giaa LOCAL AFFAIRS Sweet Potato and other Plants. —Rest Jer sey Sweet Potato Plants, together with Tomato, Cabbage and other Tiants in sea son, in large or small quantities, can be procured from James M. Martin, in J)er ry township. Post Ofliee address Lewis town. myl-3t WANTED. —A lot of ground, in or near the borough, from Ito 2 acres. For a suitable <>ue, a fair price will be paid. Inquire at the Gazette office. fc&tV The Senior Editor of the Gazette has, until further notice, relinquished the Real Estate Agency. Mineral Discoveries. —A few days ago we were shown a specimen of iron (ire from the mines of Mr. J. W. Boodey, some four miles below Mount Union, along the Juniata river, which contained a considerable amount of golrl and also some silver. Mr. Boodey's lands adjoin those of the "Sugar Valley Ore and Ot her Company," of which we made mention a few weeks ago. Mr. Charles V. Trew, the gentleman who showed us the speci men, says the ore has been assayed, and proves to contain twelve dollars and eighty cents of goid and eighty cents of silver to the ton. There are said to beamiliion tons of the ore; also immense deposits of oeher of every color, and clay suitable for mak ing stone and china ware.—J it. Union Times. The lands spoken of above are located in Miftliu eounty, in the Sugar Valley region. The prevalence of gold and silver in rocks and earthy matter is noth ing new, as some can no doubt he found in nearly every square mile in the State. The misfortune however is that it costs more to extract it than it is worth, though the above, if correct, gives more gold to the ton than is generally the case. The clay we suspect will prove of more value than the gold and silver. Lewistown Academy- —At the recent elec tion the following were constituted Trus tees of the Lewistown Academy for the ensuing year, viz: Wm. B. Hoffman, President; Thomas M. Uttley, Secretary; Wm. Russell, Treasurer; Joseph M. Cog ley, X. .T. Rud is ill, John B. Selheimer, Henry Zerlie, Amos Hoot, H.J.Walters, John Hamilton, George Blymyer, H. Frysinger, George W. Elder, John W. Shaw, and F. G. Franclscus. The attention of our readers is call ed to the Advertisements in another col umn of Messrs. Berger, Shutts & -Co., Chemists, Troy, X. Y. They are manu facturers of, and agents for, some of the most valuable Toilet preparations in use. By their use all may possess a clear, smooth skin, or a healthy and luxuriant growth of hair upon the head or face. Those of our readers having use for anything of the kind, would do well to patronize them. Killed in Saw Mill.—David A. Ludwig, of Yeagertown in this county, a young man about IS years of age, was instantly killed, in Hale & Go's saw mill at Phillips burg, Centre county, on Friday a week. He was engaged, we learn from the Dem ocrat, in sawing lath, and in attempting to cross a shaft was caught by it, and his body from his shoulders down literally crushed. Death of course was instanta neous. His remains- were buried on Sun day following in Yeagertown Cemetery. Do you know what that large pile of i>oxes in front of Itittenhouse & Mc- Kinueys' Store last week indicated? That the Spring and Summer Stock had arri ved, of course. Those goods were shelved and marked extremely low. It is important to know who selis cheap. Look at their list of prices in to-day's advertisement. Whisky Inspectorship.—Our readers will remember that E. K. Locke, esq., was last fall summarily removed as Inspector at Locke's Mills distillery, and Capt. Seth Benner appointed in his place. A week or two ago Captain Benner went through the same operation, Ner Thompson of Armagh township having been appointed in his place. Rotation in office we be lieve is democratic, or at least used to be. All in a blaze over our new Oil Shades —we have from the most delicate and fashionable colors, down to the com mon brown 011 sale this week —they arc very heavy and the most durable shade you can buy; also, French Curtain Loops and Hooks, Picture Nails, Shade Knobs, &c.,ond a new lot of very handsome Pic ture Tassels and Cord. Just opened an other stock of very rich and heavy Tea Tray and Waiters AT THE BIG COFFEE POT SIGN. Shows. —On Saturday Dan Rice's circus exhibited here, and of course drew together a considerable crowd, though the day and evening were raw and cold for the season. On Monday evening the Fakir of Vishnu re-opened in the Town Hall with a crowded house, and closed last evening with another. To-morrow even ing the Valley Vocalists will give a eon cert in the Town Hall. A district convention of Good Tem plar® will meet here to day, and continue in session until to-morrow. Rev. M<> Murray will deliver an address this even ing in the Town Hall, which of course will be crowded to hear liim. A new schedule went into opej'iltiori on Monday last on the Pennsylvania Rail road. No material change has been made in the day trains. A fast line west leaves the city at 7.H0 p. ni., passing here about 2 a. m., and arriving at Pittsburg between 9 and 10 a. m. The Weather has again been quite va riable during the past week. On Wednes day morning last snow fell thick and fast, continuing through most of the day. On Friday morning we had a heavy frost, which however did but little injury. On Saturday a chilly air prevailed, and on Monday and Tuesday wet, though but little rain fell. Conference Appointments.—The fiftieth annual session of the African M. E. Con ference was held at Baltimore last week. The following are among its appointments of ministem for the ensueing year : Harrisburg—Rev. A. Wilson. Cliambersburg—Rev. J. Tynes. Lewistown —Rev. E. J. W. Hammond. Williamsport—Rev. I. J. Pindel. The next meeting of the Conference will be held at Annapolis, in 1808. Workingmen's Meetings, Reedsville. —We have the proceedings of two meetings held at Reedsville for the purpose of organizing a Workingmen's Party. The Jirst was organized by appointing J. F. M'Kinley President and C. C. Burkliolder Secreta ry. The only business transacted seems to have been the passage of a resolution to withhold their support from all per sons that will not endorse them. [What persons do they support?] At the second meeting it. 11. Cupples was appointed ('hairman and 14.11. Bell Secretary. They then proceeded to pass a preamble and resolutions setting forth that they form a political organization from which candi dates are to be selected for all offices, end ing with a request for the county papers to publish them. As an item of news they are too long for the room we have, and besides we would suggest that as printers are also working men, it is hard ly fair to ask them to work for nothing. Pictures.—James W. Smith has remov ed his Photograph Gallery to the well known stand formerly occupied by his father, on Main street, near the Town Hall, where he is now prepared to execute all kinds of Pictures in the best style.— Photographs from life size to the tiniest gem can he procured at his rooms. With facilities increased and improved —good light and first-rate instruments —he feels able to please the most fastidious tastes. He invites all to visit his establishment. Everybody Wants fine. Every Family needs a good Sewing Ma chine. With it a week's sewing can be done in a day. Men buy various kinds of patent ed Implements, sit great cost, to save them selves labor or facilitate its accomplishment! Why not occasionally buy one that will be a help to their wives? Surely no good hus band will refuse to buy his wife a Sewing Machine, especially since a good, reliable one can be had for the small sum of 52- >, at Frysinger's Agricultural and Household Im plement Agency. Call and see it work.— You can't help being pleased with it. It is beautiful, simple in construction, and war ranted for live years. Special JTotires. NOTICE. The beautiful Piano Fortes of GXOVESTEXN A Co. are deemed by all good judges to be the Ultima Thulc of instruments of the kind. We cannot suggest what is wanting to make a mu sical instrument more pertect, although we are slow to admit that the limit of improvement can ever be attained. Before they had brought their Pianos to their pre sent excellence, they had submitted them to compe tition with instruments of the best makers of this country and Europe, and received the reward of mer it, over all others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It is butjustice to say tnat thejudgmenethus pronounced has not been overruled by the musical world. Still, by the improvements lately applied by them to their Pianos, it is admitted that a more perfect in strument ha been made. They have accordingly achieved the paradox of making excellence more excellent. Surely. after this, they are entitled to the motto "Excelsior." novl4-ly ITCH ! ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT WILL CI'RE THE ITCH I.\ 48 HOCUS. j Al.-ocures SAL T RHEUM. UI.CKK3,CHILBLAINS, | and all EBUPTPINS OF TH ESK IN. Price &<> cents. | For vile bv all druggists. By scmiing sixtycents to Weeks A Potter. Sole Agents. 170 Washington street. | Boston, it soli Re forwarded by mail, free of postage, j to any part of the United Stales. sepVCG-ly Ayer's Sarsaparilla \\\ / / / I s -i concentrated extract of / ////// he choiqe root, lo combined liTOrHrl ' ■ '// ■ With other suhstancesofstill greater alterative poweras to Jsrt'hT*& A UlllilfYv' lord an effectual antl.lotefor I diseases Sursupartlla Is repu \\ ' yw/ ted to eure. Such a remedy I- s..ret wanted by those -=£. '*6. who suffer from Stnitnous > by, —-Bf complaints, and that one >. J3 which will accompllsii their —~ N cure must prove, as this has xR,) W O- o Barlett Sewing Machine. O ) \ WANTED —Agents, §l5O per month VV and all expenses paid, to -ell the Genuine Barlett sewing Maehine. '1 his Machine will doali the work that can be done on any high priced machine, and is fully patented, licensed nud warranted for five years. We pay the above wages, or a commission, from which twice that amount can be made. For cir culars and terms address U. lIALL A CO.. aplij-fiw 724 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. Steam Engine & Boiler For Sale. ONE first, class 12-hor?e power Engine, with a Boiler, with two good tlucs 16 fret long— the whole as good as new—will be sold cheap, as the property of the Miffiin Cotmtv Oil Company. Apply to W. mi. MACKLIN. or I>. M. BULL, MeVeytown.' 4"A great bargain can be had. .MeVeytown, April 10,,1867 —3t r IUIE Franklin E ire Insurance Company L of Philadelphia, having withdrawn their Agency in charge of Henry .1, Walters, at Lewistown. crive no tice that applications may he ma J ises of tlie undersigned, in Deny township, about last September, two old Ewes. Any person owning the above, will come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take them away : otherwise they will be disposed of according to law. aprlo-4t HENRY OIIT. Corn Planter. rpilE ROUGH and READY Corn Planter JL for B 'd e by J. B. SELIIEIMER. REFINED SAPONIFIER, JAOR 25 cents you can procure what will ' make 20 gallons GOOD SOAP, at raar2otf DR. R. MARTIN'S. MERCANTILE APPRAISERS List for IH6T.—The following is a list of Merchants and Dealers, Whole sale and Retail, in the County of Mifflin, classified agreeable to the provisions of the Act of Assembly : 14 cliiss pays S7 00; 13 class 10 00; 12 class 12 o0; 11 class 15 00; 10 class 20 00; 9 class 25 00; H class 30 00; 7 class 40 00. Lewistown. Anthony Felix & Son (cabinet) 14 700 A. Felix (merchant) 13 10 00 John Kennedy 14 700 Wm. G. Zollinger, 14 700 D. D. Mutthersbough & Bro. 14 700 J. I. Wall is 14 700 James A. Thompson 14 700 Henry Zerbe 13 10 00 John Davis 14 700 Frank, Gise & Co. 7 40 00 H. W. Junkin ( agent) 14 700 Geo. W. Thomas 14 700 John ]>. Selheimer 12 12 50 Wm. Kind 14 7 00 N. J. Itudisill 14 700 Daniels & Htone 12 12 50 A. T. Hamilton 13 10 00 |F. J. Hoffman 10 20 00 ; John Swan 14 700 A. Hamaker (liquor) 9 25 00 " Ist Billiard Table 30 00 " " 2d " " 10 00 W. B. Hoffman & Son (lumber) 13 10 00 Frank Wentz 14 7 00 C. M. SIIIIII 14 7 00 Mrs. M. E. Stewart 14 7 00 R. H. MeCliutic 14 7 00 S. J. Brisbin 13 10 00 Mrs. Susan Callahan 14 7 00 David Crisswell 14 7 00 C. Ulrieh 14 7 00 F. A. Xeupert 14 7 00 R ittenhouse & McKinney 13 10 00 Reuben Smith 14 7 00 P. F. Loop 14 7 00 Geo. Blymyer 9 25 00 David Grove 14 7 00 Charles liitz 14 7 00 Robt. W. Button 14 7 00 W. H. Weber & Son 11 15 00 J as. Parker o-ly H 0 THE Vr FIRST premium v . Of a Silver Medal tA. WAS AWAKDSI* TO BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE By the N. 11. State Agricultural Society, at its 1- air holdun in Nashua, 6ept.iA) f l{Ju6. It A It KETTB Vegetable Hair Restorative Restore* Gray Hair to its natural odor. l*ro -ainotea the growth ot the lluir. Changes the *ZK roots to their original organic action. Eradi- cates DuodrufT and Humor*. Prevent# # Llair Inlling out. la a Superior lircFning. It contains no injurtouH iniri' dienta. and is the most popular and icli yr ttbta article thr nghout the . . Eaat, West, North and y •O W J. R. BARRETT & CO., Proprietor*, MANCHESTER, N. 11. Sold by Druggists generally. inar27-6nu : * T NEMO REST'S MONTHLY Magazine, \_J universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Mag azine of America: devoted to ( trigtnal Stories. Poems, Sketches. Architecture and Model Cottages, House hold Matters, Gems of Thought. Personal atid Liter ary Gossip (including special departments on Fash ions,) Instructions on Health. Gymnastic, Equestrian Exercises, Music, Amusements, etc.: costly Engra vings (full size.) useful and reliable Patterns, Embroid eries. Jewelry, and a constant succession of artistic novelties, with other useful and entertaining litera ture. No person of refinement, economical housewife, or lady of teste can afford to do without the Model Monthly. Single copies. 30 cents; back numbers, as specimens. 10 cents: cither mailed free. Yearly. J3, with a valuable premium; two copies $e.6U; three copies sl2, and splendid premiums for < lubs at $" each, with tite first premiums to each subscriber Address. W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, No, 473 Broadway. N. V. _ Demorest's Monthly and Young America, together. $4, with the premiums tor each. " mar2o Agent* Wauled in Alifflin & Adjoining Counties FOR •♦Woman's Work in tile Civil War." PREPARED under the approval of the SANITARY & CHRISTIAN COMMISSIONS. An eminent Pi vine -ays : "This work is a household treasure, a joy and blessing to future times. It de velopes a new. social era: a new power in woman; a new phase in Christianity itself."' 1. b. All IHL R S MAOAZINE says: We welcome this Book mo.-t heartily as the only record of Wo man's work m the War which makes "any approach to completeness. The SOLDIERS' MESSENT.FR says: "This is the only work on the subject which can make anv pretension's to completeness." In the beauty of its typography.and the excellency of its numerous tine steel engravings, it is a model. Agents have no difficulty in selling it, for all who seo it want to read it. Energetic young men and ladies will find an agency for this work the best paying bus iness they can engage in during the Spring and .Sum mer. For full description of the work and terms to agents, Address ZEIGLER. McCURDY QZ> OA -a with any other machine to enable purchers to choose THE BEST. TEIIMS LIBERAL. Give him a call. [marl9-tim] WM. LIND. DtRIVE\F.R & SIRTEYOR. i' <. EI. Snifiart, respectfully in forms the citizens of Mifflin county, that he is prepa red at all times to Who now has raven locko, they say. | (iW.BljsF used the Core that lay IN the AMBROSIA that King made. B&E3P\ This is the Maiden, handsome and & a y> A Who married the man once bald and Who now has raven locks, they say. W, He used the AMBROSIA that RING Nfe made. §This is the Parson, who, by the way. Married the maiden, handsome and To the man once bald and gray, , But who now has raven locks, thsy I Because he used the Cure that lay r la the AMBROSIA that Ring made. •' This is the Bell that rings away /* fesTo arouse the people saa and gay C fISSL Into this fact, which here does lay- KjfiXZ ' If you would not oe bold or gray, ' Ci'e the AMBROSIA that Ring mods. E. M.TUBBS & CO., PROPRIETORS, PETERBORO', NJi For sale by Chan. Kitz, Lewistown. ap24-6m JUST RECEIYEDT At GEO. BLYMYER & SON'S, 7,000 pieces latest style WALL PAPER, From New York. Arrival of NEW GOODS raar2o-2M -AJPRIIJ IST. SELLING OFF! MMl® & 3M3 ARE DISPOSING OF The Entire Stock OF DRY GOODS, NOW ON THEIR SHELVES, AT COST. IN CLOSING OUT OUR BUSINESS, Bargains can be bad, such as are not often offered fisay-Call soon and make choice. Lewistown, April 3, War Against High Prices. GO to F. J. HOFFMAN'S for DRUGS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, jan3o NAILS, 4c, J