G. & G. ft. FftYSINGEft, PUBLISHERS, Whole No. 2921. Poor House Business. The Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor * ••., )ln ,h„ 9,j Tuesday of each month. {lUtfMHf It, vin State C onvention. HAIIKISBURO, April 16, I>7. The " Republic™ State Convention" w : l! meet at the" HenlicHouse, in \\ il- KS . XV,,!.,., lay. the 26.1. of June next at It) o'clock, A. M., to nomi nate a candidate forjudgeot thebuprcme Court and t< initiate proper measures lor tht en'smn-' State canvas. As heretofore, the Convention will be composed of Rep resent Hives and Senatorial Delegates chosen* in the usual way, and equal in number b> the whole of the Senators and Representatives in the General Assem- L ' L, l iv order of the State Central Conunit t(i( - " p. JORDAN, Chairman, GEO. W. HAMKRSEV, } \ W. BENEDICT, ,* Secretaries, j, ROBLEY DUNGLISON ) IT &■ j- CZ> ww • j BANKERS, LKWiSTOWN, PA., Inter.--; ail-ved u tittle .k-pMU>. jan-t-lv. tf, Attorney at Law, Office Market Square, LEW'istown, will at tend to business in Mltflin.Centre and Hunting doD eounlte* tnv2fi H. S. 3'JLBSE.SSOIT, Attorney at Law, LEWISTOWN, PA, rtFFKRs lu pi'ifessunna! sei-Tiees to the citizens of () ; n:v. t tn Northeast corner t.l the Pj-oa* .tore. "'yJ LYCOMIKG COU If Tlf Mutual Insurance Company. Capital, S*,.. rrtii - COIRI'Hnv continues to ls-UE P -LINES of DISTTR | - BIIIUIIJJS and Personal Property, in lo*n or Country, at cash or mutual rates JAHKS KASKIX, President. JOSIICA BO\YMA\, Secretary. JOHN HAMILTON. Asent. i-inKt'r'T Ije-.vistoan. Pa. ro:-:iT z. sakis IT. Practicing Physician, Belleville, >Silflin County. I*a- PR I)\HL.i'.N has been appointed an EXAMINING j) sir -eon for PENSIONS. Soldiers requiring exutu- LE.-. ION will fin I him AT his office in Belleville l Eeileville. August 22. ISWi.-y I H. M. ID IH3 3NT O? I S *X" , A!'ii'!ll> bis professional services to the ' I .. I.s I" .Mifflin county. He is prepared to per . ■. : ..us in the dental prufciwon. titlr-i* ■.r : 'mi i.iC Lewi stoat) House, Main s:reel. v \ j,.'. i'l: I found tlie first two weeks of each _ j t.,, week of each tiv-nth he will Tint Ki-'t act quill** Valky. Teeth extracted without \ : ii cot nitrous oxide mvl tf DENTISTRY. j. SMITH P F.SPECTFULLY inform tiie citizens of Lewistown P ) , uniiv. a few doors from flic Town itali, in Minn street tliiit he i prepared to do all kind of work ; in th® nm.-it .srirutitir man ... partial Self*, or SINGLE leetli in n-erDM TRI I R • I >ikR.T r VulemiiW BNTE.IN an flfgant . W rk.;:miike maraier. ami U The mo>t reasona !T>RlTO M** I*unrann*F# IN# work, or NO pay. >N p*;D to the extracting AOD filling cf T- • IN M T!:- mST a prtvee aiiseut on professional busi er - Jne week sepllMl t ■ -a. ... .Av j) DENTIST. ( FFEItS hia professional sereicea to the citizens o I i.evristowu and vicinitv. Al! in wnnt of good, nea r . . ;do well to Circ him a call. M ;(Y found at all times at his office, tlirci D A<: of U. M t K. Pratt's .tore. Valley street. . pift-iy* DENTAL CARD R. IS/L. K:EEVE]R, SVRU EO N' DENTIST. , TEETH Extracted WITHOUT PUN ►" ZZGTFIL ). Y THE U-C ~f NITROUS OXIDE M > VMBHA 1.-oi JI tig Gas. Teeth in ertetl on SI -*-G TT J R ditloient styles of im-RS. Teet! fr • . ... ,-J .TOOR >TC-I manner. Special atten IISEIIS.-D gu ns- All work warranted - - :>a Par- mage. Corner of Main anti : - • jyU ~ < lUVIAER A SI RTEVOR. SS. Swterart. resjiet-tfully in " r tf MUtlm <-ounfy. thnt he i* prep* ■ .! > jaiir**• ving on lioiiee. I'- M Hnndb. and other legal writing# G • * N alue>s and d;#DHtfh. Aildre.##. G. H IGAHT MfVejtuwu, Mifflin county. P.i MI3YERS >E\'L\ ISPiUIVED, rKKME.NT SCALE. A >i r. -4 IS 7 .in V')" HIM (VMNUINE O.)R ' •** Sewing Machine. O-.' \Y AN t 1 *]|l A.-cii'S. Sl5O t"*r ti,*i,iti V • lid J, , XPENSES paid, to EL| the I.•■loliti ' : " • M • LONE | „ Ma-lone -T:O doa'.l tii ! done on any hign priet -I ma.-him I ■ '.IS- I. nee ISEIIAITD warranted for fit ■ v OF I hove wages, or a COMNIISSIOI •- "~! amount can LA- made. For RI • dress II II tI,L Jt CO. T -i t;liC. tu'Jt rA , Philadelphia Pa. THE HINT IN THE WOULD tpilF. I ADHksp.NKIi 18 AGENT Kt>K THE niTR VS.D Nl\G! R SEWINd SJACIIIXE, * v 1 ' [. seed upon trial wiili nny other ntr 8 U 'F lie tiiir.ee eoropetion. It can he tested -L> uq ii ILi w. ij< ~r machine to enable purehers tochoos ' r E BEST, TKRMS I.IIIF.HAL. Give him a <;-aii. [mariaCml WM. USD vAnm am mm*, THE NKW YORK MICA UOOFIXO COMPANY, (established lSiVii arc manufacturing under Letters Patent the j It st Article of Composition Roofing ever Offered to the Public. It is adapted to every style of Roof, steep or tf.it. and can he readily applied l>\ any one. The V. S Government, after a thorough test of its utility, have adapted its use in the Navy Yards, ami upon Public Buildings. The Roofing is put up in rolls, and has only to be . nailed to the Roof to make a Durable l*"irc and Water-Proof Covering. We particularly recommend its use upon Buildings, Storrs. Churches, Farlories. Machine Shojs, Steamboat Decks, kt. MICA ROOFING PAINT, For coating TIN. IEOS, or SHINGLE Roors. It forms a i Holy E r iunl to Tn 'V C'onfs of Ordinary Paint. I No Roof can rust undent, and old leaky Roofs may be i made permanently water-proof and durable by its use The Hititit requires NO JIIXINO. but is ready to lie ap plied with the ordinary paint brush. Prict. SI per 'jal '<>n, which will cover two hundred square lect. Abo manufacturers of Black Lustre Varnish, Tarred Felt and Roofing Pitch. Discount to the Trade. Circulars and Price List fur- 1 umhed. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address THE MICA 1100 KIND COMPANY, 194 From I icny, .V. I*. Frank Humphreys, 61 Royal st . N. O.; Schofield i Williams A Co., Augusta. Git: Baldwin H. Woods Montgomery. Ala ; 1 hos. S. Coates, Ilaleinh, N. C.; F.; \ Tucker Richmond. Va.; Henry Wilson, Petersburg, Va.. Agents. jan23 I I) reiv ■ s Pa tent FOR CJTmTO OR SIDE SEAMS. THE greatest improvement of the age, in this line j of trade. Ist. It does away vskh the wrinkles on j the instep, also, with the welted ide seam which has i injured so inmir feet ami ankles. 2-i. it makes Ihe I easiest sitting and best fitting boot ever worn. This; boot is now maiiafuelureil by- P. F. Loop, who holds ; the right of ue for the county, and is prepared to j f irnisii all who wish to wear this loot. A liberal dis-. count to dealers who wish to deal in these boots, t >r ders filled at short notice Prices greatly reduced on I all goods a'. P. F. Loop's Shoe Store. felki 623. :-:CC? 53CIH.es. 628 sew SPBISII STUBS, -our lltvu ilakt." embracing everv New an-i liesiraf.le size, style and Shape of Plain and Trail Hoop SKIRT-. —2. 21 4. 2J4 2 , :;-t li. 3 1-4. 3 1 -. 3 2-1 ami 4 yards, round every length and size Waist: in every respect FIRST qr\uii. and j especi.llv a lapfed to meet the wants of KIBST CLASS and irio--t fashionable RADZ. •OI;RON MAKE, "of Hoop Skirts, are lighter, more elastic, more durable, and RXALLT (tizArza than any I utli.j- make of either Single or Dooblo Spring Skip | in tnc American Market Tiiey arc WARRANTED in every re-poet, ami wherever introduced give iiniycr satisfaction. They nr.- now la ng extensively sold : bv retail. i>. and every la.iy -honld u y thctn *A - k f>r - Hopkins* (iwn .Mai,, ami sec that eneh ; Sktrt is stamped *'W. T. IB iPI-i iN> M.VNI I it'll li- EH, tVJK ARCH Street, PHILAIiELPHI A."' -Y others are (ie.anne. A Catalogue containing Siyle. F ze and Ii- tail Prices, sent to any address. A Uniform and j Liberal Discount allowed to liealers. tir-lers bv mail or otimrwise. promptly and carefully fi.led. Whole sale and Retail, at .Manufactory and Sales mom*. No czS Ar--h street. Philadelphia. Skills made to order, altered and repaired. TERMS, NET CAM! ONE PRICE ONLY. ' niar2o-10ni WM. T HOPKINS. nEMORKST'S MONTHLY Matfazinc.: universally acknowletlged ihe Model Parlor Mag azine t AmeiD iU devoted istories. Poein."*. >k*tvhe. Arcrhitccture and Model Cottage#, hold Mutter.". OCITD of Thought. IVrwnal and Lit*r nrv C intdiidiux *p'C*ai departments on ha*h --; ion#. • I n.-i! tD'iDOif- on Ilt'aUh. Gyinua.-ti% Equestrian ! Kxer Musi". Amusonient#, -D- : costly En*jra vnij;s :uM MZf.' u>ctui and reliable Patterns. Ktnhroiii • iius. JfWt-lry. and a constant succession of arristic novelties, wiili otier u>cful and entertaining litera- MI re. No person of refinement, ecf.monical housewife, or 4 ti\ ol taste ".t* aJt'-r-i t<, lo \m. i. •••:'. the Model M"!th!v. Single copies. 30 *ent><; hat*k nuuder.*. as eoe, to either muled free. Yearly, f;. with a valuable jueinium: two copies f j o<; tliret- copies rl3, and splendid premiums for cJu4s at f-i each, with the first premium# to eiwli sub.-< riher Address, W .JENNINGS UEMUKEST, No. 473 Broadway. N. Y. Monthly and Young America, together. f4. wnh the pretniiima for each. mar-0 REMOVED. J A. & W. R. McKEE I AVE rem .red ti.eir Leather Store to Odd Hel -1 lows' Hall, where they will constantly keep i hand. Sole Leat er. Marneas. Skirting and Upper Leather. Kips. Ameri<*an anl French OalfSkina, Mo rocco# Lining# and Bindings, and a general nssort ment f Sto€* Finding#, wh.ch th*y will ## 11 cheap ftr "*h. Highest market price paid in cash for i.ides. Caif Skin- and Slie-p Skins. iLjJIKZ vje.ted, for which the highest market price will be 'aid in Cash. apltf Tailoring Establishment AVTaVfttTftS *\syyo Cai'ii.'-S.ti'Sy MERC II \ NT TAILOR, has removed his shop to the huildihjc formerly known as the -green house." at the intcr.-eetion of Valley ami Mill street, adjoining H. M. A It- Pratt's store, where he cordially invites all who need anything in his hue. Goods and Trim mings furnished and gentlemen's clothing made, in the T.test styles, on short notice, ami at reasonable prices. apll-lf WILLIAM LIND, has now open A NEW STOCK OF Cloths, Cassimeres AND VESTINCS, ' which xviil he made up to order in the neat est and most fashionable styles. apl9 PHOTOGRAPHIC E. A, H. T. AHTHOSY & CO., Manofaclurrrs of Phcliifni| hie Malrrinls, WITOLKSALF. A>"D RETAIL. SOI llroadxvaj", S. Y. In addition tooiir main liusuu-ssof PHOTOGRAPH ' I( MA i KRIALS, we ;re hcudqtiurter# fr tic fol.ow i V,Z: , ri ereoDCupes and Stereoscopic \ lews. Of Am. rp .m and Foreign Cities and Landscapes Groups, statuary, ic. Stercnwcnpit' Views ot the Bar, I'rom negatives mane in the varioiis.-ampingnsan.l forming a ."omplcte Fhotogruplne history ol (he con teot. ... ... Stereoscopic \ ietv* on t.lass. Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or stereo * .seope t 'or catalogue will he sent to any address ot: t receipt of stamp. Photographic Aibutns. i We manufacture more largely than any other house I about 2'si va. ieties from 50 cel.?' 10 S-'l' a. h. ' 'ur Al ; bum. have tbe reputation ol being superior in beau ty and durability to any other" C ard ol Cieuerals, Stateatuen, * Actors, etc.. etc. Our catalogue embraces over FIYETHoUSANI ilitl. ien" Ml i/jee's. including reproductions of tht mo-1 celebrated Engravings Paintings. Statues, *c Catalogues sent or, receipt of stamp. p Photographers and otfiei s ordering goods C. (>. V. will please remit 26 per cent of the amount with theii j order! *9, The price . and quality of our goods can j not fail to satisfy. jelaly II E A U T Y . Auburn, Golden. Flaxen and Silken Curls. I)RGIUUED by theiweof Prof. DEBREUX' FRI - SER LECHEYEI'X One applicaiion warranted to cm l the tno.#t straight nnd stubborn hair of either ; .#"x into wavy ringioL#. or hoavy massive curls. Has been used by the fa#hionable of Paris and London, j with the nc>st gratifying result#. Does no injury to ; the hair. Price by initd. sealed and postpaid sl. De- j s-npnve Circular# mailed free. Aiidress BEBGER, j SHI" rrs k CO., Chemists. N0.28 RiversU,Troy. N. Y. Suie Agents for the L'nited States. febfi ly j AND | IJORCED to f*row upon Vlie moothn#t face in from j three to five week* by using Dr.SEVfGNE'S PES-1 TALK V i'ECR C-APII.LAIRE. the most wonderful dis- i eoyery in modern science, acting upon the Beard and Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It has been 1 used by the Hitc of Pari# and London with the most J flattering success. Names of all persons will be re>;- j istered, and it' entire satisfaction i# not iiven tnevery instance.the money will he lullv refunded. Price | by mail, sealed and postpaid. sl. I>ascriptive circu- ' Jar# and testimonials mailed tree. Address BER<* ER. ! Sl!',' r rs & CO.. ( lienusts. Xo. 255 River street. Troy.! N. Y.. Sole agents for the United Suites. febtely , CRISPER COMA. Oh ! >he was beautiful and fair, With starry eves, and radiant hair, Whose curling ten .rii> soft, entwined, EnchaiiD' i the verv heart anl uilud. iimsplr COMA. For Curltinj the Hair of either Sex into Wuvtf ond Glossy Rimjlets or Jfe try Moss ire Curls. BY u-incr this article Ladies and < ientlemen can Lean tify themselves a thousand fold It i# the only ar ticle in the world that will url straight hair.and at the j same tunc trivc it a beautiful, glossy ajpcarace The j i.'risp- r Coina not only curls the hair, but invigorates. beautifies and cleanses it; is highly and delightfully ; perfumed, aad i# the niost complete arti i' t>f t'e kiuti ever offered to the American public The Oris- I per Coma will he sent to any address, scaled and post paid for sl. Address ail orders to W. L. CLARK A Co., Chemists, febO-ly No. 3, West Fayette at., Syracuse, N. Y. j SI Al It Ij XT i: It MIN A TOR For Eemoving Superfluous Hair. TO 'i'HE ladies especially, this invaluable depilatory , recommend# itself a> almost imbspcnsi- I Lie article to famale beauty, is ca#i!y applied, doe.# not burn or injure the skin, hut acts diroctlv on the roots.; It i# warranted to remove superfluous hair from low forehead#, or from any part of the body, completely. : totally and radically extirpa*i:isr the same. !-avinjtlic i skin soft, sniotuh and nattirai. This is the only article used by the French, and :# th rt only real eflfeetual de- i pilatory in existence. Price 7b cent# per package, j vent post-paid, to anv addre#>. n receipt of an order, bv BERGER. SRITTT& k Co„ Chemists, | fcbfi-ly River street, Troy. N. Y. REPARATOR CAPILLL Th r< ov awHv your f tlse friz/***, your switches, your w!g— And repiire in your r*ii 'uxtirhiut i;ir. COUP* aged, C "tie youthful iome and fair. An ' rejoice :M Y • ;IR own Ir.Nurant hair. DOR r'-.-torinjr hair upon bald head# from whatever I a'i#e it may Lav* fallen oui) and t- rcinir agl'iwth of ha s up >u the f.ca* it ha# mequal. It will force the beard t upon the #niootlD >t lace in from five to eight weeks, or hair upon bald head# in frm two to j three months. A few ignorant practitioners have as serted that there i# nothing that will force or hasten ! the growth of the hair or l ,trd Their assertion# are 1 false, as thousands of living witnesses', from their own experiencei <• n bear witness. But many will say. how are we to distinguish the genuine from the >purious? It certainly difficult, a# nine-tenth# of the different Preparations advertised lor the hair and beard are en- 1 tir-Iv worthies*, and you may have already thrown j away large amount* in their purehase. T* #ueh we. would say. try Ihe Keparator ( apilh; it will cost you j nothing miles'- it fully coin*s uptoou. representations. \ If vour druggist d " 1 # not keep it, s nl u- one dollar an ! we will forward it postpaid, together with a receipt f r tle money, which will lo returned you on applica tion providing entire satisfacti- n 1- not given. Address \V. L. ' LARK At O, Chemists, feb6-ly No. 3 West Fayette st, Syracuse, N. Y. There eometh glad tidings of joy to all, T< youirg and to old. tf great and to small: The beauty which once was so precious and rare. I# tree f r all and all may be for. By the use of (HASTE LEAK'S WHITE LIQUID EITAIC3L, For Improving sil l Ileautifvinj; the Complexion. TH E mo-t valuabte and perfect preparation in u-e. for nivini; tiie "km a le-antifiil pearl-like tint that I. only f-nind inyoutii. Itqun-kly removes Tan. Freck le-, I'nnple-, Biotelies, Moth Untelie*. .Sallownes". Eruptions, and ail nnpunties of the skin, kindly heai ir.g the same, leaving the >Uin white and elear a a!a --i..-t.-r. it" n—• ean not he detected hv the closest scrutiny, aid Being a vegetable preparation i- per fee-ly harmless, it is the only arti'-lo of the kind Used hy the FreneJi. and i. eonsid'ered lo the Parisian as indispensable to a pet teet toilet. Upwards of .'FUsHt iiottle- were sold during the pa"! year, a snfflejent guarantee . Chemists, fet>ly 255 River St., Troy, N. Y. A a O 0 4 0 AI. The World Astonished 4T TUT. WoXDKRVfU. REVRL4TIOVB MAT) *: BY THE HULA V AM'lloL H;JST MADAME H A. PERRIGO. SHE reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She re _"stores to happi;i-ss those who. from doleful events, rata Strophes, crosses ill love, loss of relations arid friends, loss ol money. Ac . have becomede-pondent. Sih.- brim;- together til >e long separated, gives infor mation concerning absent fiiends or lovers, restores 10-t or -tolen property, lelis you ibe bu-ine-s you are Pest qualified to pursue and in what you will be most successful, causes speedy marriages and tells von the very dav vou will marry, gives you tire name, likeness and characteristic of the person She reads your very thoughts, and by iter almost supci natural powers un veils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future From the stars we sec in the lirtnanent—the malefic stars thflt overcome or predominate in the configura tion—from the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed star- in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces tiie future destiny of man. Fail not t eou-ult the greatest Astroiogist on earth. It costs vou but a tntle. and you may never again have so favorable an opportunity. Consultation fee. with likeness and all desired iiiforrnahon.il. Parties living at u uistance can consult the Madame by mail with equal safety ami satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and explicit chart, written out, with all inquiries answered and likeness enclosed,sent by mail on receipt of pricf above mentioned- The strictest se.-reev will be main tained, and ail eoTcspondenee returned or destroyed References of the highest order furnished those de siring them. Write plainly the day of the month ami year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Address MADJUIX H. A. PERRIGO. jeb6-ly P.O. Da.TWTR293. BLU-ALO. N. Y. AFFLICTED! Biffit-lKfilfi W® Sf£®lSl9S ii -1| 1; s I.y the u-e of DR. JOINVI I.LE'S KEIXII \\ you can be cured permwncutiy and at atrHMngeo* The astonishing succesa which iias attended tins invaluable medicine lor Pliy-ieal and Nervous Weak ness. General Debility and Prostration, Loss of Mils enlar Energy, Impotency.or any of iheeonsequeneei of youthful in discretion.! enders it t!i most valnabl. preparation ever discovered. It will remove all nervous affections, depression excitement, incapacity to studv or business, loss o memory, confusion, tliotightsof self destruction, fear. a nisaiiity. Ac- i' w'ill restore the appetite, renew tin health of'tlc-e who have destroyed it by sensual ex ,>r evil praetiees. Young Men. he humbugged no more by'-Quad Doctors " and ignorant practitioner.-, hut send withou delay f-r Ihe Elixir.and he at once restored to liealll 3! , d happiness. A Perfect Cure is Guaranteed in eve i-t instance. !'nce.sl.or four leittlcs to one add ress, S3 ne l.otth- is sulficieni lo effect a cure in all ordina " ALSO." Dr J' >IN V! LEE'S SPEfH FIU PIFJ.S. for Hi. stared V and pennanent mire of Gonorrhea. tilect.Ure thral tli-clinrges. Gravel. Stricture, and all altectioni of ihe Ividnevs and Bladder. Cures effected in fron one to five .lavs. They are prepared trom vecelahh extracts Hint are harmless on the system, and neve: II Hi-rate Hie stomach or impregnate the breath. Tit el.an".- of diet is necessary while using them, nor doei thei/aetion 111 anv manner interfere witli busines: pursuits. Price, Il per box. Either of the above-mentioned articles will lie sen to anv address, closely scaled, and post-paid, hy mm or ex'uress. on receipt of price. Address all orders t< or exi re BER , SH UTTS t Co., Chemists , fobC ly N° 286 River Street, Troy, N. Y. Wednesday, May 22, 1867. POETRY. From the Waverley Magazine. HEARTS. Some hearts are iifce the s-nnd. Impressed by every passer by; But tnc prims are entie Ere the tide is iiigii. Oiiiers. like the clay. Can be moulded' in many forms. But need sorrow's fiercest fire To withstand life's many storms. Others, as tiie adamantine rock, Defy the storm's terrific blast, And impressions once received Til! eternity will last. Lewistown, May, 1867, THE fiIVEE PATH. 11l 1. O. WIIITIIER. No bird song Buttered down the hill, The tangled bank below was still. No rustic from the birchen stem, No ripple from the water's htm. The dusk of twilight round us grew, We felt the fwliiug of the dew; For from us, ere the day was done, The wooded lulls shut out the sun. But on the river's farthest side We saw tiie lull-tops glorified— A teuder glow, exceeding fair, A gleam o: day wuthout its glare. Willi lis the damp, the chill, the gloom, With them Hie sunset's rosy bloom; While dark willowy vistas seen The river roiled in shade between. From ou: the darkness where we trod. We gazed upon those hilts of God, Whose light seemed not of moon or sun, We spake not, but our thought was one. We paused as if from that bright shore Beckoned our dear ones gone before; And stayed our beating hearts to hear The voices lost to mortal ear! Sullen our pathway turned from night, '1 he hilts swung open to the light i Thro' their green gates the sunshine showed, A long, slant splendor downward flowed. Down glad , and glen, and hank it rolled, it bridged tiie sha-led stream with gold; And borne on piers of mist allied The shadowy with the sunlight side! 'So,' said we, • when our feet draw near The river dark with mortal fear, And the night comelli chill with dew, O Father! let thy light shine through! So let the hills of doubt divide. So bridge with faith Hie sunless tide! So let the eyes that fail on earth On Thy eternal hills look forth ; And in thy beckoning angels know The dear ones whom we love below!' -A- GOOD STORY. THE LtniTlt'S RESOLVE; OR, The in;;cl and tlic Temptress. George Jackson was a young man of promise, and was so considered by all in his native town. lie was a law yer by profession, and was gradually laying the foundation for a strong and steady practice. lie had one great drawback to con tend against, however. He was a man of a strong, impetuous nature, and had inherited with it a fondness for di.isi pation. In his younger days, and un til he commenced the practice of his profession, lie had led a wild, reckless life, and had been regarded as a hope less case. Upon receiving his certifi cate lie had suddenly astonished his friends by an abrupt discontinuance of his old habits, and a steady applica tion to business. Yet no one knew what a struggle it cost him to do so. Xo one knew the mental agony he endured in trying to cast off the temptation which constant ly haunted him, and sought to cast him down from the position he had reached. It was, with him, a continu al effort; for, in the society in which he moved, not a day passed that lie did not experience a temptation to aban don his resolution, and indulge just once, in the dangerous pleasure. His legal friends were hy no means so strict in their habits, and they fre quently urgently urged him to join in a friendly glass; and he scarcely at tended an entertainment that he was not offered wine. Ail theso offers were quietly and courteously refused; but j sometimes the young man felt that the effort would snap his heartstrings He n ade the struggle bravely, though. — He firmly resolved never again to taste intoxicating liquor, tor lie knew him self well enough to he assured that the rirst glass would only lead to another, and the old thirst for liquor once aroused, he could not tell where it would end. Thus matters stood when this story opens. Mr., Jackson feeling that he was on the road to success, and that prudence and energy would certainly bring him that blessing, thought it about time that he should take a wife. He be lieved that lie had arrived at years ot discretion, and was capable of making a judicious selection, and lie ended the matter by resolving to settle this ques l tion as soon as he had an opportunity. In the town in which lie was resid ing were two young women, who had long divided the admiration of the gal lans. One was a beautiful, brilliant crea ture, with glorious black tresses of the same hue. She was, hy many consid ered the belle of the town ; and indeed it seemed hard to find a more beautiful woman than Sarah Cariyle. Others, however, gave the prefer jencc to Lucy Lane, a quiet, modest little thing, whose exquisitely sweet face seemed to have stepped out from one of Raphael's pictures Mr. Jackson had known both ladies for some time, but as he had not until recently considered himself a 'marry ing man,'had regarded thorn simply as ordinary acquaintances. Like oth ers, he had been perplexed to decide which was the more beautiful. At the first glance he invariably awarded the palm to Miss Carlylo; but a sight of Lucy Lane's sweet face would scatter; this conclusion to the winds, and he would feel irresistably drawn by the] latter. When lie made up his mind to hunt] for a wife, his thoughts went immedi ately to the two beauties, and he re solved, that ii' he found their other qualities such as he hoped, to try anti win the one he could love best for his; wife ; to tell the truth, the young man j was half in love with both, but with a I growing preference to Lucy. He want- ] ed aw fe for something more than mere beauty, and he could not help he- i lieving that lie would find what he de sired more surely in Miss Lane than in Miss Carlylo. A favorable opportu j nity soon presented itself to decide the l question. Miss Cariyle felt flattered by the at tention of one who bade so fair to j achieve distinction, and resolved to; win him if her powers of fascination] could do so. On her twenty-fourth birth-day she gave an entertainment which surpas-j sed ain*thing the town had ever wit I nessed. George Jackson was there I She was radiantly beautiful, and the; young man was half determined toad dress her before the evening was over ; When the guests went into thclsup per room, Mr. Jackson found himself] between two beauties. Some one pro ! posed the health of the fair hostess,! atul all but the j*oung man drained] their glasses to the bottom. He did not drink. Miss Cariyle noticed this I and said to him in surprise: 'ls it possible thai you refuse to: drink my health, Mr. Jackson ?' 'Pardon tno,' lie said calmly,'you know I never drink wine.' ' But this once will not make any difference,' she urged smilingly. ' I am sorry to refuse you,' he said i 'hut I must do so. I resolved five: years ago never to taste any intoxica ting liquors. I might do myself great harm by acceding to your request.' • 1 am sure 3-011 cannot do wrong to drink one glass and that to 1113* health,' she said as sweetty as before. She saw Lucy Lane watching them calml3*, and she meant to show that 3'oung lud3* how greatly she had the 3*oung lawyer in her power. But for this she would have accepted his ex cuse, ami ceased to urge him. Mi-s Lane's face flushed as she heard the tuning temptress* speech, and involun taril)' she gazed at Jackson as if a wait ing his answer. ' Miss Carlylo,' said the young man with evident embarrassment, '1 beg 3*ou will not urge me in this matter. ] 1 have made-a solemn resolution loab stain from till kinds of liquors. I con sidcr 1113' honor involved in this re solve, and I am sure you would not have me prove false to it' ' You will not do so by obliging me this once,' still persisted tiie beau 13*. — I' It is not fair for 3*ou alone to refuse to drink 013- health. I am of fended with 3*ou. Idon'tsee wli3*3'ou should refuse to gratif3* me 011I3'lbr once ' •To he candid with you,'speaking slow, while his face flushed painfully, 1 am afraid to do so. You remember the life I led five years ago. I am afraid that even one single departure from the path I have marked out for myself might drag ine back lo it.' Turning his head for a moment, he saw Miss Lane standing b3* him, and he knew from the look of sympatln* which her face wore, that she had heard the conversation. ' What shall I do,' ho asked her al most unconscious^*. ' You must decule for yourself,' she answered ' but I would die be ; f'oro I would abandon such a resolu tion.' Neither saw the angry flash that darted from Miss Carole's e3*es. She controlled herself, however, and said carelessly : ' I shall urge 3'ou 110 more, Mr. Jackson, and I am sony 3*oll should lie so much afraid to pa}* 1110 so simple a compliment.' She bowed and passed to another portion of the room, thinking that the young man, in order to avoid offend ing her, would fin ally 3'ield. He did not and she soon saw him : leave the house. He went away with jtho matrimonial question finally set tled. A woman who would urge him as she had done to violate such a reso lution, was not the person for a wife. Liny Lane's simple rcpl3* decided his ] doubts in her favor, and the next da 3* the 3*oung lady received a formal offer iof his hand and heart, which she promptly accepted. The3 r were mar ried, and never aftowards did Mr. Jack son liave'cause to regret Miss Carole's conduct towards him for it gained him a wife. FVL X SCEL. EjATNT "Y - Graham or Coarse Wheat Bread.— Two thirds unsifted wheat meal, one 1 third fine flour, a little molasses, mix with warm water. One large cup of j potato 3'east will make two good sized j loaves. Mix and raise over night, and your bread is ready to mould and put j in 3*our pans before breakfast. Do not let it rise too long the second time— much bread is spoiled b} - so doing. What word is that of eight let ters, from which, if 3'ou take away five, ten will still remain ? All&.—Tenden cy. LEWISTOWN, MIFFLIN COUNTY, PA- rrom the Toleflo BiaUc. \ .4 s is v. Mr. Nasby Preachr* a Sermon on Univer sol Brotherhood, the effect of which is Destroyed hy Northern Democratic Fa f>rrs lie. Remonstrates. POST OFFIS, C'GNFF.DRIT X ROADS. (NViclt is in tlie Stait uv Kentucky,)j .April 25, 1867.—We nro in continyool trouble dutvn here with these cttssid! niggers They are harder to manage: than pigs. Pigs don't express their pecoolyarities. Mule comes nearer. — There is sieh a method in their obsti nacy—siclt a willful cussidnis that I i reely her made up my mind that I don't understand cm at all. They cud die up to us ez kind ez a bloomin ! maiden does to Iter first adored, and [ they* fling us just ez natral ez that same; guileless maiden does when number; two heaves in site. They behave well for a season, aperently for no other; purpose than to enjoy our discomfiture; when they finally throw us. 1 hev bin ; a gittin a suspishen thro me that they l ain't half ez stoopid ez they look, and | th'at, after all, we are not fur from the trooth when wc say in our resolooshcns that they are the ekals uv the whites.; Why shooden't they lie? Ah ! why in deed '{ Why shooden't the nigger bo}- wich is now erossin the street, wich hez Deekim Pogram's feechers cz like ez a photografF, hev ez much sense ez the i)eekiii? I hev eggsamincd into: the pedigree uv that nigger, and I find that his mother hed the hawtiest and best blood uv Virginity coursin toomul chusly thro her veins—and that stock the Pogram mix cooden't materially depreciate in one generashen. I lied the niggers of the X Roads' very handsomely in tow up to yister day. 1 hed em attendin services last Sunday at the meetin-house, and by private" arrangement hed em seated miscellaneously among the awjence.— Deekin Pogram hed a wench, which weighed at least 250 pounds averdu poise, atween him and his wife, while four other niggers ornamented his pew. Bascorn with alacrity consented to three, and Elder Gavitt provided seats for four It wuz a pleasin site! White and black wuz alternated like the spots on a checker board—niggersand whites wuz spread out together like the fat and lean in pork, and cz I seed it I cood hardly restrane my ernoshuns.— There before be wuz the regenorashun uv the Democratic party —there wuz what wuz to bring us out uv the valL* and shadder uv death into wich we hed fallen, up on tho high ground uv offishel life. I preached that memra ble da 3* from two texts, to wit: ' Uv one blood did he make all the naahensj uv the earth,' and 'All 3*e are breth ren,' and I orated a movin discourse.! I demonstrated with great fervor the loonacy uv the idea that the Almighty i wood take the trouble to create two or more races when one wood do ez well —wich idea is alluz well received in this region All men form their idea of the Deity somewhat from them selves, and I never knowd a Confedrit Cross Roader to make two things wen one wood anscr. I refuted the theoiw advanced I) 3' some writers that ther wuz more than one head to the race, 1)3- quotin tho texts wich treated uv the creashun of Adam and Eve, and demolished the Ham doctrine at site ' Ef,' sed 1, ' Noer did cuss Ham and condemn Canaan to be a servant unto his brethren, how do we know that our colored brethern and sistern is the descendants uv Ham and Canaan? It may be us for all we know. Is it his color? Is not black jest ez convenient a color cz white?' ' More so,' murmured Mrs. Pogram, half asleep, ' more so—it don't show dirt.' 'ls it his siiape ? Oh, 013* brethren, I a.nt a handsome man, ror wood I exactly anser for a n;odel for Apoller.; Ef beaut 3* or comeliness, or shape, or Bt\ltf, is to decide tho pint, may the] Lord help us! Is it his smell? My, brethern, the New York World asserts that the nigger haint no smell, and ef; ho hez, Wll3* shoodent he hev? Stand in under the common flag uv our coun try, with his hand upon that magna charta, tho Deklarashen, and his beam in eye turned exultinly toward our nashnul emblem, the Eagle, shall not. our Afrikin brother be allowed to smell j jist ez he chooses ? Ef smell must be uniform then let our Government es-' tablish a Burow uv Perfoomor3* to wunst. Besides, I take high religious grounds in this matter. Ef he hez a natural odor the Lord gave it to him Let us not fh' in the face of the Lord I) 3* condemin it. Judge not lest we he judged. The odor uv the colored gen tleman or lad 3* is tho work uv the Lord—the odor uv yoor unwashed feet is 3*oor own—wich shood stand the highest ? ' M 3' brethern and sistren, I ac knowledge that I hev not long held these views. I hev showed the com mon prejudis, and hev contemmed our friends of color. I hev used em, I hev gone for em and bang ed em like old boots. But it wuz bj coz I didn't know m. I didn't see the kernel of under the rough shell, I didn't reocognize the glitterin diu mond in the 060113* coal. Mye3*eshev bin opened. Like Saul of Tarses I see a life. Sense the passage uv the mili tary hill I hev diskivered man 3* things to tejus to tuenshun. I hev mostly found out these thing sence that oc currenco. But let us accept thositua Vol. 57, No. 21. shen and bless the Lord that it hez re sulted in devclopin excellencies where we didn't expect to find era/ f There wuz an aflectin eceno after service wuz over. Deekin Pogram, Capt. McPelter and Elder Gavitt shook hands with em with a degree of cor jality I didn't expect. Trooly them aro great men. They develop a de gree uv adaptability to circumstances wich I didn't look for. I really be lievo if I'd a told em that it wood hev a good effeck to kiss the nigger babies all around, that they'd a done it. But I spared em this. There is such a thing ez laying it on too thick. But all this wuz spiled the next day. There wuz an eggstraordinary heavy mail that day. In addition to the pa per Pollock, the Illinois store keeper, takes, there wuz eight others, and to my surprise they wuz all directed to i niggers. 'Wat is this,' thot Ito my self. ' Ilev the Ablisbnists uv the North determined upon proselytin these men, and are they goin to flood this country with their incendiary read in? Ez a federal officer its my dooty to look into the matter !' Jist imagine my delinious joy at findin that they wuz Democratic papers from Noo York and Ohio! 'Thank Heaven!' sed I, 'Our people hev awakened a sense uv the necessity uv doin suthin/ and I handed the papers out to em with impressive words, exhortin uv cm to read em, ez they wuz trooth, and nothin but the trooth. I ruther think they read em, for from that time out they avoided me, ez though I bed the plague. Ef I wuz agoin down the street and one uv em wuz a comin up he'd cross tho street, and tho pecoolyer expression uv his countenance indicatid that it wuzn't my majesticlc presonco wich awd him. 1 They hed loathiu depicted on their • classick feechers. Unable to endoor 1 this I seezed one uv em and asked why - I wuz treated thus? J Delibritly, he pulled out his pocket one uv them cussed Northern papers, 3 and openin it pinted, indignantly, to a * editorial article. It wuz perfoosely e headed in this wise : Sliel niggers vote !—Shel the prowd Caucashen beredoostto aekality with the disgustin Afrikin?—ls this a white man's government or not? Ameriky for white men ! Sed this Ethiopian, with his fingers on this headin, 'Pears like ez ef dah wuzn't jist dat good feelin towards us colored men on de partob deDimoc'sy ob the Xorf, dat dah ought to be.— 'Pears like as dough up dah wha de niggah ain't got no vote, datdey don't intend he shall hab it. 'Pears like, ef Democ'sy's one thing all ober de coun try, dar's a cussed site of humbug a going down heah !' Wat cood I say? Wat cood I do?— Thero it wuz in black and white, and from papers whose Dimocrisy could not be questioned. I wuz dumb-found id The nigger stalked hawtfly and proudly away in one direckshen, while I sneaked off ruther sneakingly in an other. I hev one word to say to our breth ern in the North. Yoo'r doublin our troubles, and raakin our burdens hard er to bear. Why can't yoo understand common sense? Wat hurt wood nig ger suffrage doo up there wher their ain't no niggers, and how much wood it benefit us down here, where there's millions uv em? Can't you see it? We can't play the same game on the nig gers that wo used to play on the stur dy yeomanry uv Berks county, Penn sylvany, and other localities. On all questions heretofore the Democrisy hez allowed a liberal license." Wo have bin Free Trade in Noo York, and Tar iff in Pennsylvany the same year, and we cood do it. Sich Dimocrsts didn't get ther asshoorences from papers, owin to their inability to pcrooze em rapidly, it bein so long aforo they got a word spelled out that they forgot the one precedin it, which destroyed the connexion, the continuity uv the nar rative, ef I may so speak, and wat we told em wuz gosple. That won't do with the nigger down hero, lie reads, he does; and ef he don't, ther's alius everywhere sum such sneakin cuss ez Pollock, who reads for him, and they know wat they know jint ez well ez anybody. Let em stop bammerin the nigger. It won't do. Ef ho's to be a : man and a brother here, he must be a man and a brother there. Ef the De mocrisy must hfcv a race to look down ! to, let em turn their attenshun to the Chinese or the Injuns, but from this time out the nigger is sacred. PETROLEUM Y. NABBY, P. M. (Wich is Postmaster), and Professor in the Ham and Japheth Free Acad emy for tho development uv the intel lek uv all races irrespective of color. P. S.—l jist received a telegram, or dorin me to Washington. I persoom its suthin in connexion with the South i ern excursion. aqu In Kentucky lives a man, the head of a very respectable and intelli gent family, who, during one week in ;each month, imagines himself a wo man, dons the hoops and balmoral, and ; .sits in his parlor waiting for his beau. This stange conduct was first noticed in him when ho was about seventeen years of age. He is now fifty-one. 6fcjy Harsh words are like hailstones, which if melted, would fertilize tho tender plants they batter down.