THE GAZETTE. U. &, G. R. FRVSISGER, Editor*. LEWISTOWN, PA. Wednesday. June 26, 1867. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. TWO DOLLARS PER ASJiIM. tf*. Persons receiving fapers with X market] on it will nnriergUMKl that fulwoription i* duo uu which a remittance ought to be made. Cash Rates of Advertising. Business Cards (7 lines or less) 1 venr 5.00 Administration or Erecutor's Notices l .i< Auditor's do 2 IS' Kstray Notice, four times, 2 uu Caution or other short Notices, 1 50 Tavern Licenses, single, 1 00 If more than one, each 50 Register's Notices of Accounts, each ft' One inch constitutes a square, and all advertising ri"t otherwise contracted for, or enumerated shove, will hereafter be charged 50 cents per square for each insertion. Job Work. Eighth sheet bills, $1 50 for 25 or less: fourth sheet bills $2 for 25 or less: half sheet bill. i\ for 25 or less. Notices of New Advertisements. A tract of land near town is offered for sale. JK.stray Notice, Ac. Bio Paper \c\t Week. In accordance with the general custom of publishers on the Juniata, no paper will he issued from this ollice next week. es," the Democrat of last week makes an ungenerous attack on Collector Clarke, •who, it alleges " advertises in .Radical pa "pcrs only, as if desiring to keep Dcmo " crats in ignorance of the days appointed, ".so that some may fail to make payment, " and thus give him an opportunity to iu " diet one or both of the penalties, imposed " by the law," and then charges the abo lition party with having imposed burden some and unreasonable taxes on the peo ple. We believe legal notices of all kinds ought to be published in two ]iapers —one of each party—in every county, but in this ease the Democrat has 110 more right to complain of Collector Clarke than we would have of Sheriff McEwen for taking his notices to the Democrat. The law di rects the collector to have handbills print ed and publish his notices in one paper in each county, and the Gazette was selected years ago as the medium through which such notice was to be given. To say therefore that Mr. Clarke, or any other oilicer, is either mean or contemptible for doing what the luw directs him to do, is certainly out of place. '1 he taxes imposed on the people are the natural resultof the Southern Democratic felave Rebellion, and no good democrat ought therefore to iind luult in paying them; for had Northern democracy not urged on and abetted the South, we would have had neither rebellion nor taxes. Tii> letloM of the Presldeit. The President and his Cabinet, remarks the New York Tribune, decided that the opinion of the Attorney General necessi tates the revoking of those acts of the District Commanders which it declared to be illegal. Mr. 8 tan berry himself pointed out that such action would neces sarily follow the approval of his argument. "There is," he said, "an executive duty to be performed here which cannot safely be avoided or delayed," and, in support of this conclusion, he quoted recent decisions of the Supreme Court, in an elaborate ar gument. It is evident that the Presiden tial interpretation of the Reconstruction law Is not intended to be merely a theory; it is to be carried out. As rapidly as pos sible our soldiers in the Rebel States are to be converted into uniformed policemen, powerless to repress disloyalty or punish crime, except when they take the shape of murder and massacre. All that Sher idan, and Sickles, and Poj>e have done to protect loyai men, and to prevent the States from falling altogether into Rebel control, is to be undone by peremptory order. All that the people did through their Congress is to be undone by one man. The law is to be nullified. We are constrained to believe that this in the President's intention, and that he means that his lightning and Mr. Stauberry's thunder shall fall together. Already the - Rebels in New Orleans are rejoicing in the faith that Monroe and Abell are to he reinstated in the offices they abused. If) this is not the President's intention, the) opinion of his ollicer is waste paj>er, and the Cabinet meeting an idle threat. But there is a thunderbolt behind that Mr. Johnson wields, and if, indeed, this issue' is to be forced upon the country, it will be promptly met. Gen. Schenck, it is said, has already summoned the Members ot Congress to Washington, and, our dis patches say, of the fourteen Senators who have accompanied Senator Wade on his Western excursion there is not one who has not decided that a July session is ne cessary. A Xeutral'H Opinion of"Governor Geary. The Germantown Telegraph is a neutral journal which never meddles with parti nan politics and seldom has anything to say concerning politicians. Hence, when it it does refer to a public man, we have a right to value its candor highly. The following is its estimate of Gov. Geary, elicited by the late visit of the Governor to Philadelphia: "Governor Geary spent last week in Philadelphia visiting the public institu tions, including some of our schools, also! the navy-vard, where he was received with a salute, League Island, Ac. He was everywhere welcomed with the great est cordiality, and on several occasions lie made short addresses. The Governor apart from his distinguished military re cord, is extremely jvopular among the people. His high integrity and earnest j desire to promote the lest interests of the j community, free from selfish purposes, have taken hold of his fellow-citizens and sunk deep in their hearts; hence the heart iness of tne demonstrations of lienor and esteem which meet him on every sidej whenever he appears in public. t?%-The New York Tribune publishes information in regard to the crops from nearly every Western State. The wheat' J prospect in every section heard from isn most excellent—so much so that an abun-j: dant crop is regarded as a " fixed fiict.'' j € liotce .florsels of Democracy. The People's Press, a paper in Wash ington county, Southern Illinois, whose Democracy is of the most straight-haired character, gives the following apprecia tive notice of a Sunday School Conven tion that was held in tlint place: "This knowing body assembled in our ; town last week, and owing to ihe frowns |of Almighty God, assisted liy the cold j shoulder given by the " unwashed" De mocracy, fizzled out,sorter. Whenever a 1 coftveniiou of this character is sought to be converted into an institution for the 'praiseof jor,soft brained Yankee-witch | burning fanatics, we hope the Lord and • the Democracy will assist in bringing it ! to naught." Ilenry Clay Dean, a hush whaekerdem ocraf, who spoke copperhead ism in this | State a few years ago, is boldly advocating repudiation. He takes the ground that itlie Government has no Constitutional authority to coerce a sovereign State against its will; that when a State wills I to leave the I'nion it has a clear right to igo; that war to retain it before going or [bring back a State after it has gone, is usurpation ; and that all debts contracted to furnish supplies for such a war, are il legal ; an 1 he, therefore, advocates the re pudiation of the national debt. Henry j Clay Dean is endorsed as a reliable Dem ocrat by a large majority of the Copper head press of theeountry. Is not the par ty which these organs represent, there fore, in favor of repudiation? The Canada Thistle Law. Wo have already mentioned that ! several of the State Legislatures have j lately enacted laws against the Canada thistle, and we trust they all will when ever there i> the least danger of its making its appearance. In our own Legislature, it will bo remembered, some tivo years ago there was a simi lar law passed against this the vilest 'of all the encumbrances of a farm mortgages scarcely excepted. This law provides, in effect, that, " Hereafter any individual or corpo ration allowing the Canada Thistle to ripen seed on his or their premise-, shall be liable to a fine of ten dollars, upon each complaint that is properly established ; and tiny one who may fear the spread of the Canada Thistle upon bis premises froui the lands of his care less or tlniftless neighbor, may. after five days' notice, enter upon any lands where the weed is found growing, cut it, and recover full costs lor the labor and t rouble " This is to the point,and in order that farmers may know it, tho newspapers throughout the State should republish the law or this article. If the people of Pennsylvania coul ' see to what a formidable extent this pest has taken possession ot several of the interior counties of New York, say Schoharie for instance, they would fly to arms against it as they would against an in vading army. Political. rhotnas J. Nicholson is the candidate for It preventative from Beaver county, which elects in connection with Wash ington county. The Republicans of Wash ington county have nominated John loving and J. R. Day, both of whom have served a session in the Legislature. A. W. Kimmell and W. C'. Gordon, of Indiana county, and T. F. Gallagher, of Westmoreland county, were renominated, each having served a session in the House. John Wellcr, of Somerset county, has been renominated for the Legislature, having served last session. Ohio again honors one of her true and faithful defenders in the nomination of Get). R. B. Hayes, now member of Con gress from ('incimiati, for Governor. His military career was a bright and honora ble one, commencing as Major 23d O. V. L, June, 1801. He served faithfully with the regiment until 1804, when he was pro moted a Brigadier General for gallantry. He was severely wounded at South Moun tain while leading a charge. In the last Shenandoah Valley campaign he com manded a division. The other nomina tions are as follows: Lieut. Gov., Sam- j uel Halloway; Judge of Hupreme Court, John Welch; Auditor, Jas. A. Gad man ; Treasurer, Sidney L. Wanner; Attorney- General, Win. H. West; Comptroller of the Treasurer, Moses It. Brailey. The Democratic Convention of Penna. preserved its consistency by ruling out of order a resolution thanking Gen. ,Sheri dan. 1 he Republicans of Venango countv held their Convention on the 18th inst*, and nominated the following ticket: Assembly—Col. A. P. Duncan; Associ ate Judge—Jas. L. Connelly; Treasurer l. A. Morrison; County Commissioner —Wilson Davis; County Auditor—J. H. M'Combs; Jury Commissioner—Robert Mafflt. Great Fire In Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA, June 20.—About 930 last evening, whilst the ballet girls were performing the "Demon Dance" at the American Theatre, on Walnut street, firs was discovered in the second story, which soon reached the dressing room, Ac., and spread with remarkable rapidity. In less than half an hour the whole building was a total wreck. Ihe audience numbered about 1 800 persons, all of whom, with the entire corps of performers, escaped uninjured the latter however, with the loss of their wardrobe. Hix or eight buildings on .South Eight street were damaged to a considerable extent in the rear, and several oil Walnut street. Amount of damage unknown. Just before 11 o'clock, about filtv feet of wall, facing Walnut street, fell, killing eleven persons and wounding twentv tliree, mostly firemen. * Immediately after the fire broke out the ballet girls jumped from the stage to the parquet. Home of them made futile attempts to reach the dressing room to save their wardrobes. The cause of the fire is unknown. OaT A Western jou rnal says: A fellow at -st. 1 eter, culling himself Joe Waggoner idvertises to I vet that he can drink tnore of Veith.s lager beer in two hours' luio, without getting drunk, than any man in Minnesota. i Correspondence of the (fkizctte. A TRIP TO EUROPE. LETTER NO. 111. Paris—Hotel du Louvre — C'ean Stone — French Habits— Wine-Drinking—Fash ions—The Sabbath—Places of Interest The Great Exposition. PARIS, May 27, 1807. We arrived here on the 22d, making | the trip from London in 1(U hours. We are stopping at the largest and most cele j brated hotel ju Paris, Le Grand Hotel du Louvre. It occupies a whole block, having four fronts, each lacing on a different j street. The entrance, however, as is the : case with most of the palaces, hotels, and I large establishments in Paris, is not di ! reetly from the street, hut from an open j court in the interior, into which you drive i through an arched passage-way. This ; court is adorned with trees and flowers, land covered with a rooting of glass. The i stairways which form the principal en trances to the hotel are marble, and at J night are lit tip by magnificent lamps. ! Liveried servants are in waiting to take ! your baggage and conduct to your rooms. Paces in uniform constantly await I your orders. The waiters are dressed in black, with white cravats, and look for jail the world like sedate parsons. There i is an incessant jabbering of the greatest amount of French. 1 have a great time jiu making them understand me, hut I keep talking and making signs, ami they j laugh and 1 laugh, and finally we com prehend each other, and it is all right. Paris is a beautiful city, composed of ; palaces, parks and gardens, presenting to : the stranger, as he passes from jioiut to j point, the appearance of a vast panorama. I The streets are very wide, partly paved laud partly macadamized. Most of the j prominent structures are built of the fa i mous Caen stone. When it comes from j the quarry it is almost as soft as chalk land can Ite cut with saws into any shape j desired; but it hardens by being for some i time exposed to the air. This gives it a j great advantage over most other kinds of stone, as a matvial for building, and great j quantities of it are used all over Europe, i [A similar stone has been found on the of Kansas, and is used to a con siderable extent in that new rotate. .Should the supply equal the increasing demand, it may come into as general use in this country as the Caen stone in Europe.— : Ens. GAZETTE.] The people of this gav capital live out of doors. Such a thing as home comfort or domestic liappiuess docs not exist here. Their houses are their lodgings simply; their meals are taken at the fifes or res taurants; their time is spent in promena ding and pleasure. It is one constant whirl of excitement day and night. No one works who can afford to live without it. The men do little else but drink wine, and the women nothing hut dress. I have frequently heard it said that travel ers could pass through this wine-growing country without seeingudrunken }nj> tie Marx, the place where it is held, is an i m nu-use oblong space over three thousand feet long and sixteen hundred broad. It was used for many years by the French army as its great parade and review ground. This martial area has been con verted in a few months into a peaceful gathering-place for the products and peo ple of all nations. It now presents the appearance of a beautiful park, adorned with trees, shrubs, llowers, winding walks, {lowing fountains, monuments and statu ary. Indeed, there are almost us many attractions outside the Palace as in it. Tliere are model tenement and school houses; the Imperial Pavilion, adorned with the richest and most expensive fur niture; a Turkish Mosque on a large scale, and a Turkish school; a Pompeian muse um, tilled with curiosities; an Egyptian temple nearly a hundred feet long, sur rounded ly immense columns which are covered on all sides by hieroglyphics, and standing hack of an entrance guarded by an avenue of huge granite lions. The Mexican temple is one of the greatest cu riosities. It is a resurrection of the tem ple as it existed in the time of the MOll - All the attendants are dressed in the Mexican costume. In the centre of this great park stands the Exhibition Building. It isofuu oblong form, having an open court in the midst, where flowers an- emitting their odors, and fountains cool the air. Home Idea of the size of the building may be formed from the fact that at one time while 1 was there one hundred and forty thousand people were i in it. It would be useless for me to at tempt a description of the contents of the i building. The American department has been crowded into entirely too small a space to make an effective display. But the United States need not be ashamed of 1 its specimens of art and industry here exhibited. The Yankees will carry off a number of the lirst premiums. In former exhibitions of this kind it was generally conceded that Young America led the van ' in useful inventions, whiletheOld World showed a decided superiority in the fine! arts. Now, however, the New World bids fair to rival the Old, even in works of art. While the industrial products of the United States are favorably no ticed, the works of painting and sculpture which her artists nave on exhibition are centres of universal attraction and awaken unbounded admiration. When I visit Paris again, on my return from Italy, I may have something more to say about the Exposition. For the present I will say au reooir, and subscribe myself Yours, HASH. For (he Gazette. The Hhireman Horse Rake, which is self-discharging, kept for sale at 11. Fry singer's Agricultural Implement Agency, >ells rapidly, and is universally approved by all who have seen it. Price only S-40. Another Rake kept at the Agency, price only £v>."i, is also much admired, and several have been already engaged. Far mers should go and look at these l>efore' buying elsewhere. H . Trial oT Surratt. WASHINGTON, June 18, 1867. In his testimony in the Surratt case to day, Sergeant Dye swore that he told a lauy who leaned from a window on II street, and asked him what was wrong down town, that the President had been murdered. This lady is shown to have been Mrs. Surratt. It was testified by Weichman before the Military Commis sion that when her house was searched by the detectives, on the morning of the 13th of April, Mrs. Surratt affected igno rance of the whole allair, and on his tol ling her of the murder she said to him, " My God ! Weichman, is it possible?" or something to thatetlect. To-morrow the prosecution expect to prove that Surratt purchased a wig, pistol, arid knife in this city on the 14th of April. The defence say they can prove an alibi by half a do zen witnesses, who will swear that Sur ratt was in Elmira, N. Y., on that day. One of these witnesses is keeping a hotel, where it is alleged Surratt lodged, and on the register of which is found his name. They have the register here, and expect to verify Surratt's handwriting. June 19, 1867. To-day developed more evidence for the prosecution to sustain the previous testi mony, showing .Surratt's presence in Washington on the night of the assassi nation. Thecompanion of Sergeant Dye, one Cooper, corroborated Dye's evidence in several particulars, and another wit ness testilied to being introduced by Har old to a man at Willard's Hotel, on April 14tb, who looked very much like Surratt. The latter stood up and eyed the witness steadily to see if he could be identified by him. Wh'.n a witness from St. Albans, Ver mont, testilied to a man sleeping in the 1 railroad depot on April 17, list >3, who dropped a handkerchief with the name of i Surratt on it, the prisoner became ner vous, and evinced the keenest anxiety to hear every word of the testimony.- When the hand kerchief was produced, which Surratt hud dropped, more than two years ago, and which was being used as evi dence of his flight to Canada, immediate ly succeeding the assassination, there was quite a sensation in the court, but the prisoner seemed the most astonished of all the vast crowd in attendance. Surratt evidently feels the evidence' which the prosecution is weaving around him, for lie appeared paler and more ner vous in court to-day than heretofore. He occasionally prompted his counsel, and spent the timeduringa recess of the court with his brother. June 20th. The trial of Jno. 11. Surrattwas resum ed this morning in the criminal court, Judge Fisher presiding. There was an increased attendance on the part of spectators. The number of ladies in attendance lias increased. The prisoner was brought in at ten o'clock. Mr. Merrick submitted a motion ask ing that the witnesses, Carrojl Ilohart, Charles Ji. Blinn and Joseph M. Dyer, be recalled for the purj>ose of cross-exam ination upon points which have come to the knowledge of the defense since the other examination closed. Mr. Carrington withdrew his objection, as he was not disposed to throw any em barrassment in the way of a fair trial. Mr. Wilson said lie thought the wit nesses referred to had been discharged and hud gone home. Mr. Carrigan said, in withdrawing his objections lie did not wish to be under stood as acknowledging tiiat he was un der any obligation to keep the witnesses here. The trial of Surratt is still continued. A number of witnesses have been exam ined, and their testimony differed but lit tle from that of other witnesses already published. On Saturday, Mrs. Martha Murray, wife of the proprietor of the Herndon House, testified that Payne, who had boarded at the house, left on the afternoon of the assassination, saying lie was going to Baltimore. \V. 11. Bell, servant of Secretary Seward, Hon. F. W. Seward, Mrs. F. W. Seward, Col. Augus tus Seward and Gen. F. Robinson testi fied to the facts of the assault upou See re-' tary Seward by Payne. Telegraphic Itispaldics. LONDON, June 23. —A despatch received here to-day from Constantinople positive- 1 ly asserts that the >Sultan has acceded to tile proposition of the European powers for a joint commission to inquire into the grievances and demands of the people of Candia. HAVANA, June 17, via NKW YORK. June 23.—The capture of Santa Anna at Sisal is continued. The cause was re-i ported to be a proclamation he sent on shore to create a pronunciamento in his favor. Vera Cruz advices of June l.'l have been received. The city had not surrendered, and General Taboada lias avowed his firm resolve to resist to the last. There is great scarcity of provisions there, and tHe Common Council had ordered the return to Havana of one hundred cases of jerked beef, which was pronounced unpalatable. The American consul's mail carrier from the interior, sent out on the 12th, j was forced to return. OMAHA, June 23. —The Union Pacific Railroad is now open to Juleshurg, 376 miles west of this point, ami the daily trains will commence running each way in a few days. Over dooytoo lbs. of freight, ( which has been awaiting this event, will; be forwarded at once. l)i isi. IN, June 21. —Joseph Meanv, who was lately tried for Fenian treason bv the special commission, was brought before the judges this morning, and sentenced to fifteen years' imprisonment in a penal convict prison. Treason in the United States and treas on in Great Britain seem to be quite dif ferent tilings in John Bull's eyes. GETTYSBURG, June 21.—This morning Governor Geary and General Grant ac companied by their party, rode out to (. ulp s Hill, the set?iu* of Geary dosi>cnitt? struggle and grand victory, and to other parts of the battle-field not visited yester day. They also visited the Soldiers' Or phans' Home, and, at tue request of the children, Generals Grant, Geary, Craw ford, and Porter had their photographs taken with the school. At noon they left Gettysburg, General Grant going to Wash ington, where he will remain a few days, prior to going on a fishing excursion up the Siunemahoning. Both the General and Governor were much pleased with their visit. An anti-temperance society has 1 | been formed in Scran ton, to oppose the' great reform which tiie Good Templars • are carrying on with so much success. i fita^TheCopperhead council of Reading | has discovered that it would "mar thej beauty" of the streets of that city to erect j a Soldiers' Monument in any part thereof. Btf 1 /.. A New York paper of Friday says: ! j Prices of flour and wheat " touched liot- Itom" in this market yesterday, the de cline in flour from the highest prices in Mav being an average of fully four dol-j barrel, and in wheat one dollar per bushel. Thus has flour followed p<>rk and cotton in a great decline from prices which had been reached in anticipation of a deficiency in the supplies. Odds and Ends. Several arrests have been made ia Vii ginia of rebel whites for perjury in get ting themselves registered as voters. The Cambria Freeman is troubled about spoons at New Orleans. Wonder what became of the "spoons" at Tvrone last fall? Why could not the Cambria Freeman have said a soldier produced the lines he comments on? The poetry was his pro duction and gave his opinion of Jef Davis and H. G., not the Gazette's. In all of the twelve resolutions adopted, by the Democratic State Convention, not j a syllable is uttered on the subject of a Free Itailroud Law. According to cop perhead logic the Pennsylvania Railroad must have houglit up the convention, lock stock and barrel. It appears that the southern rebel who addressed the recent copperhead State Convention has the title of reverend pre lixed to his name. Preachers it seems are only political hypocrites when they talk patriotism; when copperhead ism is their theme, they are democratic saints. Gen. Sickles, commander of the Caro lina District, has asked to lie relieved from his command, in consequence of Stan berry's opinion of the military reconstruc tion act. He says if that opinion is car ried out, tlie late rebel States are menaced with ruin. The Harrisburg Police made another grand raid on houses of ill fame in that city last week, and arrested Mrs. Mary Glassniire, Mrs. Eliza Snyder, Jennie Somerville and Sallie Coylc, the keepers, and quite a lot of visitors. One of our citizens thinks that a raid or two by our officers on a few disorderly houses in this town, and the arrest of all they almost nightly contain, would be worth a dozen sermons on the subject. Those who can call to mind the veto of President Johnson of the military recon struction act,will remember it was charged that it would place "all the people of the ten States therein named under the abso lute domination of military rulers, and the preamble undertakes togivo the reason upon which it is justified. It declares that there e.\i>ts in those States no legal governments and no adequate protection for life or property, and asserts the neces sity of enforcing peace and good order within their limits." That act became a law, and now the President declares that the act gives the military commanders no power at all over even the worst rebel officers! Two men named. Rapp and Jacob Tau sig have been arrested at Harrisburg for receiving and selling books and documents alleged to have been purloined from the State Capitol, and sundry messengers were also bound over for their appearance at court. It is time a stop was put to these stealings, which have been carried on for at least thirty years under nearly all ad ministrations, and some punishment me ted out to the guilty. The documents, it is claimed, were given to the messengers by members, but as some old and valua ble books from the library were recovered they at least must have been stolen. As an instance of the depravity existing, and showing that it was not confined to one party, it is said that when the democracy vacated the land department, hardly a pen, ruler, inkstand, pencil, Digest, &c. was left. Gov. Geary has determined to probe the matter to the bottom and cor rect the evil. The Great Horse Remedy. —Charles L. Smith, well known in the interior of this State, thus testifies to the efficacy of Dr. R. Martin's great Horse and Cattle Remedy, the Excelsior Oil: I)K. MARTIN Few persons have had larger experience with horses, their dis eases and treatment, and the various rem edies o tie red than myself, and those who know me will believe me when I say, as I do most unhesitatingly, that your JEx eelsior Oil is the most efficient remedy I have ever employed. During the last trip 1 made with my team one of my horses received a severe and extensive wound trom a kick immediately over and down to the stitle joint. Desiring to make a point on my route I drove two days before doinganythingfor his relief,during which time his leg became enormously swollen and so powerless he was forced latterly to drag it after him. I commenced using the Excelsior Oil, commencing on Satur day evening, and on Monday started with iu3' wagon,theswelliugaiid inflammation, and all troublesome symptoms removed. I also with the same medicine healed a large ulcer on the shoulder of my other horse in three days, driving him all the time. 1 regard your Excelsior Oil an une qualed and invaluable medicine. C. L. SMITH. Lewistown, May 23d, IS(J7. ME MARKETS. LEWISTOWN, June 26, 1867. Eggs per dozen 15 Butter per lb 15 We have no quotations for grain. Flour is retailing at the following prices: Lewistown Extra Family per cwt. 7 00 Superfine 6 00 Extra Family per bbl 15 00 Superfine i 2 00 Buckwheat per cwt. 5 00 Phltndelptkln Markets. Receipts of F lour are trifling but no in .quiry, except for small lots renn'a and Ohio extra family at $lO 50a12 50. Kye | flour $6 00. Nothing doing in wheat, and red may be quoted at S2a2 3-5. Rye 1 steady at SI 40al 4:2. Receipts of corn are extremely small, and it is in demand at an advance of 2c; sales of yellow in cars and from the store at $1 06a 1 OS, and West ern 3'ellow at Si 08. Oats are in good re ' quest; sales at 80c. CATTLE MARKET. Beeves unsettled and lower; sales of | 1,250 head at 12a 10c. .Sheep, hog and cow markets dull and lower. gnolalloni of Government Bond*. ! IJ. S. 6s, 1881, 1124(5 113 Old U. 8. 5-20s, 1802, 110 ry and basement Stone l§| ft HOUSE, nearly new, Log Barn, and other outbuildings; an old and young Apple Orchard, cherries, peaches, and j>ears. Neighborhood good —J- of a mile from schoolhouse, 1 mile from store and mill. The above is otter ed cheap and on accommodating terms. ap24-3ni GEO. ROTH ROCK. 4 lf.lOl R.\El> Orphans' Court .•I V Male !—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, the un dersigned, administrator of the estate of George B. Penepacker, late of Granville township, deceased, will sell at public sale, on the premises, on THURSDA Y, JUNE 27, 1837, the undivided half part of all that certain Tract of Land situate in Granville town ship, Mifflin county, adjoining lands of Lewis Owens, Mrs. Wertz, Enoch Myers' heirs, Joshua Morrison and others, con taining 132 ACEES AND 156 PEEG'HES, neat measure, whereon is erected a two story Fit AM E HOUSE, a 'Y -TS! "' £> £°° ( ' uew Bank Barn with a Corn-Crib and Wagon Shed attached, and other outbuild ings. l Here is also a fine Young Orchard of choice fruit on it, a well of good water at the door, and a fine stream of running water ami two good springs on the place. The farm is in good order and is a desira ble situation. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, a. m., when terms will he made known. SAMUEL H. McCOY, Adm'r. At the same time and place, the under signed will sell the other undivided half part of the above desirable tract of land so as to enable the purchaser to obtain a title for the whole tract. ju3 ELMIRA W. PENEPACKER. BAROMETERS. NOW is the time for every farmer to se cure to himself a good, reliable Ba rometer. A farmer may save several times its cost in a single harvest, and then it will last for a lifetime. It is estimated by our scientific men, tiiat many millions of dollars are annually lost, wlacli might lie saved I >3- a general use of a good Barome ter. Send for a circular. Also, the great SASH DROPPER AND LOCK, which should be 011 every window in the land. Cheap, durable and easily attached. All persons building houses would further their own interest by calling to see the model, before purchasing any window spring in existence. We havealso a large and complete assortment of Dress Goods, Groceries, Queens ware, Tinware, Leather, Drugs, and a general assortment of everything kept in a Country Store. Ali of which we will sell at the very lowest rates. Calico from 11 to 18 ets.; Bleached Mus lin front 10 to 25; Unbleached 51 uslin from 121 to 20; Cham bras at 23 cts.; and all other goods in proportion. Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods, at our new Cheap Store at White Hall. Come one, come all and we will wait on you in a gentlemanly manner. WM. J. FLEMING, jul9-3t Menno, Mifflin county, Pa. 4 VSU.4L STATEMENT of the ac- A counts of Lewistown Common School District. licccipts and Expenditure* for the year ending June 1, 1867. RECEIPTS: Gross amount of Duplicate, $3722 92 Deduct Exonerations sl2l 01 44 Collectors Corn's 180 17 301 IS Net amount of Duplicate $3421 74 Add rent received for lot 71 00 Add iState Appropriation 323 40 $3816 14 EXPENDITURES. Paid to 12 Teachers $32 06J av'ge per month, each for eight months $3078 00 Exchange of Books and Contingencies 720 3S Balance on hand 17 76 . JOHN HAMILTON, ju!9-3t. Secretarv. Lntelopes and Writing Papers, AT WHOLESALE. SA,SQ&O 115 & 117 Vf illSmu St., \etv York. , ELOPE manufacturers, including , evenr style of Epistolary, Note, Let vei'< >pest ' ru 8 ai) J Portfolio En- Also sole agents for the Irving & Har rison Mills Writing Paj>ers, lv the case or smaller quantity. Price list with sam ples sent by mail when requested. Heal ers are invited to call and examine stock, styles, prices,