giaa LOCAJj AFFAIRS. Sweet Potato and other Plants. —Best Jer sey Sweet Potato Plants, together with Tomato, Cabbage and other Plants in sea son, in large or small quantities, can be procured from James M. Martin, in Der ry township. Post Office address Lewis town. myl-3t Early Wakefield Cabbage Plants.— Extra size. The best early variety for sale by GEO. S. MYERS, of Granville township. Tomato and other plants in season. Or ders left at the store of F. J. Hoffman will be attended to, where samples of plauts can 1m? seen. myß-lt* Something for the Ladies. —A new article for sprinkling clothes, rendering the wet ting of bauds eutirely unnecessary, will be found at Selheimer's. It is cheap and useful. Cheap Leather.— At Frank Wentz's, in West Market street, you can buy Boots and Shoes at greatly reduced prices. In fact, he is selling extremely low. See pri ces in to-day's issue. Goods unloaded at our door almost daily. Housekeepers will find a nice stock of goods t.> bx.un their homes thisspring -nt Trie i?'ig i oiiee Pot. We unpacked to day a very large stock of American and English knives and forks —won't tell the price until you see them, for fear you'll think they are not gtod—but they are the indestructible forks—can't break them. Give us a peep before you buy, and I'll show something else that is nice that I've not as yet said a won! about. P. S. —Just received a lot of Patented Door Gongs, which we will put up to order —they pome cheap—all can now have gongs by calling on J. IRVIN WALLIS. A Mystery Solved,—On Sunday night last, just as the heavy droppings from the clouds had ceased, and the many lighted chamber windows betokened that people were seeking their couches for repose, and one lone star peeped through the clouds upon the affairs of men, and while hush and calm pervaded nature, (except the yelp of a troublesome canine) a myste rious light, gleaming like a huge star, ap peared nu the top of Ard's Hill, then slowly descended, with all the grace of t le wonderful ignis fatntis, to the base of said elevation. Two ladies, out enjoying the fresh air, or brought forth by instinc tive fbrbodings of evil upon such dreadful occasions, wandered up the dark street, peering with curious eyes into the thick blackness surrounding the awful appear ance. They returned, however, shaking their heads and wondering. This terrible apparition, at such an early hour of the night, proved to be—a man carrying a lan tern. Corn Planters Wanted.—Tlie protracted rains have thrown back corn-planting in this county; but fortunately all farmers who hand in their orders soon, at Frvsin ger's Agricultural Implement Agency, can be supplied witli Corn Planters or Droppers! whichever they want,) that will do up the work in a few days. Frysinger has tlie Morrison, which scores out, plants, plasters, and covers, all at the same time, liesides putting in pump kin seeds, if desired. Also, Wanbaugh's and Heidler's, which are both old and popular machines. He has also a capital little Corn Drop per, with which one boy can drop corn in hills as fast as four men. Price only $24. Base Ball Match.—The game played in this place on Saturday last, between the Meteor Club, of Mifflintown, and the Hope, of Lewistown, resulted in a com plete victory for the latter. The score stood, Hope 43; Meteor 22. Foot Cut. —Irwin, a son of John Miller, of this place, cut his foot badly witli an axe on Monday last, whilst on the moun tain across the river chopping. He was brought to town on a horse furnished by Mr. yager. CSTThe G. T. District Convention held here on Wednesday and Thursday last, was not largely" attended, only 60 dele gates having reported. Rev. J. S. Mc- Murray, Grand Worthy Chief Templar, was present, and at the public meetingon Wednesday evening delivered a masterly address. The next will assemble at Liv erpool. Perry co., on the 7th August. The Valley Vocalists gave a concert in the Town Hall on Thursday evening.— They sing well, are gentlemanly ami la dylike, and deserve good houses wher ever they may appear. Ellis Snyder, a hrakernan on the local freight, had one of his heels seriously in jured at Mapleton hist week. This is the second time he has been hurt in a few months. Two or three dollars mysteriously dis appeared from Yingling & Gruver's mon ey drawer on Monday a week. Rats are evidently about. A man named Bausman, employed on a Lewistown boat, was thrown off the bridge at Northumberland last week, and drowned. A trout 15 inches long and weighing H pounds Liken on an outline last week, in Kishaco juilias creek, by Will Waters and a companion. Frank Itice, in the employ of Jacob Hamuker, of this place, while using a drawing knife at a wagon body, inflicted a deep gash in his knee. A Word of Caution.—Our readers in hay ing cheap Sewing Machines, should be careful in making the selection. There are but two low priced Machines made in this country which are really PATENTED, namely, the " BAUTLETT," of New ork, and the "Shaw & Clarke" of Maine; and the " BART LETT" is the only one that is also fully LICENSED by the manu facturers of the higher-priced machines. 1 \Ve mention this because those who buy or xuse an infringing machine are just as liable to prosecution, under the U. S. pat ent laws, as are those who make or sell it. WANTED.—A lot of ground, in or near the borough, from Ito 2 acres. For ] a suitable one, a fair price will be paid. ! Inquire at the Gazette office. SsziT The Senior Editor of the Gazette has, until further notice, relinquished the Real Estate Agency. John A. RO3S, of this place, it is said has been appointed chief Messenger in the oil ice of the Secretary of State at Har risburg. Mrs. Margaret Waream has removed to Mill Street, two doors west of Logan St., where she is now prepared to do all kinds ! of fancy as well as common sewing, and will be pleased to see all her old custo mers as well as new ones. On a visit home —Mrs. Jos. Mount (for merly Miss Elizabeth Kerr) and an in teresting daughter. Mr. Mount is still I engaged in teaching the deaf and dumb, j in which science he is as proficient as he ! was au able editor. The Court yesterday granted licenses to I the different applicants, no rcmonstran | ees having a legal bearing being preset) t ! cd. The weather continues wet but is other wise pleasant; everything growing finely. tVorkliigmc n's Mooting. REEDSVILLE, April 18th, ISG7. Pursuant to a call of the Workingmen of Brown township to discuss the proprie ty of organizing a Workingmen's Party, a meeting was called to order hy the elec tion of J. F. McKinley as chairman, and C. C. Burkholder, secretary. The subject as aforementioned, was called forand'dis cussed preparatory to submitting a vote, which resulted in a unanimous voice in favor of the organization. Resolved, That we will withhold our support from ail presses that will not en dorse the (politic) interest of said organi zation or Party. Moved, seconded, and vote carried, that the proceedings of this meeting be pub lished in the county papers. C. C. BURKHOLDEB, Sec'y. RKKDSVILJ.E, April 25, 1567. A second meeting of the Workingmen was called for, and brought to order by electing R. F. Cupples, chairman, and 1). H. Bell, secretary. The following pre amble and resolutions were submitted for approval, and unanimously adopted. Whereas, In our opinion, both the ex isting political parties have become so corrupt that they have lost sight of the interests of the great mass of the people, that the design of the government has been egregiously perverted, and that the exingency of the times demand that an effort should be put forth to effect a change in the political aspect of the government, and we believe the power remains alone with the working uiass of the people to effect the desired reformation, Resolved, That we, the Workingmen of Mittiin county, will bend all our ener gies, and use all honorable means to effect the change contemplated. Resolved, That we believe the time has arrived that the working class should select men from their own ranks to repre sent them in our State and National coun cils to the end, that we, the laboring men, may have equal legislation with the capi talist. Resolved, That we will sacrifice all po | litical predilections in order to carry into j effect the foregoing resolutions. ■ Joseph Newman, Win. T. Evey, 1 J. F. MeKinley, John A. Bowers, Jas. L. McDonald, J. T. Smith, i Charles K. Cliustiuii,Jos. Cormany, ( David H. Bell, Eph. Wian, Henry Myers, J. G. Worley, Michael T. Aultz, Jos. H. Young, Wm. Rountree, C. 0. Burkholder, John A. McDonald,A. M. Shoop. ! S. O. Himes, Moved, seconded, and vote carried, that ] the proceedings of this meeting and the I adopted preamble and resolutions bepub i lishetl in the county papers. DAVII* H. BELL, Secretary. MARRIED i In Mffflintown, on the 26th March, by ! Rev. E. W. Kirbv, JOHN R. HARTMAX, of Brown township, and Miss MATILDA BROUGHT, of Granville township, Mifflin county, I'H. On Monday evening, 18th February, by i Rev. Mr. Downs, FRANK A. HrTTONand Miss FLORENCE LONOWELL, both of Mil roy. DIED In this place, after a lingering illness, JOSEPH ALLOW AY, aged 26 years, a mem ber of the 118 th Pa. Vol., known as the Corn Exchange Regiment, and formerly of New Jersey. This young man came hero last fall, and was employed by C. M. Skull, but soon fell sick. He was taken to Mr. Shull's home, where lie was treated with unusual care, and in Miss S —h M e met with a "good Samaritan" whose motherly care of a stranger de serves far more commendation than is here bestowed. Others too lent their kindly aid, and did all they could to alle viate "his sufferings, thus proving that Christian virtues still occasionally shine forth bright as one of those glorious stars adorning the dome of heaven. "Thou art gone to rest; Thy toils and cares :ire o'er; And sorrow, pain.and suffering, now Shall ne'er distress thee more.' EDITORS GAZETTE. Funeral on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from C. M. Shull's residence, Market street. On Sunday, April 21st, 1867, in Deca tur township, Mrs. ESTHER AI'RAND, wife of Eli Aurand, aged 55 years, 3 months and 17 days. In Brown township, on Tuesday morn ing, April 3ly Ayer's Sarsaparilla \\\, [ -ffVi j/ , i/jj IS a concentrated extract of ysa i//// // 'he choice root, so combined ttßarojy //////// with other substunces of si 111 MrfftjWßr TlzicinkdO /' greater alterative power as to P *n effectual antldotefor Vv - ted to cure. Such a remedy '//. H surely wanted by those vT vt&y yW who suffer from Strumous r? complaints, and that one „ A-—■ which will accomplish their hj* cure must prove, as this has — =s= "' P rove, '> of immense service to this large class of our af dieted fellow-citizens. How completely this compound will dolt, has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found in the following complai ts:— Scrofula Scrofulous Swellings and Sores, Skin Diseases, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches. Eruptions, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter or Salt Kheuui, Scald Head, r.ingworm, Ac. Syphilis or Venereal Disease ts expelled from the system by the prolonged use of this SAIISAPARILLA,and the pa tient ts left In comparative health. Female Di-eases are caused by Scrofula in the blood, and I are often soon cured by this Extract of Sarsaparilla Do not reject this invaluable medicine, because yon have been imposed upon by something pretending to be Sarsa- ; parllla, while it was not. When you have used AYKK'S— then, and not till then, will you know the virtues of Sar saparilla. For minute particulars of the diseases it cures, we refer you to Ayer s American Almanac, which the agent below named will furnish gratis to all who call for It. AYEIS'S CATHARTIC PILI.S. for the cure of Costlve ness. Jaundice. Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach. Headache. Pilea, Rheumatism, Heartburn aris ing from Disordered Stomach. Pain or Morbid Inaction of j the Bowels. Flatulency. Lossof Appetite, Liver Complaint, j Dropsy. Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, and as a Dinner Pill, are unequalled. They are sugar coated, so that the most sensitive can take them with pleasure, and they are the best Aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Prepared by DR. J. C. AVER A CO, Lowell, Mass.. and sold by all Druggists and dealers In medicine everywhere, mat 272 m ITCH ! ITCH ! ITCH ! I SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT WILL. CURE THE ITCH IN 48 HOURS. Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS, CHILBLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE BKIN. Price 50cents. lor SKle by all druggists. By sending sixty cents to i weeks & 1 otter, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, ' to any part of the United States. seps'66-Iy ! THE MARKETS. j LEWISTOWN, May 8, TBG7. Wheat, red, per bushel $2 90 " white " 2 95 Corn, old, 1 00 Oats 60 Eggs per dozen 15 1 Butter per lb 25 Hour is retailing at the following prices: Lewistown Extra Family per cwt. 7 50 Superfine 6 50 Extra Family per bbl 15 00 Superfine 12 00 Buckwheat per cwt. 5 00 Philadelphia Market*. PHILADELPHIA, May 6.—There is no I inquiry for Flour except for home con sumption; sales at $13a14.50 for low grade : and choice; N ortliwestern extra family, j including some Pennsylvania and Ohio : at $13a15; fancy at $15.50a16. Rye flour $8,621. Nothing doing in corn meal. — Very little doing in wheat; sales of com mon and good Maryland and Pennsylva nia red at $3a3.25. Rye 51.65a1.75. Corn —sales of yellow at $1.32 afloat, and 15,000 bushels mixed and white at $1.30. Oats in steady demand; sales at 80e. CATTLE MARKET. The cattle market has been more active this week, and prices were firmer. About 125-5 head sold at from 17£al81e for extra; a few choice at 19c; 16ial7c for fair to good, and 13a16c per pound for common as to quality. Hogs were firmer; 2,500 head sold at the different yards at from $10a11.25 per 100 pounds net. Bheep were unchang ed; B,OOU head sold at from BAaloc for wool, and 71a8Jc per pound gross for clipped sheep. Cows were in fair demand; 250 head sold at $50a65 for springers, and S6O - per head for and calf. DEAFNESS, Baldness & Catarrh treated with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS, M. D., Oc ulist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) No 519 Pine street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city and country can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Artificial Eyes inserted without pam. No charge for examination. myl-ly V-/.S. JL. THOMPSON, I I AS taken the Store formerly occupied ' i by John Haunt, for the purpose of carrying on the WATCH MAKING and JEWELRY Business. He will be pleased to see all Mr. Baum's old customers, and as many new ones as will favor him with a call. All work warranted. Store on East Market street, nearly opposite the Post Office. Lewistown, April 24, ISGT-tf MILROY ACADEMY & SEMINARY, Milroy, Mifflin County, Pa., f I 11K Summer Session of this Institution 1 will commence on the Ist May, 1867. Whole ex pense for term of 20 weeks, including Tuition, Board, and Furnished Room. BTS. Full instructions given those preparing for College, Business, or Teaching. This Institution is located in one of the finest Val leys in the State, at the foot of the Seven Mountains, in a healthy neighborhood, and amid unsurpassed scenery. It is accessible within a few miles t>y rail road. J. A. AIKENS, apl7-3m Principal. TIIE GENUINE Oi) ~ Barlett Sewing Machine. WANTED —AgeDts, Sl5O per month and all expenses paid, to sell the Genuine Barlett Sewing Machine. This Machine will do all the work that can be done on any high priced machine, and is fully patented, licensed and warranted for five years. We pay the above wages, or a commission, from which twice that amount can be made. For cir culars nnd terms address H. HALL A CO., pltl-6w 724 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pa. THE Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia, having withdrawn their Agency in charge of Henry J. Walters, at Levristown, give no tice that applications may be made direct to the Com pany in Phila ielp'ia,aud will receive prompt attention. marl3-2m* C. N. BANCKER, President. rTEACIIER WASTE D. —A first X class male teacher is wanted to take charge of the male and female department of the Lewistown Academy. A married man preferred. Apply to WILLIAM B. HOFFMAN, ap24-tf President of Board Trustees. ESTATE of Henry Sellck, Sen., deceased.—Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of HENRY SELICK, Sen., late of Granville township, Mifflin county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in same township. All indebted to said estate are notified to make pay ment immediately, and those having claims against the same, will present them dulv authenticated for settlement. JOHN SELICK, ap24-6t* Administrator. \IUITOR\S NOTICE.—The un dersigned appointed by the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, Auditor, to make distribution of the balance to and among those entitled to the same in the hands of Samuel J. Brisbin, Administrator of the estate of Jenkins B. Smith, late of Union township, said county, deceased, will at tend to the duties of said appointment, on Wednesday, June 5, 1867, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the Register's Office, in Lewistown, when and where all parties interested are notified to attend. ap24 ABRAHAM GARVER, Auditor. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. R THLE most convenient, most durable and 1 therefore the cheapest Wringer ever made. Has taken more first premiums at State and General Fairs, and is used by more people than all other Wringers together. For sale by J. B. SELHEIMER. REFINED SAPONIFIER. FOR 25 cents you can procure what will 'make 20 gallons GOOD SOAP, at mar2otf DR. R. MARTIN'S. A Fresh Supply OF those cheap Prunes, Peaches, Conned Corn, Ac, at BRISBIN'S. MEYERS NEWLY IMPROVED, CRESCENT SCALE, Acknowledged to be the best. London Prize Medal and higheat awards in America received. MELODEONS, and Second hand Pianos. Music. No. 722 ARCH St., below Bth, Philadelphia, Pa. Phils, April 24, W67-Btn mm mi m mn, FEED, aaaajaa maifaa, constantly on hand at BLYMYER'S STEAM MILL. Lewistown, March 27, 1867 —3ni. LUMBER AND COAL. INCH BOARDS, 2-INCH BOARDS, FLOORING, SIDING, SCANTLING, SHINGLE LATH, PLASTERING LATH, and SASH. ALSO, All kinds of Coal. All kept under roof, and for sale by SAMUEL COMFORT, Agt. Lewistown, April 17, 1867-3tn* JUST RECEIVED, At GEO. BLYMYER & SON'S, •7,000 pieces latest style WALL PAPER, From New York, Arrival of NEW GOODS mar2o-2m APRIL IST. SELLING OFF! MMM & 2 Dili ARE DISPOSING OF The Entire Stock OF DRY GOODS, NOW ON THEIR SHELVES, AT COST. Bargains can be had, such as are not often offered soon and make choice Lewistown, April 3, Hardware. says SELHEIMER sells It the CHEAPEST AND BEST H ARDWARE in TOWN. That's so. And he sells them by the Wagon Load. apr3 I AM selling Rims, Spokes, Ilubbs, Sprins, Axles, &c., very low. A LARGE STOCK apr 3 at SELHEIMER'S. SHOEMAKERS, THE best qualities of SOLE LEATHER, KIP, UPPER and CALF SKINS, on band ; also, all kinds of LININGS, TOOLS, &c., &0., which I am selling low. apr3 J. B. SELHEIMER. TIN WARE. IF you want Good TIN WARE, home man ufacture, buy of J. B. SELHEIEER. Corn Planter. rpilE ROUGH and READY Corn Planter JL for sale by J. B. SELHEIMER. Grand Exhibition! Admission Free! TO VIEW the large, new, and well selected assortment of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, AT Rittenhouse & McKinney's NEW STOBE. Owing to the great downfall of goods, we are enabled to sell the following Spring Goods at greatly reduced prices: Cassimeres from 75 to 2 75 Black Cloths, splendid assortment, Kentucky Jeans, from 30 to 75 Ladies' Cloths, for Sacking, good as sortment, very cheap, Ladies' Dress Goods. Delaines, from 25 to 28 Calicos, very low, 11 to 19 Spring Shawls, Balmorals, great variety, from 2 00 to 3 50 Gents Hosiery, 15 to 50 Ladies' do 15 to 60 Hoop Skirts, 1 00 to 2 50 Splendid assortment of Gents Fur nishing Goods, Variety cf Ladies' Fancy Goods, Muslins, white and brown, 10 to 25 Groceries, Best White Sugars, 16 and 16J Best Brown, at 15 Second quality, 14 Third do 13 Fourth do 11 Best Syrups, 15, 20, 25. and 30 Coffees, 28 and 30 Soaps, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20 ALSO, An extensive assortment of Queensware and Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac, Ac, Ac. At Rittenhouse and McKinney's you will find a good assortment of everything per taining to a country store; and by close at tention to business and our endeavors to please all we hope to gain a large and liberal patronage, to which wa will sell at the low est living rates possible. And as we are very thankful for past favors, and hope a continu ance of the same, we remain, as ever, Very Respectfully Yours, RITTENHOUSE A McKINNSY. Lewistown, May 1, 1867—tf MERCANTILE APPRAISER'S List for IMT. —The following is a list of Merchants and Dealers, Whole sale and Retail, in the County of Mifflin, classified agreeable to the provisions of the Act of Assembly : 14 class pays $7 00; 13 class 10 00; 12 class 12 50; 11 class 15 00; 10 class 20 00; 9 class 25 00; 8 class 30 00; 7 class 40 00. Lewistoum. Anthony Felix & Son (cabinet) 14 700 A. Felix (merchant) 13 10 00 John Kennedy 14 7 00 Wm. G. Zollinger, 14 7 00 D. D. Mutthersbough & Bro. 14 700 J. I. Wallis 14 7 00 James A. Thompson 14 7 00 Henry Zerbe 13 10 00 John Davis 14 7 00 Frank, Gise & Co. 7 40 00 H. W. Junkin (agent) 14 700 Geo. W. Thomas 14 7 00 John B. Selheimer 12 12 50 Wm. Lind 14 7 00 N. J. Rudisill 14 7 00 Daniels & Stone 12 12 50 A. T. Hamilton 13 10 00 F. J. Hoffman 10 20 00 John Swan 14 7 00 A. Hamaker (liquor) 9 25 00 " " Ist Billiard Table 30 00 " " 2d 44 " 10 00 W. B. Hoffman & Son (lumber) 13 10 00 Frank Weutz 14 7 00 C. M. Shull 14 7 00 Mrs. M. E. Stewart 14 7 00 R. H. MeCliutic 14 7 00 S. J. Brisbin 13 10 00 Mrs. Susan Callahan 14 7 00 David Crisswell 14 7 00 C. Ulrich 14 7 00 F. A. Neupert 14 7 00 Rittenhouse & McKinney 13 10 00 Reuben Smith 14 7 00 P. F. Loop 14 7 00 Geo. Blymyer 9 25 00 David Grove 14 7 00 Charles Ritz. 14 7 00 Robt. W. Patton 14 7 00 W. H. Weber & Son 11 15 00 Jas. Parker & Sons 12 12 50 Wm. Johnson 13 10 00 W. C. Thornburg 14 7 00 F. G. Franciscus 10 20 00 O. C. C'hesuey 14 7 00 M. Nusbaum 14 7 00 E. Frysinger 13 10 00 Robert Martin 14 7 00 E. Boehner 14 7 00 X. Kennedy . 13 10 00 N. Kennedy (liquor) 9 25 00 Pratt, Law & Pratt 9 25 00 Chas. W. Gibbs 14 7 00 Lafayette Webb 14 7 00 E. D. Auner 14 7 00 J. A. & W. R. McKee 14 7 00 W. B. Hoffman & Son (coal) 14 7 00 J. C. Blymyer & Co. 13 10 00 Wm. Willis 13 10 00 J. C. Blymyer &Co 11 15 00 Reese & Slagle 13 10 00 Samuel Comfort 14 7 00 W. B. McAtee 13 10 00 Samuel Comfort 14 7 00 Wayne Toumthip. D. Witlierow &, Co. 14 7 00 John Glasgow 14 7 00 Mo Veytown. W. &G. Macklin 9 25 00 J. F. Rohrer 13 10 00 H. Loser 13 10 00 Wm. Hardy 13 10 00 Mrs. M. T. Brehman 14 7 00 B. L. Long 13 10 00 Thomas Gibbs 14 7 00 S. A. Louder 13 10 00 Derry Toumthip. John Hoops 14 7 00 Joseph Kearns 14 7 00 E. I'. Mann & Co. 14 7 00 Freedom Iron Co. 11 15 00 Brown Toumthip. Wm. Mann, jr. & Co. 11 15 00 R. M. Kinsloe 13 10 00 G. A. Butler 14 7 00 Strunk