G. & G. ft. FRYSINGER, PUBLISHERS, Whole No. 2927. Poor House Business. Th? Director* of the Poor meet at the Pool House on the 2il Tuesday of each month. E2ITSTICT & 007~ LEWISTOWN, PA., Collections and remittances promptly made. Interest allowed on tune deposits. jan23~ly. GEO. 7r. EIDER, Attorney at Law, Office Market Square, Lewistown, will at tend to business in Mltllin. Centre and Hunting don counties K>V26 I.YC'O.MIXG COUNTY Mutual Insurance Company. Capital, $2,500,000. THIS Corrpsny continues to issue Policies of Insur ance on Buildings and Personal Property, in Town or Country, at cash or mutual rates. JAMES ItASKI.V, President. JOSIIXJA BOWMAN, Secretary. JOHN HAMILTON, Agent. jaulG'67 Lewistown. Pa. 27.. JO HIT J. D AHLEIT, Practicing Physician, Rclleville, Mifflin County, Pa. T\?,. DAFTLF.N has been appointed an Examining J/Surgeon for Pensions. Soldiers requiring exam ination w:!i find him at iiis ortice in Belleville. Belleville, August 22, 1866.-y H. FV3. DUNMiRE, DENTIST, OFFERS lii?; professional services to the citizens of M iIIIi n county. He is prepared to per form all operations in the dental profession. Office first door from the Lewistown House, Main street, wiiei ■ he will be found tne first two weeks of each month, and tne last week of each month he will visa Ki-tiacoquillas Valley. Teeth extracted without pßin by the use of nitrous oxide tnvl-tf Is/Laid \&o 'sS' $ DENTIST, CFFERS tiis professional services to the citizens of Lewistown and vicinity. All in want of good, neat work will do well ,n rj ve him a call. He miv he nd 't all times at his office, three dc irs ea of H. M. & R Pratt's store, Valley street. i pls-iy* MEYERS NEWLY IMPROVED, CRESCENT SCALE. tmu-yLULia piahus, Acknowledged to be the best. London Prize Medal and highest awards in America received. MELODEONS, and Second hand Pianos. Music. No. 722 AIICU St., beiow Stii, Philadelphia, Pa. Phila., April 21. 1567-3 m THE BEST IN THE WOULD' JHE UNDERSIGNED IS AGENT FOR THE IMPROVED SINGER SEWING MACHINE, | which will be placed upon trial with any other now n use. He invites compction. It can be tested DO. JLS C£J CO. 2. LiQ with any other machine to enable purehers to choose THE 11EST. TEItMS LIBERAL. Give him a call. [niarlS-€ml W.M. LIND. j JA.S. 4.. THCMPSCW, Tl AS taken the Store formerly occupied I by .John Kauni, for the purpose of carrying on the \Y A if H .MAKING and .JEWF.LKY Business. He will be pleased to see ail .Mr. Hauni's old customers, and as many new ones as will favor hi in with a call. Ah work warranted. ,-store on East Market street, nearly opposite the Post Office. i Lewistown, April 24, 1867-tf MRS. M. E. STEWARIRJ VK Wist Market St., Lewistown, LAMES A GENTLEMEN'S BURNISHING GOODS,! Sack.. Cloaks. Hats. Bonnets, Ladies Fine DRESS GOODS and Trimmings. Patterns of latest styles always on hand. Millinery and Dress-Making executed in the most approved style. Lewistown, April 18, 1866.tf TnT .E "V\7" Mieu t testa b I ism en t. r PIIE undersigned has fitted up the buiid -1 iny in Brown st reet, above Frank's store, for a x: eai shop where Fresh Beef, J'ork, Mutton, Veal, Ac. can be had at all times, an tee house for the preserva tion of meat being connected with the establishment. The public are invited to call. 45. Tlx- room will he opened for the first time on BAH KIjAY MuKNING. 10th inst, •IAMK.S 8. G.tLBKAITH. Lewistown, March 13,1 B,?—tf. Lewistcwn Coach Manufactory, Junction 3d & Valley street. MOSER cSc MAYES fang: HAVING ASSOC!A-; "'aniilactiiruig Coael-*. *Oirriit i ,is, Ac., invite the public to g-vu them a cu.i anil examine specimens ot then j * or " t , w hicn will be found equal to any laor out of the cities. AU kinds of repairing prornptiv attended < to - deel3-)y ; WILLIAM LIND, has now open A NEW STOCK OF Cloths, Cassimeres AND V E S T I NCS, which will be made up to order in the neat j and most fashionable styles. atilO E. J. O'JLBEF.TSOITj Attorney at Law, LEWISTOWN, PA, ().[® professional services .to the citizens of lii'. ? county. Office in Northeast corner of the 1 • ond, next to Hoffman's store. iny2 miYiiixAßi, Milroy, Mifflin County, Pa., r | UK Summer Session of this Institution 1 v. commence on the Ist May. 1867. Whole ox- J;l ,'" r "rm of 30 weeks, including Tuition, Board, i ' ci-i i-d Boom. 17.',. Full instructions given * Tl* for College. Business, or Teaching. ! lev- '"lion is located in one of the finest \ ul in a i ~ ; ',"iS t* U ' -*t "' e foot of the Sever, Mountains, scene*.J" neighborhood, and amid unsurpassed r'.u,i ry ' ' s accessible within a few miles by rail-• J. A. AIKENH, I ' " rn Principal. I Miiiaa USA rpilE NEW YORK MICA ROOFING COMPANY, (established J- 186ai are manufacturing under Letters Patent the B-*st Article of Composition Roofing ever Offered to the Public. It is adapted to even si vie of Roof, steep ! or flat, and can be readily applied by any one. | The U.B Government, alter a thorough test of its utility, have adapted its use in the Navy Yards, and upon Public Buildings. ihe Roofing j s put up in rolls, and has only to be nailed to the Roof to make a Durable l< ire and Hater-Proof Covering. We particularly recommend its use upon Buildings. Stores, Cliurelies, Fartoriis, Marliitie Shoj s, Steamboat Decks, &e. MICA ROOFING PAINT, For coating Tlx, IBON, or SHINGLE ROOFS. It forms A Bofl;/ Eqiuil to Three Cuatn of Ordinary Paint. I No Roof can rust under it, and old leak v Roofs may be j made permanently water-proof and durable by its use. | The Paint requires so MIXING, but is ready to be ap-! plied with the ordinary paint brush. Pnet'i I per gal- 1 lon, which will cover two hundred square feet. i Also manufacturers of Black Lustre Varnish, Tarred Felt and Roofing Filch. j Discount to the Trade. Circulars ami Price List fur nished. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address I THE .MICA HOOFING COMPANY, 104 11 road wo i/ t A r . Y. . Frank Humphreys, 61 Royal st.. N. O.: Sehofield : Williams 4 Co.. Augusta. Gag Baldwin H. Woods! Montgomery. Ala.; I'lios. S. Coates, Raleigh. N. C.; F.I A. Tucker Richmond. Va.;Henry Wilson.Petersburg, I Va., Agents. j an23 | /> re iv' s Pa tent FOB S'JTTIITG SCOTS mm® in OR SIDE SE^MS. THE greatest improvement of the age, in this line of trade. Ist. It docs away with the wrinkles on the instep, also, with the welted side seam which has j injured so many feet and ankles. 2d. It makes the ; easiest sitting and best fitting boot ever worn. This j boot is now inanafuctnred by P. F. Loop, who holds the right of u-e for the county, and is prepared to furnish ail who wish to w ear tin's boot, A liberal dis count to dealers who wish to deal in these boots. Or ders filled at short notice. Prices,greatly reduced on all goods a' P. F. Loop s Shoe Store. febfi 628. HCCP SEIRIS. 628 SUV SI'RING STYLES, 'Mar Own Make." embracing every New and Desirable size, style and Stiapc ot Piain and Trail Hoop SKIRTS, —2,2 14. 2pi. 2 .1-4. 8,3 1-4. 3 1-2,3 3-4 and 4 yards, round every length anil size Waist; in every respect KIBST QUALITY, and especially adapted to uieet the wants of FIRST CLASS and most fashionable TRADE. i - Out OWN MAKE."' of Hoop Skirts, are lighter, more elastic, more durable, and BF.ALLI CHEAPER than any j other make of either Single or Double Spring Skirt in the American Market. They are WARRANTED in every respect, and wherever introduced give utiiyer ; sal satisfaction. They arc now being exiensively sold by retailers, and every lady should try them A-k for '-Hopkin's Own Make. 'and see that each Skirt is Stamped -W. T. HoPKiVS M ANUI-'AUTUR HR, 628 ARCH Street, PHILADELPHIA." .V, o titer* | are Genuine. A Catalogue containing Style. Size and I J Retail Prices, sent to any address. A Uniform and I ! Liberal Discount allowed to Dealers. Orders by mail i or otherwise, promptly and carefully filled. Whole-1 sale and Retail, at Manufactory and Sales-rooms. No j 628 Arch Street. Philadelphia.' Skirts made to older, altered and repaired. TERMS, NET CASH ONE PRICE ONLY, J uiar2o-lUut WM. T. HOPKINS. REMOVED. J A. &. W. R. McKEE TT AVE removed their Leather Store to Odd Pel-| .1 lows' Hall, where they will constantly keep! en band. Sole Leather. Harness, Skirting and - Upper Leather. Kips, American and French Calf Skins. Mo roccos. Linings and Bindings, and a general assort ment of Shoe Findings, which they will sell cheap for -i.sh. Highest market price paid" in cash for tildes, Calf Skins and Sheep Skins. SCO ZBAIBS wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid in Cash. ap4tf Tailoring Establishment tm&mAss Wo mmw$ d MERC H AN R TAILOR, ha. removed his shop to THF ! 1 IIIRIF-I IV known A* the "GREEN house," I at the MUTM-I ::on of VAIH Y and Mill street, R4FIJ.;NINJJ I H. 1. K R. S STORE, ho cordially invites all ! who need ANYTHING lit h-* LINE. GOOD* and Trim- I mines frirni.-iT*ci and gentlemen's CLOTHING made, in | THE LATENT STYLES, on short notice, and at reasonable prices. apll-tf J WHAT'S ALL THIS? Why the Grain Business is Revived al Mc- Coy'S -Old Sluutl. 'PHE undersigned, having rented the X large and commodious Warehouses formerly i occupied by Frank McCoy, esq., is now prepared to j purchase or receive and forward ALL KINDS OF GRAIN, for which he will pay market prices. Also, he will keep for sake, SALT. PLASTER. COAL and FISH. He returns thanks to ail his old customers for their former patronage, and shall feel grateful fora renewal of past business relations. Merchants will find it to their advantage to giro him i a call. [marU-yJ WILLIAM WILLIS. EMPIRE SLILTTLE SEWING MACHINES. Arc superior to all others for FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. Contain all the latest improvements; are speedy noi-eless; durable; and ea-v to work. Illustrated Circulars free? Agents wanted. Liberal disount allowed. No consignments made. Address EMPIRE S. M. CO., 616 Broadway, New York. seps'66-ly S. S. CAMPBELL & CO. Manufacturing Confectioners, A!CD WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN FRUITS,NUTS, &C. No. 303, RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, j ALSO, MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF • 4ST Molasses Candy and Cocoanut Work septl2'o6-ly. 20.000 MAJORITY! ' To the Voters of Central Penna r"LECTJON is over and il has been decided by about Li 20,000 majority that the Tobacco and Cigars -sold at r ry.singer s Tobacco and He gar Store cannot be surpassed, either in Quality or Price. Look at the Prices, get some of the goods, mid com pare with all others, and you will be satisfied that you get the worth of your money at Frysinger's. Fry singer's Spun Roll only SI.OO per pound. Frysinger's Navy '• " " " Frysinger's Congress u u * u Frysinger's Flounder " " " " W'illett Navy " " " " Oronoko Twist " " '< " And oilier Plug Tobacco at 40 and 50 ets. per lb. Cut and Dry, 40 ,nd 50 ets. Granulated Tobaccos at 50 ets., 60 i'ts , 80 ets.. SI.OO, $1.20. and $1,50 per lb. Fine-Cut chewing, at $1.40 and $1.20. Cigars at 1, 2, S. 5 ami 10 ets. each. Pip-s in great variety; also Cigar Cases, Tobacco pouches and Boxes. Match Kafes, and all articles usually kept in a tirat-class I'obucco and Cigar Store. To Merchants, 1 offer the abovegoods at prices that will enable them to retail at tho same prices that I do and realize a fair profit. Oct-lS*. E. FRYSINGER. MMUI on 'iiii X\T h ® re-enlisted for the season of * T 1867, and are bound to be on the win ning side in X, o "W" X 5 XI I C E S i WE HAVE AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK, bought for cash, and can offer extra induce ments to all of our old friends. THE BIG- GUN WILL BE BROUGHT OUT Loaded to the Muzzle with Low Priced Goods / SEE WHAT WAS IN THE FIRST CHARGE: PRINTS from 10 to 18 cents per yard, BROWN MUSLINS from 12 to 20 cents. BLEACHER MUSLINS from 10 to 25 cts. BALMORALS from SI.OO to $3.00 per piece. COTTON IIOSE from 15 to 20 cents, DE LAINES from 20 to 25 per yard. 1100 p Sk ir t s at prices to suit the times. 0 FRENCH CORSETS from $L to $2.50, besides a full line of CLOTII9, Queensware, Groceries, &c., AT PRATT, LAW & PRATT'S. REMEMBER THE PLACE, Pratt's Old Corner ! the best place in the State to buy Dry Goods and Notions of any kind, For we Won't be Undersold .■ArtrTJF' COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. Lewistown, June 5, 1867. Wednesday, My 10, 1867, X> OETHY. THE WEATHER. It shines, it rains, Then shines again— What does the weather mean? It hangs in doubt— The sun comes out. With drizzling mists between. Now dark, now light, Like day, like night, 'Tis changing, fiekle weather; It mists at times, Then rains or shines, And sometimes all together. Oh, now I see! It in til.e me— A wise head and a dunce; I fret, I smile, Then cry awhile, Then, sometimes, all at once. I pout, I pet. Well pleased 1 get— Both diligent and lazy, In my own way, Is such a day, When rainy, shiny, hazy. ELLA L\T "ST . A TRIP ACROSS THE I'LIIVS. Under date of June 10, a eorrespon- J dent of the Baltimore American gives an interesting account of an expedi- I tion through the Indian country, head jcd by Major General W. S. Hancock, | whose Chief of Staff is our fcllow | townsman, Gen. Win. G. Mitchell, A JA. G. We make the following ex i tracts : j Wo tako with us one hundred Uni | ted States infantry, twenty-five wag ! one for troops and stores, fifteen ambu | lances, in which the civilians ride, two guides and two Indian scouts, both of the Delaware tribe ; one of them nam ed Four Leaf, and the other one, his son, named Two Four Leaf. In our march General Hancock and Stafl took the lead of the train, all of them well mounted and armed; the ambulances containing us civilians came next, whilst the wagons, contain ing the forage and stores, and the mil itary escart, brought up the rear. The Indian bcouts were generally a mile or two in advance of the train, on the look out for Indians and buffalo. We took along with us various as tronomical instruments to take obser vations, and to make an exact map of tho road travelled; also an adomiterto measure the number of miles travelled each day, and a practical engineer and draughtsman to observe and dot down the various creeks, rivers, caverns, &c., on our march. FIRST DAY ON THE PRAIRIE. Wo made but thirteen and a half miles to day owing to the great fall of ; rain, which had been descending in j torrents all day, and which had so swollen Cow creek as to prevent our crossing it. At 3p.M. we camped on I the banks ot this creek. The wagons | we arranged in the shape of a square, j the ambulances being on the interior line. The tents of the General and ! Staff, and of the civilians, were pitched (inside of the square, whilst the tents of 'the soldiers were located outside of the ! line of wagons. We had great difficulty in getting a jhot supper owing to the scarcity of (wood, and the continued fall of rain. | But we found no fault with this, and after partaking of what was in store. • we fixed up our beds and lay ourselves for the seeond time on our soft muddy couches to rest. A BEAUTIFUL SCENE. Sunday, the 9th, dawned bright and warm. The whole camp was astir by (5 o'clock, and every one delighted at the cheerful rays of the sun. General I Hancock sent his scouts over the creek land ascertained that the stream had ! fallen, and that a crossing could be ( made in live feet of water, immedi ate preparation was therefore made I for a start, and by 8 o'clock the whole train had successfully crossed the stream. The country through which we trav elled to-day was by far the most beau tiful of any we have yet seen. The long stretches of prairie, reaching for miles on every side, covered with an 1 uninterrupted carpet of grass, dotted I all over with flowers of various hues; ! the clear blue sky, as free from clouds as the earth beneath from trees; the (sweet bracing breeze making it pleas j ant in spite of the hot sun ; the music of the birds, all tended to make this a most glorious Sabbath morning. It is very hard in these vast and i boundless Bolitudes to be surprised by ■ Indians or buffalos. From the top of one of these plateaux, or buttes, the eye can see for five or six miles on every side, until the vision is stopped by the horizon or interrupted by another butte of the same character. The soil lis deep and rich, and is destined to j make the greatest grazing country in the world. TIIE PRAIRIE DOGS. All along our line of march to day we passed various villages of prairie dogs, some of them with two or three | hundred dogmoundsorhol.es. On the j top of many of these mounds we no ticed the ever watchful owl seated like! a grim sentinel and keeping watch! over the little animals within. It is ■ said that wherever prairie dogs are there you wiil find owls and rattle snakes. In fact, they all three live to gether, whether in affinity cr whether to feed upon one another, is not known. One of our party made an attack on one of these littlo mounds and captur ed the dog, but failed to find the snake, although a rattlesnake was killed some distance off. We also saw a large number of mounds inhabited by prairie wolves, but chanced to seo but two of the wolves, which scampered over the plains at the sight of our immense train. A BUFFALO BUNT. At 2 o'clock, after we had taken our j lunch, wo descried, about three miles [ahead of us, eight or ten black specks, which might or might not he Indians or buffulos. On these vast plains, where there is not a soiitar} - tree to be seen, a moving speck in the distance is like a sail in mid ocean. Our Indian scouts wore soOri seen making towards the objects at lull speed, and we were not long in determining the character of the objects. They proved to be a small herd of buffalo, of some eight or ton. As soon as it was known that Indians were not about—but buffalo were the most intense excitement prevailed amongst the civilians. Every man who could obtain a horse secured one, and rode off in full chase, whilst such as were not so fortunate ran at lull speed, with rifle or pistol, in the direction they were coming. The chase and pursuit was most exciting, and the only danger appeared to bo in our killing one another and letting ! the buffalo escape. After a chase of j half an hour, in the course of which various flank movements were made by the hunters to get the buffalo cor nered, and by the buffalo trying toes cape the hunters, some six of them were suddenly halted, and four out of the number killed. Every man ap peared to think it a duty to bit a buf falo, whether he was standing or had already fallen, il only to say he had helped kill a buffalo. our correspon dent, however, was not desirous of any such honor, and remained quietly in his ambulance watching the sport,and preparing himself for some good steak for supper. As soon as the buffalo excitement was over a fresh one was created by several antelope crossing the paths of our valiant and efficient huntsmen, who immediately gave chase; but the graceful little animals were too fleet for their pursuers and soon led them far over the plains. W. Kennedy of Pittsburg, who was most anxious for a crack at one of them, continued to follow in their path, and, unmindful of the direction he was going or the dis tance he was travelling, went far over the plains, and with great difficulty found his way back to camp LIFE ON THE PRAIRIE. We camped this evening on the banks of the Smoky river, and within one mile of fossil creek. Our camp ground was beautifully located, and where we bad plenty of wood and wa ter. I he sunset was the most brilliant I over witnessed; well worth a journey to behold. If some young Biers!adl had been along, he might have seen a ; picture that would have ravished his I soul, and have given him an idea of nature seldom witnessed. Just as the last iays of the setting sun were about to hide themselves behind the buttes of ! the distant West, our Ethiopian cook called us to supper. And such a sup per a Prince might have envied. The savory smell of broiled buffalo steaks, I the steam arising from the hot coffee, and the well-browned biscuit just out jot the ovori, made our hungry stom jachs ' rejoice with exceeding joy.' I ; never felt so thankful for fresh meat in nn' life, and then it was such a rarity j to eat buffalo steaks, and that within half a mile of where it was shot on its native plains. There was something | wild—something that lent such a j charm to the whole repast —that to (experience it was well worth all our ; tribulations in reaching it. PREPARATIONS FOR AN INDIAN ATTACK. After supp l* the moon rose clear land majestic Every star appeared to (shine in its brightest glory. The air (was still as death. General Mitchell, the right hand man of General Han cock, was observed placing a strong ; guard around the camp. Word was given that no shots should be fired by any party, and after a while it was - whispered around that all tin's prepa i ration was made to provide against (any night attack that might be made Iby prowling Indians. It was also learned that in the afternoon twenty five Chcyennes had been seen near | Bunker Hill, a station on the overland I route, about six miles to the east of us, , and it was thought they meant to make a raid on our mules at night. This information caused a great many of our party to keep very shy till bed time. None of us had come out to bo killed, and none desired to be scalped We all wanted to see In diana just as wo had seen buffalo, but to run the risk of having our pale laces brought in direct contact with a red skin, unaccustomed as we were to hav- 1 ing our scalps cut off—and loth that these same scalps should become an or- j nament for the wigwam of some brave —was a contingency that we never ] dreamed would happen. It was at this ! time that many of us regretted not taking the advice of our friends before leaving home to have our hair cut 1 snapper/ and it was just at this point that a life insurance agent might have LEWISTOWN, MIFFLIN COUNTY, PA- been able, without much coaxing, to have induced many of the civilians to take a small risk on our precarious ex istence But it was no use regretting what we had not done The point was to prepare to meet what might come, and to this end we went to bed this night i with our rifles and pistols by our sides, : our ammunition close at hand,everyi man ready to do his best when called upon by the long roll. But the night i passed of quietly, and nothing was heard save the tramps of the sentinel, the regular challenge of the officer of the night, and an occasional bark of'a prairie wolf. 'I liree Stories of Mr. Litu oin. STORY NUMBER ONE. One summer,years ago, at the close of a session of the Court at Springfield, Mr. Lincoln proposed to Judge and lawyers a horseback excursion to the comparatively unknown region of Illi nois lying to the South and West.— I hey had all been wearied with pro fessional labors, especially with a case or cases which concerned the interfe rence of navigation on rivers by pro posed bridges. A recreative trip would be a good thing for all. Ihe proposition was received with favor, horses were procured, and the j party started for the country beyond :the Kaskaskia river, I believe, and ex pected to reach it in two or three days. Mr. Lincoln only was familiar with thej region. About the anticipated time they camo to a broad sweep of water, and the general expression was that the river was before them. The cjucs tion arose, how shall we cross what appeared to be the river overflowed ? Mr. Lincoln alone knew that it was nothing but a swale, covered with wa ter one or two feet deep, but he acce ded to the proposal that it was best (as the horses would probably, they said, have to swim at the deepest part) thai all the party should divest themselves jof so much of their clothing as would get wet. and fasten the bundles on their backs So the divesture was accom plished, the packs fastened, the horses mounted, and the procession, in single file, began to move across the broad waters, with Lincoln at the head, lm-j agine the group ! What a scene for a painter! Cautiously they move on, watching j the slow steps of the horses, with reins i securely held, momentarily expecting j the plunge when they should go down: the submerged bank into the deep wa-j ter of the river. On they move, half way across, two-thirds across, and the! j water not reaching the horses' knees ! i Vet not a word was spoken, until asj they approached the other side, Mr. j Lincoln turned his steed about, and ad j dressing the party with mock solemni : ty, said: 'ls it the judgment of the | Court that a bridge across this stream I would seriously interfere with naviga-i ! tion V I be expedition was planned and ex ecuted by Mr. Lincoln for the sake of holding up to ridicule some lawyer's i ; arguments before the Court on a bridge j |case. STORY NUMBER TWO. In a certain case in court Mr. Lin coln had for his legal opponent a law yer whose excellent character,thorough knowledge of law and superior logic j combined to exert a controlling influ once over the jury. This lawyer (whom we will call Judge Jones) had made a speech, and a most able speech it was. It was necessary in some way to dissi pate its impression. Mr. Lincoln, in reply, opened his speech substantially ! as follows: May it please the Court and gen tlemen of the jury, we have just heard the learned and masterly argument on the other side. We know how thor oughly versed is Judge Jones in the law, and how upright he is, and we say, reaily Judge Jones cannot be mis taken in his positions. We also know how true a gentleman Judge Jones is, how irreproachable are his manners and dress; and I presume if I should say to you that Judge Jones had put on his shirt wrong side foremost this morning, you would reply, it is impos- | sible ; and yet Judge Jones has put on i 'lis shirt wrong side foremost this morning; you can look for yourselves, gentlemen, and so in this case he has got things wrong end foremost, and his whole ar gument is wrong from beginning to ! end.' Surely enough, the irreproachable lawyer, while pondering over his com ing speech, had dressed himself in the mistaken manner indicated Aftertho laugh had subsided consequent upon 'the detection, Mr Lincoln analyzed the argument of the Judge and won iiis case ! STORY NUMBER THREE. Years before Mr. Lincoln was Presi dent it happened, at the close of a mat ter of business at some hotel in which several gentlemen were engaged with Mr. Lincoln, that a Mr. Whitney ask ed the circle to take something to drink. All assented except Mr. Lin coln. Mr. Whitney urged him, butho declined on the plea that he never drank. Mr. Whitney still pressed him, saying; 'Come, Mr. Lincoln, and take: a glass of lager, that's a harmless bev erage, and it will do you good'—to which Mr. Lincoln finally, in the kind ness of his heart, assented. The lager made him very sick. Vol. 57, No. 27. > It was the first and last time the ) two men met until Mr. Whitney join ed the throng on the public reception day to shake hands with the beloved President. Imagine his surprise, as he drew slowly near in the procession that passed in front of the President, to see his long arm stretched out to him, and to hear this recognition:— ' How do you do, Mr. Whitney ? I have never drank a glass of lager since !' Is not that a good temperance story? | Children's Column. Letters to Boys and^GlrlsT^ NO. 11. MY DEAR YOUNG FRIENDS : In my last letter I said I did not want you to he know-nothings. There is something else I do not wish you to be, and that is do-nothing*. By a do nothing I mean an idle, lazy sort of a boy or girl. There are many children who seem to think they were made for nothing else than to cat and sleep. I t is hard work for them even to play. They are always the last up in the morning, the last at the breakfast ta ble, the last at school, the last in their classes, and the last in everything. They are always behindhand, and they will be behindhand as long as they live. When tbey grow up they will he as good for-nothing as the fel low I once read about in a newspaper, who was so worthless that some of his neighbors procured a coffin, and put ting him in, carried him oil', pretend ing they were going to bury him alive. As they passed alonir, another neigh bor called out, ' Who have you there?' ' Old Joe,' said one of them. Why, is he dead.'' 'Oh, no; hut ho has noth ing to live on, and won't work to get anything, and so we thought we would bury him to get rid of him.' < Oh,' said the man, 'don't do that; carry him back, and I 11 send him a bag of corn.' At this Old Joe slowly raised himself up in the coffin, and drawled out, 'ls i t s-h e l 1 c-d ?' 'No,' was the answer. ' Then drive on, boys !' said he. Now, of course, this story, like nearly all newspaper stories, is not true; but it is tiue that lazy hoys and girls will make lazy men and women. Then learn to work now. Make yourselves useful. Do it for your own sake and for the sake of others. Doing from market one day a gentleman overtook a small boy carrying a basket that was so heavy as nearly to hear him down be neath it. He romanced, 'My hoy, you j have a heavy load.' 'Yes,' answered the little tellow, ' but I'd rather carry it than that my mother should ' Eight across the street a highly accomplish ed young lady was playing the piano, while her mother was washing the windows. Shame on the boys or giils who would suffer a mother to do what they might do for her. It }'ou do not want to bo miserable, useless do-nothings all your lives, go to work at once—begin to act now. ' Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do do it with thy might.' When you work, work; when you study, study; when 3'ou plaj r , plav - . Never say 'I can t. A schoolmaster told one of his smaller boys that he wanted him to write a composition. 'O, I can't sir; I don't know how,'said the boy, in the greatest trouble. 'Butyou can think, can t 3'ou ? said the master. ' O yes, sir. ' Well, just think about some thing, and writedown what you think, and that will be a composition.' 'ls that all.'" '\ea; and now I will ex cuse you for a little while, and you mu y take your slate and go out, and the first thing you find that interests you, think about it— What it is there tor, what it is good lor, and what will become of it—and write it down, and bring it to me.' The little boy went out, and after looking about sonic time, he at last came across a large turnip, growing behind a barn. He stood and looked at it a few moments, when his thoughts began to come to him in sim ple rhyme, and he wrote them down thus: Mr. Finney had a turnip, And it grew behind the barn— And it grew, and it grew, But it never did any harm. And it grew, and it grew. Till it could grow no taller; Then Mr. Finney pulled it up, And put it in the cellar. And it lay, and it lay. Till it there hegan to rot, And his daughter Susy washed it, And she put it in the pot. And it botled, and it boiled. As long as iemg as it was able; Then his daughter Lizzie took it up, And put it on the tabic. Mr. Finney and his wife. They both sat down to sup ; And they eat, and they eat. Till they eat the turnip up, Thus, by tr}*ing, this boy succeeded in writing a very goo J composition,, and b}' tr}-ing again and again, as be grew up, he at last becanio one of the greatest poets of his dat'. Now, boys and girls, while tr}ingto do something it ma}' not make you all great poets, but will make } r ou good and useful men and women. 'So mote it be/is the wish of Your Friend, MAZ LYNXI. BRt. A friend of ours lives next door to a not over-thriving undertaker. One day our friend's young son rushed into the parlor in a Btate of wild excite ment, exclaiming: 'Oh, father, some body's dead for sure, because the un dertaker's children are eating candy l'"