Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, July 31, 1867, Image 2

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Cr. * O. S. FRVSIXGER, Editor*.
Wednesday, July -31, 1867.
receiving papers with a X marked on
il vri': unjereiii<i that -ibseription is due on which
a (emtouicc gat to be made.
(Task Rates of Advertising.
T?siWs. Yards FT lines or less! 1 year G.OC
Ad;nini>irat.:A :R Executor's Notice* 2 5O
Auditor's DO 2 UP
Eslray Notice, FOUR TIME*. 2 00
Camion or other SHOR; Notices, 15'
Tavern LICENCES, single, 1 Go
if more titan oaf. each 6>'
REGISTER'S Notices of Aesourifs. each ST.
One inch constitutes a square, and all advertising;
n t otherwise contracted for. or enumerated above,
wii! hereafter be charged cents per square for each
Job Work.
Eighth sheet hilis. 'or 3s or ies; fourth sheet
bills for -i or le —; half -heet bil,, 51 for -j or lerr
Republican State Nomination.
Election, TNT.tiay, October S. 1567.
The members of the I mon Republican
Party of MitHin Cotiutv are re.;nested to
meet at their usual places for holding Del
egate elections, ou
between the hours of 2and 7 p. m., to elect
delegates to a County Convention, to I*
held at Lewistown, on
MONDAY, AUGUST oth, 1i?67,
to elect Senatorial and Representative
Conferees, and to nominate candidates fo;
County Treasurer, Jury Commissioner
Commissioner, and Auditor.
By Order of Co. Com.,
H. J. CULBEBTSON, Chairman.
IVoticeti of \tw Adv< rtist mrnu.
The Lewistown Academy, under iu
new management, will open on the IStli :
J. C. Biymyer & Co., call attention to
their stock of coal.
The Selio >1 Directors of Lewistown ad-:
vertise for teaciiers.
Register's notice—Trial List—Tiansfei
of License, &c.
Inconsistency of Democracy.
One week the copperhead pajiers de
nounce republicans for not taxing national
bondholders, although these bonds were
issued with the express contract that they
were not to be taxed, and then turn around
6 and cry out against the same party in a
ease where all were put upon the same
tooting and where the act was fully jus
tifiable. Pennsylvania it will be remem
bered, formerly paid the interest on its
bunds in coin, but as gold became a spec
ulation the Legislature wisely determined
that as taxes were collected in currency,
it would not be right to buy coin at a
heavy expense for the purpose of paying i
more interest than the law contemplated
That party might have compelled even i
fanner, merchant, merchanic and work
ing man to have paid their taxes in coin. !
and thus favored those who held thebonds, I
but this was deemed wrong to the people,
and in lbG4 a bill was repor.ed authoriz
ing the State authorities thereafter to pay
interest in currency, just as every body
else does.
The liarrisburg Telegraph, in calling
attention to this subject, says that whib
every Republican iu both Houses voted
for the bill, every Democrat, except Sena
tor Linsey, opposed it. We give the yeas
and nays in the Senate as found on pag<
(J7f> of the Legislative Record of ISG4:
YEAR —Messrs. Champneys, Connell.
Fleming, Graham, Hoge, Tlousholder,
John-on, Kinsey, I\vry, Nichols, St.
Clair, 'furred, Worthiiigton and Peunev.
Sp< 'tk* r—\\.
NAYS— -Messrs. Beardslee, Bucher, <
mer, Donovan, Hopkins, Lamljerton,
Montgomery, Reilly, Smith, Stein and
Messrs. M'Hherry and Wilson stated
"that they were paired ofF," shewing that
this was a party question, the Copper head
being arrayed, with one solitary exeep
-1 ion, against it, and the Republicans anan
i 'tiouslj for it.
We append a statement showing Tin
ALLY, since the passage of the act; iii j
price OF GOLD each day the interest fcli
STATE if the interest had becti required
in specie; j
Int. due. Price of Gold. Ad.Coel
iSSt \ug. I s'jSS.i) oo 2.iS >61,T14 '
i<& F. H. 1 USS.WS) 2 '1 !
" Alia. 1 S'W,OOO 141 423.401 1
ius Kelt. 1 Ha sreixic
" -> IJI4-1 9,<IOO 119 4WV""
IW7 Feb 1 903, 135 816,<>5< j
- Aug. 1 00 It(L SOU,Or J
11 M9M'
Thus it will be seen that Copperhead
legislators, including all their leading re- 1
prescntative men, acting on Sharswood |
doctrine, strongly opposed a measure!
ALREADY OVEK $4,500,000, and that that j
measure was only carried and lecame a !
law by the active and earnest efforts of i
Republican legislators.
This is a very different case from the I
national bonds. The latter were issued
during the war, with the inducements of
gold inP iTit and free from taxation.— j
Northern .copperheads, who were giving
aid and ,< qanfort to the rebels, said they
weve worthless, but .Union men took them,
and while helping tig; government made
a good thing for theyjiaejyeH, which is a
great sin iu democratic eyes—particularly
the helping government to put down Jef
Davis and ids co-perjurers.
Grant for President.
The Union Republican General Coin
mil tee of New York city nominated Gen.
Grant for the Presidency on the 23d July.
XJwJt'* the leader for our team, and with
p buipiMe Vice will sweep the country
frqm OUC ppd to the otiier.
tjexf Found at last, a remedy that not
only relieves, Isit cures that enemy of
mankind, Consumption, as well as the
numerous satelites wfij,ch revolve around
it iu the wlmpe of Couglus, Colds, Bron
chitis, Hore Throat, Intlueiiza, <fec. Tiie
Remedy we allude to is J>r. Wisljjr's Bal
sam of Wild Cherry, prepared by Bcth W.
/•'u\\ lc A S>n, Bo: ton.
Trickery and deception are evidently
*he main relianeeof the self-styled deruoe
' racy now-a-days. Not content with hav
| i ng step by step converted that party from
its old professions and principles until the
nullifying doctrines of John C. Calhoun,
which Gen. Jackson considered equiva
lent to treason, have taken the place of
every form and feature of what deniocra-
Icy once was, nearly all their papers are
now engaged in misleading their readers
into a total disregard of faces. As an in
i stance of this we may cite an article in
the Democrat of Jast week, credited to the
Bellefonte Watchman, a willing defender
iof all that was treasonable during tht war.
which concludes a tissue of falsehoods
and misrepresentations as follows:
" If Congress can make greenbacks a
legal tender, constitutionally, why do they
not point out the provision of that it -mi
lient which gives it that power? If they
are right they have certaiuiy some • rgu
ment to show that lie was wrong, but so
far as we have seen, they have none but
. the silly balderdash about " re.-el sympa
thizer.' " disloyalty,'* " eop;>erhead," and
so on, tliat constituted the song of every
ooor cowardly, treasonable " loyalist" du
; ring the entire war. It wiil take some
.'liing more than that to induce the peo
ple of Pennsylvania to believe that Judge
Sharswood is not fitted for the supreme
beneii—more than that to prove his opin
ion wrong, or that Conere— has tiie right
contrary to the explicit declaration of the
iOtli section of the Constitution to make
anything hut gold andsilvereoiii a tender
in payment of debts. Take up the Con
stitution, ye abolition s dons, and point
out the section tiiatgives to your im'veeiie
i Congress the power to make p •!■>!> d p-.i
--\ per a legal tender.' Can you? tJreen
uteks axe not " COMIC they are pr>n(-
Here is a confident reference to Section
X, with a bold assertion of what it con
iains. and as not more than one out fifty
people have a copy of the Constitution,
many would no doubt suppose that what
is said is true; yet the whole thing is a
>nse fabrication and wilful falsehood, put
rth for the purpose of deception and
pickery, as any one can see by readirty
Section X, to wit:
'•.SEC. X.—l. No STATE shall enter into
my treaty, alliance, or confederation;
grant letters of marque and reprisal: coin
uoney; emit bills of credit; make any
hing but gold and silver coin a tender in
•ayment of debts; pass any bill of attain
ler, ex post facto law, or law impairing
he obligation of contracts ; or grunt any
title of nobility."
From this every man with three grains
of sense in ins head can see that the States
—not the United States—are prohibited
roiu making anything except coin a le
nd tender ; nor is there a single word in
he Constitution of the United States
which prohibits Congress from aut hon
ing jast such issues as the legal tenders
whenever occasion may arise to justify it.
Old renegade whigs likefsharswood—who
like many others in every county in the
state—turned copperhead in the hope and
-xpectation some day of being rewarded
by the democracy with office, may be able
to discover " what is not to be seen," but
'he wise framers of the Constitution did
not clog that instrument with a want of
power in cases of emergency, and there
fore left extraordinary power in the hands
>f Congress to meet extraordinary cases.
I>ut this is not all. WhiJe denuncia
tion upon denunciation is uttered against
he Congress which preserved the Union
from irretrievable ruin and destruction,
not one word is said against the rebel
states which violated every prohibition
of the section quoted except the last, and
that not only because the leading reikis
hud not thrown off the mask up to Lee's
surrender. They entered into treaty, al
liance and confederation; they sent ships
of war upon the seas to prey on our com
nerce, like pirates; they emitted hills of
•redit; thev made other things than gold
JIUI silver coin a tender iu payment of
lebts ; they passed hills of attainder, and
impaired the obligation of contracts —yet
when or where did either the Democrat
or Bellefonte Watchman denounce them
for it ?
If those papers desire to exercise their
forte for expounding the Constitution, we
•übmit to them as a text the following
Tom the 4th section :
".SEC. IV. The United States shall
ruarantee to EVKKY STATE in this Union
Uemocracy and I lie War Record.
Four out of the five candidates for the
Treasurer seem to base theirclainis
<n tliedernocralicparty for services render
ed during tiie rebellion. This sounds
rather strangely, for surely these eandi
lates must, or ought to be aware that the
democracy would hardly consider tiie
fact of a man having been engaged in
putting down the rebellion as a recom
mendation, for many, during the war,
opposed it with all the rancor and politi
cal hatred they dared utter, and would
have been better pleased had Jef Davis
succeeded iu es abiidling his slave-oli
garchy than heard of Lee's surrender and
the flight of the traitors. Hince its close,
it Is nothing unusual to hear democratic
leaders and their newspapers denounce
the war as unjust ami unholy, whilcevery
democratic convention has openly advo
cated the restoration to civil and political
rights of all those who had engaged in
i treason, without regard to their present
;good conduct. If then the war was un
jjust, unholy, anti-democratic, and with
jout just cause on tiie part of the National
Government, and the Southern traitors
were right, as democracy alleges, these
soldiers were fighting against the. truede-
I mocraci/, and therefore, instead of being
| engaged in a laudable undertaking enti
; tling them to consideration for office, were
<loitig the very thing deraociacy did not
wjsh them to do.
This conclusion may not beover-palate
| able, but to any one who will read the
Philadelphia Age or liarrisburg Patriot
'and Union for a week, or any democratic
country pajier for a month, he will find
abundant proof th#t, to have served in
the Union army is rather less recommen
dation for office than to have rendered aid
! and comfort to the rebels.
Reports continue to be circulated tiiat
General Sheridan will be removed.
The Democrat 011 Foreigners.
The Democrat of last week is again
down on foreigners for coming to this
I country seeking labor. In speaking of a
recent occurrence at Pittsburg that pa
per says:
" A notable evidence of this fact is just
now to be seen in the goings-on in the
city of Pittsburg. The Trailer' I nion.an
,association of workingtnen in that city,
owing to the inadequate wages paid by
the large iron factories, adopted a new
scale of prices, slightly increased above
the old; but the iron-masters refused to
comply with this reasonable demand,
u a very high tonf! at
present amply protects the iron interest
I'he workmen accordingly refused to
work, and for a time some of the mills
stood still. And what did the iron mas
ters do then? Why, they formed a league
imongst themselves, raised a tund, and
ris* (I t-j low wa,/e*. and could be got to
work at the oM price-. SNMOf these ta
ported laborers actually arrived several
weeks ago, and are now at work in that
city I*'
We do not sec what the above has to do
with protection. The price of labor is a
•ontr.iet between employer and employee,
ind if they cannot there is no law
compelling the one to furnish capital or
he other la's r. In the Pittsburg case
the Democrat talks quite knowingly about
die wages paid, which it says are inade
quate. Where did it get its information".
We have reasons for knowing that many
Members of this Trades Union in tin
works which had stopped operations on
account of a demand for increased wage
were earning from FIVE to SEVEN dollar
• i>or day, and yet were not satisfied. An
idvanee on this the Democrat calls a
" reasonable demand." It also rinds fault
with the employers for forming a league,
and yet justifies the other!
Trades Unions or associations of work
nginen are well enough, but designing
t naves too often get control of and u-t
them to their own advantage. This Pitt.—
>urg association, which the Democrat de
, fends, is notorious for its interference
j with well-to-do operatives throughout the
state, and ha- already caused many thriv
ing laborers to lose good situations and
pleasant homes. long as this contiu
tes, the iron business will never thrive a
it ought to, nor will our minerals be de
veloped sis they might be, for it is a com
mon remark that a moneyed man is fool
i ish to invest a large capital in a business
where the low wages of Europe are bro'i
into competition with the higher wages
■f labor here. The protection now given,
instead of being ample, as the Democrat
-tates, barely yields a profit on mrnufac
We have received an elegant engraving
• of the Bronze Statue of Liberty presenter
to tiie city of Lowell, Mass., by the eelo
| orated Dr. J. (J. Ayer, inventor of several
| medical preparations of rare value am
j world-wide celebrity, on the 4th of Jtih
I last. The figure is that of a draped fe
-1 nale, borne on the wings of triumph.
; aolding in her right hand the laurel
j wreath of victory, and in her left the bar
| . est slieuf of plenty. It stands upon a
' granite pedestal, is of colossal size, being
i seventeen feet high, and is a majestn
! work of art. The Dr., in his address.
! says he sought for weeks and months foi
; something of this kind in the principal
i countries of Europe, and finally fixed upon
| i statue executed by Ruuch for the King
|of Bavaria, standing in front of liis palace
at Munich.
The trial of Surrat will probably clos •
luring the present week.
General Grant is said to have gone to
; Tennessee to inquire into affairs there.
A. J. and family intend visiting Ten
j ilessee.
The Cambria Freeman has been en
-1 largest to a seven column paper, giving
ample room for its editor to spout.
The Hollidaysburg Standard of this
week will uffiict its readers with John
• son's senseless veto message of the econ
struction bill. Is the editor out for a take?
An individual named Stanhope, in
, England, in order to test his wife's love,
hung his effigy. The old lady took the
j matter quietly, told her daughter to go
four biocks to the shoemaker for the loan
of a sharp knife to cut him down, and re
gretted that he had spoiled a new clothes
line. At this the living husband, who
had lain concealed in a closet, jumped out,
nailed the- woman a "confounded Jeze
j bcl," clasped her in an unloving embrace,
and at last accounts they were tumbling
| down the stairs rolling rapidly.
LEWISTOWN, July 30, 1867
Eggs p p r dozen 20
Butter per lb 15
Wheat, red. per bushel $1 00
white " 2 00
Corn, old, 85
Outs • 60
F lour is retailing at the following prices : ]
Levristown Extra Family per cwt. 6 50
Superfine 5 50
Extra Family per bbl 13 00
Superfine J1 00
I*htla<lr]pliln Markets.
Flour dull; quotations nominal, not
withstanding light receipts; sales North
western extra family at SlOal 1 75. Wheati
quiet, with m demand except by the lo
jcal millers, who operate sparingly; sales
new r< d at ?2 25a2 35, Western and I'enn. :
$1 55a 1 60. Corn is very scarce and firm; j
1 yellow SI 17al 18; Western mixed $1 12a 1 i
13. Oats are unchanged: Penn'a and
! Ohio 90a93c.
Beeves dull, with large offerings, which
reach 2,500 head, including 500 from last!
week. Hales were effected at a concession
I of 4e, and in not a few instances of full le.
! per lit below the highest quotations of |
bust week on choice grade ;• fair and choice,
1 Gal7c; prime, 14a15; common, 13a 14c.!
per ib. Cows and calves move slowly at |
I s6oaßo, and springers at SGSa7O. Sheep |
j are moderately active at a fraction of a de- 1
' line; sales atoaGc. per Ibgross, as toqual-:
ity; the receipts are 10,000. llogs have!
' been active throughout the week, but to- i
day were excessively dull ats9 50a!0 50
l per 100 lbs. net, with sales of 300 head.
(InotatlniK ot (Government Koinls.
L T . H. 6s, 1881, 110 @,1104 i
Old U. H. 5-20s, 1862, UlM&lHj!
New U. H. o-20s, 1864. 10 |Cr 109£
j New " " May A Nov. 1865,
j New " " July A Jan. 1865, lOftl'tYlOsi
10-40 Bonds, lo2j[f 102$
7-30s, August, 10~i@108
| 7-:tos, June, 107$(,107J
|7-30s, July, 107itol07}
I Gold, 11J<gl4oJ!
Juarez has been renominated for the
The merchants of Mexico have tender
ed a loan of $600,000 to Diaz.
The bodies of Maximilian, Mejia and
Miramon have been embalmed.
Dog oil is administered to consumptives
in Germany.
Colored Sons of Temperance are organ
izing in Alabama.
The Atlanta i Ga.) Era hoists the Grant
tlag for President.
Carlotta has left Miramar and gone to
The British House of Commons has
abolished the Church rates.
On the 17th inst., lightning struck the
Commercial Bank building at Havana,
and killed the cashier.
The issuing of rations to the destitute is
to be discontinued at Richmond, Ya., af
ter the Ist prox.
Large deposits of tin have been discov
ered in Missouri, not far from Pilot Knob
nd iron Mountain.
The public statement for the pres
ent month will show a decrease of be
tween two and three millions.
About one-half of Table Rock, Niagara,
was blown oil' by means of a blast of two
hundred pounds of jx>wder.
From twenty to thirty thousand peas
ants from the Italian provinces went to
Rome on foot for .St. Peter's Day.
Kelly's Island, in Lake Erie, is expect
ed tli is year to produce grapes enough for
240,U00 gallons of wine.
Numerous farmers of Niagara county.
New York, have contracted to delivei
wheat to the millers of Lock port at $2 per
It i- authoritatively announced that the
Headquarters of the Republican State
Central Committee will be at iiarrisburg
until otherwise ordered.
In -electing officers for the Indian Peace
Commission, the President will appoint
-uch as have not been in any way engag
".l in the pending Indian war.
There is. litis season, an extraordinary
ibundatu-e of cereal crops iu Egypt. Rri
•es of grain have fallen nearly two-thirds
-iiice harvest commenced.
Most of the gold now going to Europe
- to pay the expenses of persons now
travelling there, and it is estimated that
they will spend $10,0(X),0UO liii- season.
i he citizens of \\ est Chester have had
executed a bust of Gen. Anthony Wayne,
of revolutionary fame, which they intend
placing in the court house of that place.
The Collin factory of Crane, Reed Sc Co.,
pin Cincinnati, was destroyed by lire on
Tuesday night. Loss from $75,11)0 to
-100,00). Insurance about two-thir Is the
nnount of the 10-s.
It is confidently predicted by thi Tex
an cotton factors that the growing totton
top will be equal to that of last year. The
j yield is estimated at from 180,000 U 210,-
MO bales.
A corps of topographical engineers, tin
ier the direction of General Weitzel, com
menced the preliminary work forsurvey-
HI the canal around the Ohio Falls, near
Louisville, Ky.
j Two " bruisers," named Phil. MeCott
! neli and Stephen Donnelly, indulged in a
prize tight on the Hackensack road, near
| New York. I >on nelly came off victor af
| ter a struggle of twenty-two rounds.
Straightened circumstances have com
pelled Stonewall Jackson's widow to seii
iite General's war horse to a citizen of Jla
•on, Ga. Where are our Northern cop
' peril cads ?
The Mobile Advertiser endorses the
I nomination of a colored man for an im
portant otlii-e, with the remark, 'A de
cent negro in preference to a white scal
; iawag,'
Wet. your wrists before drinking cold
water, if you are at ail heated. The effect is
immediate and grateful, and the danger
of fatal results may lie warded off by ttii
simple precaution.
i Three hundred and twenty-nine French
political convicts were sent to Guayana;
157 returned to France under an amne-uv;
-!4 went to foreign countries ; 15 remained
in Guayana, and 133 died. Horrible cli
The Oxfofl (Me.) Democrat says that a
man in that vicinity lias built a summer
house in the top of a huge willow trc
and connected it with the second story ol
his house by a lattice bridge about fifteen
feet in length.
The St. Louis Democrat thinks we do
not want Mexico. "Who," it asks, "would
buy a volcano for a quiet country resi
lience? Mexico is a rebellious South, a
Utah, and an Indian war, rolled into one
chronic nuisance. What do we want it
for ?"
Some time since a gentleman died in
the town of X, who, during life, refused
to believe in another world. Two or three
weeks after his demise his wife received
through a medium a communication,
which read as follows:—"Dear wife, I
now do believe. Blouse send me my thin
A small party of ladies and gentlemen
were recently belated on a mountain near
Paterson, N. J., lost their way, and wan
dered about for hours in the pitchy dark
ness. At one time a Hash of lightning re
vealed to them their situation, about two
feet from the edge of a stone quarry, one
hundred feet deep, into which, in another
second, the whole four would have been
Duringthe last Congressional campaign
in Orange county, New York, Gen. Van
Wyck, who was running for Congress in
that district, and who was elected, lost a
pair of valuable gold spectacles during a
temporary stoppage of a train of cars at
Ott'-rhill station, in that county, near a
bridge over a stream. A few days ago
the identical "specs" were found in the
abdomen of a huge pickerel caught at that
A singular trait of the Gypsies is re
ported by the Dayton (O.) Journal. It
seems that some years ago a man named
Stanley, the King of the tribe In this
country, was buried in great state in the
Woodland Cemetery. Since tiien no mat
ter where a member of the tribe in this!
country has died, the remains have been
conveyed to the same place forinterment. !
Last fall and winter four children of the!
tribe died in Texas, and the remains were
sent to the vault iu Woodland, until a
sufficient delegation from the tribe could
ire gathered to celebrate the ceremonies
County Commissioner.
J/c-ws. jEditers —Please announce to the
public through your paper the name of
MILES HAFFLA , of Union township,
as a candidate for County Commissioner,
subject to the decision of the Union Re
publican Convention. Mr. Hulfiy is a
well known citizen, highly respected, of
undoubted eompeteuey, and would make
a faithful officer. * MANY VOTERS.
Belleville, July 27, 1867.
fount) Treasurer.
Messrs. Editors:—We would be pleased
to see our friend ABNEK ROBINS, of Union
township, nominated as a candidate for
County Trt usurer, subject to the decision
of the I. nion Republican Convention.
Mr. Robins is a well known citizen, high
ly respected, of undoubted competency,
and wouid make a faithful officer.
Belleville. July 24, ISU7.
As the time is approaching w hen the
people will look around for suitable can
didates for office, we would be pleased to
see P. F. LOOP, of Lewistown, nominated
for Tre: s arer, by the Union Republican
: Convention. His honesty and business
qualifications are undoubted, and he is
therefore the first choice of
ARMAGH. July 17. 1867.
Dr. If trt in: —Although unsolicited. I
feel it a duty I owe the public to make a
-tateiuent of the most astonishing result
produced by your Excelsior Oil. For the
last five or six years I have been suffering
almost constantly with a severe pain and
general weakness in my back, iieing for
day- una Ie to attend to business. I was
induced to try your Excelsior Oil. BY
taking 15 drop- internally and at the same
time applying it externally, in les- than
five days I was relieved of pain. It has
now been several week- and no unpleas
ant symptoms have returned. I would
advi-e every family to keep a iiottle con
-rantly on hand. It is superior to any
thing of the kind I ever u-ed, either for
man or horse.
IVistar's Balsam ot" *> lid Cherry.
\ Coughs. Cold. Broncliiti?, Asthma. Croup. Whoop
ing 1 ugh. qmnsv. die numerous as well a> dan
! gerou* dise:.< - of the Throat. Chest n.l I.ungs. pre
vail in our changeable climate nt all seasons of the
j vear: lew are fortunate enough to eseape their bane-
I ful influence. How important then to have at hand a
j certain nutidote to all these complaints. Experience
proves that this exists in lllAhu.s iiii- IIH toan extent
! not found in any other remedy : however severe the
| -uttering, the application of tins soothing, healing
| aod n onderlul Balsam at once vanquishes the disease
! and restores the sufferer to wonted hea'th.
( OF BALDWIX. Chemung County. N. Y.. writes:
•' I was urged by a neighbor to got one bottle of the
Balsam for rnv wife. being assured by him that incn-e
it did not produce good effects, he would pat for the
bottle himself. On the strength of such practical ev
idence of its merits. I procured a bottle My wife at
this time was so low with what the physicians term
ed B kited Cov-rMFTiuv as to he unable lo raise herself
from the bed. coughing constantly and raising more
or le-s blood. 1 commenced giving the Balsam as
directed, and was so much plcase.l with its operation
| that 1 obtained another bottle, and continued giv
-Img it. Before tins bottle was entirely us—d. she ceas
|"d coughing and was strong enough to sit up. The
fifth bottle entirely RESTORED HER TO HEALTH, doiti"
i that which several Physieiaus had tried to do but had
j failed."
Prepared by BETH W. FOWI.E ft 90N. 18 Treraont
St, Boston, anu for sale by Druggist- generally.
G ently it p-ncrrates through every pore.
K eiievmg sort-r-rs froni each angry sore;
Ail \c'iiinda if hr/iU with certainly and speed;
C'uf Burns, fr>rn Inflammation soon are freed;
i Eruptvj'i*. at it- presence disappear;
S Kins lose each stain, aud the complexion's clear!
S ALVE. such as GRACE'S every one should buy,
| AII to its wondrous n.erits testify,
i Let tfcom who doubt, n tingle L>-r hut try
i V errily tkrn it- true deserts 'twould have;
Even unbelievers would laud GRACE'S SALVE ! jy3l
The Greatest Pain-Reliever in
the World.
Warranted superior to any other, or no
' oar, for the cure of Chronic Rheumatism, Toothache.
Headache, Sore Throat, Mumps, Burns. Cuts. Insect
stings. Pains tn the Back, Cliest, and Limbs, Sprains, Old
-ores. Swellings ; also to take Internally for - iarrbcca, Dys
I eatery, Colic, Spasms. Sea Sickness, Vomiting, and Croup.
It Is perfectly Innocent to lake Internally, If used accord-
I g to directions, and never fails, as thousand* can at
i -est. 11 was first introduced In ltH7, and now millions of
-.tiles are annually sold. Every one who has once use L
T. continues to do so, and recommend It to their friends
U the most valuable medicine extant. Certificates enough
o till a dozen newspapers have been received by Dr. To
ilas. His medicine, the Venetian Liniment, will do all
! hat is stated, and more. No one will regret trying it.—
I'uose residing at a distance from a physician, will ilud It
I > reliable medicine to have on hand in case of accidents.
T<k for Dr Tobias' Venetian Liniment, and take no other.
: Price 50 cents and SI. Sold by all Druggists. Depot. 56
CortUndl ,-treet, S. Y. Ju.L7-lm
J -ea-grecn is said to be the prevailing hair
: ,-olor, and the
-it on the rocks and comb their green locks assiduously
ilut Hie
j ureter glossy browns and shining blacks to any other tlnc
] s, and if nature has not given their fair heads these T* aI-
I t iful hues, or If mischance has robbed them of their once
1 exquisite beauty, they don't cry about It, but resort at
ionce to
| which in five minutes does all that nature ever did for any
| DEAD 111 her happiest mood. Manufactured by J. CRISIA-
I> >K<>, 66 Maiden Lane, New York. Sold by all Druggists,
j Applied by all Hair Dressers. Ju.l7lm
Ayer's Pills.
////'./ ARE you si.-k. feeble and
' //////// complaining* tre you out
' \ > "f order—your system <le-
YI YYWY// and vour feelings
uncomfortable? These
j symptoms are often the
•i-!> 'IXj! precursors of serious itl
1L ness
iP; vDk g is creeping upon you, and
r - "• VkJJ should averted I
lemetly- • ake Ayer's Pills,
111 A-I'l ""SI and drive out the humors
• —purify the blood aud let the fluids move ou unob
i structedly, in health. They stimulate the organs of
; the body into vigorous activity, purify the system
from the obstructions which make disease. A cold
ge tie - somewhere in the body, and deranges the nat
ural operations of that part. This, if not relieved,
will react upon itself and the surrounding organs,
; producing general aggravation, suffering and derang. -
i tnent. While in tin- condition, take Ayer'* Pills, and
j -co how directly they respire the natural action of
, the system, and with it the buoyant feeling ol health.
What is trie- and so apparent in this trivial and com.
| mop complaint is also true in many of the deep scat
; ail and dangerous diseases. The same purgative ex
pels them. Caused by similar obstructions and de
rangements, they are surely, and many of them
rapidly, cured by the same means. None who know
the virtue of these Pills will neglect to employ them
i when suffering fr tn the disorders they cure, such as
| Headache. Kohl Stomach, Dysentery, Bilious Com
plaints. Indige-tion, Derangement ot the Liver. Cos
tiveness,Con-tipation. Heartburn. Rheumatism, Drop
sy. worms anu Suppression, when taken in largo doses.
They arc sugar coated, so that the moat sensitive
can take them easily, and they are surely the beat
purgative medicine yet discovered.
Ayer's Cure.
For the speedtj and certain Cure of Intermittent Fever, or
Chides and Fever. He,nnttn.it Ferer, Colt Fever, Dumh
Ague Ferimlicat Hcarta he or Biliou Jlemlache, and Bitr
iuus Fceem; indeed, for the whole cta-i-, of disease* ornji
nntinj in biliary dirnn.jcmcnt caused by the niajw iu of
miasmatic countries.
This remedy has rarely failed to cure the severest
cases of Chills and Fever and it has this great advan
tage over other Ague me hemes, that it subdues the
complaint without injury to the patient. Jt contains
uo quinine or other deleterious substance, nor doe- it
produce quinism or any injurious effect whatever.
Shaking brothers of the army and the west, try it and
you will endorse these assertions.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. A YEK 4 Co, Lowell, Mass.. and
sold by all all Druggists aud dealers in medicine
everywhere. juM-ttn.
DEAFNESS, lialdncss&Dafarrh treated
with the utmost shceess, by J. ISAACS. M. D, Oc
ulist and Aurist. (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) No.
5I i*ilies street, Philadelphia. Testimonials Croat the
most reliable sources 111 the city and country can be
seen at Ins office. The medieai faculty are iuvted to
accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his
practice. Artificial Eyes inserted without nam. No
charge for examination. "myl-ly
JL tious will he received up to one day
after the examination for Lewistown dis
trict, for eleven teachers, to take charge ]
of the publicachools of Lewistown. Schools
will open September 2d.
jy3l Secretary, e
r PHE Male Department of this Institu
te tion will commence on the THIRD *
WEDNESDAY 18th of September.
Tuition in the Classical Department,!
$-Y© per year. Tuition in the English
Department, ssstPJ per year. Tuition
to be paid half-yearly IX ADVANCE. — F
Hoarding and lodging sl.s© to S>VOO .
per week. Washing, fuel, and light, ,
extra. Full information obtained by ad- ,
dressing, JOHN LAIRD, Prin. 7
j Till Sept. Ist direct to MeCovsville, Ju
niataco., Pa., and after that to Lewistown,
Penn'a. jy3l
the most celebrated mines, and se- -
iected fur family use. '
No#. 1, 2 and 3, StoTe and Egg. [
LYKEX'S VALLEY, Suive and Chestnut c
Orders left at Store of Geo. Bljmyer J
A Sun promptly attended to.
Lewistown, July 31, 1867. *
1 V The following accounts have a
been examined and passed by me, and re- >
I main tiled on record at this*office for in- s
-pection of heirs, legatees, creditors, and c
ill others in any way interested, and will
i>e presented to the Orphans' Court of, a
i Mifflin County, to be held in the Court
House, at Lewistown, on MONDAY", the
! 2 ;th day of August, 1867. for allow ance
l and confirmation, nisi, and unless excep
i tions are* tiled within four days thereafter, ■
| will be confirmed absolutely: '
1. First and tinal account of Jacob S. '
| King, guardian of Y'ost King, minor son
; 'f Y ost King, late of Menuo township,;
2. Account of J. T. & J. W. Wilson. ,
xecntors of George Wilson, late of Men- J
j no tow nship, dec'd.
3. Account of John D. Barr, adminis
trator of Andrew Watt, late of Brown '
i township, dec'd. j
4. Account of Samuel H. McCoy, ad-j -
ministrator of Wesley McCoy, late of
Granville township, dec'd.
5. Final account of Joseph M. Stevens,
acting aelministrator of James A. Cun
ningham, late of Lewistown, dec'd.
<>. Account of Peter Spangler, admin- -
istrator of Robert Burns, late of Granville <■
township, dec'd. t
7. Account of Mary Sterrett, adrainis- (
Tutrix of James Sterrett, late of Armagh •
township, dec'd. ]
8. Account of William Creighton, ex- i
"eutor of Elias Wagner, late of Derry ;
township, dec'd. " <
9. Account of H. J. Walters, adminis
trator of William Wakefield, late of Oliver
township, dec'd.
It). Account of Aria Floyd, executrix
>f Mary Ann Milliken, late of Union
township, dec'd.
1. AppraiscjnciJt to iMui of John H
Moore, late of Menim township, dee d.
2. Appraisement to widow of Henry ;
•Steeley, late of Menno township, de'ed.
3. Appraisement to widow of John U.
Hamilton, lateof Newton Hamilton, dec'd
4. Appraisement to widow of James
Pollock, late of Oliver township, dec'd.
I 5. Appraisement to widow of Abner
j Thompson, lateof Lewistown, dec'd.
8. Appraisement to widow of George '
j Settle, late of Bratton towtiship. dec'd. j
7. Appraisement to widow of Abraham .
| Muttersbough, late of Decatur township, ,
| dec'd.
j Lewistown, July 31, 1867. Register.
v pplicatioii for transfer of Li- j
, V cense.—Notice is hereby given that
| tiie application of Martha H. Settle for
( transfer of license in Bratton township,
jat junction of public road from MeVey
| town, has been filed in this office, and will
j be presented at August term, at which
time petitions for, and remoustrauces
against said transfer, will be heard bv the
Court. \V. H. BRATTON, Pro.
Prothonotary's Office, >
Lewistown, July 31, 1867. /
List of Causes for Trial at August Term, 1867
.VO Term. Year J
1. Margaret Lchr vs. Gabriel I.ehr 9 Nov. 1666 !
2. Ami Junkin. jr., et al. vs John
Miller 142 Atig. 1855
! 3. H"M Re*d v* Hugh Dillett. 67 - 1859.
| 4. Win .I M-COY, fur use, \ s Gen.
H. Calbraitn 79 " 1550.
I 5. Ralph Bogle's Exrs. vs Jas. M.
Sellers. 85 1563.
j 6. Jonn Stoneroad, for use, vs Geo.
11 Calbraith 13 Apl. ISS4,
I 7. Wt.eeier A West vs Jno. Wir.n 07 Aug. "
1 8. E. L. Benedict vs The LUTFLM
A Centre Co. R. It. Co. 63 Apl. ISSS.
| 0. Ed P. Harvey rs X. W. Sterrett 99 Aug. *•
; 10. A. Reed, Oom ol P. Henry, vs
A. Thompson A Co. " 45 Nor. "
: 11. Ralph Bogle's Errs, vs W.J. Mc-
Coy et al. 47 " "
1 12. E E." I.ocke k Co. vs G. Bell 12 Apl. 1866
I 13. W. J. McCoy for use vs Abra
ham Freed et AL. 93 " " I
■ 14. Joseph Kyle. |r.. vs Freedom
Iron A Steel Co. 124 " " •
J 15. Rev. MO-E9 Floyd et al. vs John
Stroup 127 " " |
I 16. S. B. Haines, who survived, Ac.,
vs Dulton Madden et al. 130 " "
I 17. J. M. Kepr.er vs Jonas Zook 62 Aug " j
i IS. Anna Hawthorn vs Henry Bar
eus et al. ' 70 " " 1 T
19. Henry Simwden TS J. T. Lane 126 " " N
i 20. .1 as. A. Cunningham's Adturs.
vs R. D. Smith 131 " I
: 21. E E- Locke, jr., vs Richard Gal
laher et al. 2 NOT " !
; 22. T E Williams vs SS. ''"cods 62 " • ~
I 23. Mary A Goshoru vs A M Shoop 76 "
24. Han. M McKee vs the Pa RR Co 4 Jan 1867 „
25. H P Taylor vs Robt Campbell 31 " "I
26. Ferdinand Rahter vs D Bush 39 " -
27. Alfred Kline vs The Lewistown I
A Kiab T. Pike Road Co 42 • • II
'2B. John M Cummins vs Saml Watts 51 •' "
W. H. BRATTON. Proth'y. !
Prothy's Ofßice, Lewistown, July 31, 1867.
Great Fall in Prices!
I )OARDS, from $2 and upwards. *-
> PL A ST. LATH, 3 75 to 4 25 per M.
YV. P. FLOORING, 3 75 per 100 feet.
Hemlock do 3 35 do
SASH, 8 x 10, 7 cents, and other down id
PANEL POORS down 10 per ct.
A full assortment of FRAME LUMBER
in ay 29 WM. B. HOFFMAN A SONS. |
TEST received, a fresh supply of SUN- P
' J BURY COAL, ail sizes, which will be sold at redue- ■
! ed prices. Also,
RECEIVED, a full supply of
SASH, ai
which will be sold at reduced prices, jot
myl W. B. HOFFMAN & SONS. | *
Valuable Property
IN pursuance of an Act of Assembly ap
proved April 2d, 18)17, the undersigu
hl Commissioners appointed for that pur
pose, will offer at adjourned public sale at
the Court House in the Borough of Lew
istown, on
WEDNESDAY, Aug. 28. 1867,
at one o'clock in the afternoon, tiie valu
able property known as The Miffiin Coun
ty Poor House Farm, containing
more or less, situate half a mile east of
Lewistown, on a public road, and adjoin
ing lands of \V. C. Porter on the north
Robert Forsyth on the east. S. A j'
Mitchell on the southeast, and Graham
<fc Franciscus, R. F. Ellis and Kishaco-
JLr m ~ V quillas creek on the south
;; /, and west. The improve-
UH ' ntH of large two
House, now useJ as a Poor Hous-. a two
story brick tenant house, large Frame
Barn, and various other outbuildings.
Also a Tenant House, stable, garden, Ac.,
situate about 2>A' yards from the main
building. There is a tSirifiy young Or
chard and varioOH fruit trees on the prem
ises. The greater j>art of the soil i. natu
rally good, and al! of it susceptible of the
higiie-t state of improvement.
Any jjersons desirous of examining the
above property, are requested to call on
John C. riigler. oueof the Commissioners,
residing in Lewistown, or c-u Richard
Gallagher, on the premises, either of
whom wiil show the same.
The above property will first be offered
as a whole, and then icar up in two tracts,
about equally divJdeu. the U-rn howe
ver embracing ail the imildiugs, the Com
missioners reserving the right to dispose
of the same under either bid'ring.
Terms will be made known on day of
sale. JOHN C. riIGLER,
Any person having a small projerty
froni *SO to 100 acres for sale and suitaufe
to erect a Poor House on. can make it
known to any of tbe Commissioners.
Lewistown. July 24, 1867 .-.
Ij by eriven that letters testamentary on
tiie estate of Mary I nsrram. lateof* De
catur township, Miffiin county, deceased,
have been granted to the uudersiirned. re
siding in said township. All those in
debted to said estate, are requested to
make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims to present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
jyl7 Executor.
i "'STATE NOTICE.'— Notice is hereby
j given that letters of administration
on the estate-.'f Joseph H. Boody.late
of Wayne township, Miffiia county, de
oeaseti, have been grantcsJ to the under
signed.•residing in -add township. All
persons indebted to said estate are hereby
notified to make payment without delay,
and tho-e having claims to present them,
duly authenticated, for settlement.
jylT.Gr* Administrator.
-S _-;ven liial letter- of a'imini-t ration
■:i toe estate of Jacob Kaulman,
. it'- of Bratton township. Mifflin county,
i-.-.■•ca-ed. havir leen granted to the under
-igntsj. residing in said township. All
persons inde tei to saii estate are hereby
notified to make piayment w irhout delay,
.nd those having claim- to present them,
duiv authenticated, for settlement.
jylO.St* Administrators.
tMAIii NOTICE. —Notice is hereby
J given that letters of administration
on tbe estate of Abraham >1 utthers
bough, late of Decatur township, Mif
fiin county, deceased, have been granted
to the undersigned, residing in said town
ship. All persons indebted to said estate
are hereby notified to make payment
without delay, and those having claims to
present them, duly authenticated, for set
jylO.Ot* Administrators.
HAY ING resumed the manufacture of
Woolen Good?, the undersigned wil! con
s autly on hand and for a3e. an assortment of Vool
e : 'u-Kxis. exclusively of" tiieir own manu
facture, such a?
Plain and Fancy, Common and Fine,
Light and Heavy.
Plain ar.d Barred,
Heavy, Medium and Light,
M hite, Gray and Colored,
Germantown Zephyrs, &c.
Made to order, of three ply, all wool chain.
sr f mad* with especial reference to
- rrtENGI H andDt RABILITY. being put up in the
most substantial manner and of thebe.-t material, and
;vill e sold at price- as low as they can be manufac
tured for. and still retain these desirable qualities
W e have wagons out from which persons cau obtain
•>ur goods at their own doors at the same pnees that
they ar# 4 soid for at the factory.
Wool, Soap and Lard taken in erehannf for aoodi.
Harrisburg Steam Boiler Works,
Manufacturer of
mi 1 u k ! n^4° f r ork out of Boiler. Tank or Sheet
ron satisfactorily executed. Special attention paid to
reasonable rates.
Wi- vV ith steam facilities, improved maehinerv and
oois. and advantage of having all material made at
>ur doors I am enabled to furnish parties in want of
i . I"" character with an "A. Xo.l" article and
4 lowest figure:. juneWm