s il 3 '3 a 3 3 ??3 LOCAL AFFAIRS. Concerts.— Charley Stuart's Young Opera Troup will give Concerts in the Town Hall, Lewistown, on Friday aud Saturday evenings next, presenting a varied pro gramme of comic and sentimental songs, jnjo solos, duets, trios, &c. Qurcitizens generally are invited to attend, and may rc ., t assured that the performances are] such that no cavil whatever can be alleged against them. Admission 25 cents—chil dren 15 cents. Eclipse of Jupiter's Moons.— On the 21st of August next a celestial phenomenon ] can be witnessed by those who have tele- i scones of sufficient power which lias only twice before been recorded in history.— ] The planet Jupiter will at that date be j seen unaccompanied by her satelites for nearly two hours. Of her four moons | three will he invisible on account of theii j passing simultaneously over Jupiter's] disc, and tire fourth will be immersed it! j the shadow of the planet. The following are the officers elect ed by the Apprentices' Literary Society for the ensuing term : President— T. M. Uttley. Vice President—H. Frysinger. Recording Secretary —Carl Hoffman. Corresponding Secretary—Charles W. Walters. Treasurer— I T. F. McCoy. Librarian—Charles It. Marks. Assistant Librarian—Wm. M. Beatty. Editor—A. T. Hamilton. Wonders! —Ladies Gaiters at ifl 30, Men's Shoes as low as SI 15, Men's Heel Slippers at $1 00, and Youths', Missesand Children's work down in proportion, at FKAXK 11. WKXTZ'S Boot and Shoe Store, opposite Eiseubise's Hotel, Lewistown. All kinds made to order. Call there. {pav. Grove has again opened his heart and ice cream freezer, and sent a huge bowlful, floating-white, to cool us amid the labors of the sanctum. A barethankY is not half sufficient to express our feel ing of gratitude for oft-repeated favors. But we will say to all, buy at Grove's, he knows how to make good cream. The whole civilized world has been looking with interest to the Great Paris Exposition, and lately the crowned heads with their suites have created sensations in the circles of the Parisian '-apital. The jewels which decked their royal persons, however, did not exceed in brilliancy th >se now exhibited at the store of H. \Y. Junkin. Call and see his extensive stock of goods. Mrs. M. E. Stewart of this place will furnish Good Templars' Regalia to order. Teachers who calculate to pass an ex amination are referred to the notice of the county superintendent. Our rentiers will find the commence ment of a good story on the outside of to day's paper. I)r. Hurlbut has opened an office for the practice of medicine; in the building ad joining Mitchell Jones' dwelling, Mill st. The Democrat last week appeared in an enlarged form —the same size as the Ga zette—and presents a creditable appear ance. Messrs. Reese stituted in place of David Baird of Hunt-! ingdon county, who was nominated at the above mentioned meeting; and that the said David Mitchell and John A Hanna, , of Dauphin county, be supported at the] next election, to represent this district in Congress. Resolved , That the foregoing proceed- ] ings be signed by the Chairman and See-1 retary, and be sent to the several printer? ] in the district for publication. JOHN PIPER, Chairman. Attest , EDWARD M'CAKTY. Agreeably to the delegated powers giv- ] en to us by the several townships below j the long narrows in Mifflin county, viz.] Lack, Mil ford, Fermanagh and Green wood, we have viewed and considered the j foregoing resolutions entered into in the borough of Lewistown, iti said county,] and do accord with them in substituting David Mitchell of Cumberland county, in ■ ! he room and seat of David Baird of Hunt ingdon county, aud in supporting the said David Mitchell and John A. Hauna ol Dauphin eouhty, at the ensuing election,; to represent this district in Congress. DAVID BE ALE, 1 Delegates from below JAMES BANKS, J the long narrows, Mif flin county. [Published by request.] Agreeable to public notice given in the! two lower districts, a number of the dec-1 tors thereof met at the house of John l'ul-j mer, Esq., in Shirleysburg on Saturday, the 18th inst., and proceeded by baliot to the nomination of a person for a caudi-! date to run for Commissioner at the ap proaching annual election. At the close of the business it appeared that John l'al- j mer, Esq., was unanimously chosen. Huntingdon, Sept. 2711 i, 1802. BY YESTERDAY'S MAIL. From the Carlisle Gazette. MR. KLINE, I' nderstanding that some dissatisfaction j exists among the citizens of this district, composed of Cumberland, Dauphin, Mif-{ ttin and Huntingdon, respecting the nom ination of Republican candidates, to rep resent this district in the Congress of thej United States:—And having had sufli-j cient intimation that another ticket is to be formed, in which my name is to be mentioned; I therefore take the liberty tf informing the Republican citizens of this district, that I am determined not to stand a poll in competition with the char acters proposed by thecommittee that met j at Mifflin—as I never possessed a wish to divide the Republican interest in any sit uation. DAVID MITCHEL. I hope Mr. Kline, and the other prin ters in the district, will give this note pub licity. September 16th, 1802. Farmers ! Two more Horse Rakes, hand-discharg es, with genuine steel teeth, warranted, are for sale at Frysinger's Agricultural Implement Agency. Price SBB and SBS, cash. More than twenty were sold during the hay-makngi season. County Treasurer. As the time is approaching when the! people will look around for suitable can- : didates for office, we would be pleased to : see P. F. LOOP, of Lewistown, nominated lbr Treasurer, by the Union Republican Convention. His honesty and business qualideations are undoubted, and he is therefore the first choice of M ANY VOTERS. ARMAGH, July 17,1867. MARRIED On the 6th inst., atGraceChurch, Phil adelphia, by Rev. Win. Suddards, Lu- RIE.N T. SNYDER, formerly of this place, to Mrs. S. A. ROSE, of that city. At the residence of It. B. Harvey, in Mt. Union, on Thursday, evening, July 4, by Rev. 8. M. Hartsook, JOHN A. GOODMAN and Miss ANNIE B. ETCHISON, both of Mill Creek, Huntingdon co., Pa. DIED In Decatur township, on the 28th June, MARY INGRAM, aged about 65 years. Near Bellevue, Ohio, on the 7th June, ARCHIHARD THO.M AS, esq., formerly Sher iff of Union co., Pa., aged about 68 yrs. At Tipton, Cedar county, lowa, June 84, Col. JOHN SWINEEORD, Attorney at law, and formerly a resident ol New Ber lin, Union co., l'a., aged about 45 years. In Mifflinburg, Union county, 10th inst., MARY MEYER, wife of Samuel Orwig, aged 64 years and 24 days. In Limestone township, on the sth inst., ELIZABETH BARBER, aged nearly 80 years. In Buf falo township, on the 28th ult., JACOH | KACKEMAN, aged about 72 years. In Ilarrisburg, on thesth inst., SAM'R W. ROBERTS, formerly of Miflliutown, aged about 80 years. In Seliusgrove, on the 20th ult., WM. STITZEK, aged about 54 years. The de ceased was a member of company "I," 10th Regiment, P. V. Neighboring Counties. Centre County. The Hon. George Boal, of Harris town ship, Centre county, died on Monday a week, after an illness of several weeks. He was one of Harris township's best citizens, tilled several public positions ably, among which was the Associate Judgeship, and recently U. S. Revenue Assessor for the 18th Congressional Dis trict. He was seventy-one years old. As Capt. Wilson Potter, who hascharge of the depot at Bellefoute, was assisting in coupling some ears he had his right arm so completely crushed at the elbow, as to render amputation necessary. The] operation was performed on the next day; by Dr. George L. Potter, and the Captain is feeling at this time as comfortable as j circumstances will warrant. An infant, six months old, belonging to Air. John Fravel, in Marion township. Centre county, died on the 2d inst., by hanging itself by tlie draw-string of its night gown. The circumstances in detail as given by the Press are these: Thcchild was left in bed by itself while the parents i were engaged at their usual morning do-! mestic duties; after the lapse of a short time the mother went to look after her: chiki arid, to her indescribable horror, found it suspended by the neck on one ' of the bed pins. It seems the straw had I worked to one side, exposing the rail, and i the child creeping about uneonseiouslv,' slipped down and thus brought about its' death in so sad a manner. Snyder County. Reuben Wagner of West Beaver, who had two horses stolen last spring, litis re-1 ceived information that they are at the] Farmers' High School. A little son of Peter Shaffer, who re sides above Selinsgrove, fell into Penn's j creek and was drowned. An old horse-furrier named Spriech.; has been arrested for tiring a pistol at a ' woman with whom he had some words. ! The house of Robert Eiseuhauer was struck by lightning on the sth. Sixteen sheep were killed by lightning while un- i der a tree on .Mr. Schuure's farm, about a ! mile from Selinsgrove. On last Tuesday a fellow came to a Mr. Kline of MeKees 1 Falls and purchased ] a sulky for fifty dollars, paying it in live j ten dollar bills, 011 the third National I Bank of Philadelphia, all spurious. He] passed through town on Tuesday evening i at about 0 o'clock. Mr. Kline is on the I thief's track and we hope will soon over take him. Persons should look out for spurious money as there are thousands of dollars in circulation.— Selinsgrove Couri er. The boiler of the new steam sawmill at Port Treverton exploded last week, mor tally injuring Henry Bower, and severely { the engineer, Mr. Swenk. Thirty or forty ! children standing near all escaped Injury. ] Juniata County. The Harrisburg Telegraph of Friday ] says upon a warrant issued by Mayor j Edwards, Bernard Campbell, Chief-of-j Police, proceeded to Miffiintown yester- j day afternoon, and arrested W. \V. Da- ! vis and W. A. Allison, publishers of the] Juniata Republican, on a charge of libel. ! preferred against them by Col. John J. Patterson, of Miffiintown. The accused entered bail in the sum of live hundred ! dollars each, before a justice of the peace in that town, for their appearance at j court. The Supreme court has sustained the ; decision of the lower court in thelatesuit ] between John Adams and the P. R. R. | Company. Mr. Adams will recover twen-! ty-tive hundred dollars. The Juniata Republican has been en-] Jarged to a seven column paper—being ] the first of the four in that county. Mars is still the ruling planet there. Blair County. A man named James Artheurs was killed on the Pennsylvania Railroad, at j Bell's Mills Station, on Wednesday a] week, while carrving a bag across the I track. A man named Thomas Dorsey was' killed at the Culvert below Elizabeth Fur nace by the Philadelphia express train j westward en the Friday following. William Custer, son of 11. F. Custer,! Esq., of Altooua, while attempting toget on, or across, a train of ears, while in mo tion, a short distance below town, slipped or fell from the train and had the side ol one foot badly crushed, from the instep to the toes, and a severe gash cut in his leg just below the cap of his knee. THE MARKETS. Lxwistowm, July 10, 1807 Eggs per dozen 15 But;er per lb 15 Wheat, red, per bushel $2 00 " white " 2 10 Corn, old, 85 Oats " 00 Flour is retailing at the following prices: Lewistown Extra Family per owt. 7 00 Superfine G 00 Family per bbl It 00 Superfine 12 00 Philadelphia Mnrketx. The demand for flour is extremely light, being confined entirely to the wants oi l the home consumers, but with trifling re-1 ceipts, and stockholders are enabled to I realize former quotations, l'enn'a and j Ohio sllal3. Otteriugs of wheat some-1 what increased, hut millers hold off. Sales j of new Southern red at 52.60tt2.70. Corn lower and yellow nominal at $1.15. Oats $1.00a1.05 per bushel. Cattle Market. Pmr-AUMLi'HiA, July 15.—There is; more activity in the market for beeves at a fraction of an advance; sales ot 1,400 head at 17al8 PHVSICIAM ATiti SIRGEOS, Lewlitown, Pa., OFFERS his Professional Services to tbe Citizen* of Lewistown and vicinity. Or Murium has the Exkeiesce of 15 years in the j active practice of Medicine and Surgery. Olhce on south side of Mill street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. Worrall. julj | A Fresh Supply OF those cheap Prunes, Peaches. Canned Corfi. &c, at BKISBIN'S. rnwo Due Bills, in part payment for a L Cabinet Organ ora Piano, can be had on advantageous terms by applying at the Gazette Office. TMIESII stock of the best Mackerel and J_ Herring, mall-sued kits, on hand at A.FELIX'S fecial Notices. nr. MARTIN'S EXCELSIOR OIL.—E. C. Hamilton. Esq., Postmaster here re'ates the following J cure performed by this invaluable medicine, adver i lised in another column: I'R. MARTIN —A valuable heifer of mine had a large | pear shaped tumor or lump on one of her fore should ers. which I am confident would measure at its head eight inches in circumference. I used your EXCELSIOR OIL upon it tor five days, when the whole lump came out. and the parts are healing beautifully. I consider this a remarkable cure. Lewistown. Juue 1, 1567. E. C. HAMILTON. TIET A BA RTLETT —The Bartlett Sewing Machine advertised in this paper, is a decid ed success. It is it low-price article, but does the work as well as the $55 machines, and is in every respect equal to them. It can be seen fit the Agricultural and Household Im plement Agency of H. FUYSINGEU, who is sole Agent for This part of the State. Only 5-15 for a good Family Sewing Machine ! Surely everybody OH now buy one. To Consumptives. The advertiser, Paving been restored to health In a few a cfks by u very simple reuie ly, after having sintered tor wveral years with a were ittng atfection, and that dread I incase Consumption—ls anxious to make known to hl> fellow sufferers the of cure. To all who desire It. he will sen i a copy of the prescrip tion used (free of charge), with the directions for prepar ing and using the same, which they will linl a sure Cure tor Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis. Coughs. Colds, and ill Throat and Lung Affections. Ttie only object of the idv. rti or in sen Mug the Prescription is to benefU tlie at- Bcted, and Spread Information which he conceives to be mvalu, as it will coat them nothing, and may prove a blessing thirties wishing the prescription. Free, bv return nuil' will please address KKV. KBWAItIi A. \\ IL< .\ t m| IS lv AVilliumsbui-g. King< Co.. KeV Vork. Errors of Youth. A Gentleman wlio suffered for years from Nervous Debll tv. Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indis cretion, will, tor the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need It, the recipe ami directions for making the simple remedy bv which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do >o by addressing. In perfect confidence, myIS-1> J H\ B UGDKN, 12Celsr St. New York. Peruvian Syrup. A Protected Solution ot the Protoxide of Iron, sup plies the blood with its Life Element, Iron, giving strength, vigor and new life to the whole system. If the thousands who are suffering Irom Dyspepsia, Debility, Female Weaknesses, would but test the virtues of the Peruvian Syrup, the effect would not only astonish themselves but would please all tlieir friends; lor instead ot feeling cross, •'ail gone" and miserable, they would be cheerful, vigorous and ac tive. A DISTINGUISHED JURIST WRITES TO A FRIEND AS FOLLOWS: 1 have tried the Peruvian Syrup, and the result ful ly sustains your prediction. It has made a New Man of ino, tufii>ed into my system new vigor andeneigv; I am no longer tremulous and debilitated, as when you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity for labor, mental and physical, than at any nine, during the la.-t five years." Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ;aud in valids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. The genuine has " Peruvian Syrup" blown in the glass. A 32 page pamphlet will he sent free. J. P. DINSMORK, Proprietor, No. 30 Dey St., New York. Sold by all Druggists. SCROFULA. The Rev. George Storrs, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. says.in the Bible Examiner, byway of apology for publish ing a medical eertifieate in His magazine, of the cure of In- only son, of scrofula, "after dissolution appear ed inevitable." "\ l e publish this statement, nut for •• pay. but in gratitude i > God who has answered pra>- ■er, and injustice to Dr. Anders; being satisfied thai ••there is virtue in the lodine Water treatment, which ••the readers of this Magazine will thank its Editor -'for bringing to their notice." Circulars tree. Dr. 11. Anders' lodine Water is for salo by J. P DINoMORE. Proprietor, 36 Dey Street, N". Y., and by all Druggists. jit'3o-lin DEAFNESS, Baldness & Catarrh treated with the utmost success, by J ISAACS. M. D, Oc ulist and Aurist. (formerly of Leyden, Holland ) No 519 Pine street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city and country can be seen at Ins office. The medical ficulty are invited to accompany tlieir patients, as he lias no secrets in his practice. Artificial Eves inserted without pain No charge for examination. uiyl-ly TT O T I C E _ The beautiful Piano Fortes of GROYESTEEN A Co. are deemed by ail good judges to be the Ultima Thule ol instruments of the kind. We. cannot suggest what is wanting to make a mu sical instrument more perfect although we are slow tii admit thai the limit of improvement can ever be attained. Before thev had brought their Pianos to their pre sent excellence, they had submitted them to compe tition with instruments of the best makers of this country and Europe, and received the reward of mer it, over all others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It is but just ice to say tnat thejudgment thus pronounced has not been overruled by the musical world. Still, by the improvements lately applied by them to their Pianos, it is admitted that a more perfect in strument has been made. They have accordingly achieved the paradox of making excellence more excellent. Surely, after this, they are entitled to the motto-Excelsior." novll-ly ITCH ! ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT WILL CI'RE TIIE ITCH IN 43 IIOCIIS. Also cures S\ LT if H El' M. ULCERS, CHI LB LA 1 .VS. and all KHU PTIONS < IF TH E SKIN. Price 60 cents For sale by all druggists. By sending sixty cents to Weeks A Potter. .Sole Agents. 170 Washington street. Boston, it will tie forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. sep&'Ot-ly Ayer's Cathartic Pills \\\ / /// , ABE the most perfect pur j f i////' native we are able In produce *■$:&&&& Dl yet been made byanv tio.lv ease. The? purge out in. foul humors \vliich breed mid •.•row distemper, stimulate aluicglsih or disordered organs into their natural action, and impart tone and strength to die wnole svstem. Not only "to they cure the every day omplaiiHs of everybody, but formidable and dangerous diseases. While they produce powerful effects, they are it the sjmc time. In ttimintahiM dose-, the safest and best nlivslc that can pe employed for children. Belug sugar coated, thev are pleasant to take; ami. being purely vege table arc entirely harmless. Cures have been made that i would surpass belief, were they not substantiated by men ot such exalted > haracter. * to lorbld the suspicion ot un truth. Many eminent clergymen and physicians certity to the put.lie the reliability of our remedies, wldle others have sent us the assurance of their conviction that our Preparations contribute Immensely to the relict ot our ut dieted fellow-men. , , , . . The Agents below named are pleased to furnish gratis nnr American Almanac, containing directions for the use • if these medicines and certificates of their cures ot the fol i lowing complaints j Co-tlvenesa. billions Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy, ' (I '.irthuni Ilea Inch, arising bom foul stomach. Nausea, ! lndigestioii. Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain aris log thetefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all Disease, i which require an evacuant medicine. They also, by purl living the blocl and stimulating the system, cure many ; complaints which it would uot he supposed they could | reach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia ant | Nervous Irritability. Derangements of the Liver and Kid I pevs, tiont, and other kindred disordersarblng from alow I state of the hoilv, or obstruction of its functions. 1 lo not he put otf by unprincipled dealers with othei preparations on which they make more profit. Denianr 1 AY Klt'S and take no others. The sick want the best alt there is for them, and they should have It. j Prepared by DR. J. C AY Kit A CO., Lowell, Mass.. ant sold by all Druggists and dealers in medicine everywhere [ may29-2m MILROY DRUG AND HAE.D7TAE.B STCS.E, Tea & Table Spoons & Forks, PLATED on beat Nickle Silver. For sale at McMANIGAL'S, Milroy. Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad. Passenger Trains run as follows: EXPRESS. MAIL a. m. p. in. Leave Huntingdon 7 43 6.00 " Saxton 9.30 733 " Bloody Run 10 55 853 Arrive at Mount Dallas 10.59 8 57 SHOUP'S RUN BRANCH. j Leave Saxton 9.50 7 50 j Arrive at Dudley . 10.20 8 20 ft"llacks and Express Wagons connect at Mount Dalla for Bedford and Bedford Springs. A reliable line of Hack ; connects at Dudley lor Broad Top City. MAIL. EX PRE.- a. m. n. m. Leave Mount Dallas 6 10 130 1 j " Bloody Run 614 1.34 " Saxton 730 2.53 I Arrive at Huntingdon 910 4.45 Suour's RUX BRANCB. ! Leave Dudley „ 7 00 2 30 j Arrive at Saxton * 7JO 5.00 A Good Remedy in its Place! ; ■ —— □A* Stomach Bitters, A COMBINATION OF MEDICINES Which is eminently adapted to the treatment of the diseases for which the Bittns a:e recommended. Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Gout, Calculuas, Nephutio Affections, Disordered Stomachs. [a cases of Disordered Stomach, with slug gish circulation of the Blood, Exhausted Vital Energy. This Bitters stands WITHOUT A RIVAL! j As a morning appetizer it is conceded to be i THE MOST WHOLESOME A\D EFFECTUAL L\ THE WORLD!! and should be used by all WEAKLY FEMALES jin all chronic cases. To restore health an' 1 strength use these bitters. They are ! Prescribed by the Physi- j cians! and recommended by others who have knowledge of medicines. Sold 117/ OLESALE A XI) RETAIL BY JACOB ZERBY, Allenviße, Mifflin Count//, Penna. Also, hy Mrs. Brehman, McVeytown; A1 j bert Gibboney, Belleville- J. K. Metz. A! lenville. julO 6m P. T. BARNUM'S Patent ELASTIC STRAP & BUCKLE, For Pants, Vests & Drawers. IMI IS little invention is just out, and as it is no "humbug" is meeting with a rapid sale. It i can he applied in a moment to any garment, by ant | person, causing it to fit perfectly, i U> elasticity prevents tearing the straps and buck-j j ies off' the clothes, and also allows perfect freedom ol ' j the body while working or taking exercise. For sale by tailors and the trade generally. Send I j 25 cents, for strap, circulars, terms to agents and the j j trade, to the BARNCM E. S. k B. COMPANY, 650 Broadway, NEW YORK. A>- Agents Wanted in every eonnty.'wh i May 20,1567 —3in. Harrisburg Steam Boiler Works, IIARBISBURG, PA. ROBERT TSPPETT, Manufacturer of | CYLINDER, FLUE, LOCOMOTIVE, HORIZONTAL and UPRIGHT TUBULAR BOILERS, 1 ROTARY BLEACHERS, HEATERS.! TANKS, SMOKE STACKS, &o. All kinds of work out of Boiler, Tank or Sheet ; | Iron satisfactorily executed. Special attention paiil to j R3PAIE.IH& | , at reasonable rates. .' ttyu IV ith steam facilities, improved machinery and - tools, and advantage of having ail material made at • | our doors I am enabled to furnish parties in want ot i; work of tliis character with an -A. No. 1" article and ' ; at lowest figures. juues-3m Pennsylvania Railroad. i ; Trains leave Stations in this county as follows : heave Westward. I j Phil'a Fast Emi- Ex. Mail. Line. grant, a. m. p. m. p. m. a. m. ' 1 LewistowD, 5.30 406 6.23 10 58 | Granville, 4.17 11.15 I McVeytown, 6.00 4.37 11.40 Manayunk, 4.49 11 54 > N. Hamilton, 5.04 12.13 Leave Easticard. Phil'a Fast Day Cin. Ex. Line. Way. Ex. Ex. a. in. a. m. a. m. a. m. p. m. Lrwistown, 12.17 5.59 10.15 11.06 6.38 - N. Hamilton, 9 15 | Manayunk, 9 30 McVeytown, 9.42 . : Granville, 10 01 ] The Stock Freight east stops for wily passengers as | follows: N'. Hamilton, fi-26 p. m.; Manayunk, 0.52 p. tn ; McVeytown, 7.12 p. m.; Granville, 7.47 p. m.. Lew • istown, 8.03 p. rn. I Fare to Harrisburg $210; to Philadelphia 5 85; to ! New York 7.60; Altoona 2 50: to Pittsburgh 6 55; to j Baltimore 5 20 ; to York 3 20; to Hagerstown 4.55; to I Iteading 4.00. s a-The ticket office will he open 20 minutes before s the arrival of each passenger train. THOMAS SCHELL. Agent. Gnlbraith A Conner's ommbusses connect with all the passenger trains, aud take up and set down pas sengers at all points within the borough. Orders are requested to be left at the National House. GIOOD CHEESE, Crackers, Groceries, I Dried Flint aud Honey at A.FELIX'S LUMBER LUMBER! Great Fall in Prices! B CARDS, from 82 and upwards. M PL A ST. LATII, 375t0 425 per M. J W. P F LOORING, 3 75 per 100 feet. Hemlock do 335 do SASH, 8 x 10, / cents, and other down in i proportion. PANEL HOOKS down 10 per ct. A full assortment of FRAME LUMBER SCANTLING. Ac. may2o \VM. B. HOFFMAN A SONS. COAL! COAL! TUST received, a fresh supply of SUN it IH'UV COAI.. alt sizes, which will be sold at reduc-! Ed prices. Also. 1 RECEIVED, a lull supply of PALINGS, FLOORING, PL A ST. LATH, SHINGLE LATH.! DOOIIS, SASII, PLANK, &c., which will he sold at reduced prices, my 1 W. 11. HOFFMAN & SONS. Fon SA. LE AT FRYSI NGER'S Agricultural and llousrhold Implement Agency. Lewistown, Pa. 1. The WORLD'S MOWER, warranted the j ie-t in ibe worbi 2. The WORLD'S COMBINED REAPER;. AND MOWER, complete, that will work easiei than any other, and last a life-time. 3. Two i-tyles CORN* PLANTERS—oId patents ! and well known to do the work right 4 A $3 HAND CORN DROPPER, very con venient and rapid 5. Two Capital Ibr-v Hay Rakes, viz: SIIIKE-. MAN'S SELF DIsCIIAROIN'ti HORSE RAKE, and the SARIN' K HORSE RAKE. 0. The FARMER'S CORN SHBLLER, the; best hand-shellcr known, and can be worked by ! horte-power. 7. A new PATENT CHURN, which a child six I years old can woik with ease. 8. The Genuine BARTLETT SEWING MA IIINE, acknowledged to bo equal to the high ' e priced machines, yt costs onlv $2," and s3>. I y The EMPIRE SHUTTLECKANK MOTION ' SEWING MACHINE, the neatest, speediest, and c bat S6O machine made. || w&m A LOT OF THE CELEBRATED ( Cucumber-wood Well & Cistern ; PUMPS, 'JIH 123' i & (OMMSa IN THE COUNTRY. TIIOS. STROUP. Lewistown, Ma: 29, 1867-tf. Teeth Extracted Without Pain! By M. R. Thompson, D. D. S, jt-v. By a SEW PROCESS, without the use of Chloro- ; form. Ether, or Nitrous Ox-1 ide, and is attended by no i I"A danger or bad effects. Hy 1 •* • rl :i J ' 'rti-e vw--t Maiketstreet, l Vr'tflre.f' jjD ■ jßnear Eisenbise's hotel, j LEWISTOWN, where he can be found for professional consultation.! Lewistown, Sept. 10-if HAY FORK DEPOT~ I HAVE for pale the Sprout Hay Knife and Fork of which so many were sold last sum- j iner, giving the greatest satisfaction. Also, THE SCRfcAV KORKI a new article entirely and good. ju-S F.J. HOFFMAN, j PRICES DOWN STILL LOWER! AT BRISBIN'S, near the Jail, ITriIKRK can be found the cheapest lot ? T of GOODS in town. Our stock con sists in part of Bleached Muslins from I*2} to 25 cts. Unbleached do " 12} to 22 cts. 1$ and 10J- Sheeting, very heavy and good.' Pillow Casing, Ticking 1 , Check, Shirting Stripe, Flannels, Ginghams. A Splendid lino of FRENCH GINGHAMS for Dresses; DELAINS, CHALLIES, COL ORE D A L P ACC A S, STRIPE D V A LEN CI A, PLAID do.. Silk Stripe Mohair Poplin, LUSTERS, ALL WOOL DELAINS, Lawns very cheap. Cambric Ginghams, SUMMER BALMORALS, soft finished Cambric for Skirts, a very fiue article. Plain Cambric, Barred Cambric from i 25 cents up. Full line Calico from 10 cents up, can't be beat either in price, quality or style. Another lot of those cheap lIOOP SKIRTS; these are selling very fast and we i intend to keep up our stock. Ladies, before you purchase, look at them,-they are very i cheap Cotton and Linen Table Diaper, La I dies Cloaking. We have a full iine of La ; dies and Cliildrens Stockings which we think you will find to be cheaper than any other; House in town has them. Our stock of Cloths, Cnssimers, Jeans. ' . Linen Drills, Coat Linens, &c., for Men and Boys we are also selling very cheap. These j will be made up to order if desired. In fact, ail our goods have been bought with care and at the lowest prices, and our 1 EXPENSES being small, and we being satisfied ( with small profits, we are satisfied you will ! 1 save money by buying goods of us. ir£T We pay the highest prices for Wool, Butter. Eggs, Potatoes, Dried apples, &c„ in goods. Junes j Preserving Kettles, 1 BRASS AND PORCELAIN. A LARGE und splendid assortment of Po ket and Table Cutlery, will be sold very low at McMANIGAL'S, Milroy. jul2 Brass Bells, ALL sizes, and all articles generally kept in a Hardware Store, at McManigal's t Milroy. Also, Oils and Paints, all kinds of Patent Medicines and Drugs, a splendid assortment of Hair and Horse Brushes, all kinds of Per fumeries and Soaps, Hair Restoratives, Toilet Mouth Wash, &c. jul2—4t Wall Paper. DIFFERENT Patterns—large assort ment at McMANIGAL'S, Milroy. /rOODTEAS at reduced prices, SI.UO, IT H. 50 and sl.Bocents per pound at marts A. FELIX'S. Important to Farmers. Ihe Montgomery Patent Hay Fork.' bl 1 HIS is pronounced by those who have I seen it. the most desirable Pitch Fork ever in vented. The pecii'wr construction of this fork is that the Tines are separated, so that it either becomes bioketi it can be replaced at a trifling cost, and in a rr omenta time. therwise promptly atleuded to. j" 0 " 1 .REESE A SLAGLE. INSURANCE AGENCY; I'H E following Fire, Life, and Accidental Companies are represented by the undersigned : ' 'T CAPITAE.-} /Etna, Fire of Hartford, $4,083,000 Putnam, " 500,000 Home, New York 3,500,000 Jerutania, " 700,000 Home, New Htrcn, 1,000,000 North America, Philadelphia, 1,750,000 Enterprise, " 400,0Q0 Lycoming, Penna., 2,500,000 Farmers, York, Pa , 500,000 American Life, Philadelphia, 1,000,000 N. Y. Accidental, New York, 250,000 Horse Thief Ins. Co. York Pa., 50,0Q0 This agency is prepared to insure against Fire. Death IT Accident, in any part of Mitfliu county. Horsey ire insured against theft. All business pertaining to nsuianoe promptly attended to. -r janlfi '67 JOHN HAMILTON, Agent. THE OLD STAND AHEAD f j Hamaker & Montgomery, HAVE associated together for the pur pose of manufacturing Conches, Buggies, Carria ;es, Sulkies, Spring Wagons, Ac., at HUMES' OLD STAND, n Volley street. Lewistown. They are prepared to to all kinds of work m their line, in an elegant and vorkinanlike manner, and invite the citizens of town ind vieinuy to cull and examine their new stock on land, before purchasing elsewhere, as all work man ifaetured at this establishment is warranted. Prompt attention given to all repairing, which will je done with neatness and durability, andguarauteed 0 give satisfaction. " myi-ly REDUCTION 1 FRANK H. WENTZ, AT HIS BOOT AND SHOE STORE, HAS just received a large Stock ofßcots and Shoes direct from Eastern Manufacturers, which he offers at greatly reduced prices: Men's Congress Gaiters, $3 50 " Glove Calf Congress do, 425 Womens' Lasting Gaiters, 1 25 Other work in proportion. Also, an assortment of Home Manufacture constant ly on hand, and made to order at short notice. Call and examine his stock before purchasing else where. mayß-y NEW GOODS. J. HOFFMAN has just received a • large supply of new goods, which will be sold low, for cash. ROOF SPOUTING ! A GREAT IMPROVEMENT! A MOST desirable article of Solid Wood Spouting—the same finish as tin—costing onlv about half as much—and will no doubt last twice as long its the tin. For sale by ju-5 F.J. HOFFMAN. WARE. A good assortment, at 1 F. J. HOFFMAN'S. BEST Bar Iron, at 4s, and other kinds low at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. SOLE LEATHER tnd Shoe Findings, al ways on hand, llave now some of the best Red Sole. F. J HOFFMAN. C 1 HEAP Goods are found at F. J. Hoffman's, ! Hardware, Nails, Drugs, Iron, Groceries, Paints. Look out for Us, as we are Com ing once more, with a NEW ARRIVAL, ksjis MSUB umnoas STILL LOWER! TE are prepared to sell Goods at the It lowest* market prices, lower than bo fore the war. If you want good Sugars at 11 to 16, Coffees nt 28 to 30, Rice at 13, Syrups at 15 to 30 qt.. Go to KITTEN HOUSE & McKINNEY'S. If you want good Teas of all kinds go to If you want good Snices of all R. & McK. [f you want a good quality of Honey, go to R. & McK. [f you want the best Dorn Starch, Concentrated Lye, Washing Soaps, Toilet Soaps, Canned Fruits, &c.. Go to R. & McK. If you want to buy good white Muslin, yard wide, at 15 cents, go to R. &. M Av. If you want Calicos, at 10 to 18 cents, go to R. & McK. If you want good goods of all kinds, such as Ginghams at 16 to 25, Brown Muslins at 10 to 23, Delaines, 25, (old prices,) including Dress goods, the best of all kinds, Go to R. & McK. For Flannel, Ticking, Crash, Table Diaper, 1 Linen, with a variety of other goods, go to R. & McK. TO THE LADIES If you want good Cotton Hose, at 15 to 30, Go to R- A McK. If you want good Notions of all kinds, go to R. a MCK. ' Gentlemen, if.you want Cotton Socks, at 12} cts , Paper Collars of all kinds, Linen Col i lars, got up for the summer, at 5 cents, go to R. a McK. If you want good Cotton Pants Stuff, Cassimers and Cloths, Go to R. t McK. If you want Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, go to R. * McK. If you want good Fish of all kinds, go to R. A McK. If you want to find a good stock of goods of all kinds, go to R. A MCK. Thankful for past favors, and hoping a con tinuance of the same, we remain, Very Respectfully, RITTENIIOUSE & McKINNEY. Lewistown, June 19, 1867— tf