Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 08, 1867, Image 1

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    <2s ©a 180 IHB'SrsiISJ©ISI£ s , KCTm,rcsTsrefßai a
Whole No. 2919.
Poor House Business.
The Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor
House on the 2d Tuesday of each month.
"ESITEriST & 00.. ~
Collections and remittances promptly made.
Interest allowed ou time deposits. jan2C-ly.
Attorney at Law,
Office Market Square, Lewistown, will at
tend to business in Mitflin. Centre and Hunting
don counties mv 26
Attorney at Law,
OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of
Mifflin county. .ioe 1 11 Northeast corner of the
Dia oad, next to Hoffman's store. iny2
Mutual Insurance Company.
Capital, $2,500,000.
THIS Company continues to issue Policies of Insur
ance on Buildings and Personal Property, in Town
or Country, at cash or mutual rates.
JAMES RANION, President.
JOSHUA BOW.HAX, Secretary.
jsnl6 '67 Lewistown, Pa.
Practicing Physician,
Belleville, .Mifflin County, Pa.
DR. DAHLEN has been appointed an Examining
Surgeon for Pensions. Soldiers requiring exam
ination will find him at his office in Belleville.
Belleville. August 22. 1566,-y
TJ E3PECTFULLY inform the citizens of Lewistown
11 and vicinity, a few doors from the Town Hall, in
Haiti street ' that tie is prepared to do all kind of work
in the line of his profession in the mo-t scientific man
ner—in Whole Bets. Partial Sets, or Single Teeth in
serted on Gold. Silver, or Vulcanite Base.in an elegant
and workmanlike manner, and on the most reasona
ble terms. He guarantees his work, or no pay.
Particular attention paid to the extracting and filling
of teeth in the most approved manner. nov7-6m
Teeth Extracted Without Pain !
By M. R. Thompson. D. D. S }
without the use of Chloro
form. Etner, or NitrottsOx
idc. and is attended by no
L,Office west Mat ketstreet,
near Eisenbise's hotel,
where he can be found for professional consultation
Irom the first M> r.dav of eacii month until the fourth
Monday, when he w.l'l be absent on professional busi
ness one week. seplo-ti
GFFERS his professional services to the citixens of
Lewistown and vicinity. All in want of good, neat
work will do well to give i:im a call.
He may bo found at all limes at his office, three
dears ea*t of H. M. k R. Pratt s store. Valley street.
■' by the use of NITROUS OXIDE or
U i
-*-U TIT Tp, e different styles of bases. Teeth
filled in the most approved manner. Special atten
tico given to diseased gums. All work warranted.
"i . rfns reasonable.
Office at Episcopal Parsonage. Corner of Main and
Water Streets. IJf®
wfj The subHcnber ha? just reared and will
%HE 1 ee P on hand a select KK*k of Men's. Hots'
j mLt and Youth'? Boots, Ladies', and Chil-
Boots and Shoe* of varou? kind? and
itjl©?. to which ho would incite the attention of hi*
friendsand the public generally. A? itis hi? intention
br any dealer in the county, those in need of winter
boots or ?hoe are invited to <-a!l and efamine the
above* stock, which will be sold at very smail profits,
but for ca-h only. a r - the sign of the Bio SHOE, next
aoor to F.J. HotTinarrs store.
£ 5
Wfst Market St., Lewistown,
Sack*. Cloaks. Haiti. Bonnets, Ladies Fine DRESS
GOODS und Trimmings.
Patterns of latest styles always on hand.
Millinery and Dress-Making
executed t:, the most approved style.
Lewistown, April IS, 1866.tf
J. A. &. W. R. McKEE
HAYF, removed their Leather Store to Odd Fel
lows' Hall, where they will constantly keep
ca hand. Sole Leather. Harness, Skirting and Upper
Leather. K:ps. American and French Calf Skins. Mo
roccos. Linings and Bindings, aud h general assort
ment of Shoe Findings, which they will .-.ell cheap for
rath. Highest market price paid lit cash for ilidas.
Calf Skins and Sheep Skins.
ioo WZe '2- faLi $ laSctaAw
wanted, for which the highest market price wiil be
paid in Cash. ap4tf
Tailoring Establishment
MERCHANT TAILOR, has removed hi shoptolhe
buildibg formerly known as the "green house," !
at the intersection of Valley and Mill street.adjoining
H- M. A R. Pratt's store, where he cordially unite* all
who need anvthing in his line. Goods and Trim
mings furnished and gentlemen's clothing made, in
the latest styles, on short notice, and at reasonable :
prices. apll-tf
has now open
Cloths, Cassimeres
which will be made up to in the neat
est and moet fashionable styles. ap!9 •
nmm wm mna, 1
RNHE NEW Yor.x MICA Room-to COMPANT, (established
A IS6OI are manufacturing under Letters Patent the
B-st Article of Comoosition Roofing ever Otfered to 1
the Public. It is adapted to every sty le of Roof, steep
or flat, and can bo readily applied by any one.
The 1 S. Government, after a thorough ie9t of its
utility, have adapted its use in the Navy Yards, and
upon Public Buildings.
The Roofiug is put up in rolls, and has only to be '
nailed to the Roof to make a
Durable l-'ire and Water-Proof Covering.
We particularly recommend its use upon
Building*. Slorei, Chorehcs, Factories, Machine
Shops, Steamboat Decks. &c.
For coating TI.N, IRON, or SUIXCLE Roora. It forms a
Body Equal to Thrtt Corns of Ordir.cn/ Paint.
No Roof can rust under it, and old leaky Roofs may be
made permanently water-proof and durable by its use.
The Paint requires so MIXING, but is ready to be ap
plied with the ordinary paint brush. Price," SI per gal
lon, which will eover two hundred square feet.
Afc-o manufacturers of
Black Lustre Varnish,
Tarred Felt and Hoofing Fitch.
Discount to the Trade. Circulars and Trice List fur
uished. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address I
194 Broadway, aV. Y. j
Frank Humphreys, CI Royal st.. N. O.: Schofield .
Williams it Co.. Auzusta. Ga; Baldwin 11. Woods
Montgomery. Ala ; Thus. S. Coates, Raleigh. N. C.; F.
A. Tucker. Richmond, Va.; Henrv Wilson, Petersburg,
Va., Agents. jan23
Drew's Patent
TT nfT, TlT'i
V J ii kill'*
THE greatest improvement of the age, in this line
of trade. Ist. It does away with the wrinkles on ;
the instep, also, with the welted side seam which has j
injured so many feet and ankles. 2d. It makes the I
easiest sitting and best fitting boot ever worn. This 1
boot is now mauafuctured by P. F. Loop, who holds 1
the right of use for the county, and is prepared to
furnish ail who wish to wear tin's boot. A liberal dis- j
count to dealers who wish to deal in these boots. Or- i
der filled at short notice. Prices greatly reduced on
all goods at P. F. Loop's Shoe Store*. " febC
20.000 MAJORITY!
To the Voters of Central Penna.
ELECTION 1* over and it ha* been decided by about J
2U.O\i majority that the Tobacco and Cigars sold
at Frysinger's Tobacco and Segar Store cannot be
surpassed, either in Quality or Price.
Look at the Prices, get some of the goods, and com
pare with all others, and you wiil be satisfied that you
get the worth of your money at Frysiuger's.
Frysinger's Spun Roll only *I.OO per pound.
Frysinger's Navy " "
Frysinger's Congress " " - u
Frysinger's Flounder " " " "
Willett Navy " " " u
Oronoko Twist " u " "
And other Plug Tobacco at AO and 50 cts. per lb.
Cut and Dry. 40 ,nd 50 cts. Granulated Tobaccos at
50 cts., 60 cts . bO cts.. SI.OO. $1.20. and $1,50 per lb.
Fine-Cut chewing, at $1.40 and $1.20.
Cigars at 1, 2. 3. 5 and lo cts. each.
Pip"s in gn at variety; also Cigar Cases. Tobacco
Pou<-he and Boxes, Match Safes, and ail articles
usually kept in a first-class Tobacco and Cigar Store.
To Merchants, I offer the above goods at prices that
will enable them to retail at the same prices that 1
do and realize a fair profit.
Oct.2f.. E. FRYSINGER.
628. szif.TS. 628
SEW SPRING STYLES, ")ur Own Make."
| embracing every New and Desirable size, style and
' Shape of Plain and Trail HOOF SKIRTS.— 2. 2 1 '4.
( 3-4. 3. 3 1-4. 3 1-2. 3 3-4 and 4 yards, round every length
j and size Waist: in every respect FIRST QUALITY, and
; especially adapted to nieet the wants of FIRST CLASS
j and most fashionable TEADZ.
'•OUR OWN- MAKE."' of Hoop Skirts, are lighter, more
elastic, more durable, and REALLT CHEATER than any
other make of either Single or Double Spring Skirt
in the American Market. They are WAP-BANTRD in
every respect, and wherever introduced give univer
sal satisfa.-tion. They are now being extensively sold
by retailers, aud every iady should try them
A-k for "Hopkin's" Own Make.'' and see that each
Skirt is Stamped -W. T- HOPKIN'S MANUFACTUR
ER, 628 ARCH Street, PHILADELPHIA." So others
are Genuine. A Catalogue containing Style. Size and
Retail Pri.-cs, sent to any address. A Uniform and
Liberal Discount allowed to Dealers. Orders bv mail
or otherwise, promptly and carefully filled. Whole
sale and Retail, at Manufactory and Sales-room*, No.
02? Arch Mreet Philadelphia. Skirts made to order,
altered and repaired.
niar2o-10ra Wlf. T. HOPKINS.
Are superior to all others for
Contain all the latest improvements; are speedy
noiseless; durable; and easy to work.
Illustrated Circulars free. Agents wanted. Liberal
disount allowed No consignments made.
Address EMPIRE S. M. CO., 616 Broadway, New
Tork. sepo'66-ly
1 * universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Mag
azine of America: devoted t<> Original Stories. Poems,
Sketches. Architecture and Model Cottages, House
hold Matters. Getns ( ,f Thought. Personal and Liter
ary Gossip (including special departments on Fash
ions.) Instructions on Health. Gymnastic, Equestrian
I Exerci-e*. Music. Amusements, etc.: costly Engra
ving* {full size. , useful and reliable Patterns, Embroid
eries. Jewelry, and a constant succession of artistic
novelties, with other useful and entertaining litera
No person of refinement, ecomonical housewife, or
la iy of taste can afford to do without the Mode!
Monthly. Single copies. 30 cents; back numbers, as
specimens, lo'cents; either milled free. Yearly, $3,
with a valuable premium; two copies $6.60; three copies
sl2, and splendid premiums for clubs at $3 each, with
the first premiums to each subscriber Address.
No. 473 Broadway. N. Y.
Demore*t's Monthly and Young America, together,
$4. with the premiums lor each. mar'2o
Agent', Wanted n Mifflin k Adjoining Conntie*
"IV omati's Work in the Civil War."
PREPARED under tho approval of
An eminent Divine savs : "This work is a household
treasure, a joy and blessing to future times. It de
velopes a new. social era; a new power in woman; a
new phase in Christianity itself."
T.S.ARTHUR'S MAGAZINE says: "We welcome
this Book most heartily as the only record of Wo- i
man's work in the War which makes any approach to
I'be SOLTUXRS' MESSXSGXK says: "This is the only
work on the subject which can "make any pretensions
to completeness."
In tiie beauty of its typography.and theexeellencv
of it* numerous fine steei engravings, it is a model.
A go.,'* have no difficulty in selling it, for aii who see
it want to read it. Energetic young men and ladies
wi!i find at, agency for tin* work the best paying bus
iness they can engage in during the Spring and Sum
mer. For full description of the work and terms lo
agents, Address ZEIGLER. McCURDV k CO- 501
Chestnut st.. Philadelphia. Pa.; Lombard Block, Chiraoo,
lIL. or 509 Olne St., St. Louts, Mo. apll
Ladies' Vests and Drawers,
jan3o.] At BRISIiIN'S. !
Auburn, Golden, Flaxen and Silken Curls,
pRODUCED by the use of Prof. DEHREU.V FRI-
A SER LE CHEVEUX One application warranted
to curl the most straight and stubborn hair of either
sex into wavy ringlets, or heavy massive curls. Has
been used by the fashionables of Paris and London,
with the most gratifying results. Does no injury to
the hair. Price by mail, st-aled and postpaid sl. De
scriptive Circulars mailed free. Address MERGER,
SHI ITS A CO.. Chemists, N0.28 River St., Troy. N. Y.
Sole Agents for the United States. feb6 ly
FORCED to glow upon the smoothest face in from
three to five weeksbv using Dr.SEViGNE'S KES
TAI R A TEf R CAP I LLA IRE. the most wonderful dis
covery in modern science, acting upon the Beard and
Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It has been
used by the elite of Paris and London with the most
nattering success. Name? of all persons will be reg
istered. and if entire satisfaction is not given tnevery
instance.the motley will be cheerfully refunded. Price
by mail, sealed and postpaid. sl. Descriptive circu
lars and testimonials mailed free. Address BERGEK,
I-HI TTS & CO., Chemits. No. C®s River street. Trov.
N. Y, Sole agents for the United States. feb6-ly
Oh ! she tv.is beautiful and fair,
)Vuh starry ejrrs, and radiant hair,
" ho** curling tendrils soft, entwined,
Enchaineti the verv heart and niind-
For Curling the Hair of either Sex into
Hiivy a tit I Glossy Ringlets or
J Terry Massive Curls.
BY using this article Ladies and Gentlemen can beau
tify themselves a thousand fold. It is the only ar
ticle in the world that will eur! straight hair, and at the
same time give it a beautiful, srlosv appearance The
f'rispcr Corna not only curls the hair, but invigorates,
beautifies and cleanses ,t: is highly and delightfully
perfumed, and i? the most complete article of D-e
kind ever offered to the American public. The Cris
per Corna will he sent to any address, sealed and post
paid for sl. Address ail orders to
W.L.CLARK & CO., Chemists,
feb6-ly No. 3, West Fayette st., Syracuse, N. Y.
For Removing: Superfluous Hair.
TO THE ladies especially, this invaluable depilatory
recommends itself as being an almost indispensi
hle article to famale beauty, is easily applied.idoes not
burn or injure the skin, but acta directly ou the roots.
It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low
fore heads, or from any part of the body completely,
totally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the
skin soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article
used by the French, and is the only real effectual de
pilatory in existence. Price 75 cents per package,
tent post-paid, to any address, on receipt of an order,
by BERGER. .SHUT I S k Co.. Chemists,
febß-ly 285 River street, Troy, N. Y.
Throw ,-iwav yonr false frizzes, votir switches, your wig—
And rejoice in your cwn 'uxttriatU hair.
Conn- sgisl, c nils youthful, come uglv and fair.
And rejoice In your own luxuriant hair.
restoring hair upon hald heads from whatever
cause it may have fallen out) and foretog agrowth
of hair upon the face it hasnoequal. It will force the
beard to grow upon the smoothest laee in from five to
eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to
three months. A few ignorant practitioners have as
serted that there is nothing that will force or hasten
the growth of the hair or beard Their assertion* are
false, as thousands of living witnesses' from their own
experience) can bear witness. But many will say, how
are we to distinguish the genuine from the spurious!
It certainly is difficult, a* nine-tenths of the different
Preparations advertised for the hair and beard are en
tirely worthless, and you may have already thrown
away large amounts in thetr purchase. To'sueh we
would say. try the Reparator Capilli; it will cost you
nothing unless it fully comes up to our representations.
If your druggist does not keep it, send us one dollar
and we wili forward it postpaid, together with a receipt
for the money, which will be returned you on applica
tion providing entire -a'isfaotion is not given. Address
W. L. CLARK A CO, Chemists,
feb6-ly No. 3 West Fayette st. Syracuse, N. Y.
There comcth glad tidings of joy to all,
To young and to old. to great and to small;
The beauty which once was so precious and rare,
Is tree for all and all may be fair.
By the use of
For Improving and Beautifying the Complexion.
THE most valuable and perfect preparation in use.
for giving the kin a beautiful pearl-like tint that
is onlv found in voath. It quickly removes Tan. Freck
les, Punples. Blotches. Moth Patches, Sailownesa.
Eruptions, and ail impurities of the skin, kmdlv heal
ing the same, leaving.the skin white and clear'as ala
baster. Its use can not fie detected by the closest
scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation is per
fectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used
by the French, and is considered by the Parisian as
indispensable to a perfect toilet, Upwards of 30.000
bottles were sold during the past year, a sufficient
guarantee of its efficacy. Price only 75 cents. Sentby
mail, post-paid, on receipt of an order, by
BERUEU, SHL'TTS A CO.. Chemists.
fe6-ly 236 River St., Troy, X. Y.
a a to Dion,
The World Astonished
SHE reveals secret* no mortal ever knew. She re
stores to happiness those who, from doleful events,
catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and
friends, loss ot money. Ac., have become despondent.
She brings together those long separated, gives infor
mation concerning absent friends or lovers, restores
lost or stolen property, tells you the business you are
best qualified to pursue and'in what you will lie most
successful, causes speedy marriages and tells yon the
very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness
and characteristic of the person. She reads your very
thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers un
veils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future.—
From the stars we see in the firmanent—the malefic
stars that overcome or predominate in the oonfigura
tion—from the aspects and positions of the planets
and the fixed stars in the heavensat the time of birth,
she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to
consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs you
but a trifle, and you may never again have so favorable
an opportunity. Consultation fee. with likeness and
all desired information.sl. Parties livingat adistance
can consult the Madame by mail with equal safety and
satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and I
explicit chart, written out, with all inquiries answered
aud likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price
above mentioned. The strictest secrecy wifl be main
tained. and all correspondence returned or destroyed
References of the highest order furnished those de
siring them. Write plainly the day of the monthand
year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock
of hair. Address Madame H. A. PERRIGO.
jebb-ly P. O. Drawee 203. Buffalo, >'. Y.
The Latent and Matt Valuable Discovery of the Age!
Without Soap or Water, Time or Labor, by uing
Instantaneous Window Polish.
IT DOES away with soap suds or hot water, thus
avoiding the slops upon the floor oradjoining paint,
and the disagreeable sensation of the water running
down on the arms, under the sleeves, and wetting
them to the shoulders. It leaves no lint upon the
glass, and gives it a more transparent and clearer ap
pearance than can be got with ten times the amount
of labor and time in washing. For polishing Mirrors,
or any kind of Stiver, Brass or Tin-ware, It
has no equal. The polish is warranted to contain no
acids, nor anything of a poisonous or injurious char
acter, but is perfectly harmless in every respect
For sale by J. A. k W. R. MeKEE,
Odd Fellows' Hall Building, opposite Black Bear
Hotel, Lewistown, Pa. novli-tf
IE 3 O 3L T JR. "Y .
In seasons o f grtef to my God I'll repair
n nen my heart t? o'erwhelmed with sorrow and care,
J-rom ine ends of the earth unto Thee will I cry,
j Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.
When Satan, the tempter, come? in like a flood.
.Ana draws my poor soul from the fountain of good.
1 wisl giro on mv armor, in faith I will crv.
Lead me to the Rock that is higher than'l.
When sickness oVrwhelms me. and pain is severe,
T . , none are about ine to comfort and cheer,
1 wi.l pray to my Savior who for me did die,
; Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.
j And when we have ended our pilgrimage here,
In Jesus' pure righteousness may I appeat
r rom the swellings ot Jordan, as here I'll rely—
{ Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.
• And when the last trumpet shall sound through the
; The dead from the dust ol the earth shall arise;
i With the millions I'll join far above vonder skies—
j lo praise that dear Rock that is higher than I.
Tle Jury llill.
| An Act for the better and more impar
tial selection of persous to serve as
jurors in each of the counties of this
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate
and House < f Representatives of the Com
monwealth oj Pennsylvania in General
Assembly nut, and it is hereby enacted by
the authority of the same, That at the
general election to be held on the sec
ond 1 uesday of October. Anno Domini
one thousand eight hundred and sixty
seven, and tri enniully tberealter, at
such election, the qualified electors of
the several counties of this Common
wealth shall elect, in the manner now
provided by law for the election of
other county officers, two sober, intel
ligent and judicious persons to serve
as jury commissioners in each of 6aid
counties, for the period of three \-ears
ensuing their election, but the "same
person or persons shall not be eligible
lor re-election more than once in any
period ot six years: Provided, That
each ot said qualified electors shall vote
for one person only as jury commis
sioner, and the two persons having the
greatest number of votes for jury com
missioner shail be duly elected jury
commissioners for such county.
SEC. 2 It shall be the duty of said
jury commissioners, president judge,
or additional Law judge of the respec
tive district, or a majority of them, to
meet at the seat of justice of the re
spective counties, at least thirty days
before the first term of the court of
common pleas in every year, and there
upon proceed, with due diligence, to
select alternately from the whole qual
ified electors of the respective county
at large a number, such as at the term
of the court of pleas next preceding
shall, by the said court, be designated,
ot sober, intelligent and judicious per
sons to serve as jurors in the several
courts ot such county during that year;
and the said jury commissioners, pres
ident judge, or additional law judge, or
a majority ot them, shall, in the mode
and manner now directed by law, place
the names of persons so selected in the
proper jury wheel, and the said jury
wheel locked, as now required by law,
shall remain in the custody of the said
jury commissioners, and the keys
thereof in the custody of the sheriff of
said county.
SEC. 2. The said jury commissioners
and the sheriff of the respective coun
| ty, or any two of them, shall draw,
j from the proper jury wheel, panels of
jurors as grand jurors of the proper
county, and as petit and traverse ju
rors for the trial of issues in fact which
may be taken in any action, in any of
the courts, civil and criminal, of the
several counties aforesaid, in the man
ner now practiced and allowed; but
before tbe said jury commissioners and
sheriff shall proceed to select or draw
jurors in the manner aforesaid they
shall severally take the oath or affir
mation now prescribed by law to be
taken by the sheriff and county com
missioners before selecting and draw
ing jurors.
SEC. 4. That so much of any act or
acts of Assembly of this Common wealth
as makes it the duty ot the sheriff and
county commissioners of any of said •
counties to select and draw jurors shall 1
be repealed, and cease to have any
force or effect, from and after the first
day of December next, Anno Domini 1
one thousand eight hundred and sixty
seven : Provided, That all acts and
parts of acts of Assembly, now in force I
in relation to the custody, sealing and
unsealing, locking and opening of the 1
jury wheel of tbe respective county,'
and all acts and parts of acts of Assem- |
blv, now in force, imposing any penal i
ty or punishment on the sheriff and
county commissioners, or either of;
them, for anything done or omitted by
them, in relation to the keeping, lock
ing, opening, sealing or breaking the
seal of any jury wheel, or in relation
to the selecting or drawing of jurors,
shall he taken, deemed and held to ap
ply to the said jury commissioners and
SEC. 5. Each of said jury commis
sioners shall be allowed and paid, out
of the respective county treasury, two
dollars and fifty cents per day, and
tour cents per mile, circular, from the
residence of the commissioners to the
court house.
SEC 6. It shall be the duty of each
of said jury commissioners to take upon
himself and discharge the duties of the
said office, under the penalty of one
hundred dollars for each and every ne
gleet or refusal to attend the same, to
be sued for and recovered before any
justice of the peace of the proper coun
ty, as debts ot like amount are now by
law recoverable, ten dollars of which
shall go to the person suing, and the
residue to be paid by the said justice
to the treasurer of the respective coun
ty, for the use of the same.
SEC. 7. In case of the inability of
either or all of the said jury commis
sioners. by sickness, or other un
avoidable causes, to discharge the du
ties ot said office, or in easo of neglect
or refusal to serve thereon, it shall be
the duty of the president judge in such
county wherein said vacancy may have
occurred, to appoint a suitable person
or persons, as the case may be. posses
sing the qualifications aforesaid, to
perform the duties of said office, dur
ing such vacancy, and such person or
persons, after having complied with
the requirements ot the third section
ot this act, shall proceed to discharge
the duties of said office, during the re
mainder of the time so vacated : Fro
tided, That the provisions of this act
shall not apply to the cify of Philadel
phia. Louis W. HALL,
Speaker of the Senate.
Speaker of the House of Hep's.
APPROVED —The tenth day of April,
Anno Domini one thousandeight hund
red and sixty-seven.
A Wreck.
George Alfred Townsend writes to
the Cincinnati Gazette, in a letter des
criptive of the incidents of a sea voy
age, the following item of interesting
personal intelligence:
But the central figure of the ship is
an old man, in whose lost and strug
gling intelligence you see reminiscen
ces of long command. Ik is Comman
der Hartstein, who was an officer of
the I nited States navy 33 years
When the war began, his instincts,
though a South Carolinian, were all
for the Government; but his wealthy
wile influenced him first to passiveDess,
then to rebellion. He gave up his
commission, which was his history,
and, like a lost energy, wandered to
and fro in Charleston, full of premoni
tions of the success of the great Gov
ernment he had betrayed. When the
fire was first opened upon Sumter, he
strolled, in the same abstract way, to
Fort Moultrie, and looked at the gun
ners driving iron into the faithful old
castle. There was no enthusiasm in
his regard. Next morning, when the
flag of Fort Sumter fell, a stroke of
paralysis fell upon Commander Hart
stein. God spared him the work of a
traitor, if not his defection. They car
ried his wrecked body to a blockade
runner, and he lay stunned and re
morseful in Paris for three years, fil
led with bitter upbraidings against his
counsellors. They fed " him with a
spoon, like a baby. He has returned
home to find his broad acres laid waste;
his wife's homestead is untenable.
Lonely and wearily these two, with
their daughter, are returning to Eu
rope to spend tbe rest of their life in
almost indigent exile.
Childhood Hays.
We should constantly bear in mind
that children are very sensitive, and
can easily be made happy. Let their
days pass pleasantly away. Bright
memories of childhood tend to refine
us. Kingsley, the author of 'Alton
Locke,' &c., says: 4 There is no pleas
ure that I have experienced like a
child's midsummer holiday. The time,
I mean, when two or three of us used
to go away up the brook, and take our
dinners with us, and come homo at
night tired, dirty, happy, scratched
beyond recognition, with a great nose
gay, three little trout, and one shoe—
the other one having been used as a
boat, till it had gone down with all
hands out of soundings. How poor
our Derby days, our Greenwich din
ners, our evening parties, where there
are plenty of nice girls, are after that!
Depend upon it, a man never experi
ences such pleaeure or grief after four
teen as he does before that time.—
Mich. Journal of Education
An eastern editor says that a
man in New York got himself into
trouble by marrying two wives. A
western editor replies by assuring bis
cotemporary that a good many men
had done the same thing by marrying
one. A northern editor retorts that
quite a number of his acquaintances
found trouble enough by barely prom
ising to marry, without going any fur
ther. A southern editor says that a
friend of his was bothered enough
when simply found in company with
another man's wife.
Vol. LV11.N0.19-
Burled Alive.
A friend, says the Indianapolis Jour
nal, gives us the account of a most ter
rible case of the burial alive of a hand
some young lady, at Jacksonville, Illi
nois. Some time last summer a young
lady, seventeen years of age, suffering
with the tooth ache, went to bed with
a small phial of chloroform for the pur
pose of quieting her teeth. In the
morning she was found to all appear
ances dead, which was confirmed by
the opinions of several physicians who
were called and examined her body.—
She was then buried. A few days
since her relatives were'about to re
move from Jacksonville, having loca
ted in another Stato, and had the re
mains of the young lady exhumed, for
the purpose of taking them to their
new home. Curiosity prompted them,
to open the coffin, when they wero
horror stricken on finding the corpse
turned over, both hands full of hair,
and her clothing torn to shreds, re
vealing the horrible truth that the
young lady had been buried alive. The
chloroform had placed her in a deep
trance, the awakeningfrom which she
was in her coffin and grave. The
young lady was engaged to be mar
ried at the time of her supposed death.
A more heart sickening case we never
remember to have read or heard.
Facts for the Copperheads.
James E. English, who was lately
elected Governor of Connecticut, was
burned in effigy in 1863 by the leading
Copperheads of that State, for having
first voted lor the abolition of slavery
in the District of Columbia, and then
for the Constitutional Amendment
abolishing slavery throughout the Uni
ted States. In 1867 they take him up
and elect him Governor, and, with
their usual effrontery,claim his election
as an endorsement of their anti war
record. For several years they tried
to carry the State with disloyal candi
dates but failing each time by a small
majority, they concluded to take a
Democratic abolitionist , and with him
they have succeeded.
The election, pecuniarily consider
ed, has been an expensive one. The
following is given as a reliable estimate
of assessments made on the candidates
James E. English, 840,000
Wm. H. Barnum, 15,000
Julius Hotchkiss, 5,000
.Richard D. Hubbard, 3,000
Candidates on State Ticket, 10,000
Other subscriptions, 25,000
Total, 898,000
A Grog Story.
The following is going the rounds of
the press. It smells rather fishy:
Friday last came near being a good
: day for the lovers of grog in Cincinna
ti, but a bad day for tetotallers. A
whisky distillery"burnt, and the corn
juice ran in streams iuto the river, and
was carried up to the receiver of the
water works, and thence was trans
ferred to the reservoir. Thus, the lat
ter was filled with grog, and next
morning the people had whisky in
their water, whisky in their tea, whis
ky in their coffee, whisky with which
to perform their ablutions, all free of
extra charge. Never was there so
much grog mixed in one day, and it
would have beon a grand time to those
who do not believe in surprising their
stomach with water unmixed with
whisky, but for the fact that the pro
portion of water thrown in was above
the standard, and the grog was weak.
As a consequence, no one was pleased.
Those who take whisky objected to the
quantity of water thrown in, and those
who prefer water, objected to the whis
ky part. It was neither one nor the
other—something like Kentucky neu
A Puzzle in Figures.— We clip the fol
lowing for the amusement of our puz
zle loving readers : Bid a person think
of a number; tell him to double the
number, which done, bid him multiply
the sum by 5, and tell you the pro
duct ; from this you cut off the last fig
ure, which will always be a cypher,
and the number remaining will bo that
first thought of. For example: let the
number thought of be 26, Which dou
bled makes 52, that multiplied by 5
produces 260 * then it you take away
the cipher, which is the Jast figure in
the product, there will remain 26 the
number first thought of.
B®. Mr. Bear was at a public din
ner, two gentlemen by the name of
Bird being in the company. After the
cloth was removed, Mr. Bear, who wai
a good singer, was called on to oblige
the company with a song. He imnfe
diately rose and said: 'Gentlemen
your conduct on this occasion is so
highly improper, that I cannot helD
noticing it.' r
'For why?' said the gentleman.
' That you should call on a Bear to
sing, when you have two Birds in the