Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 22, 1867, Image 3

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    'j ii j 3aa ~i u* 3
Notice* of Xfw A<lvfrllfment.
20, (MM Sweet Potato Plants for sale by
F. G. Franciseus.
The Ivirhy Reaper and Mower for 1867.
Jenkins & Tongue's Hatchets.
Shoe Jours Wanted—Auditor's Notice,
Ac., Ac.
Don't forget Mr. Nourse's sale of per
son d property on Saturday next at the
Public Meeting;.—A meeting will he held
in the Town Hall, on Thursday evening,
23d. at 7J o'clock to devise means to aid
the Southern Relief Fund. Members of j
the Executive Committee of Mi til in Co..
are especially requested to be present.
t?-%. The Exhibitions of the Public;
Schools of this Borough, on Thursday and
Friday evenings last, were attended by
vast crowds of parents and friends. As is
usual on such delightful occasions, Lew
istown was proud of her schools. The se
lection of pieces and characters, the parts |
so well committed, and the performance !
of all the children, indicated that both
teachers and scholars had earnestly and i
attentively engaged in the work before
them. A!! felt that it was a success. At
the close. Mi s Mary McCord, one of the
teachers of the High Schools, was pre
sented with a handsome bouquet, a trib
ute of regard and esteem from her pupils.
The proceeds amounted to sll3 above ex
penses, to be appropriated to the purchase
of astronomical and geographical appara
tus, maps. Ac., for the use of the Schools.
Fishing- Trip.—We spent a few agreea
ble days in Licking creek valley last week,
catchitr: a fair number of good trout,
(treat changes are taking place in that
region, the chopper's axe having been
busy in all directions in cutting out ties
and staves, which are floated down the
stream, the channel having been cleared
out for that purpose. We left for home
on Friday morning, crossing the moun
tain opposite Minehart's Gap, and took
the car- at Granville Station, whore sev
eral dwellings have already been erected,
with quite a demand for more. The re
mainder of the party staid until Saturday,
got astray In crossing the mountain, and
had a rugged pathway until they reached
the gap.
Me3ic.il Convention,—The State Medical
Society will hold its annual meeting at
Pittsburg, commencing on the second of
June. The session will continue three
day-, it is the intention of the Alleghe
ny County Association to give the body
a public reception, and to this end prepa
rations are being made. George's full
band ha.- been engaged for the occasion.
Among other papers, will he one from
Munich, written in French, on a prize
theme odor, i at the last session of the
Attempted Suicide. —The Mount Union
Times gives the following curious account
of an attempted suicide:
On i ist Saturday, a man living in New
ton Hamilton, by name of Fclty Smith,
attempted suicide by cutting bis throat
with a penknife. The following arc the
particulars ot the affair, so far as we have
' cen al>l<- to learn them : It seems that
Mr. Smith has been laboring under a
mental as well as physical disorder for
some time back, and on Saturday last lie <
sent to the .-tore for some kind of patent
medicine. After tak ing some of the med
icine, he got an idea in his head that it '
i ntanied a quantity of brandy. Beluga
Good 1 mpiar, be seemed to be very much <
di-tiv—c t at the idea of drinking brandy,
and -a d it " would send him to hell."
lie went to ail orchard near by, and with
hi- pi-ii-knife cut his throat three times. ;
When found he was very nearly dead ;
but iroiu latest accounts he will likely re
cover. It i- said he burnt a considerable
amount of Government bonds before he
atteinpte 1 to kill himself.
The Pennsylvania Reserves.—The first .
Annual Meeting of the I'a. Reserve A*- i
social:OII, will he held at Harrishurg, on
the - !i May, 1867, Gen. Win. Me( 'an lb---
lias iioeii -elected as the orator for the oj
rasioa. All members of the above dis
tinguished organization during the war,
ire earnestly requested to attend. The
Mth of May, 1864, the Reserves fought
heir last battle as a body. This is the
uiiiivcrsary. A. G. Curtin, President;
n n. Sickles, Vice President; Gen. J. P.
Taylor, Treasurer. A banquet will be
served at the state Capital Hotel in the
A Wcr.l cf Caution.—Our readers in buy
ing cheap Sewing Machines, should be
careful in making the selection. There
ure but two low priced Machines made fn
tie- e Hintry which are really PATENTED,
namely, the " P>A RTLETT," of New
York, and the "Shaw A Clarke" of Maine;
:uG i' " RARTLETT" is the only one (
that i-al-o fully EUEXSED by the mauu- i
f tcturer.- of the higher-priced machines. 1
mention thi- because those who buy
" r an infringing machine are just
hat to prosecution, under the U. S. pat
ent lav. a- are those who make or sell it.
Mr-. Margaret Waream, Mill street,
has r< . ;,,| r ,. ss and coat patterns
and jin pared to accommodate all with
plain or fancy sewing.
t'-b Grove is retailing out the finest
eht wlj. V e tasted for some time. He
'* hn " i- for keeping good articles of all
L: ml-. ml iml tody can go amiss in calling
on 111:ts lor anything from a smoked her
ring to a barrel of sugar.
Por Sale. A large lot of ground in the
rn end of town, with a small dwell
ing. runt t.os, Ac., thereon. Price ssoo.
li ; '.-"' d make a cheap home, inquire
at (. ./.l it,. ( mice.
boe;, liajj f 1! on Friday last.
M aim,'- wanted at Grove's, for which
lie w>:' |, : ,y jj.,k,<| price.
11.' w.-ather continues wet and unfav
orable for corn planting.
Ail' ii is attending market with vegeta-
I'le- of hi- own raising.
A • ely friend sent us some pounds of
honey tomb the other day, the equal of
*hi<;li w e have rot seen for many years.
Corn Planters Wanted. —The protracted
rains have thrown back corn-planting in
I this county; but fortunately all farmers
who hand in their orders soon, at Frysin
ger's Agricultural Implement Agency,
can be supplied with Corn Planters or
Droppers (whichever they want,) that will
! do up the work in a few days.
Frysinger has the Morrison, which
J scores out, plants, plasters, and covers, all
at the same time, besides puttingin pump
kin seeds, if desired. Also, Wanbaugh's
land Heidler's, which are both old and
popular machines.
He has also a capital little Corn Drop
per, with which one boy can drop corn in
hills as fast as four men. Price only $24.
Odds and Ends.
Reese has refitted the Patterson House.
James M'Cue, an employee on the stone
wall in Jack's Narrows, fell on the rocks
below while shifting a derrick, and was
badly hurt.
We have 21 bundles of rag Printing
Paper, of good quality, 221x324, which
will IK? sold at less than eost for cash.
Weight 50 lbs per bundle—price 17 cents.
The best appointment made by the
President for a long time is that of the
Hon. George Bancroft as Minister to Prus
sia, in place of Hon. Jos. A. Wright, de
The Miners' Journal chronicles the
sinking of a house with all its contents at
the foot of Mahanoy plane. It fortunate
ly occurred iu day time, and no human
life was lost.
The rebels at Mobile got up a riot last
week when Judge Kelly was speaking,
ti iring which four or five persons were
killed. He told them however he had the
1 >th Itegt. IT. !>. Infantry at his back and
intended to talk, which lie did.
Jef Davis ison his road to Canada, where
lie can live in princely style on the money
furnished by his dupes, or get up another
rebellion. He was in New York last
week, waited on by his old friends who
helped him all they could to destroy our
Six runaway boys from Philadelphia
were arrested last week at Harrishurg
while endeavoring to force an entrance
into a car. The best cure for such chaps
is to let tliem run for a while, as they
soon find the difference between home
and no home.
The Cambria Freeman, edited by
Couldn't-be-Congressm in R. L. John
ston, thinks our defense of the Legisla
ture a large undertaking for so small a
paper. Perhaps it was—but for all that
it wasn't as large as a gang of soreheads
undertook at Tyrone last fall, nor half as
large as Morrell's majority.
A young man named Amos Baker was
lately arrested for stealing a horse from
Mr. Fox of Perry county, for whom he
had been working. lie is the same per
son who killed his cousin about a year
ago, and who after a hearing before Judge
Graham, on a writ of habeas corpus, was
discharged on the ground that the shoot
ing was accidental.
Fortune telling continues to be a thriv
ing business, several parties in town be
ing engaged in it, all of whom appear to
he well patronized. As numbers go hack
after a first visit, it is supposed to lie pro
fitable on both sides. A resident of Third
street says that iu nine cases out of ten,
when he sees ladies rigged up and sailing
out that street, he can tell their errand.
Our old bread, butter and trout friend
of the Hollidaysburg Standard is itching
badly for a take. As soon as we hear of
one that will pay his calibre we'll let him
know, though as the halcyon days of de
mocracy, when wood was piled up hill
and the front only measured are no more,
we fear his chances are slim. Vallandig
hatn and Jef Davis however may be in
the market, and on proper application he
might perhaps get a C or even a 1).
Concerning the pay of the New York
Journalists, a correspondence of the Bos
ton Voice says: " The Tribune employs'
fifteen reporters at an average salary of
$23 pi r week; the Herald twenty-three at
an average of sl7 ; the Times a bitter op
ponent oi workingmen's associations,) ten
reporters at s2l per week average; the
Sun a rampant advocate of the labor
movement) five men at an average of
tin tve dollars ; the Post four, at $23 aver
a re: the World eight at an average of sl3;
and the Express six, at an averageof nine
dollars. It appears from this that the
best wages are paid by republican papers
—the worst by democratic.
JBQy- General Sheridan has interdicted
the carrying of fire-arms, except by those
whose duties require them to be armed.
The United States Supreme Court
during the term just dosed disposed of
two hundred cases, leaving two hundred
and fifty still on the docket.
.Yobc to Farmer*. — Go to 11. Frysitig
er's Agricultural Implement Agency for
Corn Planters. Try them ; if they don't
dothe work right you need not keep them.
Price -820, ami S2B.
Horse Hay Rakes, warranted Steel,
$3.) and $46.
FI-ST M KSSKS. CLARK A Co., Chemists,
Syracuse, N. V., would call attention to
their advertisements in another column,
headed " Reparator Capilli," " Crisper
Coma," and "Circassian Balm." These,
undoubtedly, are the most perfect and ef
ficacious articles ot the kind ever offered
the American Public. To unbelievers,
we would say, " try them and be convinc
CiaV. A < 'lergyman writing to a friend,
savs, "My voyage to Europe.is indefinite
ly* postponed," 1 have discovered the 'foun
tain of health' on this side of the Atlantic.
Three bottles of the Peruvian Syrup have
rescued me from the fangs of the fiend
])v.-pep-ia." Dyspeptics should drink
from this fountain.
The Atlantic cable of 1806 has
censed working, and the disaster is attri
buted to damage done by an iceberg which
grounded oil" the harbor ot Heart s ( on
tent on the evening of the 4th instant,
am! is supposed to have broken the cable.
The cable at that |Kilit lies in about 16
fathoms of water. There is still another
line, which keeps up the communication
between America and Europe.
In Washington City, on the 17th May,
Capt. THEODORE FRANKS, aged 60 years,
formerly of this place.
In Brattou township, on the 16th May,
GEORGE SETTLE, aged 43 years.
For the Gazette.
Southern Correspondence.
KXOXVILLE, Tenn., May 15, '67.
This town of Brownlow notoriety is 130
miles from the Virginia line down the|
East Tenn. Valley. This valley is from I
25 to 30 miles wide, and is drained by the
Chuekv, Holston, and Clinch rivers. The!
upper part of the valley for a distance ot
40 miles is broken by numerous irregular!
limestone ridges, between which, numer
ous rapid streams dash themselves along, j
offering unsurpassed inducements to the;
manufacturer. Along these streams are j
narrow valleys of the richest land. The !
ridges, too, are very fertile, but too steep
for successful cultivation. Nowhere could
the manufacturer do better than iu East
Tenn. For a distance of 100 miles there j
is not a single woolen factory. The spin
ning wheel and the loom are yet heardin
every farm house. The manufacturer of!
farming implements would lie exceediug
ly lucrative. Grain drills and reaping!
machines are curiosities to the farmer.
r I 'uis is in a wretched and unscientific
state. Plowing is done by means of a
"bulltongue" or shovel plow, which mere- !
lv scrapes the surface a few inches. ( oi n
is planted successively in the same field,
and very often without replowing, yet an
immense quantity of corn is raised.—
\Y heat this year is in a very backward
state, scarcely as far on as in Penn'a. J
would attribute this to their time and
manner of sowing. Renters can do well
here. They need not pay any tax on the
land and get two-thirds of all they raise.
Since the negroes are liberated and fann
ing stock driven away by the armies,
there are thousands of acres of the very
best land lying waste for want of farmers.
Fanners with small capital cannot fail to
do well here. Large crops of corn are put
out with one yoke of small oxen.
These are the hone of contention now
as much as ever, not who will get the
"nigger" but whom will the " nigger" i
have. Radicals and conservatives are
playing tiiis game, each proving to the
negro that he lias been his best friendand
therefore entitled to his support at the
coming election. Some freedmon are
obliged to vote its their employers want
them or he driven with their families from
their homes. A few are too ignorant to
understand the issues of the contest and
are sold to the highest bidder, and judg
ing from what we have seen last fall we
know what party they will support. Oc
casionally a colored man of influence is
bought by the conservatives. In Haw
kins county they gave one a house and
lor wort h $750 to stump the State for them,
but he was everywhere hissed and hooted
by his colored brethren and obliged to de
sist. They knew who their friends were
in the past.
No class of men are more completely
cowed down than the rebels of Tenn. Not
long ago they were perfectly rampant,
oiieuly avowing that, with Andy John
son at their head and theconservatives in
the North to assist t hem, they would soon
have the negro where he was before. A
second war and a certain victory were
spoken of as settled facts, but thanks to
the firmness of Congress and the military
hill, their hopes are about as certain of
being realized as that of .Satan was to re
gain heaven, and like that arch rebel,
they feel pretty bad, and now try to vent
tln ir spleen by wishing the negro to mar
ry the daughters of radicals, or else go to
To illustrate their animus I must relate
a dialogue which occurred in my hearing
the other day. Sauntering into a store
while waiting tor the ears while in a com
munity where nearly all were rebels, I
found two very actively engaged abusing
the negro and the radicals, comparing the
latter with the aristocracy of the South,
stating that scarcely a lady or gentleman
could be found among them; that they
were an inhospitable cringing set, every
one working for himself. Just then came
walking in one of our boys in blue from
Tenn., whose homespun dress but honest
heart proved him to be no aristocrat, ami
taking up the conversation he replied:
" You rebels were mighty hospitable as
long as you could do it with other peo
ple's money or other people's work. 1 be
lieve in every man working for himself
and I have i'ought that it might be so.—
The reason you call tiie nigger a good for
nothing, lazy scoundrel is because you can
not get him to be your slave and let you
act the lazy scoundrel, and that is what
hurls you."
But a short time ago such free speech
would have eost this young soldier his
life, but Gov. Brownlow has squads of
militia stationed through the State and all
is now perfectly quiet. SIGMA.
DAVID COPPERFIKLD, the third volume
of the Diamond Dickens ison our table.
This is the most completely designed and
delightfully executed edition of a popular
series of works, intended for the family
library that lias ever come from the hands
of a publisher. " Pickwick," the initial
of his humorous works, and still the most
amusing; "Our Mutual Frien l," his la
test, and by many deemed equal to his
best, and " David Coppcrfield," also one
of his m >st readable works, are now be
fore the public in this dainty form, and
their rapid sale well attests the populari
ty they have achieved. The Rochester
Democrat pertinently says:
"A renewed circulation ami astill wider
reading of Dickens cannot prove other
wise than a blessing to the country ; for
who shall deny that this genial novelist
is not, wherever he may go, a missionary
of good as well as of delight; making men
and women better, whilst lie makes them
smile; softening and enlarging the heart,
even as he gratifies the love of humor,
the sensibilities that sympathize with the
pathetic, and the artistic taste that relish
es pictures of homely and intensely hu
man life. As the " Diamond" has thus
inaugurated another conquering cam
paign for the deservedly loved and popu
lar gentleman of Gadshill, it merits praise
for what it is as well as for what it has
done. For its convenient form, its dis
tinct though necessarily small type, and
excellent original illustrations by Ey tinge,
it merits commendation, and meets a pop
ular want at a very moderate price. It is
something new, beautiful, and useful like
wise in the way of book-making; and by
its very peculiarities is quite sure to be a
favorite, no matter how many attractive
rivals enter the lists with it, and win cus
Every lover of Dickens should be sure
to get. this edition. The illustrated vol
umes are only $1.50 each, and the plain
$1.21; Ticknor A Fields, Boston.
T.,e American Ayrieulftrri.it for May
contains, "Ailanthus; A look into the
S-a; Apiary for May; Baskets for setting
hens; Black Bear; Boys and Girls col
umns, very' interesting; Castor oil bean
culture; Cranberry culture; Dog statis
tics; Farm and garden work," Ac. $1.50
per annum, in advance. Address, Orange,
Ju Id A Co., 41 Park Row, New York.
Louis L. Williams, who was injur
ed on Friday, while in charge of a car of
the Adams Express Company, died on
Saturday morning, at the residence of his
mother "(Mrs. Caroline L. Williams), on
Second street, Harrishurg.
Tclfsrapliic Dhpatrlies.
i LONDON, May 17. —Dispatches received
| from Athens state that two sanguinary
1 battles have taken place recently in Can
| dia, in both of which the Turkish com
mander, Omar Pasha, was badly defeat
ed. His loss in both engagements is eom
j puted at three thousand men.
1 he great powers of Europe have again
united in a petition to the Sublime Porte
to cede the island of Crete to the Greek
LONDON, May 20. —The settlement of
the Luxembourg question has been de
termined, the treaty having been signed
by Napoleon and King William of Prus
NEW \ORK, May 20. —About noon to
day a fearful tragedy occurred in the club
room, situated on the second floor of
Knox's building, corner of Broadway and
Fulton streets, resulting in the almost in
stant death ot 1* rank B. Fislier, an exam
ining officer, who deliberately shot him
self through the head. On his person was
found a document to the following effect:
"Done by my own hand. Cause—de
moralized bv playing Faro. May Al
mighty God have mercy on 1113' soul!"
In Milroy, on the 9th April, by Rev. J.
F. Dietterieh, AMOS A. SHATSKK, of Lew
istown, to Miss MAHY A. BLACK, of Belle
In Milroy, 011 the 18th April, by Rev.
J. F. Dietterieh, HEXIIY H. WAGNER, to
Miss AMANDA E. KE.MMHKI.ING, both ot
Milroy, Miffiin county, Pa.
LEWISTOWN, May 22, 1807
1\ heat, red. per bushel £3 00
white •' 3 10
Corn, old, 00
O.its " 60
Kggs per dozen 15
Butter per lb 20
Flour is retailing at the following prices:
Lewistown Kxtra Family per cwt. 7 50
Superfine 6 50
Kxtr i Family per bbl 15 00
Superfine 12 00
Buckwheat per cwt. 5 00
I*iiiladf 1 pitin Market**.
Flour (iull and weak; superfine $9 50a
10; Northwestern extra 513a14 50; Penn
sylvania and Ohio 813a15; California .<lO
50a17. J lye Flour $8 50aS 75. No sales
<>f C'orti Meal. Pennsylvania Wheat is
in fair demand; sales of Ponn'a red at s3a
.'to. llye £1 7n.il 73 for Western Ponn'a
and Canada. Corn is quiet, and yellow
atloat, in ears and from store §1 22al 23.
Oats steady at She.
I he Cattle Market at Philad'a showed
a decline in prices on Monday, compared
with the previous week.
J > rex el & Co. quote Government Bonds
as follows:
r. s. (is, 1881, llljft 1115
Old l". S. .5-2*ls, 1862, 108 \< ioa|
New L*. S. 5-20s, lsii4, 10.",y,, kit-
New May t Nov. 18(15, lOORu lU6I
New " " July a Jan. 1860, I07;f 108|
10-40 Bonds, " 99.| (>< 00;,'
7-80s, August, lOoiC 1 < H *g
7-30s, June, 105R 10.7]
7-30s, July, umo, 105]
Gold, 136] D 1374
Special Jloticcs.
To Consumptives.
Tic- .i'!vtrtisf*r. having restored t health !n n ff*\
week!* hv a very simple r.-mely. att.-r havhu Tor
sr Vi ml y\trs -a irti a luti< allW t ion. Ati 1 that cJrea I
• hs.Mse Coii^ump:ton—ls anxious to make known to his
fallow stirt'iTers th mari4 of cure.
1■ nil wh levre it, he vt SI SMI 1 a copy of tlie proserl p*
>ti u#cl free of charge), with the directions tor prepar
ing ami <1 * l lthe s;in*. which they will titni a sure C ur*
f i riii6iitn|i! ion, Asth"ci. Ilroncliif Is. (Oughs, Oii is, anl
all Throat nl Lung AtL cUon*. The only object of the
a IviTtlscr in seiMfug the Prescription is to benefit the Ji
ll re I. an 1 sprca I triform A t ion which lie com elves to be
InvaliniMe, an t lie hopes every ..url-rer will try his rriin
•|y , n- it will r->-t thetii tioihing, an 1 may prove a blessing
1' r ies wishing the pr'.s ription. Tree !v return null, will
please a Mrcss KKV. Ll>W VKD A WILSON,
m> 15-1y Williamaburg. Kings Co . New York.
Errors of Youth.
A Gentleman who sutr-re l for year* from Nervous Drbfl
itv, i'reinat urc Decay, an I all of yo ithtul imlis
v ret i..n, will, tor the sake of sutiering humanity, send free
to all who need it, the recipe an 1 direction*, tor making
the •in pie remedy hy wlu li tie was cured. Sufferers
wi-iing to profit by the advertjser's experience, can do
so by n i Ireusing, in perfect confidence,
xn> IVIy J > lf N |{. OODE.V, 42 Ce lar St., New York.
Wislar's I>al>am of Wild Cherry.
This remedy lias long been cherished by the com
munity for its remarkable efficacy in relieving, heal
ing and curing the most obstinate, painful and long
standing cases of Cough. Cohl. Influenza, Sore Tnruat.
Bruncliitui, H hoping Cough, Croup. Asthma, Inflamma
tion ol tuo Lungs; while even Consumption itself has
yielded to its magic influence when all other means
have failed Its whole history proves that the past
has produced no remedy of equal value, as a cure for
tlie numerous and dangerous pulmonary affections
which prevail all over the land.
Unsolicited Testimony.
From AwMitw ARCIIgit. Esq.. of Fairfield, Me.
" About eight years since my son, Henry A. Archer,
now Postmaster at Fairfield. Somerset county. Me..
was attacked with spitting of blood, weakness
of Lungs, and general debility, so much so that our
family physician declared hiin iohave a •• Seated Con
sumption." He was under medical treatment for a
number of months, but received no benefit from it.—
At length, from the solicitation of nunself and others.
1 was induced to purchase one bottle of WISTAR'S
HALS VM OF V\ ILL CHERRY, which benefitted him
so much I obtained another bottle, wlueli in a short
tune restored him to hi- Usual state of health. I think
I can safely recommend this remedy to others in like
r< .edition, for it is. 1 think, utf it purports to he—tilt
CRUT Loo Itr.Mrnv run TIIK TIME*: pi,,. a t„>\e state
Uient. gentlemen, is my voluntary ottering to you in
favor of your Balsam, and is at your disposal."
Prepared l y BETH W. FOWLE & SOU, is Tre
montst., Boston, and for sale by Ilruggistsgenerally.
Grace's Celebrated Salve.
AMBSBCET. M ASS., October 13th 1863.
Mr. (trace—Dear tiir: —Having been afflicted griev
ously for several weeks with a severe abscess upon
my "side, I used several remedies for its eradication
without receiving any relief, until 1 applied your salve,
which effected a speedy and permanent cure I
therefore feel happy to certify uiy confidence in its
virtues. Yours with respect, JAMES BF.AN.
i certify to the truth (nines of the above statement.
li. S. DEARBORX, M. It.
SETH W. FOWLE it SON, Boston, Proprietors.
Sold by all Druggists, at 25 cents a box. By mail
35 cents." my22-lm
VM EETING of the Republican Coun
. ty Committee will be held at the of
fice of the undersigned SATURDAY, May
25th, at 2 o'clock, p. m. A full attendance!
is earnestly requested.
11. J. CTLHEKTSOX, Chairman.
Lewistown, May 15, 1867-2t.
Sweet Potato Plants.
OA AAA Sweet Potato Plants for sale
Lewistown, May 22, '67.
?Y workmen can get employment at;
good wages. Call at
my 22 P. F. LOOP'S.
Agent; Wanted in Mitliin k Adjoining Counties j
••Woman's Work in the Civil War."
T)IIEPAHED under the approval of
An eminent Divine j>av: '-This work is a household ;
treasure, a joy and Messing to future times, it de !
velopes a new. soeial era; a new power in wotnan; a |
new phase in Christianity itself."
T. S ARTHUR'S MA'iAZINK says: '-We welcome :
this Book most heartily - the only record of Wo-j
man's work in the War which makes any approach to
The SOLDIERS' MESSENOIR says: "This is the only 1
work on the subject which can make any pretensions !
to completeness."
In the beauty of its typography, and the
of its numerous fine steel engravings, it is a model. ;
Agents have no difficulty in selling it. for all who see |
it want to read it. Energetic young men and ladies
will find an agency for this work the best paying bus
iness they can engage in during the Spring and Sum
mer. For full description of the work and terms to
agents, Address ZEIUcER, McCURDV A CO, 501 j
Chestnut St.. PluhvMphia, Pa.; Lombard Block, Chicago,'
111., or !>O9 Olive St., St. Louie, Mo. op!7 j
The Kirby for 1867.
\\ T AS AWARDED to this well-known
V T REAPER and MOWER, at the great
National Trial, at Auburn, in July, 1806.
It is now offered to farmers as the best and
cheapest Harvester in the market.
Prices of the KIRUY for 1867.
For Kirby'scombined Mowerand Reap
er as Hand Raker, SI !•".
For Kirby'scombined Mowerand Reap
er, with .Sweep Self-Rake, $l7O.
For Kirby's new combined Mowerand
Reaper as Hand-Raker, sils4>.
For Kirby's new combined Mowerand
Reaper, New Reel Self-Rake, SIBO.
For Kirby's single Mower, S9O.
The Machine can be seen by calling on
the Agent, JOHN M. THOMPSON, at bis
residence, opposite Russell's Bank, Lew
istown, PH., or at the lteedsviile Ware
house. Alsoon handand for sale, Stoner's
Patent Grain Drill, Willoughby's Gum-
Spring Drill, and Pratt's Horse Rake.
Lewistown, May 22, 1807.-3t
fpilE best and cheapest- for t lie consumer
i are those manufactured by
Shingling, Lathing.Clawand Broad,made!
ot the best cast-steel and warranted as good
or better tiia.ii any others made in the
United States, and sold at much lower
prices than any other really first-class
hatchets. They are tempered by one of j
the tirni, S. J. Tongue, who possesses a
peculiar faculty that might be called
which lias given his tools a great celeb
in three parts.
Nos. 33 and 35 Richmond Street; the red
cars up Third Street cross Richmond, near
the works. my22-ot
i I DiiOßl'S YOTIC K.—The un
a. V dersigncd, appointed by theOrphun's
Court of Mitliin county, Auditor, to make
distribution of the balance to and among
those entitled, in the hands of John A.
McKee, Esq., acting administrator of the
estate of John McKee, deceased, late of;
the borough of Eewistown, in said coun
ty, will attend to the duties of said ap
pointment, on Monday, June 17, 1867, at
1 o'clock, p. m.,atliisoffice,in Lewistown, i
where those interested can attend.
T. F. McCOY,
my22-4t Auditor.
1)9 ill,ll' SALE.—The undersigned
A will otter for public sale, at the Acade
my, in Lewistown, on
SATURDAY, May 25, 1867,
at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following person
al property, to wit:
Cook Stove, Gas Burner, Cottage Set,
Bedsteads, Bureau, Walnut cased Melo
deon, Wheeler A Wilson
pair of Indian Snow Shoes, rich speci
mens Lake Superior Copper, Walnut Ex
tension Table, Clocks, China Ware, Ac.
myß-.lt J. IE NOCItSE.
I vISBUIiI.t: I'ltoi'CKM t 4st
I ' S 11.11.—The subscriber otters at pri
vate sale his FARM, situate in Wayne
township, Mitliin county, near Atkinson's
Mills, containing
270 -A- CE,E S ,
a good part limestone, 130 of which are
under cultivation, well fenced, with run-j
ning water, balance in good timber. The
■■ ifi improvements consist of a
j two story and basement Stone j
IIOESE, nearly new, Log
Barn, and other outbuildings;
an old and young Apple Orchard, cherries,
peaches, and pears. Neighborhood good
—) of a mile from schoolhouse, 1 mile
from store and mill. The above is otter
ed cheap and on accommodating terms.
ap24 3m GEO. ROTH ROCK.
nISSOEiI TH)\. Th< partnership
heretofore existing betweenS. O. M'-
Curdy and Felix M'Clintick in the Mer
cantile business known as S. O. M'Curdy j
& Co., is this day dissolved by mutual 1
consent, the firm having sold their inte-i
rest to S. A. M'( 'lintick. The hooksof the |
late firm will be left with Felix M'Clin
tick for settlement.
The business will be continued as here
tofore at the same place, under the style
and name of S. A. M'CLINTICK.
Siglerville, May 14, 1867-3 L*
illl liiT
Reaper 8c Mower,
I )RONOI*NCED superior in every re
spect hy the Judges of the Great Trial,
at Auburn, N. Y., 1866. See official re
port. For Sale by A. GAItVER,
myß-6w. Lewistown, Pa.
J. HOFFMAN has just received a
• large supply of new goods, which will
be sold low, for cash.
CIIIGA P Goods are found at F. J. Hoffman's.
/ Hardware, Nails,
Drugs, Iron,
Groceries, Paints.
look to your Interests !
At F. J. Hoffman's you will find all i
kinds of Hardware nnd Farming Implements,
at low prices.
SOLE LEATHER and shoe Findings, al
_ ways on hand. Have now some of the i
best lied Solo. F. J HOFFMAN.
' ALL PAPER, Be sure to go to 11 off
Y Y man's for this article. A good stock
on hand, and prices low.
r |MN W ARK. A good assortment, at
MACKEREL, Herring, and Salt, for sale
/ tOACII MAKERS, you will find it to pay
V_y to buy Spokes, Shafts, Hubs, Felloes, Oil
Cloths. &c,at F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Wall, Hand, Scrubing, Dust
ing, Sweeping. &<L, at
(lARPET CHAIN and Cordage, at low
J prices, at F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Publications, at the same prices sold in
the city. F. J. HOFFMAN.
Lewistown. May 8. 1867
nAY RAKES. Farmers, you should
. supply yourselves with the splendid
and improved Wire Tooth llorse Rake for
sale by (may 15) F. J. HOFFMAN.
HAY PITCHERS. Farmers, you should
supply yourself with the Sprout Hay
Pitchers of which so many were sold last
year aud giving the greatest satisfaction.!
For sale by (may!s) F.J.HOFFMAN.
•tiilAl'iJill via
Will be furnished in sums to suit, on
application to the nearest Rank or Bank
er; also by either of the undersigned.
E. W. CLARK & CO.,
np24* Bankers, Philadelphia.
Why Shiver With Cold,
When you can Buy
Knit Undershirts and Drawers
j;inßo At BRISBIN'S.
in TOWN. That's so. And he sells them
by the Wag in L >ad. apr.'t
I AM selling Rims, Spokes, Hubbs, Sprins, j
Axles, &0., very low. A
L A It G E S T O C K
apr 3 at SELHEIMER'S.
rpilE host qualities of SOLE LEATHER,
hand ; also, all kinds of
LININGS, TOOLS, &c., &c.,
which I am selling low
Corn Planter.
rpilE ROUGH and READY Corn Planter
1 for sale by J. B. SELIIEIMER.
The World's
Steaper & Mower,
E. BALL & Company,
fun ton, Ohio.
This is a New and Improved Machine,
made by the inventor of the well-known
Ball's Ohio Reaper. It has many jaiints of
superiority, which every Farmer will see at
a glance.
H FRYSINGER Lewistown, Pa.
Agent for Mifflin and Juniata Counties.
Lewistown, March 27, 1867.
Photograph and Art Gallery.
McEWEXS can now furnish the pub
lic with Likenesses, from the tiniest
(.Jem to a Portrait or life size Photograph.
We have the only Solar Camera at work
in the Juniata Valley, and desire the pub
lic to call and examine what Mr. Burk
liolder (an accomplished and well known
artist) and others have pronounced "a
success." Look at the array:
Gems, j Albatypes or Ivory-
Ferrotvpes, I types,
Melainotypes, | Photo-Miniatures j
Ambrotypes, | Cabinet Photos., A
Card Photographs | Portrait or Life size
Vignettes, | Photographs—
Photographs for j plain or in colors,
oval frames, j &c., &c., &e.
Our work is executed in the best style,
plain or in colors, and at the lowest rates.
Call at McEWENS.
X. 11.- nstruetions to students given
t:t fair rttes. ap4tf I
rn 8", 4 II E U W 4 \ T E I>.—A first
J_ class male teacher is wanted to take
charge of the male and female department,
of the Lewistown Academy. A married
man preferred. Apply to
ap24-tf President of Board Trustees.
INSTATE ol" Henry Selick, Sen.,
J deceased. —Notice is hereby given that
Letters of Administration on theestateof
HENRY SELICK, Sen., late of Granville
township, Mifflin county, deceased, have
been granted to the undersigned, residing
in same township. All pbrsons indebted
to said estate are notified to make pay
ment immediately, and those having
claims against the same, will presentthem
duly authenticated for settlement.
aj>24-6t x Administrator.
. dersigncd appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Mifflin county, Auditor, to make
distribution of the balance to and among
those entitled to the same in the hands of
Samuel J. Brisbin, Administrator of the
estate of Jenkins B. Smith, late of Union
township, said county, deceased, will at
tend to the duties of said appointment, on
Wednesday, June 5, 1867, at 1 o'clock p.
in., at the Register's Office, in Lewistown,
when and where all parties interested are
notified to attend.
ap24 ABRAHAM GAItVER, Auditor.
BEST Bar Iron, at 4J, and other kinds,
low at F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
mm Mimi bdb,
constantly on hand at
Lewistown,. March 27, 1867—3 m.
AH kinds of Coal.
All kept under roof, and for sale by
Lewistown, April 17, 18G7-3m*
TUST received, a fresh supply of SUN
• I HI in COAL, all sizes, which will bo gold at reduc
ed prices. Also.
RKCKIV KLt, a full supply of
PLANK, &o„
which will be sold at reduced prices.
utyl W. B. HOFFMAN & SONS.
MMB & 3DU3
The Entire Stock
Bargains can be had, such as are
not often offered
BSaiyCall soon and make choice.
Lewistown, April 3, 1867.tf
Weber & Son,
HAVE the largest assortment and best
selected stock of
in this section of country.
Brown Sugars from 1U to 15 cts
White Sugar 16 44
Pulverized, Granulated and Broken Loaf
Lovering's Syrup, $1 20 per Gallon,
Other Syrups, 25 and 28 cts. per quart.
Baking Molasses.
Extra Prime Coffee, 30 cts.
Prime Coffee, 28 44
Also, a large stock of
Ground Alum, and Asliton's Refined
Dairy Salt.
Shephard's Pittsburg Crackers always
on hand. feb6.
Men's Buck Gloves at $1 25
1 50
44 44 Gauntlets * 1 25
44 Mitts 1 37
Men's Wool, Cotton and Berlin GLOVES for
sale cheap. myß.
A FULL line of LADIES' MISSES' and
eeived from New York. They are very fine
; ind will be sold
Very Cheap,
Ladies call and see them at BRISBIN'S,
near the Jail.
New Calico
, From 12J up. Bleached or Unbleached Mas*
j !in very cheap at BRISBIN'S.
Grand Exhibition!
Admission Free!
CPO VIEW the large, new, and well selected
J. assortment of
Rittenhouse A McKinney's
Owing to the great downfall of goods, we
are enabled to sell the following Spring
Goods at greatly rednoed prices:
Cassimeres from 75 to 2 75
Bla-;k Cloths, splendid assortment,
Kentucky Jeans, from 30 to 75
Ladies' Cloths, for Sacking, good as
sortment, very cheap,
Ladies' Dress Goods.
Delaines, from 25 to 28
Calicos, very low, 11 to 19
Spring Shawls,
Balmorals, great variety, from 2 00 to 3 50
Gents Hosiery, 15 to 50
Ladies' do 15 to 60
Hoop Skirts, 1 00 to 2 50
Splendid assortment of Gents Fur
nishing Goods,
Variety of Ladies' Fancy Goods,
Muslins, white and brown, 10 to 25
Best White Sugars, 16 and 16$
Best BrowD, at 15
Second quality, 14
Third do 13
Fourth do 11
Best Syrups, 15, 20, 25, and 30
i Coffees, 28 and 30
Soaps, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20
An extensive assortment of Queensware
and Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and
Caps, Ac, &c, &c.
At Rittenhouse and McKinney's you will
find a good assortment of everything per
taining to a country store; and by close at
tention to business and our endeavors to
please all we hope to gain a large and liberal
patronage, to which we will sell at the low
est living rates possible. And as wa are very
thankful for past favors, and hope a continu
ance of the same, we remain, as ever,
Very Respectfully Yours,
Lewistown, May 1, 1867—tf
IF you want Good TIN WARE, home man
ufacture, buy of J. B. SKLIIRIftER.