(Bo (2s ® 0 ffio KUISnSJBISISa WBSMSIEMBSa Whole No. 2220. Poor House Business. The Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor House on the 2d Tuesday of each month. BSiTEBIST fo C?O., BANKERS, LEWISTOWN. PA., Collections and remittance* promptly made. Interest allowed on time deposits. jan23-ly. GfEC. ELDER, Attorney at Law, Office Market Square, Lewistown, w ill at tend to business in M lllliti. Centre and Hunting don counties tav2fi 3 . 3-JLBBKTSOYT, Attorney at Law, LEWISTOWN. PA.. OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Mifflin i- e.iurv Office in Northeast corner of the Dimrond. next t. Hoffman's store. inyJ L.Y COMING t <>l VIY Mutual Insurance Company. Capital, 52,500,<>00. THIS Company continues to issue Policies of Insur ance on Biiil'diogs and Personal Property, in 1 own or Country, at cash or mutual rates. JAMES KAMKI.Y, President. JOSHUA BOWMAN, Secretary. JOHN HAMILTON. Agent. janlO'67 Lcwistown. Pa. SR. vCKIT 3. DAHLSH, Practicing Physician, Rt-lleville, Mifflin County, Da. DR DAIILEN has been appointed an Examining Surgeon for Pensions. Soldiers requiring exam ination will find (urn at hi* office in Belleville- Belleville. August 2"J, 1866.-y H. M. DUNMIRE, ISE3NTIST, OFF Kits his professional services to the citizens of Mifflin county. He l- prepared to per ft-Tin all operations in the denial profession- Ornee firat door front the Lewistown House. Mam street, where he will be found the first two weeks of each month, and tne last week of carh month no will visit Ki*ha< oqu!las YalLy. Teeth extracted without pain by the u>e ol nitrous oxide inyl ti ID E NTItiTRY. j. SMITH T> ESPEOTFULLY inform the citizens of Lewi-town It and vicinity, ht few doors from the Town Hall, in Main street; that he i- prepared to do all kind ol work in the line of his profession :n thu ?'SO v t srieittiiic man , ier _,n Whole Sets. Partial Sets, or Single'l eetli in serted on Gold. Silvr. or Vulcanite Base, in an elegant and workmanlike manner, and on ihe unci reasona ble terms. He guarantees bisavork, or no pay. Particular atlemion paid totheextractingand tiffing of teeth in the most approved manner. nov7-6m Teeth Extracted Without Pain! By Pfl. R. Thompson, D. D. S, By a SEW PROCESS, -4s}_ without the use of Cliloro f..rm. Etlier. or Nitrous Ox ide. and is attended by no 7 ' ''••• Market street. -i-SLFif near Eisenbise's hotel, LEWISTOWN, where he can be found for professional consultation lrom the first Monday of each month until the fourth Monday, when he wdl be absent on professional busi ness one week. seplO-li l&Bso v&O ww&w&amLss* DENTIST. CF KERS hi.* professional services to the citizen* of Lewitown and vicinity. All in warn of good, neat work will do well to £iv* him a call. lie may he found at all times at his office, three doors east of H. M k R. Pratt'B store, Valley street, iptt-ly* DENTAL CARD N. IVT_ KEEVER, SrKG E O N I) EMTI * T . . TEETH Extracted WITHOUT PAIN bv the NITROUS OXIDE or Laughing Gas. Teeth inserted 011 all " -A-X-LXJ—7 the different style* of bases. Teeth fv'ed in the mo-t approved manner. Special atten ,f.- n given to diseased gums. All work warranted. 'A rrr.s reasonable. irtice at Episcopal Parsonage, Corner of Main and W iter Streets. If*® Q€RITF.!tEK & SI RVEYOR. I* O. 18. bAvipfiirt, respectftilly in form. the citizens of Miffiin enmity. that he is prepa red at all times to do surveying on short notice. Deeds. Mortgages. Bond-, and other legal writings drawn with matrices and dispatch. Address. G. H. SWIGART. novT-fiin McVeytown, Mifflin county. Pa. MEYERS NEWLY IMPROVED, CRESCENT SCALE, iLLiui, Acknowledg d U, I>e the best. London Prize Medal and highest award- in America received. MELODEON S, and Second hand Pianos. Music. No. 722 ARCH St, beiow Bth, Philadelphia. Pa. Piiila., April 24 1807-3 m " THE GENUINE 0) ~ Barlett Sewing Machine. Oc-fJ YITANTKH —Agents, Sl5O per month \V and all expenses paid, to sell the Genuine Barlett .sewing Machine. Tins Machine will doall the work that can he done en any high priced machine, and is fully patented, licensed and warranted for five years \V," pay the above wages, or a commission, from winch twice that amount can he made. For cir culars and term.- address H. HALL A CO., apltMiw 724 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. EMPIRE SHUTTLE SEWING MURINES, Are superior to all others for FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. Contain all the latest improvements; are speedy noiseless; durable; and ca-y to work. Illustrated Circulars free. Agents wanted. Liberal disount allowed No consignments made. Address EMPIRE S. M. CO., 610 Broadway. New York. aepi'66-ly THE BEST IN THE WORLD ! rjpllE UNDERSIGNED IS AGENT FOR THE niPRdVEI) SINGER SEWHiti SIL'IIINE, which will l>e placed upon trial with any Other now n use. He invtu s competion. It can he tested CJD CO. C£- CO. <1 IdO with anv other mnchine to enable purchers to choose THE BEST. TERMS LIBERAL. Give bltn a (nil* (inarHMJiiiJ \\M. LIND. IM MRATI. THE NEW YORK MICA ROOFINO COMFANT, (established 1865) are manufacturing under Letters Patent the Best Article of Composition Rooting ever Ottered to the Public. It i- adapted to everv style of Roof,steep or flat, and can be readily applied by" any one. The U. S. Government, alter a thorough test of its utility, have adapted its use iu the Navy Y'ards, and upon Public Buildings. The Roofing is pot up in rolls, and has only to be nailed to the lioof to make a Durable Eire and Water-Proof Covering. We particularly recommend its use upon Buildings. Stores. Churches, Far lories. Machine Shoj s, Steamboat Decks, ie. MICA ROOFING PAINT, For coating Tlx, IRON, or SHINGLE HOOFS. It forms a Body Equal to Three Coats of Ordinary Paint. No Roof can rust undent, and old leaky Roofs may be made permanently water-proof and durable by its use. The Paint requires NO MIXING, but is ready to be ap plied with the ordinary paint brush. Price. $1 per gal lon. which will coyer two hundred square leet. Also manufacturers of Black Lustre Varnish, Tarred Felt and Roofing Pitch. Discount to the Trade. Circulars and Price List fur nished. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address TIIE MICA ROOFING COMPANY, I ( J4 Broadiviy , A'. Y. Frank Humphreys. 61 Royal st.. N. O.; Schofield Williams & C>>. Augusta. Ga.: Baldwin H. Woods Montgomery. Ala : Tiios. S. Coate-. Raleigh. N. C\; F. A Tucker Richmond, Va ; Henry Wilson, Petersburg, Va., Agents. " juu23 reiv * s Paten t FOR CTJSTIITS BOOTS WJIDIIF SUM JITS OR SIDE SEAMS. THE greatest improvement of the age, in this line of trade. Ist. ii does away with the wrinkles on the instep, also, with the welted side seam which lias injured so many feet and ankles. 2d. It makes Ihe easiest sitting end best fitting boot ever worn. This boot is now manafucttired by P. K. Loop, who holds the right of use for the county, anrl is prepared to furnish all who wish to wear this boot. A liberal dis count to dealers who wish to deal in these boots. Or ders filled at short notice Prices greatly reduced on all goods a'. P. F. Loop's Shoe Store. febO 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628 NEW SPRING STYLES, -Jur Own Soke." embracing every New and Desirable size, style and Shape of Plain "and Trad Hoor SKIRTS,— 2, 2 1 4,2%. 2 3-4. 3. 3 1-4. 3 1-2. 3 3-4 and 4 yards, round every length and si/.c Waist: in every respect FIRST QUALITY. and especially adapted to meet the wants of FIRST CLASS and most fashionable TRADE. • OUR OWN MARK." <>! Hoop Skirts, are lighter, more elastic, more durable, and KKAI.LY CIIKAPER than any other make of either Single or Double Spring Skirt in the American Market. 'lhey are WARRANTED in every respect, and wherever introduced give uriiyei si! satisfaction. They are now being extensively sold by retailers, and every lady should try ihem Ask for -Hopkin s Own Make." and see that each Skirl is Stamped "W. T. HOPKIN'S MANUFACTUR ER,62B ARCH Street, PHILADELPHIA." -Yo others art (remit)ie. A Catalogue containing Style. Size and Retail Prices, sent to any address. A Uniform and Liberal Discount allowed to Dealers, "r iers by mail or otherwise, promptly and carefullv filled. Whole sale and Retail, at Manufactory and Sales-room*. No 623 Arch Street. Philadelphia. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. TERMS, NET CASH. ONE PRICE ONLY. Uar2o-10M WM. T. HOPKINS. DEMORKST'S MONTHLY Magazine, universally acknowledged the Model ParlorMag azme ol America: devoted to Original Stories. Poems, Sketches. Architecture and Model Cottages. If<•tise liold Matters, Gem* of Thought. Personal and Liter ary Gossip (including special departments on Fash ions.) Instructions on Health. Gymnastic. Equestrian Exercises, Music, Amusements, etc.: costly Engra vings (full size.) usefuland reliable Patterns, Embroid eries, Jewelry, and a constant succession of artistic novelties, with other useful and entertaining litera ture. .No person of refinement, ecumenical housewife, or lady of taste can afford to do without the Model Monthly. Single copies, 3d cents; hack numbers, as specimens, to cents; either m tiled free. Yearly, to, with a valuable premium; two copies $5 60; three copies tig. and splendid premiums for chilis at $3 each, with the lit st premiums to each subscriber Address, W. JENNINGS It EM OK EST, No. 473 Broadway. N. Y. Demorest's Monthly and Young America, together, sl, with the premiums for each. mar2o REMOVE D- J. A. & W. R. McKEE " L I AYE removed their Leather Store to Odd Fel i I lows' Hull, where they will constantly keep j n hand. Sole Leather. Harne'ss. Skirting and Upper , Leather, Kips. American and French Calf Skins. Mo | ,-occos. Linings and Bindings, and a general assort -1 ment of Shoe Findings, which they will sell cheap for I ish. Highest market price paid in cash for unies, ! caif Skins and Sheep Skins. icc IDS m&miz. •vanted, for which the highest market price will be oaid in Cash. ap4tf Tailoring Establishment -£=>C£_£J.'s£> ; (DOLL2&IUSS Wo Pi:i< COMA. for Curling the Hm.r of either Sex into 11 avtf and Glossy Ringlets or If ny Massive Curls. |)f using this nrticlc Ladies and Gentlemen can lienu -1 f tify iliemselv.-s a thousand fold. It is the only ur tn-ia in the world that will curl straight hair.an.i at the 1 same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance The Crispcr Coma tu>t only curls the hair, but invigorates, I beautifies and cleanses it; is highly ami delightfully j perfumed, and is the most complete article of t l, e j kin ever offered to the American public. The Cris j per Coma will he sent to any address, sealed and post paid for fl. Address all orders to II ■ L. (-LARK A CO., Chemists, fehC-ly No. 3, West Fayette st., Syracuse, N. Y. EXCELSIOR EXCELSIOR M HAIR EXTERMINATOR For Removing Superfluous Hair. TO THE ladies especially, this invaluable depilatory recommends itself as being an almost indtspensi j be article to famale beautv. is easily applied, does not | burn or injure the skin. but acts directly on the r..,ts. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low ; foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, i totally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skin soft, smooth and natural, fhis is the only article i uscd hy the French, and is the only real effectual de ! pilatory in existence. Price 75 cents per package, vent post-paid, to any address, on receipt of an order, bv BERGER. SHUTTS & Co.. Chemists. febG-1y 255 River street, Troy, N. Y. REPARATOR CAPILLI. Throw away vour false frizzes, vonr switches, vour wig— I And rejoice in your own hixuriaut hair. Come aged, come youthful, come ugly and fair, An I re|oUe in your own luxuriant hair. DuK respiring hair upon bald heads (from whatever I cause it may have fallen out) and forcing agrowth | of hair upon the face ii has no equal. It will force tlie j beard to grow upon the smoothest face in from five to eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to three months. A few ignorant practitioners have as ! sorted that there is nothing that will force or hasten j the grow th of the hair or beard Their assertions are | false, as thousands of living witnesses(from their own ! experience) can I war witness. But many will say. how arc we to distinguish the genuine from the spurious? It certainly is difficult, as nine-tenths of the different Preparations advertised for the hair and beard aret-n --tirelv worthless, and you may have already thrown away large amounts in their purchase. To"such we would say. try the Keparator Capilli; it will cost you ; nothing unless it fully comes up to our representations. If your druggist does not keep it, send us one dollar ami we will forward it postpaid, together with a receipt t->r the money, which will be returned you on applica ' tion providing entire satisfaction is not given. Address W.L.CLARK & CO . Chemists, J febC-lv No. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y. There eometh glad tidings of joy to all, To young and to old. to great and to small; Tlie beauty which once was so precious and rare, Is free for all and all may be fair. By the use of CHASTELLAR'S WHITE LIQUID 21TA2/IEL, For Improving and Beautifying the Complexion. TH E most valuable and perfect preparation in use. for giving the skin a beautiful pearl-like tint that isontv found in youth. Itqun-kly removes Tan. Freck les, pimples, Blotches. Moth Patches, Saliowuess, Eruptions, and all impurities of the skin, kindly heal ing the same, leaving.tlie skiu white and clear as ala baster. Its use can not be detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a regetable preparation is per fectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and is considered by the Parisian as | indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30.000 bottles were sold during the past year, a sufficient guarantee of its efficacy. Price only 75 cents. SeutSy mail, post-paid, on receipt of an order, by BERGER, SIIUTTS A CO.. Chemists, fc6-ly 285 River St., Troy, N. Y. The World Astonished AT THE WONDFRFUL REVELATIONS MADS 11Y Til4s UKKAT ASTROI/ifllST MADAME H A. PERRIGO. SHE reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She re stores to happiness those who, from doleful events, i catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and j friends, loss ol money. Ac., have become despondent. She brings together those long separated, gives tnfor | illation concerning absent friends or lovers, restores ■ lost or stolen property, tells you the btisinesjTyou are i best qualified to pursue and in what you will be most successful, causes speedy marriages and tells von the very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness and characteristic of tlie person. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers un j veils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future.— From the stars we see in the firmanent—the malefic stars that overcome or predominate in the eonfigura tion—from the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth, ' she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. Itcostsyou but a trifle, and you may never again have so favorable an opportmmy. Consultation fee. with likeness and all desired information,sl. Parties livingat.adistance can consult the Madame by mni! with equal "safety and satisfamioit to themselves, as if in person. A full and explicit chart, written out, with all inquiries answered : and likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest secrecy will be main i tamed, and all correspondence returned or destroyed. References of the highest order furnished those de siring them. Write plainly the day of the month and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Address MADAME H. A. PERRIGO, jcb6-ly P. O. DRAWER 293, BUFFALO, N. V. GOOD NEWS TO HOUSEKEEPERS !! The Latest and Most Valuable Discovery of the Age! W I N I) OW S CLE A N E D Without Soap or Water, Time or Labor, by using WOODS U M • S Instantaneous Window Polish. IT DOES away with soap suds or hot water, thus 1 avoiding the slops upon the floor or adjoining paint, and the disagreeable sensation of the water running down on tlx* arms, under the sleeves, and wetting them to the shoulders. It leaves no lint upon the glass, and gives it a more transparent and clearer ap ' pearauce than can be got with ten times the amount of labor and time in washing. For polishiug Mirrors, or any kind of Stiver, Brass or Tin-ware, it has no equal. The polish is warranted to contain no ! acids, nor anything of a poisonous or injurious tfhar- i actor, but is perfectly harmless in every respect, j For sale by J. A. A \V. K. McKEE. I Odd Fellows' Hall Building, opposite Black Bear j Hotel, Lemstown, Pa. novlA-tf s. S. CAMPBELL & CO. Manufacturiog Confectioners, AXD WHOLESALE DEALERS IX FOREIGN FKU ITS, N UTS,&C. No. 303, RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ALSO, MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KISDS OF Molasses Candy and Cocoanut Work septl2'66-ly. Lewistown Coach Manufactory, Junction 3d & Valley street. MOSER cSc MAYES HAVING ASSOCIA ''I t0^ e, ' ler lor Iho purpose ot ges. Ruyjies, Sulkies. Spring !i a iss*.-. *S= , oonx. Ac., invite the public to give them a cull and examine specimens of their tvork. which will tie found equal to anv in or out of the cities. All kinds of repairing promptly attended decl2-ly CROVESTEEN & CO., PIA N O F ORTE MANUFACTURERS, 45)9 Broadway, New York. rpHK attention of the Public and the trade is invited ' '?'''' l - N V v S >' A " 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO rOK 1 ES. which for volume and purity of tone are unrivalled by any bitherto offered in this market. 1 hoy contain all the modern improvements, French brand Action, Harp Pedal, Iron Frame. Overstrung Bass. etc.. and each instrument being made under the personal supervision of Mr. J. H.GROVFSTES.V, who lias had a practical experience of over 35 years in tin ir munui.icture, is fully* warranted in every* partic ular. J * The "GliO VESTEFX PIAXO FOR'IES received Ihe Award of Merit over all others at the Celebrated World's Fair, Where were exhibited instruments from the best ma kers of London. Paris. Germany, Philadelphia. Balti more, Boston and New York: and also at the Ameri can Institute tor five successive years, the gold and silver medals from both of which can be seen at our vr are-room. Bv the introduction of improvements we make a stil r.-ore perfect Piano Forte, and by manufacturing large y. with a strictly casli system, are enabled to of- H*r these instruments at a price which will preclude all competition. Terms Net Cash lit Current Funds. Circulars Sent Free. oetlO-3m PHOTOGRAPHIC. K. fc H. T. ANTHONY varieties from 50 cents 10 SSO each. Our Al bums .have the reputation ot being superior in beau ty ami durability to any others. Card Photographs of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, etc., etc. our catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of the most celebrated Engravings. Paintings, Statues, Ac. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O D will please remit A5 per cent of the amount, with their order, "lie prices and quality of our goods can not fail to satisfy. jel3 ly PELOUBET ORGANS UNANIMOUSLY AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE, A GOLD MEDAL, AS " The Best Cabinet Organs," American Institute. New York. October. 1865. Being pronounced superior in QCALITT, POWER, and VARIETY OF TONE, and in number of combinations. "As the best instruments of America were there contending, whichever won that battle would have nothing lefi to conquer "—.4 m. Art Journal, (edited by a well-known musical critic.) 1 hey have also taken the first premium wherever exhibited tbis season. PEDAL ORGANS, one. two. and three banks of keys—six sizes—s2so to $1,500. Without pedals, single and double bank, in great variety, $65 to $450. These Organs, with then* smooth Pipe-like quality of tone, beautiful solo stops, strength of chorus, unequalled pedals, and general organ-like effects, are superior lor Ciiurcheit, Halls, Parlors, and Schools. They are put up in cases of SOLID WALNUT, fancy ven eered Walnut, (new and unique styles) and eiegant Rosewood, of splendid designs and'finish, and of the best workmanship,!—it being intended that each in strument snail be a model of its class. AH instru ments. down to a five octave portable Melodeon, iiave the beautiful Tremolante stop, without extra charge. \ large assortment constantly on hand at our GEN - ERAL WHOLESALE A RETAIL WAREROOMS, 841 BROADWAY. Our Illustrated Circular and Price Lists, with our new siyles. are now ready. Send for a Circular PELOUBET, PELTON & CO., 120 Manufacturers,B4l Broadway, N. Y. FARM EMS LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! BALL'S OHIO REAPER WD MOWER, WITH Pigeon-Wing Self-Rake, MANUFACTURED BY REESE & SLAGLE, L?wistoi en, Mifflin Couuty, Pa. ■\ITF. are now manufacturing Bail's Ohio Reaper and VV Mower, with Pigeon-wing Self rake, which we of fer for the season of ISB6, as a perfect Mo not, a per fect Reaper and a perfect Self-Raker. As a Mower it lias no superior, and as a Reaper and .Self-Raker it lias no equal. Perfect Side Delivery; has no side draft; two driving wheels; hinged bar, adapts itself to the unevenness'of the ground in mowing and reap ing. The self-rake does not interfere with the dri ve.r's seat. The driver can regulate the height of stubbie while the machine is in motion. We also manufacture SEIDLES' PATEXT HAY RAKE, Haines' celebrated Horse Power and Threshing Machine. Agency for Geiser's patent Self-Regulating Grain Thresher, Separator, Cleaner and Bagger. All kinds of Machine work made and fitted up for Mills, Factories. Furnaces and Forges. Also, Hose and Reaction Water Wheels. All orders will receive prompt attention, by addres sing REESE A SLAGLE, Lewistown, Mifflin Co.. Pa. S. Benner, General Agent. ft'6s nyglt SHINGLES! SHINGLES! 100,000 White Pine, Lap & Joint Shingles ALSO, PLASTERING LATHS & PALING, For sale by GRAFF A THOMPSON, j nov2l-6m* Milroy, Mifflin co, Pa. smmms ipdbOTO POETRY. THE BAREFOOT BOY. Blessings on thee, little nun, Barefoot bov. with cheeks of tan! With upturned pantaloons. And thy merrv whistled tunes — With thv red Tip. redder still Kissed by strawberries on the hill — With the sunshine on thy face. Through thy torn brim's jaunty grace; From my heart I give thee joyj I was on< e a barefoot boy! Oh ! for boyhood's painless play, Bleep that wakes in laughing day, Health that mocks the doctor's rules, Knowledge never learned at schools Of the wild itee's morning chase, Of the wild flower's time and place, Flight of fowls, and habitude Of the tenants of the wood, lfow the tortoise bears his shell. How the woodehuek digs his cell. And the ground mole sinks his well, How the rohin feeds her young, How the oriole's nest is hung; Where the whitest lillies blo'w, Where the freshest berries grow, Where the grotuid nut trails itsarine, \V here the wood-grape clusters shine ; Of the black wasp's cunning way,— Mason of his walls of clay, And the architectural plans, Of gray-hornet artizans! For eschewing books and tasks, Nature answers all he a-ks; Hand in hand with her he walks, Face to faee with her he talks. Part and parcel of her jcy— Blessings on the barefoot boy! Cheerily then, my little man, Live and laugh, as boyhood can. Though the flinty slopes he hard, Stubhie-spread the new-mown sward, Every morn shall lead thee through Fresher baptism of the dew; Every evening from thy feet Shall the coo! wind kiss the heat; Ami too soon those feet shall hide In the prison cells of pride, Lose the freedom of the sod, Like a colt for work be shod, Made to tread the mill* of toil, I p and down in ceaseless moil— Happy if thy track be found Never on forbidden ground— Happy if tiiey sink not in Quick and treacherous sands of sin Ah : that thee may know thy joy, Ere it passes, barefoot boy! MISCE Hi H, UNT "Y" _ Correspondence of the Gazette. MORUISTOWN, East Tenn., May 4, 18G7. Messrs. Editors—Thinking your readers might probably be interested in the doings in this part of the Union, (?) we send you tire following of what we have heard and seen while on our way here. We left home on the 25th of April, passing through the eastern and south ern part of Pa., on our way to Balti more. and never saw finer prospects for an abundant harvest in our life, than all the way through this part of our journey. From Baltimore we passed northwest through the central part of Maryland where the same pros pect of future plenty greeted us; but the traveler can not help noticing the contrast between free Pennsylvania and the effects of slavery in Maryland —perhaps a mansion on somo fine em inence, surrounded by a beautiful strove, but miserable negro quarters just behind it, and scarcely a fence on the plantation. This is in the eastern part of the State. In the western, the scone is quite different. Farms are smaller, well cultivated and sell from sixty to one hundred and twenty five dollars per acre. After reaching the Baltimore & Ohio railroad we went to Washington, which we lound in a very quiet condition. No eloquent strains are heard in our Congressional halls. The committee on impeachment are evidently taking their time to it. Sev eral important witnesses, however, have arrived. The coming Surratt trial creates little excitement. We called on the President, but he having taken his afternoon "snap," could en tertain no visitors that day, so we con tented ourselves with a stroll through the gardens and green house, connect ed with the President's mansion.— These gardens and parks aro now decked in their richest summer gar ments, and a stroll through them, in haling their sweet fragrance, wiliabun dantly repay ono for tlie disappoint ment of a chat with his Excellency. The small park north of the Presi dent's house is the finest we ever saw. It contains a life-sized bronze statuo of General Jackson on horseback. The War, Treasury, Post Office and Patent Office, are all buildings that do credit to our nation;and the last named is of special interest to the traveler. The number of implements patented and deposited here is beyond descrip tion, but is a true exponent of Yankee ingenuity. We spent a long time in reading the address of the inventors, and found N. York, Connecticut and Massachusetts best represented. We are sorry to say we found not a single article patented by a lady. Will not the time c omo when our American women will prove to the world that their intellectual powers for this de partment are equal to those of man, and as they have done in somo other departments? At Washington we took the cars for Lynchburg, Va. There were a num ber of prominent rebels on the cars, and we had the extreme pleasure of studying those polite gentr3'; and the}' were by no means backward in making known their sentiments. Wo found thorn intelligent, exceedingly polite, and greatly attached to each other. Their theme was the Tost cause,' and one of the uumber being a General of Vol. LVII, No. 20. Stonewall Jackson's staff—the bravery and christian virtues of this officer were of course discussed, and it was unanimously decided that, had this la mented officer been spared, their 'lib erty' would undoubtedly have been secured. I had unmistakable proof that some of these F. F. V.'s had noth ing left of their former greatness but their wardrobe and their name. In my next I will state the general sen timent of the people in the South SIGMA. Human Parasites. Prof. Browne, lately lectured in Now \ork, on the ' Bangerous Parasites which Infest Mankind, and their food.' Concerning Trichinae he Baid: This parasite originated almost en tirely in tho swine, and is there invis ible to the naked eye. When flesh containing the trichina? is introduced in the human stomach the flesh is dis solved, and the parasite unloosed from its cell. When this occurs the parasite is about one-thirtieth of an inch in length. Birth is then given to trichi na?, which straightway proceed to pene trate the whole muscular and flesh sys tem through the aliamentary canal.— These young trichina? are at first only one five hundred and fortieth of an inch in length, and resemble a worm in spiral coil. By the time they tra verse the system, however, they in crease in size many fold, and then be gin to make felt that terrihlo dis ease to which they have given the name. The parasites first introduced never cause trouble, except by the pro duction of their offspring. The disease is first made apparent by pains in tho joints, the head, and the spine, and tho patient gradually wastes away and dies. The lecturer had seen many ca ses of this disease in Germany, where it is particularly prevalent. Some con stitutions, hut few, withstood it. The trichina? did not create disease by eat ing away tho flesh—which they are not fitted to do—hut by hindering, or closing up, the forces and process by which health is preserved. Woman's Will. —Dip the great ocean dry with a teaspoon; twist your heel into the toe of your boot; make post masters perform their promises and subscribers pay the printer; send up fishing hooks with balloons and fish for stars; get astride a gossamer and chase a comet; when the rain is com ing down like the cataract of Niagara remember where you left your umbrel la ; choke a mosquito with a brickbat; hold Gibraltar at arms' length; in short, prove all things heretofore considered impossible, but never coax a woman to say she will, when she has made up her mind she won't. S&*Ducks lay eggs; geese lay wagers. When is butter like Irish chil dren ? When it is made into little Pats. B£*L,What is that which is neither flesh nor bone, and yet has four fingers and a thumb ? A giovo. How many days belong to the year? Three hundred and twenty-five —the rest are Lent. A lazy fellow, lying down on the grass, said : 'Oh ! how'l wish that this was called work, and was well paid for.' Wisconsin editor,in acknowl edging the receipt of an exchange pa per printed on new type, says it -looks as clean as a school-marm in a bathing tub.' * ©- Smith asked Jones what the high price of butter was owing to. 4 A considerable part of it is owing to my grocer,' said Jones, 'for it is two months since I have paid him.' fi@- An Indiana paper gets off the following : ' A love sick Sucker sends us some doggerel to print, liespectful ly declined. Go and tell the gal that you are a fool, without letting every body else know it.' B®-An editor at a dinner table, being askt d if ho would take some pudding replied, in a fit of abstraction, 'Owing to the crowd of other matter, we are unable to find room for it.' "I say, Pat, if I place my money in the bank to day, when can I draw it out again?' 'Oh,' respondod Pat, 'sure an' if you put it in to-day you can get it out to-morrow by givin-- a fort night's notice.' &xT In Dublin a prcat her once at tempted to preach lion the text, 'Re member Lot's wife,' and made a fail ure. Afterward remarking to Dr. Bon that he did not know the reason of his failure, the venerable Doctor replied that 'he had better thereafter let other people's wives alone.' A man lately made application for an insuranco policy on a building situated in a village where-there was no fire engine lie was asked: 'What are the facilities in your viliago for extinguishing a fire?' 'Well, it rains sometimes,' he replied, with great sim plicity. &