LOCAL AFFAIRS. Sweet Potato and other Plants. —Best Jer sey Sweet Potato Plants, together with Tomato. Cabbage and other Plants in sea son, in large or small quantities, can be procured from James M. Martin, in Der rv township. Post Otlice address Lewis town. myl-3t Rev. Mr. Monroe will deliver a lecture on temperance in the M. E. Church on Sunday evening next. A general invita tion to attend is extended. Brass Band. —Some of our enterprising young men have organized a band under the title of the "Burns Band of Lewis town." They are under the instructions of Wui. Bratton, an old and experienced leader. School Exhibitions. —The Public Schools of this place will give Exhibitions in the Town Hail, next Thursday and Friday evenings for grown people, and on tiie afternoons of both those days for children. These entertainments are usually very interesting, and if we are to judge from the earnestness of the youthful regiment for this performance, it will compare fa vorably with those of past years. The music is superintended by J. Stewart McEwen. Of course everybody will be there. Accid3iit. —While Emanuel Bach was papering his shop on Friday last, the step ladder broke, precipitating him to the floor, spraining his left arm and making a severe gash on his cheek. Music.— The third quarterly session of the Mifflin County Musical Association will be held near Granville Station on Tuesday afternoon next. A session will be held in the evening also. Information Wanted. —Washington and Charity Black are very anxious to hear of the whereabouts of their son John. He is a small boy, of dark color. He was taken away from Harrisburg by Thomas Ben nett and S. Sanders, against bis own will and that of his parents. When last heard from they were about Mifflntown, Juni ata county, working their way to F.rie, Pa., as chimney sweeps. Any persons or papersgivinganv information concerning tiie boy's whereabouts, will confer agreat favor on his distressed parents, by ad dressing them at Harrisburg. Tor Sale.— A large lot of ground in the western end of town, with a small dwel ling, fruit trees, &c., thereon. Price SSOO. This would make a cheap home. Inquire at Gazette office. Croup.— As many children are troubled with croup, we publish the following rem ely, which is said to be reliable : Wring a linen cloth—cotton will do, but linen is preferable—out of cold water, fold it so as to make several thicknesses, and place it upon the child's throat and chest, then fold a dry flannel and wrap carefully over it. Warm the child's feet —with hot stones if necessary—ami cover with plen ty of bed clothes and let it go to sleep ; you cannot perceive when it wakes that it has even a cold. It acts like a charm. Cure for Hvdrophobia. —Now that there is so much excitement concerning fnad dogs, and in order that our readers may be prepared for the dog days of 1567, we publish the following cure for hydropho bia. Cut it out and put it in your receipt book for future reference : Take the root of elecampane one ounce and a half, cut fine, then boil it in one pint of new milk down to a half pint; take this three morn ings, fasting, and eat no food until four o'clock in the afternoon. It should beta ken every o her morning; the last two doses must weigh two ounces each. This remedy will have the desired effect if ta ken at any time within twenty-four hours after the accident. George S. Myers, of Ferguson Val ley. presented us the other day, with a quantity of the largest, finest looking Rhubarb we have seen anywhere. If George attended market with vegetables, &c., of such quality and size, he will not fail to find sale for tliein. Cheese.—F. J. Hoffman has a fine arti cle of fresh dairy Cheese, which, with a variety of new and cheap groceries just opened will commend themselves to the public. Southern Famine Relief Fund.—'The Ex ecutive Committee on Collections and the Committee on Distribution of the Phila delphia Relief Fund have determined to organize auxiliary Associations, and ap pointed the following committee for Mif flin county: Hon. ft. S. Woods, James Parker, E. 1,. Benedict, John A. Sterrett, F. G. Fran ciious, James Burns, Joseph Alexander, Dr. Vanvalzah, Rev. McClem, George Frysinger, Henry Frysinger, Lewistown. David Hough, Granville. Rev. < ieorge Elliott, Reedsviile. Dr. S. Maclay, Milrov. A false alarm of fire was raised on Thursday evening last, between nine and ten o'clock, which had the effect of break ing up the meeting at the Methodist Church. Some inquiry was instituted to discover who ihe parties were, but proved unsuccessful, those who knew not choos ing, as usual, to tell. Jud-ring by the thick tongues trying to bellow out " lire," whisky was evidently at the bottom. We go to press this week at an earlier hour than usual for two reasons, either of which would no doubt bo satisfactory to our patrons. First, wind and weather permitting, there is a four days fishing trip on the tapis; and second our enlarge ment may require some spare time for those who are left behind. We have 21 bundles of rag Printing Paper, of good quality, 221x321, which will be sold at less than cost for cash. Weight 50 lbs per bundle—price 17 cents. T. M. Fttley, Esq., we learn was lately appointed Borough Attorney by the cast- ! ing vote of the Burgess, and George Miller Tax Collector in place of John Kennedy, declined. The Borough tax for 1567, in cluding bounty purposes, is 7 mills. T3HL.The weather last week was rather ! remarkable for the season of the year, the | mountains having been covered with | snow on Wednesday morning. Rain, with high and cold winds, prevailed for three days, during which the Barometer marked as low as 28 6-10 th. The streams werehigh,butdid no damage. On the West ' Branch the canal was seriously damaged, and on the Susquehanna boating had to j be suspended on account of high water. £=z>" Daniels & Stone are receiving from Massachusetts, every day, Ladies' lion nets, Hats and Shoes. We would call the attention especially to their line stock of 1 Ladies' Shoes; they were bought very low and can be sold very cheap. Adjourned Court. —The court met. on Tuesday of last week for the purpose of hearing license applications, and all were granted except the following: Ilummel's, Decatur; Miller and Vanzandt continued to August term; Mrs. Ilusli, held over for consideration. In the ease of Simon Yeager, the court gave him the lightest sentence the law allowed, to wit, $lO fine and ten days im prisonment in each case. Something Strange.— Being much troubled with dyspepsia, and yet I have a never | failing appetite for greenbacks, therefore, this week I've opened another lot of Oil Cloths —Floor, Table and Stair — some beautiful patterns at reduced price; also, a few new style paper Window Shades, and you had better come and select a Tea Tray or Waiter while stock is good, j in fact, 'tis too large, pressing sale of them this week, look for a bargain, and I offer you now, fresh from the manufacturer, a lot of Tea and Dinner Bells, Tea and Ta ble Spoons and a variety of Kitchen Fix ings, and every new article the market affords in this line you'll find at the Big I Coffee Pot Sign. The Broad Top Eailroad.—The control lers of this road, says the Bedford Inqui- : rer, have within the last six months im proved it very much. All the old trestle have been superceded by new and splend id materials, while many other improve ments have been made. The Broad Top road is one of the safest in the State. It has a less number of accidents recorded than any other line of the same length reported, while the care and attention of its officers to the comforts of the traveling public speak in the most favorable terms. We do not think that any one will hesi tate to pronounce the most favorable opin ion of the substantial condition of the road who will take the pains to inquire j or to investigate. We do not know of a single accident which has resulted from J pure negligence of its employees or the j inefficiency of the material used in its construction, though it has been in exis- ! tenee for ten years. The visitors to the Bedford Springs will find this road per fectly safe and in a very good condition. If you wish to save money, go to S. J. Brisbin's, near the jail, to buy goods. 1 He has just returned from the East and opened out a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens ware, &c., &e., which lie is selling very cheap. ----- - For the Gazette. An arrest was made the other day for drunkenness, and the line of two dollars imposed on the party for the benefit of the Sehool Treasury, as provided by Act of j Assembly. If all drunkards arc to bear rested, without regard to persons, well and gooet Unsurpassed in itseQlcacy In drawing "'purine* from. uiso. healing, cleansing and beautifying the SSL, una complexion, lty It. direct action on the cut iclr It draws from It all It, Impurities, kindly healing tae same, and leaving the surface as Nature Intended It s "Uld he. clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price El. sen by -Mail or Jvxpres*. on receipt of un or.ier by x , .„ >V • U'LAHK i. CO.. Chemists. No. 3 West layette street, Syracuse .\ Y t f6 ly Th. only American Agent, for the sals of same. ' The Puzzle of the Age ! The sharpest observers give it up. People who are proverbial for their critical perception*, are utterly at fault. NO LIVING EYE can detect anv difference between the richest blacks and browns that Nature has bestowed upou the hair, and the superb artificial tints conferred upon grey, red or sandy lialr, by the lncomparatde vegetable agent, CIUSTADORO'S HAIR DYE. With the color It Imparts lustre, and does not diminish the flexibility of the fibres. Manufactured by J. OItISTA -OKA, 6 Astor House, New York. Applied by all Hair Driers. aprl" lm. Know Thy Destiny ! MADAME E. F. THORNTON, the great Knglish A*vtro!o£ist f Clairvoyant and Paaychoinetrician, who has astonished the scientific classes oi the Old World, ha> now located herself at Hudson, X, Y. Mad. Thornton possesses such wonderfi 1 poweis of secoud si;;hr, as to enable her to Impart knowledge of the greatest import ance to the single or married of either sex. While In a state of tr.mce, she delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an Instrument of intense power, known as the Psycho mot rope, guaran tee.-* to produce a life-like picture ol the future husband or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage, position In life, leading traits of character, all Druggists and dealers In medicine everywhere. tnar27-2m r/.0. A. THOMPSON", MAS taken the Store-formerly occupied by John liaum, for tlie pun"s of carrying on the WATCH MAKING and JEWELRY Business. He will be pleased to see ail Mr. Baum'a old customers, nod as many new ones as will fuvor him with a call. All work warranted. Store on East Market street, nearly opposite the I'ost Office. Lewistown, April -4. IStiT-tf MILROY AMD® & SEMINARY, Milroy, Mifflin County, Pa., tf'HE Summer Suasion of this Institution I will commence on the Ist May, 1867. Whole ex pense for term of 2" weeks, including Tuition. Board, and Kmnisked Boom. 57.. Full instructions given those preparing for College, Business, or Teaching. This Institution is located in one of the finest Val leys in tiie State, at the foot of the Seven Mountains, in a healthy neighborhood, and amid unsurpassed scenery. It is accessible witluu a few miles by rail road " J. A. A1 KENS, apl7-3m Principal. NEW GOODS. J. HOFFMAN has just received a • large supply of new goods, which will he sold low, for cash. ROCERIE s , down! down! Splendid Vj Syrups, as good as has been sold at sl, now at 80 cents. Stigarhouse, Baking and other kinds of molasses. White Sugar at 10 cents. Fine Brown at 12 and 14 cents. Teas of best quality. .Mackerel and Herring. Soaps, a large stock of best kinds, at low prices- C 1 HEAP Goods are foundat F.J. Hoffman's, / Hardware, Nails, Drugs, Iron, Groceries, Paints. IT'ARMERS look to your Interests ! At F. J. Hoffman's you will find all kinds of Hardware and Farming Implements, at low prices. 1) EST Bar Iron, at 4s, and other kinds ) low at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. SOLE LEATHER and Shoe Findings, al- ' _ ways of hand. Have now some of the best Red Sole. F. J HOFFMAN. AIT" ALL PAPER, Be sure to go to Hoff if man's for this article. A good stock on hand, and prices low. f |AIN WARE. A good assortment, at 1 F. J. HOFFMAN'S, j MACKEREL, Herring, and Salt, for sale by F. J. HOFFMAN. tIOACH MAKERS, you will find it to pay J to boy Spokes, Shafts, Hubs, Felloes, Oil Cloths, Ac , at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. BRUSHES— Wall, Hand, Scrubing, Dust ing, Sweeping, &c., at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. CIARPET CHAIN and Cordage, at low / prices, at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. SUNDAY SCUQOL BOOKS, S. S. Union Publications, at the same prices sold in the city. F. J. HOFFMAN, j Lswistown, May 8, 1867 FOR sale AT FRYSI NGER'S Agricultural and Household Implement Agency, Lewistown, Pa. 1. The WORLD'S MOWER, warranted the best in the world. 2 The WORLD'S COMBINED REAPER AND MOW ER, complete, that will work easier than any other, and last a life-time. 3. Two styles CORN PLANTERS—-old patents an.i well known to do the work right d A $3 HAND CORN DROPPER, rery con venient and rapid. 5. Two Capital Horse Hay Rakes, viz: SHIRK. MAN S SELF DISCHARGING HORSE RAKE, and the SABINE HORSE RAKE. 0. The FARMER'S CORN SHEERER, the best hand-sheller known, and can be worked by horto-power. 7. A new PATENT CHURN, which a child six years old can work with ease. S. The Genuine BAIiTLETT SEWING MA CHINE, acknowledged to be equal to the high priced machines, yet costs only $25 and s3l. y. The EMPIRE SHUTTLE CRANK MOTION SEWJNG MACHINE, the neatest, speediest, and beat SOO machine made. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES,2, 3or 4 wheela.of all styles and prices, from $7 50 to $25. DA VIES' SELF OPERATING SWING, a dur able, choap, and delightful Swing for in-door or out-door use- Only $lB. PACK U K'S PATENT COGWHEEL ICE CREAM FREEZERS, from $5 to S2O. Every family should have one. HARPER'S EASY WORKING HAND FLOUR and CHOP MILL, for grinding wheat, corn, buck wheat or any other kind of grain. Price $45. Any larmer can save its price in a s.ngle year by using one of these mills. BH.IS BIN" HAS MeKeon tt Yanhagen's SOAP. samples of which were distributed a few days Babbit's Soap, Dobbin's Soap, Heisler's " Castile " Toilet, " Ac., Ac.. Ac. ALSO, Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, and Corn, just received, ami very cheap. mayß BKISBIX Has Men's Buck Gloves at $1 25 1 50 " " Gauntlets 1 25 " " Mitts I 37 Men's Wool, Cotton and Berlin GLOVES for sale cheap. myß. HOOP SKIRTS. 4 FULL lino of LADIES' MISSES' and J\. CHILDREN'S IIOOP SKIRTS just re ceived from New York. They are very fine and will he sold Very Cheap. Ladies call and see thein at BRISBIN'S, near the Jail. New Calico From 12$ up. Bleached or Unbleached Mus lin very cheap at BRISBIN'S. 00ME AITD SEE the Great REDUCTION in the Price of mayß at BRISBIN'S, [near the Jail.] pl ItV.IC SAL.E.—The undersigned 1 will oiler for public sale, at the Acad emy, in Lewistown, on SATURDAY, May 25. 1867, at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following person al property, to wit: Cook Stove, Gas Burner, Cottage Set, Bedsteads, Bureau, Walnut cased Melo deon, Wheeler & Wilson SEWING MACHINE, pair of Indian Snow Shoes, rich speci mens Lake Superior Copper, Walnut Ex tension Table, Clocks, China Ware, . HOFFMAN, Secretary, myß-2m Box 1481, Post Office, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Railroad. Trains leave Stations in this county as follows : Leave ircsficard. Phil'a Fast Etni- Ex. Mail. Line. grant, a. m. p. m. p. m. a. m. Lewistown, 5.30 4.06 6.23 10 58 Granville, 4.17 11.15 McVeytown, 6.00 4.37 11.40 Manayunk, 4.49 1154 N. Hamilton, 5.04 12.13 Leave Eastward. Phil'a Fast Day Cin. Ex. Line. Way. Ex. Ex. a. in. a. m. a. m. a. m. p. m. Lewistown, 12.17 5.59 10.15 11.06 6.38 N. Hamilton, 9.15 Manayunk, 9.30 McVeytown, 9.42 Granville, 1001 Fare to Harrisburg $210; to Philadelphia 5 85; to New York 7.60; Altoona 2 50; to Pittsburgh 6 65; to Baltimore 5 20; to York 3 20; to Hagerstown 4.56; to Reading 4.00. ■®3~The ticket office will be open 20 minutes before the arrival of each passenger train. THOMAS SCHELL, Agent. Galbraith A Conner's omnibusses eonnect with all the passenger trains, and take up and set down pas sengers at all points within the borough. Orders are requested to be left at the National House. COAL! COAL! JUST received, a fresh supply of SUN BI'RY COAL, all sizes, which will be sold at reduc ed prices. Also, RECEIVED, a full supply of PALINGS, FLOORING, PLAST. LATH, SHINGLE LATH, DOORS, SASH, PLANK, &c. t which will be sold at reduced prices, myl W. B. HOFFMAN & SONS. MUM Ml3ll UftlTO, FEED, constantly ou hand at BLYMYER'S STEAM MILL, Lewistown. March 27, 1867—3 m. LUMBER AND COAL. INCH BOARDS, 2-INCH BOARDS, FLOORING, SIDING, SCANTLING, SHINGLE LATH, PLASTERING LATH, and SASH. ALSO, All kinds of Coal. All kept under roof, and for sale by SAMUEL COMFORT, Agt. Lewistown, April 17, 1867-3 m* . JUST RECEIVED, At GEO. BLYMYER & SON'S, T" , O O O pieces latest style WALL PAPER, From New York. Arrival of NEW GOODS mar2o- 2m AJ&JRTJL, IST. SELLING OFF! nnm& soas ARE DISPOSING OF The Entire Stock OF X3IE-t„~ , !Sr" GOODS, NOW ON THEIR SHELVES, AT COST. Bargains can be had, such as are not often offered ftafCall soon and make choice. Lewistown, April 3, 1867. tf Hardware. EVERYBODY SAYS SELHEIMER SELLS the CHEAPEST AND BEST HARDWARE in TOWN. That's so. And he sells them by the Wagon Load. apr.3 I AM selling Rims, Spokes, liubbs, Spring, Axles, &c., very low. A LARGE STOCK apr 3 at SELIIEIMER'S. SHOEMAKERS, ''PI HE best qualities of SOLE LEATHER, 1 KIP, UPPER and CALF SKINS, on hand ; also, all kinds of LININGS, TOOLS, Ac., Sbc. t which I am selling low. apr3 J. B. SELHEIMER. TIN WARE. IF you want Good TIN WAKE, home man ufacture, buy of J. B. SELHEIEER. Corn Planter. rpilE ROUGH and READY Corn Planter X for sale by J. B. SELHEIMER. Grand Exhibition] Admission Free! VIEW the large, new, and well selected assortment of GOODS OP ALL KINDS, AT Rittenhouse & McKinney's NEW STORE. Owing to the great downfall of goods, we are enabled to sell the following Spring Goods at greatly reduced prices: Cassimeres from 75 to 2 75 Bla.-k Cloths, splendid assortment, Kentucky Jeans, from 30 to 75 Ladies' Cloths, for Sacking, good as sortment, very cheap, Ladies' Dress Goods. Delaines, from 25 to 28 Calicos, very low, 11 to 19 Spring Shawls, Balmorals, great variety, from 2 00 to 3 50 Gents Hosiery, 15 to 50 Ladies' do 15 to 60 Hoop Skirts, 1 00 to 2 50 Splendid assortment of Gents Fur nishing Goods, Variety of Ladies' Fancy Goods, Muslins, white and brown, 10 to 25 Groceries, Best White Sugars, 16 and 16} Best Brown, at 15 Second quality, 14 Third do 13 Fourth do H Best Syrups, 15, 20, 25, and 30 Coffees, 26 and 30 Soaps, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20 ALSO, An extensive assortment of Queensw&re and Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Rats and Caps, &c, &c, &o. At Rittenhouse and McKinney's you wiH find a good assortment of everything per taining to a country store; and by close at tention to business and our endeavors to please all we hope to gain a large and liberal patronage, to which we will sell at the low est living rates possible. And as we are very thankful for past favors, and hope a continu ance of the same, we remain, as ever, Very Respectfully Yours, RITTENHOUSE & MoKINNEY. Lewietown, May 1,1867-tf