Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, July 24, 1867, Image 1

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Whole No. 2929.
Poor House Business
The Directors of the Poor meet.it the Poo
House on the 2ti Tuesday of each month.
Collec-iions iind remittances promptly made.
Interest allowed on time deposits. jan23-ly.
Attorney at Law,
Oflire Market Square, Lewistown, will at'
tend to business in Mltilin. Centre and Hunting
don counties nav2G
Mutual Insurance Company.
Capital, $2.5<J0,4H>0.
ItHls Oir.pany continues to issue Policies of Insnr
aiK e ' ii Iluiidinifs and Personal Property, in Town
or Country, at cash or mutnal rates.
JAMES It A N KIN, President.
JoliN HAMILTON, Agent.
•ftn'G "oT Lewu-tow u, I'a.
2?.. -CHIT ff. SASXtSK,
Practicing Physician,
lit-lleville, Mifflin County, I'a.
T: I>.\IIf.I. N iins liecti appointed an Examining
J/- _ n for Pensions. Soldiers re.miring exam
ins find linn at in- office in Bellofille.
Ally list 32, l6.-y
H. M. D U N M IRE,
13 3D IV T I JS T" ,
nFFKiiS his professional services to the
tn,--. ns f M :fiin • nnty. lis is prepared to per
f.-rn. aerations in tin dental profession. Office
f - or from the Lmistown House, .Main street.
vrher. I!■ nnd the llrst two weeks of each
li ■ ■!.. a: . tr.e las' week < f each month he will
• - N ' jiiiilas Valli y. l eeth extracted without
pain by lii u-e of nitrous oxide myl-tt
isiv (&o soffl -1. J Ti. z)
r FFERS his pr "te-sinnal services to the citizens of
v Lea "in and vicinity. All in want of good,neat
*rk w.li well to give flint a call.
.:e rnav ,e * nnd at all times at his office, three
d use ,-i -1 II M. A. it. Piatt's store, \ alley street.
A* wlediz*d to be the best. London Prize Medal
and ii-ghent awards in America received.
and Second hand Pianos. Music.
No. 722 ARCH St., beiow Sth, Philadelphia, Piu
Plata., April 24, 1567-3iu
* w. . ■" pLo ed upon trial with any other now
a ..-e. He tit ites eompetion. It can la; tested
>ij in ©md
w■: anv iher machine to enable pure hers to choose
Give him a call. [marl9-6ml WM. LIND.
T] As taken the Store formerly occupied 1
' ' v .1 an Raum. for the purpose of carrying on ,
• V. IT< H MAKING and JEWELRY Business He ,
" ■' *•••: t -e all Mr. Haunt's old customers. I
many nw ones hs will favor him with a call. 1
A ' rk Uiirraut" I. St re on East Market street. ;
Bin" 1 opposite the Post Office.
Lewistown, April 24, 1867-tf
fe) "AITS".' STCF.E, '
vßx Wist Aiarkft si., Lrwislown,
-f. " " 1 Hats. Bonnets, Ladies Fine llttEHS'.
u'jO. ?> ano rrimtningg.
T.itterns ; :-..t style, always on hand. j,
Millinery and Dress-Making
executed in the most approved atyle.
Lfewistown, April 18, lb66.tf " a
Mr at Ks ta ft I ism ent.
THE undersigned has fitted up the huiid- '
a; in Brown street, above Frank's store, for a
,i where Fresh Beef. Pork, Mutton, Veal. Ac.
■ •' ! 1 it all times, an ice house for the preserva
'• ' i einy connected with the establishment,
ate nivitt t to call.
S l . '! r .otn will tie opened for the fir-t time on
Lw *twn. March 13, I*.7—tf.
Lewistown Coach Manufactory 3 J
Junction 3d & Valley street.
I jF'-'i JTA . '• i together fer the purpose el
I ufac'nrirg on<w>. <' ei-
I 1 - - '. 7 lid-
I A invii.; the put.lie t., n
I" ® sail ar. i examint; ajittftti ot Ihesr I
LL ' od Mil to any in or oat oi L |
kinds f repairing promptly attended I
I decl2-ly a ,
i p
has now open
made up to order in the neat -
V • It f tshionahlfi Style*. apl9 "
I s*. 3-JLS3H.2SCIT,
Attorney nt Law,
■\FF- sj, hEWJSTOW'N. PA-,
■Jnj X ' * r '* • - 'Hal to the citizens of *'<
I'linv i solium,
t ,^ Uro y Mifflin County, Pa., g
• Summer Session of tfiis institution
e. i„,'the Ist May, HW. Whole ex-
If '•'"•••k... including Tuition. Hoard. T
p . SIS. Full instrucoons given 1
j, ' , : ' "Uege. Business, or T eaeliiug. Jil
Hi " l '" 'orated in one of the finest Val- V
. uu " the foot of tiie .Seven Moiiulaius,
r , ''' horiesjd. and amid aasurpitssed <
H. 13 *'• '-'h'.ib!e witlnn a lewr miles l.y rail-:
MIT -n, J A. AIKENd,
■ Principal. hi
Tiiiwa'i liiiiiii iiiooiraa
A 1 Mi.-, are liianiifaetnnng under Letter- Patent Hi
it. st Artiefe Ot Comnositinn Hooting ever <ltfered t
the Public. It is adapted to every style of Roof,.steei
i er flat, and ran be readily applied by any one.
I fin- 1' S Government*, after a thorough test of it
utility. Lave adapted us use in the Navy Yards, an.
: upon Public Buildings.
I 't he Roofing is put up in rolls, and has onlv to b.
naikvi t> the Hoof lo make a
Durable Fire and Water-Proof Covering
We particularly recommend its ne upon
Buildings. Stores, Churches, Factories. Marhini
Sliois, Steamboat Dirks, fcr.
For coating I'm. IRON, or SHINGLK ROOFS. It forms I
Hotly R<i'ail to Three Cofitd of Ordinary Paint.
No Hoof e;in ri:M undent.and ofd leak v Roofs may \*
made permanently water-proof and durable by
Ihi Paint requires xo MIXING, but is roadv lo be AP
phod with t,,.. ordinary paint brush. Pric<,s\ per gal
• /on. which will cover two hundred square feet.
. Also manufacturers of
"ji Black Lustre Varnish,
Tarr< < l Felt and Roofiny J'itch.
Ln-count to Hie Trade. Circulars an-i Price List fur
nished. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address
194 Brotidwny, jY. J*
Frank Humphreys, 61 Royal st . N. O : Rchofield
I Williams .t Co, Augusta. Giu Baldwin H. Woods
| Montgomery. Ala.: Thos. B.Coates. Raleigh. N. F.
A. 1 i Uis'liinuiid, \ a,lienry W iison.Petersburg.
IVa.. Agenw. jan23
I) rew 9 s Pa/ en f
i/J'Jil 0 ii'Jf filijJi-Jii!}
TIH E greatest improvement of the age, in this line
A o: trade. I-t. It does away with tIK- wrinkles on
till" tns'ep. also, with the welted side seam which Ims
injured so many teet and ankles. 2d. It makes the
easiest sitting and best fitting boot ever worn. This
Loot . li-iiiaiiatuettired by P. E. Lo-.p. who holds
the right ot u-e for th" eonnty, and i- prepared to
furiii-ii a!! who wish to wear ttii's hoot. A liberal dig-1
count to dealers who AAI-Ii to deal in these boots. l>r
ders tilled at short notice. Prices greatly reduced on
all goods at P. F. Loop s Shoe Store. * febS
628. :-:CCP SZIF.SS. 628
SKW snsist STYLES, "Bur tlwn Slake."
j end racing every N. w and Desirable size. - ( y| e and j
Snane o! plain an-i Trail HOOP SHUTS. —2. 21 4. 2|2. 2 j
; 3-4. 3. 3 1-4. 3 1-2, 3-4 and 4 yards. round every length
tnd -v." Wa st: in every respect First QrAtiTT. anri I
especially adapted to meet tiie wants ot FIRST CLASS I
and liio-t fashionable TRADE.
•Oi KOAVN M AKE.' of Hoop Skirts, are lighter, more
elastic, n...re durable, and REALTY CHEAIOR than any ;
otic r make ot either Single or Doui.e Spring Skirt
in the American Market. Tney ure \\ \UHA\TLD in
| every respect, and wherever introduced give uniyer
. ~al -utisfa (ion. Thev are now being exit nsiveiy sold
I by retailers, and every lady should try ilieui
Ask f->r ' Hopki.i - tiwn Maki*.*'ami s, that each ;
; Skirt is Stan {■> i ~\V. T. HoPKiN'S M ANCF'ACTI'R. i
EK.- gs AKf'H Street. PUII.ADKLPHI \ ' .Y., \
I arr (jcni'iiie. A Catalogue containing tsvle. SIZA* and I
Retail Prices, sent to any address. A t'nil'orm ami
LiGeral Discount allowed to Dealers. Or.i.-rs t.y mail '
ior otherwise, promptly and carefully filled. Whole
- sal.- and Retail, at Manufactory ami si.iles r ims.Vo
•vjt> Arch street. Philadelphia.' tkirts nia ie to order,
altered and repaired.
oiar2o-lUut WM. 'J'. HOPKINS,
Tailoring Establishment
.S~> to > gyryr^rjQ
Wo (summss,
MERCH A NT TA ltd >R. has remove"! his shop to the
bnitdihg f >rmerlv known aa tint "green ti.iu.'e,"
at the ititers. -etiou ot \ alley and Mill street,adjoining
H. M. A: li. Pratt's store, where hi" cordially invites all
who need anything in his line. Good* and Trim-1
riiings furnished and gentlemen's clothing made, in :
tie- latest styles, ou short notice, and at reasonable j
Pt'tes. apll-tf ;
Why the Grain BiiNinrss is Rerived nt Mc-
Coy's Old Stand.
X large and c mmodiona ViielioflMs formerly |
occupied by Frank M' Coy, e-q., is now prepared to
purt lia.-e or receive and f'irwaru
for which he will par market prices. Also, he will '
keep f,.r -kc. SALT. PLASTER. COAL and FISH.
fie returns thanks to all his old customers for their •
former pair* mag**, and shall feel grateful for a renew al
of past business relations.
Merchants uH find it to their advantaget give f ini
a call. rnarl4->] WILLIAM W ILL IS.
Are stiperior to all others for
Contain all the latest improvements; are speedy ;
noiseless: durable; and easy to work.
lUustraf.- ! Circulars free. Agcntswanied. Liberal
disi-unt allowed No made.
Address EMPIRE £?. M. CO., bio J3roa.lwav. New
f >rk. seps'66>ly ;
Manufacturing Confectioners,
&a?~ Mulasces Candy and Cocoanut Work
ptl2'tj4i-lv. ;
20.000 MAJORITY!
To the Voters of Central Penna
L LECTION i* over and it ha. been deidded by about
2oj*Kt niiyority tlialtlie Tobacco and Cigars gold j
it Fry-singer's ToluO'CO and Begar Store eaiinot be.
-nrpassed. either in uallty or Price.
Look at the Prices, g"iS">rneof the goods, and com- -
pare with all others, and you will bo satisfied rfiutyou
.et the worth of your money at Frysinger's.
Krvsiriger s Spun Roll only sl.ooper pound.
Frysinger's Navy •• " "
Frysinger's Congress " " " "
Frvsinger's Floundor " '* " "
YVi'lleU Navy " " " "
lionoko Twist "
\nd other Plug Tobaeco at 40 and 50 ets. per lb.
Jut and Drv.4'i ind 50 cts. Granulated Tobaccos at
)U ets., be I ts , !"> cts.. #IJJU, {1.20. and {1.50 per ib.
Fine-Cut ehewing.at 51.40 aud sl.2u.
L'lgars at 1. 2, 3. 5 anil 10 cts. each.
Pip-> in great variety; also Cigar Cases, Tobacco j
g ouches ami Boxes, Match Safes, and all articles
tsualiy kept in a first-class Toiiaeco and Cigar Store.
To Merchants, 1 offer the above goods at prices that i
Vlll enable them to retail at the .same pnees that I j
jo and realise a fair profit.
TiZU UU I i male, to introduce out NEW PAIENi.i
siAlt Sill TTLE SEWING MACHINE. Itisadapt
•d fir family use ami Tailoring. It makes a stitch
ilike on ' *.tli sid.'s. Price only 1 WEN i i DOLLARS. ;
Exira-oriiinary inducements to Agents. For lull par- |
iculars, address DL'MON'T A WII.SoN,
juio-im* 030 Arch St., Philo., Pa. j
Benson- Campbell & Co.,
Commissim Slerf hunts & Uholrsule Grocers,
;"tO7 Market Street, Philadelphia.
PARTICt'LAR attention given to sales of Ginseng.
Woo'. Woolen A'arn, Fur Skins, Deer Skins, Sheep j
ikins, Flax-eed.Cloversced, Feathers. Leather, Roots, |
hi., d Fruit, lluiter, Hecswax. Ac.
Ail good-- warranted to give enure natiafaction, and ;
mid at tiie lowest city prioc^.
Pk-ajKi call and he convinced.
Also, a full line of Tobacco kept constantly on |
jand. .iylo-6m* |
, Lewistown Foundry
P REESE & SLAGLK, Proprietors
O. K. I>AV is, Snpcriiitciideiit.
Manufacturers of
Iron and Brass Castings
Made ami fitted np f..r Mills, Factories, Forges, Bla
, Furnaces. Rolling Mills. A.-
a We call the attention of Tanners to our Oven f'c
burning ran under Steam Boilers,
e I F KMs RF.AsttNABLE. All orders by mail c
otherwise promptly attended to.
)- j"'"' s " REESE A SLAGLE.
I'HF, following Fire. Life, and Accidental Companie
are represented by the undersigned :
JEtna, Fire of Hartford, 64,083,00(
I Putnam, " 500,001
Home, New York 3,500,00(
> . ' '
Oermania, 700,001
[ Home, New Hav< n, 1,000,00 C
North America, Philadelphia, 1,750,00(
Enterprise, 41 400,00 C
Lycoming, Penna., 2,500,00(1
, Farmers, York, Pa., 500,00(J
American Life, Philadclp hia, 1,000,000
■ N. Y. Accidental, New York, 250,000
Horse Thief Ins. Co. York Pa., 50,000
This agency is prepared to insure against Fire, Death
or Accident, in any part ol MifHiu county Horses
are insured against theft. All business pertaining tc
insutanee promptly attended to.
mnl'j 'O7 J(iHN HAMILTON, Agent.
Hamaker Sl Montgomery,
H AVE associated together for the pur
po-o of manufacturing Coaches, Buggies. Carria
ges, sulkies. Spring Wagons, Ac., at
111 M lis* OI,I> sl' AM),
in Valley street, Lewistown. They are prepared to
do all kinds of work in their line," iu an clegaut ami
workmanlike manner, and invite the citizens of town
ami vicinity to call and examine their new stock on
hand, before purchasing elsewhere, as ail work
ufactured at ttn~ cstabh-hmcnl is warranted.
I'r.onpt attention given t>. all repairing, which will
tie done with neatness and durability, ami guaranteed
to give satisfaction. " myi-ly
n AS just received a large Stock of Boots
and Siloes direct from Eastern Manufacturers,
which lie offers at greatly reduced prices:
.Men's Congress Gaiters, 63 50
44 Glove Cult Congress do, 4 25
W omens' Lasting Gaiters, 1 25
Other work in proportion.
Also, an assortment of Home Manufacture constant
ly n hand, and marie p. order at short notice.
Call and examine his stock before purchasing else
where. mays.y
Look out for Us, as we are Com
ing once more, with a
NE W Altlt 1V AL,
AI 7^ E are prepared to sell Goods at the
T T lowest market prices, lower than be
fore the war.
If JOB want good
Sugars at 11 to 16,
Coffees at 28 to 30,
Rice at 13,
Syrups at 15 to 30 nt..
If you want good Teas of all kinds go to
R k McK.
If you want good Spices of all kinds, go to
R. A. McK.
If you want a good quality of Honey, go to
K. k McK.
If you want the best
Corn Starch, Concentrated Lye,
\Y ashing Soaps, Toilet Soaps,
Canned Fruits, &c..
Go to R. & McK.
If you want to buy good white Muslin, yard
wide, at 15 cents, go to R. & McK.
If you want Calicos, at 10 to 18 cents, go to;
R. & McK.
If you want good goods of all kinds, such as
Ginghams at 16 to 25,
Brown Muslins at 10 to 23,
Delaines, 25, (old prices,)
including Dress goods, the Lest of all kindtf,
Go to R. & McK.
For Flannel, Ticking, Crash, Table Diaper,
Linen, with a variety of other goods, go to
R. & McK.
If you want good Cotton Ilose, at 15 to 36,
Go to R. 4 McK.
If you want good Notions of all kinds, go to
R. 4 McK.
Gentlemen, if you want Cotton Socks, at 12£
cts , Paper Collars of all kinds, Linen Col
lars, got up for the summer, at 5 cents, go to
R. t McK.
If you want good
Cotton Pants Stuff,
Cassimers and Cloths,
Go to R. i MeK.
If you want Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,
go to R k McK.
If you want good Fish of all kinds, go to
K. 4 McK.
If you want to find a good stock of goods of
all kinds, go to R. k McK.
Thankful for past favors, and hoping a con
tinuance of the same, we remain,
Very Respectfully,
Lewistown, June 19, IBG7-tf
IV J. HOFFMAN has just received a
# large supply of new goods, which will
be sold low. for cash.
fIUN WARD. A good assortment, at
Wednesday, July 24, 1887.
O E I ~—
The following it a font/ frrm || i
School Music li'juk, entitled "Freeh Laurel*."
Sunday School Volunteer Song.
We are marching 011 with shiebi ami banner bright,
vv e will work .or God and battle lor li e right, °
\\ <• wil praise his name rejoit-ing in his
i And well work till Jesus esdis.
! In the Sunday School our army we prepare,
As we rally round our blessed atanri iru there,
And tiie Saviour's cress we early learn to bear,
, "liilo we work till Jesus calls.
; _ CHORUS :
I ben awake, then awake, happy song, happv son",
r-hottt for jov, shout for joy. as we gladly march along
We are marching onward, singing a we go.
To tiie promised land where living waters flow;
481 Come and loin out ranks as ilgriius here below,
Come aud w rk till Jesus calls.
We arc tnarohing on, our Captain evor near,
or Dl protetit IIH still. His gentle voice we hear:
Let the foe advance, we'll never, fear.
r or we'll work till Jeans calls.
I hoii awake, awake, our happy, happy song,
He will idiout fur joy, ami gladly march alone;
In the Lord of Host let everv heart be strong.
. While we work till Jesus calls.— CHO. °
es }\° are marching on the straight snd narrow wuv,
Hiat will lead to life and evfrlasting day,
To the smiling that never will" decay,
But we'll work till Jesus calls.
>0 ,? e 1,1 V 'niching on and pressing towards the prize
I agl nous crown beyond the glowing skies,
0 Fo t!o- radiant fields where pleasure never dies,
And we'll work til! Jesus calls.— CHO.
"'"A'L'be V
o The Six-Fingered Robber.
An Eastern Story.
[Continued frem last week.]
*•' As tliey* entered, a )'onng woman in
li a loose dress ran forward to meet and
embrace the outlaw.
4 Well, Rahm ana, I have not been
able to keep my promise to bring tbe
bracelets and handkerchiefs; for just
as the caravan was coming up, our
venerable uncle-here made bis appear
ance on the highway, and I could not
let my good old schoolmaster pass our
dwelling without a welcome; so, my
•> dear Rahmana, you must make ready
, some savory dish out of tbe flesh of
1 the wild cow I shot yesterday; for I
think our guest must be very hungry.
j As ho spoke lie turned round" to the old
man, who had sat down with his back
( turned to the fair partner of Lis wild
" pupil.
4 Come, Seedy Moostafa,' said Alee,
■ the Spirit of the Woods is not jealous
of his Houri. Why is a woman made
j lovely, but to be looked upon? and
what were our e\"es given us for by
the Allwise, but to behold beautiful
things? Rahmana, go, ask the Taleb's
blessing, and then prepare thekesksoo.'
To bear was to obey with old .Moos
tafa upon the present occasion; so
raising the hood of his white geelab,
lie looked upon Rahmana; who bent to '
kiss bis band, and having received a
blessing, left him in order to prepare
the meal.
4 This damsel is truly beautiful, and (
seems happy with you in this wild
scene: may I ask you, my son, how t
: came she here ?' (
Alee took out a small canocarved in ,
Arabic; then jerking out on the hoi- ,
low between bis thumb and forefinger |
a long snuff of Tetuan tobacco, offered ,
it to 11 10 I'aleb, and looking at him ,
steadfastly replied : 4 For my wife 1 ,
paid no dowry; yet T hold her dearer, ,
ay, dearer, I dare say, than the Kaid ,
of Alcassar can prize eitherof his four,
though for one of them alone be gave (
a dower of a thousand Mitzahel. Now, t
hear how I brought my fair one to her j
! bridegroom's home. Having one morn- ,
ing taken up my position on a high s
i rock that gave :i wide command of v
view, 1 remained perched, like the ,
eagle, watching for 1113- prev', when a ( ]
party of travellers appeared slowly .
winding up the hill The principal
persons wero preceded by their bag- s
gage animals with their drivers; he v ,
hind these rode on an ambling n.ule a s
venerable man, whose dress bespoke [
some wealthy Fas merchant; and by j;,
li is side, on a stout pon\-, rode, after t
the fashion of a man, a female closely e
muffled up. I descended cautiously ( .
from the height; then taking my stand v
by a fountain near the highway, wait s
ed .with a cocked gun the travellers'
approach. I had already taken sure' t
aim at one of the muletoers, who hav-; t
ing a brace of pistols slung over his
; geelab, might, I thought, prove rn\' !
most troublesome opponent. As the
party reached the fountain, the old
1 man dismounted from his mule, then I
helped his female companion to alight, h
whose beauty, which you have so de- f
servedly admired, I then first beheld; a
, tor as she dismounted, her haik caught! h
in the stirrup, which drew it from her! >
grasp, and unveiled the hallowed fea- o
tures. From that moment I resolved j o
;she should be mine, and, God willing, r
without bloodshed. The old man hav- a
ing seated her at the verge of the wood, s
: in the st ade, ordered the muleteers to h
! push on with the baggage animals to- 1 e
wards Tangier, and said that ho would ! s
rejoin them with his daughter as soon v
as he had performed his ablution and f<
prostration ; for the shortened shadow
told it was about mid-day, and the o
hour of prayer. I now felt convinced r
1113- prize would he won, for the i t
protector of the fair was too infirm to h
offer resistance, j'et still I waited my e
best opportunity. The old man, hav- p
ing performed sundiy ablutions at the : s
fountain, took from his saddle-bags a k
fine Fas rug, 011 which, having spread e
it east and west, began ltis adoration ; h
hut finding, I suppose, the surface of ti
the ground in that spot too rough for S
his aged limbs, ho moved to a level ti
plot of turf 8on:e fifty yards down the
7, '>'ll, ! 'iid there in perfect comfort re
commenced his genuflections. Lcav
'"f> ,n y gun against a tree, I crept
.cautiously through the thicket, until 1
reached its border, where sat Ruhmana,
: closely wrapped it her haik. I was
about to carry my purpose into execu
tion, when the chiller of horses' hoofs
was heard fast ascending the hill, and
obliged me again to retreat into the
?■ bushes. r l he new corners proved to be
a bod}' of cavalry escorting prisoners,
whose hands and feet were strongly
bound in chains. The party halted at
the" fountain for a little time to refresh
j their horses; and then moved quickly
; on again. The old man was yet at
prayers, though I could perceive he
was about to conclude them. Scarcely
were the horsemen out of sight, when
1 crept again with noiseless step to
wards the damsel Her back was turn
cd; I took off my slippers, and crawl
ing upon hands and feet, cautiously
approached close to her; then giving
a glance at the old man, whose fore
head was pressed to the ground, 1
pounced on my prey, and pressing the
haik over her mouth, I lifted her in my
arms, and dashed into the forest, re
gaining my gun as I passed the tree.
The poor girl was sadly li ightened. and
endeavored to give the alarm to her
aged parent; but he could not have
heard Iter stifled screams. I brought
her to this hut, and loosening the veil,
gazed on her features. A death-like
paleness had come over them, and her
e_\ es were closed. I shuddered as 1
thought that Azrael, tho arch robber
ot mankind, had snatched her from me
•V gentle heaving of the bosom told me,
however, that her lit to was not yet
written. She looked so pale and sor
row stricken, that for a moment I al
most resolved to restore her to her
father; hut then, I reflected that a
worse lot might befall her than to be
tho wife of one who already loved her
so fervently as 1 did; for perhaps,
reasoned I she is destined to become
one ot a numerous harem ot some old
dolt in Tangier;— and this.' said the
Arab, interrupting himself,' was just
the ease. At length hunger obliged
her to taste something; and then, poor
girl, she took courage to converse with
me. She told me who she was, and
that her father, in spite of all her en
treaties, had resolved to have married
Iter to the old administrator of ens
toms in langier, a husband aged
enough to remember the first plague.
Hut now,' said the robber, ' we are
husband and wife, and only wish for
your blessing and a written contract
to be as happy a pair as the doves that
are wooing over our heads.'
' That shall be granted,' said the old
Talob; ' but, my good Alee, what be
came of her father V
'Why,' said Alee, 'I little know;
though, in truth, I heard one of a par
ty ot travellers, while sitting under
tho tree, the very tree from which I
carried off Rahrnana, relate that a
beautiful girl uf fits had been carried
oil' from her father, and that the old
man was persuaded it was tho Jin of
the Woods; for although at prayers
within a few paces ot her, he had seen
nothing, and had heard nothing.'
The next morning before break of
day Aloe conducted his guest through
the forest to the high road, and on tak
ing leave presented him with thirty
mitzakel, and elotli of tlie finest texture
sufficient to make a soolliam, which
would have done honor to a kady. But
the old man was little worthy the eon
fidenco and bounty of his former pu-l
Not many days succeeding this;
strange adventure of Taleb Moostafa
with tho Spirit of the Woods, a mes
sage was dispatched by the Ivaid of
Tangier to the court, which was then
in Morocco, giving full particulars of
the abode and person of the secret;
evildoer, declaring that lie who had
carried off the merchant's daughter!
was no other than the six-fingered
Alee. On that very day a considera-;
hie number of horsemen were ordered
to scour the wood of Dar A'clon; but
they did so without success.
Whilst tho sultan was contriving
Alec's destruction, the robber's famous
horse, on which he had often escaped
from justice, died from overexertion,
after saving his master's lite while
hotly pursued by a troop of cavalry.
Now thcro was an Arab sheikh who
governed a camp in tho neighborhood
of Alcassar, and who, amongst much
rare and precious property, possessed
ii marc of marvellous powers. No
-ooner did Alee—now without horse—
hear of the famous mare, than lie eov
3ted this most precious of the rich
sheikh's goods, and vowed that he
would have her by fair means or bv
It was on a dreary day in the month
">t January, while fierce wind and tor
rents of rain raged from the heavens,
that a man in the dress of a courier,
lis hooded geelab tucked up and gird
?d round his loins, his feet clothed in a
pair ot stout sandals, a small dagger
stuck in his girdle, and a palmetto bas
ket slung over his shoulder tor a budg
et, was seen making hasty way on the
iigh road to Alcassar Kibecr, and not
ill between the Mood Aloolee and the
tiebbah did he deviate from the main
track and take the direction of a camjr
of the Oolad Ensair, thence some half
hour s distance. The gloomy eve turn
ed to a black night, while a sea of tin
heaviest rain fell pelting from above.
The disguised courier, for it was
none other than Alee himself, halted
as he tiearcd the camp, and finding al
quiet, except now and then the howlo!
a dog, he planned his approach; and
now on hands and feet advanced can
tiously towards the pen where the
sheep were kept, in the eye of the
wind, for fear tho hungry hound?
should sniff him. Snatching a ' lather
of wool' out of the pen, he squeezed
him in his grasp, and retraced his stop?
some fifty yards; then drawing hi?
dagger, sacrificed the mutton, and
making a prayer for his success, pro
ceeded to cut up the carcass into some
fifty hits.
1 aking these in the skirts of his gee
lab, lie moved on some few yards and
listened : all was quiet. Then he imi
tated the barking cry of a jackal; and
the well-known sound was responded
to by several of the village pack. lie
repeated it, and two or throe tierce
hounds rushed towards hirn. He threw
them a bone: growling and fighting
ensued, which soon attracted the whole
pack of ill-fed dogs. Delicious morsels
—sutlicient to bribe and satisfy the
hungry maws of all comers—were
thrown to them : and henceforward the
enemy required no watchword with
which to enter the unguarded camp.
So, taking a bridle he had stowed away
in his basket for the purpose, and
grasping his dagger, he walked boldly
to the sheikh's abode of felicity.
There stood the prize—black as
night, but her eye gleamed like a star!
She snorted and reared, but Alee was
quicker than the heels of a thorough
bred, for planting his vice-like hand on
her nostrils, lie donned the bridle, cut
the pickets, and now vaulted on hei
4 .Most generous sheikh,' cried the
six fingered. .Nobody answered, 'C
possessor of tine horses ! O Sheikh Ha
111 on !'
4 What's the matter, and who if
there!" said a gruff voice from within
the tent.
4 God give you a prosperous morn
ing, Sheikh Hanion,' said Alee: 4 1
have come for your mare; may the All
bountiful send you a better.' No soon
er said lie these words, than he darted
off full gallop into the darkness.
Sheikh Ilamon, with cocked gun,
rushed to the rescue, and caught a
glimpse ola black figure making off at
lull speed. 4 Devils and demons,' cried
he in despair, 4 she shall dio rather
than be another man's.' He fired, and
down fell his object. A wild laugh
echoed at a distance. The Sheikh
rushed towards the fallen object: all
the villagers were up in arms— 4 Seize
him, Moiiamed—Bind him, Salem
Bring him dead or alive, Mustafa,
cried the frantic sheikh: 4 if I have
killed my mare my loss is irretrieva
ble; but i have done a service to the
sultan and the world.'
The forms of half naked Arabs, with
torches, guns, and daggers, gleamed all
around, and now they rushed towards
the fallen mass, and a shout of surprise
and yet of gladness was given as they
discovered that the angry passion ol
their chief* had been vented on one oi
his finest black bulls, the plague of the
village, for many persons had been
gored of late ; and as they were igno
rant of Alec's apparition, they all sup
posed it had met with its well deserved
fato for having attacked their chief
when returning from iiis matins. They
dragged the carcass before the sheikh's
tent, who on beholding his victim,
plucked his beard in fury, then bung
his head, and with solemn voice ex
claimed— 4 War not against the devil
—God's will be done,' and returned
into his lent.
The loss of the mare, and the extra-I
ordinary conduct of the sheikh, were
not known in the village until next
day. Alee rode that mare till the day
of his death.
1 Though he possesses the charm of
Abd-Errachman, the Soosy—though
he be in league with the dark One him
self —this day shall he render account
to llim who is the Almighty .Judge oi
crime!' Thus spoke a doughty kaid,
who, armed to the teeth, and mounted
on a prancing horse, was accompanied
by some fifty followers, all in warlike
4 Look,' said the kaid to his kleefa
(lieutenant), as they reached a dark
and lonely ravine in the wood of Boa
mar— 4 look at these gouts of blood,
which —still as crimson as on the day
poor Sheikh Selim, the bearded, was
here villainously murdered —call for
tlie vengeance of all who would fight
in the path of righteousness. Here let
us then arrange our plans, and swear
not to abandon our task till we have
fulfilled the mandates of our lord tlie
sultan; and let every man take the
precaution of adding a silver okeea to
the ball, for thus alone can be broken
the charm of the malicious one.'
•The Fatha—let tho Fatha be said,'
they all with one voice exclaimed; and
Taleb Abd-el-Kadcr, a military moo
lab, with hands uplifted, gabbled over
the sacred words:
4 Praise bo to God, the Lord of all
creatures, the most merciful, tho King
Vol. 57. No. 29.
of the day of judgment. Thee do we
worship, and ot thee do we implore as
sistance. Direct us in the right way;
in the way of those to whom thou bast
been gracious, who walk uprightly;
not ot those against whom thou artin
censed, nor ot those who go astray.'
1 he stronghold of the besieged free
booter was a wood, about two miles
long, by halt a mile in breadth; impen
etrable in many parts from the thick
briers and close-set bushes. To at
tempt to beard the robber in bis den
was considered too hazardous a deed;
it was therefore determined to set fire
to the wood, in the quarter whence the
wind was blowing, and to lay in wait
for the fugitive on the opposite side.
I bus they felt assured that, between
fire and sword, they were certain to
destroy him. Kaid Mohktar now pro
ceeded to station his men, in compa
nies of six, at all the outlets of the
wood; then taking with him a few
chosen men, he rode round to the op
posite side to commence the work of
Some dried leaves and branches
ing been collected, a light was struck,
and the conflagration commenced. -"At
first a small column of smoke curled
up in the air: it was soon followed by
a volume of flame towering to the
height of the tallest trees, and wither
ing with its great heat every green
bush, ere it reduced it to dustand char
coal. The fire strided on: and what
was lately an impenetrable thicket be
came a waste of smoking ashes.
'1 he kaid, with his attendants, con
tinued busy tiring the wood, wherever
the wind would favor the progress ol
the flame. Success seemed to attend
the stratagem ; and all were waiting,
though not without fear, to discover
which outlet the terrible, and until
now unvanquished, Aleo would choose
for his sally.
Then it was that a flame rose sud
denly front the very centre of the wood,
at a spot some three hundred yards
distant from the advancing fire. It
blazed, it crackled, and rolled on with
a headlong vigor of destruction; and
at intervals was heard the rending
crash of some giant tree, that had for
ages braved all the other elements, but
now lowered its noble head.
' Who,' cried the Kaid in wild de
spair, ' who but this accursed fiend
would have thought of such a scheme?
See ! he has tired the wood in the cen
tre, and when all around shall be burnt,
he will choose his point of escape.'
To prevent this, the Kaid had now
to change his plan ; and posted his men
all round the wood in parties of three.
They had commenced their attack
early in the morning; it was now about
noon. Tho tire they had first kindled
had just reached the yet smoking em
bers of tho conflagration in the centre,
and that, in its turn, had carried its
ravages to the opposite border. One
small path still remained green; all
around was a mass of flame and smoke.
The Kaid had stationed himself in a
watercourse with three men. Birds
and animals were flying with terror
all around, heedless of man's presence;
and ever and anon a frantic boar would
gallop down the watercourse.
' II ush !' said the Kaid in a low voice;
'he comes; and he comes our way ! -
Bo steady and resolute.'
A mounted figure could now be seen
moving rapidly over the burning em
bers. His pace increased as he near
ed tho ambuscade; and the slight fig
ure of a female, her garments black
ened with the fire and smoke, and her/
ong hair streaming in the breeze, wa#
dinging to tho waist of the robber
Counted on a jot-blaek steed, that with
dood red extended nostril and loani
ng mouth, hounded as a deer over the
tugc rocks, Alee, with levelled gun,
lashed straight towards the party!
"lie Kaid had now made sure aim, and
aising a shout to bring together the
ino of valiants posted along the wood,
ras about to pull the trigger, when a
leadly shot brought him a corpse to
lie ground. His threo attendants
itood firm, waiting with levelled guns
heir adversary's nearer approach, to
;ive him a warm reception, and avenge
Lhe death of their chief.
Aleo in an instant had given the guu
to Rahmana, and, drawing his sword,
now flew like lightning on his oppo
nents. The black mare, as if she knew
her owner's danger, redoubled her
speed; and in an instant the robber
was 011 them, and received their fire
unhurt. Man after man rolled on the
ground ; all fell who came within his
reach, whilst he eluded every blow of
his enemies.
Tho whole body of troops had now
approached. The balls flew thickly;
but, still unharmed, tho hero and his
well-beloved pursued their course.
Aleo having distanced his pursuers,
slacked his pace; he sheathed his
sword, and reloaded his gun. One
horseman yet pursued him boldly. Alee
descended a steep ravine, and, turning
close round the side of tho opposite
hill, reined in the mare. The well
mounted pursuer was not many yards
in his rear. Aleo waited him, and
soon, with drawn sword and shouts of
vengeance, he turned the corner.
'Fire!' cried Rahmana, 'or we are
'Let him come,'said her husband;
and as thS" enemy approached, Alee
recognized in him ono of the Bokhary
blacks who had vowed vengeance on
Continued on last page.