itittlc .fun jßoir and pen. j Irrefrayeble J'roof.—A Philadelphia j gentleman of festive tastes, who takes a 4 fair shake' at all the obtainable pleasures of the town, last week assis ted at a heavy dinner, took much port able, and did not leave for home until ever so many o'clock. On reaching j his door step and fishing up his night ! key, bo became satisfied that lie was essentially convivialized, and not pre eisely in that condition which a good husband should be to meet a good wife. Cautiously entering tho hall, he stop ped, listened a moment, heard no noise, and congratulated himself that tin family were asleep Quietly he toot off overcoat, drew of! boots, turned oil hall light, slowly ascended stairs to family bed room, hesitated at door, be lieved he was reasonably right, stealth ily entered, found gas turned low, wife apparently asleep; thought she w.- asleep; sat down, listened again, no stir; began to undress; got coat, vest, pants, drawers, stockings, all safely off ; was journeying carefully toward couch, when wife of his bosom quietly asked: l Coming to bed, dear?' 'Yes, love!' 'Well, dear, hadn't you bettei take off your hat?' Sliyhtly Mistaken. The following story is told in relation to the popular per nicious vice of 'fortune-telling': 'lsm many evenings since, it is recorded that a sinner who had escaped hanging for lo! these many years, was in com pany with several ladies. The subject of fortune-telling was introduced. Sev eral of the 'angels' plead guilty to the soft impeachment of having written to Madame This and Madame That to furnish leaves for their future history. Instances of some remarkable develop ments in a certain case hereabouts were mentioned. Old R— was asked for his opinion. He replied, 'So far as I am personally concerned, I know more about myself than I wish to. I don't think any good coines of those things. I had a friend who dressed himself in lady's apparel, and called upon a celebrated prophetess. He did not believe she would discover tho dis guise, but be heard what made him ex ceedingly unhappy ' Here the old rep. robate ceased. A lady who wasmueli interested asked: ' What did she tell him ?' 'She told him he was to marry soon, and become the mother of ten children.' Theatrical. —During Mr. Kean's per iormance of Hi chard 111, some years ago, at the Park Theatre, New York, a green Vermonter, who was a stran ger to the mimic art, never having been at the theatre before, took a seal in tlie pit, near the orchestra, and was observed to watch the performance with absorbing interest. He neither joined in the applause bestowed on the performers, nor in the hisses lavished on the 'supes,' but silently and admir ingly looked on at the play. He beard the drum beat to arms at Bosworth field—heard Bichard's soul stirring ad dress to his army, and that of Rich mond also —he saw the onslaught, and heard the clash of arms —and still did he preserve his silence; but when at length Richard comes reeling in, almost overcome by the loss of blood and the disasters of the day, crying out, at tin top of his voice— * A horse ! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!* the Vermonter rose, and -sung' out, — 'Look here, stranger, I hain't got no horse, but I have a first rate bobtail mare round here at the stable—assure footed a critter as ever cantered; jut hold on there, I'll bo blamed if I don't bring her to you right off!' The Vermonter, as they say r in crit ical parlance, 'brought down the house ' A Roarer. —The followingannecdote is told of a Western Judge. He was once holding court at a place where a temporary jail had been concocted out of a stable. A ease of local interest was brought before him, and the judg ment given excited the intense admi ration of one of tho ' roarer' species present. His delight was too great to be repressed, and lie burst forth with : 'Go it, old Gimlet eye!' 'Who was that?' said the Judge, quickly. ' I'm the boss,' said the man, rising in the expectation of being compli rnented on his perspicuity. 'Constable,' said the Judge, quietly, 'take that horse and put him in the stable 2' Never Kissed a White Girl. —Some time ago a planter a short distance from Memphis gave a party to the young folks in the neighborhood, it was a gay one, and in the course of the evening the boys and girls played for feits. While this was going on, it chanced that the son of the planter, a nice, modest f llow, had to claim a for leitj of some of the girls, hut was over come with diffidence. 'Goahead, John,' said the planter, 'and kiss some of the girls.' John hitched from one foot to the other, blushed, and finally blurted out- ' I—l never kissed a white girl, father.' The laughter that ensued may be imagined. B£B-Tho following Irish conversation was heard in a street in St. Louis: 'Pat, what do you think of President Johnson?' 'Faith, an' he's a good raer cbant.' How so, Pat?' 'Be jabers! hie Sold arms to the Fenians then took the arms back and sold the Fenians.' Powerful Preacher. —'Ah, me,' said a pious lady, ' our minister was a very powerful preacher; for the short time j he ministered among us, he kicked three pulpits to pieces, and banged the! ip'ards out of five Bibles.' BSsi?"A Scotchman asked an Irishman why half farthings were coined in England? Pat's answer was: ' To give Scotchmen an opportunity of sub i scribing to charitable institutions.' L> ©ajrAn editor out VV est has married a girl named Church. He says he hasj experienced more happiness since he j joined the church than ho did in all his j life before. ! "X. TOTIX. w. H. felt!. FURNITURE. whiles & HAVE OD hand a good assortment of Furniture ot all binds suitable to furnish a house out and out. Spnng and Common Mattresses, and EXTENSION TABLES, of any sizes and prices to suit the times. ! We cordially invite the attention of both old and j voung. great and small. Xo charges for showing ; goous. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhei e. Thanktul for past favors and hoping a continuance I of the same, we remain, yours, kc. I Lewistuvvn. March 13. lsoj-tf FF.LIX & SOX. 3500 CGKBS CHESTNUT OAK AND HEMLOCK BARK, Delivered at the Tannery of SFAUCOLE & 00., i.r \riiiv\, 1 For which the highest market price will be paid in OASII. Lewistown, mnrl4-ly PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 400 Hrn4\vay, Now York 'Til K atlft 'i n f tin* PuMic and the trail** invited 1 to up.r ti .s vt.K.7 OCTAVE KOSEWK)IPIANO FORTES, w L for volume And purity of tout? are unrivalled by any hitherto offered in this market They contain all the *rii rnimprovement.*. French •Grand A tin. Harp IVda! iron Frame. Over*trti:tjg B.iss, etc.. and c*a**li in-trtimenr being made under the peix.naJ Mipcrvt.M ui t Mr. J. H.Grovkstekn. who has hud a practical experience of over 35 years in their ttmnufacture, is fully warranted in every partic ular. Thr " GRO VF.STF'EX I*l AXO FOR'/ KS* % res,rival Ihc Annul of Ainit tivr till other* at the Celebrated Morbfs Fair, Where were exhibited instruments from the best ma kcrs of L'nd>n, Paris, Germany, Philadelphia. Haiti more. Boston and New York: and also at the Ameri can Ilisfitute f>r five successive years, the gold and silver medals from both of which can be seen at our ware-room. By the introduction of improvements we make a COAL. We intend keeping the mill constantly running, and hare aa, tor sale at tin- lowest Market rates. at all times. £,y-Ttiu public are requested to give us a call sepiTtf 11. STRUXK A HOFFMAN'S. XUI& MIIiT iIiIDIS, FEED, constantly on hand at BLYMYER'S STEAM MILL. Lewistown March 27, 1807— 3nt. PRICES DOWN ONCE MORE. PHK undersigned lias a large stock of both I Home-made and Eastern manufactured Boots and I sfmes. which he offers at prices lower than he has -old for four years : Men's thick, d. Boots, warranted, from $2.75 to 5.00. " Kip. •• " " 4.00 to 6.00. - Calf. •• •' extra 4.50 to 6.00. Hoys' Boots, 1.00 to 8.00. Men's thick Brogans, double-soled, 2.00 to 2 50. ! Men', split •• warranted very bad, 1.10. : Boys' Shoes, price ranging from 1.25 to 2 25. tier luxes arc to be reduced again on the first day •! \>! 2ll -L it jihn cnnlilcs us to reduce our iuicc*- IIOMK-MADE WORK of all kinds made to •rdcr at prices. So come on boys and girls and examine for yourselves. Trunks, Valises and Carpet Stags | kept on hand. 'Gentlemen will bear in mind that no goods w ill be given out unless paid for", and if re i turned m good order, the money will he returned, if requested. But when gooiis Imre been soiled or worn, tl.ey will not lie taken back—please bear tins i in mind—as some folks think that wearing for a short time don't injure the sale of them afterwards augl-lf BIM.Y JOHNSON. NEW ARRIVALS! 1) K. I .OOP is receiving new goods every week, di -1 • reel Iroin tiie .astern factur\, and is prepared to sell Boots cheaper than the cheapest, having a largo > assortment of nil sizes and styles. i Men's Boots from $3 50 to 5 00 2 50 to 3 50. 2?°,, . 200to 2 60. Children 8 1 26 to 2 00. , A good assortment of homemade work on hand ■ and constantly making to order allthe latest styles! THE PATENT BOOTS : are now (-renting a great excitement, and nil who wish to have a pair of those pleasant boots can be aceom | modutcd at short notice. Call at the old stand. p. p 1..00P NEW STOCK. C 1 lil " B ", t,br!r ! h-; pearance than ran be got with ten times the amount <>f labor and time in washing. For polishing Mirrors, or any kind of Sllvrr, llrasn or Tin-ware, it I has no equal. The polish is warranted to contain no i acids, nor anything of a poisonous or injurious char-; I actor, but is perfectly harmless in every respect. For sale by 3. A. A W. R M- K EE. I oid Fellows' Hall Building, opposite Black Bear < j Hotel. Lewistown, Pa. novU-tf Great Excitement at the Post Office, ON account of t!ie n w arrival of Roots and Shoes., at groafly pri<* s. The undersigned would ! i respectfully inform the puMie that he lias just arrived 'from the eastern cities with a large assortment o! ; BJOTS, sn.iLS AND CAITEKS, ' consisting f Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children'? Wear, which he has purchased at -eome down" pri ; Ices. He 11 now prepared to sell cheaper than the j i cheapest, for cash. Also, constantly on hand a large ! j assortment of home-made work, which is manufac- j tured trailer his own supervision, and of the best ma- I | renal and workmanship. and Shoes made u> j f order at short noti . Repairing done in the neatest ' ! manner. Call at the Poet Otliee, and examine I'm ! yourselves. W. 0. THORNIit HG. 1 Lewistown. Mav '23* IRG&-V- TO THE LADIES rilllK MiUUE FIt.tTVe.4SS. OR I E'REXMI imUSSiXC; for Ladies, and Children's Boots and Shoes t-liat have ; become red, or rusty and rough by wear ing. They are restored to a perfect and permanent black, with as much lustre as j when new, leaving the leather soft and i pliable, and what is of great importance j to the ladies it will not rub off when wet and soil the skirts. Traveling bags, kid gloves, trunks, carriage tops, and tine harness are made to look as good as new. Ladies and Children can dress their own j boots and shoes without soiling their; hands. Try one bottle, and you will nev er be without a supply in the house. For sale by, J. A. & W. 11. McKEE, in Odd Fellows' Hall, cor. Market and Dorcas sts., Lewistown. oetlTtf Looking Glasses and Picture Frames tPHE undersigned, thankful for past fa-. I vors, would inform the public that he j still manufactures Frames of every de-j scription, as cheap as they can lie made j elsewhere. Looking Glasses of every de scription. wholesale and retail, at reduced prices. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. All persons who have left pictures to frame or frames to be filled, are requested to call for them. mylGtf JAMES GItUTCHLEY. tRING'S GRAY HAIR. ' Tills Is the AMBUOSIA that Eios made. This ' 9 the Cure that lay R in EXCELSIOR Photograph and Art Gallery. 1. V I I'. BUKKIIOI.DMH'I. M'CEWENS can now furnish the pub lic with Likenesses, from the tiniest < y-m to a Portrait or life size Photograph. \\ e have the only Solar Camera at work , in the Juniata Valley, and desire the pub die to call and examine what Mr. Burk j holder (an accomplished and well known artist) and others have pronounced "a ; success." Look at the array : Gems, | Alba types or Ivory- Ferrotypes, I types, Mclainotypes, ! Photo-Miniatures Ambrotypes, j Cabinet Photos., & Card Photographs | Portrait or Life size \ ignettes, j Photographs — Photographs for J plain or in colors, oval frames, | &E., &c., Ac. Our work is executed in the best style, plain or in colors, and at the lowest rates. Call at MCEWEXS. N. B.- nstructions to students given Bt fair dtes. apitf \ EDITOR'S NOTICE.- The un- A v dersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, to dis tribute the fund in the hand of John Hoyt, jr., Administrator of Ch;is. ('. Parker, late of Brown township, deceased, will attend to the duties of the appointment at the Register's office, in Lewistown, oil Fri day, t lie 14th day of June, next, at 10 o'clock a. m. Those interested are requcs- I ted to attend. myl.ll W. P. ELLIOTT. Auditor. Iblalc l ifiai ftiu Nccrist, V , Wine and Gin, SALT, Ac.. Ac.. Ac, which will he sold very low. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods by N. KENNEDY. Lewsitown. October 11, 1865. PELOUBET ORGANS AMD SSlSlbGDlDlfiOSff&o UNANIMOUSLY AWAKDKD THE FIRST PRIZE, A GOLD MEDAL, " The Best Cabinet Organs," American Institute. New Y*rk. Oetoher. 1805. Being pronounced superior in OUALITY. POWER, and VARIETY op TONE, and in numlier f combinations. •• As the. best instruments of America were there ■ i contending, whichever won that battle would have j nothing lef> to conquer"— Ant. Art Journal , (edited by ; ; A well-known musical critic.) They have also taken the first premium wherever ; exhibited 11.i■ sea-oii. P£IAL ORGANS, two. and three hanks ol ■ keys— MX sizes—s2so to sl.suU. Withmt pedals,single .'inil double hank, in groat variety. to ?450. These j i Orjfan, with their smooth nipp-like quality of tone.! i beautiful sulo stops, strenth of eh(*rus. unequallcv j pedals, and general organ-like effects, are superux ! for Churches, Hulls, Parlora, HIM! .Schools, i riiey nut up in cases of SOLID w M.m T. fancy ven- ; \ ••ercd Walnut, (new and unitjue styles> and elegant j ! Uosewood. of splendid lesi.irns and finish, and of the ' ! Lest workmanship.!—it being intended that each in-' shall 1M- a model of it? class. All instru ! ments. down t a five octave prtahlt Melodeon, have . the lieautiful Tremolante stop, without extra charge. \ larjre assortment constantly on hand atourtiEN EKATj WHOLESALE a KEI AIL WAREROOMS, 841 . ; BROADWAY. Our Illustrated Circular and Price Lists, with our j new sivles. are now ready. Send for a Circular. "BELGI BET,'HELTON fc CO., ! 120 Maiiufactiuers, 841 Broadway, N. Y THE HOWE Sewing Machines, FOR FAMILIES AM) -MANUFAC TURERS. Tliest* AYorld-Itenownetl Machlnrx Hoc awarded fh>- highest premium at the World's Frii. I in London, and sw premium*• ut the .Veto York State Fair of and nie Celebrated fr the same thread, than any other 'midline, and by the introduction of tii** inostapprov •d machinery, we are now able to supply the very best machines in the world. The.*" nuitfe ut our nrw ; tntl s/mcii/us Factory tit liriifgrport, Con \ necticnt, unth r the immediate supervision ;of the President of the. Company, Plots \ 11 ire, Jr., the original Inventor of the. Sncing Machine They are adapted t a'l kinds of Family Sewing, and to tle use of Seamstresses. Dress Makers, Tai!- !-ors, Manufacturers ol Shirts. Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Mantillas. Clothing. Hat-. Cnp. Corsets. Boots, Shoes, llarne-s. Saddles. Linen Goods. Cmbrellas Parasols, •tc. They woik equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods, with Mlk, cotton or linen thread They will .-* am. jtnlt gather, hem, fell, eord, braid, bind, and perform every sperms of sewing, making a ; beau. The structure of the seam is such that though it j be cut or broken at intervals of only a few stitches it i will neither open, run, or ravel, hi;, remains firm and ; durable. ; 7. Unlike other machines, these fasten both ends of i the seam by their own operation. 5. With these machines, white silk is used upon the i right or face side of the scant, cotton may be used J upon t'ne other side without lesseuingthe strength or j durability of the seam. This can be done on no othei ; machine, and is a great saving upon all articles stitch ■ cd or made up w itn silk. 9. These machines, in addition to their superior 1 merits as instruments for sewing, by a change of ad justment. eu.-iiy learned and practiced, execute the most beautiful and permanent embroidery and orna mental work. Call at P. F. LOOP'S AGENCY. A GOOD ASSOTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. Lewistown, February 6, 18C7. NEW STORE AND 3NTES-W GOODS MILROY AHEAD! Great Reduction in Prices ! j 'FUR undersigned has just opened a new 1 Establishment in Milroy, where the public will ! find a large assortment, entirely new and remarkably j cheap, of Jrliin-J, MM JAM, WOOD and WILLOW WARE, a large assortment of TP. •N-.'-j Latest Styles, FLOOR AND TABLE OIL CLOTHS, SADDLERY, CARRIAGE TRIMMING, and many other articles n general use. The public are invited to call, examine goods, and test prices, as competition is the life of trade, and the people's interest. W. J. McMANIGAL. Milroy, May 15. 18f.7-tf Weber & Son, HAVE the largest assortment and best . selected stock of GROCERIES in this section of country. Brown Sugars from 10 to 15 cts White Sugar 16 " Pulverized, Granulated and Broken Loaf Sugar. SYRUPS. Loverinp's Syrup, 20 per Gallon, Other Syrups, 2-5 anil 28 cts. per quart. Baking Molasses. COFFEES. Extra Prime Col Fee, 30 cts. Prime Coli'ee, 28 " Also, a large stock of MACKEREL and HERRING. ! Ground Alum, and Ashton's Refined Dairy Salt. PRIME FACTORY CHEESE. Shephard's Pittsburg Crackers always ; on hand. feb6. TOR Wliiw!! In addition to an extensive stock of GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. MEDALIONS, BREAST PINS, RINGS, and other J" E W E JL, IR "Y , . AT GL Ms ; establishment, will be found a beautiful as sortment of M3WI3 9 QimiiM, PHOTOGRAPH ALHCJIS, ALSO. IPl£©^©®l£iUPllli§ of all the prominent DiiJiiJ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and hundreds of other articles. 11. W. JUN KIN. Lewistown, May 24, 18G5. New Stock of Hats, Caps, &c. 7T. O. ZOLIITOER, Market St., next Door to John Kennedy's, jjgg s Has just received from rown; | Coffee, different kinds; Covering's and other Syrups; Baking Molasses, the very best; ; Tea. the best quality: | Salt, eoarse and tine; Fruit- dried and canned; Smoked Meat. Coal Oil, Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves. Allspice. Nutmegs, Mace, Ginger. Crackers, Cheese. Cider. Cider Vinegar. Potatoes. Butter. Eggs, Starch. Concentrated Lye. Cream Tartar, Soda, Ac. FISH, 1 White Fish, Shad Mackerel, Cod Fish, Labrador, Lake and Scotch Herring. Azumoa Baking Powder, the best in market—it requires only half thoqukntity j of any other, and is cheaper. G O N F ECTIONERY, Raisin*. Fig*. Dates. Citron. Peanuts, Filberts.Almonds, Walnuts. Butternuts and Peoau Nuts; Oranges, Lem ons, Apples, French and Common Candy, Cakes of , all kinds, etc., etc., etc. TOYS—TIN, WOODEN AND CHINA, Fancy Boxes and Baskets; Dolls, large and small; Portmanteaus, to su.t all who need them; Pocket Knives in great variety. A large assortment of PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAP, HAIR OILS, &C CHEWING & SMOKING TOBACCO, ami always on hand. NOTICE TO FARMERS AND COUNTRY PEOPLE. We want to buy, for whieh we will pay the nighest market price, any quantity of lIAMS, BUTTER, SMOULDERS, EGGS, ! BACON, BEANS, LARD, POTATOES, DRIED FRUIT, TALLOW, and all other kinds of country produce. | Any person wishing to buy cheap should give him a cali, as he will not bo undersold. Rememt-er the store is on Market street, between ; Blymyers' and Uitz's Stores. Lewi-town, May 1, 1*67. DAVID GP-OVE. The Great EXTERNAL REMEDY AND PAIN EXTERMINATOR!! PARKER'S KING OF OIL Will Cure Cuts. PARKER'S KING OF OIL Will Cure Sprains. PARKER'S KING OF OIL Will Cure Bruises. PARKER'S KING OF OIL Will Cure Wounds. PARKER'S KING OF OIL Will Cure Poll Evil. PARKER'S KING OF OIL Will Cure Scratches. PARKER'S KING OF OIL Will Cure Frosted Feet. PARKER'S KING OF OIL Will Cure Rheumatism. Thousands have used "PARKER'S KING ''F OIL" and can testify to its efficacy. Everybody should have " PARKER'S KING OF OIL." "PARKER'S KING OF OIL" is ac knowledged by all to be the BEST in the MARKET. Prepared by T. D. PARKER, I.EWISTOWN, PKNN'A Apr 3. Hardware. Everybody seliieimer sells the CHEAPEST AND BEST HARDWARE in TOWN. That's so. And he sells them by the Wagon Load. apr 3 The Union Churn. IHA\ E procured the exclusive sale of the UNION CHURN, and will warrant it to give satisfaction, or noEale - J. B. SELIIEIMER. BEST Bar Iron, at 4J, and other kinds low at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. AGRIC ULT . A Thousand Dollar Cow. A correspondent of the Country Gentleman tells a story of a remarks bio cow owned by a Mr. Sratham of New Hampshire. If the statements aro true, it is probably the most pro. ductive cow in the world. The record runs thus: 'lt is stated, on the an. thority of the Massachusetts Agricul. tural Society, that this cow, in tho tirst year after being bought, and with i ordinary keep, made ISO pounds of butter. The next year she had twelve bushels of corn meal, and then gave GOO pounds of butter. The next year >he had thirty-five bushels, and gave more than 500 pounds. The next year | she had a bushel a week and all her | own milk skimmed, and she then gave | from the sth of April to the 25th of September, 480 pounds, besides suck ling her calf for five weeks. It was an extraordinary yield, but it seeing the Scammon cow takes the load by at least 130 pounds. The cow i-of the Ayrshire breed, of a pale yellow color and was raised by Mr. S. When sho was six years old, an account of butter made from her was kept. The num ber of pounds realized was six hundred and ten, and her milk fourteen thous and live hundred and forty pounds, being almost 40 pounds a day through the year, and nearly twelve pounds of | butter a week through the year.'— That must be the cow the city lady was inquiring for—'the one that gives the buttermilk.' Excellent Whitewash. Whitewash is one of the most valu able articles in the world when prop erly applied. It prevents not only the decay of wood, but conduces greatly to the healthinessofali buildings,wheth er of wood or stone. Outbuildings and fences, when not painted, should he supplied once or twice every year with a good coat of whitewash, which should be prepared in . the following way: Take a clean, water-tight barrel, or other suitable cask, and put into it half a bushel of lime. Slack it by pouring water over it, boiling hot, and in sufficient quantity to cover it five inches deep, and stir it briskly until thoroughly slacked. When the slack has been effected, dissolve it in water, and add two pounds of sulphate of zinc and one of common salt. These will cause the wash to harden, and prevent | its cracking, which gives an unseemly appearance to the work. If desirable, | a beautiful cream color may be com municated to. the above wash by add | ing 3 pounds of yellow ochre; or a 1 good pearl or lead color, by the addi tion of lamp, vine or ivory black.— Turkish or American, the latter is the cheapest, one pound Indian red, and one pound common lampblack. For common stone color add four pounds raw umber and two pounds lampblack. This wash may be applied with a com- I mon brush, and will be found much I superior, both in appearance and dura bility, to common whitewash now in use. Weeds. Jlovv to Dispose of Them. A correspondent of the Rural Amer ican, writing on the subject says: j 'This is the way to dispose of them : Clean out your garden, removing as ! far as possible every weed, root and ' branch, but do not leave them scattered all over the surface of the ground. If j you do they will be very apt to take I root and grow. Besides, if left ex posed to the sun, their fertilizing value i will be wasted, for the greatest part of j their substance will decompose and es j capo by evaporation. The best way is to gather them in heaps, and cover i with a little dirt, and leave them to [decay. This will leaye the ground clean, and it will remain so much lon ger than it otherwise would; and they will assist to improve the soil winch their growth has helped to iuipover ' ish. Save Your Oil —Put the wick into the lamp, and fill the latter about hali | full with coarse salt,-and then putin I about one inch of oil, and it will be j found that great saving will be the re suit. The salt wastes gradually away during the burning, and must therefore be renewed from time to time. The light is purer and moro brillant than without the salt, and the wick needs no snuffing. Labels. —ln writing on wooden labels I or marked sticks, with a common pen cil. if the wood is first wet, the mark will last for two years; if written on dry, one or two rains will wash it all away. Straw Goods! Straw Goods!! Cheaper than Ever Offered before AT DANIELS & STONE'S. e a „ ro continually receiving every few days from New York, all ihe m LATEST STYLES OK Ladies and Misses Bonnets and Hats j which we seii a( the very U) WES J PRICES. e have a very heavy stock of Ribboua, Silks, Flowers, Straw Trimming'. | and everything connected with the MILINERY LINE, ; and also a large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, especially Gent's and Boys fine Calf BOOTS. | e Lave a large stock ot Men's and Boys FUR AND WOOL HATS AND CAPS- Also, NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, including Ladies'and Gent's Hosiery and Kid Gloves. e otter our Milinery Goods at Philadelphia prices, Lewiatown, April 17.1567. A Fresh Supply OF those oheap Prunes, Peaches. Connsd Corn. Ac, at BRISBIN'S.