G. & G. R. FRYSINGER, PUBLISHERS, Whole No. 2930. Poor House Business. Tho Directors of tltn Poor meet at the Poor House on the 2o Tuesday of each month. ssirsmiOT & ao. 5 BANKERS, JA) WI STO WN, PA Collections and remittances promptly made. , luterest allowed on time deposits. jan23-ly. , G-EO. W. ELDER, Attorney at Law, Office Market Square, Lewistown, will at tend to business in Mlfllin. Centre and Hunting don counties mv 26 I.Y COMING COUNTY Mutual Insurance Company. Capital, $2,500,000. Tins Cotrpanv continues to issue Policies of Insur-, juice on flu: Minos and Personal Property, in Town ! or Country, at cash or mutual rates. JAMES RANKIN, President. JOSHVA BOWMAN, Secretary. JOHN HAMILTON. Agent. jaalß'W Lewistown. Pa. DR. J CHIT <7. DAELEIT. Practicing Physician, Belleville, Miflliu County, Pa. "nil. DAHLEN has been appointed an Examining' I/Surgeon for Pensions. Soldiers requiring ex&m ioatioii will find him at lus oftiee in Belleville. toiler!lie. August 22, 1866.-y j H. M. DUNMIRE, DENTIST, OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of MitHin county. He is prepared to per f in. :i■ I operations in the dental profession. Office j tir-t door from the Lewistown House, Main street., where he will be found tne first two weeks of each month, and tne 1m week of each month be will I \;- i Ki-nacoquillas Vatby. Teeth extracted without pum by the use of nitrous oxide tuyl-tf L/iiio So DENTIST, (' FFERS his professional services to the citizens of] t Lewistown and vicinity. All in want of good, neat * writ will do well to give pint a call. lie may be found at all times at his office, three ] d< irs east of H M. &R. Piatt's store, Valley street. , i plfi-ly* • MEYERS NEWLY IMPROVED, CRESCENT SCALE, Acknowledged to be the best. London Prize Medal and highest awards* in America received. MELODEON S, and Second hand Pianos. Music. No. 722 ARCH St., beiow bth, Philadelphia, Pa. Phila., April 24. 1867-3tn THE BEST IN THE WORLD• IJIiE UNDERSIGNED IS AGENT FOR THE IBPRUYED SINGER SEWING MACHINE, which will be placed upon trial vvilh auy other now • li use. He invites coinpetion. It can be tested . iQ uo. CD2i(i: Da with any other machine to enable pnrchers to choose ; TIIE 11EST. TERMS LIBERAL. Give him a call. [niarl9-6mj WM. LIND. j J/.S. A. TKCKPSCIT, 11 AS taken the Store formerly occupied II "V John Haunt, for the purpose of earrving on j the WAT* 11 MAKING and JEWELRY Business. He ! will be pleased to see all Sir. Baum's old customers, and as many new ones as will favor him with a call. All work warranted. Store on East Market street, i nearly opposite the Post < tttieo. Lewistown, April 24, ISG7-tf MRS. M. E. STEWART, £& -AITCTJ STORE, "wit. Wrst Market st„ Lewistown, LADIES A GENTLEMEN'S rURMSHING GOODS. Sacks. Cloaks. Hats, Bonnets, Ladies Fine DJ3EEE j GOODS and Trimmings. Patterns of latest styles always on hand. Millinery and Dress-Making executed in the most approved style. Lewistown, April IS, IST -E "W" Meat Establisment. rPHE undersigned has fitted up the build- I ing in Brown street, above Frank's store, for a meal si. p where Fresh Beef, Pork. Mutton. \ cab Ac. i :oi he had at all times, an ice house for the preserva tion of meat being connected with the establishment. The public are invited to call. yv. The room will im opened for the first time on j SATURDAY MORNING, 10th not. JA\IES S. GALBRAJTH. ! Lewistown, March 13. 1867—tf. Lewistown Coach Manufactory. Junction 3d & Valley street. MOSER MAYES HAVING ASSOCIA fl -/e*" ,ri together for the purpose ot I'-W) manufacturing Coachi', t'nrnn jinx. tie., invite the public to j give them i> .-Mil and examine specimens of their I rk. which will be fund equal to any in or out ol! if< -ities. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to. deel2-)y i WILLIAM LIND, has now open A NEW STOCK of Cloths, Cassimeres AND V E S T I NCS, which will !>c made up to order in the neat est and most fashionable styles. an 19 V. S"JLS3?.TSCIT, Attorney at Law, LEWISTOWN. PA., OFFERS his professional h'Tvioes to the citizen* of Mifflin county Office n North<*ofrt corner f the Dm ond. next to II oilman'* store. uiy2 MILROY U IIIBIt ,V MJIWIII. Milroy, Mifflin County, Pa., r |Ml h Summer Session ol this Institution I sell commence on the Ist May, 1867. Whole ex pen— f-.r term of go weeks, including Tuition, Board; Ki -i I ~,i 1t,„,n573. Full intiU' Hons given tic— p,. | ariiig for College. Bui. in ess. or Teacbiug. i ii- lumimo.,l i- located in one of the tiuc.-t Val leys m tne State, at the foot of the Seven Mountains, in u healthy neighborhood, and amid unsurpassed sceuery. It' is accessible within a few miles by rail road. J. A. AIKENS, *tii7-3n5 Principal. ,|Ii93SU mu MMJM, THE NEW YORK MICA ItooriNii COMPANY, (established ISGS) are manufacturing under Letters Patent ttio Best Article of Gomposition Roofing ever offered to the Public. Ii is adapt--'! to overv style of Roof, stoep i or fiat, mi l can be readily applied by any one. j The U.ij Government* alter a thorough test of its ] utility, have adapted its use in tlie Navy Yards, nnil : I upon Public Buildings. The Roofing is put up in rolls, and has only to be j I nailed to the Roof to make a Durable L ire and Water-Proof Covering. We particularly recommend its use upon Buildings. Storun, Churches, Factories, Machine Mioj s. Steamboat Decks, kt. MSCA ROOFING PAINT, For coating TIN, IRON, or SHINOI.k ROOPS. It forms a Botly Equal to Three Coat* of Ordinary Paint. j No Roof can rust under it, and old leaky Roofs maybe made permanently water-proof and durable by its "use. The Paint requires NO MIXINH. but is ready to be ap-1 plied with the oidiuary paint brush. Prieu, il per gal ton. which will cover two hundred square feet. Also manufacturers of Black Lustre Varnish, Tarred Felt ami Hoofing Fitch. Discount to tlie Trade. Circulars and Price List fur- i j nisheii. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address ' THE MICA ROOFING COMPANY, 104 lirom!wag, N. Y. Frank Humphreys, 61 Royal st.. N. Og Schofield i j Williams Co, Augusta. Gag Baldwin H. Woods) Montgomerv, Ala.; T lus. S. Coate.-. Raleigh, N. C.; F. j A. Tucker. Richmond, Vag Henry Wilson, Petersburg. | ] Va., Agent-. jan'23 j Drew' s Patent FOR G'TXTTIITG- BOOTS lyjtruDii'j oiaFHiii OR SIDE SEAMS. THE greatest improvement of the age, in this line of trade. Ist. D does aivay Willi the wrinkles on i the instep, also, with the welted side seam which has j 'injured so many feet and ankles. 2d. It makes the easiest sitting and best fitting boot ever worn. This ' boot i- now inauafuetured by P. F. Loop, who holds j i the right of use for the county, and is prepared to furnish all who wish to wear this boot. A liberal dis- ] ■ count to dealers who wish to deal in these boots. Or-! i ders filh-d at short notice. Prices greatly reduced on j j ail goods a'. P. F. Loop's Shoe Store. febO 628. :-:SCP SKIRTsT 628 MAY SPRING STYLUS, Allir own Halo." ■ embracing .'very New and Desirable size, style and Shape of Plain and Trail Hoor SKIRTS.— 2. 2 1 4. 2£ 2 1 3-4, 3, 3 1-4. 3 1-2. 3 3-4 and 4 yards, round every length : and size Waist; in every respect FIRST Afi ALITY. and | especially adapted to meet the wants of FIRST CLASS ! and m.'st fashionable TRACE. -Oca OWN M AKE." of Hoop Skirts, are lighter, more j i elastic, more durable, and REALLY CHEATER than any 1 other make of either Single or Double Spring Skirt • I in" the American Market. They are WARRANTED in every respect, and wherever introduced give uiuvr- I sal satisfaction. They are now being extensively sold | by retailers, and every lady should try them Ask for "Hopkin's Own Make." and s-e that each I Skirt is Stamped "W. T. HOI'K 1 N'S MAM FAf.'TI R- I ER, 628 ARCIi Street, PHILADELPHIA." iYo others i are Genuine. A Catalogue containing Style, Size and ; Retail Prices, sent to any address. A Uniform and i : Liberal Discount allowed to Dealers. Orders bv mail 1 !or otherwise, promptly and carefully filled. Whole, j | sale and Retail, at Manufactory and Sales-rooms. No : j 628 Arch Street. Philadelphia. Skirts made to order- I altered and repaired. TERMS. NET CASII. ONE PRICE ONLY. ! tnar2o-10ui VV'M. T. llOl'lvlNS. Tailoring Establishment f " i (SZHkLIBIL'ISS "~\A7 q ©niSISSg) MERCH ANT TAILOR, has removed his shoptothe i •buildihg formerly known as the "green house," | at the inter tion of Valley and Mill street, adjoining ; H. M. & R. Pratt's store, where he cordially invites all | who need anything in his line. Goods and Trim- ] : inings furnished and gentlemen's clothing made, in I the latest styles, on short notice, and at reasonable j ' prices. apll-tf WHAT'S ALL THIS ? Why the Grain Bnsincss is Rrrht'tl at Mc- Coy's Old Stand. | r FHE undersigned, having rented the 1 large and commodious Warehouses formerly occupied l>y Frank McCoy, esq., is now prepared to purcnase or receive and forward ALL KINDS OF GRAIN, for which lie will pay market prices. Also, he will I keep for sake. SALT. PLASTER. COAL and FISH. I He returns thanks to nil his old customers for their i former patronage, and shall feel grateful forarenewal I of past business relations. I Merchants will find it to their advantage to give him j a call. [marU-y] WILLIAM WILLIS, j j EMPIRE SHLTTLE SEWING MAI MINES. Are superior to all others for j FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING PURPOSES, j i Contain all the latest improvements; are speedy ] noisel.-ss; durable; and easy to work. Illustrated Circulars tree" Agents wanted. Liberal i disouut allowed. No consignments made. Address EMPIRE S. M. CO., 616 Broadway, New York. Beps'66-ly S. S. CAMPBELL & CO. Manufacturing Confectioners, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN FR UITS, NUTS,&C, No. 31)3, HACK STREET, PHILADELPHIA, j ALSO, MAXCPACTUREItS OF ALL KINDS OF gSaT" Molasses Candjr and Cocuauut Work | geptl 2 66-Iv. j 20,000 MAJORITY! To the Voters of Central Penna IJ LECTION is over and ithasbeen decided by about ' I L 20.'>0 majority that tlie Tobacco and Cigar- sold i at i- rysmger's Tobacco and Segar Store cannot be i surpassed, either in equality or Puce, i Look at the Prices, get some of the goods, and com I pare with all others, and you will be satisfied that you i "et the worth of your money at Frysinger's. Ki > -it.ger's Spun Roll only il.OOper pound. ! p"rysmger's Navy " " " " ! Fry.singer's Congress " " j Frvsinger's Flounder " | WtMett Navy " '' u ' Oronokd Twist " ' , And other Plug Tobacco at 40 and 50 ets. perdb. 1 cut and Drv.W -nd 60 cts. Granulated Tobaccos at Wi cts.. cts. so i ts.. SI.OO, t1.20. and i 1.50 per lb. Fine Cut chewing, at SL4O and $1220. i Clears at 1. 2. 3. 5 and Iniets. each. P, in great var.et f; also Cigar Cases Tobacco - ouches and Boxes. Match Safes, and all artndes u-mIU kept in a lirsl-class Tobacco and Cigai . tore i To Mcrcfiaiils, 1 off.-r tho above goods at prmestha J will enable them to retail at the same prices that I i P '( h'i 2 t reß '' Ze * f; " r Pr< ,lt E. FRYSINGER. !' AA nn Tints'" WANTED—iIon iHi— Male and $20.00 I in.'lc. introduce our NEW PA 1 T.N I , . t-' sHU'ITLE SEWIMi MACHINE- It isa ..ipt f!ed for mm.ly use and Tadonng, 1 t makes a subdi ' alike on both sides. Price only 1W E.N 1> 1 ULua nn. ■ Extra ordinary mducements <„ Agents. lor yJI par s. x>. M'CURDY, with ! Benson. Campbell & Co., Conunissioii Mcrchnnts & Wholesale Grocers, ' .007 Market Street, Fhilmh/phia. '-nARTICULAR attention given to sales of Ginseng, ' 1 Woo! V.oolen Yarn, Eur s-kins. I'cer skills, Stieep ' skins Klaxseed.Cloverseed, F'eatbers. Leather, Roots, Dried' Fruit. Butter, Beeswax. Eggs, Ac. ' Ail goods warranted to give omire satisfaction, and ,' sold at the lowest city prices. IMeiAae call auH btt convinced. , Alsoj a full hn of Tobacco kopt con-danGy^on Lewistown Foundry MACHINE SHOP. REESE & SLAGLE, Proprietors. <). Iv. DAI'IS, Superintendent. Manufacturers of PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, PORTABLE AND STATIONARY SAW MILLS. Iron and Brass Castings Made and fitted up for Mills, Factories, Forges, Blast Furnaces, Rolling Mills, Ac. We call the attention of Tanners to our Oven for burning tan under Steam Boilers. TERMS REASONABLE. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Junes REESE & SLAGLE. INSURANGE AGENCY. THE following Fire, Life, and Accidental Companies : are represented by the undersigned : CAPITAL. aßtna, Fire of Ilartford, 81.083,000 Putnam, " 500,000 Home, New York 3,500,000! Gerntania, " 700,000 Home, New Ilavtn, 1,000,000, North America, Philadelphia, 1,750,000 Enterprise, " 400,000 Lycoming, Penna., 2,500,000 j Fanners, York, Pa., 500,000 2\merican Life, Philadelphia, 1,000,000 N. Y. Accidental, New York, 250,0001 Horse Thief Ins. Co. York Pa., 50,000 This agency is prepared to insure against Fire. Death j or Accident, in any part of Mifflin county Horses are insured against i-lieft. All business pertaining to j instilance promptly attended to. janlft'OT JOHN HAMILTON, Agent. THE OLD STAND AHEAD I Hamaker & Montgomery, H AVE associated together for the pur pose of manufacturing Conches, Buggies, Carria ges, .Sulkies, Spring Wagons, Ac., at i!IMES> t H.I) STAND, in Valley street. Lewistown. They are prepared to do all kinds of work in their line, in an elegant and workmanlike manner, and invue the citizens of town j and vicinity to call and examine their new .-took on hand, before purchasing el-ewhere. as ail work inifo ufaetured at this establishment is warranted. Prompt attention given to all repairing, which will i be done with neatness and durability, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. myi-ly KEDTJCTION ! FRANK H. WENTZ. AT HIS BOOT AND SHOE STORE, U.\S just received a Stock of Hoots tind Shops direct from Eastern Manufacturers,' ; vWueh he offers at greatly reduced prices: Men's (Congress Gaiters, 83 50 j 44 (J love C'alt Congress do, 4 25 Womens' Lasting Gaiters, 1 25 Other work in proportion. Also, an assortmentof Home Manufacture constant ly oil hand, and made to older at short notice. " Call and examine his stock before purchasing else 1 where. maj-8-y j Look out for Us, as we are Com-j iug once more, with a NEW Alt RIVAL, asms) STILL LOWER! "TrTE are prepared to sell Goods at the * Y lowest market prices, lower than be 1 fore the war. If you want good Sugars at 11 to IG, Coffees at 28 to 30, llice at 13, Syrupa at 15 to 30 qt,. Go to RITTENHOUSE & McKINNEY'S. If you want good Teas of ail kinds go to It t MeK. If you want good Spices of all kinds, go to K. & McK. If you want a good quality of Honey, go to | K. & McK.. If you want the best Corn Starch, Concentrated Lye, I Washing Soaps, Toilet Soaps, Canned Fruits, &e.. Go to R. & McK. i If you want to buy good white Muslin, yard wide, at 15 cents, go to R. & McK | If you want Calicos, at 10 to 18 cents, go to, R. & McK. ; If vou want good goods of all kinds, such as Ginghams at 10 to 25, Bruwn Muslins at 10 to 23, Delaines, 25, (old prices,) ] including Dress goods, the best of all kinds, j Go to R. fc McK. For Flannel, Ticking, Crash, Tahle Diaper, i Linen, with a variety of other goods, go to R. &. McK. j TO THE LADIES . If you want good Cotton Hose, at 15 to 30, Go to R. a MeK. ! If you want good Notions of all kinds, go to It. t McK. Gentlemen, if you want Cotton Socks, at I'2J cts , Paper Collars of all kinds, Linen Col lars, got up for the summer, at 5 cents, go to ; 14. t McK. If you want good Cotton Pants Stuff, Cassiiners and Cloths, Go to R. 4 MeK. 1 If you want Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, ' i go to R- a McK. If VOU want good Fish of all kinds, go to J R. A McK. If you want to find a good stock of goods of all kinds, go to R- * McK. Thankful lor past favors, and hoping a con tinuance of the same, wo remain. Very Respectfully, RIT FE NIIOUS E&McK IN NE Y. I Lewistown, June 19, 186/—tf NEW GOODS, ' T? J. HOFFMAN has just received a s large supply of new goods, which will 1 be sold low, for cash. fifilM WARE. A good assortment, at 1 J[ F. J. HOFFMAN'S. Wednesday, July 31, 1867. ; T have such thoughts so beautiful and sweet I fain embrace as night each nestling star, i That come as does tho morn, with dewy feet, And heralding the joy that breaks afar; ! And thoughts, to me so simple, true and reai— As real as dew-drops are mjyto the leaf— j That I discourse until my fond Ideal . Is wedded to the form of my belief. i The Spirit Laiid then stands before my eyes, i Not as a city we in fancy make, But as a city 'neath the moonlight lies With shadows seen reposing on the lake; - And I can clearly sec the silver spray 1 That sparkles when tho boatman lifts his oar, As towards tlie Palace of Immortal Day i Through silent waves he plies his passage o'er. And then a sound comes floating to my ears Like rustling leaves the playful winds had fanned, | Unti the gates I've seen through fulling tears, j I cfoarly see with Heaven's own rainbow spanned; j ] And beings here that to my dreams belong. With w.-iving palms attend each welcome band, And with their starry harps recite in song The harmonies that fill the Spirit Land. ' And there are seen those blooming fields and rills ! That fringe the margin of that peaceful Bay, i Tlie life, the same that here our bosoms thrills, Still finds us pilgrims on our upper way; j And I rejoice so real to find it all, As finds the chrysalis tlie fields and trees, j That doul t was but the shadow of the wall, j .My spirit now through its own starlight sees. S. 11. LLOYD, i The Six-Fingered Robber. An Eastern Story. [Concluded Irom last week.] CHAPTER VII. ALEE's CAPTURE. Alec never molested the poor.— Wealthy caravans or pursy traders were the sufferers; but his robberies were bloodless, unless be met with re -istunee or disobedience. He was, in deed, on such good terms with tlie vil iagers in whose neighborhood he car | tied on his depredations, that lie is said to have been daily provided with I tin abundance of mona, to which each ! village contributed a portion j and in J return, when there happened to be a | marriage-feast, Alee would sometimes ; appear, and, bringing a gift for tlie j bridegroom, would assist at the rejoic-[ |ings. Now Sheikh Bitocwy, of the village | of , had made known, by the pub lic crier, that his eldest son. .J ilaly, was ■to take unto him for wife Fatma, the j daughter* of Raid Rtsiftsy. These were joyful news for the Six i fingered, who loved a carousal, and was fond to excess of sornets, and never | had he been accused of passing the i wooden howl without taking a long and hearty pull. That night his pota tions were more deep and frequent I than usual; and at length, overcome Iby the intoxicating fumes, the free booter lay senseless on the floor. 4 What sum has been offered for this j drunkard?' said old Kador, the one eyed, who, by-the-by, had frequently handed the bowl to Alee (near to• i whom he had seated himself). ' They i j say,' he continued, 4 that our lord the! iSultan would give tlie dower of a ! Basha's daughter for the bullet-head ol that villain. 2\re we to disregard the ! royal mandate? Are we to admit into; our feasts one whose very hand is stained with the blood of our kindred? j Did he not shoot my uncle's wife's ; brother, Raid Moktar, while obeying the orders of Seeyedoona 1 Arewe to I accept gifts bought at the price of i blood ? Are wo, in the face of God i land man, to be a party to his lawless! I acts? Let others do as they please;* , but I,' said he, unsheathing his dagger at the same time, 4 1 will not be a traitor j to my Sultan.' Heated with wine, and i j excited by tho appeal of the One eyed, j several of tho guests started up, ap plauding his decision, ' But,'said they,! j 4 let us not take his life, and bring ill duck upon tho bride and bridegroom;) rather let us secure his person, and t send him in chains to the Prince of j ; Believers.' It was some moments beforo Alee ; !discovered their treachery, for the! | fumes of somets had addled his brains: j j resistance too was useless, so he sut , fered himself to be hound hand and; I foot. ! Having effected this, tho villagers! j called a consultation, and agreed that .three armed men should ho left to watch him for tlie night Old Kador 'i again interposed, saying, 'O fools! ye ; know not with whom you have to deal: j this is not a thief of the Shloh : this is , not a cattle-stealer of Benimsooar.— | This is tho Six-lingered : ay, this is he for whom three hundred mitzakel have been offered. It you will listen, I will tell j'ou how to secure him.' 4 Speak then, O Kador,' they cried. Upon which the One-eyed said,' Let the skin ot his feet be torn from tlie ; soles ; and then, if he break his bonds, ' ho will not have power to go far.' The savage proposition was put into execution. 2\lee groaned with agony; and called upon those around for mer cy. To many of them he had perform ed acts of kindness : but they had gone too far to retract, and were deaf to his entreaties. This done, the three guards were 1 left to watch their bleeding prisoner, j who lay groaning with pain, the acute ness ol which had quite recovered him j from his drunken fit. j The night rolled on; and the guards, tired of watching, drowsy from tlie ef fects of wine, and trusting to the crip pled state of the robber, gave way to sleep: even old Kador, who was one of their number, and tbe most watchful, thought he might venture to snatch an hour of rest. j On hearing the snoring of tho guards the hope of escape flashed through the mind of Alee: but how to break his bonds—for one or two efforts told bint that even with his enormous strength the thick palmetto cord was not to bo ! conquered. Now, he remembered, there was a largo flat slab of stone in the centre of the hut, upon which the bowl of somets had been placed, and the sides of which had been finely cut: so, creeping to wards it, he patiently rubbed tho cord against the sharp edge of tho stone, until lie had completely sawn through it, and his hands became free. With a little dagger, which he cau tiously removed from the belt of one lof the sleepers, he cut the cords that hound his feet: then tearing off part |of his turban, and creeping towards the glimmering lamp, dipped the r.igs in the oil, and hound his mutilated feet. 'Now,' muttered he, 'f escape or die but first let me have revenge!' So,j j crawling towards the old Kador, the! cause of all his present suffering, he; | suddenly placed his iron fist on the mouth of tho old man, and with the | other hand plunged the dagger into his perfidious heart. All was quiet without—both dogs land men were alike overcome with ; the plentiful bounty of' the sheikh : so, stealing along snake-like through the village, lie descended towards the river, which at some half-mile from thence ran its rapid course towards the sea lie soon reached it, and having j quaffed a copious draught, he plunged into the stream, laying flat on his hack, and allowing tlie rapid current to ear ly him whither it listed. Alee, havingfloated a long way down the stream, made for the shore, and lay some hours in tho wet reeds, week irom loss of blood, excitement, and fa tigue. During this time, however, he had dressed his wounds with the herb call ed Tserbil, which grows in marshy i ground, and which he had fortunately found near the water's edge, and its cooling qualities tended nuch tore licve his aching feet. 2Vs the evening I set in, ho again started on his painful journey, crawling on his knees and hands—which, alter a few miles ol such travelling, were reduced to al most as wretched a state as his muti lated feet—and he was again obliged to seek a hiding-place, until lie could recover strength and heart to continue j his journey. Thus did he labor on for five long lays; and had it not been for the I scraps of bread taken from the hut of the sheikh, he would have died of hun ger. On tho morning of the sixth day he reached his own hut. 2V horrid stillness prevailed; and a cold chill came over him, as with a trembling voice he called upon his wife: but 110 )answer was returned. Alas, where was she who used to welcome the rob her with tears of gladness ? Again he )called with a louder voice, 'llahmana, where arc you ?' No reply gladdened iiis ear. Gasping for breath he enter ed the hut, and there lay the.corpse of his poor wife, and on her cold bosom an infant dying from want of nourish ment. 4 Thy curse, O God, is 011 me,' he cried, 4 and well have I deserved it!— But why, O cruel fate, was I not per mitted once again to see my wife while yet alivo, and ask her forgiveness?— ! And my poor child too —alas ! alas !' i\leo passed a long, long night of •agony, bemoaning his cruel lot; up-1 j braiding himself bitterly for the in-, temperance which had caused all this misery ; and bathing with tears the re ; mains of his beloved wife and child. CHAPTER VIII. ALEE'S DEATH. Tho next day he peeled the hark j from tho trunk of a young cork tree, and made a coffin for tho bodies of his wife and child; vowing to bury them j by the tomb of his patron saint, in the ) wood of Sahel, as soon as his wounded Icct would permit him to undertake tlie laborious task. Three weeks had passed, and zklee's feet were much recovered; so, placing the bier upon his shoulders, and taking with him a fas, he took his way to the sanctuary, which was a good six miles from his solitary abode; and there he buried the remains of her whom he had loved so dearly; and then ho took an oath, over tho fresh-dug grave, to abandon tho life of a robber, and to visit daily, Until death, the tomb of his lamented Rahmana. Being no longer ,j provided with mono by his friends, who all supposed him dead, and bound by oath not to commit violence, poor ; Alee subsisted on acorns, or such roots of tho forest as ho could procure; or olse, crouching by the road-side with • muffled face, begged bread, for the love ; of God, from the pa sers-by. j Rumors now got abroad that a fig i! ure liko that of tho famous robber had , j often been seen sitting near the sanc tuary of tho Sahel wood; and orders i came down from tho court to tho Raid j ot' Laraiche to iuquire into the truth ,{of these reports; and should Alec, the LEWISTOWN, MIFFLIN COUNTY, PA- Six fingered, be yet alive, and found to frequent the sanctuary, that he must be seized, and that even the sanctuary itself might to violated, should betake refuge there. It was Friday; iVleo had taken a branch of myrtle, and was seated over the grave of his wife, speaking to lieri after tho Moorish fashion, as if yet alive. Wrapped in his thoughts, he did not perceive, until they were nigh upon him, some score of men, who now emerged from the wood, armed ; with guns. iYlee was unarmed, for thus ho always approached the holy ground : he had left his mare some way off in the wood, and his feet were not yet so much recovered as to be trust- i ed to in flight: moreover lie was tired of life, and cared not what became off himself; so walking leisurely towards) the holy sepulchre, lie entered therein. The soldiers now surrounded the sanctuary. The orders were to bring the Six lingered alive; so they agreed not to commit any violenco, unless Alee attempted to escape. Much dis cussion, however, ensued as to who should venture within to arrest the! formidable culprit. At length three of the stoutest hearted agreed to under take the bold adventure. Alee was sitting coiled up in a cor- ' ner, his head bent to his knees, and i his hands buried in the folds of his gee- 1 lab. I With fear and trembling the three armed men advanced a step; when; Alec, raising his head and fixing his eagle eye on tho foremost man, seized a huge stone, one of many which lay scattered in the tomb, and hurled it 1 at his breast. The man fell, and the two others made off, but one of them, as he reached the threshold, was level led by a second missile from the all-. powerful hand of Alee. 4 And now,'exclaimed the B'ix fing ered, as lie approached the door, 4 no man shall lay hands on me within tlie] sanctuary near to which my wife is laid ; but I am sick of life, as all I car ed for lies in yonder grave: so fear not,' said he to the Raid of the troop,! every man of which, with levelled gun, was expecting further mischief; 4 take me prisoner, and convey mo whither-j soever you please.' He was now hound without offering | resistance, and led out of the burial ground. .Vice was taken prisoner to Laraiche, | where the greater part of the popula I tion came forth to see the dreaded) highwayman, and, as he passed, the s curses ot the man}' were showered on ; his doomed head, but they were inter ! I mingled with the blessings of not a few i who recognised in him a former bene factor. Fetters were now riveted on his hands and feet, and a massive iron r collar, with a chain that would have held a lion, was fastened round his I neck. Thus secured, he was taken be fore the governor of the place, who] ordered liirn to he lodged in a dun- I I gcon. Tho Sultan, having been apprised of tho robber's arrest, issued a royal let 1 ter, declaring him an outlaw, and con ■ demning him to lose the right hand i and tlie right foot; that then he should he released, and allowed to limp about as a moral lessou for others of like I character. On the day appointed for the execu I'j lion of this dreadful sentence, Alee was 1 led forth to the market-place, where crowds of people had assembled from all the country around to witness the ' fate of him wlto had been the cause of such terror to this western world. The executioner was ready with his ■ knife, and near at hand was placed a! bowl of hot pitch, wherein tlie stumps ! 1 were to be thrust to stop the bleeding ! His manacles, as I have told you, had! 1 been riveted on, and a blacksmith was! about to be summoned to break them) off, when Alee exclaimed, 4 ls it fori these toys you require a blacksmith?'! t and, jerking hack his hands, he snap ! ped them asunder His right hand was now seized by tho executioner, who, with three other ; men, endeavored to force it from the socket previous to cutting it off at its) •) joint. 'Why do you tremble?' said 'l Alee to the executioner; 4 give me the) ' knife, and I will do what you dare not. j ' Fear not that I shall uso the knife ' against you :my doom is sealed; and L>i had 1 so wished, 1 would have escaped j long ago' The knife was given to s ) him, and, the four men pulling at his *i hand, ho with his left hand.severed it ■? with ono cut, and plunged the bleed 1 ' j ing stump into the boiling pitch with s| out a groan. His foot was then am putated by tho executioner, and then J 1 the poor wretch was abandoned to his [l i fate. ' Two days after, Alee Boofraheo, the °! Champion, the Six fingered, was found j dead, lying 011 tho grave of Rahmana. L lie is said to have expired raving mad, i, and was buried by some charitable ' persons near to the body of his wife. r g A Woman Trapped, r The Saginaw Enterprise has the fol -1 lowing: A singular method of woman 0 trapping recently camo to our notice. Judge Jewett, of Kockville, had set [ and baited a largo steel trap near his 1 house for tho purpose of catching a -j deer. During one night recently while sj sitting in his room, pondering perhaps 1 on the probabilities of catching game, 1 i ho was aroused by a loud shriek in the) e I direction of his trap. Hastily repair- Vol. 57. No. 30. ing to tho spot, he found to his con* sternation and dismay, not a full grown buck, with branching antlers, nor yet a doe, but a woman writhing in agony, firmly caught between tho ponderous jaws of the trap. It appears that she had been looking for some cattle that had strayed away, and night coming on she had probably got lost, and wan dering by the Judge's trap, got herself into difficulty. The most fortunate circumstance that could possibly have happened was, that she was not injured in tho least. .™, General Sickles'' Equipage. The Now York Herald says:—Gen. Sickles has thanked Mr. Bingham for his handsome reply to Mr. Eldridge, adding:—'You may relieve his anxiety with tho consoling information that my equipage has not cost him or any of his friends anything, said equipage being the cherished gift of my com rades of the Third Army Corps.' If Mr. Elridge still desires to con. tinue his investigations of the eqaipago question, he might visit Newport and see the Democratic party, in the per son of the chairman of its Exocutivo Committee, roll by in coach and four. Or in our Park ho might daily see rev enue collectors and whisky distillers, whose frauds on the Government havo not j-et been exposed in Congress, roll by in equally gorgeous style. Maximilian. General Lew. Wallace publishes, in the Chicago Tribune, a letter on tho Mexican question, more particularly on the execution of Maximilian, from which we quote as follows: 'Without the slightest hesitation,and speaking from what I know, as having been seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears, it is ray judgment, that, next to Jef Davis, Maximilian was tho greatest criminal whom tho * country has yet seen. And the judg ment has been formed with direct ref erence to charity, mercy and humani ty, all which appear to have been so shocked by the Austrian's death. It is further my jugdment that no people, in any age or country, not excepting our own in tho recent rebellion, ever I suffered as much at the hands of their | ruler, lawful or unlawful, as the Mexi can people suffered from Maximilian'. Children's Department. Good Rules Tor All. Profane swearing is abominable. Vulgar language is disgusting. Inquieitiveness is offensive. Tattling is mean. Lying is contemptable. Slandering is develish. Drunkenness is disgraceful. Laziness is shameful. Yain babbling is nonsensical. Cheating is damnable. Avoid all the above vices and aim at usefulness and honesty. This is tho road by which to become respectable, and to establish a good character Walk in it, and never leave it. Never bo ashamed of honest labor. Pride is j a hateful curse—a hateful vice. Nevor jact the hypocrite, but always speak out boldly, and let the world know what you are. Keep good company. Speak the truth at all times. Never bo discouraged but persevere, and ~ mountains will become mole hills. 1 God Made Everything. 'Can you think of anything that God didn't make?' I asked the little fellows in my Sunday School. 'Yes'm' said Bobbie, promptly; e oys- I ters.' 'And what makes you think he didn't make oysters, Bobbie ?' 'Ob, because—because— why, I should think most anybody could ma ho an {oyster ' Maybe some of the little folks think just as Bobbie did—that an oyster is nothing but a soft, helpless, pulpy thing, without head or feet, or any particular shape, shut up in a rough, ugly shell, the most helpless, ungainly thing in the world. But you are very much mistaken. God showed just as much love and wisdom in making the oyster as ho did in making tho beauti ful bird that sings in the tree-tops. His homo was.down under the salt water, and his food was brought by ;Lhe constant motion of tho waves, not into bis mouth, but into his stomach. ' Tie had no need of eyes to watch, or - of lungs to breathe; the great salt bath did it all for him. He was to live only near ehoro and in shallow water, so ■ ho had no need of feet of fins to help 1 him on his travels. But his delicate * tissues needed tho most careful protec tion and so ho was provided with a 3 shell —ugly, rough, and hard without; ' smooth, glistening, and pearly within —a wonderful house, that no tempest > can sweep from the rock where it grows; 3 1 but this limp, little inhabitant can open I the doors wide when he pleases, and 1 shut them so fast that no man's fingers can rpen them. You must put in a wedge and break the lock first, and ' then they fly open. Every creaturo which God has made is exactly fitted for tho place where he meant it to live; and the moro we examine his works, '.the moro we shall bo filled with won der at his wisdom and skill.— Little Cor ' j poral. *®r\Vhat two letters have tho least in them ? MT.