Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, June 19, 1867, Image 1

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Whole No. 2925.
Poor House Business.
The Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor
House on the 2d Tuesday of each month.
Repßhltean Sfalc ( onvenfion.
lIARP.ISBUP.Ci, April 16, 1867.
The " Republican State Convention"
will meet at the" Herdic House," in Wil
liamsport, on Wednesday, the 26th of
June next, .at 10 o'eloek, A. M., to nomi
nate a candidate forjudge of the Supreme
Court, and to initiate proper measures for
the ensuing State canvass. As heretofore,
the Convention will be composed of Rep
resentatives and Senatorial Delegates,
chosen in the usual way, and equal in
number to the whole of the Senators and
Representatives in the General Assem
Bv order of the State Central Commit
tee. F. JORDAN, Clmirman,
A. W. BENEDICT, [> Secretaries.
~r.'e Y r* rn o„ rz
J3 WB <• O
Collections and remittances promptly made.
Inttest allowed on time deposits. jan'i3-lv. j
/<*-' 'ft ■*. K '/T T *■*
W~A we* m • mmm • '*m a,' •> ,
Attorney at Law,
Office Market Square, I.ewistown, will at
tend to business in MitHin. Centre and Hunting
don counties rov26
Mutual Insurance Company.
Capital, 55,500,000.
TBI- Company continues to is-ue p. licies of Insur
ance "U Buildings and Pcr-or.al Property, in Town
or Country, at cash or mutual rates.
JAMBS KAXKIX, President.
jaalC 'O7 Lewistown. Pa.
rs.. ~c:-nr r. bahlbit,
Practicing Physician,
netlevilie, Mifflin County, Pa.
TV?. DAHLF.N has lecn appointed an Examining
t) Surgeon for Pensions. Soldiers requiring exam
in:i'.i'"i will find him at hi office m BelWvil!.;.
ilcllcvillc, August 22. 18' f' -y
nFFF.u- bi professionnl services to the
' / oitiZ'.-Qs of Mifflin county. He is prepared to per
form all operations in t!w> dental profession. I 'tfiee
first door frmn the Lewistown House. Main street,
where he will bt; found the first two weeks of each
month, and tne iast week of each month he will
visit Kisfiaeoqtiillns Valby. Teeth extracted without
pant by the Use of nitron., oxide nivl-tf
M Ba Oa
C'FFEKS bis professional services to the citizens of
l Lew;-tow n and vicinity. All in want of good, neat
work will no well to give mm a call.
He may lie found at all times at hi* office, three
dc -r- east of il. M. £ R. Pratt's store, Valley street.
. p'Mv* ' I
riJa-y/iiiiiia mans,
A-;-:now!f<is I '•> It- 'lie best. London Prize Medal
an i highest award- 111 America received.
and Second hand Pianos. Music.
No. 72- ARCH St., beio-.v Bth, Philadelphia. Pa.
Phi la., April "24. 1867-iini
whi. li will be placed upon trial with any other now
du:o. He invites eompetiou. It can be tested
-J2> LEI S2O <S> LEI '3t lis
wu!. any other machine to enable purchers to choose
Give litm a call. [niarl9-6nil WM. LIND.
I I AS taken tlie Store formerly occupied
'I I v John ll.Tim, for the eunro-e of carrvi'iv on
the \V.-\TCH MAKING ami JEWELRY Hti-11,He
will IK; plea-ed to see all Mr. haunt's old customers,
and as many new ones as will favor loin with a call.
All work warranted. Stoic on East .Market street,
neariv ppo>*i?e the P>st
Le\Vi>t< w:i, April 24. 1867-tf
*&£t! Wrxt Market St., L'wistown,
-*"is. i, as- tins. Honnits, Ladies Fine VIcA.SH
G'/OftS and Trinminjjs.
Pait, ins ot latest styles always on hand.
Millinery and Dress-Making
executed in the most approved *tyle.
Lewistowu. Aprii 18, lßfcr>.tf
Meat fJstablismcnf.
THE uiider-ionetl has fitted up the build
-Imz n Rmn -net. above FranK'* .-tore. for a
meal -!:■ j. 'vi,ere Fr-*-h B'-ef, Pork. M utton. Veal. Ac.
■-an b<- bait at tunes, an ice house for the prese.va
' i ■ no a, • • c.Mini-ited with the esinblisliment.
I .? [rtili il' *i (li V lo <*H li.
' . T •• i no mil h o|>. :ieii for the tir.t lime on
HA'll iilMl* MOttXING. IWh int
Ic-vTistewn. March 13. 18C7-tf.
Lewistown Coach Manufactory.
Junction 3d &t Valley street.
'J'-: h Sa'sl'? Spriw HVt
*<•.. invite the public to
if'Vt: tn a, , examine specimens of their
work, .v I, ill ; . ".1 lid , 411:11 to any luoroutot
tne it|.-.-. 411 kinds of repairing promptly attended
has tew open
Cloths, Cassimeres
which will bo made up to order in the neat
est and most fashionable styles. apl9
mmmi dj im
Y\7 E HAVE re-enlisted for the Eeaenn of
t T 1867, and are bound to be on the win
ning side in
L O "W" IP IR. X C E S i
bought for cash, and can offer extra indacc
merits to ail of our old friends. .
Loaded to the Muzzle with
Low Priced Goods !
PRINTS from 10 to 18 cents per yard.
BROWN MUSLINS from 12 to 20 cent.
BLEACHED MUSLINS from 10 to 25 cts.
BALMORALS from SI.OO to ?3.00 per piece.
COTTON IIOSE from 15 to 20 cents,
DE LAINES from 20 to 25 per yard.
Hoop Ski rt s
at prices to enit the times.
FRENCH CORSETS from SI to #2 50,
besides a full line of
Queensware, Groceries, &c.,
Pratt's Old Corner !
the beet place in the State to buy
Dry Goods
and Notions
of any kind,
For we Won't be Undersold
Lewistowo, Juno 5, 1867.
nm'i mu mmim,
18651 are manufacturing under Letters Patent the
Rest Article ot' Comuosition Roofing ever Offered to
the Public. It is adapted to everv style of Roof, steep
or flat, end can he readily applied by any one.
The I >S Government, after a thorough test of its'
utility, have adapted its use in the Navy Yards, and
upon Public Buddings.
I he Roofing i* put up in rolls, and has only to be
nailed to the Roof to make u
Durable Fire and Water-Proof Covering.
\Ve particularly reoommeud its use upon
Buildings. Stores, Churches, Factories. Machine'
Siiojs, Steamboat Decks, if.
For eeating Tlx. Ir. -x, or SHIXC.LE ROOFS. It forms a '
Body Equal to Three Con's of Ordinary J'aint.
No Roof can ru-t under it. and old leaky Roofs may be i
made permanently water-proof and durable bv its use.
The Paint requires NO AUXINS, hut is ready to b p-1
pled with the ordinary paint brush. Erir.e. $1 per oaf-j
lon, which will cover two hundred square feet.
Also manufacturers of
Black Lustre Varnish,
Tarred T\ It and Hoofing Pitch.
Discount to tin- Trade. Circulars and I'rice List fur
nished. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address
101 lirundicnj/, jjr.\ r . I*.
Frank Humphreys, 61 Royal st.. N. Oa Schofield
Williams & Co, Augusta. G;i; Baldwin H. Woods
Montgomery. Ala.; '1 iios. S. Coates. Raleigh, N. Cg K.
A. Ttt'-ker Kichiuotid, Va.; Henry Wilson, Petersburg, i
Va., Agents. jan'23
Drew ■ s Pat en I
, OK
THE greatest improvement of the age, in this line j
of trade. Ist. It does away with the wrinkles on |
the lustep. also, with the welted side seant which has
injured so many l'eel and auklce. 2d. it makes itie j
easie.-t sitting and best fitting boot ever worn. This ■
hoot is now manafuctmred by P. F. Loop, who holds |
the right of tiso for the county, and is prepared to |
furnish all wim wish to wear tins hoot. A liberal dis- 1
count to dealers who wish to deal in these Itoots. < )r- ■
d'-rs filled at short notice Prices greatly reduced on
all goods at P. F. Loop's Shoe St ire. feb6
628. HOC? SHIP.OS. 628
MAY Sl'KIMi STYLES, "Jur Own Make."
embracing every New and Desirable size. • i vlc and
Shape of Plain and Trail Hoot" Skikt-.—2. 21 4. gl 2 . -
:t-4. 3. 3 1-4. 8 1-2. 8 3-4 and t yards, round every length
and size Waist: in every respect FIRST Qimi.lTT. and ■
especially adapted to meet the wants of FIRST CLASS
and most fashionable TRADE.
■ Ot'R OWN Make.'' of lloou Skirts, are lighter, more
elastic. more datable, and IIFALI.t CHEAPER than any j
other make ■ f either Single or Dotibb Spring Skin
in the American Market. Tney are WARRANTED in
every respect, and wherever introduced give uniyer- j
sal s.*tJifa tion. They are now beingcxtentve!y sold
by retailers, and every lady -hould try them
A-k for ' Hopkin s Own Make." and see that each
Skin is.stamped "W. T. HOPKiN'S M \NT'FACI I TI
ER. ret ARCH street, PHILADELPHIA.' .Vo other. |
are (sCncuie. A Catalogue containing Style. Size and I
Retail Prices, sent to any address. A Uniform and
Liberal Discount allowed to Dealers. Orders by mail
or otherwise, promptly and carefully fided. \Vhole- j
sale and Retail, at Manufactory and Sales-rooms. .No
628 Arch street. Philadelphia. Skirts made to order, j
altered nnd repaired.
niar2(J—lOin Wm. T. HOPKINS.
J. A. & W. R. McKEE
IT AVE remove.! their Leather Store to Odd Fel
, 1 lows' Hall, where they will constantly keep'
c.t band. Sole Leather. Harness. Skirting and Upper j
Leather, iiips. Vineri -an apd French t'alfSkins, Mo- j
roccns. Linings and Bindings, and a general assort- I
mem ofßhoe Findings, which they will sell cheap f<i I
cish Highest market price paid m cash-for Hides.
Calf Skins and Sheep Skins.
wanted, f-r which the highest market price will be i
paid in Cash. ap4tf
Tailoring Establishment
©2l mss>
ANT TAILOR. ha r*m<"vr><i his shnptolhe j
buiMihg formtT'y known ns the house," I
at the inrrruction of Vaih-v anrl Mi'l -tr adjoining
H M. A R. Pratt's store, where lie cordially invites all
who iii".'il anything in his line. Goods and Trim*
furnishfd and pentletnen's clothing made, in
the latos* styles, on notice, aud at reasonable
prices. apll-tf
Why the Grain Business is Rrrivcd nl Mc-
Coy's (lid Slant].
rrllK undersigned, having rented tlie
X large and c< tnino.lnius Warehouses formerly
occupied by Frank McCoy. esq, is now prepared to !
purchase or receive and forward
for which he will pay market prices. Also, he will
keep for sake. SALT. PLAU'ER. COAL and FISH
He returns thanks to ail his old customers for their
former patronage, and shall feel grateful torn renewal j
of pa-t business relations.
Merchants will find it to their advantage togive him
a call. [marU-vj WILLIAM WILLIS.
Arc superior to nil others for
Con lain all the latest improvements; are spc-edy
ooi-Hoss; durable; and easy to work.
Illustrated Circulars free. Agentn wanted. Liberal
disount allowc'l No ooDaignnienu made.
Address LMPIKE M. CO., 6iC Broadway, New
York. iep6 I tM>-ly
Manufacturing Confectioners,
tSf Molasses Caudy and Cocoanut Work
20,000 MAJORITY!
To the Voters of Central Penna
ELECTION i over Rnci it lias been decided hy about
2U.000 majority that the Tobacco and Cigars sold
at Frysinger's Tobacco and Segar Store canuot be ;
anrpaseciL either in Quality or Price.
Look at the Prices, get some of the goods, and corn- 1
pare with ail others, and vott will be satisfied that you
get the worth of your money at Fry singer's,
rrrsinger's Sjmit Roll only fl.OOptr pound.
Krysmger's Navy "
Fry singers t ingress " " •* "
Frvsiiiger's Flounder " " "
Wtlletl Navy
Orottoko Twist "* " " "
Anil otiier Plug Tobacco at 40 and 50 cts. per lb.
Cut and Dry, 40 md 50 cts. Granulated I'obaeeos at !
50 el- mi ,ts, 80 cts.. $1 00, $1.20. and $1.50 per lb.
Fine-Cnt chew iug. at $1.40 and sl.2u.
Cigars at 1, 2 3.,5 ami 10 cts. each.
Ptps in great variety; also Cigar Cases, Tobacco
Pouches and Boxes, Match Safes, and ail articles
usually kept in i first-class Tobacco and Cigar Store.
To Merchants, I offer the above goods at prices that
will enable them to retail at the samo prices that 1
do and realize a fair profit.
Uct.2,. E- FRYSIGLR. ,
Wednesday, June 19, 1867.
He sang that same old melody
My father used to sing.
When I. at eve. rocked on his kuee
In childhood's merry spring
Ah! I was light and gleeful, then,
And knew no care or fear—
That song brought childhood back again,
And called up mem'y's tear.
Then, mother, sitting by his side.
Kept time with needles bright;
And joined her soil, sweet, voice to his
I see her there to-night!
Each face, each form, each hallowed spot,
Is to my heart still dear.
Aud seems to say. 'lorget me not,'
And calls up mem'ry's tear.
I would not be a child again,
Oh! no; oh ! 110. not 1'
And yet I love to think it o'er.
And live the days gone by.
The NOW is beautiful and bright,
And full of love and cheer;
But let m for the PAST to-night,
Drop mem'ry's sacred tear.
Then sing again that song for me !
Touch mem'ry's sounding strings.
Each noteealls hack some long lost hour;
Some .sweet affection brines. .
Then sinir for m the meloiy
Mv mother loved to hear;
Mv heart throbs high with faith and hope,
My eve drops mem'ry's tear.
JE> O IL. 1 T I G Xj .
ol (ini, Lou^lrcct.
J he iNciv Orleans Republican oi the
J lh inst. publishes tlie following cor
respondence, from which a short ex
tract was teiepraphed to us a few days
| a £° :
NEW ORLEANS, May If., 18G7.— Gen.
James Lorafstreet: —GENERAL—In your
| admirable letter of the 6th ultimo, j-ou
! remark that'our efforts at reconstruc
I tion will be vain and useless unless we
| embark in the enterprise with the sin
cerity of purpose v* liieh will command
The spirit which inspired-the above
paragraph, together with the fact that
thousands of brave soldiers are still
ready to follow their leader wherever
he may see fit to call t! cm, has cm
boldened me to extend to you an invi
ration to attend a mass meeting in
Lafayette Square to-morrow evening,
at which lion. Henry Wilson, a dis
tinguished leader, in the Republican
parly, will address the citizens of New
As soldiers we were opposed to each
other during the late war, but as eiti
zens may we not wisely unite in efforts
to restore -Louisiana to her former po
si tion in the Union through the party
now in power, and which in all proba
bility will retain power for many years
to come ? If yon accept I shall be glad
to hear your views on tiio condition of
public affairs
Respectfully, yours, Ac.,
NEW ORLEANS, La., June 3, 1807.
J. M. 6'. Parker, Esq.:
MY DEAR Slß:—Your esteemed favor
of the 16th ultimo was duly received
1 was much pleased to have the oppor
tunity to hear Senator \\ iison, arid was
agreeably surprised to meet such fair
ness and frankness in a politician whom
I have been taught to believe uncom
promisingly opposed to the white peo
ple ot the South.
1 have maturely considered your
suggestion to 'wisely unite in efforts to
restore Louisiana to her tbriner posi
tion in the Union through the party ]
in power.' My letter of the 6th April,
to which you refer, clearly indicates a
desire for practical reconstruction and
reconciliation. Practical men can
surely distinguish between practical'
reconstruction and reconstruction us;
an abstract question. 1 will endeavor,
however, with renewed energy, to meet
your, wishes in the matter. The serious
difficulty I apprehend is tlio want of
that wisdom which is necessary for
the great work. 1 shall be happy to,
work in any harness that promises!
relief to our distressed people and bar
mon.y to the nation. It matters not:
whether I bear the mantle of Mr. Da
vis or tho mantle of Mr. Sumner, so
that 1 may help to bring the glory ol
•peace and good-will toward men.'
I shall set out by assuming a propo
sition, that I hold to be self-evident, viz:
The highest of human laws is the law
that is established by appeal to arms.
The great principle that divided
political parties prior to the war were
thoroughly discussed by our wisest
statesmen. When argument was ex
hausled they had to resort to com
promise. When compromising was
unavailing, discussion was renewed,
and expedients were sought, but rone
could be fonrd to suit the emergency.
Appeal was finally made to the sword
to determine which of tho claims was
the construction of constitutional law.
The sword was decided in lavorofthe
North, and what the}- claimed as prin
eiples ceaso to be principles, and arc
become law Tho views that we hold
cease to be principles because they are
opposed to law. It is therefore our
duty to abandon ideas that are obso
'cte and conform to the requirements
ol law.
The military bill and amendments
are peace offerings. Wo should accept
them as such, and place ourselves upon
them as the starting point irom which
to meet future political issues as they
Like other Southern men, I natural
ly sought alliance with the Democratic
party, merely because it was opposed
I to the Republican party. But as far
as I can judge, there is nothing tangi
ble about it, except tho issues that were
staked upon tho war, and there lost
• Finding nothing to take hold of except
prejudice, which cannot bo worked in
to good for mi}- one, it is proper and
right that I should seek soma stand
| point from which good may be done.
If I appreciate the principles of the
Democratic party, its prominent fea
tures oppose the enfranchisement of
the colored man, deny the right to;
legislate upon the subject of suffrage,]
except by the States individually.—
I hese two features have a tendency to
I exclude Southern men from that party,
for the colored man is already enfran-]
chised here, and we cannot alii i
ance with a party that would restrict]
his rights. The exclusive right of the!
States to legislate upon suffrage will
jinako the enfranchisement of the I
blacks, whether for betterorfor worse, |
a fixture amongst us. It appears,!
| therefore, that those who cry loudest
j against this new order of things as a
■ public calamity, are those whose prin '
eiples would tix it upon us without a
remedy. Hence it becomes its to in
sist that suffrage should be extended
in all the States, and fully tested. The I
people of the North should adopt what |
tiiey have forced upon us; and if it he;
proved to be a mistake, they should
remove it by the remedy under repob
liean principles of uniform laws upon
MI ffrago.
If every man in the country will
meet the crisis with a proper apprcci-i
ation of our condition, and come fairly :
up to his responsibilities, on tomorrow
the sun will smile upon a happy peo
ple; our fields will again begin toyield'
their increase; our railroads and livers
will teem with abundant commerce;]
; our towns and cities will resound with
the tumult of' trade, and we shall be
invigorated by the blessings of Almigh
ty God.
I am, sir, very respectfully your most
obedient servant,
1 Til 151 Ijl.l \O SEA SIOftT?"
The Magic Tub, or, Phoebe the
A Romance of Land and Water, (with
verj Little Water.)
Gentle reader, have you ever stood
on the heelpath side of the canal on
one of t hose mild January evenings j
so peculiar to the early Autumn, and
watched the sun rise from his gor
geous couch athwart the Western sky,
and listened to catch the musical war
bio of distant coal heavers, mingled
with the cries of a ragged canal driver
encouraging a pair of attenuated cali
co mules.' (It you don't remember'
whether you have or not, just take
time to consider, and inform us through
the Post Office, enclosing a stamp.) It
was at such a lime, and on such a spoil
that two youths might have been seen
walking arm in arm in that vicinity
and about that time. Need we tell]
you that one was fair, and the daugh
ter of poor though wealthy parents,
and that the other wasn't being her
lover? * * * *
After considerable time spent in re
flection, it appears rather necessary
that we should say, because you
wouldn't know it if we didn't, that the
young man had seen but nineteen
Springs, yet did he urge his suit with
the passionate ardor of one who had
attained the ripe age of four score
years and ten; and although his weight
didn't exceed one hundred and twenty
live pounds, ho couldn't have plead
more eloquently had he weighed a ton !
The maiden she was fair. Tooth
brush handles couldn't compare with
her teetli in whiteness, and the raven's
wing had no more business by the side j
of her glossy curls than a stove brush.
Can we wonder that tho young man
swore he would cheerfully catch the
measles for her sake, and express a
willingness to have the scarlet fever a
second time to prove his devotion ?
Alas ! tho perversity of woman. A1
though loving him devotedly, she re
plied to these declarations by sitting
down on a stone and writing him a
letter of introduction to the marines,
to whom she recommended him to re
port that narrative. Driven to frenzy
| (in an open hack) by such trifling, Ca
leb— for Caleb was his name—turned
so red in the face that he tore all the
buttons off his vest, and frothed at the
mouth to such an extent that he split
a bran new coat down the back. Then
| casting a look of unutterable anguish,
through a pocket telescope, ho cried:
'Farewell, false one, forever!' threw j
a double somersault backward, and
■disappeared behind a board fence.
Phoebe Ann she phainted.
o left Phcebe Ann in a swoon, or:
rather Caleb did. As soon as con
sciousness came Phoebe Ann came too,
and then she remembered with a pang
that she had driven Caleb away. She
called aloud, "Caleb! Caleb!' but no
j Caleb answered However well other
Calebs might answer for others, no one
but her Caleb would answer lor her,
and he couldn't because he wasn't in
hearing. \\ here had he gone?
A thought struck her. (A coward
thought to strike a woman.) She re-i
called his love for tho briny deep,
which induced him when a mere lad
to run away from home to drive oil
the Whitewater canal. Then his
lather, humoring his 'passion forriding
mountain waves and climbing giddy
masts, procured tor hi?n, through his
influence with the Piesident ot the U.
8. tiie appointment ot 3d Assistant
Lock Tender. 'What more natural,'
thought the Phoebe bird, 'than for Ca
iob to follow his youthful passion and
go for n sailor?' Her resolution was
taken. (Beware of pickpockets.)
What was it? We shall see.
Before explaining the meaning of
this thrilling ejaculation, let us take a
brief review of doings at the period of
our story. Old Bourbon ruled France
and Kentucky. Gin swayed the scep
tre of Holland, and Sweden was gov
erned a good deal by the price of
Sweed <& Co s. Iron. Wales was bo
coming celebrated for her prints,
known all over the world as the prints
of Wales. Columbus, having complc
ted his labors by discovering gold
riearXewton Hamilton, had retired to
Broadtop, and Johnny Mommy had
been elected to the Continental Con !
Our readers being now thorough!}*
posted in regard to the condition of
tilings, wcwill proceed to inform them
what's in another chapter.
When Caleb left the fickle Phoebe, it
was with the determination never to
see her more, lie would be a wander
er. He would land on other lands, and
climb foreign climes—be would go and
be an ancient mariner. Filled with
this desperate resolve, he put a box of
paper collars in his valise, and started
for the river. A gallant lug lay at the
landing, and this he boarded, request
ing to see the captain. A sailor whose
voice was deeply bronzed by exposure
to the maintop mizzen gangway, and
invited him to walk below.
When Caleb entered the cabin, he
was struck with the singularly youtli
lui appearance of the captain. He was
about to tell him that he had come to
ship the —well, smoke-stack—when the
supposed captain raised his cap, and a
shower of raven ringlets fijl upon his
'What!' exclaimed the lover, as a
gleam of recognition flashed across his
brain, ' Phoebe Ann !'
' Caleb!'
They rushed into each other's arms
After an embrace, which caused the
thermometer in the cabin to rise 100
degrees in the shade, explanations en
sued. She had divined his purpose to
go for a sailor, and she resolved to
thwart it. The captain of the tug be
ing an aunt of hers, had allowed her to
bo captain for tbe day, and chance had
done the lest. Phoebe Ann was peni
tent, Caleb forgiving, and that very
day they agreed before a minister to
share the lug of life together.
Tlie, Country Church.
The following tit bit of sentiment
wo clip from theLockport Daily Union.
It brings olden memories back :
We have been to the country church
that was old when we were young It
is neither costly nor grand, but rude
and homely, with moss growing about
the caves, where a pair of swallows
built their nest in the summer that is
dead. There are no lofty marble pil
lars near the porch, or tcsselated
doors, nor has it skillful architecture ;
but there it stands, a plain old building,
a hallowed relic of other days. It has
no gallery, where hired musicians let
fall the liquid tono of sound,
No | t-inert organ blown, nor censer swung.
Nor dim light gleaming thro* the picture pane.
Isut still we like the old church. It
brings back to us the daisied slopes of
childhood, the joyous anticipations of
tlie future, and the golden gleams of
gladness that hover around tlie steps
of youth. We hoar echoing through
memory's corridor the holy words'©/
the pale-browed man, whose guileless i
teaching sank deep into our heart. We
iiave listened since then to the sermons I
of' the great, who rhetorically rounded j
brilliant metaphors, poetic imagery,!
and flights of fancy; but their high-to
ned beauty lias failed to touch our
heart, as did the simple eloquence of!
the minister in the old church
There, too, is the graveyard, where
sleep in dust the ashes of those who l
were so dear to us in lite, and whose
memories come to us with the rise of
the sun, and tho pale light of the stars
There rest the companions of our
schoolboy days, and our youthful
sports. And there, too. she lies, who
roamed hand in hand with us, gather
ing the wild flowers beside the brook,
who saw with appreciative eye the vio
lets blooming on the robe of May, and
wept with us happy tears at the glory
and gorgeousncss of summer sunsets.
For eleven years she has iistened to
the harp notes of angels. Still we love
to linger beside her grave near the old
church, and fancy that the mild breath
of the evening air* is caused by the soft
rustle of an angel's wing. Do not
blame us for loving the old church, for
memories are ours, pure and holy as
tho dreams of a dying saint, when we
sit in the shadows of its walls.— Gold
en Utile.
Young limb of the law, lately
married, to his wife: 'My dear, here
is to night's paper; I am tired; if there
be any news, please read it.' Wife
'An exchange paper says: ' The girls
in some parts of Pennsylvania are so
hard up for husbands that they some
times take up with printers and law
Vol. 57, No. 25.
(Children's Column.
For tlie Gazette.
Letter* to Boy* and Girl*.
NO. 1.
I write you this letter because I do
not want you to nothing*. By
a know-nothing I mean a stupid, igno
rant sort of a boy or girl. God has
given us minds to learn, jost as he has
given us eyes to see and ears to hear,
and it is just as wrong, and it will hurt
us just as much, to keep our minds
dark and cmpt}*, as it would to put out
our eyes or to pour lead into our ears.
But it is hard to learn, you say. Sup
pose it is—which is the harder, to do
a piece of hard work or to take a hard
whipping? To take the whipping, eh ?
V ery well, studious boys and girls do
the work—idle ones get the whipping.
Let me tell you how people are pun
ished lor their ignorance.
In the first place, they arc punished
by being laughed at. Two boj's were
going over a lesson in a primer which
had pictures in it, with words under
them to be spelled. The smallest camo
to the word Q-U-A IR. After going
over the letters, ho looked at the pic
ture, and pronounced the word lark.
'Well, Jim,' said the bigger boy, 'if you
ain't a great feller; don't you see tho
pieter 1 That don't spell lark , it spells
patridf/e 1' Another boy was reading
in Sunday school, when ho came to
the passage, 'This is the heir; come, let
us kill him!' which he read,' This is
die hair comb; let us kill him !' Now,
the ignorance of these boys makes you
laugh, and just so, if you are ignorant,
others will laugh at you.
Again, ignorant people arc punished
by being imposed upon. I suppose you
have often heard about the man who
was told that at the foot of tho rain
bow ho would find a pot of gold. The
first time he saw a rainbow he set out
to find the treasure of which he had
beer, told, but the farther he traveled
tho farther off the rainbow seemed to
be. He was so ignorant that he did
not know that the rainbow was only
a bright shadow, and that he could
never get to the foot of it. There are
not many people who would believe
such a story now, but there are enough
who show their ignorance by putting
faith in ghost stories, fortune telling,
lottery swindles, and wild goose spec
ulations, and they are constantly being
imposed upon by the 'sharpers,' who
are ever ready to take advantage of
; their ignorance and rob them ol their
; money.
Again, ignorant people are punished
by losing positions of honor and profit
which they might otherwise fill. Not
long since I read of a lad who applied
|in writing for the position of errand
boy in a store. The merchant read
! bis letter, and at once decided that ho
would not employ hini because ho mis
spelled a very common word. That
word was Tuesday, and he had spelled
it as many people pronounce it, Toos-
DAY. Now, if you don't want to be
laughed at, if you don't want to bo
imposed upon, and if you don't want
to be kept down in tho world, don't
be a know-nothing.
Take my advice, boys and girls, and
use your brains. (let all tho knowl
edge you can from others, and try to
find out things for yourself. Do like
the little six year old girl who went
to her grandpa one day with a great
trouble weighing on her mind. 'Grand
pa,' said she, 'Mr. So-and-so says the
moon is made of green cheese, and I
don't believe it.' "'Don't you believe
it,' said her grandpa; 'why not V 'I
know it isn't.' 'But how do you
know ?' 'ls it, grandpa V 'Don't ask
me that question,' said he; 'you must
find it_ out yourself.' 'How can I find
it out?' 'You must study into it.'
Away she went to find Iter Bible,
which, she thought.could tell hcrevery
thing. After a long search, she was
rewarded with success, and ran to her
grandpa, exclaiming, 'l've found it out;
the moon is NOT made of green cheese,
for the moon was made before the
cows were!' I would have you all
be like that little girl—a know-some
thing. liespect your teachers, im
prove your time at school, use your
brains and your books, and instead of
being laughed at you will be honored,
instead of being imposed upon you
will be able to take cave of yourself,
and instead of losing positions of pro
. fit you will gain them. In two weeks
from now you may look for auother
letter from
Your friend,
A Xoble Boy.
When the steamer Wisconsin was
burning on Lake Ontario, one of
j the passengers—M"rs. Richards, of
Manchester, N. H.—was ieft with an
infant on board. The cabin boy, War
ren Tracy, of Ogdensburg, offered to
ijump overboard and swim ashore with
the infant. The boy being perfectly
cool, the mother reposed conlidence in
I him, and handed him the infant. He
iimmediately jumped into the water,
and notwithstanding ho was partially
stunned by some one who jumped up
on him from the wreck, he reached
the shore in safety with his charge.
The joy of the mother, who was the
last but one to leavo the steamer, on
reaching the shore and tinding her
child safe, can be better imagined than
: described.