Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, July 10, 1867, Image 3

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    •j-ji 3ii
C#:i.The convention of the Mifflin Co.
Musical Association \vill be held at Kelly's
Church, August 20.
A. T. HAMILTON, Sec'y.
Natural Curiosity—Many passengers
through the Narrows below this place, on
t l, e p. R. R. no doubt fail to observe a
] Hr ov rock about half way up the moun
taia. jii~t above the division house, about
6 miles down, which nature has carved
into the form of a soldier standing on
picket, in the act of peeping around a
rock, as if listening, his cap, coat, knap
aai-k, and other appurtenances being well
defined, the whole forming a giant statue
of life-like appearance.
Fourth of July passed ofr quietly here,
if we except the usual firing of pistols,
crackers, fcc. by Young America. Some
eiodit picnics were held in differentgroves,
ncurlv all of which received a drenching
from the heavy storm of the afternoon.
Some of our citizens attended the dedica
tion services at Altooua. Some drunk
ards were on the streets, and one little
scuttle composed the riotic (without Pat)
j, art of the day, and the town was gaily
decorated with two flags.
fryy Our young pastoral friend John
Henderson, who has been absent for live:
years, now holding a charge in Indiana,
l,as returned to sojourn a week or two at
his old home. On Sunday last he preached
morning and evening in the Lutheran
church, and also addressed the children's
church which convened in the afternoon. |
Re has a large number of friends, who:
were giad to welcome him after so long
an absence.
Death of Rev. J. P. Swanger. —We re
gret to learn that Rev. J. P. Swanger,
formerly of this county, died suddenly,
after a brief illness, in Baltimore. He
wa lneinherof the East Baltimore Con
ference of the M. E. Church, and stood
high in the estimation of all who knew
hi n. At the time of his decease lie was
jo-tor of the Grecumont Avenue Chapel,
jn Baltimore city. His body was em
balmed, and passed here on Monday, on
the way to Milesburg, Centre county,
where it was buried.
Repairs. —McAtee's Lewistown Mill is
now in process of renovation and im
provement on an extensive scale, nearly
the whole interior having been denuded
of machinery to make room for the work
men. The extent of this establishment,
now that an entire Hour can be taken in
at a glance, is far more apparent than at
any time since it was put up by John
Sterrett, and this is esjiecially the case on
tiie lower lloor, where what constitutes
the water way is exposed to view eigh
teen or twenty feet below. Here work
men are engaged in doing the neces
sary work for the reception of four "Tur
bine wheels"—generally considered the
best and most powerful wheel ever invent
ed—which are to replace the old wooden
ones. The strength of the Turbine wheel
may be inferred from the fact that a
stream of water running through an inch
pi[e is sufficient to drive a power printing
press, which fact was proved at (if we ree- j
olieet aright i Hartford, Connecticut, du
ring the past year. When re-modeled,
the machinery will no doubt represent all
the latest improvements, and enable the
proprietors to turn all the wheat in the
neighborhood into a first class article of
the staff of life.
An Heir. —Several weeks since we pub
lished an article relative to the "Johns
fortune." Mrs. Kauffman, an elderly la
dy of this place, being able to trace her
lineage in that direction, has written sev
eral letters, addressed to parties mention
ed in the above named article, but has not
received very satisfactory answers as to
their own claims to the estate, so that not
much information could be given as to
her connection with it. The matter no
il uibt will be more thoroughly investiga
Sold on Trial. — The Champion Clothes
Wringt.r. —The only wringer with the
patent cog wheel roller regulator, which ■
allows the rollers to separate and adjust j
at both ends without separating the cog I
wheels. Best thing out. Call and ex-!
amine, and in less than five minutes you'll •
be convinced of what I say. Also, just j
ri eived, another lot of small wire covers!
to keej Hies out of butter and ull kindsof
sauce, CVE., &C., at the Big Coffee Pot
B*s™ Perhaps the largest and most cle
gantassortinent of silver ware ever brought j
to this place, is now exhibited in the show j
'■use of 11. w. Junkin, on East Market j
>treet. Persons desiring to purchase bri
dal presents, or other gifts, will do well :
to examine this extensive stock.
1 iiecana! boat Exemplar, Captain Gra
ham, belonging to W. & G. Macklin of
A eytown, was struck by lightning on
Thursday afternoon last, at the big but
tonwood below town, where they had
■ "[ijied until the storm would pass over.
It -truck the rudder post, splintering the
8t '-ni considerably, descended into the
ca " Ul among the |KJIS, kettles, <fcc., hut
h "t injuring the hands, who bail nearly
"' taken shelter there. A portion of the
"passed along the deck to the horse
•T.iwhere it knocked down Irwin
-'bier, son of John Miller of this place,
I'm doing him no bodily injury. The
"Ekes and nails on the boat, in the part
u '"' re >t was struck, all liear the marks
the power of nature's artillery. Du
"K the same storm the lightning also
"i'-k a tree and telegraph post at the
"ii 1" >a> 1 station, in dangerous proximity
!? Ul(i resi,J mice of Win. McKee. The
' Ling Mill at Freedom Iron Works was
'truck shortly after, and two of the sla
'" rH ; w ' 10 had taken refuge under the
looting, were severely stunned by the j
j Cherries, plums and peaches are fail
j ures in this section.
The Railroad Company has prohibited
: driving on the river bridge faster than a
; walk.
Rittenhouse & McKinney, in addition
; to many new things, have just cut a re
markable fine article of choose. Try it.
Judge Morrison left us a specimen head;
of what is called Colorado wheat. It is
quite a bunch of grains below, as if four
or five heads grew together.
Several stones were found wedged in j
the railroad track on the west end of the
bridge a few weeks ago. It looked a good
deal as if some one wanted to throw a
train oIF.
North Main and East Third street are
setting examples in having sidewalks 1
worthy of being followed. Ours however
is still the "model," and if Billy McKee
can lay down a better, we hope he will
let us know and we will take a look at it.
The market is now attended by those
who sell vegetables, &c., and you can find
a full supply of articles for table use at the
stands every market day. Several per
sons who did not come in last year, have
become regular visitants.
Joseph Robinson, in attempting to
make his escajie from jail by climbing
over the wall at the spout, and imagining
he had a secure hold with one hand let go
the other, when he fell, breaking his arm,
spraining his ancle, and injuring himself
The old Baptist Church in Third street, j
so long a dilapidated building, recently
purchased by Mr. Burns, litis been con
verted into two neat dwellings in cottage
style, and would hardly be recognized as!
the unsightly pile of stone, brick and
mortar lately there.
Mr. Lashell has several splendid speci
mens ot eh romo-li t hogra pi is, executed in i
colors after oil paintings by eminent ar
tists by L. Prang & Co.. Boston, Mass.—
1 hey are equal to fine oil paintings, com
paratively very cheap, and when framed
would be an ornament to any parlor.
The High Constable'lias given notice
that bathing in the canal and river in
front of town must cease. It ought also
to be stopped on the opposite side of the
river, where both men and boys often ex
pose themselves most indecently in open
daylight. No bathing ought to beailow
ed before 8 p. ni.
The Burns Band made its first public
appearance on the 4th of July. They have
made considerable proficiency, and if. as
is too often the case, the members do not
become scattered, our citizens will occa
sionally he treated to good music. By the
by, what has become of the String Band,:
an association that used to furnish the 1
best kind of music?
Quite an excitement was created after j
our last issue by an attempt to arrest Har
ry Spriggle, who was said to he in a house
in town. Constable Miller, with a party
of assistants, watched the house the greater
part of the night, but towards daylight
, Spriggle escaped through it is said the I
connivance of the inmates. The matter
will probably result in a suit at court.
Harry, a little son of Win. H. Keller,
had his foot badly burnt on Wednesday
last by inadvertently leaving the path
and walking into a pile of hot ashes
which had been thrown out of the engine
room of the big tannery. He was bare
footed at the time. Mr. Keller had his
finger burnt on the evening of 4th, while
engaged in letting off fireworks for the
amusement of liis children.
A considerable quantity of hay was safe
ly housed in the beginning and up to the
middleof last week, during which time the
weather was warm, with fine breezes—
the thermometer ranging from 88 to 93 at
3p. m. On Wednesday a heavy thunder,
storm passed over the valley portion of
the county and then through Decatur, ;
from which large hail fell in some quar
ters, and on Thursday evening another
storm, with torrents of rain, paid its com
pliments to quite a number of picnicers, i
who were caught in all directions, both
on land and water. Since then we have
had storms and showers almost daily.
Neighboring Counties.
A neighbor informs the LewisbureM
Chronicle that two trees, remarkable on i
account of age, were recently cut and
split into staves, in West Buffaloe. One!
on the property ot John Edleman, was i
80 yea is old when America was discovered;
the other, on the property of B. Thomp-i
son, M. I)., 66 at that period. The age!
was calculated by the annual circles.
A son of Philip Herbster, of Beaver)
township, Snyder county, in company!
with other boys, was playing with thej
rope attached to a patent hay-fork. His!
feet became entangled while the boys were j
pulling at the other end, which elevated j
him a considerable distance, from whence j
lie fell ujion his head, receiving severe !
The German Reformed Church at New
Bloom field, Perry county, was struck by I
lightning on Monday evening a week.!
No serious damage was sustained.
Jno. Read's store at Huntingdon was;
considerably injured by some benzine ta
li ing fire in the cellar. Wm. Fenteman, i
in endeavoring to get out a barrel of alco- j
hoi, made a narrow escape from being
burnt to death by its bursting and taking
fire. His arms and legs were badly burnt.
A young lady named Miss Jennie Ru
pert/about sixteen years of ago, residing
near Mill Creek, met with her death a
few weeks ago by getting a piece of glass ;
in her throat at a party. It is supposed to
have fallen from a dish, and adhered to
the bread wliile she was spreading it.
Horrible Murder in Indiana County. —
The peaceful community in the village of
Washington, Canoe township, says the;
Indiana Democrat, was startled on Mon
day last by the commission of a cool and
deliberate murder perpetrated by an old
and respectable citizen, ujion the person
of his own son-in-law. The murderer is
Nicholas Vandevinder, and his victim:
John B. Bowers. It appears that some
time ago Vandevinder divided his prop-)
erty between his two sons-in-law, the de
ceased John B. Bowers and Eli NI i 1 lor,
with the understanding that Bowers, who;
had got the home farm, was to keep him
during his life. Lately Vandevinder be
came dissatisfied with his treatment, nl-j
leging that lie was persecuted and treated
harshly by Bowers and his family. This
at length so preyed upon his mind that
he formed a deliberate purpose to kill
On Monday morning last, after Bowers
had left the house and gone to a field a j
short distance off, accompanied by his:
two little sons, for the nurposeof plowing
corn, Vandevinder coolly and deliberate
ly loaded his rifle, a most formidable look
ing instrument of death, and followed
him. Concealing himself in a fence cor
ner Vandevinder waited until Bowers
passed him, when hiking deliberate aim
he shot him down, the ball entering his
left side and killing him instantly. The
murderer ran away, but was soon after
captured and brought to Indiana, where
he was committed to jail.
The cops of Juniata have nominated
the following ticket:
State Senator—Ezra D. Parker, Miffliu
town, subject to conference.
Assembly—Lieut, it. P. McWilliams,
Mifflin, .subject to conference.
Sheriff—John Detrick, Delaware.
Register and Recorder—Joshua Beale,
Jr., 1 usearora.
Treasurer—Jacob A. Christy, Mifflin
County Commissioner—David Suloull
N Y 1 mi| ty -^'^'tor—Daniel Coon, Spruce
For the Gazette.
The Glorious Fourth.
MESSRS. EDITORS:—The .spirit of '76 is
not yet dead in quiet, unpretending Men
no. On the Evening of the Fourth, the
" Young American Society" gave an en
tertainment in the "Old Brick Church,"
which did themselves credit, and fitly cel
ebrated the nation's greatest anniversary.
A large and appreciative audience assem
bled, notwithstanding the heavy rain that
had fallen an hour before.
The following was the orderof exercises:
Prayer, by Rev. J. M. Sleek ; Song, by
Olee Ciub; Reading of Declaration of In
dependence, by R. A. Patton ; Oration, by
J. R. Fleming; Song, by Glee Club; Ora
tion, by Jerome Croser*; Essay, by R. T.
Fleming; Song, by Glee Club; Oration,
by J. C. Fleming; Reading of Young
American's Offering; Oration, by S. \V.
Fleming; Song, by Glee Chm.
These performances were all creditable
and befitting the occasion. Especial praise
is due to the Glee Club of Belleville, for
their very excellent singing, adding as it
did so much to the interest of the evening.
The meeting adjourned with three cheers
for the good " did Flag."
HOPEWELL, Bedford Co., Pa., )
June 3d, 1867. j
MESSRS. EDITORS :—lt affords me much
pleasure to say to you in relation to your
inquiry in regard to the success of our ex
periment in making coke metal at this
place, that it has been a perfect success as
far as demonstrating beyond the shadow !
<it a doubt, that we have all the requisite
material here for the successful manufac
turing of pig metal with coke. The only
difficulty we encountered was the want
of sufficient blast—as is takes a much
stronger blast to smelt iron with coke
than charcoal. It appears to have been a
mooted question up to this time as to
whether the coal in the Broad Top region
would make a coke suitable for the man
ufacture of pig metal. But now, I am
happy to say, all doubts of that kind may
he safely laid aside, and the position as
sumed, that we have a valley here, that
in mineral wealth ami natural ad vantages
for the manufacturing of iron, is second
to no other locality in our State, a fact
that the capitalists of this great manufac
turing State will not long remain igno
rant of. The great mistake that was
made in the early development of this re
gion, was the fact everything else but coal
lands were lost sight of, instead of the
pioneers of this valley securing a propor
tionate amount of iron ore lands with
their coal lands, which would have rem j
dered them independent, in the event of
a stagnation in the coal trade, having the
facilities at home for the consumption of
their raw material, which would enable
them to ship the manufactured article to
market and still he able to realize a hand
some profit. I venture the prediction
that within five years you will be sur
prised at the progress that will have been
made in this valley. AH that, in my
opinion, appears to he necessary is the
capital ami enterprise to convert this en
tire valley into a busy scene of industry
ami prosperity. Very truly yours,
We hear it stated that the Pennsylvania
Railroad lias inaugurated the hour system :
of labor on the road, paying 13 cents ]>er
\\ . W. Curriden has become associated
with Mr.. Bowman in the publication of
the Clinton Republican, an eight column
paper of sound republican doctrine.
the Lock Haven Democrat has also
been enlarged to an eight column sheet,
and will thus be enabled to spout treason, i
stratagem and spoils with more fury than |
1 he Huntingdon Globe seems to lie in
favor of forming a political party to be!
composed of no-party men! Friend Lew-!
is might as well attempt to form a church i
without a creed.
The democracy is turning "Native
American" all over, and becoming more
and more proseriptive. We cannot open
a copperhead paper which does not find
fault with some of our candidates for be-j
ing born out of this State—no matter liow j
young they came here. We commend
this fact to tlic Irish, German, and other,
foreign-born citizens who are in the habit
of voting the copperhead ticket, as by it
they can see exactly how they are regard
ed by patent democracy.
On the 6tl ult., at Reedsville, by Rev.
Geo. Elliott, HENRY S. JACOBS, of Iclces- j
burg, and Miss MAGGIE E. K EMERGING, i
of Lewistown.
On the 26th ult., at the Union House, :
Lewistown, Pa., by N. J. Rudisill, Esq., i
GRADY, both of Freedom Steel and Iron!
On Saturday, the 29th ult., at the resi
dence of Mrs. Moudy, by Rev. J. B.
Reimensuyder, WILLIAM WILSON, and!
CATHARINE MOUDY, both of Lewistown.
On Tuesday afternoon, June 18, 1867, at
the residence of the bride's parents, by
Rev. Joseph Painter, J. PATTON THOMP
SON and Miss ELI. JE THOMPSON, daughter
of Alexander Reynolds, Esq., of Kittan
ning, Pa.
On the 30th of June, 1867, by Rev. J.
M. Steck, DAVID C. MCCOOL, of Boals
burg and Miss PERMELIA ASH BRIDGE, of
Union township.
In Lewistown, on the 4tli July, MARY \
LIMES, aged about 30 years.
On the 21st June, in Brutton township,
JACOB KAURI-MAN, aged 68 years, 4
months and 19Mays.
In Allenville, on the 3rd of July, 1867,
WM. ANDREW LYTEL, in the 26th year j
of his age.
On the 17th inst., near Beavertown, j
years, 1 month and 3 days.
£ portal JMirrs.
Hamilton, Esq., Postmaster here relates the following
cure performed by this inraluabie medicine, adver
tised in another column:
DB. MARTIN—A valuable heifer of mine had a largo
pear shaped tumor or lump on one of her fore should
ers. which I am confident would measure at its head
eight inches jn circumference. I used your EXCELSIOR
OIL upon it for five days, when the whole lump came
out, and the parts are healing beautifully. I consider
this a remarkable cure.
Lewistown. June 1, IbOT. E. C. HAMILTON.
GET A BAUTLETT.— The Bartlett Sewing
Machine advertised in this paper, is a decid
ed success. It is a low-price article, but does
the work :ts well as the *55 machines, and
is in every respect equal to them, it etui be
seen at the Agricultural and Household Im
plement Agency of H. FUYSINOKK, who is
sole Agent for this part of the State. Only
*25 for a good Family Sewing Machine !
Surely everybody can now buy one.
To Consumptives.
The advertiser, having been restored to health In a few
weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suilV-red lor
several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread
disease Consumption—ls anxious to make known to Ills
tcHow sulterers the means of cure.
To all who desire it. lie will send a copy of the prescrlp- {
tiun used (free of clia-ge). with the directions for prepar
ing and using the same, which they will tind a sure Cure
lor Consumption, Asthma, llroiiebllls. Coughs. Colds and
all Throat ami bung Affections. The only object of tin
advertiser in sending the Prescription Is to benefit the a I
dieted, and spread information which he conceives to he
invaluable, and he hopes every sntlerer wili try his reme
dy, us It will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. '
Parties wishing the prescription, Free, by return mall, will
please address REV. Ell WAR II A. WILSON,
m>IA-ly Williamsburg. Kings Co., New York. ]
Errors of Youth.
A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debil
ity, Premature Decay, and all the ert'ecls of youthful lndis- :
cretion, will, lor tin sake of suffering humanity, send free
to all who need it, the recipe and directions lor making
tile simple remedy bv which he was cured. Sufferers
wishing to prolit by the advertiser's experience, can do '■
so ly addressing, in perfect confidence,
inv l Vlv JilllN It iMiDEV. Cedar St., New York.
Peruvian Syrup.
A Protected Solution ol the Protoxide of Iron, sup
plies the blood with its Life Element, Iron, giving'
strength, vigor and new life to the whole system.
If the thousands who are suffering from Dyspepsia, •
Debility, Female Weaknesses, Ac., would but test the
virtues of the Peruvian Syrup, the effect would not
only astonish themselves but would please all their
friends; lor instead of feeling cross, "all gone" and
miserable, they would be cheerful, vigorous and ac
I have tried the Peruvian Syrup, and the result ful
ly sustains your prediction. It has made a New Man
of me, infused into my system new vigor and energy;
I am no longer tremulous and deuJitatc-d, as when
you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger
capacity for labor, mental and physical, than at any
time during the last five years."
Thousands have been changed by the use of this !
remedy from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to
strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and in
valids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial.
The genuine has " Peruvian Syrup" blown in the
A3i page pamphlet will he sent free.
J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor,
No. 30 Dey s>t., New York.
Sold by all liruggists.
The Rev George Storrs. of Brooklyn. N. Y„ savs. in
the Bible Examiner, byway of apology for publish
ing a medical certificate in his magazine, of the cure 1
of Ins only son, of Scrofula. •- after dissolution appear
ed inevitable." "We publish this statement, not for
- pav, but in gratitude to God who imsanswered pray
••<-r. and injustice to Dr. Anders; being satisfied that ;
"there is virtue in the lodine Water treatment, which j
"the renders of fhis Magazine will thank its Editor
"for bringing to their notice."
Circulars free.
Dr. H. Anders' lodine Water is for salo by J. P.
DINSMORE, Proprietor, 35 Dey Street. N. Y , and by
all Druggists. _ ju26-lm
j \ KAFMfiSS, Baldness & Catarrh treated
I / with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS. M. D , Or
uii-t and Aurist. (formerly of L-yden. Holland.) No
olii Pine street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the !
most reliable sources in the city ami country can be :
seen at bis office. The medical faculty are invited to
accompany their patients, as he lias no secrets lu Ins :
practice. Artificial Eves inserted without pain. No;
charge for examination. myl-ly
The beautiful Piano Fortes of GROVKSTEKX i Co.are
deemed by all good judges to be the Ultima Thulc of
instruments of the kind.
We cannot suggest what is wanting to make a mu
sical instrument more perfect, although we are slow
to admit that the limit of improvement can ever bo
Before they had brought their Pianos to their pre
sent excellence, they had submitted them to compe
tition with instruments of the best makers of this
country and Europe, and received the reward of mer
it, over all others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It
is but justice to say that the judgment thus pronouueed
has not been overruled by the musical world.
Still, by the improvements lately applied by tliem
to their Pianos, it is admitted that a more perfect in
strument has been made. They have accordingly
achieved the paradox of making excellence more
excellent. Surely, after this, they are entitled to the
motto ••Excelsior." uovl-l-ly
and al! El. I PITONSOF I'll E.SKIN. Price 50 cents.
For SHIC by alt druggists. By sending sixty cents to
Weeks A l'otter, Sole Agents. 17t> Washington street,
Boston, it sill l>e forwarded by mail, free of postage,
to any part of the United States. sepu'66-ly
Ayer's Cathartic Pills
v \ aA. // /j , AKK the most perfect por
/ j j ///// KHtjve we are able t<> product;
/ il et two ll made by anv body.
Jgßßfiafil /[KIfjmSSV/ Their effect* have aban.iant-
S?J 'y *hown tu the (oiiiiuuiniv
'"V* niueli they excel the
but jmwerfui to c r e. TliHr
oaso. They out the foul humors which brecti nixl ;
crow distemper, stimulate sluggish or iliaortlerm! organ* ;
itito their-natural action, am! impart tone and strength to
the whole system. Not only do they cure the every day ;
complaints of everybody, but formidable and dangerous
dis'-uscs. While they produce powerful effects. they arc
at the same time, in diminished dose*, the safest and be>t
physic that can pe employed for children. Being sugar- .
coaled, they are pleasant to take; and, being purely vege- !
table, are entirely harm loss. Cures have been made that 1
woiilil surpass belief, were they not sui>Laiitiated by men
of such exalted character, as to forbid the suspicion of un- j
truth. Many eminent clergymen and physicians certify
to the public the reliability of our remedies, while others
have s*nt us the assurance of their conviction that our
Preparations contribute immensely to the reliei ot our uf j
dieted fellow-men.
The Agents below named are pleased to furnish gratis
our American Almanac, containing directions lor the use
of these medicines and certificates of their cures of the fol
lowing complaints: —
Co-tiveness. Billions Coinp'aints, Rheumatism, Dropsy,
Heartburn, Headache arising from foul stomach. Nausea,
In digestion. Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and l'ain aris
ing therefrom. Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all Diseases!
which require an evacu.mt medicine. They also, by purl- j
tying the blood and stimulating the system, cure many I
complaints which it would not be supposed they could )
reach, audi aa Deafheas, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and
Nervous Irritability. Di langements of the Liver and Kid
neys, Gout, and oilier kindred disordersarlfing from alow
st.ae of the body, or obstruction of its functions.
Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other
preparations on which they make more profit. Demand
AYKIt'S and take no others. The sick want the beat aid .
there Is for them, and they should have it.
Prepared by DK. J. C AYKK fc 4 X>.. Lowell, Mass., and j
sold by ail Druggists and dealers In medicine everywhere.
IT AKMEKS look to your Interests 1
At F. J. Huffman's you will find all
kinds of Hardware and Farming Implements,
at low prices.
LEATHER and Shoe Findings, al
O ways on hand. Have now some of the
best Red Sole. F.J HOFFMAN.
TT7"ALL PAPER, Re sure to go to llofif
IT man's for this article. A good stock
on hand, and prices low.
rBMN WAKE. A good assortment, at
IF you wantOood l'lN WAKE, home man
ufacture, buy of J. B. SELIIEIEEK.
riMIE best qunlities of SOLE LEATHER,
hand ; also, all kinds of
LININGS, TOOLS, &c., &c.,
which 1 am selling low.
. Preserving Kettles,
A LARGE und splendid assortment of;
Pocket and Table Cutlery, will be sold
very low at McMANIGAL'S, Milroy. ju 12
Brass Bells,
ALL sizes, and all articles generally kept
in a Hardware Store,
at Ale Ulan iff af s, Alilroy.
Also, Oils and Paints, all kinds of Patent
i Medicines and Drugs, a splendid assortment
of Hair and Horse Brushes, all kinds of Per
fumeries and Soaps, Hair Restoratives, Toilet
Mouth Wash, &c. jul2—lt
Wall Paper.
DIFFERENT Patterns—large assort
merit nt McMANIGAL'S, Milroy.
Tea & Table Spoons Sl Forks, I
PLATED on best Nickle Silver.
For sale at McMANIGAL'S, Milroy.
Important to Farmers,
'I he Montgomery Patent Hay Fork!
'PUIS is pronounced by those who have
1 seen it. the most desirable Pitch Fork ever in
! vented. The peeu'iar construction of this fork is that j
the Tines are separated, so that it either becomes I
broken it can be replaced at a trifling cost, and in a
moments time. Smthe* and Scythe. Snaths. Scythe Stones, I
linkes. Buckeye Reaper Fixtures, and many other i
i goods for fanners at low prices.
ju- 5 F.J.HOFFMAN'
P. T. BARNUM'S Patent
For Pants j Vests & Drawers.
r PHIS little invention is just out, und as
I it is no 4 *humbug M is meeting with a rapid sale. It
can be applied in a moment to any garment, by any
I person, causing it to fit perfectly.
its elasticity prevents tearing the strap? and buck
les oil the clothes, and also allows perfect freedom of
the body while working or taking exercise.
For sale by tailors and the trade generally. Send!
25 cents, for strap, circulars, terms to agents and the
trade, to the
650 Broadway, NEW YORK.
Agents Wanted in every county
May 29,1507 —3m.
Harrisburg Steam Boiler Works,
Manufacturer of
All kinds of work out of Boiler, Tank or Sheet 1
Iron satisfactorily executed. Special attention paid to j
repair: WO
at reasonable rates.
4*. V-'itlj steam facilities, improved machinery and
tools, and advantage of having all material made at
our doors I am enabled to furnish parties in want ot
work of this character with an '• A. No. 1" article and j
at lowest figures. junes-3m j
499 Broadway, New York.
rrtlf E attention of the Public and the trade is invited
FORTES, which for volume and purity of tone are ;
unrivalled hy any hitherto ottered in this market.— !
They contain all the modern improvements, French '
Grand Action. Harp Pedal, Iron Frame, Overstrung !
Bass, etc, and each instrument being made under j
the personal supervision of Mr. J. H.GROVESTEKN. who
has had a practical experience of over 35 years in |
their manufacture, is fully warranted in every partic
The QUO TESTERS FIA.XO FOli'l F.ST received the
Award of AlcrU over r.H others at the Celebrated
II i/rliCs Fair,
Where were exhibited instruments from the best ma- I
Iters of London, Paris, Germany, Philadelphia. Balti- !
more. Boston and New York; and also at the Aineri
ean Institute for tive successive years, the gold and
silver medals from both of which can be seen at our
By the introduction of improvements we make a
stil r.-ore perfect Piano Korte. and by maun factoring I
large y. with a strictly cash system, aie enabled to of-'
fer these instruments at a price which will preclude j
all competition.
Terms s—Net Cash In Current Funds.
♦S-Liescriptive Circulars bent Free. oetio-am
Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad.
Passenger Trains run as follows t
a. m. p. ill. i
Leave Huntingdon 7.45 6.00 I
" Sax ion 9.30 7 3.4 i
" Bloody Run 10 55 833 j
Arrive at Mount Dallas 10.59 857 j
Leave Saxton 950 7.50 |
Arrive at Dudley 10.20 8.20 |
and Express Wagons connect at Mount Dallas j
tor Bedford and Bedford Springs. A reliable Hue of Hacks i
connects at Dudley for Broad Top City.
a. m. p. m. ;
Leave Mount Dallas 610 130 i
" Bloolvßun 614 134
"* Saxtou 7.30 2.55 !
Arrive at Huntingdon 9 10 4 45
heave Dudley 7.00 2 SO
Arrive at Saxton 7.30 3.00 j
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Trains leave Stations in this county as follows:
Leace Westward.
Phil'a Fast Emi-
Ex. Mail. Line. grant, i
a. 111. p. in. p. in. a. m.
Lewistown, 5.30 400 0.23 10 58
Granville, 4 17 11.15
McVeytown, C.OO 4.37 11.40
Manayunk, 4.49 11 54
N. Hamilton, 5.04 12.13
Leave Eastward.
Phil'a Fast Day Cin.
Ex. Line. Way. Ex. Ex.
a. in. a. m. a. in. a. m. p. m.
Lt wistown, 12.17 5.59 10.15 11.00 0.38
N. Hamilton, 9 15
Manayunk, 9 30
McVeytown, 9.42
Granville, 10 01
The Stock Freight east stops for way passengers as
follows: N. Hamilton. 6.25 p. m.: Manayunk. 6.52 p.
in.; McVeytown, 7.12 p. in.; Granville, 7.47 p. in.; Lew
istown, 8.03 p. m.
Fare to Harrisbtirg $ 210; to Philadelphia 5 85; to
New York 7.60; Altoona 2 50; to Pittsburgh 6 53; to
Baltimore 5 2o ; to York 3 20; to Hagerstown 4.56; to
Heading 4.00.
ibfTlte ticket office will be open 20 minutes before
the arrival of each passenger train.
Galbraith Si Conner's omnibusses connect with all
the passenger trains, and take up and set down pas
sengers at all points within the borough. Orders are
requested to be left at the National House.
Lewistown Foundry
REESE & SLAGLEj Proprietors.
O. K. DAVIS, Superintendent.
Manufacturers of
Iron and Brass Castings
Made and tilted up f..r Miils, Factories, Forges, Blast
Furnaces. Rolling Mills, Ao.
We call the attention of Tanners to our Oven for
burning tan under Steam Boilers.
TERMS REASONABLE. All orders l.y mail or
otherwise promptly attended to.
TtHE following Fire. Life, and Accidental Companies
. are represented by the undersigned :
yEtna, Fire of Ilartford, 84,083,000
Putnam, " 500,000
Home, New York 3,500,000
Germania, " 700,000
Home, New Hav- n, 1,000,000
North America, Philadelphia, 1,750,000
Enterprise, " 400,000
Lycoming, Pcnna., 2,500,000
Farmers, York, Pa., 500,000
American Life, Philadelphia, 1,000,000
N. Y. Accidental, New York, 250,000 i
Horse Thief Ins. Co. York Pa., 50,000
This agency is prepared to insure against Fire, Death !
or Accident, in any part of .Mittlin county Horses
are insured against theft. All business pertaining to
insmance promptly attended to.
Hamaker & Montgomery,
HA\ E assnci tied together for the pur
pose of manufacturing Conches, Buggies, Carria
ges, Sulkies. Spring Wagons, &e., at
in-Valley street. Lewistown. They are prepared to
do all kinds of work in their line, in an elegant and !
workmanlike manner, and invite the citizens of town
and vicinity to call and examine their new stock on
hand, before purchasing el-ewhere, as all work man
ufactured at this establishment is warranted.
Prompt attention given to all repairing, which will i
bo done with neatness and durability,and guaranteed
to give satisfaction. myi—ly
HAS just received a large Stock of Boots
and Shoes direct from Eastern Manufacturers,
which he offers at greatly reduced prices:
Men's Congress Gaiters, S3 50
" Glove Call Congress do, 425 j
Womens' Lasting Gaiters, 1 25
Other work in proportion.
Also, an assortment of Home Manufacture constant
ly on band, and made to order at short notice.
Call and examine his stock before purchasing else
where. mayS-y
J. HOFFMAN has just received a
• large supply of new goods, which will
be sold low, for cash.
A MOST desirable article cl Solid Wood
Spouting—the same finish as tin—costing only
about half lis much—and will no doubt last twice as
long as the tin. For sale by
C1 IIEA P Goods are found at F. J. Huffman's,
/ Hardware, Nails,
Drugs, Iron,
Groceries, Paints.
Look out for Us, as we are Com
ing once more, with a
\\7"E are prepared to sell Goods at the
1 T lowest market prices, lower than be
fore the war.
If you want good
Sugars at 11 to 16,
Coffees at 28 to 30,
Rice at 13,
Syrups at 15 to 30 qt„
If you want good Teas of all kinds go to
R t McK.
If you want good Snices of all kinds, go to
R. & McK.
If you want a good quality of Honey, go to
R. & McK.
If you want the best
Corn Starch, Concentrated Lye,
Washing Soaps, Toilet Soaps,
Canned Fruits, &e..
Gu to II & McK.
If you want to buy good white Muslin, yard j
wide, at 15 cents, go to R. & McK.
If you want Calicos, at 10 to 18 cents, go to i
R. & McK.
If you want good goods of all kinds, such as.
Ginghams at 16 to 25.
Brown Muslins at 10 to 23,
Delaines, 25, (old priees,)
including Dress goods, the best of all kinds.
Go to R. & McK.
For Flannel, Ticking, Crash, Table Diaper, j
Linen, with a variety of other goods, go to ]
U. & McK. !
If you want good Cotton Hose, at 15 to 30,
Go to R. t McK.
If you want good Notions of all kinds, go to
R. A McK.
Gentlemen, if you want Cotton Socks, at 12£
cts , Paper Collars of all kinds. Linen Col
lars, got up for the summer, at 5 cents, go to
R. A McK.
If you want good
Cottou PaDts Stuff,
Cassimers and Cloths,
Go to R. t McK.
If you want Boots and Shoes, Ilats and Caps,
go to R. A McK.
If you want good Fish of all kinds, go to
R. k McK.
If you want to find a good stock of goods of
all kinds, go to K. k McK.
Thankful lor past favors, and hoping a con
tinuance of the same, we remain,
Very Respectfully,
Lewistown, June 19, 1867-tf
(fcOfl nn AGENTS WANtED—sloo.oo—Male and
ipZiUiUU Female, to introduce our NEW PATENT,
ed for faintly use and Tailoring. It makes a stitch
alike on both sides. Price only TWENTY DOLLARS.
Extra-ordinary inducements to Agents. For full par
ticulars, address DUMONT & WILSON,
. ju!9-3m* 030 Arch St., Phila., Pa.
Gy OUl> CHEESE, Crackers. Groceries,
T Dried Fruit aud Honey at A. FELIX'S
GI00J) TEAS at reduced prices, SI.OO,
T $1.50 and SI.BO cents per pound at
iarlS A. FELIX'S.
Great Fall in Prices!
BOARDS, from 82 and Upwards.
PLAST. LATII, 3 75 to 4 25 per M.
W. P. FLOORING, 3.75 per 100 feet.
Hemlock do 335 do
SASH, 8 x 10, 7 cents, and other down in
PANEL DOORS down 10 per ct.
A full assortment of FRAME LUMBER.
may 29 WM. B. HOFFMAN & SONS.
All kinds of Coal.
All kept under roof, and for sale by
Lewistown, April 17, 1807-Sm*
TUST received, a fresh supply of SUN
fj HI ItV COAL, all sizes, winch will ho sold at reduc
ed prices. Also,
RECEIVED, a full supply of
PLANK, &c.,
which will be sold at reduced prices,
niyl W. B. HOFFMAN & SONS.
Agricultural uml Household Juiplemeiit Agency,
Lewistown, Pa.
1. The IYOULD'3 MOWER, warranted the
Lett in ihe world.
AND MOWEK, complete, that will work easier
than any other, and last a life time.
3. Two styles CORN PLANTERS—oId patents
and well known to do the work right
4 A $3 HAND CORN DItOPPER, very coo
verm nt and rapid.
5. Two Capital Horse Ttay liakcs, viz; SHIRE
best band-sheller known, and can be worked by
7. A new PATENT CHURN, which a child six
years old can woik with caso.
CHINE, acknowledged to be equal to the high
priced machines, yet cosls noiv $25 and s3l.
SEW IMI MACHINE, the neatest, speediest, and
beat S6O machine made.
Cucumber-wood Well & Cistern
'liii ißisii & saMjiaa
Lewistown, May 29, 18G7- tf.
Teeth Extracted Without Pain!
By M. R, Thompson. D. D. S,
Without tite use of Chloro-
fj '-sor5 or
ivhere he can be found for professional consultation.
\ Leiristown, Sept. 10-tf
r IIAVE for sale the Sprout Ilay Knife
and Fork of which so many wore sold last sum
mer, giving the greatest satisfaction. Also,
• a new article entirely and good.
I ju-5 F. J. HOFFMAN.
BRISBIN'S, near the Jail,
11711 ERE can be found the cheapest lot
Y Y of GOODS iD town. Our stock con
sists in part of
Bleached Muslins from 12J to 25 cts.
| Unbleached do " 12J to 22 cts.
: 1J and Sheeting, very heavy and good.
Pillow Casing, Ticking, Check,
Shirting Stripe, Flannels, Ginghams.
A Splendid lino of FRENCH GINGHAMS
PLAID do.,
Silk Stripe Mohair Poplin,
very cheap. Cambric Ginghams,
soft finished Cumbria for Skirt*. a very Hue
article, Plaio Cambric, Birred Cambric from
25 cents up. Full line Calico from 10 cents
up, can't be beat either in price, quality or
style. Another lot of those cheap HOOP
SKIRTS; these are selling very fast and we
intend to keep up our stock. Ladies, before
you purchase, look at them, they are very
cheap Cotton and Linen Table Diaper, La
dies Cloaking. We have a full line of La
dies and Childrens Stockings which wo think
you will find to be cheaper than any other
House in town has them.
Our stock of Cloths, Cassimers, Jeans,
Linen Drills, Coat Linens, &0., for Men and
Boys we are also selling very cheap. These
j will be made up to order if desirfed.
In fact, all our goods have been bought
with care and at the lowert pricfs, and our
EXPENSES being small, and we being satisfied
i with small profits, we are satisfied you will
save money by buying goodi of us.
We pay the highest prices for Wool,
Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Dried apples, &c., in
j goods. Junes
Reaper & Mower,
I)RONOUNCED superior in every re
spect by tiie Judges of the Grout Trial,
jat Auburn, N. Y., 186(3. See oilicial re
j port. For Sale by A. GARVER,
myß-6w. Lewistown, Pa.
. Ran away from the undersigned, on
Thursday, Juuc 6th, 1867, a bound colored
j boy, named CHARLES HENRY ItEILY.
He was about 17 years old, had on a grey
sack coat and pants, a pair of old boots,
! and a dirty grey slouch hat. The above
J reward will t>e paid to any one who will
return him to the subscriber, residing
near Lewistown, Pa.
jul2.3t ROBERT AY. SHAW.
stock of the best Mackerel and
; Herring, in all-sued kits, on hand at A. FELIX'S;