J HE G AZETTE. G. Si. G. R. FIITSIXGEH, Editors. LEWISTOWN, PA. Wednesday, June 12, 1867. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. TWO DOLLARS PER AKKI'H. Peron receiving papers with a X marked on it will understand that siibscjiptiou is due on vrhic-U a remittance ought to be made. Gash Kates of Advertising. Business Cards C7 lines or less) 1 year 8.00 Adminud.'au-.a or Executor's Notice? 2 50 Auditor's do 2 00 Bstrav Notice, fonr times, 2 >'' Caution or other short Notices, 1 5e Tavern Licenses, single, 1 (M> If more than one. each 50 Register's Notices of Accounts, each 50 One inch constitutes a square, and all advertisirc not othorwi*" contracted for, or enumerated above, will hereafter tie charged 50 cents per square foreacti insertion. Job Work. Eighth sheet bills, ft JW for 25 or !e-s; fourth shePt bills $ J for 25 or less; half sheet bilL il for 25 or Jes-. Notices of New Advertisements. Dealers are referred to Samuel Ravnor & Co's. adv., New York. A new stock of Brass Bells, Wall Pa- Paper, &e., at McManigal's, Milroy. $lO reward for a runaway Apprentice. The Democrat on Protection. We have no objection to the Democrat republishing the Free Trade articles of the N. Y. Evening Post. That paper has always been a free trade advocate, first as a democratic organ, next abolition, and more recently as republican, but by no means represents the republican party of this and many other States, which com prises a vast body of men who believe pro tection to American Industry alone can protect the wages of laboring men, and prevent them from becoming mere serfs, as they are in Great Britain and other European Kingdoms. Neither the Post's nor the Democrat's logic can efface one ma terial fact, to wit, that while the great body of republicans are in favor of ade quate protection, so that the'development of our iron and other ores can be carried on with remunerative labor to the work iugman, the patent democracy has, since the days of Polk and Dallas, advocated a system which fostered foreign products at the expense of home labor. Take iron and steel for examples : If, the Democrat would say, British capitalists who pay from 20 to 70 cents per day for labor, can furnish iron and steel iu this county for less than Glamorgan can furnish the for mer, or Freedom the latter, do not pro tect them by a sufficient duty, but use British iron because it is the cheapest. Such a doctrine must inevitably result in one of two things—either those compa nies would have to stop work, and thus render all the ore banks in this county as valueless as they were some years ago, or the wages of all labqr connected with mining and smelting ores would have to come down to correspond with British labor—a labor which knows little of wheat bread and meats as food. One thing iu connection with these subjects is certain, the owners of ore banks, furnaces, forges, ),ooo in money, towards the erection of a Normal School building in York. fey" It is estimated that one-third of flie licenses issued in Ohioaro for "forced marriages," ttie applicants being escorted by constables. fesf A new disease known as the milk fever, lias broken out among the cows in Michigan. It attacks new milch cows and proves fatal in eight hours. James Gayler, special Post Office Detective, arrested a clerk in the New York office, fin Thursday, for stealing letters. The culprit confessed his guilt. Fes"" >2,402,237 is the value of spermace ti, whale and other fish oils received (hir ing the four months ending April 1, 1867, at the several ports of the United States. Surveyor General Campbell an nounces the appointment of Col. M'Coy, a clerk in the Land Office, as Chief Clerk, vice Bahcock, deceased. fey" A disease similar to the cholera, which destroyed so many hogs last year, has made its appearance among the sheep of the Northwest. Large numbers are dying. fe-y* The Horse Fair to he held in Phil adelphia, the first week in August, prom ises to lie the greatest effort of the kind in bringing valuable stock together forcxhi iiition ever attempted in this country. the complete returns of the elec tion in Washington, D. C.. lie-Id on Mon day a week, Hal', the republican candidate for Collector the principal office) was elected by 2898 majority. fey" Prominent Southern men begin to confess that it it had not been for the meddling Copperhead mischief makers of - the North, reconstruction would have been a success long ago in the South. ffi3&Ohio advices state that tiie fruit trees are loaded down with more fruit than they can bring to perfection, and a larger supply is anticipated than has been had for years. ff-Hr" The Pennsylvania Central Rail road Company have purchase!l the S:i.-- (|iielianna and West Rranch Canals, and intend to improve tlietn to facilitate the transportation of lumber to market. Ir'ii" I nofticial but trustworthy advices received by the Austria Mmisterat Wash ington. lead to the belief that Maximillian will b" permitted to depart unharmed from Mexico. Cs-v.„ Telegraphic advices at the State Department give assurance tliat the Fe nians condemned to death in I reiand have had !heir sentenced commuted to impris onment for life at hard labor. B?*L.The I'nion Free Press, the Repub lican organ in Armstrong county, comes 'o us this week greatly enlarged and im proved, presenting in appearance an at truction not excelled by any paper in the State. Br l jv Nice times in Rebel Maryland. The Stanton negro school house at An napolis fired by a rebel incendiary, and a negro man in Caroline county strung up by the thumbs! This is reconstruction of the S'-ward order. fiRV. At tlieannual meetingofthe Right Worthy Grand Dodge of Good Templars for North America, held in Detroit, dele gates were in attendance for nearly all of the I*nited States, as well as the Canadas and Nova Scotia. IRA-The Delaware Gazette savs that Mr. Kenscy Johns, near Sm> rna, has sold, his strawberry crop, four acres, for the, sum of S4OOO, the purchaser to do the; picking, and that Mr. William Walker lias been offered $o(>00 for his crop. '.- l b A Reading paper says: Reef is so high in Heading that a petition will soon be presented to our butchers to purchase iron clad steers and sell everlasting steak. A tough species, but permanent arrange ment. BfgA,. Mr. Asa Strong, of Northampton, Mass., who has kept a table of the dates lot the full blossoming of apple trees for lite last thirty-five years, says that only in two years during* that time have they blossomed so late as this year—lß37 and 18-30. fcg)*" The Germans of Texas are the es pecial objects of the hatred and persecu tion of whipped rebels. Most of these people live in isolated localities, on farms, where they are quiet'y engaged in toil -oine .agricultural labors, and where they are "hunted" and murdered by maraud ing bushwhackers. impeachment trial of Judge King, which has been in progress before t lie Ai issouri .Senate lor two or three weeks, terminated in his removal from olliee, and disqualification from holdingany position j of honor or profit for two years. The re sjKUident was found guilty upon all the articles and specifications except eric. OML. The Boston Herald says a man in! \\ e.-t Scitiiate, Mass., kiiled a black snake hi that place a few days since, which measured nine bet and eleven inches in j length, and had lit teen white rings around his neck. He was in the act of devouring! i large woodi jiuck. The same snake was seen in that region over forty years ago. tJM>„ A boy named Young died in Phil-j adelpbia on 1 litirsduy, from the poison ous Gleets of eating sour grass. It ap pears that the hoy went into the woods'a tew days since, ami while engaged in his sports with a few companions, plucked some sour grass and partook of it. Soon after lie was seized with violent pain, and I continued to sutler until death relieved! him of his misery. \V ui. 15. Aster, of New York, re-! turns an income of 36*1,210; Deter Loril-i lard, the tobacconist, is put down at 3139 -1 200; August Belmont, Slot;, 091; Ogdell Haggerty, $192,681; James Brown, $248,-! 72-3; F. Damhmaii, 310(1,067; A. H. Ktio, Si-30,081 ; Horace Greely, 3100,329 ;j Elites S. Higgins, 3347,878; Deter GoeicL 8107,1 i.3; 15. H. Hut toil, $183,8117; Stewart Brown, SI 3d,425; Daran Stevens, $142,985- Eugene Kelly, $113,783; T. D. Wolfe/ 3103,(546; John Watson,sllß,7lo; Edward Matthews, $100,(KW; W. M. Verinilye, $ IJS, 107 ; \V. It. Verinilye, $128,216; D. tiroes heck, $112,793. SgL. Charleston, S. C., onceagreat mart of commerce, is sadly depressed in busi ness. It and Richmond were the Sodom ( and Gomorrah of the rebellion, and seem to be doomed. Johnson rebel in Mississippi says that as no decent 'that is rebel white man can be admitted to Congress, he is in favor of sending two colored Senators.— There would at least be no doubt of loy alty with such Senators, which is more than can be said of most of the " fathers" down there. fexfThe New Orleans City Passenger railway company having, through the negligence of a driver, run over and se verely injured a boy of weak mind, after a long trial a verdict of §26,000 damages has been rendered; $1,009 to the boy's father to pay for medical attendance and similar charges, and the balance for the exclusive use of the boy. fefy A young lady in Brooklyn, N. Y., a few nights since, refused to go to bed in iier bedroom on the ground that she had a presentiment there was danger threat ening her whileshe was in the room. She accordingly slept in another part of the house. In the course of the night the lightning entered the bed-room and shiv ered to atoms the bed in which she usual ly slept. fe if Chief Justioe Chase, in opening the United States Circuit Court lor the Dis trict of North Carolina, ha- made an ex planation of what he considers an impor tant difference between military rule now and under the rebellion. In the former ease, the military were acting under au thority of the President. At present they are acting under a law passed by Con gress. Since the war seventy manufacto ries have been erected between Atlanta and Augusta, Ga. This is what is needed forthe prosperity of the South. North ern capital is of course at the bottom of the foundation of these factories, and as fastasril ie w h isky-d ri i; k i ng-n i gge r- w 1 i i p ping-howie-knife nourishing rebels can lie cleaned out and the black man got to work, the South will rise from the ashes of her rebellious war, a greater section of the Union than ever it has been or those who inhabit it dreamed it could be. WisfaCs Wilc identified except from clothing. The machine shop of \V. T. King was used as the reception room of the charred remains of the unfortunate men. A mill-! gled mass of headless trunks— trunks without arms or legs, were piled up there in one hideous mass. The agony of .sur viving wives, sisters, and other "relatives i may be imagined but not well described For the Gazette. Treason Made Odious. BY J J*<>. A. I'AKXTR, Co. K, 6lli KANSAS Cavalry. There * nothing, nowadays, I'm sure, I lint pays so well as treason. And though I've often wmidcred why, 1 can not tell the reason. There's Jc-ffy Davis raised a war Against our happy Nation, Hut after Ac was gobbled tip H got a double ration. He lived in splendor like a prince, V\ bile honest folks were dying ; The trultHc* lie had helped in make, For brcul were daily cit ing. And while he feigned as President, O'er all thin fleeting vision. He starved our soldiers on Belle Islo And in (lie Libhy prison. And over this fair land of ours, \V hers ALL onee lived like brothers, He scattered desolation wide, And murdered wives and mothers. In horrid dons,and Southern pens Our men were daily dying, And from their Southern graves to-day Their blood i loudly eryitig. Oh ! inay that ery his spirit haunt— No mutter where he wanders, May ghastly corpses, lean and gaunt, Invade lus nightly s umbers. Oh! may his soul forever dwell With friends and devils clever; Ob ! may the darkest pits of hell, lie AM abode forever. And nifty the winds, in fitful gusts, lu tuiy, still increasing, Blow a*lica in Ins lobe! eyes Forever, without ceasing. And now a parting wish we give— They've ad been given Jitcly — We hope when Jelly gets to hell He'll meet with 11— G—y. £peri;il Notices. Dr Martin's Excelsior Oil. Messrs. Kline, well known as extensive dealers in horses and farmers, bear the following voluntary testimony to the val ue of Dr. Martin's Excelsior Oil: Dr. Martin —Dear Bir: —Duty to the public alone prompts us to hand you the following statement, which you* are at liberty to publish or use in any way you deem proper: A valuable horse had" been affected with grease for over one year. WJS tried many of the most prominent medicines recommended for its cure, such as Gargling < HI, &0., without any good re suits. We then procured a bottle of your "Excelsior Oil," and after two or three applications it looked better. We contin ued its use for a short time, when it be cume as sound as ever. We also used it on had ulcers on tlie shoulders, callus lumps, and many other diseases of the horse, in all of which it performed |>erfect cures. Its effects are trulvastonishing. A. & F. KLINE. For sale by the following agents: Wm. Willis, Lewistown. Rittenhou.se & MeKinney, Lewistown. J. F. Rohrer, MeVeytown. A. G. Gibboney, Belleville. 8. W. Norton, Newton Hamilton. G. F. Butler, Reedsviile. Barefoot A McNitt, Milroy. Wm. J. Flemming, Menno. Lewistown, June o, '67. GKT A BAKTLETT —The Barttett Sewing Machine advertised in this paper, is a decid ed success. 11 is a low-price article, but does the work as well as the $55 machines, and is in every respect equal to them. It can lie seen at the Agricultural and Household im plement Agency of H. FRYSIXGER, who is -de Agent for this part of the State. Only $25 for a good Family Sewing Machine ! Surely everybody can now buy one. To Consumptives. Tb advertiser, having I <*en rf>torel t* health In a few week* by a very simple ntifeiv. aft*r having suflVred for >ev*ral with a were Inisjf affection, and that dread disease Consumption—is anxious lo make kiiowu to hU fellow-sufferers life UDMTIS of cure. To ;•!! who desire It, he *i!i send a copy of the prescrip tion used (free of cha r k'e). with the directions for prepar ing and nslnr th-* sunie. which they will And a sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser In sending the Prescription is to ben.-At the af flicted, and spread information which he conceives to be Invaluable, and he hopes every sutferer will try his rente dv, us It will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing Ifiirties wishing the pre*- ription. Free, by return rn ill. will please address ItKY. KD\VaKI> A. WILSON, myls-iy Williamsburg. Kings Co , New York. Errors of Youth. A Gentleman who >tittered f ir y-.i-s from Nervous Debll itv. Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful Indis cretion, will, tor the sake of suffering humanity, send free tv ill who need it. the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy bv whuh he w.ts cured. Sufferers wishing to prortt by th- a !VertNer's experience, can do so bv addressing, u ; erferf confl i-nce, rovlMy JOHN B *•.. New York. \V istar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. This remedy Ims long been cherished by the com munity for its remarkable efficacy in relieving, heal ing and curing the most obstinate, painful and long standing ca-f-.s <>f CowjK, Coll. Influenza. Sore Throat, Dronchiti*, It hoopiny C'ouijh. Croup, Asthma. Inflamma tion ol trie Lungi; while even Consumption itself has yielded to its magic influence when all other means have failed. Its whole history proves that the past has produced no remedy of equal .value, as a eure for the numerous and dangerous pulmonary affections which prevail all over the land. Unsolicited Testimony. From ANDREW ARCHER, Esq. of Fairfield, Me. " About eight years since my son. Henry A. Archer, now Postmaster at Fairfield. "Somerset county. Me., was attacked with spitting <t. D . Oc ulist at..! Aurist. (formerly of Leydeu. Holland.) N'o. 619 Pin-- strict, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city and country can he seen at his office. The niedicai faculty arc iuvited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practi-c. Artificial Jives inserted without pain. No ciiar.ee for examination. mvl-lv IDT O T X C E _ The beautiful Piano Fortes of GnovrsTErt & Co. are deemed by all good judges to be the Ultima Thule of instruments of the kind. U'e cannot suggest what is wanting to make a mu sical instrument more perfect, although we are stow to admit that the limit of improvement can ever be attained. Before they had brought their Pianos to their pre sent excellence, they had submitted thein to compe tition with instruments of the best makers of this country and Europe, and received the reward of mer it, over all others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It is but justice to say that thejudgmenr thus pronounced lias not been overruled by the musical world. Still, by the improvements lately applied by them to their Pianos, it is admitted that a more perfect in strument has been made. They have accordingly achieved the paradox of making excellence more excellent. Surely, after this, they are entitled to the motto'-Excelsior." novlt-ly ITCH ! ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT Wild. CI ICE THE ITCH IN 48 HOURS. Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERB, CHILBLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price .V) cents, for sale l>v ill druggists. By sending sixty cents to Weeks A Potter, Sole Agents. 17u Washington street, Boston, it sill l>c forwarded by mull, free of postage, to any part of the United Suites. geps'ts6-ly Ayer's Cathartic Pills \ ofiv // / AUK the most perfect pur i 11//// we * rre pleasant t> take, —m but powcrt'ul to cure. Their j** * i 1111 ci • the body, remove the ob- NJHS. stmctlons of its organs, pu ril'y the blood, and expel dis ease. They purge out tin- foul humors which breed ami grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or dlsorderetl organs Into their imturul action, and impart tone and strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every day complaint* of everybody, but formidable and dangerous diseases. While they produce powerfttl effects, they are at the same time, tn dlminlsh'-d doses, the safest and best physic that can pe employe ! for children. Being sugar coated, they are pleasant lo take; ami, being purely vege table, are entirely harmless. Cures have been made that would surpass belief, were they not substantiated by nun of such exalted character, as l forbid the suspicion of un truth. Many eminent clergymen and physicians certify tuthepuhSictiiereliaijil.lv ot our remedies, while others have sent us the assurance of their conviction that our Preparation* contribute luim -nsely to the relief of our af flicted fellow-men. The Agents below named are pleased to furnish gratis our American Aluianac, containing directions for the use of these medicines and certldcales of their cures 01 the fol lowing complaint* Co-t l veness, lltllious Complaints. Rheumatism, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising from foul stomach. Nausea, lndigrsiloti, Mori.hi Inaction of the Bowels and Pain uris- Ing therefrom. Flatulency, Lo-s of Appetite, all Diseases which require an evacu.int medicine. They uiso, by puri fying the blood and stimulating the system, cure many complaints which It would not !♦- supposed they could reach, such a* Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia ami Nervous lrrltablllt y. Derangements of tire Liver and Kid neys, Gout, and other klndre 1 disordersarßlng from alow state of the body, or obstruction of its functions. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations oil which they make more profit. Demand AYER'S and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have It. Prepared by Dlt. J. C AVER k CO.. Lowell. Mass.. and sold by all Druggists and dealers In medicine everywhere, tua> 29 2m *** For Hay Rakes, I'lows, ami other Agricultural Implements, as well as Sew ing Machines, call at H. Frysinger's. MARRIED In Armagh township, May 22d, by Rev. J. F. Dietterich, David F. Moore, to Miss Eve A. Keitekling, both of Mif tliu county, Pa. In Derry township, June 6th, by Rev. ' J. F. Dietterich, Jacob Pi.ank, to Miss j Maria Raker, both of Miftiin co., Pa. On the evening of the 6th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. L. Heisler, Ephraim K. Towxsrxd. of Lewistown, to Amanda J. Dokx blazer, of Lamar, Clinton county. DIED In this place, on the Ist June, Charles I. G. -Grimmixger, aged 81 years, 3 months and 16 days. PHE MAKKETS7 Lehistown, June 12, 1867 Wheat, red. per bushel £2 .">0 white •' 2 60 Corn, old, 90 Oats " 60 Eggs per dozen 15 But'er per lit 15 Flour is retailing at the following prices: Lewistown Extra Family per cwt. 7 50 Supeifine 6 50 Extra Family per bbl 15 00 Superfine i 2 00 Back wheat per cwt. 5 00 Philadelphia Market*. Sales of Flour at $Sa9 for superfine, and SI laid for Penn'a and Ohio. Wheat, Penn'a red $2 50a 2 60, and California 82 90 a3. Rye 81 59. Corn, sales at 81 Hal 15, and 81 llal 12 in the cars and from store. Oats 75a76c. Cattle Market. The supply of cattle is large, reaching about 1,70 it head, and sales could only be effected at a concession. Sales at 13c up to 19c per pound as to quality. Cows and calves continue to move slowly at 840a65 for springers, and $50a75 for cows and calves. There is no improvement in sheep, and the market is dull; 6,000 head offer ed at oa7c for good, and sa6c per pound gross for common. In hogs a fair trade has been effected at from 89 to 10 per 100 pounds net for slop to prime corn fed, with sales of 2,000 head. U. 8. 6e, 1881, 112 @ll2l] Old U. 8. 5-20s, 1862, 109|< 109s New U. S. 5-2rts, 1864. 10o|0< 106} New " " May & Nov. 1865, 106§fr 106$ New •' " July & Jan. 1865, 108.1 f 108 -J 10-40 Bonds, * 994(" 99^ 7-30s, August, 106 Y 106] 7-30s, June, 105 j? fa 105} 7-30s, July, ]os§(a 10-5} Gold, 136|(a137} Envelopes anil Writing Papers, AT WHOLESALE. 115 ID William M., \cn York. manufacturers, including _J every style of Epistolary, Note, Let ter. Official, Pay, Drug and Portfolie En velopes. .Also sole agents for the Irving A Har rison Mills Writing Papers, by the case or smaller quantity. Price list with sam ples sent by mail when requested. Deal ers are invited to call and examine stock, styles, prices, Ac., &c. ju 12.1 m mEM D9LL4BS REWARD. L Ran away from the undersigned, on Thursday, June 6th, 1867, a liound colored boy, named Charles Hknrv Reily. He was about 17 years old, had on a grey sack coat and pants, a pair of old boots, and a dirty grey slouch hat. The above reward will be paid to any one who will return him to the sul scriber, residing near Lewistown, Pa. jul2.3t* ROBERT W. SHAW. Brass Bells, VLL sizes. anil all articles generally kept in a Hardware Sti.re, at uVr.i/mi igul's, Milroy. Also, Oils and Paints, al! kinds of Patent Medicines and Drugs, a splendid assortment of Hair and Horse Brushes, all kinds of Per turneries and Soaps, Hair Restoratives. T ilet Mouth Wash. Jto. jul2-4t "Wail Paper. 4)~ DIFFERENT Patterns—large assort- ZO merit at M.-M AN RIAL'S. Milroy. Mf L ROY DRUG AND HAHrTTAHE STCJtE, Tea & Table Spoons & Forks. I) LA FED on lpt Xirklf* Silver. For sale at Mc.MAXIGAL'S, Milroy. Presei-vintr Kettles, BRASS AND PORCELAIN. V LARGE nnd splendid assortment of Po ket and Table Cutlery, will be sold very low at McMANIGAL'S. Milroy. jul2 HATCHETS. rp 11E best and cheapest for the consumer L are those manufactured bv JENKINS & TONGUE. PHII.ADGL.PIIIA. Shingling, Lathing,Clawand Broad,made of the I est cast-steel and warranted as good or better than any others made in the United States, and sold at much lower prices than any other really first-class hatchets. They are tempered by one of the firm, S. J. Tongue, who possesses a peculiar faculty that might he called vrs;i:i, <>\ the which has given his tools a great celeb-! in three parts. a rn Nos. 33 and 35 Richmond Street; the red cars up Third Street cross Richmond, near the works. my23-5t | P. T. BARNUM'S Patent ELASTIC STRAP & BUCKLE, For Pants, Vests & Drawers. r PH IS litfie invention is just out, and as I it is no "humbug" is meeting with a rapid sale. It i an he applied in a moment to any garment, by any j person, causing it to fit perfectly. Its elasticity prevents tearing the straps and buck-1 les off the clothes, and also allows perfect freedom of j the hodv while working or taking exercise. For sale by tailors and the trade generally. Send I , 25 cents, for strap, circulars, terms to agents and the i 1 trade, to the BARXCM E. S. & B. COMPANY, 650 Broadway, NEW YORK. Agents Wanted in every county.it® May 29,18C7 3m. mm icra Reaper & Mower, I)RONOUXC'ED superior in every re spect by t he J utlges of the Great Trial at Auburn, N. Y., 1800. See official re-1 port. For Sale by A. GARVER, myß-6w. Lewistown, Pa. 1 Harrisburg Steam Boiler Works, IIARRISBURG, PA. ROBERT TIPPETT, Manufacturer of CYLINDER, FLUE, LOCOMOTIVE, HORIZONTAL and UPRIGHT TUBULAR BOILERS, ROTAIIY BLEACHERS, HEATERS, TANKS, SMOKE STACKS, &c. All kinds of work out of Boiler. Tank or Sheet Iron satisfactorily executed. Special attention paid to REPAIRING at reasonable rates. 8"n. I ith steam facilities, improved machinery and tools, and advantage of having all material made a: our doors I am enabled to furnish parties in want of work of tins character with an - A. No. 1" article and at lowest figures. jnne.i 3ra iiiMniAOOiK r pilE undersigned having purchased the L right to sell Hall, Pierce 7. gives ;o heirs of soldiers who died prison- rs war. commutation for rations for the time tic soldier wa- so held a prisoner, at the ti'h of 25 cents [cr day, to be paid i;. f i lowing order: First, to the widow i: unmarried; second, to the children: third. the parents, to both jointly if y a.e living, if either is dead to the survivor fourth, to the brothers and -ister-. The Act of February 28, 1867. provides for t.he refunding of the S3OO commutation money where the same person was again drafted and was required to enter the ser vice or furnish a substitute. Discharged Soldiers. , Tin- Act of March 2. 1867, also makes provision for the payment of the SIOO, additional bounty to such soldiers as have accidentally lost their discharges. All persons having any claims under any of the above mentioned Acts, or any other kind of claim against the United States or State Governments, can have them promptly collected by addressing the undersigned. Information and advice cheerfully given to soldiers or their friends free of charge. H. If. HOi)S, Authorized Army and Navy War Claim Agent, Huntingdon, Huntingdon Co., Pa. May 29, 1867—3t. THE GREAT RADICAL NEWSPAPER, F0 it N FY'S I'RESS. Xo Compromise with Traitors! Get the Best and Cheapest Newspaper in the Country. THE PRESS. A first-class Double-sheet Eight page paper, containing Forty-eight columns. Published Every morning, Southwest corner of Seventh and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. TERMS. I> 4I L 1 PRESS. 88.00 per annum. 84.00 for six months. $2.00 for three months. TRI-WEEKLI PRESS. $4.00 per annum. $2.00 for six months. SI.OO for three months. THE SrWDAT PRESS. $2.00 jier annum. SI.OO for six months. THE HEEKLI PRESS, The most Valuable Weekly Newspaper in the World. It contains items of interest to every one. itEAD THE TERMS. One Copy S2.UO per annum. Five Copies 9.00 " " Ten Copies 17.50 " " Twenty Copies 33.00 " " To the getter up of a Club of Ten or more Copies an extra copy will he given. All orders should he addressed to JOHN W. FORNEY, Editor and Proprietor, 8. W. cor. Seventh and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. my29-4t. A DJOI'RXED Orphans' Court Xv Male ! By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, the un dersigned, administrator of the estate of George B. Penepaeker, late of Granville township, deceased, will sell at public sale, on the premises, on THLIiSDA Y, JUNE 27, 1567, i the undivided half part of all that certain I fact of Land situate in Granville town ship, Mifnin county, adjoining lands of Lewis Owens, Mrs. VVertz, Enoch Myers' heirs, Joshua Morrison and others, con taining 132 ACEES AND 156 PEKCHES, neat measure, whereon is erected a two . story FRA M E HOUSE, a g(M)(l lil& Corn-Crib and Wagon Shed attached, and other outbuild j ings. 1 here is also a line Young Orchard of choice fruit on it, a well of good water ; at the door, and a fine stream of running ! water and two good springs on the place. I he farm is in good order and is a desira ble situation. Sale to commence at 11 o clock, a. m., when terms will be made j known. SAMUEL H. McC'OY, Adm'r. ; At the same time and place, the under signed will sell the other undivided half | part of the above desirable tract of land so | as to enable the purchaser to obtain a title , lor the whole tract. 1 Jos ELM lit AW. PENEPACKER. | THRESH stock of the best Mackerel and • 1. Herring, in all-sized kite, on hand at A. FELIX'S