Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, October 23, 1867, Image 2

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i (i. fc. Editor*.
lewistown, P.\.
Wednesday, October 23. 1867.
C*- ['-rr>nt rec-ring [.ap<-r-> w.th an X marked on
js ■ i Tr Axi<i trial - %tj- r o'ioo is due on which
a rsm;iiar. •* "tight 1., txs inx-ic.
Cash Raws of Advertising.
r .-:n'-s Card* (7 line* or less I year 8,00
hi or gnunn'i e j so
Ao-utor's uo 2 f<>
KMAJ KMM,hmrtiiwea, 200,
Caui • 1 -.r other sßort Notice*, 1 so'
Tavern f.t-en*s- ":nicJe. 1 00
if in .-- tnan one. each SO
R;! r - 'ioUces .f A-eounr*, eaeh SO •
<>>,<- eonstitnte* a -qiiare. <tn>! *ll *AT*rtr*inji '
n .)• 1-1 - ntra -t'- t fur, or ID iniori'.SD a!ne,;
* 1.-reaf.-r he cha. jjed cent* per -quart; for . ach
Job Work.
F /'*••: ' l 'JW. -V '->r *2£ r !#*: fourth
- ? fr /r : •***: h.tlf b;!. 5* for'2s t*r !***£.
.No . r of \f iv Advertfstmeotft.
Wh<<'ver wants to buy a K'Ksl and cheap
('. k Stove-, can hear of one by applying
at I! ii - n.lii*.
Tin- P i."j.ackcr farm is up for sale for
the last i.me.
J. T. St'.neroail oflers some valuable;
l ii, !- it ■, rivale sale. They are finely lo
c ii. 'i in a rapidlv improving neighbor-
The X'W York Observer, one of the'
leading newspapers of the day, oilers at-,
tract: inducements to agents to procure
MihscrUtcra. j
Rc-e fence and Business Stand in Me- j
Yeytown -House and Lot at Sigierville— i
Jb.'id la-ttiug —Turnpike Notiw —New,
Goods at McKinney's —New sto"k at'
Hollm nrs—Dr. Ed Frysingcr on Tobac-!
CO, &C. lV".
The Oi tbolical spirit ollfeinoc
At a meeting of co[[>erheads held at
Jliilsboro, Ohio, .Mr. Vallandigham was
advertised to speak, but jwst in*fore that
i!p<>-t! nmeneeil, the chairman, a Mr.
Jillson, announced tliat "he had a letter,
and he would like to read it." Vallan
digiiam s p| certainly, and Mr. Jillson
read a- follows:
• IN HUM,, Room No. 71.4-59.
"To ;!i" U'.tck Republicans of Ohio:
"1 am liere suTering torments for my
crimes and usurpations while on earth.
In these 1 lames I am reminded of my 1
great wickedness, and send these words,
to you i'.tt you may take warning.—
George W.tshimrton passed iy tne on the!
oilier si !c of the great gulf, but only j
looked at me witli unutterable scoru.— j
Tak" warning by my fate.
The impious <h il read this with a
chu-k!e, and Y.illandigham made it the
has.- of ::i ap[>eai to his audience to avoid
la il i-y voting with the Democratic par
ty. Th" narration of this diabolical piece
of cum head democracy called forth a
storm of hism-j from tiie audience, and
seem - i to deepen the hatred which all re-,
-j-■ ode p >ple must entertain for a par
ty w , ;i can tolerate such beastly pro
The Crept).
The report of the Agricultural De
partmmit lor the months of August
and September lias been issued, and
shows ii.it the expectations of* large
crops have been fulfilled The wheat
growing States report the following
pen-, utag" lor increase over the crop
oi" 1- j-: Ohio 130 percent.; Indiana
1 j.tn 33; Wisconsin 17; Miune
so*.a 2>; is inois 11; lowa 20; Missouri
4"; K •niu.-ky 34; West Virginia 60;
X irgii ia •" •; Tennessee 4'*; Georgia 80;
Arkansas 15; New York 100, arid Penn
s-, iv.iiua 4i, while only Kansas and
lex.ss show a falling off from last vear,
when the crops in those States were
very large.
Tic- prospects for a heavy yield of
corn continue to improve. While a
number <>{ States return low estimates,
otiii rs, particularly the southern Slates
show a marked improvement over the
vie! i I ist year. Georgia promises
to double her crop of 1*65; Alabama ■
reports ati increase of 75 per cent ,
M - :->ippi 80; Tennessee 21; Louisiana
4"; S- Hl tii Carolina 54, and Arkansas
]<o. Ohi> falls 30 p*-r cent, behind
i s-t year, estimating from the coudi
t'ui *HI ptetnhcr 1; Indiana 17; Illi
nois i 4 : Kentucky 28; West Virginia
Jo. and Virginia 10-
iljckwh' at, rye, barley, and oats,
show an increase over the harvests of
I>', though the oats were injured in;
some sections by wet weather. The
avenge v old of hay has been 25 to j
30 per cent. larger, Pennsylvania re
turning an increase of 50 percent;.
New \Oi k 24; Miclii gan, Wisconsin,
and Illinois 27; Indiana 20.
Potatoes are rotting badly in some;
of lbe States. The apple crop will
fall considerably below that of last
Tun Pope's Allocution.
We lately printed the text of the al-j
locuti n delivered by Pio Nono, in the I
Consi-tory of Rome, on the 20th Sep.:
tcm her last. Ihe Pope, poor man,
feels son- because of his position, llie!
enemies! He begins and ends with
them <lii the sub Alpine government
lie lets tat| his heaviest malediction
It is curious to notice how easy and
indifferent Catholic Italy feels under
the anathemas of the holy father.
Hven VnTor Emmanuclendurescxcotn j
iniin-'c: lion with wonderful equanimity.
The Pope talks of his right to avenge
ti.e Church's wrongs. In the mouth |
••f the v:car of Christ the word avenge
i- unioi-tiiiiate. What government now
fears his vengeance? How strange
are the limes since the Emperor Fred
crick B.rburossa humiliated himself in
the public square of Vilerbo, by fallingl
on Ins naked knees before the English
pope V.lrian IV? But Pio Nono and
his advisers will not admit the change.
They still live, or rather believe they
live, in the middle ages. From our
point of view we wonder that the holy
father should plague himself with such
baubles as the temporal power and
Italian Church property. These are
not essential to the existence and even
success <4 the papacy. Pio Nono, good
and amiable as lie is, is too old to learn.
OI this the allocution before us is suf
ficient proof. With the advent of his
successor wo may expect the com
meneoirient of a new era in the history ;
of the papacy.— jV. J". Herald.
Official Vote.
The following is the official vote for
i Judge of the Supreme Court, and fur
nishes another instance of a "highmind
ed" aristocratic democrat holding a high
office by the votes of deserters and draft
Wiliiam? S!nr?wood
Adams 24-ki 329
Allegheny 16-133 9914
Armstrong 323-5 2914
Beaver iSilst 227 s
Bedford , 23W 244
Berks 6117 11912
Blair 3113 2-590
Bradford &*4*
Bucks - 6224 6910
Butler 2939 2662
Cambria 2i< 3020
Cameron 3-58 300
Carbon 1 2124
Centre 2790 3473
Clarion 1410 2603
Chester 7751 58-53
Clearfield 1477 2740
Clinton 1602 2228
Columbia 1696 34-53
Crawford 5100 4n13
Cumberland 3451 4281
Dauphin 5247 3817
Delaware 32"7 2148
Elk 236 7-51
Erie 55*4 3128
Fayette 3184 38-59
Forest 289 319
Franklin 3773 3962
Fulton 709 1019
Green 1343 2753
Huntingdon 3009 22-58
Indiana 36i'9 1867
Jetferson IS ! K> l-S-51
Juniata 1368 166-5
Lancaster 12799 747-5
Lawrence 2sit 1281
Lebanon 3625 25 H
Lehigh 3-514 5141
Luzerne 7985 ](404
Lycoming .W4 4357
McKean To-5 ,545
Mercer 3945 3414
Mifiiin 1-56-5 1769
Monroe .543 2359
Montgomery 658-6 7653
Montour l'r6 1353
Northampton 3)27 5979
Northumberland 3"r2t 3469
Perry 2427 2292
Philadelphia 49587 5207-5
I'ike 255 901
Potter 1134 481
Schuylkill 7256 8380
Siiyler 1630 1199
Somerset 27Vi 1-541
Sullivan 421 683
Tioga 4()90 1425
Uuion 167-5 12<K)
Venango 3040 2>lo
Warren 2131 1459
Washington 4618 4-513
Wayne 2320 2586
Westmoreland 4212 5646
Wyoming 1357 1474
York 4848 7671
Total 2668-4 267746
SharsworKl's majority 922
4 Rebel Sfeasnboaf ESurner Be
fore the Civil (oorts.
ST. LOUIS, Oct 18 —William Mnr
phy, who lias been confined in tiie
Missouri Penitentiary Ibr the last two
years, under sentence by a Military
Commission, for boat burning on the
Mississppi river during the war. was
brought before the I nitcd States Cir
cuit Court on Wednesday, and tiie case
argued on an application tor his dis
charge. Judge Miller decided the cane
• to-day, discharging the prisoner, on
the ground of the unconstitutionality
of the tribunal by which Murphy was
tried and sentenced. The Judge de
eided that tho prisoner occupied the
same position now as though lie had
not been tried and sentenced by the
military tribunal, and could bo ar
raigned and tried upon the charge by
the civil courts. On motion ot the
District Attorney, he was remanded
i to confinement to allow an opportnni
ty to renew the old charges or prefer
new ones, it any existed.
TWR.. Ilenry Clay Dean, a shining
light of modern democracy, and we
believe an apostate preacher, recently
'wrote to Horace Greeley, inviting a
i discussion of the national debt ques
tion, from the standpoint of the Dcm
ocratic doctrine ot repudiation In
| reply H. G. sent 11.e filthy thing the
following extinguisher:
NEW YORK, Sept. 8, lxfi7. (
Mil. DEAN —Sir: I have yours ot the
i29lh ultimo. Should i ever consent to
: argue the propriety of wholesale swin
dling, I do r.ot know where the cause
of national villainy could find a fitter
|advocate than yourself.
Henry Clay Dean, Mt. Pleasant,
More About the Counterfeit
A Washington paper publishes a
story that upwards of one million 7 30
counterfeit bonds have been put in
i circulation, and that the counterfeits
w;>re printed in Philadelphia, which
city, it alleges, was the headquarters
of the counterfeiters. Ti is story needs
confirmation. The Treasury Depart
ment lias received information that
only eighty two counterfeits were ne
gotiated, but it is possible more may
have been hypothecated with banks,
which have not yet been discovered.
SfSf*. The Paris Moniteur insists that
the people of Home are loyal to the
Pope, and that they only need assis
tance to drive the Garibaidintis from
i lie Papal territories. The London
Times thinks that Victor jEtnanucl
should anticipate Garibaldi's volun
teers and Napoleon's troops, seize
Rome and then treat with France
I bis, it considers, would be the boldest
and the best policy.
•fcp-The Roman Catholic Bishops < f
Ireland have published an address, in
which they denounce in the strongest
1 terms the Protestant Church Es ab
jlishmeot, the National School system
] and Fenianism.
Oaf Francis Joseph, Emperor of
Austria, has referred to the Council of
Ministers the address of the Bishops
protesting against a new Concordat.
The Emperor reproves them for adopt
ing a document which is calculated
to" create public excitement, when
tranquility for the Empire is so neces
f-y-The Czar of Russia and the
of Prussia are said to have sent
a joint note to the Sultan of Turkey,
requesting him to Cede Gandhi to
House and Lot for Sale.
n T II.L be offered at private sale until
> \ Si it ur dm/, the SVI E'ovemhcr, at
which time if not sold previously) will
be put up at public sale,
; 4 EIOrSE 4\t> LOT,
situate in Milroy, Mifflin county.
aSfil' The house is frame, with stable
- and other outbuilding attached,
with a well and cistern convenient.
oet23-ts* Agt. for B. O. McCurdy.
I LRTTI\(i.—Notice is here
-4 by given that a public letting will be
held on
Friday, November S.
at 10 o'clock, a. ni., on the ground, for the
construction ofa road leading from W'avrie
township line to the old road near A.
Btine's farm. The road has been divided
into seven sections, and will lie publicly
let to the lowest re*|>onihic bidder.
0e23-lt* Supervisors Oliver twp.
ifiili IDO 11IDJ8T.
One £)oll;ir commission will he al
lowed to any |iersoii sending the names of
two new subscribers with the money for
one year.
A C opy of the Observer for one
year will le sent to any person sending us
four new suliscribers aii(i/ort<cn dot'urn.
t !S.V Senilis; Machine, either
Wheeler A Wilson or Grover A linker,
will be sent to any person sending u* the
names of Eighteen* New Subscribers.
to the
with the money for one year in ad
vance. We have sent away as premiums
more than
of these Machines, and they give univer
sal satisfaction.
The new suliscribers may be from one,
or from various places.
Bend b;t Ctwk, I)enff, or I\ O. Order.
Snmplf Copies* and Cirrulars Sent Free.
Terms, $3.50 a year in advance.
SIDNEY E. MOU<K, Jr.. 4 Co.,
o2.'i % 37 Park Row, New York.
X"" AiD and iiir Iron, b y at
0 C :23 F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
1) i .'TOIIERI N'G.— Sausage Cutters and
) Sluff-r*. be*t Butcher Knives and Meal
Saws, at F. J. Hoffman's Hardware Store.
I ARB Cans and nth-r tinware can bo
j bouglit right at F. •). HOFFMAN'S.
inter! Prepare in time. Buy Conk
t ing Stores, Cua! Buckets. Shovels, and
Seres as F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
( tOACH MAKERS? It wiil pay you to
V_y tsuy Spokes, Hubs, Sleigh Stuff. Shafts,
Iron. Ac. at F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
CtoCNTRV Pubiie Scic-Us. you can gel your
I Books cheap at F. J. HOFFMAN S
SHOEMAKERS! jou will find at F. J
Hoffman's Boot. Shoe and Sole leather.
Moroccos. F'ronch Calf Skins, and other Sboc
/ tObKING STOVES, the Great mmk >d
V>' pronounced by a great many persons •
who hare them usot.eof die very best Stores.
r43 F. J. ilomMJk
OILS —St>ertn. Lard. Tanner's, Coal, Tal
iow, and Flaxseed Oils, tor sale by
F. J. Hurra an.
! LI r i\TFK! This is the time to tuy Cook
7 f Stoves, Coal liuds, Coal Shovels, and
Sieves, at F. J IJokfm an's.
|>LACKSMI TUB ? V u will find
I B"st Ri-fined lr-in. at 5 cents.
Horse Shoe nails. 30 tu 35.
Horse Shoes, cents, at
F. J Hoffman.
5 i ROOM Handles. The best Lii aun Han
1 } die in market and very cheap at
F. J. Hoffman's.
1 AUP Cans, for sale by F". J. Hoffman
ROGER IK> Loveriisg's be>.t Svrop. at
f .;0 cents. Prime lLu C"ff<-o at 27 ■; 2'J,
at F'. J. Huffman's.
CtORDAOE, — Itopes, Twine*, and other
t cordage, for sate by F. J. Hoffman.
1 BLACKSMITH'S Bellows, .Anvils. Vices,
B Hammers and Tongs, for sale by
uct23 F J- Hoffman.
CIOPAL Varnish—A very fine article of
/ Turpentine Copal Varnish, at 75c pr. qt.
ai F'. J Huffman's.
Should the world wag its pye,
And friends turn to foes ;
Should your pockets run dry.
And threadbare your clothes—
Should woman deceive you.
When you trusted her heart,
Sure the sigh won't relieve you,
But adds to the smart!
Go to Frysinger's
; and buy a good cigar and smoke your troub-
Irs away. IF the pain is very severe take 6
Havana* for 50 cents. Tor ordinary cases,s
mild cigars for 25 cent* will do.
F rysinger also has TOBACCO that is good,
bad and indifferent; the good is a sure cure
for irritability of the nerves. The bad a sure
cure for toothache; and the indifferent for
general debility. Dose for an adult tor irri- 1
■ tablity is a 10 cent plug every 21 hours, and
do-e to be continued indefinitely. FMr tooth.
! ache take 5 cents worth of the bad daily.
: through a clay pipe, and in course of time
the pain will leave. For general debility use
, indifferent Tobacco at indifferent times and
in different doses. For corns and bunions
'ake of the three tobaccos Iff cents worth of
I each, chew them, save ii,- quids, make a
poultice of them, ami apply every evening tu
the corns or bunions; continue this for one
year, and if they still trouble you double the!
Office open from oa. rn,, to Bp. rn. Con
sultaiion tree.
E. FRYSINGER, P. C. M a D. T. C. P te.
I N. B. Correspondents will please enclose
i a three cent stamp for return postage, E. F.!
■ Lcwistowu, October 23, 18C7,
Valuable Properties at Private
rpHE undersigned offers for sale an ex-'
1 cedent farm, situate in J)erry town
ship, 2s miles east of Freedom Iron Works
and 'o miles from Lewistown, containing
more or less, all cleared, with a tract of 63
acres of woodland, belonging to the same,
and Iving within one-fourth of a mile,
8 acres of which latter tire alsocleared and
under fence. This property adjoins the
farm of Thompson G. lJell on the west
and south, the Northumberland road on
the south, Daniel Bakeron the nortli, and
Thomas Heed on the east, and is but one
mile from Kelley'schurches, school house,
m|K>st-offii-e, and shops. A 'I WO
spring water in the basement,
nid running water close by, a
good Bank Barn, with a cave
therein, and wind breakeratid horse jk>w
er attached) a ('orn House, Wagon Shed,
and other outbuildings are thereon erect
ed. There are also two Orchards, one of
grafted fruit, upon this farm.
It is one of the best farms in Little Val
ley, and altogether a desirable property.
a tract of Chestnut Timber Land, situate
in Derry townsbip, one mile from Stine's
Mill, and within sight of the route of the
Middle Creek Railroad now in course of
const ruction, j containing
Persons desiring to view either of these
projKrties or obtain further in format ion,
may call upon or address the undersigned
at Kelley's I'. 0., Milll n county. Pa.
oct23-Gfc J. T. STONEROAD.
\ DJOI It\s:i> Orphans' Court
aIY !tale. —By virtue of an order of Hie
Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, toe
undersigned administrator of the estate
of Geo. B. Pen nef lacker, late of Granville
township, deceased, will -eli.it ptiblicsule,
at the Court House, in L-w:town, on
Ski I RUIV, November 2, I*6 7.
the undivided half f>art of all that certain
Tract of Laud situate in town
ship, Mifflin co.,adjoining land-of Lewis
Owens, Mrs. Wertz, Enoch Myers' heirs,
Joshua Morrison and others, containing
132 teres astci 156 Perches, neat
jswfi measure, whereon is erected
iii'l a two-story Frame House,
{ I {& agowl new Bank Barn with
;. .J; a Corn '.'riband Wagon Bhed
attached, and other outbuild
ings. There is also a fine Young Orchard
of choice fruit oil it. a well of good water
at the door, and a fine stream of running
water and two good springs on the place.
The farm is in g'*l order and is a desira
ble situation. Bile to commence at 2
o'clock, p. in., when terms will ije made
At the same time and place, the under
signed will sell the other undivided half
part of the above desirable tract of land
so as to enable the purchaser to obtain a
title for the whole tract.
AC*>T Kisliacoqiiillas Tmn
>7 pike Company.—A meeting of
Stockholders of the West Kishaeo
quillas Turnpike Company will be held
on MONDAY, November 1, 1867, at the
public house of Aaron Shoop, R ••■d-vilie,
for the purpose of electing a new Board
of Managers. H. P. TAYLOR.
Oct. 23, 1867-2t Treasurer.
'T'IIAT J L. SIcKINNKY. fin* just return
1 ei from the city with a full fresh stock of
in his fine, and the prices still lower.
A spleudi-i stock > f
IV UOLK SL ITS from f 10.00 to 525 60.
L'NDLII CLOTHING, lower than theb-west
SIIIKI'-S from 50 to 1 C'O, DRAWKRS in
Also, a cheap line cf
Ac , Ac , Ac.,
and a good assortment of NOTIONS,
We are also the Agent for Hamilton's Bon
Ton Kideil
Hoop Skirts,
the BUST and CHEAPEST in the market.
We hate also on hand a full supply of
"*s > fc
W 1 .
which, as usual, can't be beat.
Thankful for past fait.rs. and hoping a
conliiii.iii -.e <-f the same, we remain,
Very Respectfully.
oc23tf J L M,KINNEY.
J \ lUMtKI I'll \.
L of fhe United Stuffs, for th< Western
Dintriet of J'ennsi/h>ania. —ln the matter
<>f JOHN MONTGOMERY, Bankrupt,
West- rii District of Pennsylvania,
l itis is to give notice. That on the full
• lay of October, 1867, a Warrant of Bank
ruptcy was issued out of the District
Court of the United States for the Wes
tern District of Pennsylvania, against-the
-state of JOHN MONTGOMERY, of
Brown township, in the county of Mifflin,
in said District, who has been adjudged a
Bankrupt on his own petition : That the
payment of any debts and the delivery of
any property belonging to said bankrupt
to him, or for his use. and the transfer of
any property by him, are forbidden by
; law; and that a meeting of the creditors
!of said bankrupt, to prove their debts,
land to choose one or more Assignees of
| his estate, will he held at a Court of Rauk
: ruptey, to be liolden at the National Hotel,
in Lewistown, before JOHN BROTH
| ERLIN E, Esq., Register for said District,
on the 21st day of November, A. I)., 1867,
at 1 o'clock, p. m.
THOB. A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal,
By B. Thos. Ei.dkr,
0c23-4t Deputy Marshal.
I V li ISKBI'PTCV. /> / ~ ' ' 'ourt
1 of the United Staffs, for the Western
District of J'erinsulvftnifi. —ln the matter
i>t JOHN HAM 1 E TON, Bankrupt, Wes
tern District of Pennsylvania, ss; This
is to give notice, that on the 11th day of
October, 1.867, a Warrant of Bankruptcy
was issued out of the District Court of the
United States for the Western District of
l'ciinsylvniiia,against thcestateof JOHN
HAMILTON, of Lewistown, in the
County of Mifflin, in said District, who
lias been adjudged a Bankrupt on his
own Petition: That the payment of any
debts and the delivery of any property
belonging to said Imnkrupt, *io him, or
for his use, and the transfer of any prop
erty by liiin are forbidden by law; and
that a meeting of the creditors of said
bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to
choose one or more Assignees of his estate,
will he held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to
he holdeii at the National Hotel, in Lew
istown, before John Buotiikkmne, Esq.,
Register for said District,on the 14th day
of November, A. D., 1867, at 1 o'clock, p. rn.
THUS. A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal.
By H. THUS. Klukk,
oelG.lt Deputy Marshal. ]
Money Saved
By Purehanliiß their
Ac, Ac. Ac.)
7 7G ' T-,
And have added to same a fu.ll line of
REMEMBER ! Our stock is selected
In either of which
Til 33 33Yh
Pratt, Law & Pratt.
j Lewistown, October 23, 1867.
Rockaway for Sale.
I N complete order, with an extra seat
txdiind the dasher. Price SBO. In
quire at this office.
BTOVE, as good as new, will he sold
very cheap. For further information ap
ply at this office.
C 1 HEAP Goods are foundat F. J. lloffmanV,
/ Hardware, Nails,
Drugs. Iron,
Groceries, Paints.
I RUSH stock of the best Mackerel snd
Herring, in all-sUed kits, on hnndli. A. FHLIX'd |
Rooms in West Market Street,
L £ fV 1 S T(J Jr N, PA.
Consignments of Dry Goods, Clothing.
Notions, Wares, Implement*. Eurni• ,
tvre, and all other saleable arti
cles solicited.
Which trill he. sold vpan the usual
Goods Sold a'so at Private Safe.
~&~C oua try Merchants Snnplied--jgui
2 Iron Spring 1 Bedsteads.
1 Gas-burner Parlor Stove.
I Small t'nal Stove-
I Sheet-iron Drum.
I Clothes Press.
1 Universal Clothes Wringer.
2 dozen Zink Wash-Rubbers,
I Franklin Sewing Machine, $lO.
A Variety of Farming Implements
The Bartlett Sewing Machine.
The cheape>t reliable Sewing Machine
made, and Underclothing, and oth
er Store Goods in endless
Lewis town, Octt. 16, IsVTT.
1 Two years ago an uniformity of text (
I KKtks was happily secured for t tie schools ,
of this county, w:th the single exception i
of works on Grammar. No final decision
was made on this subject, because a fit
ting book was not found. Hinee that time, ;
however, Few smith's Elementary
Grammar and I'rwonilh's Eng
lish {.raniinar have ijeeri introduce"!
iut" Lewistowu. the Kishacoquiilas Nor
mal Institute, ai)'l have been called for by
some of the townships. In all of these
points they are highly commended by the
teachers, by l'rof. Mohler. Co. Supt." and
are recommended for general adoption.
These works have ju-t !jeen established
in the county of Clearfield, the cities of
Krie. Philadelphia, Wilmington. Del.:
Keystone State Normal School, &c., Ar.
That those districts which have not yet
introduced Pewsmith's Grammars may
avail themselves of liberal terms, bonks
have been placed in HAMH.TOX'S STORE,
L KWIS] • <w_v, at red wet introduction pri
nt. J'romp' action should be taken, a*
ail parties adopt inr/ and tending for the**
ti'i'ik* t>efr>rr tltc firtt of Januejry next. will
be furnished with them at the above rates.
T IhE NOTICE. -The undersigned,
X being about to quit the Tanning busi
ness, would notify all who are indebted
to them to come forward ami settle, and
those having claims will please present
them. J. A. A \V. It, McKEK.
Lewistown, Oct. 10, ISO".
Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Co.,
No, 4< school street, Boston.
rPH IS certifies that Dr.S.G. M'LAUGH-
J. LIN, of Lewjstown. having fully set
tled all difference between himself and
the Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Company,
is hereby fully authorized to practice un
der License given him, and he is cheer
fully recommended as a skillful and com
petent operator.
Trcaxnrer Good/par Vulcanite Co.
October 15, ISG7—3t*
The Star Shuttle
Sewing Machine.
according to style and finish.
Simplicity, Durability & Beauty.
it has but
One Moving Piece of Machinery.
and makes a
Slilfh Aiikf on DOTH Sidfs the Fabric Sewed.
That Will Not Rip or Unravel,
it is truly a
Wonderful Achievement
Inventive Genius
Mechanical Skill!
Patented March 12th, 1567.
W. G. tVILM>N' A CO., Manufacturer.
no9-tf P. P. LOOP, Agent for Mifflin co.
637 Chestnut Street, Corner of 7fh,
Practical Education for Business
Thorough and Practical Instruction in BOOK KEEP
ING in all its Branches.
Pcumnmhlp, both plain and ornamental,
: Commercial Calculations. Business Papers. ;
Commercial Law, Ac, Ac.
; Students receded at any time. Separate instruction.
| P nmanship. 3 months. $lO 00
Book Keening. 33 M *
Complete Counting House Course, includ
ing Hook keeping, Penmanship, Calcula
tion, Forms. Ac, 40 qq
I Usu.il time required for the complete course from
eight to twelve weeks.
In the practical value of its well timed course of in
struction. in the excellence of its accommodations
and arrangements, and of real advantages to busi
• ness men. this Institution is unequalled.
Catalogues mailed free on application.
We will mail, postage prepaid, the Crittenden
Commercial Arithmetic aut Business
Manual, to any one en.-losing the price, $1 25.
sep2s-3m 8. H. CRITTENDEN A CO,
I7IVE thousand pieces Wall P*ier
1 an entire new stock renewed at redu
ced prices, for sale bv
j sl3 F. G. FIIAN C ISC US, j
VTA LI" ABLE Farm at Private
> Sale.—'The undersigned offer* f or
side a good farm, part limestone land, sit
uate in Derry township, 5 mi!.- f r ,? r ?"
Lewis tow n, with church.-ehoolhouse an j
mill adjacent, containing 12! At R> ai ,
allowance, from 80 to 90 of which iire
cleared and balance in good timber, with
a g*l DWKLMSG HorU-
Y7a!i!jS Frame Hank Barn, and all
JpM 11 ijfc oecessarj-outbuildings tb it re _
raiW Spring near th
w,"li i the yard, an I w,,t.. r
in nearlyall the fieltbtand running throti"h
the barnyard. An old and a young - r [l>
on the premises.
Further information may be obtained
bv calling on the undersigned on the farm
or addressing him at Lewistown. '
Also, a good tract of Mountain land of
about 2i acres, more or less.
THE undersigned offer* at private sak-
L his farm, situated in Oliver town.-h: ,'
Mifflin county.on the Pennsylvauiat anal'
aiout. .'U miles east of McVeytown. con
taining about
15 O -A. OFtIE S ,
upwards of 9<"> acres of which are cleared,
divided intoeonvenient fields
and well watered. The im
ff§[S JA provement- consist of atwo
gjq 11 Ift ston," Stone jAt..Uiny Ho'i*r t
Bank Barn and other out
For further information inquire of
r PHE subscriber offers at private sale,
L the farm known as tire McGill Farm,
situate in Oliver township, Mifflin co ,
two miles from McVeytown. It consists
of about 130 acres; 100 of which are under
cultivation, the balance well set withgood
timlier. There are on the farm a good
House, Barn and all necessary outbuild
ing, a never-failing spring of cold water
at the door, and running water in nearly
all the fields.
There are good indications of iron ore
and it i* supposed to exist in large quan
titi-s. This is a very desirable property,
and w ill be offered cheap, on easy ierinV.
Further particulars may lie obtained on
application to Geo. W. Mcßride, Esq.,
augf-tf. ROBT. A. CLARKE.
IF © lis s£.Ss IF a
THE undersigned will offer at private
1 sale the t'lVi> following described farms,
belonging to the boa of Geo. Hi Cal
braith, l-.te of Oliver township, deceased,
No. 1. A farm f ituate in Oliver town
ship, in the county of Mifflin, alxiut 1}
miles northwest of McVeytown. contain
ing -1-3 Ac RES, of which there are 1-3 a. res
; cleared. The improvements on this farm
consist of a large STONE DWELLING
HOUSE, plastered on the outside, and
well finished within, with a good BANK
BARS, Carriage House, Corn Crib, and
other improvement*, with a very excel
lent spring of water and good stone Spring
Hons.- built over the smie; there i- also
on this farm a good Saw Mill in running
No. 2. Is a Farm adjoining No. 1, in
said township, containing 318 ACRES, of
which there are about 14b cleared. The
improvements on this farm consist of a
good Bank Barn, wit bother outbuildings.
An excellent well of water is at the house
and a good cistern of water at the barn.
Then- is a good indication of Iron Ore on
this property.
The undersigned will also offer two
■ Tracts of Timlier Land for sale, the one
; containing 96 acres, and theother4* a.-res,
more or less. Upon the latter there are
( also excellent indications of Iron ore.
10uThe above farms will be sold on lib
terms to those who wish to purchase.—
Further particulars may be obtained on
application to JOHN ATKINSON,
! Administrator of Geo. H. Calbraith, de
i ceased, at McVeytown. sep4-tf
SHERIFF'S SALE.—Ry virtue of a
O writ of Venditioni Exponas, issued
j out .if the Court of Common Plea- of the
| County of Mifflin, and to me direeh-d,
will be exposed to sale, at public outcry, at
the Court Hou-e, in the Borough of Lew
istown, on .Saturday, November 21. 1 >67,
at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following describ
ed property, to w it:
A Lot of Ground, situate on Brown
street, Lewistown, Pennsylvania, front
ing thirty feet more or less on said street,
and extending back same width to an
alley, with a two-story Frame Dwelling
House and other improvements thereon
: erected.
Seized, taken into execution, and to he
sold as the propertv of JOHN ZEIGI.KR.
W. T. McEWEN, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Offlee. Lewistown. Oct. 10. NT.
THE Male Department of this Institu
l tion will commence on the THIRD
L WEDNESDAY {lßth of September.
Tuition in the Classical Department,
s"0 per year. Tuition in the English
Department, 532 per year. Tuition
Jto lie paid half-yearly IN ADVANCE.—
j Boarding and lodging 8s 4..0 to 8.3.00
per week. Washing, fuel, and light,
j extra. Full information obtained l>v ad
dressing, JOHN LAIRD. Prin.
Till Sept. Ist direct to M<ff .ysville, Ju
niata 00., Pa., and after that to Lewistown,
Penn'a. jv3l
1(11)1.11! 4 SDIiYiM.
r PHE \\ inter Session of this Institution
L will commence on Wednesday, Octo
ber 30, and continue twenty weeks. Its
location in the flourishing village of Mil
roy. the terminus of the Mifflin and Cen
tre Railroad, in a highly romantic neigh
borhood, whose people are noted for in
telligence and sobriety, offer strong in
ducements to pupils from a distance.
Good boarding can be had at wry rea
• son able rates.
Tuition in common English branches.
813; Languages, extra. Special attention
given to mercantile and ornamental l'cn
manship. j. A . AIK HNS.
Mdroy, Mifflin co., Sept. 25. 1867. 3m
r pHE Winter Session ot this Institution
L opens on WEDNESDAY. October'J, AND
continues twenty weeks with a short va
cation during the Holidays.
Aim —Thoroughness of culture, and in
culcation of correct principles of huuian
The Institution is far removed from
places of temptation and vice common to
towns ami villages, and in other resjiecti
is a safe ami desirable place for the educa
tion of lioys and girls.
7Vrm*—Boarding, tuition, furnished
rooms, light and fuel, B>9o per session.
For further particulars, address,
sll-2m Ktshacoquillas, Mifflin co., 1a-
OOOD TEAS at reduced prices. 81
U $1.50 aa<i ti.SO ccais ptr pound at
j marts A. FKLIVS