G. & G. R. FRYSINGER, PUBLISHERS, Whole No. 2923. Poor House Business. Tho Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor House on the 2d Tuesday of each month. Republican State C onvention. Harkishcko, April 10, 1887. The " Republican State Convention" will meet at tiie" Ilerdie House," in Wil liamsport, on Wednesday, the 2Gth of June next at 10 o'eloek, A. M., to nomi nate a ean lidate forjudge of the Bu]>reme Court and to initiate proper measures for the ensuing Stateeaiivass. As heretofore, the Convention will he eomposed of Rep resentatives and Senatorial Delegates, chosen in the usual way, and equal in number to the whole of the Senators and Representatives in the General Assein ' 'itv order of the State Central Commu te * F. JORDAN, Citairman, GF.'O. W. IIAMKRKLY, ) \ W. UE-M dU'T, ;• Secretaries. j. ROHI.kv IHNGLISON ) — cZ >w.. B ANKERS, LKWISTOWN, PA., Collceiion- remittances promptly made. Jiiier'-st allowed <>II lime deposits. jan23-ly. G-30. V/. ELEEK, Attorney at Law, (jllii'e Market Square, Lewistown, wiH at teial to bii-iuess in Mltiiiu.Centre and Hunting don counties tn\26 ; H. J". 0' T JLE^ii!H."SCNj Attorney at Law, i.EWISTOWN, fa, OFFKIIS In, pr<>fi-,sii>iiii hervu-es to tbo citizens of i Mittioi county. Office in Northeast oornrr of the I>w "inJ. next to Hoffman's store. my/ ].TCOMI\(: t'Dt : MY Mutual Insurance Company. Capital, $2,500,000. rril!" Coir 1..U1V continues to l.sne Policies of Jnsnr- I nnco on HnifUitijrs and Personal Property, in Town or Country, at rash or mutual rates. JAMES HAXKfX. President. JOSIII*A BOW'MAX, Secretary. JOHN HAMILTON. A pent. 'antfi'CT Lewistewn Pa. DR. JOHTT J. DAKIiBW, Practicing Physician, Belleville. Mifflin County, Pa. TNR. DAHI.KN bas been appointed an F.xaimninc I) Surgeon bo Pen.ions. Soldier* requiring exatn iDa'.ioii will find biiil ut bi* o!tii-e in Belleville Belleville, August 1866 y H. Rfl. DUNKIIRE, DENTIST, Ol'FllßS l is prcfessiniial services to tlie ettii"us of Mifflin eounty. He prepared t.> per f.-nn 11 ••peratiotis in the dental profession Office lif.t i frotn toe I.cwistowti House. Main street . where lie will be found the Hist two weeks of each j month, and the la-i week of each mouth In- will j i.sit Ki-■quilbis Valb y. Teeth extracted witlu ut pull] I v the tt-c ot lilt 1 otis o.\i-ie mv i-tt t Teeth Extracted Without Pain! By M. R. Thompson, D. D. S , P.y a NEW PROCESS, j without the use ;>f Chb.ro-1 firm. Ether, or NurotisOx- : .*Ssi*L ' - ii'.e. and f attended by no v- ' '- ■ .w daniter or laid wb-cls. 1 ,f'' i•- -,qF < tthee west .Market street * 'VSr ; JC.Iv near Eisenbis.-'s hotel, LEWISTOV/N", • ere be c.,11 be found for professional consultation j It -n the ;b-I Moll lay of each month until the fourth < V.. i n ... I.en he oil be absent on professional bust- ; ... i. scpllMl I one we.*k. r i U/iEo & t&g I DENTIST, I FKERS tiia professional services to tlie citizens of ' I.ewi,town and vicinity. All in good,neat | v ;k wili do well to give him a call. b- in.iv be found at ail times at his office, three 11. .rs cast of 11. M. £R. Pratt's store. Valley street. | • pW-ly* DENTAL CARD 3ft_ 3VT- KEEVER, SVItG K N DENTIST. TEF/fU Extracted tVH'HbI'TPUN i C FSj{ l.y tb- O-C of M I Riit'S I'XIDF. o, I haugbbig tia-s fee,l, m-< ried 011 all -t lfT T 7 ,| IH different-tyles of base*, forth • ••>! in the ino-t approve.l tnaoiier Sp.-e -l atten : jpven to di-ra- d t-Utiis. AH work warranted , rin* rviVDnu'iliV . .. •ffiee at Episcopal Parsonage, Corner of Man. an" V. iter Streets. " j MEYERS NEWIV IMPiIBVEB, CBEiCBXT SCALE, y iau'i'/dJJJa \ kicwledgcd to be the best London Prize Modal | a. I b.ghes, i.aard in America it ived. melodeons, ami Second hand l'ianoa. Music. V 7 V Rt'H St.. beiotv sib, Pbiladelpliia. Pa. Viola, April St. 18®T-3n 'lllli I'ibST IN THE WORLD 'j IE t'.NI'EU-!(NEI> IS AGENT FOR THE IMPRjVED SINGER SEWING MACHINE, 1 . >1 Will U- placed upon trial Rilli any other now j : use. He uititcs compete.ii. It can be tested a tb anv other machine to enable purcliers toehoo*.- j THE It EST. TERMS LIHKKAL. Give bim a calf [mar'J-Oui; VVM. I.lNi>. j UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER ' i 'HE most ouiveuieiit. tnoat | *1 e i, v J B. SKLIIKI.MEIt. I >ltlSiilX 1) Ma* Meti'a Buck Gloves at SI 25 I 5U " G.tuntlela 1 -'a • •• Mitts 1 37 A - W id. Cotton and Berlin GLOVE" I-'t t- I- cheap. ER.ISBIIST ! |AS McKei.n & Vanhaiictt's SOAP. ' I samples of which were distributed a few days ae-.. alwi. babbit's Suap, Dobbin'* Hop, tieisler'a ** Castile •' 'i nlet, " Ac., *e., Ac. ALSO. t ued Peaclies, Tomatoes, and Com, just received, - ; very eqeajp- mayß MM HUM Till'" New York Mh v Roofing Company, ISCTij are niatnifwturiniF under Letters Patent the B st Article of Composition Hooting ever Offered to : the fulilic. It is ml tpted to every >tv le of Roof, steep or flat, and ••: 1 e r *adly applied !y any one. The U. 8 Government. nfter a thorough test of its utility, have adapted its use iu the Navy Yards, and . upon PtiMie Buildings. The Booting is put up in rolls, and has only to be nailed to the Roof to make a Durable Fire and Water-Proof Covering. We particularly recommend its use upon liuildings. Store*, Churches, Factories. Harhinc Sbojs, Stcambu.it Decks, &c. MICA ROOFING PAINT, For coating Tix. Ikon, or Sihnulk Roofs. It forms u limit I Equal to Three Coats of Ordinary Paint. No Roof can rust under it. and old leaky Roofs may be i made permanently water-proof and durable by itsiisc. j The Paint requires no mixing, but is ready to be aj> j i oiled with the ordinary paint brush. /Viet. $1 per gal \ lon which will cover two hundred square teet. Also manufacturers of Black Lustre Varnish, Tarred Felt and Hoofing Pitch. Discount to the Trade. Circulars and Price List fur nished. Bights for counties *o!d allow rates. Address j Tills MICA HOOFING COMPANY, 11)4 li road way , iV. J'. Frank Humphreys, 61 Royal st.. N. O4 Schofield j Williams A Co, Augusta. Ga; Baldwin H. Woods' Montgomery. Ala.; Thos. S. Coates. Raleigh. N. C; F. ! \ Tucker Richmond, Va.; Henry Wilson, Petersburg, j ; !l " Agents. jan23 I) re iv' s Pat en t FOR cuTmro* BOOTS lypJilOH'J Biiijlill?JD6 OR SIDE SEAMS. Tii E greatest improvement of the age, in this line of trade. Ist. IT does away with the wrinkles on the iiiMtfp. also, with the welted side seam which has . injured so many feet and ankles. 2d. Itmakes the ! easiest sitting and Ijest fitting Boot ever worn. This boot in now niMnafuctured by I*. F. Loop, who holds the right of use for the county, and is prepared to furnish ail who wish to wear thi- hoot. A liberal dis eount to dealers who wish to deal in these boots. Or ders filled at short notice. Prices greatly reduced on j all goods at P. F. Loop's Shoe Store. feb6 628. :-:CCP SXI3.TS. 628 SEW SPRING STYLES, "ttur Own Make." cmbracinj every New and De-irubU- *izc. style and Shape of Plain and Trail Hoof Skihts.—2 14. ;;-f. 3. 3 1-4. 3 1-2. 3 3-4 mid 4 yards, round every leuctli and size Waist; in every respect Fuust Qcaui v. and j espoei illy adapted to tiieet the wants of First Class ; and most fashionable Trads. • tdK Own Mark." of Hoop Skirts, are lisltter. more \ .-lasiie, more iluriil.le, an.! rcallv chCAPxu than any | ■ .nlier make of either Single or Double spring .Skirt ;ii the American Market. They are Warkantxk in j every respect, and wherever nitrovlueed give tiniyer- : sal satisfaction. Tliev are now teingex:< nsively sold j by retailer*, and every lady should try them A*k for "Hopkin's Own Make." and see that each ! >kirt is Stamped "H . T. HoPKiN'S M ANt'FAf'TI'K ER. '".2S Alt Cii Street. PH 11.ADKI.I'H 1 A." -Vo others ore (ienuine. A Catalogue containing Stvle. Size and Retail Prices, sent to any address. A (Tiiform and Eitieral liise.iUiit allowed to Dealers. Orders by mail or otherwi-e, promptly and carefully tilled. Whole sale an i Retail, at Xl ami factory and Sales-loom*. No 62S Arch Street. Philadelphia. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. TERMS, NET CASH ONE I'RICE ONLY, j marliU—lUui Wsi. T. IIOPKINB. REMOVED. J. A. & W. R. McKEE {AYF. removed ti.eir Lwther Store to Otlcl Eel lowa' llall, where they w.ll constantly keep j band, Sole Leather. Harness. Skirting and t.'pp. r , eatlo r. Kip*. American and French Calfskins. Slo- ; •occos. I.unrips and Bindings, un.l a general assort-i nent of Shoe Findings, which they will sell eheap for ash. Iligliest market price paid iu cash for uides. Calf Sku.s and Sheep Skins. vauteJs f*r which the highvat market price will be aul in Ca.sii. ap4tf | Tailoring Establishment V £~>. fe y p MERCHANT TAILOR, luu* removeti lnshoptolho ! builtlilig formerly knuwn h. tliu "green hnu*e f ,! At the iiiter-etMinti of Valley and Mill street, adjoining ii M. & R. I'ratt - -tor.-, where he cordially invites all j *!'> need anyiliiug in his line. Goods arid Trim-S ii ug" d and gentlemen's clothing made, in ! the iat*?>t styles, on short note e, ami at reasonable prices. nplf-tf W3LLIAM LIND, litis now open A NEW STOCK OF Cloths, Cassimeres AND VESTINCS, jvhich will be mmle up to order in the neat est and must fashionable styles. apl9 PHOTOGRAPHIC K. & H. T. ANTHON Y 4. CO., Miinufiiflurers of I'doltigraj hie Mtilcrhh, WnoLCSALK AM> RXTAIL, .XOI llruutlua), N". Y. In addition to our main t.usiru-ss of PHOTOGRAPH-1 IC M A I ERIALS. w-s ara headquarters for the follow- ! ing viz: stcrrnt'Copes and Stereoscopic Views. Of American and Foreign Cities nn.l Landscapes.' Group*. -Statuary. Ac. Stereoscopic Views ot the R ar, From negatives made iu the vartoiiscampaignsand j forming a complete Photographic history of tho con-1 est. Stereoscopic Views on t.lass. Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or stereo scope. Our catalogue will be sent to any a>idres on , receipt ol" stamp. Photographic Albums. We manufacture more largely than any other house, | dn.iil 200 vat leties from 5.; cents to 4-o each, tmr Al- . i i,n.us have the retaliation ol being superior in beau- , ' V and durability to uuy others. Card Photographs of Cicucrals, -Statesmen, Actors, etc., etc. < ur catalogue embraces over FIN I*. riDH SAND , ■ 11tf■ ielit subjee s. including reproductions ,f ttie j must edei,rated Engravings, Paintings. Statues, Ac. | Catalogues sent on receilit of stamp. I I 'iiomgi apbers and others ordering goods C. O. l>.. ai!l pica-- t- o.it -■ per .-cut ol tho Hinount with llicir ; d*r. v)_ I'll* |/ric .'H and quality of our <*au '• ut .'.ol to satisly. jol.i ly HOOP SKIRTS. VIUI.L lino <>f LADIKS' MISSES' and ( UlLUtthK'S 11001* SKIRTS jß*t re -ived from New York. They ere very fine i ind will be sold Very Cheap. Ladies cull and fee litem at BBISBIN'S, near tlie Jail. New Calico From 12J up. Bleached or Unbleached Mus-; liri very cheap at BBISBIN &. 1 >EST Bar Irun, m 4|. nnd other kinds; 15 low at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. | B E A U T Y. Auburn, Goldeu, Flaxen and Silken Curls I)R01i(?CFli by the use of Prof. DKBRECX' FRI SER I.E CHEVEFX One application warranted t" coi l the most straight and stubborn hair of eithci *ex into wavy ringlets, or heavy miissive curls. Has been used by the inshionnhies of Paris and London, with the most gratifying results. Does no injur! t< the hair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid fi. *l>o senptive rireulars mailed free. Address BERG E It. Slit.' ITS A CO.. Chemists. No. 28 River st., Troy, S. Y Sole Agents lor the United States. febd-ly WHISZBE.S AND TjKVRCED to grow upon the smoothest face in from I three to five weeks by using Dr. SEVIGNE'S RES lAt B.A 1 EL* ROA PI LLAI RE. the most v\ omhrful dis covery m modern science, acting upon the Beard and Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It has been used by the elite of Paris and London with tho most (bettering success. Names of all persons will be reg istered. and if entire satisfaction is not given 111 everv instance.the money will he cheerfully refunded. Price by mail. sealed ami postpaid. sl. Descriptive.circu lar* and testimonials matted I roe. Address BE RG ER, SIII T I'S St CO.. Chemists. No. 255 River street. Troy. N. Y., Sole agents for the United States. febft-ly CRISPER COMA. Oh ! she was beautiful and fair. With starry eyes, and radiant hair, \S hose curling tendril" soft, entwined. Enchain**.: the very heart and iniud. CIMSPKK COM L For Curling the Hair of either Sex into M art/ and Gloss// Ringlets or Ur ,fy .Massive, (at lis. TP using tbisarticle LadiesKill]Gentlemen ean beau- I) 11 fv themselves a thousand fold. It is the only ar tiele in the world that will curl straight hair.itu.i at the same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance The Crisper Coma not only eurls the hair, hut invigorates, beautifies and cleanses it; is highly and delightfully perhimed. and is the most eoinplete article of the kind ever offered to the American put.lie The Cris per Coma will be sent to any address, sealed and post paid for Jl. Address all orders to W. J,. CI.ARK A CO., Chemists, feb6-ly No. 3, West Fayette st., Syracuse, N. V. EXCELSIOR! EXCELSIOR !! GHASTELLAR'S Hair EXTE R >I I \ ATOR For Removing Superfluous Hair. TO THE Isi.lifM especially, this invaluable depilatory re<"minend. it.-elf as being an almost mdispensi lle article t* fatnale beauty, is easily applied, doea not burn or injure the skin. !>til acts directly on the roots. It is warranted to remove supcrfiuou-"hair from low foreheads r from any part "t the laxly, completely, totally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skin s>ft. smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and i* the only real effectual de pilatory in existence. Price 75 cents per package. >ont post-paid, to anv addicts, on receipt of an order, bv KEROKR.sH UTTS A Co.. Chemists. | 285 River street. Tr#y. N. Y. REPARATOR CAPILLI. Throw* awav vour false frizxe. vnr "witches,your w ip— j And rejoice in your cwn hiviiriuut hair. Com'* af an order, by RKUUEK, SHUTTS A CO., Chemists. fe6-ly 285 River St., Troy, H. Y. 1 A 3 tf IB 0 i 0 S 1. The World Astonished! AT T n W VroNDERI'L L REVELATIONS M ARK BY TIIK GREAT ASTIR>I*e lllost j successful, causes speedy marriages ami tells you the ; ver v day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness i and characteristic of the person. She reads your very thoughts arid by tier almost supernatural powers un- | veils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future ! From the stars we see in lite frrtnanent —the malefic i stars that overcome or predominate in the eonligurn , tion —from the aspects ami positions of the planets j and the fixed stars ill the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrologiston earth. It costs you , but a trifle, and you may nevoragain have so favorable an opportunity. Consultation fee. with likeness arid ' ail desired mf u tuition, if. Parties living at a distance j can eon-lilt the Madame hy mail with equal safety and : satisfaction to themselves, as if 111 person. A full and ' explicit chart, written nut. with all inquiries answered : an t likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price j above mentioned The strictest secrecy will be main i rained, am! all cnTCspondenco returned or destroyed ' References of the highest order furnished those do- ! smug them Write plainly the day of the nionthaud year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock i of hair. Address MuumeH.A PERRIGO. jebti-ly P. O. Dtt.vwuß gya. Buffalo, N. Y. I AFFLICTED! s-JiKFisca EtiuJiEta; 117 MEN by the use of DK JOINX II.I.E'Si ELIXIR r \ voir can ho cured permanently and at a trilling cost Ttie astonishing success wnicti has attended tins invaluable medicine tor Physical and Nervous Weak lies*. General Debility and Prostration, Loss of Mus-j cular Energy. I nr potency, or any of the consequences ! of youthful indiscretion, renders it the most valuable preparation ever discovered. It will remove all liervou* affections, depression, j excitement, incapacity to study or business, loss of: memory, confusion, thoughtsot self destruction, fears ol insanity. £■:. It will restore the appetite, renew the health of*those who have destroyed it by scustlal ex cess or evil practice*. i Voting Men. be humbugged no more by "Quack ] Doctor.*' *' and ignorant practitioners, but send without i delay for the Elixir.and la- at once restored to health | and happiness. A Perfect Cure is Guaranteed in eve ry instance. Price. sl. or four bottles to one address. $3. ■ line bottle i* sufficient to effect a cure in all ordiua- j r> AESIL Pr. J"IXVILLE'SSPECIFIC PILLS.for the speedy and permanent cure of Gonorrhea. Gleet, t're- j thral Discharges, Gravel. Stricture, and all affections j of the Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected in from | one to live davs. They are prepared frotn vegetable extracts that are harmless on the sy stem, and never , nauseate the stomach or impregnate the breath. No change of diet is necessary while Using them, nor does , their action in any manner iuteifere with business : pursuits. Price. #1 per box. Either of the above-mentioned articles will bo sent to any address, closely sealed, uud post paid, hy mail or ex oress. ou receipt of price.- Address all orders to BKRGKR. SHUTTS A Co., Chemists fobS-lv No. 26 River Street, Troy, N. V. Wednesday, June 5, 1867. THE EVENING PRAYER-MEETING Just over the way from my childhood's home, An ancient church still >tauds. Ami thither at Sabbath we have Kne, For years nmch longer than I have known, Singing and praying bands. I saw them to-night when the clock struck five, Uoine forth from the homes around, VV iih faces earnest, and hearts alive, With hopes that heavenly thoughts revive, They travelled tho well known ground. A wistful feeling came over me then, To join in their eveniug prayer; So I followed the band of earnest men. And softly entered the church, just when 1 hey were singing the opening air. *A charge to keep I have/ they said, ; And 'a God to glorify;' The minister then frotn the Bible read. And told of that precious, living Bread, Sent earthward from the sky. One after another they rose and told Of some duty they would do, ! Of a crotfs to bear, of a heart grown cold, Or humblv prayed for courage hold To light the battle through. 'Tis the same old story, my memory said, ' That 1 heard here long ajjr; 1 he voices have changed, for many are dead. But the words are the same, for each had road 1 he story of Jesus, you know. I While my thoughts went backward to long ago, j Or forward to what must come, I The minister rose, and in accents low. Asked that a blessing on all might flow, And then the meeting was done. I walked away with the quiet throng, And Nti I they talked ol heaven; I prayed to he kept from doing wrong, And I sang within my heart a song, Ami then the clock struck seven. School Times. j. H. M. A GOOD STORY. GEIER4I. TOMMY. Our house is under martial law, and Tommy is our ruler. It has always been so, since his birth; I remember when he was a wee bit of a baby, the dinner hour was changed, that tho clat ter of our dishes might not disturb his afternoon nap, and everything was reg ulated to suit his royal pleasure. None of us older children were oil lowed to appear at the family table un til we had learned to handle a knife and fork properly; but Tommy was brought down in triumph, as soon as he could sit up in his high chair. And then such behavior ! Why Tom my may do the most ill-bred things, and we all laugh it off, as a capital joke. Father is what grown people call •fastidious,' what children style 'very pertiekelar.' Many a time, I've seen him leave his breakfast untasted, only because a simple little fly, wishing a warm hath, chose father's coffee cup as a suitable place lor that perform ance. But when Tommy, from the farther; end of" the table, sent his inseparable j companion, a rubber doll, with great violence, from his own mouth plumb into father's cup, splashing his linen and hands with hot coffee, father only laughed, and cried—'-Bravo!" as he tossed it back to baby, and declared his coffee to he "all the sweeter," when mother passed another cup. I remember that breakfast time so well, because father was telling us a pitiful story about a college friend of his. He had just reached the very sad dest part, and was evidently n.uch af footed, when there came a crash, a flat ier, loud peals ol laughter, and far above the din, such jubilant crows of: del ght from Tommy. This time he had only upset the! spoon stand, which brought down the cream pot, and then as Ella stooped to restore the scattered silver, he fasten ed both hands into her cutis, and bal I aneiug himself upon his little toes, was! tugging away most unmercifully. 1 Father forgot his story, and joined in the general laugh, and dear little Nell, when rescued from Tom's clutches, smiled bravely through, her tears. 1 asked father why Tommy was so ; indulged; but ho only laughed, and said: 'Oh, he is tho autocrat ot our| breakfast table;' though I could not see' that that explained the matter. Before Tommy was six months old • he had shattered a pier glass, broken | I off a solitary blossom from mother's i | century plant, and scalded a pet poodle,! besides giving us 011 an average one 1 good fright daily by his own reckless ness. I As he grew older, he did but grow worse. Mother says that good Dr. Watts taught that children should bo inquisitive; that youthful curiosity ought to bo encouraged She talks of Sir Isaac Newton, Columbus, and other great discoverers, and hopes Tom may be of use in the world. This is when Tom is safe abed, or, tis she thinks, well occupied. But when she finds that he has been employed in making inky seas on tho back of some rare engraving—when she be holds her bust Cly tae hanging from the bell-rope, and Tommy at work on her grand piano with his little hammer, Sir Isaac Newton, Columbus, and the com fort they afford, seem distant and un satisfactory, while Tom and his mis chief are near and provoking. Then his excuse is that Cly tax is Jane who is 'awful bad,' hung in effigy, and that he is only hammering 'to see where the music comes from,' does not amuse mother or me as it does Grandma Wilson, who delights in all Tom's an tics, saying, 'They show he is of a practical turn, and a thorough Wilson.' Mother's father was an artist, and art holds a low place in Gandiua Wil son's estimation. Tommy will have a reason for every thing, and is by no means content with an explanation merely verbal Why must tho threat hall clock he wound, and what does tho pendulum do? Then comes tho time when no alarm is sounded by our Faithful time piece, to waken tho servants, and we all sleep ion until the sun is BO high that we wake and dress in haste, and cannot icatch the lost hours through the day.! ! Ol' course, a search reveals the pendu lum under Tommy's bed. We should give our number as seven to the census collector, but so much mischief is done in the house, to which no ono will confess, that we have to lay it at the door of an imaginary foe, | whom wo stylo 'Number Eight.' Ii begin to learn, however, that' Number : Eight' is usually another name lor ' Master Tommy. He is a riddle, and we've few rules by which to read him; only sure that bo will appear when ever wo had least expected, discover all that we would keep from him, and speak whenever he had best he silent lie despises sham, and has no conceal ments. 'Don't my muvver look putty, wif her hair curled that way?' he asks, tit a dinner party. 'Wo fought she'd be i the beautiiullest woman here, 'n so she is.' Then later—'l knowed tlier wor jcum'ny cumin', eoz Jane brang out all the silver, 'n the pantry door was lock, sos I couldn't git in. Some silver ain't j silver—it's plated; I've sawn 'em doit; it's as easy, 'n you can't tell 'em apart, n I don't know as any of ourn's real. What makes yer look at me so for. llelun ?' I e asks when I try to check him. 'I ain't ersayin'nuffin. I didn't tell 'em you tared yer gown runnin' j I down stairs, 'n didn't have time ter change it.' Mother says she would never allow the child to see guests, but that he must j learn good manners. 'Ask the little girl to come again to i see you, ray son; she is a dear little playmate, isn't she?' said mother, be fore wo had learned how like leaning upon a broken reed is trusting to Tom's j politeness. 'No mum,' answered he, stoutly; 'she'd berhave hersofflc poorly; I'm real disgusting at her; 'n I'd ruther go and see her, eoz she's got ripe peaeher't her house.' 'Tommy, dear, this is Mr. Goodhue; he has two little boys at home.' 'Yes,' Tom answers, gravely; 'l've sawn 'em; they sit befront us at church, 'n tumble off crickets, prayer time ' \ou said once they needed a sewcre wbippin'.' In the country, at Grandma Wil son's, Tom is even worse than at home. We find him on high, solitary beams in the barn, with no visible means of getting down; ho is caught in the boughs of trees; he is rolling oH the wood-shed roof; he is tumbling into the river; he is pulled about the pig sty, firmly grasping some stout squnll er's tail; he is poking sticks at the tierce a atch dog;continually in danger, yet never really hurt. I wonder if Tom's guardian angel ever feels tired or perplexed ? There stood by grandma's door.: when Tommy was there last, a large molasses cask, just drained of its con. tents, with the exception of an inch or two of what we children call molasses! sugar. The ground in the rear slopes gently for several feet down to the river. One day, Maxwell and Sydney were wrestling, leaping, and racing about, when they suddenly knocked the cask over, and sent it rolling down the hill 'Catch it, Syd !' shouted Max, ''twill he lloating down the stream 111 a min ute;' but of course Sydney could not catch it, after it was fairly set in 1110 lion. It rolled faster and faster, but just as it reached the river, it struck a willow bough and wassuddonly brought upright once more, just on the water's brink. We all ran down to the rescue, and what should we find peeping out of the cask but two well known tiny boots. 'Why, Tommy,' wo said, not know ing whether to laugh or cry, 'are you hurt darling ?' 'Oh,' said a smothered voice, 'I then ain't drowned, nor sailin' out ter sea. I'll be took out, all 'cept my curls, 'n they won't come. I've tried 'em, 'n they stick fast.' Tommy came out, curls and all, safe and sound, as usual; but he did look | funny, with a crown of damp sugar on j bis head and great streaks of molasses j on his face. 'Wore not you frightened, Tom ; rhumb?' I asked, as I led him to the j house. 'l'her! No. I thought I's goin' out ter sea, 'n I wisht 1 weren't on my head, eoz 1 couldn't sco tho whales, 'n Ingv,'n Uncle John; hut I was so shook, n my curls pulled the tears inter my | eyes when I tried tor turn over.' We had an uncle at Calcutta, and Tommy thinks going to sea is going to I him. One night at grandma's, whon Tom my was very tired, he refused at bed time to say his prayers, declaring ho i had been so good he had 'nuffin to pray i tor.' I told him that at tho closo of the j best day, all need to ask for pardon; that Lis goodness might be only lack of temptation; and that ho should certain ly not forget to pray lor mother, in her LEWISTOWN, MIFFLIN COUNTY, PA- loncleness at home, with no little son to pet. After some persuasion, Tommy knelt and said—'Our Father, I've been real good ter day; but Jlelun says I ought ter he forgiven; so please forgive the n iffish 1 might hev done, but couldn't. Forgive us all, 'specially llelun, for bein' so cross to her little bruvvcr, 'n not lettin' him play with paints this morn in' (Here the great sleepy eyes rolled open and fixed a reproachful look on me.) Forgive all our naughty yesterdays, and make us good lor eveiw tomorrow, bless my dear muv ver, with no boy to kiss her. That's all to night.' If Tommy's prayers sound irrever cut or self righteous, he does not mean to be so, and they are at least sin cere If ho prays more earnestly for the lecovcry of a lost toy than for pardon front sin; if he confesses virtues as freely as faults, perhaps such peti tions are as acceptable to Him who made the childish heart as those peni tential formulas which are so often lip service. Some da}-, we hope, Tom will understand these things better. He has a great desire to 'trade,' but now is obliged to close each bargain with the proviso, 'lf my muvvcr is wiliin';' for Tom went out one day, ra diant in the glory of a lovely new cap, and taking with him a fair}- balloon and a rocking horse of his own height Soon he wu.s home again, with all these treasures gono forever, and hap py iu possessing in their stead a much j battered old beaver hat, which cov ered his head and neck like an extin guisher. What may be Tommy's future, we cannot guess. If the child is father of the man, it seems probable that he will become 'an active member of so ciety.' Whether or no his name shall ever ring through the land with honor, we hope he may be the 'noblest work of God'—an honest, true, aud good man. MISCELLANY. The Ship ol" Deutli. Since the time when the Ancient Mariner told tho terrible tale of the curse laden ship with hercrew ofghast ly corpses, no more thrilling story of tho sea has been related than that of the whale ship Diana, that recently drifted into one of tho Shetland Is lands A year ago she left the Shetlandson a whaling voyage to the arctic regions, having on board fifty men. Front that time nothing more was heard of her. The friends of those on hoard became alarmed. Money was raised and pre miums offered to the first vessel that would bring tidings of the missing ship, but all to no avail. Hope was almost abandoned. On the 2d of April the people near Kona's Yoe, in one of tho Shetland Isles, were startled at seeing the ghast ly wreck of a ship sailing into the har bor. Battered and ice-crushed, sails and cordage cut away, boats and spars cut up for fuel in the terrible Arctic winter, her decks covered with dead and dying, the long lost Diana sailed in like ji ship from the Deadman's Land. Fifty men sailed out of Ler. wick in her on a bright May morning last year. All of the fifty men came back on her on the second of April, this year; the same, yet how different. Ton men, of whom the captain was one, lay stiffened corpses on the deck ; thirty-five lay helplessly sick, and some dying; two retained sufficient strength to creep aloft, and tho other three crawled feebly about the deck. The ship was boarded by the islanders, and, as they climbed over tho bul warks, tiie man at the wheel fell faint ing from ono of the sick! died as lie lay, his death being an-1 nounccd by tho fellow occupant of his berth feebly moaning, ' Take away this | dead man.' On the bridge of the ves i sel lay the body of tho captain, as it 1 had lain for four months, with nine of; his dead shipmates by his side, all de cently laid out by those who soon ex i pected to share their fato. The survivors could not bear to sink; the bodies of their comrades into the! sea, but kept them so that when the last man died the fated ship that had ; been their common home should be* their common tomb. The surgeon ot the ship worked faithfully to the last, but cold, hunger, scutvy and dysente ry were too much for him. The brave old Captain was tho first victim, and died blessing his men. Then the others fell, one by one, until the ship was tenanted only by the dead anddy ing. One night more at sea would have left the Diana a floating coffin.— Not one of the fifty would have lived to toll the ghastly tale. Old knapsacks*. Tho following beautiful extract is from a letter of 'A Woman in Wash ington,' to the New York Independent: 'I saw a pile of knapsacks tbeother oveningat the cottagoon Fourth street; knapsacks and haversacks left behind for safe keeping by the boys who went to tho front and never came back. The eloquence of those worm eaten and moulded bags cannot be written. Here was a piece of stony bread uneat en, tbo little paper of coffee, the smok ed tin cup in which it had boiled so oft en over the fire on the eve of battle. Vol. 57. 80. 23. 1 hero was the letter, sealed, directed, and never sent, for the soldiers could not always get oven a stamp. Here was a half written letter, commenced 'Dear wife: How I Want to see you 'Dear Mother: My timo is nearly out.' The rusty pen just as it was laid down in the hall filled sheet by the gallant and loving hand which hoped so soon to finish it. Here was a scrap oi pa triotic poetry, and inspired lyrics caro fully eopiod on sheets of paper tinted with red, white and blue. Here were photographs of the favorite Generals, and photographs of the dear ones at home. Herp were letters of heart breaking love, and loyalty to duty, and hoi}' faith and cheer, written at home; and here was the Testament given him by the woman ho loved best, soiled and worn. For the Amex*ican soldier, ifhe rarely read it, still he would carry his Testament as a dear tailsman to savo hi in from harm. Here were those me mentos of brave, living, loving lifo . gone out. They never came back! The mourners at home do not all know where they fell, or whether they were buried. To one unfamiliar with the soldier's life, these relics might mean little. To me they moan all love, all suffering, all heroism. I look on them, and again seem to see the long lines of men file past, dust covered and warm, on their way to battle. I see tho roads of Virginia shimmering in the white heat, lined with exhausted men lying down to sleep and to aftor the last defeat, hear tho cry of the wounded, the moan of the dying, see tho half-filled grave, the nnburied dead. All the awful reality of war comes back. So, too, do knightly days and daunt less men. Peace walks among tho May time flowers, and already our sol diers seem almost forgotten. Days of war and deeds of valor seem like dreams gone by.' Depravity. An extraordinary case of youthful depravity has occurred at Saginaw City, Mich. A little girl, aged seven years, named Mary, while going down street, was met by a girl named Eliza, aged eleven years. The elder child kept the younger in chat till they had wandered as far as the shipyard, where no human being was in sight. When tliero, Eliza induced Mary to take off her hat, cloak, apron and net, the child obeying her with a confiding look that would have changed the purpose of one old in crime. But Eliza had only half done her work. The clothes were now in her possession; but the owner ot them yet remained in the way. She induced little Mary to stand on a piece of ice which floated in the water of the dock, and gathering up the clothes, she ran away leaving tho child to perish. The ice soon yielded under the child, who slipped off into the water, and clung for life to tho cold edges of her piece of ice. Providentially, a man rowed within sight and rescued her, and from her statement the precocious murderess was found out and arrested, at her school, with tho 6tolen goods upou her. The Affectionate Husband. —A husband accompanied his wife to confession.— The lady havingopened her griefs, the tather who was shriving her insisted on administering a severe penitential scourging. The husband, hearing the first stroke inflicted on his better half, interfered and urged that his wife was delicate, and that as he and she were ono flesh it would be better for him, as ihe stronger vessel, to receive the i scourging intended for his helpmate. The confessor having consented to this substitution, the man knelt in his wife's place, while she retired from the con fessional. Whack ! whack I went the (cat, followed by a moan from the good man's lips. 'Harder! —harder!' ejaculated the wife; ' I am a grievous sinner!' Whack ! whack ! whack ! 'Lay it on!' cried she; 'I am tho worst of sinners.' Whack! whack! and a howl from the sufferer. 'Never mind his cries, father!'ex claimed she; remember only my sins. Make him smart hero, that I may es cape in purgatory.' What is a ' Tare.' —A father living near Cincinnati, was one evening i learning his little boy to recite his Sun day school lesson. It was lrom tho fourteenth chapter of Matthew, where in is related the parable of the mali cious individual who went about sow i ing tares, &c. 4 What is a taro?' asked the anxious parent. Johnny hesitatod. ' Tell me, ray son, what a taro is.' I ' You had 'em,' said Johnny, casting down his eyes and wriggling his feet. 1 Had 'em!' said tho astonished pa rent, opening his eyos rather wido, i why what do you mean, Johnny ?' ' \V lien you didn't come home for three days last week,' said Johnny, 'I heard mother tell Aunt Susan that you ! was off on a tare.' Tho Sunday school lesson was bro't to an abrupt close, and Johnny, the j cunning little rogue, was sont off to ! bed. flaSr At a recent railroad celebration the following sentnnont was given 1 Our mothers—the only faithful ten ders who never misplaced a switch,'