. Campbell vs. same 38 44 44
39 Shem Zook vs. same 39 44 44
31 Thomas Stroup vs. same 40 44 44
32 John S. Marks vs. Gabriel Lehr 47 44 44
W. H. BRAXTON. ProtVy.
Prothy's Office, Lewistown, Oct. 7, 1867.-tc
| TT AS JUST arrived, and is now shelved
| XJL for the inspection of the public generally. It
I comprises the largest and handsomest assortment of
Gaiters, Boots, Shoes, Slippers,
Ac., for ladies', gentlemen's and children's we;ir that
we have vol had m our establishment, and the prices
marked down considerably. We have now on hand
a large stock of
Men's and Boys' Coarse Boots,
j an extra article at a very low price,
i We continue to make to order all styles of Boot-,
Shoes, Ac., and invito all to cmll and tost our work.
1 °ctlo FRANK H. WENTJi.