Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, July 24, 1867, Image 3

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    j* JJ 3
Camp Meeting.—A Camp Meeting foi
McVeytown Circuit, commencing Augusi
16th, will be held within two miles o:
McYeytown station. P. R. R.,and withiE
one-half mile of Ross's crossing; at lattei
place all accommodation passenger trains
will stop. Efforts are being made to lrav
local freight trains stop there aiso 011 day
of commencing or closing, and ample ac
commodations for boarding convenient,
and abundance of excellent water within
reasonable distance of the ground. Public
are invited to attend. Friends from ad
joining charges wishing to tent with us,
will please signify their intentions to the
M. L. SMITH, Pastor.
Newton Hamilton, Pa.
Slackwater. —Some preliminary meas
ures have been taken with a view of
adapting the Juniata to slackwater navi
gation. There is certainly nothing in the
road to prevent this from being carried
out. as the fall of water from the Newton
Hamilton dam down is quite regular, and
from thence to Huntingdon but little dif
ficulty would be encountered. Such a
change would soon create steam naviga
tiand present a sight few ever aaltci
pated on the " Blue Juniata." It has al
ways appeared to us that a channel for
light draught boats—such as arc used on
tii* Ohio—could be made at a eompara
tiv y small expense, by removing rocks
and stones for a breadth of 50 or 100 feet,
although in many places the river ap
pear- lite shallow to the eye, the real
dt-j en the riffles is never less than from
on. ' - two feet, as any one can test by an
attempt at wading, and in most places
no. li more. Many boats on the Ohio
draw only about 2U inches, so that navi
gation here is not so unfavorable as some
imagine. fr it is evident that if even a
channel, such as we speak of. were clean
ed out. i flat b ttom steamer could make
its way I rum Duncan s Island to the old
Au- iiwick Falls at the present stage of
wanr without difficulty.
Middle Creek Railroad, —The corps of en
gineer- employed to locate this road have
corn p. -i tin- survey to the old Roth rock
Mi!!, a out o; miles from town, from
v. •■nee we learn a re-survey will be made
to Liiieysville, in order to test the praeti
. y *•; that route. It is the intention
of tin mi any to get towork next month.
> .I:H a 1 iitional stock has been secured,
- .hat but a comparatively small amount
r .mams to be provided for. Whatever
(!;::< fences of opinion may exist a- to the
proj nety or impropriety of sundry pro
i tilings, we are sure all will be rejoiced
to see the road commenced, and if it i
then prosecuted with any degree of wis
lom, we believe capital enough can be
-ecured to grade it.
The Academy.—The want existing by
the vacancy in the above Institution will
d.-ly be supplied, as a female teacher
tuts dready U*en engaged, viz: Mrs. Jane
h. Nolan formerly of this county. The
trliave marie a proposition to Mr.
John Laird formerly of Academia, Juni
ata < unty. which he will likely accept.
The fall -ession will begin about tSeptem
i< r. Wf no reason why this Acarie
ru\ should not be a popular Institution,
such Leu istown would l>e proud of, as
: ful location and surroundings
re:. it an attractive place for students.
He.angt's Patent Soap. —Captain M. F.
C"• tr: ai-'haui has purchased the right of
this -nap for a number of counties, from
wh m individual, family, and county
right- may be secured. This is an excel
ie:.t .- >-ap, and for cheapness cannot be
exr . Common hard Soap can be
h.a :• tor one cent ].<er pound, and an ex
article of Shaving Soap for five
cer.N jor pound. Thi- Soap will remove
givase, oil, pitch, tar or paiut, without in
jury to cloth or silk.
Grove has still the largest run of
customers, and the reason is he keeps
nothing but what is good and sells cheap.
II - Hams, Shoulders and Bacon are ex
cellent, while Iris Cheese can't be beat.
Give him a call, for he keeps everything.
A: i during these hot days, go and sup
pl\ yourself with several plates of his
;- IceCream and topotl with a glass
or two of his ice-cool Mead, and you'll
f' -1 ail right.
H Peket Books at H. \V. Junkin's
■ iry and Fancy Store from 10 eta. to
ail sizes, styles and prices. Busi
ne— men who really consult their own
will carry the best article for
hoiduig money that can be had. Junkin
■ the stock from which such an article
<•. -elected. If you don't believe it
The sale of the Personal Property
of 0. Lehr, at Mt. Rook Mills, will be
' iu .ed n Saturday afternoon. For
1 i."l'-ulai- -t-e bills.
Postponed. —The Good Templars' Dis
trict <bnvention, which is to meet at
L;v< rj.-oo!, Periy county, has been post-
I" o* '1 to the 14th of August.
Jame- Bell hurt himself considerably
oy tailing off a f ia y wagon last week on
3:- f - farm of the Morrison Brothers in
t nion township.
•' were in error some weeks ago in
stating that the railroad company was
py;:ig : {<■ nts an hour. The price fixed
U 1 n ].") cuts, so that ten hours labor
products? i I.oU per day.
A I lack snake about 8 feet long was
kih.-l ne.-;.- Minehart's Gap the other day.
ftuake- thus far have been rather scare*
ti.i- year, we having seen but one of the
loisoiious kind in all the expeditions wt
have made.
A j rof ( --eil pawnbroker opened an auc
* 'at Mr-. Ficbthoru's store room week
last, and after selling quite a lot ol
<ath,iig ( left for more goods, forget
' "'J h pay a number of bills. Somebody
always pays fox cheap goods.
Major Wilson of Wayne township ha*
_ sent us a specimen of Alsace or Swedish
Clover, the cultivation of which he has
commenced. It i-* of remarkable growth,
>r from 2-3 to 4- -talks springing up from a
■i single seed and standing three and four
A feet high.
n| Two or three persons were arrested on
•r Monday, charged with stealing a number
is of hams, Hitch, Ac., from different parties
e in town. Some meat had been marked
Y and was identified. Another hearing i
.. to be had before E- p Rudisill, when a fi
nal disposition will be made of the case.
n The Episcopal Church is to undergo a
c . remodeling process by extension to the
. street, which, with other propo-ed altera
tions, will make it a fine church. Its old
e associations however have always been
pleasant, and many will no doubt regret
to see a front of other days give place to a
new one.
-On Sunday and Monday a large quant i
- ty of rain fell in this county. On Mon
!! "ay the unusual spectacle of thunder
- storms from the north tpok place, the
- mountains seemingly presenting no ob
! stacle to tiieir course. They succeeded
11 each other in rapid succession, tin* clouds
I being heavily charged with electricity
and sending down torrents of rain, in
i i some cases accompanied by hail. A house
on the Huling ridge farm is said to have
had the window panes ali broken on one
Neighboring Counties.
A man named Johnson has been ar
retted at Altoonaon the charge of passing i
counterfeit money.
R. ('. Gil/son and li is sons, Geo. H. and
'"buries, charged with the killing of J. B.
Sheader, in I'erry county, were taken be
fore Judge Graham on a writ of hnbeax 1
'■nrpu-*, and the father, It. and one of
, tlie sons, Geo. H., released on bail—the
i'onner on his own recognizance in the
I sum of SIOOO and twosuretiesof ssooeaeli,
and the latter on his own recognizance in j
the -uin of >-590 and two sureties of y2.3<i |
(.•a h. <'buries was remanded to the cu— i
tod;, of the -henll'. Their trial will come i
off in August.
Huntingdon County.
John A. Willoughby and John Ma-i
iguire, tiie latter one of the firm of Whar
ton and Maguiie, hardware merchants, of j
Huntingdon, hitched up a young horse,;
belonging to Mr. G. B. Armifeige, in a
bran new buggy, for the purpose of tuk
ing a ride. They hadju-i gone over the
river bridge leading to Smithfield when I
the hor-e suddenly started oil'at a fright
ful speed. He ran into the fence a short
distance from tsmithtield, broke up the
buggy, and ujset the gentlemen. Ma
guire Wo- thrown on his side, and his
right leg broken above the knee, besides
Isustaining injuries to his left hip and
ia-k. Willougliby esc.-qjed unhurt, al
though he was dragged some distance.
Mr. B. Frank Sio-.m, of Henderson
township, was kicked in the face by a;
horse on Thursday evening, Jqly 4th, I
and 1 ■ 1 ! hi-jaw broken in two places, and •
1 aiso In- nose.
A hoy named Philip Oarlock, son of
Mr. Frank < larlock, of Huntingdon, died
>n Thursday morning last, from the ef
fects of eating cherries. About a week
I previous u> his death be went to the coun-j
try, where he had free access to a cherry
tree, and it- is supjx>.— (l he ate an ovei
quantity of the fruit, together with the
-touea. lie was brought homesick, and
ever since bis arrival home, it was found
impossible to open liis ijowels, although
. every remedy was tried that medical skill j
could deviae.— < C-tjt.
Tt nperanc-ein Congress. 'Ten-Minute;
. Speeches by Hons. Schuyler Colfax,]
Henry Wilson, Richard Yates, William
K. Dodge, Hiram Price, Samuel McKee
1". E. Woodiiridgi*, J. B. Grinnell, ami
J. W. Patterson, delivered at the Fir-i
Meeting of the< '<ngre>--ional Teinj-ranee
>ociety, Washington. D. C. With a li-i
of Pledged Members. New York : S. it
|Weils, Publisher, 389 Broadway, N. Y.j
Price, -o cents. "Ten-MinuteSpeeches,'
r or "Temperance in Congress," is beauti-1
fully printed on tinted paper, in large.
. clear letter, and is in every way worthy <•;
the great occasion which called it forth. I
We would have a copy placed in thehand
of every man and woman in the nation.
Bt <i<l (e* i Dim PnhUeathniA. —These i
. neat little books comprise works of fi<--
ti- oi. b: >graf liv. Dialogues. Speak- -t>. Mel
odist, a Family scries, hand books, -ong
1 'ooks. .ice., and it is but justice to say that
- tl.- ir dime novel- are very different from
what popular supposition ascribe- the
name. The authors writing for Beadle &
f Co. are John Neal, Mrs. 1-1. (hikes Smith,]
A. J. H Duganne, Mrs. Ann S. Stephens
s Kdward S. Ellis. Mrs. M. V. Victor, liog-i
. er Start tuck, Mrs. Ann E- Porter, W.J.I
. Hamilton, Mrs. Mary A. Denisoo, Her-]
rick J - 4i nstoiic. Mr-, i ranees Fuller Bar
' ritt, Edward Willet, Mrs. Orrin James,!
• J. Stanley Henderson, John S. Warner.
- James L. Bowen, Henry J. Thomas. J.
s j Scott Sherwood, Ac., &c.. —names!
which will be recognized as authors of
"ynote by the general reader. There are
1 other publications called "dime," but the
trade-mark belongs to Beadle A: Co., and
if our readers will inquire for their works,
j they will get stories as unexeeptionabb
, as any published in the weeklies. Their
la-1 is-o •i- "Bald Eagle," a tale of revo
lutionary times, by Mrs. E. Oakes Smith,
' and Dialogue* No. 7. containing quite a
" variety of speeches, &e. for schoolboys \
i and girls.
We have four more numbers of ' Har
. per's Pictorial History of the Great Re
iiellion," ending with No. 20. These
nuinb.-rs contain Pope's Campaign in
Virginia: The Invasion of Maryland;;
Buruside's Campaign; Naval and Coast
- Operations in 1H43; The War on the Mis
r -issijtpi, to May, 1 ?*63. These numbers]
also coutain about lot) illustrations, some
of which occupy a ?>age. Harper & Broth
er.-. Publishers', Franklin > ;uare, N. Y.
t Every Saturday continues to furnish its
readers with first-class literature.
Announcements of candidates f<>r office*
art made at the following rates: Jury and ,
i County Commissioner, SI each; froa.su
i rer, $3; Assembly or Senate, •>">.
< oilut.t Treasurer,
j Messrs, Editors: —We would be] >1 eased
to SEC our friend A HN Kit ROBINS, of Fnion
" township, nominated AS a candidate for
' County Treasurer, subject to the decision
r of the Union Republican Convention.
Mr. Robins Is a well known citizen, high
j ly r. -peet.-d, of undoubted competency,
' and would make a faithful offi-er.
e Belleville, July 24, 1867.
if |
e As the time is approaching when the
j people will look around for suitable can
didate* for office, we would be plea-ed to
see P. F. LOOP, of Lewistown, nominated
k for Treasurer, by the Union Republican
if Convention. His honesty and business
, qualifications are undoubted, and he is
therefore the first choice of
ARMAGH, July 17.1867.
B In this place, JOHN WUMEK, aged aboil
s 70 years.
i, T n Bratton township, on the loth July
A 1867, CATHARINE, widow of John Hart/,
ler, deceased, aged sS years, 4 mouths am
18 days.
For <!.• Onrettst.
i; On Tuesday evening, 16th Inst, in thif
R | place, EMMIE SWAIN, aged about wars
i | , Th , us a very darling of our littit
loved ones been taken from us. Of sucli
childish charms, so gentle and affect ion
-] ate in disposition, her clear blue eve. ol
- singular brilliancy and beauty, spoke that
| depth ot tenuernc.-.- and sensibility that
made her the idol of her home and of her
! loved Sabbath School. How deeply dis
, tres-ing to see -ucli youth and gentleness
torture! with such severe agonies as thi
j dear child was called UJHOU to endure—
pains almost as great as we could suppose
1 1 possible to humanity. In a tempo ran
t; respite the little sufferer uttered with a
, sigh of relief the touching exclamation.
' O, I think i will lie so comfortably in
my coffin. Alas ! for <diildhood to be so
troubled as "to be glad when it can find
the grave," and to say with Job, "For
now should I have lain still and been
quiet. I should have slept, then had I been
at rest. Her childish faith proved strung
as a .Luther in this liery trial. She want-
I ed her Superintendent and Pastor ever at
her bedside, and at prayer—she prayed
, j audibly, using often the forms of child
hood—she talked'constantly of the Sab
bath school and of her love to Jesus, am!
told all with delight how once a host of
angels filled the room and smiled and
beckoned to her, so that she knew invisi
ble friends were near. On Thursday af
ternoon, with falling tears, we followed
her to her place of sleep in the C'eirwterv.
! The Lutheran Sabbath School attended
I in full numbers, and sang in a >rdance
with her "lying request the beautiful se
lection in the "ChapelGems,"alwavsher
sj>eeial favorite,
l! I \vvr.' ,t:i TUgg!, v. .* gcr ■'.> fof . irfst !,
j J ; MIC A• i fjwrr> of men y lor
• I J h >avi,r a 1 the uuiold,
- .
Ls ■ ' at; : z'-nUt the dawn;
lieii'iini; o • tii? ]- v. y,
i; • shin? hop.*, ajt v nly light.
From tli dvw ♦•Utr in tv ra a lit con if nf >-F
A- thus amid the bright sunshine and
tender song \\ c lowered lit r in her narrow
l>ed. it se'med rather like placing her in
j a gentle cradle of sleep than giving her
i up to the tiold grave. And thu-basgoue
i from us for life r-wcet Emmie. Naturally
• so winning, her sufferings made her stiil
more dear; ami how precious, especially
to her sorrowing mtti:cr, were her expres
sions of tendernes- and love for ti ; -.
! around her, -o strong that words were too
weak to tell it. "Her soul was love." An
angel -lie was in heaven, and yet upon her
lii'eles- countenance rested a sweetness and
repose so angelic that it seemed we could
not permit her to lie closed from sight,
i Ah ! Death never took a lovelier prize to
hirm-elf than our gentle Emmie! We felt
j hi truth that he was a hard, relent 1< ssetk
: emy. and ftr hearts rose from their sad
ne-s in gratitude to <- > i that the tyrant
could not hold long so fair a captive,
but at last must y .-M her up again un
harmed. in all the angelic .-weenie-- of
her beauty and love. j.
Special jjtatkes.
6VT A BARTI.KTT —Th" Rartlett Sewing
M icliin*: a lvoriiso * in tin- pap r, is a decid
i cd suce. -~s. It a low-price article, bat do* -
tire \v*>rK as well a- tic >■"•> nincliiri's, and
i- in every r<- p* <■'. |ie! t > tic m. It <-;:n be
seen at the Agricu.t ;rai and 11-iu-ehobl )m
--pit-ment Agency of 11. FRY<INI:K, who i
lie Ag lit :' *r this jKirt of the tsuu*-. i.inlv
6-i"> f*>r a u K.*i Family > -wing M cfiin* !
To Consumptives.
Th** advertiser, havens twen r*"*' to •: .• '
i w- . - ,i ■. -ry , r?:i!':b . ;i">-r h-iv ?tnr surtrr- 1t <
• ! •- ise ■•—i *o ID sir :u w; t h - j,
T" ili wh<i ?*. h< a! 5 a f>< tli•** pr***crip %
t u- - m.l <1; iiOfjti i'jr , -*,..41-
*i-. At: a, ii* rrhi ; i\, ,'L-, ' a
h ! Tr. -a* *i ! J. UK .1 m ti >. 1 or ob - 'of 1 l]
:. '•*'• r i " r !J. *eri • f*.•■• 1* : • ■■, 1 -:*t • : '■
T. .. . s -a d IIJ Hi v. ~, |( tje f.c - ! V
I'aTitrS - 4 ihl , - . • •",!> ?:;.-! Ull: t Wjl. ~
I b " - VA V. LIV t 1:0 '!!> •N . u
WlB Mi.. K v. * m
Errors of Youth.
A G'liUrtn .'I w! '< - :Ter-.-!f * :rm S-rvo'- I>- btl
!!}', ay. au i. a tf ; f erf - ; % uui .fal in*i -
•: . U,r t?- - :V:eo! mjS- II:.' uf. .tnity. s*?u ■ fr*t
to tttl %9 • ; • • • •. Itlai 1
U - - •u| e r< :• m in 8 . Hgnm m
■ • • 2. M eel v- i . ,
I.VI JOHN B *5TiKVjj2 -I . Si •• V •• .
Peruvian Syrup.
A Protect# I S ilotioa ol the l'r<*t<>xid of Iron, si:r>- 1
j'le- i.,e bitowl wiih r.- Lio Eiemeot, Iron. ving
sirt-ng;.',. - z,tan ! n-.-w iif. ; , vvJ *i .-y.-e in.
If the th., :-rtnd *b > are soft ring from Dy-p
ity, Female Weakn --ts. A uoul-.i but-ie-t the
vinuf— of the Peruvian Syrup, ih" eg : would not
only ant-.-nifh themselves but ■■■ iuM ; - i-" ad tht-ir
friendt; lor mstea-J : feei.i.g gone- ar. : v
nnsemb.'d, tiiey vrout-i be cheerful, v._• rouu au i..
t!Tf. b
f KIKNi- A- I - U.L' - ; >
] 1- • I IP.-ruvian c vrui an-i the result ful- . '
ly enet-uur year p-J -.iou. it n'u in.,ii- a New Man
of in-. ::if J into .y atein new . zor and enerav
I -in ii" Inn_*•'* tremuioua and i-" , t. a- a:, - u
\ i l.L'l i ri u:-ironger, nea: lier-and with larver
capacity for labor, rtirtitß and physical, thkn at aoj ■
i time during the last live years." t
I'.v -..a L have bet n ciins;e<J by the u-'.f th.-
reine . from MeKly. suiter ug <-. • res b
S-h- -.itliv and happy men ami women .nd in- A
va nl- ,nn -t rea.-onat'.y ii'-sitab t" g.tr it .1 trial.
1 a. n . tin- "Peruvian .-ytup ' blown in the
AoZ oage ; .nip'n t• '' rji free.
J. P. L1 N-'tiiltE. Prop-itor,
N" a' lay St.. A. .'. V Oik. ;
SoH by nil Prnggisis.
The Rev George Storr. of Brooklyn. N. T.. says.in
the let ... Eiano r. bv way of up ~ ,gy !r j' -i 1
in-r a :I:C<IK-U! iprlifirale M nia illpaaiiiiii.of ttse 1 si- t
<f ' - only son, of B'-rofula. " after disadutiOß appear- ,
. : nevitaiile.' "We put -ft this statement, not for
• pay, bu' :t, gratitude tp God who lias answered ps'a>-
'•er, and in justice • I>r. Ander-; being -at-netfttia'
j *• * . i-.- t..ar ,n tii" lodine Water treatment, whs-h j
'-t.be t.■ :*d* t - of tl.t- Magazine will tkuiik its Editor
'-1 o . tnginjr to their notice."
<arc-uiais tree.
I ii I , fine Water f-r -:,!e by J P. r
1 i>- ' ■: 1. Proprietor, ;:•'• l>ev Street. N. V . and bv ,
aii Lrugsn-u-. juitslm
Ayer J s Cathartic Pills
jfiu /./ . ATiK tb* m.j-t ;-*-rfer( pirr (
/ , / / /// 'GiVf \V- dlf
1 r r ®*-' < * abun lari*- l;
: C"!: R:U!}H.
Nj/w Vi TaL. ' ' -* ' ;fj' t'x>": iie
au ? tke, 1
oMrWk - cure. 1 *
—;ibt luovf* tin oJ>-
-ti- f.J iLh pu
ll: *1 • • \ {♦ .:>
! eas®. Tbey porg* in- ioui tiumors W!G< h brt-tnl an- 1
grove (Sistcniper, btimc'.at' •*■ KK:-h organ- -
11>t* ilieir uatural act; OH. n<! impa r t t- uc aru? str'-ngth t- r
the whole pyMrUi. Not GUI> : ■ tn> are the every da
cooiplalvt# ' "vrybtMly, V-ut fornihl *>; .iritj dangerous
diseases. While tft v produce powcrfiil ctTccts. ar' t
tt the Mfiie til M • •- -' I
pit Ysic Ihnt C.-iM pf I-IR f-r ftild'-r-Tl. 15.*::: 1
coated, they are pleasant to
table, are eoUrcljr harm I**ss. Cures have made that]
woul i mrpaiM- Ltsief, vt-cr'* they I'ol &u!^taDMaiv l ly inti
or aoch . xa!t-'l character, as.to forhl l the suspfeton of un
• truth. Many eißinem clergymen and
to the public the reliability of ou- r*-ue I;--, while other*
have sent us the §sorance of theti conviction that oor
rrepam; iou- conirlhote immensely to Atiiiel of our ai
' flirted frl!ow-mcu 1 j
The A/' nts h-Jow named are pleased to furnish pratis '
1 ou rAUi* :•' ■'. A::' n' a . • U*4 •I • - ■ • - .*■•.-
of these ni'-Jif iues and certlllcstes of their cures of the iol- j
lowing complaints:—
j Ce,|vf ;.s F.nlious CoTDi'slnis, Rheumatism,Dropsv.
Heartburn. Hea ische arising from fou stomach, N.iusea,
IsidiK*- ! 'Hi, M"bid Inaciiou of tue and i'aln uris- (
i ■ jug therefrom. Flatulency, Lo^-of Appetite, all l>isea-'.
whi(b require aa evacuant ID ©die Inc. They ahio, br pen- J
fySnK the au the *yst< rn. cur-■ iuan>
r complalDt-a which it would no- he supposed -hey eotT.b
r-ach iUbi) H* lb aluess, PartiAt U'twinrna, Neuralgia aim
pevs ti out, aud other k udreri disorders arfMnj: ir>ni alov
ata"t*'of the body, or obstruction of JU(unitous.
V > not he put ff bv uupfi dpled dealers with other |
pr**;<aratlon> 011 which they in ifcv vnor*- profit. IV-iuand <
AYfcR'S and take lo others. lh- alek want the bv.m aiu -
there is for th( in. and the'. *L u i hav.- U.
Prepared Ly X>K- J. C A fKil A CO., Lowell. Mass.. anu
soli by all Drufgistfi and dealers in mcdKine ©very w here.
ZDay2>2ui ,
it The beautiful Piano Fortes of UoTiT£ji' t Co. art
teemed by all good judges to be the Vttim-i Thulc of
instruments of the kind.
r _ We cannot suggest what i- wanting to make a mu
(] s aj instrument more perfect, although we are slow
to a iinu that the limit of improvement can ever be
It* fore they hud brought their P.anos to their pre
sci : c-xi el • rice. I icy had uhn::tic : them : ■ compe
, tin n with instruments of the best makers of this
, country and Earopi. and reeeivci the reward of mer
" '■ ,r cra!i ihers at the celebrated World's Fair, it
- utjust eiosuy thattl ejndgmeui thus pronounced
. ' ! ' ;l * not iteen overruled 1 v the musical world.
, St.II. bv the improveiuenis lately applied I v them
I* ' to their Pianos, it is admitted that a more perfect in- ;
; -trumcnt has been made. They have accordingly
• •-!. ved the paradox of making excellence mce
* j excellent. Purely, after this, they are entitled to the
motto -Exceisior.-"' u.-vU-ly
it ILL. Cl'liE THE ITCH I.\ -la liOL'ItS.
\l-..c.;r. > ,-ALI iiHKI'M. UJd ERo, t UILBI.UV
r aid ' KRI'P . l)X> "1 TH E >Ki.\. I'rice i cents
I H or SALE by all drusui-ta. by sending -IXI\ entst>-
, . "i-'t, k I'ctb-r. Agents. 170 Wa-hniai'-ii sir.-*! '
Be-1 .ii, it il) „■ firw tided by mail, free of
1 -> any part of the flitted -tales. seps"lS3—l\
J \\ hen Vi att began to yitroduce hi-1
1 -team engines, he wished to he nhlet
- -tatetheirpower as compared with thai
it liorses, whicb were then generall \
■•mployed for drivingmiiis Heaecor j
i iingiy made a series of experiments
which loci him to the conclusion thai
the avenue power ot a horse was sul
rieietit to raise about 33,000 II s. oi.e
toot in vertical height per minute, and
this Las been ad< j>te<i in England aim
ihis country as the general measureo'
; power.
A waterfall has one horse power for
every oJ.OoO lbs, ol water 'lowing ii.
the stream per minute, for each footoi
tail. To compute the power of a stream
therefore, multiply the area of its eros
seetion in feet by the velocity in feet jl
per minule, and we have the numbei
a cubic feet flowing along tlie stream
per minute. Multiply this by 6s, the
number of pounds in a cubic foot ot
water, and this by the vertical fall ii.
feet, and we have the foot-pounds pei
minute of the fall; dividing by 33,00"
gives us the horse power.
For example: a stream flows through 1
a Hume 10 feet wide, and the depth of
the water is 4 feet; the area of the cross
- <ti ti w ill be 4" It. The velocity i.-
lo • feet per minute—T'xloO equal to
0000, equal to the cubic feet of water
flowing per minute—6oooxo2} equal to
375.000, equal to the pounds of water
flowing per min. The width is 10 feet;
lux'ii .'.OoO equal to 3.750.0b0 equal to
the foot pounds of the waterfall. lJi
vide 3.750.000 by 33,000, and wc have
113 21 33 as the hotse power of the
i he power of a steam engine is ea!
'•ulated by multiplying together the
area of the piston in inches, the mean
pressure in pounds per square inch,
the length of the stroke in feet, and '
the number of strokes per minute, and
dividing by 33,000.
Water whe< ;> yield from .VJtnlil
M iiv- ,> > n'.u JIUIII . IU ;i
per cent of the "water The actual
power of a steam engine in less than
the indicated power, owing to a : loss
from friction; the ainoant of this loss
caries with the arrangement of th<. en
.di e and the perfection oi it- wcrk
W ■! ' ——■ KM I I II !■ ma*. I—I.W. ..lh)l ■■■
Tea & Table Spoons & Forks.
1) LA TED on hest Nickle Silver.
For sale at McM ANIGAL'S, Milr y.
llanlingdon ani Broad Trp Railroad
PasMtiger Trttn* run m follow >:
a. i:t. p. in.
yav? Hunting lon 7 •*' *.OO
Sax ton 93J 7 33
" liiody Hon 1-. y 53
Vrrivr at Mount Dallas 1 5J b67
Shocp s Rrx Branch.
yO*ve Sax ton 9JO 7 f3
krr.ve at Dudley 10.9) 6 2 r
. fcs at. Express Wagons connect at M :r;t Dallas
rB • .1 Word SJ ijn, A:• Ui Iladu
:onnect- at Du>lie> : ,r Bruati Top City.
Mail. Expbxsf
d. Ml l). til.
Mount Du.ias 6 10 1
Bloody Hun c U 1 34
Pax ton 7 tO 255
Arrive at Huntingdon <. t .> 445
Sbocp's Run Be. a sen.
Dudley 7fio 2 30
Arrive at Sax ton 7.30 3UO
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Trains leave Station, in this ci.ntv as follows :
Leave Westward.
Phil'a Fast Emi-
Ex. Mail. L.ne. grant
r. ni. p. m. p in. a. n>.
Lnwistovrn, 5.30 4D6 t>.2J 10 5 X
liranville. 4 17 1115
MeVeytnwn, C.OO 4.37 II 40
Nlannyunk, 4.49 1154
Hamilton, 5 04 12.13
Issue Eastward.
Phil'a Fast Day Cm.
Ex. Lin*. Way. Ex. Ex.
n. in. a. rci. a. IT*, H. m. p. in
L'wistown. 12.17 5.59 10 15 11.06 0.3s
N. Hamilton, 9 15
Mnnnyunk, 9 30
MeVeytown, 9.42
Granville, 10 ft 1
The Stork Freight east -top- for way passengers as
follows : X. Hamilton, 6.2S p m.: Man. \ uuk, ." 2 p
■n McVf-ytown, 7.12 p. mg uraiiville, 7.4* p. rn ; I. w
ist .wn, A.y"; p m
Fan- to Harnsbnrg $210; lo Philadelphia 5 5.".; to
New York 7.H0; Altoona 2 soj to Pittsburgh 6 55; to
Baltimore 5 20; to York 3 20; lo Hagerstown 4.55; to
Reading 4.00.
<r Ttie ticket office will f>e open 20 minutes la-fore
the arrival of each passenger train.
Galhraith & Conner's ommbusses connect with all
the passenger trains, and take tip and set down f as
ngt rs .a ail points within the borough, 'irdci- art
requested to be left at the National House.
tfIIEAP Goods arc found at F. J. II ffman's.
/ Hardware, Nails,
I'ruge, Iron,
Groceries, Paints.
A Fresh Supply
OF those cheap Prunes, Peaches, Canned
Corn. Ac. at BRJSBIN'S.
Hp WO Due Bills, in j.art payment for a
JL Cabinet or a Piano, can be had
on advantageous terms bvapnlyiueatthe
Gazette Oftiee.
THRESH stock of the best Mackerel and
|_ ill i ring, in ali-s.zed kits, on band at A. FELIX'S
CM.)OI> ( HEKSKj Crackers. Groceries,
' f Dried Fruit and Hnev at A. FELIX'S
/ iOOD TEAS at reduced prices, 51-00,
VT $1.50 and $1 S.i cects pr pound at
n-*r!3 A FELIX S.
ESTATE NOTIC E.— Notice is here
by given that letters testamentary on
the estate of Mary Ingram, late of De
catur township, .Miltlm county, deceased,
have been granted U> the undersigned, re
siding in said town-hip. All Those in
debted to said estate, are requested to
make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims to present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
jy!7 Executor.
TESTATE MOTH E. Notici isherebj
JL-J given that letters of administration
on theestateof Joseph W. ESnody, latt
of Wayne township, Mifflin county, de
ceased, iiave 'een granted to tlie under
signed, residing in said township. All
pcis ins indebted to said estate are hereby
notified to make payment witliout delay,
and those having claims to present them,
duiv authenticated, for settlement.
iyl7.be* Administrator.
PSI 4TEIVOTIEE. Noticewhereby
i—A given that letters of administration
on the. estate of Jacob Ktiuduiuu.
late of Brat ton township, Miffiiu county,
deceased, have been granted to the under
, -igned, residing in said township. A!J
persons indebted to said estate are hereby
notified to make payment w itliout delay,
nui those having claim- to present them,
duly authenticated, for settlement.
jy!o.6t* Administrators.
PSTATO NOTlCE.— Notice is hereby
I J giv.ui that letter- of administratis
on the >tate >f t lu alia m fSuttliers
hougti. late of Decatur township, Mif
i Mir; county, decea-ed, have been grante
to the undersigned, residing in said town*
ship. All persons in lebt'd to said estate
are hereby notified to make payment
without delay, and those having claims to
present them, duly authenticated, forsel
jyHMfc* Administrator-.
1 ' 4 I.E.—The subscriber offers at pri
vate sale Jiis FARM, situate in Wayne!
mwnship. Mitflin county, near Atkinson's
.Mill-, containing
a good part limestone, 130 of which are
under cultivation, well fenced, with run
ning water, balance in good timber. The j
improvement- consist of a 1
SZti'l J * /. t w-. -lory and! i-'-ment Stone '
HOI SE. ne .iiy new, Log
gysaswaSfteA Barn. aml ot iier < >utbuildings: i
an ol'Jand young AppleOndiard. cherries, !
peaches, and pears. Neighborhood good j
—J of a mile from sehoolhouse, 1 mile
from .-lore and mill. The above is offer
ed cheap and on accommodating term-,
Great Fall in Prices:
T)OARDS, from $2 and upwards.
D PLAST. LATH, 3 75 to 4 25 per M.
. P. FLOORING, 3 75 per 100 feet,
i! unlock do 3-35 do
3 x 10, 7 cents, and other dawn in
r r ; rti n.
PANEL IKX(Rs down 10 p f, r c-t.
A IV! ii - - vtnient . f FRAME LUMBER.
maj2'J M M. B. HOFFMAN t SON'S
H ST received, a fresh supply of SEN
♦ I lil K> O 'A!.. Jul -i; vrL •■h • ibo st-i-.i at reduc
< i prices. *>>,
RECHI VKit, a full supply of
P< >OltS,
PLANK, &c.,
which will be sol i at reduced prices,
in) 1 \V. I>. HOFFMAN A SONS.
Verirultural :uid ilonc'hoid lmpit-mfiit isciiry.
Lewistown, Pa.
1. The WORLD'S AIOWER, warranted tlie
'<t in the w r'-i.
AND MOW ER, complete, that w ill work cafcict
then any Other, and last a life-time.
.'•t. Two styles f ) KN PLANTERS—oId patents
an.l well km wn to do the work r _-ht
4 A t ' HAND CORN DROPPER, very eon
venii-n; and rapid.
5. Two ('a[.i;*i II- r- Hny Hakes, viz: SHIRE
and the SARIN K lIftRSE RAKE.
beet hand-abellrr known, aud can be worked by
in vie power.
T. A new PATENT ( HI RN, which a child rix
year.- old can w -tk with ease.
MINE, acknowledged to be equal t • the high
priced machine?, vet 00.-l? only $25 and s3>.
•-R W LNG W ACIIINE, the neaitet, epeediest, and
bet s6ti machitie m:i ic.
Cucumber-wood Well & Cistern
10 iis'i &
Lfiwiat:>wn. Ma.' 29, 1567-tf.
P. T. BARNUM'S Patent
For Pants, Vests & Drawers.
r PH IS little invention is just out, and a-
I it is no "humbug" is meeting with • rapid sale, li
• ran lie applied in a moment t<> any garment, by any
. ; person, causing it to fit perfectly.
Its elasticity prevent? tearing the straps and buck
• lea off the elnthea. and also allow? jverfeet freedom ol
the body while working or taking excrete*.
For -ale by tailor? and the trade generally. Send
25 edit-, for strap, circulars, terms to agents and tire
trade, to the
650 Broadway, NEW YORK.
4k#~A£enU Wuuted in every
May 29. IHj7—3m.
rpilF. Rest qttftliues of SOLE LEA I HER,
hand ; also, all kinds of
i LININGS, TOOLS, &c., <fcc.,
■ which I ant selling low.
"IF you want Good TIN WAKE, hrune man
I ufacture, buy of J. B. SLLHEIEER.
B RIS BIN' S, rear the Jail,
\\ can ke i uQ-d the cheapest lot
f of GOuDS in tovfa. Our stock con
sists iu part of
Bleached Muslins from 12} to 25 cts.
Unbleached d " 12} to 22 cts.
1] and 1( Sheeting, very heavy and good,
i Pillow Casing, Tickirig, Check,
Shirting ""tripe. Flannels, Ginghams.
A Splendid lire of FRENCH GIXGIIAMS!
PLAID do ,
Siik Strips Mohair Poplin,
very cheap, Cniubric Ginghams,
soft finished Cambric for Skirts, a very fine '
, i article. Plain Cambric, Birred Cambric from
j 25 cents up. Full line Calico from 10 cents :
up, can't be !>eat eiiiier in price, quality or
style. Another Lit of those ch* ap iIOOPj
SKIRLS; these are polling very fast and we •
intend to keep up our stock. Ladies, before j
you purchase, look at them, they are very
cheap Cotton and Linen Table Diaper, La i
dies Cloaking. W have a full line of La
dies and ChiUrens Stockings which we think
y u will find to be cheaper than any other
j House in town has them.
Our stock of Cloths, Cassimers, Jeans,
Linen Drills. C it Linens, Ac., for Men and
i> >ys we are also selling very cheap. These
will be made up to . rder if desired.
In fact, all our goods have been bought i
with care and at the lowest prices, and our
EXPENSES I eing small, ami we being satisfied
1 with small profits, we are satisfied you will
save money by buying goods of us.
\\ e pav the highest piices for Wool.i
Butter, i.ggs, Potatoes, Dried apples. &c.. in
goods. juneo
HAS ch tvi tr- stock of Boot* ur <\ S hr.es of P
I Loop, who will carry on ttie business at the we ]
Known citi a' lie w.ll keep a la:ge oJ
k-jru ar. i ma'!c e-<• -D, and will continue i-o !
work t< ordfi in lfstyles and in the bait mi 1
• • BMUtw . 21 .r.; > - all to ffi* R ina call as j
he uili el! g^o-j very Jew. hat kr cash on!v.
jyl J. M NOLTE. ')
pILT >3l SLIf iliMgi
'."J Plain an-1 rielily Gilt, at 1.60 peri
i pair at F. G. FRANCISCI/S'.
! )A of all kinds, on hand
may2tt F. G. FRANCIBCUS, Agt.
V.' Best in ue, for sale by
inav26 F. G. FRANCISCUB,
C* |in REDUCTION in prices of
niy_"' F. G. FRANCISCUS.
r A FOR Child i's Carriages. A
O'/.v' ' new stock just received,
inyiri F. G. FRANCI3CUS.
VOTIiE. —All tliose knowing them-
J. ' sei ve- indebted to P. F. Loop will
please call at once and Settle their ac
counts as I have bills to pay and must
have money. P. F. LOOP.
Levvistown, July 10, 'O7.
JAOli 2-5 cents you can procure what will
. make 20 gallons 4.5001.) SOAP, at
raar2otf DR. It. MARTIN'S.
p£M'l.\E SCOTCH ALB, n original bottles.
V.I 1.. 1.u1.i. Ldaiuirif. f . sale by
IHAVK for sale the Sprout Hay Knife
: . : F : k of which many were sold last sum
mer. e:v;ng the great*;-: hini-fa-.-tion. A!-o,
a ru-\r article eatir- v and _ I.
ju-i F.J.HUFFMAN'.
\YT ALL PAPL fi. lie sure to go to lloff
I V v ii.an's f>r this article. A goad stock
<-n hand, and r-rieee low
\MOST desirable article cl Solid Wood
n: outing—lb. van.- t:r, -ii a.- tin—i-osling only
at'j.iit h.tlf n* mu-li—an-) will no doubt last twice as
li ng a= me tin. For .-a:t by
jui ' F.J.HOFFMAN.
0 OLE LEATHER and Shoe Findings, al
t-L? wave on hand. liars now some of the
bf st Red S-de. F. J HOFFMAN.
Drug & Hardware
r PHE undersigned having established in
1 ;lie Drug and Hardware Business, solicits the pa
tronage of the public.
of al! kinds purchased from a first class house in
Philadelphia, aud warranted pure and fresh. All pre
scriptions ordere i will be carefully compounded from
the best ingredients. The Drug Business is princi--
' pally managed by DR A. HA RBH HABtGEB. practic- j
ing "physiciau. and persons or ienng Drugs and Med
n iocs front a instauje anny rely mi ea*mgtfaem care-!
fully prepared and -1111• j•• 1. I .oave gone to consid-1
erable ex pense 111 purchasing a large assnrtinent, and
\v... sell as cheap a_- can bought elsewhere.
All kinds of
tor medicinal purposes only.
for the cure of Scrofula and Rheumatism.
K xr. Cal -i\ i. Iron and Bismuth for Dyspepsia
and other aS' '.ions, and ali articles kept in a Drug
at reduced i rißird i ag'-s. Iron and Nails, houst
furui-lung Hainsare, Oils and Paints, Ac., Ac.
Uive mo a call, utid see for yourselves.
[t Milmy. July 17.18fi7.
Preserving Kettles,
e A LARGE und splendid assortment ol
J\_ Po ket and Table Cutlery, will be sold
very low at McMANIOAL S, Milroy. julll
Brass Bells,
A LL sizes, and all articles generally kept
| / \ in a Hardware Store,
at MeJlanigafs, Mil rot/.
j Alo, Oils and Paints, all kinds of Patent
Medicines and Drugs, a splendid assortment
of Ilair and Horse Brushes, all kinds of Per
fumeries and Soaps, Hair Restoratives. Toilet
Month Wu.-h, 4c. - jul2-4t
Wall Paper.
.)~ DIFFERENT Patterns—large assort-
' ) meet at McMAN IGAL S, Milroy.
"\R£S, running over with comforts for JOB
X and yours, and all at
•■oods sold with privilege of returning if
they don't turn out as represented, at the
Big Coffee Pot Sign.
Look at it; find what yon want, and then
drop in and we'll show anything you wish to
see in our line. Handsome ! our stock of
Stamped and Japanned ware; under this head
we have a large variety of goods. On hand,
a fuil stock of
TXI>T-~W .A.3RJE3,
wholesale and retail, warranted tip'top, home
manufacture. We do
Jobbing, Roofing and. Spouting,
promptly, and do it right or no pay. As for
STOVES, we'll tell you something new aboul
that by and by. You can now be Buited in
Fruit Cans and Jars,
either Tin, Glass or Stone. Fisher's Patent
t'dD*; a - i Stone Jars to close up same as the
tin. the Gla-s, too, are the same principle;
the Gilmore Patent Tin Cans, the least troi.
ble of any we have; but the Press-Top Can
is the CHEAPEST; we have now Machinery to
make almost a Can a minute: So look oat fog
and if you want to save your fruit, as well
as money, buy HOME MADE CANS.
GE2ttCf.lT SE.ii.YS,
a nice stock and at half price.
Floor, Table, Stair & Window.
Splendid quality and very cheap. Odd siz ■
| made to order.
Picture Cord and Tassels,
Wood and Willow-Ware,
full stock. Remember the place.
The only Wringer with the patent cog-
wheel roller regulator, which allows the roll
ers to seperate and adjust at both ends with
out separating the wheels, „ It hits also a
patent curved clamp which has an equal
I bearing on the tub the whole length of the
• Wringer, while all other wringers are mere
] ly fastened to a single stave at each end, and
, by the use of Bailey's Patent Grasshopper
? Spring, for controlling and putting the pres
ure on rollers, only one pressure or thumb
screw is required, which makes the Wringer
self-adjusting and adjustable, and insures an
e equal pressure the whole length of the rollers,
notwithstanding the articles being wrung
may be very uneven. Sold on trial at the
Big C'offte Pot Sign.
l Pie Fork, Pie Crimpers and Trimmers,
Egg Boilers, Cherry Stoners.
.Magnetic Hammers, Matches a Shoe Blacking,
Dusting and Scrub Brushes,
j Shoe and Sweeping "
' j Crumb and White-wash "
, Corn Wisj s and Brooms,
Spain's Patent Barrel Churns.
Cedar Tubs and Buckets,
Painted Tubs and Buckets,
Washing Machines, zinc and wood.
Washing Machines, Pollar's new style,
Clothes and Market Baskets,
Seicing and Fancy Baskets,
Clothes Pins and Lines,
Clothes Horses and Wringers, latest & best,
Roiling Pius and Potato Mahers,
Butter Prints, Pa-idles aftd Spoons,
Bread Toasters aud Wire Gridirons,
Coal Tongs and Knife Boxes,
Coffee and Sugar Box et,
Coffee and Tea Canisters,
Spice Boxes, wood and tiD,
Sad or Smoothing Irons,
Tea and Coffee Pot Stands,
j Match Safes, 7 different kinds,
Mouse and Rat Traps,
ia Dinner and Tea Bells,
* Step Ladders and Garden Tools,
Coal Sieves and Buckets,
Coal Shovels, Tongs and Pokers,
Paste Jaggers,
ie Coffee Mills and Beef Pounders, 3 kinds,
Egg Whips and Slicers,
Soup Ladles and Basting Spoons,
Flesh Forks and Vegetable Skimmers,
"" Pat'd Cake Turners and Nutmeg Graters,
Tack Hammers and Hatchets,
Carpet Tacks and Stair Rods,
Waffle IroDs and Iron Bake Pans,
>f Brass, Porcelain, Tinned and IroD Kettles
d and Sauce Pans,
~ Iron Tea Kettles and Pots,
Butter Bowls and Towel Rollers,
: Flour Sieves and Clothes Line Reels,
,t Scissors, Snuffers and Nurse Lamps,
Slaw Cutters and Lanterns,
Clothes Dampeners,
Wire Dish Stands and Covers,
Knives and Forks,
L Butcher and Carting Knives,
i Table Steels, Ivory Knives,
1 Plated Forks and
Spoons of all kinds.
At the Big Cofffee Pot Sign.
Lewistown, July 17, 1567.