G. & G. R. FRY SINGER, PUBLISHERS, Whole No. 2928. Poor House Business. The Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor flouso on the 2d Tuesday of each month. SSUBDIOT & so., BANKERS, LEWISTOVVN, PA., Collections and remittances promptly made. Interest allowed on time deposits. iati23-ly. 0-30. W. ELBEB,, Attorney at Law, Office Market Square, Lewistown, will at tend to business in Mifflin. Centre and Hunting don counties mv 26 LYCOMING COUNTY Mutual Insurance Company. Capital, $2,500,000. TH is Coir panv continues to issue Policies of Insur- • ;m • on Buildings and Personal Property, in Town or Country, at cash or mutual rates. JAMES RANKIS, President. JOSHUA BOiVMAS, Secretary. JOHN HAMILTON. Agent. 'f.nlkVT Lewistown, Pa. in. zzmr r AHLEIT, Practicing Physician, lielievillc, Mifflin County, Pa. DR. HA HI. EN has boeu appointed an Examining Surgeon f-r Pensions. B..ldlers requiring exam ina'i"" will find loin at ln ottice in Belleville. Belleville, August 22, 18C6.-y H. M. DUNMIRE, DENTIST, TU'FKHS his professional services to the;. \ ' citizens of Mifflin county, He is prepared to per fin:. 'I operations in the denial profession. Ottice fir-t .ii.'.r from the Lewistown House, Main street. ' where lie "ill le found the first tiro weeks of each month, and tna last week of eacti month he will i t v :i Ki-iuicoquillas Valhy. Teeth extracted without t pain |.y the u-e of nitrous oxide myl-tf ! t LT.LL. • DENTIST, C; FFERS his professional services to the citizens of i Lewistown and vicinity. All in want of good, neat Work "hi do well to give him a call. He til iv i.e found at all times at Ins office, three I dc >is o i-: of II M. & it. Pratt's store. Valley sireet. ; pl9-ly a MEYERS NEWLY IMPROVED, CIIENCEXT SCALE, ; Acknowledged to be the be*t. London Prize Medal < and highest award* in America received. i MELODEONS, and Second hand Pianos. Music. No. 722 A RCH St- beiovv Bth, Philadelphia. Pa. Phila., April 24, lSi7-3m THE BEST IN THE WORLD • i MLLE UNDERSIGNED IS AGENT FOR THE J DIPLiVTD MXGER SEWING MACHINE, 1 which will he placed upon trial with any other.now n use. He invites conipetion. It can be tested '• CO CD. <£} so. a 2a with any other machine to enable purchers to choose THE BEST. TERMS LIBERAL. Give him a call. [inarl9-€ml WM. LIND. i JAS. A. IHCICPSCIT, ; I i AS taken lite Store formerly occupied II la- John TAaum. for the purpose of carrying on ti - U Al'l! MAKING ..iid JEWELRY Biisiuess. Ho wiil be pleased to see ail Mr. Benin's old customers, an 1 as many now ones as wilt favor him with a call. 1 i All work warranted. Stote 011 East Market street, • nearly opposite the Post Office. i . Lewistowu. April 24. 18£7-tf MRS, M. E. STEWART, to r/.iTc n stcrs, Wist tlarkrt *!., Lrwislown, L.A'dl's i GENTLEMEN'S rI'RNISHING GOODS. . h k-. t'-aks. H it-*. Honnets, Lndics Fino DUEziS GOOL/.i and Trimmings. I pHtlertii of sty lea always on hand. * Millinery and Dress-Making exe*un*d in the moat approved style. Lewiatown. April IS. lfiGO.tf IST £1 AA7" Meat Establisment. HMIH up.dcr-tioned has fi'tcd up the build J[ ing in Brown street, al>orc Frank's store, for a meat .-lop where Fresh Beef, I'ork. Mutton, Veal. Ac ran be had at all limes, an tec liouso for the preserva tin, of meat bomg connected with tlie establishment The public are invited to call. IT--. The room will be opened for the first time on SAi FKIiAY MORNING. 16th nist. JAMES S. GALBKAITII. Lewistown, March 13. 1867—tf. L&wistown Coach Manufactory, Junction 3d & Valley street. MOSER M^^TIES HAVING ASSOC IA t"d togef b" for the purpose of WT\-tr'i.F '-urt) inaouia uriog • fan in f*Z_ I lE^I tff 1 ' j b tl" . ts. .Sul .ut s 'run It 'i c i.eMfci ii I Ml; gSSssd ion*. Ac invite 'he public to i-'iv tli -m a ah and exam.'e specimen* of their i w rk. whisk toll br f.'timi eq xl to any in f out of t'> ties. All hinds of repainn, promptly tltended ; to. d cl2-)y WILLIAM LIND, . has now open A NEW STOCK OF Cloths, Cassimeres AND V E ST I N C S, which will be made up to order in the neat est and must fashionalile styles. at>l9 I-!. CJLEErLTSCIT, Attorney at Law, i.rwi-rrowN. PA., OFFKRS his professional tfrvice to the citizen* of M Ul.u eotiuty. ♦ >rhce *n Northe:t>t corner of the L a oxid, next to Hoffinntt's store. my- MILROY LNMIN I MJIIUIII. Milroy, Mifflin County, Pa., r PHB Sutnuier Session of this institution J will coinincnec on the 1-t May, 18G7. Whole fi- T' i -• t,, r „f 2fi YY.-. k-. including Tuition, Board, •> ' Fi lu.l.cd Room, sl3. Fullsnstruf'tions given '■ -*- J) •-j ariug for College. Business, or Teaching. TI. - li:titmion is located in one of the finest Val !<•} - iti the .-state, at the f jot of the Sever. Mountains, in a healthy neighborhood, and umid unsurpassed s;euery. It is within a feiv inile. by rail road J. A. AIKENS, apl7-3io Principal. MOT'J MBA QloD9m| THE NEW YORK MICA ROOFING COMPANY, (established I 1805) are manufacturing under Letters Patent the ! i H st Article of Composition Hoofing ever Uttered to ] tin- Publie. It is adapted to every sty le of Roof, steep | or flat, ami ean he readily applied by any one. i The V 8 Government, after a thorough test of its | utility, have adapted its use in tlie Navy Yards, and | upon Public Buildings. The Roofing is put up in rolls, and has only to be nailed to the Roof to make a Durable Kit e and Water-Proof Covering. We particularly recommend its use upon Building*. Slurp*. Churches, Factories, Machine Shoj s, Steamboat Decks, &r„ SV3SCA ROOFING PAINT, I For coating TIN. Isos. or SIIINOLE Roors. It forms a Body Bd/tial to Three fonts of Onlinan/ Paint. So Roof ean rust under it and old leaky Roofs may he i made permanently water-proof and durable by its use. The Paint requires so MINING, but is ready to be np : plied with the ordinary paint brush. Priet.il per gal , lon. which will cover two hundred square Jeet. Also manufacturers of Black Lustre Varnish, Tarred Frit and Roofing Pitch. Discount to the Trade. Circulars and Price List fur nished. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address THE MICA ROOFING COMPANY, IDT Broad long, N. l r . Frank Humphreys, 61 Royal St.. N. O.; Sehofield J Williams A Co, Augusta, GA.; Baldwin il. Woods Montgomery. Ala.; Thos. 8. Coates. Raleigh, N. C.; F.; A. flicker Richmond, V.; Henry Wilson, Petersburg, ; | V'N., Agents. jau23 I) r etv' s Pa lent FOR crjTrirrs BOOTS win* lit timtiai! OR SIDE SEAMS. TH E greatest improvement of tlie age, in this lino of trade. Ist. it does away with the wrinkles on ! the instep, also, with the weitcd side seam which has I injured so many feet and ankles. 2d. It makes the ! easiest sitting and best fitting bout ever worn. This' hoot IS now manufactured by P. K. Loop, who holds the right of ue for the county, and is prepared to i furnisii all who wish to wear this boot. A litieral dis count to dealers who wish to deal in these boots. Or- J d-.-rs tilled at short notice. Prices greatly reduced on I all goods a'. P. F. Loop's Shoe Store. febtt I 628. HCOP SKIRTS, 628 SEW SPRING STYLES, -Miir Ova Jlakr." embracing every New and Desirable size, uyle and ; siiape of Plain and Trail Hoop SKIRTS.—2. 2I 4. 2J.4. 2 :;-4, 3. 3 1-4. 3 1-2. 3 3-4 and 4 yards, round every length j and siz.- Waist: in every respect FIRST TP AUTY. and espei I dly adapted to meet the wants of FIRST C'L.vSs and most fashionable TBADI. • OL R OWN MASK." of Hoop Skirts, are lighter, more | elastic, more durable, and REALLY CHEAPER than any other make of either Single or DTulile Spring Skirt ;n the American Market, They arc WARRANTED in every respect, and wherever introdm ed give univer sal satisfaction. They are now being extensively sold ; ; by retail --rs. and every lady should try them Ask for ' ilopkin's Ow n Make." and see that each Skirl is Stamped "W. T. HoPKiN'S MAXI'R.ItTITe Kit, 628 ARCH Street, PHILADELPHIA." ,VO others nre. Genuine. A Catalogue containing Style. Size and ! Retail Prices, sent to any address. A Uniform and J Liberal Discount allowed to Dealers. Orders by mail or otherw ise, promptly and carefully filled. YVhole sale and Retail, at Manufactory and Sales-rooms, No 628 Arch Street Philadelphia. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. TERMS, NET CASH ONE PRICE ONLY. niar2o-10m WM. T. HOPKINS. REM O V ED. J. A. & W. R. McKEE WE removed their Leather Store to Odd KEL- I 1 lows' Hall, where they will constantly keep C.I hand. Sole Leather. Harness. Skirting and Upper Leather. Kips. American and French Calfskins. Mo roccos. Linings and Bindings, and a general assort ment of Shoe Findings, which they will sell cheap for :ash. Highest market price paid in cash for uides. Calf Skins and Shoep Skins. wanted, for which the highest market price will be •uid in Casit. ap4tf Tailoring Establishment Wo <&2!£l33?s> MERCHANT TAILOR, has removed ins shop to the buildihg formerly known as the -green bouse," at the intersection of Valley and Mill street, adjoining H. M. & R. Pratt's store, where iie cordially invites all who need anything in his line. Goods and Trim- i tilings furnished and gentlemen's clothing made, in the latest styles, on short notice, aud at "reasonable prices. apll-tf WHAT'S ALL THIS? Why the Grain Business is Revived al Mc- Coy's Old Stand. 'JMIK undersigned, having rented the A '.ll :'•- '3 ci mmodious Warehouses formerly <.<-<-ii[iieil by Frank Mi-Coy, esq., is now prepared to purchase or receive and forward ALL KINDS OF GRAIN, for wliieli he will pay market priees. Also, he -ill 1 keep for sake. SALT. PLAS I EIL COAL and FISH. He returns thanks to all his old customers for iheir former patronage, and shall feel grateful forarenewal' of pasi business relations. Merchants YYIII find it to their adi-antagc logive him : a cull. [marl4-y] WILLIAM WILMS. DlfiKE ticTfLE SEWING liCJI&IL Are superior to all others for FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. I Contain all the latest improvements; are speedy . aoi-elesK dura hie: and easy to worH- Illustrated Circulars free. Agents wanted. Liberal : J mount allowed No consignments made. Address EMPIRE S. M. CO., 610 Broadway. New • York. aepoOO-ly j S. CAMPBELL & CO. Manufacturing Confectioners, ANI> * UOLESALX DEALERS IN FOREIGN FRUITS,NUTS,&C.| No. 303, HACK SXUKET, PHILADELPHIA, j ALSO, MAJRUTACTCBBRS OF ALL KINDS OR jgy- Molasses Candy and Oucuanut Work j ■eptl2*66-l v. 20.000 MAJORITY! To the Voters of Central Penna I /LECTION IF over and it ha* beeu derided by about j At.uOO majority that the Tol*acco and Cigars *old at Frysin"or> Tobiueo and Sugar Store cannot he *nrpM>**ed. either in Quality or Price. Look at the Prices, so mo >f the goods, and com pare with ail others, and you *ill he satisfied ihatyou •'♦•t the wort h of your money at Frypinger'S. Fry singer's S;iun Hull only SI.OO per pound. FrV-'.nger's Navy - * " " FrVsinger's Congress 44 u Fryitiger*rt Flounder " Wi'lie-tNavv Oioooko I'wist •* * .. And other Plug Tobacco at 40 and 50 cts. per ID. Cut and Dry, 40 md 50 cts. Granulated lobaccosat b*t .-ts.. 60 cU , 80 cU- SI.OO, $1.20. and SLSO per lb. Fine-Cut chewing, ot $1.40 and sl.2u. C igars at 1, 2, 3. 6 and 10 cts. each, Pip*s in great variety; also Cigar Coses, Tobacco g.ouches and Poxes, Match Sates, and all articles u.-unlly kept in a first-class Tobacco and Cigar Store. To Merchants, 1 offer the above goods at price* that tviil enable them to retail ut tlie same prices that l pojYndreu'.z.e fair profit. FKYSINGER. d>On nn AGENTS WANTED—SIOO 00— Mala *nd ibZU UU Ft-mole, to introduee our NEW PA 1 EN 1, biAR SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. It is ada.ot pa for fiimily use und Tailoring. It uiukos IY -liteh alike ou both sides. Price only TWENTY DOLLARS. Extra-ordinary inducements to Agents. For full par iu uZs. address DUMoNT A WILSON, juia-Gm* Arch bt., I hiia., 1 a. Mams DJ "jus €a ©SfWHs S*K f \\ T !IA \ E re-enlisted for the season ol V T 1807, and ure bound to be on the win ning side in O W 3? IR, I O £ S 1 WE HAVE AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK. bought for cash, and can offer extra induce ments to all ol our old friends. THE BIG GUN WILL BE BROUGHT OUT Loaded to the Muzzle with Low Priced Goods! . SEE WHAT WAS IS THE FIRST CHARGE: PRINTS from 10 to 18 cente per jard, BROWN MUSLINS from 12 to 20 cents. BLEACHED MUSLINS from 10 to 25 cts. BALMORALS from SI.OO to ?d.OO per piece. . COTTON HOSE from 15 to 20 cents, DE LAIXES frotr 20 to 25 per yard. II oop S kir t s at prices to suit the times. FRENCH CORSETS from *1 to ?2.50, besides a full line of CLOTHS, Queensware, Groceries, &c.> AT PRATT, LAW & PRATT'S, REMEMBER TIIE PLACE. Pratt's Old Corner ! tbe best place in the State to buy Dry Goods and Notions of any kind, For we Won't be Undersold ' icy COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES Lewistown, June 5, 18C7. Wednesday, July 17, 1867. k s - Written iu frnnt ol Petersburg. V.. for Hie 207 th Fa. Vol., Ap'l Ist. 1665. by Assist. Surgeon, Dr. A. E. Linn- To arms! to arms! the call is hearU; The patriot grasps his gttn or swonl To meet the foe, on Dixie's grouuii, Or elseYvhere, If a foe be found. The English press may vent its spite— Or France nmv try to pick a tight. We'll soon dethrone tuo Cotton King, When Yve cau meet what they ean bring. Our peaceful homes we'd sacrifice. To save o'lr ibreatonei nation's life; While timid, loved ones, drop a tear, Our patriotism knows uo fear. Onr mountaineers are brave nnd strong— And 011 through Dixie is their song; Our brave commanders take the lead, In command of General Meade. In Hartranfi. too. we ean confide. Who at Fort Steadman turned the tide, And Col. Mathews at his post: And Col. Cox -Two Seventh's' boast. When in a charge ive do it right, The Rebs being judges of the fight; And when drawn up in battle-line. The -Johnnies' don't admire the sigu. 'Advance!* the only word we know- Through wizzing missiles on we go; Our glorious Banner waving high, While 'neatli its folds the traitors die. Our glorious ensign! let it wave, Till Rebs and Traitors find a grave; The Union then a home shall tie, For Patriots, noble, brave and free. In God we trust, for our success, Who cannot in Ins wisdom bless Oppression, tyranny and wrong, 'i'lio' cheered by pulpit, press-and song. This struggle ended, soon may we All have, the happiness to see ' Pence, just and honorable, obluitied — With 'erring sisters' all reclaimed. When to our firesides we repair, Our voice to join the evening prayer, Children shall sing, in . fter years Of the brave band of mountaineers. AGK>OD STORY. [The following story is taken from un English book of travels, published! more than twenty years ago, and we believe has never been in print in this! country. The author of the book j vouches for the truth of the main facts j which it contains, while be gives it in j the exaggerated and figurative stv-le ol i the Eastern story teller. It reads like; the Arabian Nights. —EDS. GAZETTE ] Jsl. XJ 3EJ! ]EJ , The Six-Fingered Robber, An Eastern Story. C II A PTE II I. ALKE'S YOUTH. Mo ha filed Boofrahee, like the rest oil his neighbors, was a poor farmer pos sessing two or three patches of land; and a small vineyard. He was also a sportsman and a good shot. Uis young son Alee was never so happj- as when) accompanying his father on a shooting j excursion, and he was always the first ; to see the game; for his father being i now passed threescore, bis sight had grown dim. An idle fellow was Alee j in other respects; for though Mohamcd j sent him every morning to the village; school to be instructed byTalcb Moos ! tafa in the Koran, he was never able ! to repeat ten verses together of that! 11013- book : but in running, playing at fool ball, wrestling, or tiring at a mark.) no young man in the village could compete with the six fingered. Da3 - s and months roiled on, and Alee . was idle, and would not work with his father. Tlie grape season came, and) it was found that tlie vineyards of Ben deeban had been plundered; but ihe robber could not be di.-covered : al though a sharp look-out was kept eon ; stantly from tlie tall aloe-stock watch stands both night and da3 r , the thici eluded all their vigilance. Olio morning Mohamcd Boofrahee,j Aloe's father, having gone into his own vineyard, observed a quantity of tlie; fruit to bo missing. Mohaiucd, who,! ,as I have already told you, was a! •sportsman, and accustomed to track! i his game, searched for tho footsteps of j ! the plunderer; but tlie ground was hard j land dry—no traces could be found,! i and he was giving up all search as use less, when 011 one spot a well known I footmark caught his C 3 0. 'lloly Prophet!' exclaimed Mohamcd, as he i counted the marks of tlie toes, one, j two, three, four, five, six; ' have I not; forbidden Alee to enter the vineyard "r j ! Ah ! it is 110 who has robbed the vine ! yard of my neighbors as well as hi> ! father's. This comes of idleness ' Mohamcd returned home sorrowful,! | Alee was an only son, and he was proud ; ! of him. 'Alec,' said his father, as the}' sal ) alone that night, ' you have been in the | vineyard.' Aloe did not answer. 'Alee,' ! repeated his father, 'you had 1113- or i Jers never to enter that piacc. 1 have now discovered who is the plunderer ol 1 Bendeeban's vines. But justice shall bo done, and to-morrow I shall give you over to the sheikh to receive duo punishment. Your idledisposition hut- Ling been a cause of distress to me a good bastinado m-y help to cure 3 00.' Mohamcd parted with Alee that night !in anger. The rr.orning dawned; Mo i hamed was doat'ingl3 r fond of his son ; ! lie had changed his mind, and thought lit better to hush up tlie matter, but he j resolved to give him some good advice as to his future conduct, fcio he called )out loudly for him, but Alee was not ;to be found. That daj- passed and the inext; and weeks, and months, and years elapsed, \-et still his son was mis sing. 'Some six 3-ears after, there was a great feast iu the city of Morocco, and a countless throng of Arabs and Ber ■ bers flocked into the cit3 r . 'There were snake-charmers from yhc desert, jugglers from Soos, aud story-tellers in abundance; but what most attracted attention was a tall athletic black lront tlie Bokhary body guard of the sultan, who had challeng ed six men to cudgel play, all tiie six at once; and was now brandishing a long stall* against that number of an tagonists, ail armed with the lilce weapon and all active players. But the black, by his superior vigor and wonderful dexterity, evaded all their onsets, dealing every now and then, as a momentary occasion offered, a blow that came like a flash of lightning on each opponent. Each n an, when he received a hit from tlie swarthy athieto, retired from the ring—tlie rule being sneli. The black had already disposed of three,, and by being constantly on the move,j and going every now and then the. spring of t of their way off alter the}- had j paid the toll. Schemes were planned, and ambushes | laid for trapping these unknown out-j laws, for uo one could suppose that the ; public were the victims of a single; robber; but the evil spirit, as tlie folk.-; firml}' believed, thwarted all such at ; tempts, for it seemed the peaceful trav- i oilers' enomy had strange foreknowl edge of every plot against him, and the fool hard}- adventurers who at tempted his capture seldom returned to tell their tale. CHAPTER 111. AI.EE'S HOME. It was at this time, when such re ports were abroad, that there happen ed to he travelling over the hill of Dar el Clow, an aged Priest, on his return from the village of E'Mzora, to his na tive place near Tangier. As the old priest reached the ' valo of murders,' he goaded 011 his mule into a hurried amble, being somewhat cheered at see ing a party of muleteers about a mile before him, who had already gained tho summit of the hill, and whom he now anxiously strove to join, for his memory was full of what he had heard when reposing the night before with another traveller in the mosque hut of E'Mzora. ' Stop, or I shoot,' grated on the old man's ear us he was pondering on this fearful story. He quickly reined in his mule, and groaned out ' May God have mercy 011 me !' ' Your prayer is heard, O Moostafa the learned,' said the same hollow voice; 'leave your beast and come hither.' The Priest dis mounted, his teeth chattering as ho Vol. 57, No. 28. tottered towards tbe mysterious speak er, who now, iu the sing-song tone used by the Mohamedans while reci ting the Koran, began to repeat tho hatha , or first chapter of tbe holy book. 'Praise be to God, tbe Lord of all creatures, the most merciful, the King jof the day of judgment; thee do we worship, and of thee do we implore as sistance; direct us in the—' 'I never could get further,' 6nid tho unseen speaker, 'and I remember tho ; lime, venerable father, when your long stick, that now, I see, serves as iyour support, would have been rapped j sharply over my six Jiivjers.' ' \Vhat! is it Alee the six lingered ?' exclaimed tbe Priest. O Alee ! Alee ! thou wouldst not have come to this, if God had willed you should remember his hoiy words. But where art thou, my son, or is it thy spirit that speak eth ? for I heard the Bokhary killed thee in the month of Doolhedja last.' Alee, who had been well concealed in the hollow trunk of a large and an cient cork treo, startled the old school master by his sudden appearance, and, taking hold of the hem ot his garment, kissed it reverently. ' O my son,' said the Priest, ' I griev ously fear thy sins will bo on my head ! Return with mo to Bendeesham and your friends! Still there is hope, for lias not tho Prophet written —If ye turn aside from the grievous sins which ye are forbidden to commit, we will cleanse you from yonr faults, and will introduce you into Paradise with an honorable entry ?' Alee, starting from his knees, ex claimed, 'Does the lion, to whom God has given strength above all beasts, docs ho content himself with sheep while the herd of oxen are within his [grasp? Why, then, should I live in [ misery and slavery, since the lluler of nature has given me the strength and activity of a lion? Whence,' he con tinued, in an indignant tone which made the old man tremble, ' whence do sultans and their soldiery—those hu ' man falcons—derivetheir rightof prey ing on the weak ? Thinkest thou that I and thousands of bearded men kissed [the dust, the other day, in the Meshwa, j before him who claims tho title of Prince of Believers, from good will and I affection?—No! nor is it from such motive that you and your brethren pay iinto his coffers your scanty gains!— What cause have I for abandoning my mode of subsisting in this world, or for i fearing punishment in the next, whilst | the defender of your faith breaks tho Prophet's law by rapine and extortion, and yet lives at ease in his conscience, ; so long as he has power to do wrong with impunity ? I am not more of a freebooter than he is; only 1 practice jon a much smaller scale. My edict is | —Stand, or 1 fire! My prime minister ! is my good gun and an unerring aim. Ilark ! I hear the distant tread of ca mels; come, old man, this night thou slialt be the guest of the Spirit of tho Woods;' and ho laughed wildly.— i' Mount your mule, and I will lead tho | way.' The old man, fearing to refuse, fol lowed the outlaw. They scrambled their way through thickest copses, : trespassing on the lair of tho lynx, the jackal* and the boar, who, roused, retreated grumbling, after their fashion, at such strange intrusion. The Taleb thought that the way they : went looked like one where human , feet had never trod before, and so it was most probably, for Alee had avoid ed detection by never travelling twice over the same path. The old schoolmaster began to feel himself very uneasy as, muttering the word Allah! Allah! a hundred times, I do followed his extraordinary conduc , tor, grievously fearing that but little j good would come to himself or his : mule. At length they reached a jun |gle of briers, apparently impassable; ! and Taleb Moostala said, with a tremb ling voice, 'lt seems to me, my son, | that you have missed the track.' Alec made no answer, but having first bent down, as if to examine tho iground, uttered a sound like the bleat- ing of a kid, which was soon answered by a shrill whistle, that made tho old man's heart sink within him, and put a bridle on his tongue. ' All is right,' said Alee, going to a I spot where the jungle seemed thickest; then listening a, wlulo, he threw back a wicket of tho living brier, made in ' such a manner as not to be detected even by a hunter's observing eye. This the}' passed through, and then the bri- I ers wero cautiously replaced. Wind ing along a narrow path cut through ; the thicket, they came upon an open space, through which ran a clear 'stream. On its bank the outlaw had formed a hut, but so thatched as to bo with difficult}' distinguished from tho I surrounding thicket foliage. To be Continued. Envelopes and Writing Papers, AT WHOLESALE. S-k&C&o <£s ©%> 115 &. 117 William St., Xew York. I7INVELOPE manufacturers, including i every style of Epistolary, Note, Let ! ter, Official, Pay, Drug and Portfolie En | velopes. Also sole agents for the Irving fe Har i rison Mills \\ riting Papers, by the case 'or smaller quantity. Price list with sam j pies sent by mail when requested. Deal ers are invited to call and examine stock, styles, prices, Ac., Ac. jul2.lm