G. & G. R. FRYSINGER, PUBLISHERS, Whole No. 2942. Poor House Business. The Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor House on the 2d Tuesday of each month. BBOTDIOT & CO., BANKERS, LEWISTOVVN, PA.. Collection* a id remittances promptly made. lut,-rest allowed on time deposits. jantSS-ly. ©SO. ELEE3,, Attorney at Law, Office Market Square, hewistown, will at tend to business in Mllllin. Centre and Hunting ; don counties mv 26 j " E. 3. au B3S.TSCIT, Attorney at Law, LEWISTOWX, PA, nFFERS bis professional services to the citizens of (I Mifflin county. Office ,n Northeast corner of the Diamond, next to Hoffman's store. my 2 & 3. iiJiliiliiT, S3. ID J PHYSICIAN AND SCRGEOJf, LcwUtowß, Pa., OFFERS his Professional Services to the Citizens of Lewistown and vicinity. Dr lliirlbui bt- the EXPERIKM Kof 15 years in tbo g ictier of Medicine and Surgery. ' inti-e on south side of Mill street, in the building j formerly occupied by IT. Worrall. jul7 ! LYCOMING COUNTY Mutual Insurance Company. Capital, $2,500,000. THIS Company continues to issue Policies of Insnr- i s, ~n Amblings and Personal Property, in Town or country, at c.i-h or mutual rates. JAMES RASKIN, President. JOSHL'A BOWMAN, Secretary. JOHN HAMILTON, Agent. janlO'67 Levristown. Pa. H. M. DUNiVISRE, DENTIST, OFFERS bis professional services to the! citizens of Mifflin county. He is prepared to per- j firm ail operations in the dental profession. Office 1 lire door from the Lewistoivn House, Main street, i where lie will be found the first two weeks of each I month, and tne last week of each month he will j visit Kisnacoquillas Valley. Teeth extracted without. ya.u by the use of nitrous oxide myl-tf Teeth Extracted Without Pain! By M. R. Thompson, D. D. S, By :i NEW PROCESS, without the use of Chloro forin. Eth*r, or Nitrous Ox /fejSr . it Market street, y ntown. Sept. 10-tf ' THE BEST IN THE WORLD'■ mliE I'NDERIGISED IS AGENT FOR THE IMPROVED SINGER SEWING MACHINE, w : h will he placed upon trial with any other now E use. He invites competion. It can be tented ZD □□. C£> CEJ CO. 1 2 IXD with any otiier machine to enable purchers to choose j TIIE BEST. TERMS LIBERAL. Give biro a call. [inarltMiml WM. LIND. C/.S. I£CI£E3CIT, TJ AS taken the Store formerly occupied If lv John Rn'im. forth" purpose ..f Carrying on the WATCH MAKING and JEWELRY Business. He u:,i Pc plc.mcd to see all Mr. Haunt's old customers, a j :o many new ones as will favor him with a call, t work warranted. Store on East Market street, n- irlv opposite the Post > tffice. Lew.-town, April "J4, 1507-tf MRS. M. E. STEWART, tS im f \df ot cvi es o u JdJ S K& WrKl Market s?., LrwUtown,' L.AG'E A GENTLEMEN'S r I'RNIsIIING GOODS, Si - cloak., Hat*. Bonnets, Ladies Km DRESa (jO')liS and Trimming*. Patterns of latest styles always on liand. Millinery and Dress-Making execuU*l in lb- most approved style. L* Mir town, Api ll I s , lfcbO.tf 3ST E W 3'eat Kstabl-isnxent. fPIIK undersigned has (i'ted tip the build I -i' in Biown street, above Frank'" store, for a I simp where Fresh Beef. Pork. Mutton, Veal. Ac c*i had at all times, ay r.e house fur the preserva ' tie at Itt-'.ng connected with the establishment, 'i e t-t Mic are invited to call. t .Th" room will be opetjed for the first tunc on evi i LAV MORNING, lt'th iu*t. J AMES S. GALBRAITH. L< .risvwn, March 13.1867—tf. Lewistov/n Coach Manufactory 3 Junction 3d & Valley street. MOSER Sc MAYES W ~ „ HAVING ASSOC IA W 1 a**-- fr '••■1 to-" ih'T for the piiri """ of r- . ni.-oula Hiring CVe/ i, Air rel it t ~ .s.iAo.-, .sprmj Ho g •• in a call and examine s|MsViincns ul their a- in':h will lie found 'pial to any in or out of the All kinds of repairing promptly attended to. deel'J-ly WiLLIAfoI LIND, has now open A NEW 6TOCK OF Cloths, Gassimeres AND VESTINGS, winch will be made up to order in the neat est and moat fashionable styles. aul9 PUT THM.IV SIIiDES. Piaia and richly (Jilt, at 1.60 per Pair at F. . FIIANCFSCUS* BRISBIN HAS McKeon k, N'anhagen's SOAP. doubt luettwiue js t J . l ;ta tbt Lu. i: or by F.J.HOFFMAN. Ilnntinfr.lon ant Broal Tup Railroad. Passenger Tratnl run as follows: a. m. |>. 111. ; Leave Huntingdon J ® 6.66 Saxton 9.30 ' , " Bloody Run Id •"'■l 853 . Arrive at Mount Dallas 10 59 557 i SHOCP'S Res Bntxcn. Leave Saxton 9.50 750 { Arrive at Dudley 10 20 8 20 llackt and Express Wagons connect at Mount Dallas for Bedford and Bedford Springs. A reliable line of Hacks | connects at Dudley for Broad Top City. MAIL. EXPRESS • a.tn. p.tn. 1 Leave Mount Dallas 6 10 130 " Bloody Kun 614 134 " Saxton 7 30 2 55 Arrive at Huntingdon 9 10 4 45 Snoop's Bus BRANCH. ] Leave Dudley 700 2.'0 ; i Arrive at Saxton 7JO 3AIO PRICES DOWN ONCE MORE. THE undersigned has large stock of Doth j Home-made und Eastern nmnufuclured linols and ! j Shoe's, which lie otiers at prices lower iban lie lias sold for four years: j Men's thick, d. Boots, warranted, from #2.75 to 5.00. I "Kip, " " " " 4 IJO to 6.00. ! i *• Calf, " " extra 4.50 to 11.00. i Boys' Boots, 1.00 to 3.00. ' j Men's thick Brogatis. double-soied, 2.00 to 2.50 | Men's split " warranted very bad, l.H' ; I Boys' Shoes, price ranging from 125 to 2 *25 i As the taxes are to be reduced again on thetirst da;, i i of August, it also enables us to reduce nur pric s I ; HOME-MADE WORK of all kinds made to | order at reduced pri. es. So come on boys and girls ' ; and examine for yourselves, i Trunks, Valises and Carpet Hags j kept on hand. Gentlemen will benr in mind that no ; | goods will be given out unless paid for. and i! re- i j turned in good order, the money will be returned, it j | requested. But when goods have been soiled or ! j worn, tlu-y will not be taken back—please tear this i ]in mind—as some folks think that weaiing lor s ; ' short liine don't injure the sale of thetn afterwards, j j augl-tf BU.LY JOHNSON. j Great Excitement at the Post Office, ON account of the new arrival of Boot* and Shoes, j at greatly reduced prices. The under>igned would ' respectfully inform the ptihhc that lie h is just Arrived ! from the eastern cities with a large Hxortineut ol i B.IOTS, SH IES AM) GAiTEKS, consisting rf Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's ' Wear, which he has purchased at "eome down" pri 1 ees. He is now prepared to sell cheaper than the i cheapest, f.r cash. Also, constantly on hand a large j j assortment of home-made work, which is mantifnc-1 ' tared tinder his own superv JNMUl. anl of tiie best ma- \ • terial ami workmanship. Boots and Slioe> made to j ! majority that the Tobacco and Cigars sold j : at Fry dinger's and Segur Store cannot be ' I surpassed, either HI Quality ° r Price. Look it the Prices, get some of the goods, and com- i pare with all others, and you will be saii-ti -d that you ! get the worth of your money at Frysinger's. PTysniajer's Spun Roll only il.wuper pound. : Erysinger's Navy " * i Frysinger's Congress " " * 4 44 Frysinger'a Flounder " 44 4 4 44 ; Wiliett Navy 44 44 * 4 44 Oionoko Twist 44 44 44 44 And other Plug Tobacco at 4 ; > and 50 cts. per lb. Cut and Jiry. 40 nd 50 ets. Granulated Tobaccos at } 50 ets.. tiO ets . SO cts.. SI.OO, -51 .20. ami $1,50 per lt. ; F:ne-Ci.t chew ing, at $1.40 and $1.20. 1 Cigars at 1, 2. 3. 5 and 10 ets. each. Ihp"s in great variety: also Cigar Cases. Tobacco! Pouches HIHI Boxes. Match Safes, and ill articles u>u illy kept in a hrst-cla-vs Tobacco and 1 ig.r Siore. 'l\> "b reijams, I offer the abovegw>ds at prieesthat will enable thetn to retail at tlie same prices that I ro and realize a fair profit. 0ct.24. E. FRYSINGEIi. BOOK AGENTS WANTED ~ To Solicit Orders lor a Sew Illustrated am* DrjTjyjAirj, (COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME ) This Ihctionary cm'"ii| the results of til.' most j i reveal. fctfi'iy. research, Hiul mvc-li:. .ti.n, iU hIKUII ; sixtv live t.f the in-.st eminent ami xdfurifiM Biblical | Scholars now living. Clergvim-aofalldcooaiinatioiix ] : approve it. and regard it as inn le-st work .f its kind in the English language, and one which might to la in the I .amis of everv Bible reader in Hie land. In (ircnlnling tins \Vork. Agents will find a pleasant land profitable employment. The numerous objer i lions whieh are Qsualiy eneoiiuleiod in selling ordi i nary works wnt not exist with tins I But. on the contrary, eneouragement and friendly j , aid wiil alien i lbs Agent, makme Ins labors agreeable, i useful unit llterative. Ladies, retired Clergymen, School Teacher*, Far . me is, Students, and all others who possess energy j | are wanted to assist in Canvassing every I'own aud j County in He eountry, u> whom tin; most liberal Jp- ] dueeinciilf will be ottered. For particulars. apply to or address PARMEL.EE BROTHERS, I auil x. 722 Sanom Street. Philadelphia. Pcnna. 623. E00? SZIB.TS. 628 Wlllll* T. HJfKiM, "Jur llv.n Jlakr." \ IT Kit more than FIVE YEARS experi em e an| experimenting in the manufacture of j *irtcVt4 tuet 'jualittf i/ocg> Skirl s. we off# r oiir justly e l i ebrate| gfioib to merchants and the public in full i confidence of their sniper.ority over all other.- in toe j American market, and they are so acknowledged by ! all who wear them, aw they give more *!)• fact ion tb n Htiv oilier Skirt, and rceommend themselves in ; every respect. Dealers in Hoop Skirts should make ! a note 1 this fact. itr rtf but;, tch*> Ua* not ytven t hem a ' f rin? should do &* without fur th< r d*/at/. I Our iivciiiiiuui <• in braces ev-ry style, length and siio for Ladies. 'Mis-es and Cbildren. Afso, Skirls 1 nifuir to order, Altered and Repaired. Ask tor-Hopkm's Own Make,'and be not deceived. See that the letter *H" is woven on lie- I'aja - between Kach Hoop, and thai (hey are stamped 4 W. T, Hopkms, M anil fact ftrer. Arch sr. Pluia. - up' n eaefi .ape No others are genuine. Also, constantly on harm a. full fine of goud New York and made Skirts, ai v• i v low pricey. Wh' k sab; and Retail. : the Phil adetpfna fio

Lewi-tow'ii, Aug.2B, 1567. ( 1 U(D OH EK-iJ. 1 irocerics, Tl 1 tried Fruit unu Honey at A. FELIX S L*OLK LEATHER und Sboe Finding*, ul- IT w nvH on hand- llnve now aonie of the best IN"! MK V. J HOFFMAN. / 1 1 LI. and examine the new and bea'i l; tiftil Cooking Stove "K<'inPSF., the beet baker, at E. G. 1' KANCISCI B • UTOV ES ofall kinds, Stove I'ipe, Coal Huekcts. fee., at greatly reiln <1 [ri ee.s, at K. < k KKANCISCI'S. lARCE stock of Stonewiro. Jars, Crocks, j Milk Fans, ifcc. Aiso Eirtben (.-rucks of good quality, at A. t KLIX. quail!v Coal Oil, Fish and Machine ) Oil, Flaxseed Oil, on hand, at A. FELIX'S. INSU RANCE AGENCY. rrME following Fire. Life. and Accidental Companies j A are represented by the undersigned: * CAPITAL. -Etna, Fire of Ilarlfurd, §4,083,000 j Putnam, " 500,000 i Home, New York 3,500,000 Gennania, " 700,000 Home, New Ilav n, 1,000,000 | North America, Philadelphia, 1,750,000 | Enterprise, " 400,000 Lj coming, I'enna., 2,500,000 Farmers, York, Pa., 500,000 American Life, Philadelphia, 1,000,000 N. Y. Accidental, New York, 250,000 IlorseThief Ins. Co. York Pa., 50,000 Tliis agency is, prepared to insure against Fire, Death < or Accident, iii any part of Mifflin county Horses are insured against theft. All business pertaining to j | insui anee promptly attended to. jan!6'67 JOHN HAMILTON, Agent. ! THE OLD STAND AHEAD J Hamaker & Montgomery, RAY E associated together for the pur posf of manufacturing Coaches, Buggies, Cania j ges, Sulkies, Spring Wagon*. at 111 Alt:*' OI.IJ hTANI), i in Valley street, Lewi-town. They are prepared to I do all kinds of w>rk m their line, in an elegant and workmanlike manner, and invite the citizens of town i | ana vicinity to call and examine their new tfock on hand. Before jnindiasing cl-cwhere, a.** all work m;jas on SIDE SEAMS. Til E greatest improveiricnt of the age, in this line of trade. Ist. It d-*es away with the wrinkles on the instep, also, with the welted side s-attt whiuh has injured su many feet and tinkles. 2d. it makes the easfst sitting and hc-t fittingl*oot ever worn. This hoot is now manufin lured by P. K. Loop, who holds the right of u-e for the eonnty, and is prepared to furnish all who wish to wear tin's ls*ot. A liberal dis count t<* dealers who wish to deal in these boots. Or ' ibTs filled at sliorl notice Prices greatly reduced on 1 all goods a'. P. F. Loop s Shoe Store. febtl S. O. FVTCURDY, with Benson, Campbell & Co., Cominisxkn >lrrrlianls k Wholesale Grocers, 5U7 M'rrkrt Str f, Pitilttf/i /jiliid. I>AKTICI*LAK attention giveji No sales of Cinscng. 1 Woo'. Woolen Yarn. Pur skins. Deer Skins.Sheep | Skins. I- laxsoed.Cloverseed. Feathers. Leather, Roots. I Dried Print. Butler, Beeswax. Eggs. Ac. j All goods warranted to give entire satisfaction, and i sold at 'lie lowest city prices. I pleas - call and l-> convinced. Also, a full line of Tobacco kept constantly on hand. fylo-6m dOn nn AtiKNTS WANTED—iluoon— \|a|. arid UU p. male, to in l roil tie- ■ v IIW l'A li.N I . | MAR SHPI ILK SKWINU MACHINE. It is adapt ! Ed for family use and Tailoring. It makes a stitch alike on both aides. Price only 1 W l'.N 11 DOLLARS. Kxtra-ordinarV inducements t . Agents. P**r lnll|* All kio-l- of DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES, \\J AURANTED I'll UK, constantly on \ V hand. Shoulder Braces. Trusses. Spinal and Abdominal Supporters procured Irotri the best and most reliable manufacturers, ordered expressly for the patient at a small per (-enrage. I would m-*re especially call the attention of Far mers and Farriers to my K X C E la S I O 11 OIL, fn r cuts, woun-ls, bruises, old sores, scratches, in fact .omost ail the external diseases incident to the horse Also, a most reliable cure b-r frosted feet. Patient- ntfeeted with chronic diseases writ secure the rnosi careful and correct examination, and will Iw trented as successfully as their diseases will possibly admit. No charge for examination or advice. Hours of consultation frsin 11 o clock, a. m to 4 o'clock, p m. H. MARTIN, M. D. Lcwisiowu, March 20, ISO"—tf ORIGIN & HISTORY OP THE BOOKS OF THE BY PROF. CALVIN K. STOWE, It. D. \WOKK of real value, and an almitst indispensa ble companion of the Bible, showing vhut the Bi ble i not. what it is, and how to use it. an-wcriug at the objections to-its fiuthehnctl.V urged by modern m li'h-ls, aii-1 tracing the authority of each book up it its in-pired authors, giving a vast amount of inlor million heretofore Picked up in very rare and 11} making one of the most popular books evei published. 1000 AtiKNTS WANTED. Experienced agents, clergymen. Indies, schon teacher-, and others should send at once lor circular* givmg father sep2s-Jm 501 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Pa HOMEOPATHIC I'MYSIOIAN ANI SURGEON, AFPERS his professional services to thegitizenso 0 l.ewi-iown and vicinity, "thee Ma... street, op nosite the Court House, (Lewistowm House.) All orders by mad or dispatch promptly attended to Alijiust 2H, lSi7-tf. REFINED SAPONIFIER. T7IOR 2-j cents vof, steep or TL.U. and CAN BO readily applied by any one. TIIE L*. S (.-ivcruinent, after a THOROUGH t'st of its | utility, have adapted its USE iu the Navy Yards, and UPON PUBLIC Buildings. The Roofing is put up in rolls, and has only to be j nailed to the Roof to make U Durable and ater-Proof Covering. We particularly recommend its u>e upon Buildiugs, Store*, Churches, Factories. Machine Sbojs, Steamboat Dicks, IC. MICA ROOFING PAINT, For coating TIN. IKON, or STNXULT ROOFS. It forms a Bod*/ F.'fim 1 to Three Coots of Ordinary/ Paint. No Roof can rust under it, and old leaky Hoofs may BE I made permanently water-proof and durable by its use. J The Paint requires xo MIXING, but is ready to be ftp- , plied with the ordinary paint brush. Prir*, $\ per gal- \ ton. which will cover two hundred square leet. Also manufacturers of Black Lustre Varnish, Tarred left cmd Roofing Pitch. Discount to tiie Trade. Circulars ami Price List fur- J Dished. Kighi> for counties sold at low rams. Address j THE MICA HOOFING COMPANY, 11)4 Bromiwy, N. Y. ' Frank Humphreys, 6! Ituyul >t .N. U.: Schofield j Williams .V Co., Augusta, Ga.; Baldwin H. Woods I Monlgomerv, Ala.; J hos. S. Coates. Katcigli, N. K. ) A. Tucker lliehrnoud, VAG Henry Wilson, I'eU-islairg, | Va., Agents. jan23 -♦ Tailoring Establishment (SIEiXIBEaISS Wo (£21U;113£ 9 MERCHANT TAILOR, has removed his shop to the buildihg formerly known AS the - green house," ; at the intersection of Valley and M ill street, adjoining j H. M. & IT. Prait's store, where he cordially invites all ' who need anything in his line. Goods and Trim- J ; mines furnished and gentlemen's clothing made, in J the latest styles, on short notice, and at reasonable prices. apll-tf WHAT'S ALL THIS? | Why the Grain Business is Rimed al Mc- Coy's Old Stand. r plIE undersigned, having rented the 1 large and commodious Warehouses formerly I "ET UNIED hy Frank McCoy, E-q., is now prepared to ; j purchase or receive and forward ALL KlflDS OF GRAIN, I for which he will pay market prices. Also, h>- will I ; keep for sake, SALT. PLASTER. IOAL and FISH. ; j Ho returns thanks to all his old customers for their | former patronage, and shall feel grateful tor a renewal ! ! of past bil-:nes relations. Merchants will tind it to their advantage to give him \ a call. T inarU->i WILLIAM WILLIS. | Brown's Mills. r pllK undersigned tiro prepared to ! buy all kiwis of Produce for o:\sh, or receive on j store at Brown's Mills, Reedsville, Pa. We w ill Lave i jon band PLASTER, SALT AND COAL. We intend keeping the mill constantly running, and hare rilliJil, nt'J, AS., A3, lor sah* at the lowest Market rates, at all tunes. Va The public are requested to give u- a eat I. ; scjiJTtf H. STRT'NK K HOFFMAN*, j A. FF.I.IX. W. H. FEI.I.X FURNITURE. Pilaus & S@XTS HAVE on hand a good assortment of Furniture oi all kinds suitable to furnish a house out and out. J j Spring and Common Mattresses, and EXTENSION TABLES, j of any si/.--s and prices to suit the times. : \\v" cordially invite the attention of both old and ! voting, groat and small. No charges for showing good-. ' 'all and examine before purchasing elsewheie. Thankhil for (>ast favors ami hoping a continuance of the same, we remain, yours. Ac. Lewbsiown, March l.j, fso7-!f FELIX & SON. JII umtm MTIII, QQIK undersigned having resumed busi -1 iiess it this establishment with a force of suprri i OR wot kmen. announces to the public that lie HA, now | AMI wail keep constantly on hand ITH assortment of ! excellent which he wall deliver to merchants at a reasonable di.-tajee, and at the usual DISCOL .\T PRICES, or retail.ut his Ware-rooms at the Pottery. All orders promptly attended to. JOHN IHPPLE. I.ewistown, July 24. lSij7-3m. PELOUBET ORGANS AND saana©aDis®HS9 UNANIMOUSLY AAVAKDED THE FIRST PRIZE, A GOLD MEDAL, " The Best Cabinet Organs American Institute, New York, Octolwr, 1 Hl',6. Being pronounced superior iu QTALITY. POWER, and VVHIEIY OR I'ONF., ami in number of eomhinations. •'As the best instruments of America were there contending, whichever won that battle would have noihing lei to conquer"— Am. Art JourrnU, (edited by a welt-known innsienl critic.) They have also taken the tirskpremium wherever exhibited this season. PEDAL ORGAN'S, one. two, and three banks o! KEYS— six sizes —s2so to $1.500. Without pedals, single and double bank, in great variety, to MAE. These ORGANS, wiih their smooth pipe-like quality ol tone, beautiful solo stops, strength of chorus, unequally, pedals, and general organ-like effects, ARE superirs for CharrUo, Hulls, Parlors, and Sclioola. They are put u|> IU cases of SOLID WALXUT, fancy ven eered Walnut, (now and unique sty lea) and elegant Rosewood, of splendid designs and finish. and of the Uist workmanship,!— it being intended that AULI in strument snail be a model of its class. All instru ments. DOWN to a five octave portable Metodeou. have the beautiful Tremolante stop, without extra charge. •\ LAR-e assortment constantlv oil hand at ourGEN EUAI.'vViP ILESALK A RETAIL WORKROOMS, 841 BROADWAY. ,_ . .. Hur Illustrated Circular and Price Lists, with our new Sl\ les. are now ready. Send for a Circular. i'ELUURET, I'ELTON & CO., 120 Manufiictuters,B4l Broadway, N.Y "Weber & Son, H AVE the largest, assortment and best . selected stock of GROCERIES in this section of country. Brown Sugars l'rom , 1" to 1"> cts White Sugar K> Pulverized, Granulated and Broken Boat Sugar. SYRUPS. Lovering's Syrup, $1 2<> per Gallon, Other Syrups, 25 and 28 ets. per quart. Baking Molasses. COFFEES. Extra Prime Coffee, 3D ets. Prime Coffee, 28 " Also, a large stock of MACKEREL and HERRING. Ground Alum, and Ashton's Refined Dairy Salt. PRIME FACTORY CHEESE. Shephard's Pittsburg Crackers always on hand. feIHJ. BEST Bar Iron, at 4J, and other kinds low at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. OUIT II RESIDE. Rich Autumn, vitli her golden store May count her treasure o'er and o'er, And say such wealth did ne'er before The land betide; And fruits and flowers, and yellow sheaves Are gathered in. and withered leaves Are all the traveller's eye perceives In prospect wide : Hut give to me the sheltered room, Where neither mind's nor season's gloom j Can blight our joyous mental bloom By our fireside! How sweet to ramble through some book, j Or chat with fnetflls in social nook, With Children round, on whom to look With honest pride! i And then to have the meeting crowned With some old ditty's cordial sound, Or sit and hear the tale go round, Or aught beside Which may the passing hour engage— Of life we'll con the varied page, I And hope for happy, good old age By our fireside. SHOPPING. She stood beside the counter, — The day he'll ne'er forget, She thought the muslins dearer Than any she'd seen yet; lie watched her playlul fingers The silks and satins toss; The clerks looked quite uneasy, And nodded at the boss. 'Show me some velvet ribbon, Barege and Satin turk,' She said, I want to purchase!* Then gave the goods a jerk; The clerk was all obedience, — He traveled "on his sh pe;* At length, with hesitation, She bought a yard of tape. -Jttisccllaneous. Long Credits. A licit man was asked to contribute i to a certain benevolent work, and the ; solicitor quoted the text, 'He that giv • cth to tho poor lendeth to the Lord,j and that which he hath given will he' pay him again.' The merchant replied, with a smile, ! ■Your security is no doubt good, and your interest liberal, but 1 do not like j to lend on such long credits,' and he j ! coolly bowed the collector out. A fas, the day of settlement was not! so far off to this 'poor rich man.' In two short weeks he was called to his i lust account. And so the day of our j death seems far off to ail of us. We are reckoning on long credits still, when one messenger after another has been sent to warn us that our term of j stewardship was drawing to a close ; When wo see one and another cut down suddenly about us, it leaves but a transient impression on our minds and hearts. We think that a like ca lamity will never come to us. H>w fearful the surprise, too often, when a sudden summons calls the soul to stand before its judge. A young man in the full flush of health was suddenly thrown from a j carriage,and so severely injured, he was I taken in a house near at hand, and a ! physician immediately called. The first question the youth asked, as ho fixed his eye piercingly upon him, was, 'Sir, must I die? Must I die? L>o not deceive me in this matter.' The physician informed him that he could not live an hour. Then his whole soul awakened to a lull sense of the dreadful reality. 'Must I, then, go into eternity in an hour? And I have made no prepara tion for such an event. I knew that impenitent youths were sometimes cut off thus suddenly, but it never entered my mind that I was to be one of the number.' Then wildly crying out, 'Oh, what must I do to be saved?' he passed into eternity. There was no time then for explanation. So, too, it may bo with us. Death may knock as suddenly at our doors, and we can meet it with composure onlv when we have Christ for jjur friend. When ho is our hiding place we shall fear no evil. Death isouren emy, and he is strong and pitiless. — Hut we do not fear au earthly toe when we have a sate retreat, into which he can never enter, where nono of his wiles can reach us. Even at the mo mcnt when this foe seems to triumph our conquest is complete. 'Thanks be unto Cod,, who giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ.'— Cor. S. S. 1 imes. Handkerchief Flirtations. Some genius has recently reduced to a system the popular habit of getting up flirtations by means of handker chiefs. The language of flowers is out of dato. It is too elaborate and round about a mode of conveying the tender emotions. Commend us to the baud kerchief. The use of it is so handy so natural, and so easily acquired, that any one who has tried it will at once perceive its advantages over tho old complicated system. Tho handker chief, too, is suggestive in connection with Think ofthc troubles that poor Dcsdemona got into by not LEWISTOWN MIFFLIN COUNTY, PA- talcing proper care of that ill starred handkerchief which the Egyptian wo man gave to old Mrs Othello. Truly, as his Moorship remarked, 'there's - magic in the web of it.' Let any one look in of a Saturday afternoon, to the matinees at some of our theatres, andj he will say there is vast deal of mean-; ing in a handkerchief. But hitherto it has been an unwritten language,; and those who use it have known but little of its fundamental principles. Hence the many mistakes and miscon ceptions which too often follow, just as} with too persons conversing in a lan- j guago with which both are unfamiliar. The following key may serve as a use ful guide to the young of both sexes who are ambitious to acquire this ele gant accomplishment: — Drawing across the lips —Desirous of getting acquainted. Drawing across the eyes—l am sorry. 1 Taking by centre —You are too will ing. Dropping —We will be friends. Twirling in both hands —Indiffer- ence. Drawing across the check —I love you. Drawing through the hands—l hate you. Letting it rest on the right cheek- Yes. Letting it rest on the left cheek—No. Twirling in left hand—l wish to get rid of you. Twirling in right hand —I love i another. Folding it—l wish to speak with ! you. Over the shoulder —Follow me. Opposition corners in both hands— Wait lor inc. Drawing across the forehead —We ; are watched. Placing on left car—l have a mes sage for you. Letting it remain on the eye —You are cruel. Winding it round fore finger—l am en fc ra g cd - _ Dr. tiungsluiic. Sir Roderick Murchison has heard from Mr. Young, who commands the Livingstone search expedition. On the 20th July, the party had been convey ed to the Kongohi, mouth of the rivei Zambesi, in her majesty's ship Petrel Commander Gordon, and were üboul to cross the bar in their steel boat or the following day. They had beeu abundantly supplied with all neccssa I ries by the naval authorities at the cape. The expedition had been strength encd by the addition of two Ivrooraen and an English stoker from the Petrel. Mr. Young brought from the capo two negro youths who bad been formerly liberated from slavery b}- Livingstone, and who. it was believed, would be of good use as interpreters. After describing the great changes which have taken place in relation to land and water at the mouths of the Zambesi, the entrance of the east Lug bo being completely changed, and Pearl Island disappeared, the letter thus concludes: '1 have not altered my views respecting the probable time of our return to the mouth of the Zum besi. and have written to the senior officer at the cape for a ship to meet us there on the Ist of December. In conclusion, 1 am happy to state that as far as lean judge, wc are supplied with everything we can need, are all in the enjoyment of perfect health, and look forward confidently to a successful ac eomplishintnt of our undertaking. Frightful Death of Three Chil dren. A widow, Mrs Blankenship, living near Bowling Green, Kyi, went to a run to wash, taking with her her en tire family, two little sons and a baby daughter, followed by their dog. The dog ran off a short distance into the woods, and began barking furiously. It was thought he had treed some game, and with the mother's consent, the littlo fellows went to secure it The gamo proved to be a large rattle snake. They wore too small to know the naturo of the creature, and delight ed by its glittering coils, the eldest ran to catch the prize, saying, 'l'll get him, brother.' The venomous reptile darted, and struck its venomous fang.- a "am and again into the flesh of the Mowing, eager child, and wound it* terrible folds about him. The youngei brother ran to his rescue, and was also repeatedly bitten. Their screams brought the mother. When she arrived the eldest boy was dead, and the younger one lived but long enough to tell what happened. The snake had crawled off, and alone in the woods, with the blackened and swollen corpses of her two darlings, Vol. 57, No. 42. tho mother for a time, forgot her in fant down by the run. Returning to her she found the corpse of her baby girl in tho wash tub. She had todd.ed to it and fallen in head foremost. Who found her, or how she found assistance ; to bring to her desolate home all that was left of her children is not told, but the Bowling Green Democrat, which gives the account, says the poor moth jer is not quite bereft of reason, and that the event has created a profound sympathy in the whole community. A Snake in a Boy's Stomach. —A boy aged eight years, son of Benjamin Whisler, residing in Mifilin township, a short distance from Newville, Cum berland county, has been seriously af flicted for some time past on account of having a living snake in his stom ach. The presence of the young rep tile was discovered about two years ago, and by a rapid growth it has at tained a size fhat renders it very pain ful to the boy. Thirteen physicians assembled at the family residence last week and hold a consultation, when it was decided that tho only manner in which tho reptile could be removed was by cutting open the stomach ot the sufferer. The boy has not taken any food except sweetmeats and new milk for more than a year past, and has a horror of everything else in tho !shape oi nourishment. The case is a very singular one, and may be consid ered by many in the light of a snako stor}*, but we assure our readers that the facts above stated are strictly true. —liar. Tel., 1 Oth Oct. An Aycnt of the Lord. —Deacon Simes was an austere man who followed oy stering and was of hardshell persua sion. Tho deacon 'alus made itapint' ; to tell his customers that tho money which he received for 'isters' did not, belong to him. 'The good father made the 'isters,'' said the deacon, ' and tho money is his'n; I'm only a stooart.' jOne Sunday morning the old fellow was tearing round from house to bouso with a suspicious bit of currency in his hand, and more than a suspicion of rage in his face. Some ore had given him a bad fifty cents, and lie ' was'nt goin' to meetin' till that ar' was fixed up' 'Why deacon,' said one of his ; customers, whom he had tackled about it, 'what's the odds? what need you care? tien't yours, you know; you are only a steward; it isn't your loss.' Tho deacon shifted his shoulder, walked to the door, unshipped his quid, and said, 'Yaas, that's so; but if you think that I'm goin' to stand by and see the Lord cheated out of fifty cents, you are mis taken. 1 don't foster no such feclin'.' ESS- A dish-washing machine has been invented by a Westerner, which is thus described: Tho machine pro per comprises a box sixteen inches long, ten inches wide, and twelve feet (for water) two sets of brushes, a lever and a crank. The dishes are placed on a slide worked by the lever and are low ered between the brushes, which are moved backward and forward as brisk ly as may be required. Bj- a peculiar construction of the wooden backs of these brushes a current of water is continually thrown against the dishes, sufficient to clean them of any ortfj iary substance, and the brushes are sure to remove any other article that nay have adhered to them. Double Murder by Chloroform. —A hor ihle murder was committed at G'en ,ral City, Colorado, on the night of tho jtfa October. A man named Bryan Liosbrook induced his wife to go to ;hurch, ho staying at home to care tor .he children. While she was away, ae gave the two children chloroform and then bled them to death. After his wife came home, he and she retired. Lie gave her chloroform, and then took it himself. She awoke during tho night, got up and went to a neighbor's house, but was not able to tell what was tho matter until morning. Tho father and mother will recover. —St. Caul (Minn.) Cress , G//i. Isaac Reynolds aud William Quillans, both without legs, and accom plishing locomotion with their arms, had a one mile race in Cincinnati a few weeks ago, for a purse of 81,000. Reynolds weighs 105 and Quillins 120 pounds. The race was won by Rey nolds in eleven minutes and fifteen seconds. A moderately largo crowd witnessed tho singular contest. SEND 25 CENTS] 1,1 OR a complete and concise POCKET : ACCOUNTANT, for business men, by.W. T. liarniU, A. M. Sent postpaid. Address, GEO. It. FItYSINGER, Lewis town, Pa.