% kittle #un JBotr and 3&en. Latent from Sonar Writer*. The man who ' Hreampt I dwelt in Marble Halls,' has opened a marble; quarry there, and is doing a thriving business in getting out grave stones. ) The author of 4 Carry me back to old Virginia,' has opened a livery stable! nod is carried back in his own convey-' since whenever he wants to be. The man who sang 4 1'rn lonely since my Mother died,' isn't quite so lonely now. The old man married again, and his stepmother makes it lively enough lor him. The author of 'Life on the Ocean Wave,' is gratifying his taste for the sea by tending a saw mill. He will be on the water now. The author of ' Shells of the Ocean,' is in the clam business. The man who wanted to ' Kiss him for his mother,' attempted to kiss his mother for him the other day, and him gave him a walloping 'for his mother.' The one who wailed so plaintively, ' I>o they miss mo at home V was miss ed the other day, together with a neighbor's wife He is missed by a wife and seven children The author of 'Three blind mice,' has started a menagerie with them. The manavho wrote ' Five o'clock in the morning,' found that no saloons were open at that early hour where he could get his bitters, so he lies rather late now. ' Give me a cot in the valiey 1 love,' has got a cot in the infirmary. Mein Golt! The man who sighed,' Take me home to die,' took L)r. Swyers' System Ren ovator, and is now a 'Fine old Irish gi rifleman.' ' Meet me by moonlight alone,' has left off Meat, and taken to drink The author of' Roll on, silver moon,' has opened a ball alley. Silver moonj can't roll on his alley without paying; lor it. The disconsolate one who sings— ' Have you seen my Maggie?' has heard of her. Another feller informs him. through the music store, that ' Mag gie's by my side.' 4 I'd offer thee this hand of mire,' has been sued for breach of promise. 4 G! Susanna,' has settled with her at length, and don't owe Susanna any! more. The author of the ' Old Arm-chair,' is still in the furniture business. He who pleaded 4 Itock me to sleep, mother, rock me to sleep,' has been gratified. His mother, yielding to his repeated solicitations, picked up a rock and rocked him to sleep. He hasn't woke up yet. The one who asked, ' Who will care for mother now,' has finally concluded to take care of the old woman himself, as no one else seems inclined to. The Wrong l>lsh. A Californiacountry gentleman, with his two sons, went to Marysville to get their pictures taken. In order to have the beys properly prepared, he asked him for a basin of water to wash their f.ices. The artist informed the custo iner that he would find a wash dish in the other room, and he retired and gave the boys a clean wash. After the pictures were taken, it was noticed that the lads began to grow black in the face, and continued to get blacker and blacker. The true state of the case immediately occurred to the ope rator—the hoys had washed their fa ces in the wrong dish, a basin of chem icals prepared for pictures. There was no remedy then for accident. Thesil ver wash was turning the faces of the boys blacker and blacker, and there was no other way than to let the chemicals perfect the work. The gen tleman left with his boys, and by the time ho reached home, his wife had two fine mulatto children. oi,Sir John Irwin was a favorite with George, 111., who once observed to him, 4 They tell mo, Sir John, that you love a glass of wine.' 4 Those,' re plied Irwin, 4 who so informed your majesty have done me a great injus tice —they should have said a bottle.' How was Jonah punished ? He was whaled. How long did Cain hate his brother? As long as he was Abel. Why is the tolling of a bell like the prayer of a hypocrite? Because ii is solomn sound from a thoughtless tongue. CjgjuA little boy having asked his mother what a 4 blood relation' meant, being told it meant near relations, said, after a moment's" thought, ' Then mother, you must he the bloodiest re lation I've got.' insurance agent, urging a citizen to get his life insured, said : 4 Get your life insured for ten thousand, and then if you die next week the wid ders heart will sing for joy.' S6£r It was an apt answer of a young lady who being asked what was her native place, replied, 4 I have none, I am the daughter of a Methodist cler. gyman.' t?su It is asserted that the Chief Secretary of Ireland, who is the owner of a fine ostrich, which was recently safely delivered of an egg, received tho following telegram from his stew ard : ' My Lord, as your lordship is out of the country, I have procured the big gost goose I could find to sit on tho os trich's eggs.' fcsru. A gentleman, after having paid his addresses to a lady for some time, 4 popped the question,' and the lady in a frigbtenod manner exclaimed : 4 You scare me, sir!' The gentleman did not wish to fright en the lady, and consequently remain ed quiet for somo time, when she ex claimed : 4 Scare mo again.' We did not learn how affairs turned out, but should think that it was pret ty near his turn to bo scared. 1807. pw GOODS! AT NATHANIEL KENNEDY'S STORE, In the Odd Fellows' Hall. TUST received from Philadelphia, a J very choice assortment of SGWtSSansySa Gingham*. Flannels, Cherk. Hk-kory, Foreign and domestic Dry Goxis of a i kind/%. ALSO, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Cliocolatc, of Cofiee, Stone ware. Hardware and < "edarware,Shoul der*. Hams, Mackerel. Herring, Slmd. Roots and Shoes. Oram Bag- Also, a fine lot of Whisky, BRANDY, Wine and Gill, SALT, Ac. Ac, which will be sold vcrv low. Country Produce taken ,n exchange for goods by K gyjjg DY> Lcw.itown, October 11. 1865. PELOUBET ORGANS AND UNANIMOUSLY AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE, A COLL) MEDAL, " The Best Cabinet Organs," American Institute. New York. October. 1865. Reins pronounced superior in QUALITY. Powza, and VARIETY or l ose, and in number of combinations. -As ibe best instruments of America were there contending, whichever won thai batile would have nothing lef to conquer " — Am. Art Journal, (.edited by a well-known musical critic.; They have also taken the first premium wherever exhibited this season. PEDAL ORGANS, one. two. and three hanks ot keys—six sires—s-50 to $1.500. Without pedals, single and douLle tank, in great v .riety. $65 to $l5O. These Organs, with their smooth nijte like quality of nine, beautiful solo stops, strength of chorus, unequalle. pedals, and general organ-like effect*, are superio. for Churches, Halls. Parlors, mid Schools. They ar- put up in eases <€ SOLID WALMUT, fancy ven eered Walnut, fnew and unique styles) and elegant Rosewood of splendid designs and finish, and of tho best workmanship.!—it being intended that each in strument shall he a model of its class. All instru ments. down to a five octave portable Melodeon. have the beautiful Tremolante stop, without extra charge. A large assortment constantly on hand atourGEN ERAL WHOLESALE A RETAIL WAKEROOMS, 511 BBOADWAT. tur Illustrated Circular and Price Lists, with our new sivles. are now ready. Send for a Circular. "PELOUBET, HEi/1 ON <& CO., 120 Manufactuiers,B4l Broadway,N. Y. ROBERT W. TATTON, 801TB SIDE OF BARRET STREET, LEWISTOWS, 1A. HAS jiiHt received and opened at his es tablishment a Dew supply of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, &.C., which he will dispose of at reasonable prices, lie invites all to give him a call and examine his stock, which embraces all articles in his line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to make selections who desire to purchase. ffaßf KEPAIKI NO neatly and expeditiously attended to, and all work warranted. Thankful for the patronage heretofore re ceived. he respectfully aks a continuance of the same, and will endeavor to please all who may favor him with their custom. feb2 Pennsylvania Railroad, Trains leave Stations in this county as follows : J.CJ ve Westward. Phil'a Fast Emi- Ex. Mail. Line. graut. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. Lewistuwn, 5.30 400 023 10 58 ; Granville, 4 17 11.15 McVeytown, 6.00 4.37 11.40 Manayunk, 4.49 11 54 X. Hamilton, 5 01 12.13 Leave. Eet*ticfird. Phi!'* F**t Day Cin. Ex. Line. Way. Ex. Ex. n. in. a.m. a. in. a.m. p.m. L wistnwn, 12.17 5.59 10 15 11.06 0.38 ! \ T . Hamilton, 9 15 I Manayunk, 9 30 McVeytown, 9.42 i Granville, 10 01 The Stock Freight east stops for way passenger* as ! follows: N. Hamilton, 625 p m.: Manayunk, 6.52 p. : m : McVeytown, 7.12 p. in.; Granville, 7.47 p. m.; Lew , istowu, 5.0.'1 p. in. Fare to liarnsburg $210; to Philadelphia 5 85; to i V w Y'ork 7.'">o; Altoona 2 50; to Pittsburgh 6 55; to i Baltimore 5 20 ; to York 3 20; to Hagerstown 4.55; to i Reading 4."0. ' ZtrToe ticket office will be open 20 minutes before i the arrival of each passenger train. THOMAS SCHELL, Agent. Galbraith A Conner's ommbus-ies connect with all the passenger trains, and take up and set down pas sengers at all points within the borough. Orders are requested to be left at the National House. < P T Vr FIRST PREMIUM V . Or A Silver Medal iA. WAS AWAXDCD TO BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE By the >?. H. Btatc Agricultural Society, at iU >'ir holdcn in Nashua, Sept.3D t 10U& BARRETT'S Vegetable Hair Restorative Jlentfirea Gray Hair to lt natural color. Pro -a mo'.r* the gr >wth of the flair. Changes '/it roots to their original organic ectiun. LraJi cats* liaudruft and Humors. Prevents Ilair lallli f out. Is a Superior Dressing. It contains no injuriotis ingredients, and is the most popular and reli able article throughout the - >v East, Writ, N'orth and W ■V A.' J. R. BARRETT & CO., Propri.tor*, MANCHESTER, H. K. Sold by Druggists generally. mar27-om* Teeth Extracted Without Pain! By M. R. Thompson, D, D. S, a;. By NEW PROCESS, without the use of Chloro form. Ettier. or NitrounOx x ide. himl in attended by no l lt jr near Eiseubiae'a hotel, LEWISTOWN, where he can be found for professional consultation. Lewistown, Sept. 10-tf SHOEMAKERS, rpHE l*Bt qualities of SOLE LEATHER, 1 KIP, UPPER and CALFSKINS, on hand ; also, nil kinds of LININGS, TOOLS, ic. f Ac., which I am selling low. apr3 J. B. SELUEIMER. imm &£jw A LOT OF THE CELEBRATED Cucumber-wood Well & Cistern PUMPS, mi inav vi 02am IN THE COUNTRY THOS. ST ROUP. Lewistown, May 29, 1807-tf. LMtJESH stock of the best Mackerel and JJ Herring, in all-sired kits, on band at A. FELIX'B iTUD M 3 933 2339 ! FRUIT JARS? | "THE HERO," I AT PRATTS' * Is said to he the Best. And at Pratts can he found the finest and lest of Sugars and Syrups. Mess Shad and Fine Mackerel, ARE SOLD Cheap at Pratts\ Tea, Coffee, Starch, and a full line of IPXTIRJB SPICES always on hand at PRATTS'. Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets, Kentucky Jeans, Cottonades, Linings, Checks, &c., a full line at PRATTS', and WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. DRESS GOODS! A large lot to be closed out Cheap at Pratts'. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, from } to 10 4 jards wide at Pratts', AT LOW PRICES for the tirncs. lO DOZEN Ladies' Cor setts at PRATTS', to be sold from §1.50 to §2.50 each. RIBBONS, RIBBONS, All Colors & Widths, AT PRATTS', COME AND BEE US, AS WE WILL DO YOU NO HARM. Pratt, Law & Pratt. Lewistown, July 24, 1867. 33 91391) 73 IP D 99321, r FHE undersigned bavin? resumed husi JL nesH at this establishment with it force of superi or workmen, announces to the public that he has now and will keep constantly on hand an assortment of excellent which he will deliver to merchants at a reasonable distance, and at the usual DISCOUST PRICKS, or retail, at his Ware-rooma at the I'ottery. All orders promptly attended to. . , JOHN DIPPLE. Lewistown, July 24,1897-3ro. Straw Goods! Straw Goods!! Cheaper than Ever Offered before AT DANIELS & STONE'S. _ W* art* continually receiving every few days from New York, all the LATEST STYLES OF Ladies and Misses Bonnets and Hats, which we se i al the very fiO W ESI PRICES. We have a very heavy stock of Ribbons, Silks, Flowers, Straw Trimmings, and everything connected with the Ml LINERY LINE, and also a large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, especially (Vent's and Boys fine Calf BOOTS. We have a large stock ol Men's and Boys FUR AND "WOOL HATS AND CAPS Also. NOT TONS OB' ALL KINDS, including Ladies?*nd Gent'* Hosiery and Kid Glove*. \Ve orft-r our Milinery Goodsst Philadelphia price*, LewiKtcwn, April 17.1567. RING'S TE] GRAY HAIR. ' Thlslt the Am qkobia that King made. WjjtL\ This Is the Cnrt that lay *£*)(, rff 1 In the Akßuosix that Biag rnada, £Thia la the Man who was bald and Who now has raven locko, they say. He used the Core that lay In the Ajubosla that King mode. jMnjfcr N This la the Maiden, handsome and Who ii'arried the man once bald and Who now haa raven locks, they ssy. Me m*do, tU< AiIBKOSIA tbat §Thls Is the Parson, who, by the way. Married the maiden, handsome and To tie matt onee bald and gray. But who now haa raven locks, they Because he used the Care that lay In the Aiidhosia that King made. This Is the Bell that rings away /* jaß; To arouse the people sad and gay \ /nfi_ I'nto this fsct, which here does lay— ) If you tcouid not be balrl or gray, . !MKEK&Y? L'U the AMBROSIA that Ring node. L M.TUBBS & CO., PROPRIETORS, PETERBORO', N.H. For sine by Chas. Kitz. Lewistown. ap24-6m 3500 CORDS CIIESTHT O.IK USD HEMLOCK BARK, Delivered at the Tannery of J. SPATTCGIB & 00., I.EWISTOWm, For which the highest market price will be paid in CASH. Lewistown, marl4-ly Lewistown Mills. TIIE HIGIIEST CASn PRICES FOR WHEAT, AM) ALL KINDS OF GRAIN, or received it on storage, at the option of those having it for the market. They hope, by giving due and personal at rent ion to business, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. toy* EL ASTER, SALT and Limeburners COAL alwaysonhand WM. B McATEE & SON. Lewistown, Jan. 1, 1865.-tf Brown's Mills. jTPIIE undersigned are prepared to ; buy all kinds of Produce for cash, or receive on | store at Brown's Mills, Kcedsville, Pa. We will have on hand PLASTER, SALT AND COAL. We intend keeping the mill constantly running, and j have ALYJ.IL ?233, j lor sale at the lowest Market rates, at all times. •fcti-The public are requested to give us a call. scp27tf H. ST HUNK A HOFFMAN'S. 329 M MilUt 93*91, FEED, constantly on hand at BLYMYER'S STEAM MILL, Lewistown March 27, 18G7—3m. BRIBBIN HAS McKenn & Vanhagen's SOAP. samples of which were distributed a few days | ago; al*o. Babbit's Soap, Dobbin's Soap, | Hosier's " Castile I Toilet, " Ac., Ac, Ac. ALSO, j Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, and Corn, iust received, j and very cheap. mayß UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. , r |YllE must convenient, most durable and ! X therefore the cheapest Wringer ever made. Has taken more first premiums at State and General Fairs, and is used by more people than all other Wringers together. For xalc by J. B. SELHEIMER. Corn Planter. | r PIIE ROUGH and READY Corn Planter i , X for sale by J. B. SELHEIMER. MH3 IDDITfI MILM. CALL AND SEE, F. J. HOFFMAN. June 19, 1867. LUMBER AND COAL. INCH HOARDS, 2-INCII BOARDS, FLOORING, SIDING, ! SCANTLING, SHINGLE LATH, PLASTERING LATH, atld SASH. ALSO, All kinds of Coal. All kept under roof, nnd for Bale by SAMUEL COMFORT, Agt. Lewistown, April 17, 1867-3 m* Experience Proves there are only Two Yaixabl* Machine Stitches: m IID?3I & mm ELASTIC STITCH AND THE SHUTTLE OR LOCK STITCH, THEGrover A Baker Elastic-Stitch Sewing Machines are superior to all others fur the followiug reasons: i 1. They sew direct frotn the spools, and require no rewinding of thread. : 2. They are more easily understood and need, and less liable to derangement than other machines. 3. They are capable of executing perfectly, without change of adjustment, a much greater variety of work ; than other machines. i. i he stiich made by these machines is much more firm, elastic, and durable, especially upon articles J which require to be washed and ironed, than any l other stitch. 5. This stitch, owing to the manner in which the under thread is inwrought, is much the most plump and beautiful m use. and retains this plumpness and beauty even upon articles frequently washed and .roned until they are worn out. 6. The structure of the seam is such that though it be cut or broken at intervals of only a few stitches it will neither open, run, or ravel, but remains firm and durable. 7. Unlike other machines, these fasten both, ndsof the seam by their own operation. 8. Wuh these machines, white silk is used upon the right or face side of the seam, cotton may be used upon the other side without lessening th<* strength or durability of the seam. Tins can be done on no other machine, are! is a great saving upon all articles stitch \ ed or made up with silk. 9. These machines, in addition to their superior merits a instruments for sewing, by a chauge of ad* lusttneut, easily learned and practiced, execute the i most beautiful and permanent embroidery and orua* [ mental work. Call at P. F, LOOP'S AGENCY. A GOOD ASSOTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. j Lewistown, February 6, 1867. THE HOWE Sewing Machines, FOR FAMILIES AND MANUFAC TURERS. These World-Renowned Machines Merc awarded the highest premium af the Worlds Fair, in Jsjndon, and six first premiums at the Xtw i'ork State Fair of 1800. and are i Celebrated for doing the best work, using a much j smaller rieedie for the same thread, than any other machine, and by the introduction of the mostapprov •*d machinery, we are now able to supply the verv | best machines in the world. Theft Machines are made at our new and spacious Bactory at Bridgeport, Con ' net taut, under the immediate supervision of the President oj the Company, Elms 11 we, Jr., the original Inventor of the He wing Machine. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and t the use of Seamstresses. Dress Makers. Tail ors. Manufacturers nt Shirts, Collars, Skirts. Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Corsets, Boots, Shoes. Harness. Saddles. Linen Goods. Umbrellas. Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods, with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell. cord, braid, I bind, and perform every species of sewing, making a beau lful und perfect stitch, alike on both stdesof the arti'-le sewed. The Stitch Invented by MR IIOWE, and made on this machine is the most popular and dura hie. and ail Sewing Machines are subject to the prin j cipie invented by him. SEAT) FOR CIRCULAR ASD CATALOGUE. THORNBUIIG'S SHOE STORE, IN THE HOST OFFICE, Agency for Howe's Sewing Machine. Lewistovrn, Pa, May 8,1867-tf. | Weber & Son, HAVE the largest assortment and best selected stock of i GROCERIES in this section of country. Brown Sugars from 10 to 15 ets White Sugar 16 " Pulverized, Granulated and Broken Loaf Sugar. SYRUPS. Lovering's Syrup, $1 31 per Gallon, Other Syrups, 25 antl 2S cts. per quart. Baking Molasses. COFFEES. Extra Prime Coffee, 30 cts. Prime Coffee, 28 " Also, a large stock of MACKEREL and HERRING. | Ground Alum, and Ashton's Refined Dairy Salt. PRIME FACTORY CHEESE. Shepliard's Pittsburg Crackers always on hand. feb6. Tor n mmu In addition to an extensive stock of GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. MEDALIONS, BREAST PINS, RINGS, and other J- E "W" E IL. irt "y a AT JL YL Maawra establishment, will be found a beautiful as sortment of MOTS' M3IM3, euoTiu.it aen \i.in.i*, ALSO, of all the prominent IWRLI MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and hundreds of other articles. 11. W. JUN KIN. Lewistown, May 24, 1865. New Stock of Hats, Caps, &c. W. Cr. ZCLIITG-EH, | Market St., next Door to John Kennedy's, Kilns just received from New York and Philadel- I phia, the most extensive stock and complete assort meut of ever exhibited in this place, which will be dis posed of at such prices as to defy competition, and which he invites everybody to call and examine, as he is satisfied that his stock can not fail to please. For the Ornish he has constantly on hand, | or will make to order, hats to their taste of any required site or brim, at prices which cannot fail be satisfactory. Country Merchants will find it to their ad vantage to give him a call, as a liberal deduc tion will he made to wholesale purchasers. Don't forget the place, next door to John Kennedy's Store and nearly opposite the Odd Fe lows' IlalL may BEST Bar iron, at 4}, aud other kinds low at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. FREE EXHIBITION AT mm mm sum! —O— I THE undersigned has constantly on hand (and is daily adding something new) all kinds of j 3D 053 Oi such as Self Raising arid Family Flour; Sugar, while and brown; Coffee, different kinds; Covering's and other Syrtips; Baking Molasses, the very best; Tea. the best quality; Salt, coarse and fine; Fruit, dried and canned; Smoked M eat. Coal Oil, Pepper, Cinnamon. Cloves. AlNpice, Nutmegs, Mace. Ginger, Crackers, Cheese, Cider, Cider Vinegar, Potatoes. Butter. Eggs. Starch. Concentrated Lye. Cream Tartar, Soda, Ac. FISH, White Fish. Shad Mackerel, Cod Fish, Labrador, Lake and Scotch Herring. Azumea liaking Powder, the best in market—it requires only half the quantitv i of any other, and is cheaper. CONFECTIONERY, ! Raisins. Fig*.Dates.Citron. Peanuts, Filberta,Almonds, • Walnuts, Butternuts and Pecan Nuts; Orange*. Lem ons, Apples, French and Common Candy, Cakes of \ all kinds, etc., etc., etc. TOYS—TIN, WOODEN AND CHTNA, ; Fancy Boxes and Baskets; Dolls, large and small; i Portmanteaus, to suit all who need them; Pocket; j Kn;ve in great variety. A large assortment of PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAP, HAIR OILS, &C CHEWING & SMOKING TOBACCO, and always on hand. NOTICE TO FARMERS AND COUNTRY PEOPLE. We want to buy, for which we will pay the Highest market price, any quantity of HAMS, BUTTER, SHOULDERS, EGGS, BACON, BEANS, LARD, POTATOES, DRIED FRUIT, TALLOW, and all other kinds of country produce. Any person wishing to buy cheap should give him a call, as he will not be undersold. Rememrier the store is on Market street, between Blvmyers'and Rita's Stores. Lewistown, May 1, 1867. DAVID GROVE. The Great EXTERNAL REMEDY AND PAIN EXTERMINATOR!! PARKER'S KING OF OIL Will Cure Cuts. PARKER'S KING OF OIL Will Cure Sprains. PARKER'S KING OF OIL Will Cure Bruises. PARKER'S KING OF OIL Will Cure Wounds. PARKER'S KING OF OIL Will Cure Poll Evil. PARKER'S KING OF OIL Will Cure Scratches. PARKER'S KING OF OIL Will Cure Frosted Feet. PARKER'S KING OF OIL Will Cure Rheumatism. Thousands have used " PARKER'S KING OF OIL" and can testify to its efficacy. Everybody should have " PARKER'S KING OF OIL." "PARKER'S KING OF OIL" is ac knowledged by all to be the BEST in the MARKET. m Prepared by T. D. PARKER, LEWISTOWN, PENN'A. Apr 3, Hardware. Everybody says selheimer sells the CHEAPEST AND BEST H ARDWARE in TOWN. That's an. And ha sells them ; by the Wagon Load. apr 3 The Union Churn. I IIAVE procured the exclusive sale of the UNION CHURN, | and will warrant it to give satisfaction, or no sale. J. B. SELHEIMER. look to your Interests ! - A' Hoffman's you will find all kinds of Hardware and Farming Implements at low prices. GOOD NEWS TO HOU3EKEEPEEB!! Tie Lattft and Matt ValuabU Dmovcry of tht Aye: WINDOWS CLEANED Without Soap or Water.Tine or laabor. by u 0I !WOOD S U M ' S Instantaneous Window Polish. IT DOES away with soap suds or hot water, thus 1 avoiding the slons upon the floor or adjoining wnn. and the disagreeable sensation of the water runm- - down on the arms, ander the sleeve*, and wetting them to the shoulder*. It leases no lint uponahs glass, and gives it a more transparent and dearer To. pea ran ce than can be got with ten times the amour of labor and time in washing. For polishing Minor? '•r any kind of Sliver, Brass or Tln-wurt, has no equal. The polish i warranted to contain no acids, nor anything of a poisonous or injurious char acter. but is perfectly harmless in everv respect. For aaleby J. A. A W. K. M' KEE, . , : 3 ' Hall Building, opposite Bla'k Bear Hotel. Lewistown, Pa. noTl4-tf Great Excitement at the Post Office, ON account of the new arrival of Boots and Shoes, at greatly reduced prices. The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that he ha* just arrived from the eastern cities with a large assortment ot BOOTS, SfIJES AND GAITERS, consisting of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Wear, which he has purchased at "comedown" pn ces. He is now prepared to seil cheaper than iho cheapest, for -ash. Also, constantly on hand a largo assortment of home-made work, w'hich is manufac tured under his own supervision, and of the best ma terial and workmanship. Boots and Shoe* made to order at short notice. Repairing done in the neatest manner. Call at the Post Office, and examine for yourselves. W. C. THORNBL'RG. Lewtstown, Mav 23,1866-r. NEW ARRIVALS. PF. LOOP 1* receiving new goods every week, di . red from the eastern factory, and is prepared to sell Boots cheaper that the cheapest, having a large assortment of ail sixes and styles. Men's Boots from $3 50 to 5 00 BOYS' 2 50 to 3 50. do 2 00 to 2 50. Children's 1 25 to 2 00. A good assortment of homemade work on hand, and constantly making to order all the latest styles. THE PATENT BOOTS are now creating a great excitement, and all who wish to have a pair of those pleasant boots can be accom l modated at short notice. Call at the old stand. P. F. LOOP. NEW STOCK. _UL j The subscriber has just received and will £ S I keep on hand a select stock of Men's, Bov' f and Youth's Boots. I-adies', Misses and Chil i Boots and Shoes of various kinds and ' styles, to which he would invite the attention of his 'ft lends and the public generally. As it is his intention NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD hv any dealer in the county, those in need of winter ; ticots'or shoes are invited to call and examine the above stock, which will be sold at very small profits, but for cash only, at the sign of the BIG Suoe, next door to F. J. Hoffman's store. sepl'-J JOHN CLARKE. PRICES DOWN ONCE MORE. rpHE undersigned has a large stock of both 1 Home-made and Eastern manufactured Boots and i Shoes, which he offers at prices lower than he has | sold for four years : : Men's thick, a. Boots, warranted, from $2.75 to 5.00. " Kip, " " " 4.00 to 6.00. " Calf, " " extra 4.50 to 6.00. ' Boy 9' Boots, 1.00 to 3.00. Men's thick Brogans, double-soled, 2.00 to 2 50 Men's split " warranted very bad, 1.10. Boys' Shoes, price ranging from ' 1.25 to 2 25. As the taxes are to be reduced again on the first day of August, it also enables us to reduce our prices. HOME-MADE WORK of all kinds made to order at reduced prices. So come on boys and girls and examine for yourselves. Trunks, Valises and Carret Bags kept on hand. Gentlemen will bear in mind that no goods will be given out unless paid for, and if re turned in gixxf order, the money will be returned, it requested. But when goods have been soiled or worn, they will not lie taken hack—please hear this in mind—a some folks think that wearing for a short time don't injure flie sale of them afterwards, augl-tf BILLY JOHNSON. TO THE LADIES. - rnilE CIR IUE FR4ACAIS, OR L FRENCH DRESSING for Ladiea and Children's Boots and .Shoes that have become red, or rusty and rough by wear . ing. They are restored to a perfect and ! permanent black, with as much lustre as when new, leaving the leather soft and pliable, and what is of great importance ; to the ladies it will not rub otf when wet and soil the skirts. Traveling bags, kid ! gloves, trunks, carriage tops, and tine | harness are made to look as good as new. Ladies and Children can dress their own boots and shoes without soiling their hands. Try one bottle, and you will nev j er be without a supply in the house. For sale by, J. A. & W. R. McKEE, in Odd Fellows' Hall, cor. Market and Dorcas sts., Lewistown. oetlTtf Looking Glasses and Picture Frames THE undersigned, thankful for past fa vors, would inform the public that he still manufactures Frames of every de i scription, as cheap as they can be made ; elsewhere. Looking Glasses of even,' de scription, wholesale and retail, at reduced prices. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. All persons who have left pictures to frame or frames to be filled, ; are requested to call for them. mylßtf JAMES CRUTCHLEY. EXCELSIOR Photograph and Art Gallery. LATE BURKHOLDEK'S. McEWENS can now furnish the pub lic with Likenesses, from the tiniest j Gem to a Portrait or life size Photograph. We have the only Solar Camera at work in the Juniata Valley, and desire the pub- I lie to call and examine what Mr. Burk j holder (an accomplished and well known artist) and others have pronounced " a i success." Rook at the array: : Gems, Albatypes or Ivory | Ferrotypes, types, Melainotypes, Photo-Miniatures Ambrotypes, Cabinet Photos., A I Card Photographs Portrait or Life size 1 Vignettes, Photograph s Photographs for plain or in colors, , oval frames, &c., &c., Ac. - Our work is executed in the best style, plain or in colors, and at the lowest rates, i CaU at McEWENS. N. B.— nstruetions to students given :nt fair ates. apltf A. FELIX. W- H. FELIX. (£s H A ) Eon band a good assortment of Furniture 01 all Kinas suitable to furnish a house out and out j fepring and Common Mattresses, and EXTENSION TABLES, of any sizes and prices to suit the times. We cordially invite the attention of both old and \oung, great and small. No charges for showing Cailandexamine before purchasingelsewheie -1 hanktul for past favors and hoping a eontiouanco of the same, we remain, yours. Ac. Lewutown, March 13, 1867-tf FELIX k .SON. CROVESTEEN & CO.. PIANO FORTE iMANUFACTUItERS, 499 Broadway, New York. THE attention of the Public and the trade is invited If our Nw SCALE T OCTAVE ROSE WOOL'PI ANO POR 1 ES, which for volume and purity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto offered in tins market.— They contain all the modern improvements, French Grand Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frame, Overstrung Bass, etc- and each instrument being made under tlie personal supervision of Mr. J. H. GKOVESTEES, who j lias bad a practical experience of over 35 years their manufacture, is fully warranted in every partic ular. The •• QROVBSTEES FIAXO FOR 1 ES" rcmtal Iht Atettni of Merit over nil others at the Celehratai World's Fair, W here were exhibited instruments from the best ma kers of Loudon, Pans, Germany, Philadelphia. Balti more. Boston and New York; and also at the Ameri can Institute for fiA-e successive years, the gold and silver medals from both of whicli can be seen at our ware-room. By the introduction of improvements we make a stil more perfect Piano Forte, and by manufacturing large y. with a strictly cash system, are enabled to of fer these instruments at a price which will preclude all competition. Term, i—Net C&sla In Carrent Fnndi. *#-Descnptiv© Circulars Sent Free. octlO-Jn