G. & G. R. FRYSINGER, PUBLISHERS, Whole No. 2922. Poor House Business The Directors <>f the Poor meet at the Poor House <>n the 2il Tuesday of each month. Republican Mate Convention. HAKKISBUKO. April 10, 1807. The " Republican State Convention" will meet at tlie" Herdie House," in Wil liamsport, on Wednesday, the 26th of June next, at LI o'clock, A. M., to nomi nate a candidate forjudge of the Supreme Court, and to initiate proper measures for the ensuing State canvass. As heretofore, the Convention will be composed of Rep resentatives and Senatorial Delegates, chosen in the usual way, and equal in number to the whole of the Senators and Representatives in the General Assem- Hv order of the State Central Commit toe " F. JORDAN, Chairman, (Juti. W. HAMKKSI.Y, ) A W. BENEDICT, V Secretaries. J. Itoni.KY DUNGLISON J 2"YT3313T & 00., BANKERS, LKWLSTOWN, PA., Colleelit.u* and remittances promptly made. Interest allowed hi> |iTolesitmal services to the V I citizens of Mifflin county. He is prepared to per fnrm all operations in the dental profession, office first door froin the l.ewistown House. Main street where he will be t'ouud the first two weeks of each month, and trie las: week of each month he unl , Ki-na juillas Valhy. Teeth extracted without pa 111 by tiie u.-e ot nitrous oxide inyl-tt JO E IST T I j=3 T E, . J. S SV! I T H r KSPECTKI'I.I.Y inform the citizens of l.ewistown |i and vii'tniiy. a few doors from the Town Hall, in Main street that lie i- prepared todo all kind of work in '.he hue f Ills profession in the most teirntilie m.iri ,,.,—in Whole Sets. Partial Sets, or .Single I > c!h in serted on '. ih! Silver, or Vulcanite Base, in an e.egant an ! w .ratUKi; k- manner, and oil the most reasona ble •erins. lie guarantees ins work, or no pay. Par: u'ar attention pari to the extracting and fiUing of teetn in the most approved manner. novT-bm Teeth Extracted. Without Pain! By M. R. Thompson. D. D. S , By a NEW PROCESS, . without the ice of Cliloro fjSif-s. form. Ether, or \itrousiix idc. and is attended i.y no I 'vie-siT.'lOffice west Matkct-treeU f i -y I SBtjfji' y. *"0 tgjfe f 'Ur near Eisenl -1' - hotel, LEWISTOWN, wr ere lie can he found for professional consultation ir-.tn the fir-: Monday of each month until the fourth Monday, when he w.il bo absent on professional busi ness one week. seplO-tf U/ISiw So s&o DENTIST, 1 FFF.RS his professional services to the citizens of '/ l.ewistown an-.l vicinity. All in want of good-neat work will do well to give him a call le roav Is* found at all times at Ills office, three dc'irs ec't of U. M. A K. Pratt's store. Valley street. . pl-ly* DENTAL CARD ]R._ 3VT- KEEVER, SI KfiEO X DENTIST. ' SBSSBt -v the 11-e of NITROUS OXIDE or i rfSSBk Laughing lias. Teeth in-erted on all siiH 7 different styles of bases. Teeth • -d • toe in >-t approved manner, .-special *"en -11 g:veil to di-ea-cd gums. AJI work warranted. \ rm* rf:iu>na'' OC'KIVKXEK S. N KVEVOU. i? SI. Swipfßi't, resjiecttully in t ins the citizens of Mifflin county, that lie i prepa led at all time- to do surveying on short notice. Deed- M d tgages Bond- and other legal writings drawn with neatness and dispatch. ■Addree-. li. H BAA ItJAR r uovT-fcm McVejtoan, Mifflin county, Pa MEYERS XEWLY IMPKUYED, CRESCENT SCALE. Acknowledged to he the fe-st. London Prixe Medal and high. award, in America received. melodeon s, and Second hand Pianos. Music. N .722 ARCH St. bemw sth, Philadelphia. Pa. Ph.'a., April 24 lfl£7-3ni 0.)"" TIIK GENUINE Q')~i 0 ,'j Barlett Sewing Machine. Vsi'J \\J AN I KU—Agents, 8150 per nuwdi \V and a'i fxpriise* paid, to -ell the OrnmiK ha:!.-:i -vwing Maeltiiw. This Maliirw will all tin work i; i?above r h• nnmiHMon 1 gfii rth*h tu tii.it *noUli <*' L- nial # l*Of 'ir cuiar-sw aa -2 Uu w.th any other machine to enable pucchers tochooai TU g BEST. TERMS LIBERAL. Give him a call. [marl>-tiinj WM. LINL>. HAWI lilJSil 'JJDD'jUfIIL THE NKW YORK MICA ROOHNU COMPANY,(established ■ 1H65! are manufacturing under Letters Patent the It t Article of Cninno-mon Rooting ever Offered to tile Public. It is adapted to every style of Roof, steep or flat, and can lie readily applied by any one. 'I he I" S Government, after a thorough test of its utility, have adapted its use in the Navy Yards, and 1 upon* Public Buildings. The Roofing is put up in rolls, and has only to be i nailed to the Roof to make a Durable Fire and Water-Proof Covering. We particularly recommend its use upon Buildings. Store*, diuretic*, Far lories. Machine Shoj s, Meumbonl Decks, ir. MICA ROOFING PAINT, For coating TIN. IRON, or SHINGLE ROUPS. It forms A Equal to Three Coats of Ordinary Paint. Xo Rfiof can rust under it. and old leaky Roofs may be ? made permanently wat er-proof and durable by its use. j The Paint require* NO MIXING, but i* ready to U- up.} nlied vvsti: tlie ordinary paint brush. Pnr,. $1 prr yal- j lon. which will cover two hundred square feet. A too manufacturers of Black Lustre Varnish, Tarred Felt and Hoofing Fitch. Discount to the Trade. Circulars and Price List fur nished. Rights for counties sold at low rules. Address ! THE MICA ROOFING COMPANY. 19J- Broadway, A'. J'. Frank Humphreys, 61 Royal St.. N. O.; Schofield Williams h Co, Augusta. (•:; Baldwin 11. Woods Montgomery. Ala: Tlios. S. t'oates. Uai. igh. N C: F. \ Tin ker Richmond, Ya.; Henry Wilson, Petersburg. Ya., Agents. jaiigli S) rew ' s Pa tent FOR O-JTIIHO- ECCTS uri-iiiDi'j oilman t>R SIDE SEAMS. TIIK grreatest improvement of the in thi?* line I of trade. Ist. I? does away with the wrinkles on | the instep, also, with tiie welted -ide scam which has ! .injured so many feet and ankles. 2d. ft makes the 1 easiest sitting and best fitting hoot ever worn. This Loot i* now manufactured hy P. F. Loop, who holds i the right of use fkikt->. —2, 214.j' .2 g 2-1. :i. 3 1-4 3 1-2, 3 34 ami 4 yards, round every length and -ize AA'atst: in every respect First Qi slTtv. and espe.T.lly adapted to nieet the winds of Fian < las.- and most fashionable Trade. ■ OI R Own Make " of H-WVU Skirts, are lighter, more ela-tic. more durable, ami reaeev cheapi.r than any other make of either Single or Dotihh- Spring Skirt I ■n the American Market Tney are AA'app.axted in every re-pecU and wherever introduced give univel- i -al satisfaction. They are now being extensively sold j r.v retailers, and every lady should try them A-k for Hopkin s tiwn Make." ami see that each j , Skit t is Stamped -AV. T IDIPKiN'S MAN! KM II R-! ER, >i2* ARCH Street. PHILADELPHIA." -Vo other rite (fentone. A Catalogue eoiitaltnng Stvle. Size and I Reiad Prices, sent I" any address. A Uniform and Liberal Discmint allowed to Dealers. • 'rdcrs by mail or otherwise, promptly and carefully fi led. AA hole-! sale and Retail, at Miinufaetory and lilies rooms. No j 2S Arch Street Philadelphia. Skirts made to order. | altered and repaired. TERMS, NET CASH ONE PRICE ONLY. tuarliO—lOih AA M. T HOI'KINS. DKMOItKST'S MONTHLY Magazine, universally acknowledged lh- Model Parlor Mag- j azme of America: devoted to Original stories. Poems i SUetche*. Architecture ami Model Cottages, ID-use- i hold Matters. Gems of Thought. Personal and I.iter- ! ary Gossip (including special departments on Fash ions.) Instructions on Health, Gymnastic. Equestrian Exerci-cs. Music, Amusements, etc: costly Engra vuigs tfull size.; useful and reliable Patterns. Embroid eries, Jewelry, and a constant succession of artistic novelties, with other useful and entertaining litera ture. No person 'if refinement, ecomonical housewife, or la,iy of taste tan afford to do without the Model Monthly. Single copies. 30 cents: ha.-k numbers, as specimens. It rents; either nulled free. Yearly. $3. with a valuable premium; two copies & 60: three copies *l2. and sph-ndid premiums for clubs at $3 each, with the first premiums to raeli subscriber Address. AA JEN\I Ni ;s DEMUREST, No. 473 Broadway, N. Y. Dernorest's Monthly an l Yoiiug America, "together, S4. with tiie preiuiuius lor each. mar'JU REMOVED. J A. &. W. R. McKEE ■ AVE removed their Leather Store to Odd Eel- ■ I lows' Hall, where they will constantly keep: i band. Solo Leather, ilarn l varieties from 50 cent* to %■> each. liir Ab bmn- have the reputation ol being superior in beau ty and durability to any others. Card Photographs ol t.enerals, Actors, etc.. etc. Our catalogue embraces over FIVE I HOUSAND 1 different -übjee's. including reproductions of the i most celebrated Engravings, Paintings. Statuee, Ac. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. ' photographer* AND other* ordering good* CO. D , will nlcase reuiil 25 per cent ol the amount with their ; order. prices and quality of our good* ean i not fail to satisfy J" 13 B E A U T Y . Auburn, Golden, Flaxen and Silken Curls, IjKODUCED by the live of I'rof. DEHKEUX' FRI - SER I.E CHEVEI'X One application warranted to curl the most straight and stubborn hair of either sex into wary ringlets, or heavy massive curls. Has been used by the fashionable* of Paris and London, with the most gratifying results. Does no injury to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid ft De scriptive Circulars mailed free. Address BERGER, SHE nrs A CO., chemists. No.BB Riverst,Troy. >'. Y. Sole Agents for the United States. febtl-ly WHISZ3RS AND to jtrow upon the smoothest face in from three to fivf wct*k* by nina Dr.SEVIGNE'S RES 'I AT RATEUR FA PILL AI RE. the most wonderful dis covery in modern science, acting upon the Beard nd Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It has been used by the elite of Paris and London with the most fluttering success. Names of all persons will lo reg istered. and if entire satisfaction is not given in every instanced he money will he cheerfully refunded. Price by mail, scaled and postpaid. sl. Descriptive eircu- j larsand testimonials mailed free. Address HERDER, j SHUTTS k. Co.. Chennst<. Xo. *ißs River street. Troy. X. Y. t Sole agents for the United States. fehG-ly ! ORIS PER COMA. Oh ! she was beautiful an ! fair. With starry eyes, an J radiant lialr. Whoso curling teuirlls soft, entwined, Eticlutlnnl lie* verv heart an l mind. CI'ISHEK COM \. For Curling the I fair of either Sex iuti Ibitiy ami (flossy llim/ltts or He ivy Massive. Cutis. r>Y using this art; le Ladies and Gentlemen can bean I tify themselves a thousand fold. It is the only ar- ; tide in the world that will curl straight liair.aud at the j same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance The Crisper Coma not only curls the hair, hut invigorates, beautifies and cleanses it; is highly and delightfully iwrlunied. and is the most complete artiele of t'-e kind ever offered to the Ameriean public The Cris per Coma will he sent to any address, sealed and post ! paid fur Jl. Address ail orders to W. L. ("LARK A CO., Chemists, feb6-Iy No. 3, West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y. i ' HAIR EX TERM IN A TOR For Removing Superfluous Hair. TO THE ladies especially, this invaluable depilatory recommends itself as being an almost indisp, nsi hie artiele to fatnale heautv. is easily applied, does not burn or injure the skiu. but nets directly ou the roots. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely. ! totally arid radically exnrpanng the same, leaving tlie ! skin soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article ! used by the French and is the only real effectual de j pilatorv in existence. Price 7;> cents per package sent post-paid, to anv address. ~n receipt of an order, bv BERG EK. SHUTTS * Co.. Chemists, ' feb'Vly BSS River street, Troy. N. Y. ! REPARATOR CAPILLI. Throw Hwav vour f.l>* friz/r. your switch**, your wig— Anl rrJol*t In ymircwn hixtiriaut hair. Cotiif ;tn* !, come youthful come URly and fair, K'i i ** In you• own luxuriant hair. }?OR reetorinc hair upon bald head* (from whatever j u:r,iv it nviy ! :tvo fallen out; an l forcing a growth 1 f hair upon the faee it ha* no equal. It wili fore*** tf o beard t* rrow upon the *mt>ofhe*l lace in frrn five to eight wffk*. or hair upon bald in from two to three tnonibs. A few ignorant prartmoners have a*-J serted that there •- nothing that will force or hasten ' the growth of the hair or beard Their assertion* ure false, as thousand.* of living witnessest from their own experience , call bear witness. Hut many will .say. how are we to distin . msli the genuine from the spurious? • It certainly is difficult. h nine-tenths of the different Preparation* advertised for the hair and heard are en- , tirelv worthies*, and yon may have already thrown away larne amounts in their purchase. To *ueh we woii'l 1 say, try the Repmator (apilh; it will cost you nothin isfaetion is not >fiven. Address W.L.CLARK A <'* >. Ulieinists. febO-ly Xo. 3 West Fayette *t. v Syracuse, N. Y. There eorneth plad tidinirs of joy to all, T' youiiir and to old. to reat and to small; The beauty which oriee was so precious aud rare. I> free for all and all may be fair. By the use of CHASTE],I,AII'S WHITE LIQUID ZITAIGSLj For improving mul Beautifying the Complexion, rpll F, nm-t valuable and perfect preparaltun in ii'c. I f.ir giving the vkin a beautiful pearl-like lull that i only f>und in youth. It quick Ij remove* Tun. Freck li—. I'miple*. Blolche*. Moth I'atche*. Snllowiie-*. Eruptinii*. HIM) all impuritie* of the skin, kirnily Ileal u.g the Mvne, IcaviugThc .kin white ami clear a* ala- : oa-ter Its use can not be dctectc*! hv tlie closest s-wutiny. and being a vegetable preparation is per fectly harmless. It i* the only artiele of the kind used l-y the French, and is considered by the I'an-ian a* liidispeusghle to a nerleet toilet, ("pwardsof 3)U*iO ; bottles were sold during the past year, a sufficient i guarantee of its efficacy. Price only <5 ceuls. bent by mail, twist paid, on receipt of an order, by BERGKR, SHU I I'S a CO.. chemists, fefi-ly gSa River St.. Troy, N. Y. iiJJ'JiDififlJt, The World Astonished AT THE WOXDKM'I 1. REVELATIONS MAI> K liY TIIK UK*; AT ASI KOl.( Hi IST MADAME H A. PERRIGO. SliK reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She ro- I stores to happiness those tio. from doleful events. , e.-Uil-t ropbe®. crosses in love, loss of relation® and I friends, loss of monev. Jte , have become despondent. She brings together those long separated gives infor mation concerning absent friends or lovers, restore® lost or stolen property, tells you the business you are best qualified to pursue and 111 what you will be most successful. causes speedy marriages and tells you the j very day you will marry.''gives you the name, likeness , and characteristic of the person She readsynur very thoughts, and bv her almost supernatural powers uo ■ veils the dark arid hidden mysteries of the future From the stars we see m the tirmanent —the malefic I stars that overcome or predominate in the contigura | tiou—from the a®poets and positions of the planets j and the fixed stars HI the- heavens at ttie time of birth, I she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to I consult the greatest A-trologist on earth Itcosisvnu hut a trifle, and you may never again have so favorable an opportunity Consultation fee. with likeness and all desired information.sl. Parties fivingat.adistance can eon®ult the Madame by mail with equal safety and j satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and j explicit chint. written out, with all inquiriesanswered , and likeness enclosed.sent by mail on receipt of price ! above mentioned The strictest secrecy will he main tained. and all eoTespondenee returned or destroyed References of the highest order furnished those de siring them. W l ite plainly the day of the month and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of liair. Address MHum H. A. PERRIGO, jet>6-ly P. O. DRAWS* 293. BUFFALO, X. Y. AFFLICTED ! STffIMRKa Vf® SB®3lil*J UfHEN by the use of DR. JOIN V t I.LE'S KI.IXIR you can be cured permanently and at a trilling cost The astonishing success which has attended this invaluable medicine tor Physical and Nervous Weak ness. General Debility and Prostration, boss of Mus cular Energy, liilpoteney.or any of the consequences of youthful indiscretion, renders it the most valuable preparation ever discovered. It will remove all nervous affections, depression, excitement, incapacity to study or business, loss of memory, confusion, thoughtsof self destruction, fears 01 losariity, Ac. It will restore the appetite, renew the health of"those who have destroyed it by sensual ex cess or evil practices. Young Men. be humbugged no more by '-Quack Doctors ' and ignorant practitioners, but send without delay for the Elixir.and be at once restored to health aiel happiness. A Perfect t.'ure is Guaranteed in eve ry instance Price. sl, or four hoi ties to one address. One bottle is sufficient to effect a cure in all ordiua rv OABOS. ALSO Dr J' MNVILLE'SSPKOIFIC PILL9.for the speedv and permanent cure of Gonorrhea. Gleet. Ure thral ti-charges. Gravel. Stricture, and all affections of the Kidneys and Bladder. Cure* effected in from one to five days. They arc prepared from vegetable extracts that "are harmless on the system, and never nauseate the stomach or impregnate the breath. No change of" diet is necessary while using them, nor does their'actton in any manner interfere with business pursuits- Price, l per box. Either of tbe above-mentioned articles will bo sent to any address, closely sealed, and post-paid, hv mail or exnress. on receipt of price. Address all orders to DERGKR, SHUTTS A Co., Chemists feb-ly No. 236 River Street, Troy, N. Y. Wednesday, May 29, 1867. POETRY. A Literary Curiosity. Tlie poem below, which was first published in the Knickerbocker Magazine, is made up of single lines j from twenty-five English and Ameriean poets, be ginning with Longfellow and ending with Byron. It would take some time to affix each writer's name to • his line or lines, though the majority are, of course, ! well knowu: 'Pearls at random strung, By future poets stiull be sung.' ; The night has come bnt not too soon ; j Westward tlie course ot empire takes its way; I Ye hanks and braes of bonnie Doon I Blue spirits aud white, black spirits and gray. j Rocked in the cradle of the deep, Old Casper's work was done : ! Piping ou hollow reeds to his pent sheep. Charge, Chester, charge I On, Stanly on! There was a sound of revelry by night, On Linden when the sun was low: A voice replied far up the height. Tall oaks from little acorns grow. i What if a little rain should say. 1 have not loved the world, uor the world me: Ah! well a day! Woodman,spare that tree! My heart leaps up with joy to see A primrose by the water's brim: Zaeeheus he did climb the tree : Few of our youth eotild cope with him. The prayer of Ajax was for light, The light that never was on sea or shore, Pu Idiiiu and l-eef make Britous fight Never tnore! Under a spreading chestnut tree. For hours thegither sat, 1 and my Annabel Le<-: A man's a man for a' that. Truth crushed to earth shall rise again. And waste it* sweetness on the desert air. In thunder, lightning, or 111 rain. None hut tlie brave deserve the fair. Tell me not in mournful numbers, The child is father to the man ; iiush, my dear, lie still and slumber, They cau conquer who believe they can. A change came o'er the spirit of my dream; Whatever is. is right; And tilings are not what they seem; My native laud good night! SKZETGKIES. LLGLVDLIt HISTORY. The Wandering Jew. The story of the Jew who had wit nessed the Crucifixion and had been condemned to live and wander over! the earth until the time of Christ's! second coining, while it is one of the j most curious of the mediaeval legends, has a peculiar interest for us, because,' so far as we can distinctly trace its history, it is first heard of with only circumstantial details in England. The chronicler of the abbey of St. Albar.s, whose book was copied and I continued by Matthew Park, has re-i corded how, in the year 1228, 'a certain j archbishop of Armenia Major came en a pilgrimage to England to seethe relics of the saints, and visit the sa cred places in this kingdom, as he had done in others; he also procured letters I of recommendation from his Holiness; the Pope to the religious men and pre- j lutes of the churches, in which they were enjoined to receive and entertain him with due reverenceand honor. On his arrival he came to St A lhans, where he was received with all respect by the abbot and monks; and at this place,; fatigued with his journey, he remained some days to rest himself and follow ers, and a conversation took place be tween him and the inhabitants of the convent, by means of their interpreters,! during which he made many inquiries relating to the religion and religious observances of this country, and told; man}' strange things concerning the! countries of the East. In the course of conversation lie was asked whether he had ever seen or heard anything of Joseph, a man of whom there was much talk in the world, who. when s our Lord suffered, was present and j spake to him, and who is still Jilive, in evidence of the Christian faith; in re j ply to which JI knight in his retinue; who was his interpreter, replied, speak-, ing French, 'My Lord well knows that man, and a little while before lie took his way to the western countries, the ssiid Joseph ate at the table of my lord the archbishop, in Armenia, and lie has often seen ;ind held converse with him.' Ho was ihen asked about what bad passed between Christ and the said Joseph, to which he replied, 'At the j time of the suffering of Jesus Christ, he was seized by the Jews; and then j Pilate finding no cause for adjudging, him to death, said to them, 'Take him and judge bim according to your law; the shouts of the Jews, however, in creasing, he, at their request, released i unto them Barrabbas, a;.d delivered Jesus to them to bo crucified. When therefore the Jews were dragging Je jsus forth, and had reached the door, ; Cartaphilus, a porter of the hall, in Pilate's service, as Jesus was going out of the door, impiously struck him I on the back with Ids hand, and said in mockery,' 'Go quicker, Jeses, go quick ' er; why do you loiter?' and Jesus, {looking back on him with a severe ! countenance, said to him, 'I am going | and you will wait till I i-eturn.' And, | according as our Lord said, this Car ; taphilus is still awaiting his return. At the time of our Lord's suffering he was thirty years old, and when lie at tains the age of a hundred years, he always returns to the same age as he was when our Lord suffered. After Christ's death, when the Catholic faith i gained ground, this Cartaphilus was baptized by Ananias (who also bap tized the Apostle Paul,) and was called ) Joseph He dwells in one or the other I divisions of Armenia, and in divers Eastern countries, passing bis time ! amongst bishops and other prelates of the church; ho is a man of holy con versation, and religious; a man of few words, and circumspect in his behavior, for he docs not speak at ull unless when questioned by the bishops and religious men, and then tells of the events of old times, and at those which occurred at | the suffering and resurrection of our Lord, and ot the witnesses of the res urrection, namely those who rose with Christ, and went into the holy city, appeared unto men. He also tells ol the creed of the apostles, and ot' their separation and preaching. And all this he relates without smiling or lev ity of conversation, as one who is well practiced in sorrow and the fear ot God, always looking forward with tear to the coming of Jesus Christ, lest at the last judgment he should tind him in anger whom, when 011 his way to death, ho had provoked to just ven-' geance. Numbers come to him from different parts of the world, enjoying! his society aud and to; them, if they are men ofauthoritj', lie! explains all doubts on the matters on which he is questioned. He refuses! all gifts that are offered to him, being content with slight food and clothirtg.'- Such is the account of the Wander ing Jew left us by a chronicler who was cotemporary with what he relates, and we cannot doubt that there was such a person as the Armenian in ques tion, and that some imposter had as sumed the character of the Jew who was supposed to be still wandering about the world, until in the middle of the sixteenth century he made his ap pearancc in Germany. He has now changed his name to Ahasuers, and has somewhat modified his story. It j was again a bishop who had seen him' when he attended a sermon at Ham ! burg, where a stranger appeared in the i winter of 1545, who made himself re markable by the great devotion with which he listened. When questioned, lie said that be was by nation a Jew,! that his original occupation bad been that of a shoemaker, that he bad been j present at the passion of Jesus Christ,; and that since that time he had wan dered through many countries. Hej said that he was one of the Jews who j dragged Christ before Pilate and were! clamorous for his death, and on the! way to the place of crucifixion, when Jesus stopped to rest, he pushed him! forward, and told him rudely to goon i The Savior looked at him, and said, '1 , shall stop and repose, but thou shalt go on,' upon which the Jew was seized with an irresistible desire to wander, and had left hib wife and children, whom he had never seen since, and had traveled from one country to another, until lie now came from that country ; to Germany This bishop described him as a tall man, apparently of about fifty years of ago, with long hair that! hung down to his shoulders, who went barefooted,and wore astrangecostume, i consisting of sailor's trousers which reached to the feet, a petticoat which descended to the knees, and a mantle wh'ch also reached to the feet, lie was always taciturn, was never seen to laugh, ate and drank little, and if anybody offered him money, he never took more than two or three pence, | which lie afterwards gave away in charity, declaring that God contributed to Jill his wants. He related various! events which he had seen in different' countrys and at different times, to' people's great astonishment. All these; details and many more, arc told in a letter dated the 29th of June, 1594, w liich was printed in German and French On this occasion the Jew spoke good German, in the dialect of j Saxon, but when lie, or another person under the same character, appeared in T lie Netherlands is 1575, lie spoke' Spanish. A few years later the Wan dering Jew arrived in Strasburg, and! presenting himself before the magis-j trates, informed them that he had vis ited their city two hundred years be ; tore, which was proved to be true, by a reference to the registers of the town. The Wandering Jew proceeded next to the West Indies, and returned thence to France, where ho made his appearance in 1604, and appears to | have caused a very considerable serisa tion. As during the time be was there ■ the country was visited by destructive j hurricanes, it was believed that those j visitations accompanied the Jew in wanderings, and this belief became so general that in the present day in; Brittany Picardy, when a violent bur-' ricane comes on, the peasantry are in ] the habit of making the sign of across and exclaiming, 'C'es tie J uif-errant quipasse !' Various accounts of the i appearance of the Wandering Jew in different parts of France at this time wore printed, and ho became the sub ject of more than one popular ballad, one of which is well known and still popular in France, and is sold common ly by the hawkers of books. There is a well-known English bal lad on tho Wandering Jew, which is ; perhaps as old as the time of Eliza both. It relates to the Jew's appear-, j ance in Germany and Flanders in the .sixteenth century. On the 22d of April, 1774, the Wan j jdering Jew, or some other individual 1 who had personated him appeared in; Brussels, where he told his story to j Bourgeois; but ho had changed his; name and now called himself Isaac Laquedem. The wanderer has not since been heard of, but is supposed to be traveling in some of tho unknown parts of the globe. The llisterie ad mirable Juif-arrant, still printed and circulated in Eranco, forms one of the i class of books which our antiquaries LEWISTOWN, MIFFLIN COUNTY, PA- call chap-books, and is of fabulous stories which the Jew is made to tell with his own mouth. A STORY or WATERLOO. FOUNDED ON FACT. The residence of the hospitable Duke of Richmond was brilliantly lighted on the evening of June 15th, 1815. Groups of officers in various uniforms were seen assembled in the hall room, many of whom were probably assembled for; the last time. Among the ladies that ornamented the room, many of our own country women might readily be distinguished by tho easy dignity of their manners from the vivacious for eigners with whom they were ming led. One of the most attractive of these was Edith Myers. An artist would not, perhaps, have called her beautiful, but there was a dignity of character in her face which amply atoned for anything in which she might have fallen short of the Grecian model, j Not really above the average height,l the slightnoss of her figure made her ; appear taller than most of tho women around her, as she stood still, holding; to the arm of her father, Colonel My-! ers, with whom she had just entered ! Many an admiring glance was upon the young girl, as her cheek flushed beyond its wont. She looked hurried ly around the room, hardly seeming j, fo notice the officer who was soliciting | { her hand for a dance She accepted him, however, mechanically, when a bright smile passed over her face. j, Captain Bruce, an officer in the uni- j, form of the Life Guards, was crossing the room toward her. His figure was tall and soldier like, his countenance grave and thoughtful, at times almost stern. In years he appeared consider ably her senior. Advancing to her! side, he asked in a low tore it she could spare a few minutes that evening to j stroll with him in tho adjoining ter i race. She assented to his request in j the same tone, a deep blush rising over her face. They immediately separat- j ed as if to avoid remark, and Edith was soon waltzing in the brilliant cir cle. The evening wore on and the gay ety was at its height, when a hand was laid on Edith's arm, and the samo low voice whispered in her ear: '1 claim you now, at least for a time!' With a heating heart she accepted the prof fered arm, and making their way thro' tho merry groups that surrounded them, the two passed out upon the ter race. The}* stood silent for a few mo ments. The bright moonlight which j poured around them lighted up the shining leaves of the shrubs below, and the scent of rare flowers with which the terrace was dccotated, freshened the evening air with its fragrance.— Edith's hand trembled as it lay upon her companion's arm; the flush had died from her cheek and left it deadly j pale. ' Miss Myers, lam here to-night to ask one question which deeply in-! volves in}* future happiness. You can- j not surely be blind to my long cherish-1 ed affection for you, and—' And as| he spoke, the shrill blast of a bugle was heard suddenly breaking the still ness of the night. Captain Bruce started, anJ his whole frame seemed to quiver. 'Edith,' he exclaimed hurried ly, you hear that sound ; it is a signal for action, and calls me either to death or victory. I have only a few mo ments more to be with you. Tell me, I implore you, whether I am to wel come death as a friend, or to fight with redoubled courage for a life that is dear to?— Good heavens! she has faint ed !' The stanling news had been too much for Edith's delicate frame; and had it not been for her lover's support ing arm, she would have sunk to the; ground. He dared stay no longer, but ; calling some waiting women to her! aid, ho imprinted one kiss upon her forehead, aud hastened trom the house to assemblo his men. The following evening about three j hours after sunset, a different scene presented itself. The conflict of the day was over, and the silence of death had suceeded the storm of the battle. Groups of soldiers might be seen dot-j ted over the battlefield, occupied in searching tor their missing comrades among the dead and dying. While, passing to and fro among them might be distinguished two lemale figures timidly and cautiouslesslv treading their way across the fatal scene, where so many brave men lay mangled and lifeless at their feet. The foremost of i the two was a young girl, wrapped in a loose cloak which enveloped her fig ure; a thick veil was drawn over her lace, and in her hand she carried a small lantern. She was followed by an elderly woman, bearing on her arm a basket, in which were two small flasks, one containing wator and the other filled with brandy. As the young girl proceeded on her search, the light of her lantern fell on tho pal lid features of those lying around her, and more than once she stopped to as suage the thirst of the dying man by administering to him a draught with her own had. Hour after hour she continued her search, till, apparently overcome with tatigue,disappointment and the horrors of tho scenes around her, she sat down on the ground as it to recover her strength, and consider what course she should next pursue. Her attendant followed her example, Vol. 57, No. 22. * and while thus seated they heard the ! murmur of voices approaching them. Presently a party of soldiers appeared, I bearing a wounded man on a litter.— i hey had hardly passed, when the younger of the two women, as if actu- I ated by a sudden impulse sprang up and followed them. Addressing a vet eran of the party, she said, in a low tone : ' Soldier, can you tell me what ' part of the field the Life Guards occu pied during the action, and whether any of their wounded are still left be hind V Ho looked at her for a mo ment with an air of surprise, and then replied: ' We are now bearing a ser geant of the corps to tho village of W atorloo, where some of our men have just taken ono of their wounded offi cers.' Tho soldiers passed on, and she j rejoined her attendant, who, in tho mean time, had risen to meet her. They followed the party at such a distanco as to keep them in sight without being themselves observed. In this manner j they proceeded for some time, till tho j soldiers halted to rest for a few min utes upon tho spreading roots of a large oak tree, close to which, in tho course of the day, the Duke of Wel lington had takeu up his position.— From tho latter circumstance this old tree has since been distinguished by the title of the ' Wellington Oak.' They proceeded on their march still follow ed by tho two females. Presently they came to a farm house; this they pass ed without a second halt; but the young girl and her attendant agreed to enter the yard, where they seated themselves .on a stone. Here a scene of utter des olation presented itself; bodies of men and horses were lying about in all di rections, as well as bayonets, sheets and the rags of clothes which covered the ground. Finding the house unoc cupied, they wero glad to turn from this heart-rending scene and proceed on their way. After walking about a mile some cottages became visible, which they determined on entering, to ascertain if possible, how far they still were from the village of Waterloo.— They wero just going up to tho gate to make inquiries, when they observed an officer with his arm in a sling, lean ing against the wall, apparently wrap ped in thought. They approached him and the young girl began, in a timid | voice: 'Will you kindly direct us to .' ' Can it be possible?' exclaim jed the officer, suddenly turning round. ' Surely that is Miss Myers* voice!'— Edith uttered a cry of joy, exclaiming 'Thank heaven, ho is safe!' and then all tho fortitude which had nerved her through those horrible scenes gave way and she burst into a hysteric fit of sobbing. In a moment her lover stood beside her, his arm around her, and her head laid upon his breast, while bending down he whispered in her ear: i'Edith, I need ro other answer than the love which induced you to bravo such dangers in search of me.' Often, in after years, when sur rounded by his children, would Gen. Bruce relate tho circumstances under which he had proposed. Remarkable Wedding. Tho Dayton Journal is responsible lor the following story: Tuesday morning a couple appeared in the Probate Court and demanded a marriage license. When tho moment arrived for paying the feo, the man was for backing out, but the woman said he shouldn't do that, ' not by any means,' and sho paid the license. The couple soon afterward appeared at Justice Turner's office, and the woman made known her • intentions.' The unusual appearance of the 'happy couple'attracted general attention,and a large crowd was soon gathered to see the solemn ceremonies.' When tho couple were asked to i stand up and face the music, the groom again tried to back water; and the bride seeing that there was no other way for it, remarked that he'd got to stand it, and there was no use talking about it. She caught hold of tho doubting Thomas and squared him up before the justice, with the order for him to ' sail in !' Just then the query arose as to where the feo for the tying of the hymeneal knot was to come from. Tho man Baid he couldn't stand the expense. Tho woman asserted that she had paid for the license, and the man should pay for tho marrying. He protested that he wouldn't, and that he'd go to Cincinnati to work.— The woman caught him as he was slip ping away from thematrimonial noose, threw him down on the floor, and, tak ing somo money from his pockets, she deliberately paid the justice his fee, and then holding on to her 'feller,'the knot was tied in due form. All the while the bride was munching peanuts, and when tho ceremony was over tho floor was littered with shells. The bride saluted her husband with ' Tom, you're a liar !' Congratulations to tho happy couplo were fairly showered down, and were characterized raoro i for their robusticity than for their del icacy ; and tho brido and groom left 'the presence' in a condition otjollity which foretold a boisterous houoy moon. When last seen the amiable spouso shoved her lord into the gutter at the corner of Jefferson and second j streets. lerTho English language is about six hundrod years old.