Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 01, 1867, Image 2

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K <fc G. 11. FRTSINGER, Editors.
Wednesday, May 1, L 867.
The GAZETTE is published every Wednesday
the old Ttand, at f 1.50 in advance, or 62.00 at the end
of 3 months.
*SUPersons reviving pgpers with a X marked on
it will .understand that mttecription j s due on which
a remittance ought to be made.
dash Eatas of Advertising.
Kitsfnes" Cards (7 lines or les**) 1 year 6.00
Administration or Executor's Notices 2 50
Auditor's do 2 00
Etray Notice, four lim.-s, 2 00
Caution or other sh -rt Notices, 1 Sit
Tavern bicen.-es. single, 100
If more than one. each 50
Kccister's Notices of Accounts, each 60
One inch constitutes u square, ami all advertising
not otherwise contracted fi>r, or enumerated above,
will hereafter he charged 50 cents per square for each
Job Work.
Eighth sheet bills, $1.50 for 25 or iess; fourth sheet
bills $2 for 25 or less; half sheet bill, for 25 or less.
Notices Of Sen Advertisements.
Grove bus received new goods—liitten
ten house & Mclvinnev offer their stock at
reduced prices—H. M. Dunmireoffers his
professional services to the citizens of Mif
flin county—Notice to the Stockholders
of Odd Fellow-' flail Company—Harnaker
& Montgomery arc carrying on the Car
riage and Wagon business at Himes' old
stand—Deafness, Baldness, etc., treated —
Wm. B. Hoffman & Sons have received a
fresh supply of Lumber and Coal which
they will sell at a reduction.
Republican Stale Convention.
HARRISBURG, April 16, 1867.
The "Republican State Convention"
will meet at the" HerdicHouse," in Wil
liamsport, on Wednesday, the 26th of
June next, at 10 o'clock, A. m., to nomi
nate a candidate forjudge of the Supreme
Court, and to initiate proper measures for
the ensuing State canvass. As heretofore,
the Convention will he composed of Rep
resentatives and Senatorial Delegates,
chosen in the usual way, and equal in
number to tie,' whole of the Senators and
Representatives in the General Assem
By order of the State Central Commit
tee. F. JORDAN, Chairman,
A. W. BENEDICT, Secretaries.
The X EIV York Constitutional
The election for members to a constitu
tional convention for the State of New
York came off in that Stateon Tuesday of
last week and resulted in the choice of a
majority of Republicans. According to
the returns the political complexion of
the convention will be as follows:
Democrats. Republicans.
Delegates at large, 16 16
District delegates, 44 84
The " reaction" which copperheails so
confidently predicted had commenced in j
Connecticut, has riot extended as yet he- |
yond the limits of the land of wooden ;
nutmegs, but according to the above has j
rather retrograded, as the Republicans
succeeded far beyond their expectations.
Sonic Difference.
A republican mass meeting was held at
Beaufort, South Carolina, oti the loth
April, at which B. H. Cleaves, a colored :
man, presided, delivering an eloquent ad
dress from which we quote the following
paragraph :
"We rejoice to know that the Great j"
Architect of the universe, the great Jeho- j
vah. in his divine wisdom, put it into the
hearts of a majority of the American peo
ple to elect a man of true republican prin
ciples as chief magistrate of the nation,
who iu good time proclaimed all men free
throughout the whole country. And to
day, the loth of April. 1867, is the second
anniversary of the death ofthat good man,
our much lamented President Abraham
Lincoln, a name that will ever be held
sacred by all true lovers of Liberty. Yes!
my friends, lie died a martyr for the cause
of freedom. We will therefore prove our
selves worthy by using all honorable
means to preserve the Union upon the
fundamental principle of the Declaration !
of Independence, which declares that all I
men are created equal."
It is somewhat remarkable that in all
the speeches and proceedings of the black
man South a deep reverence for the Crea- i
tor pervades every movement, while the
sound sense and often eloquent language 1
of the degraded raee awaken astonish ment, j
not, only among northern men but even
with those who but lately regarded the !
colored man sis a brute. In strange con
trast with this and hundreds of other
speeches made by freedmen, is the follow- !
ing from the Memphis Appeal, edited by ,
Albert Pike, a white rebel, who incited
the Indians to rise against the whites
during the rebellion, afterwards pardoned
by Andrew Johnson, and now spitting
forth the demoniac venom of a fiend. In
an article on the North, he says:
"Bankruptcy, foreign war, internal ha
treds, a hell of fire thinly crusted over
new dissensions, separations, strifes, new
rivers of blood, repeated decimations', new
lightnings of the red deserved wrath of
God, the corroding stains of innocent
blood upon the soul, the insensible horrid
lajise into the most hideous of despotisms,
all the Dantesque horrors of the infernal
regions that the shades of dead nations,
tortured inhabit—all these stare upon
them out of the grim silent darkness of
the future days."
What Christian man, what honest or
decent white man, would for a moment
hesitate to prefer the black to the white
man in this case? Yet we have men in
this county, in this town, who would not
hesitate to take the Indian scalper by the
hand and feel honored in walking by his
and at the same time shriek out
" wqjiicr" at the humble Gleaves.
Fro*# }he moment the military re
construction bill was enforced order and
security prevail®} through the South.—
Should the Supreme Court decide against
that net, as rebels and copperheads hope,
we may look for bloodslied, if not anar
a®* The post office at Lock Haven was
robbed on the night of the 26th April.
Forty-four cows were burnt in a
shed at St. Louis a few weeks ago.
aS?" A number of shad were caught at
Newport on the 22d April.
fitijrMt. Union has been incorporated
into a Borough.
tt®L.The store of Cunningham andCar
mon, Huntingdon, was burglariously en
tered on Friday a week and robbed ofs2s.
J@-Two boys jumped from a coal train
at Huntingdon last week. One was bad
ly scared and a little bruised, and the oth
er had a thumb badly injured.
B@TThe act abolishing the State tax on
personal property and substituting a spe
cial assessment on each county did not
become a law.
EeiT George Weaver, the incendiary,
plead guilty to the charge at Harris burg.
While on the way to prison be attempted
an escape, but was recaptured.
A law lias passed the Virginia leg
islature levying a tax of 30 cents 011 the
SIOO, to pnythe four per cent, annual in
terest Of the public debt.
The Mobile Advertiser chronicles
it as a remarkable fact that a political
meeting was recently held there, without
a row or tlie firing of a gun or pistol.
ftay At a fashionable wedding in Bal
timore, a short time since, a lady appeared
in a dress wholly of tin foil, gored and
trimmed, with ear rings and bracelets
also of tin.
£<3?" A daughter of Mr. Bower, aged 8
years, was severely Injured near Centre
ville, a few weeks ago, by a log rolling
over her. Wm. Weirick cut himself
severely in the knee.
fiesL, Solomon Brooks, indicted by the
{>ost master at Harrisburg for stealing a
cey—a most ridiculous charge—has been
acquitted of all blame by the grand jury
ignoring the bill.
Senator Wilson addressed some six
thousand people, on Monday evening a
week, from the Capitol steps in Rich
mond. the majority of liis hearers being
A heavy shock of an earthquake
was felt at Kansas City on Wednesday
afternoon, but no serious damage was
done. A similar shock was felt at Junc
tion City, Kansas.
B®, An old lady, named Mungold, re
siding near the Penna. It. R. Warehouse,
was caught between two freight trains,
in the vard in Altoona and instantly
John Coder, a carpenter of Hun
tingdon, had the ends of liis four fingers
and thumb, on liis left hand, taken oil' by
the machinery at Burcliiriell's planing
Major Elbow suggests that the
Russian Possessions recently purchased
might be profitably colonized by draft
skedadlers, bounty jumpers, and die-in
the-last-diteh rebels.
$3?" A despatch from Denver, Colora
do, says that Lookout Station, 011 the
Smoky Hill route, was destroyed by the
Cheyenne Indians. Three men were
murdered and scalped. General Hancock
is supposed to be 011 the war path.
The Dayton, Ohio, Journal of
Wednesday says: Yesterday was the fifty
fourth day since Mr. Brown, of this city,
tasted food. This is the united testimony
of Mr. Brown and his family, who are
worthy people.
B£J&The Philadelphia Daily News,
which lias furnished various dishes for
democratic consumption during the past
year, lias come to the conclusion that de
mocracy was the cause of the war, that as
a party it was debauched and corrupt, and
that its most favored men are those who
have fattened on its destruction.
fc-ap" A proposition has been made that
telegraph operators should telegraph the
storms and the direction they are taking
to all the leading stations, and that can
non be then fired at each county seat an
nouncing the approach of these storms,
so that farmers and others could be on
their guard.
General Sickles has shown that he
is emphatically the rightmauin the right
place, by teaching the ex-rebels that their
determination to ignore, on all possible
occasions, and in every manner, the ex
istence of a Federal Government, must
come to an end. We are told that when
the annual parade of the tire department
took place in Charleston, 011 the2Btli iiist.,
it had been arranged that there should be
110 American flag in the procession—a bit
of negative treason which was promptly
corrected by on order from Gen. Sickles
that there should be 110 further advance
without the stars and stripes.
The Atlantic Monthly for .May contains,
among much else that is attractive, the
Guardian Angel, part 5, by O. W. Holmes;
History of the Sewing Machine—a sketch
of the invention of them, the difficulties
ami delays in securing their introduction
to use, and of the changes effected by
them —by James Parton; Heart and
Hearth, a poem, by T. Buchanan Read;
the Genius of-Dickens, a critical essay, by
E. P. Whipple; Germany in New York,
by Charles Dawson Shauly; Katharine
Morne, part 7, by theauthor of 'Herman';
Sorrow, a poem;'the Plaintiff Nonsuited;
Some unappreciated Characters, a humor
ous statement, <fec. $4 a year, Tick nor <te
Fields, Boston.
Godey's Ladies Book for May is on our
table tilled with the usual variety of mat
ter interesting to ladies. The embellish
ments consist of Play Hours, an excellent
design and a first-class steel plate; colored
Fashion Plate; Patterns in Patchwork;
and Sleeping in Church. Descriptions of
useful and ornamental articles, with other
articles of pleasure and profit to ladies
generally. $3 per annum, E. A. Godey,
corner Otli anil Chestnut streets, Phila.
Beadle's Monthly.— The contents of the
May number are as follows: The Cres
cent City; From Post to Pillar; Ancient
and Modern Embalming; The Fight at
K.enesaw ; Who was lie; Amor Vincit*
New Eiiglandism; Autobiographic Notes 1
Conversation; Our First Cause; Winders
Vfr . e } V,m le; Green blow in Gotham*
Words from the People, <fce. $3 oer an
num, Beadle <fc Co., New York.
The season may be late in presenting
its smiling countenance, but not so Di>
morest's Monthly. It is on hand for May
exuberaut with novelties, brilliant ideas'
fashions, in their multitudinous forms'
illustrations, poetry, music, braid patterns'
dress patterns, architecture, and a host of
other valuable matter useful and indis
pensable to every household. $3 a year
W. Jennings Demorest, 473 Broadway*
New York. J '
mrThe prospects for an excellent crop
of wheat, east, west, north and south are
good and it is hoped the yield will he so
great as to defy speculators.
Of the almost innumerable number
of preparations in the market for restoring
gray hair to its original color, we know of
none which gives so universal satisfaction
as Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia. We have
tried it and found it to restore the color iu
a truly wonderful manner—as well as to
remove dandruff and ali itching caused
by humors of the scalp. Try it and be
EgL/rhere is no reason whatever why
grain and flour should be at the enormous
prices they are. The control of the mar
kets seems to be in the hands of a few un
principled dealers in each city, who of
course have their tools all over the land.
By this means the poor and middling
classes are oppressed and robbed most
shamefully. Hell must have a special
hole for such fellows.
Fairs are now very popular in the
South', as a source of raising means with
which to furnish material to decorate the
graves of the rebel dead. She-secession
ists are raising thousands of dollars to he
squandered in that manner, while at the
same time the people of the North are
asked to contribute funds to feed the
starving vagabonds who became outlaws
with the discharge of the rebel armies.
©s?ult is noticeable and suggestive in
the rejiorts of the colored mass meetings
throughout the South, that they always
break up with shouts and cheers for the
stars and stripes—" tin* flag that makes us
free." This is a new feature in Southern
political meetings, and we fear will wound
the feelings and offend the conservative
sensibilities of the "reconstructed" chiv
Fields of Dock. —The root of yellow
dock, so troublesome to farmers, is an ef
fectual alterative and a most valuable med
icine. In the neighborhood of Lowell,
Dr. J. C. Aver & Co. have planted fields
of it, where they raise many tons at a crop.
It is grown like the carrot or beet, in drills,
and its quality or properties have been
much improved by cultivation. It is one
of the ingredients in Ayer's Sarsapariila,
and, we are informed, the extraordinary
virtues of this preparation are largely due
to the extract of this root that it contains.
The Sarsapariila root, used by this firm,
is grown 011 plantations of their own, in
Honduras, to secure an article of superior
and wholly reliable quality. One of the
reasons for the universally acknowledged
superiority of their medicines, may be
seen in the watchful care that is used in
preparing them. — Vermont Statesman.
Special Notices.
The Puzzle of the Age !
The sharpest observers give it up.
People who are proverbial for their critical perceptions,
are utterly at fault.
can detect any ilifi'erence between the richest blacks and
browns that Nature has bestowed upon the hair, and the
superb artificial tints conferred upon grey, red or sandy
hair, by the incomparable vegetable agent,
With the color it imparts lustre, and does not diminish
the flexibility of the fibres. Manufactured by J. CRISTA
-OHA, C Astor House, New York. Applied by ali Hair
Dressers. ap rl7 1 ui.
A YOUNG LADY returning to her
country home, after a sojourn of a few months In the city,
was hardly recognized by her friends. In place of a coarse
rustic, tin:bed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of al
most marble smoothness, and instead of twenty-three she
really appeared but eighteen. Upon Inquiry as to the cause
of so great a change, she plainly told them she used the
CAIICASSIAN BALM, and considered it an invaluable ac
quisition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or
Gentleman can improve their personal appearance an
hundred fold. It is simple in its combination,as Nature
herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing
impurities from, also, healing, cleansing and beautifying
the skin and complexion. By Us direct action on the cut
icle it draws from it all its impurities, kindly healing
the same, and leaving the surface as Nature intended it
should be. clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price sl, sen
by Mall or Express, on receipt of an order by
W. L.CI.AKK k CO., Chemists,
No. 3 West Fayette street, Syracuse, N. Y.
ffi-ly The ouly American Agents for the sale of same.
Brandreth's Pills.
These Pills are safe and sure. They
are prepared by a process which secures ail the best qual
ities of'heherbsof which they are composed, without anv
of their bad. Ttiey benefit in ai! cases, and do harm in none.
See B llrandreth is In white letters on the Government
stamp. aprlMm.
Know Thy Destiny !
MADAME E. F. THORNTON, the great
English Astrologist, Clairvoyant and l'saychometrician,
who has astonished the scientific classes of the Old World,
has now located herself at Hudson, N, Y. Mad. Thornton
possesses such wonderful powers of second sight, as to
enable her to impart knowledge of the greatest import
ance to the single or married of either sex. While in a
state of trance, she delineates the very features of the
person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument
of intense power, known as the I'sychomotrope, guaran
tees to produce a life-like picture of the future husband
or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage,
position in life, leading traits of character, Ac. This is no
humbug, as thousands of testimonials can assert. She
will send when desired a certified certificate, or written
guarantee, that the picture is what it purports to be. By
enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating place of birth,
a?", disposition and complexion, and enclosing fifty cents
and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will re
ceive the picture anil desired information by return mail.
All communications sacredly confidential. Address in
confidence, MADAME E. F. THORNTON, P. 0. Box 213, Hud
son, N. Y, fßly
1 Croup. Now, mothers. If you would spend 50 cents, and
always have a bottle of Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment in
your house, you never need fear losing your little one
when attacked with this complaint. It is now 19 years
since I have put up my Liniment, and never heard of a
child dying of Croup when my Liniment was used; but
hundreds of cases ofcurcs have been reported to me, and
many state if it was $lO per bottle they would not be with
out It. Besides which, it Is a certain cure for Cuts, Burns,
Headache. Toothache, Sore Throats, Swellings. Mumps,
Colic, Diarrhiea, Dysentery, Spasms, Old Sores, and pains
in the back and chest. No one once tries it who is ever
without it. It is warranted perfectly safe to take inter
nally. Full Directions with every bottle. Sold by the
Druggists. Depot. 56 Cortlaudt Street. N. Y. mar2o-7w
Free to Everybody.
A large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest
importance to the young of both sexes.
It teaches how the homely may become beautiful, the
despised respected, and the forsaken loved.
No young lady or gentleman should fall to send their
Address, and receive a copy post-paid, by return mail.
Address P. 0. Drawer. 21.
feb6-t!m Troy. N. T.
Wonderful but True
renowned Astrologlst and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant,
while In a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features
of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an in
strument of Intense power,known as the Psychoniotrope,
guarantees to produce a perfect and llfe-ltke picture of the
future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of mar
riage, occupation, leading traits of character, Ac. This L
no Imposition, as testimonials without number can assert.
By stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes
and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope
addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture by re
turn mall, together with desired information,
fig- Address In confidence, MA.DAW! OKRTBCDS HXMING
TON, P. o. Box 297, West Troy, N. T. FLSLV
Tt'fs said that the Russian Govern
ment will receive from the United States
a fleet of iron-clads, instead of the stipu
lated sum of money, in payment for the
cession of the Russian possessions in
North America.
BPJjU Joseph G. Matthews, who was con
victed at the late term of the Huntingdon
county court for the burning of Mr. Gos
horn's barn, and shooting two of his hor
ses, was sentenced to fifteen years impris
onment in the Western Penitentiary —
ten years for burning the barn, and two
and a half years for killing each horse.
fit z£F The Hon. A. W. Benedict, Clerk
of the House of Representatives of this
State, and one of the secretaries of the
State Central Committee, died on Sunday,
at Huntingdon, of erysipelas. He faith
fully performed his duties during the
winter, and left Harrisburg at the close of
the session in good health, and expected
to return in a few days. We was widely
known and much respected. It is be
lieved that he started the first daily penny
paper ever published in Philadelphia.
Although much difference exists
between Andrew Johnson and Republi
cans on the construction of laws, there is
a much greater difference between John
son and the copperheads. Jerry Black
and Buchanan could find nothing in the
Constitution to put down a rebellion,
while on the other hand Attorney-Gener
al Stan berry, in the recent application
for an injunction, distinctly stated that
the President authorized him to say that
although he vetoed the miliitary recon
struction bill, he would faithfully execute
its provisions.
Jiivcnilc Tragedy.
A Little Son of Judge Reeves Fatally
Shot in a Quarrel with a Playmate.
We have received information of a dis
tressing affair which occurred at Somer
ville, Fayette county, 011 Saturday even
ing last. A difficulty occurred between
a little son of Judge Reeves, of the Cir
cuit Court, eleven years old, and another
lad about the same age, son of Dewitt
Moseby. Young Reeves caught Moseby
by the collar with the left hand and was
about striking him with the right, when
the latter drew a revolver, and placing it
against Arthur's breast, fired. The ball
passed through the breast, and it is sup
posed through the heart, lodging under
the skin in the back. He fell imme
diately, exclaiming, "I am shot!" and
died within a few minutes.
Young Moseby was arrested and had a
hearing yesterday before Judges Cox,
Tucker and George. A boy named James
Bell, about twelve years of age, who was
in company with the two boys at the time
of the occurrence, was the only witness.
After the examination, young Moseby
was bound over in the sum of two thou
sand dollars, for trial at the Circuit Court.
Young Reeves is represented to have been
an unusual bright boy. Both families are
plunged into profound sorrow by the oc
currence. When will parents learn to
discountenance the carrying of deadly
weapons by their children. — Memphis
(Tennessee) Post.
T\E AFN ESS, Baldness & Catarrh treated
J / with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS. M. D . Oc
-11 i Ist and Aurii-t. (formerly of Leyden, Holland. > No.
519 Pine street. Philadelphia. Testimonials from the
most reliable sources in the city and country can bo
seen at his office. The medical "faculty are invited to
accompany their patients, as lie has no secrets in his
practice. "Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. No
charge for examination. myl-ly
On Tuesday evening, April 23d, at the
residence of Thomas Mayes, by Rev. J.
B. Reimensnyder, assisted by Rev. J. J.
Reimensnyder, DAVID PKATT to ELLA
MAYES, both of Lewistown.
In Lewisburg, Union co., Pa., on the
12th u 11., by Rev. R. H. Brown, HAKRY
of Lewisburg.
On the 20th April, in Freeburg, Snyder
county, LEWIS ARBOGAST, aged 80years,
7 months and 20 days. On the22d April,
in Franklin township, JOHN BUBB, aged
57 years, 0 months and 18 days.
LEWISTOWN, May 1, 1867.
Wheat, red, per bushel * £2 90
" white " 2 95
Corn, old, 90
Oats " 60
Eggs per dozen 16
Butter per lb 30
Flour is retailing at the following p:riceß:
Lewistown Extra Family per cwt. 7 50
Superfine >5 50
Extra Family per bbl 15 00
Superfine 12 00
Buckwheat per cwt. 5 00
Philadelphia Markets.
The demand for flour is entirely con
fined to the wants of home consumers;
chiefly Northwestern extra family, at
$13a14.25, including Penna. and Ohio at
$15.00a17. Corn meal and rye flour un
changed; small sales of the latter at $8.50.
Little demand for wheat. In the absence
of sales of any extent we quote red at
53.10a3.35, and California at $3.40. Rye
$1.65a1.85. Corn is less active, but prices
are unchanged; sales of 40,<h)0 bushels yel
low at $1.29a1.30. Oatsaredull and lower;
2,000 bushels Penna. and [Southern sold
at7oa76c. Barley and malt unchanged.
The Cattle market is without material
change from last week. Prices continue
to rule high.
"VTOTICE. —There will be a meeting of
XN the Stockholders of the Odd Fellows'
Hall Company at the Hall, on MONDAY,
May 6, 1867, at 11 o'clock p. m., for the
purpose of electing nine Managers to con
duct the affairs of said Company for the
ensuing year.
my 1-11 Secretary.
OFFERS his professional services to the
citizens of Mifflin county. He is prepared to per
form all operations in the dental profession. Office
first door from the Lewistown House, Main street,
where he will be found the first two weeks of each
month, and tne last week of each month he will
visit Kistiacoquillas Valley. Teeth extracted without
paiu by the use of nitrous oxide niyl-tf
Hamaker & Montgomery,
HAVE associated together for the pur
nose of manufacturing Coaches, Buggies, Carria
ges, Sulkies. Spring Wagons, Ac., at
v *", e y s,reet - Lewistown. They are prepared to
do ail kinds of work in their line,"in an elegant nnd
workmanlike manner, and invite the citizens of town
and vicinity to call and examine their new stock on
hand, before purchasing elsewhere, as all work man
ufactured at this establishment is warranted.
Prompt attention given to all repairing, which will
he done witii neatness and durability, and guaranteed
to give satisfaction. mvi-ly
J I ST received, a fresh supply of SUN-
BtTRY COAL, all sizes, which will be sold at reduc
ed prices. Also,
RECEIVED, a full supply of
PLANK, &c.,
which will be sold at reduced prices,
uiyl W. R. HOFFMAN k SONS.
Grand Exhibition!
Admission Free!
rpOVIEW the large, new, and well selected
J. assortment of
Riltenhouse & McKinney's
Owing to the great downfall of goods, we •
are enabled to sell the following Spring j
Goods at greatly reduced prices:
Cassimercs from 75 to 2 75 |
Bla-k Cloths, splendid assortment,
Kentucky Jeans, from 30 to 75
Ladies' Cloths, for Sacking, good as
sortmeut, very cheap,
Ladies' Dress Goods.
Delaines, from 25 to 28
Calicos, very low, 11 to 19
Spring Shawls,
Balmorals, great variety, from 2 00 to 3 50
Gents Hosiery, 15 to 50
Ladies' do 15 to 60
lloop Skirts, 1 00 to 2 50
Splendid assortment of Gents Fur
nishing Goods,
Variety of Ladies' Fancy Goods,
Muslins, white and brown, 10 to 25
Best White Sugars, 16 and 164
Best Brown, at 15
Second quality, 14
•Third do 13
Fourth do 11
Best Syrups, 15, 20, 25. and 30
Coffees, 28 and 30 |
Soaps, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20 ;
An extensive assortment of Queensware
and Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Ilats and I
Caps, &c. &c, &c.
At Rittenhouse and McKinney's you will
find a good assortment of everything per
taining to a country store; and by close at
tention to business ai.d .our endeavors to
please all we hope to gsin a large and liberal
patronage, to which we will sell at the low
est living rates possible. And as we are very !
thankful (or past favors, and hope a continu
ance of the same, wo remain, as ever,
Very Respectfully Yours,
Lewistown, May 1, 1867-tf
mw* mm sum
THE undersigned has constantly on hand
(and is daily adding something new) all kinds of
532. CSi 02 9
such as
Self Raising and Family Flour;
Sugar, white and brown;
Coffee, different kinds;
Covering's and other Syrups;
Baking Molasses, the very best;
Tea. the best quality;
Salt, coarse and tine;
Fruit, dried and canned;
Smoked Meat. Coal Oil,
Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves,
Allspice, Nutmegs. Mace,
Ginger. Crackers, Cheese,
Cider, Cider Vinegar,
Potatoes. Butter, Eggs,
Starch. Concentrated Lye.
Cream Tartar, Soda, Ac."
White Fish, Shad Mackerel, Cod Fish, Labrador, Lake
and Scotch Herring.
Azumea Baking Powder,
the best in market—it requires only half the quantity
of any other, and is cheaper.
Raisins, Figs. Dates-Citron. Peanuts, Filberts.Almonds.
Walnuts, Butternuts and Pecan Nuts; Oranges. Lem
ons. Apples, French and Common Candy, Cakes of
all kinds, etc., etc., etc.
Fancy Boxes and Baskets; Dolls, large and small;
Portmanteaus, to suit all who need them; Pocket
Knives in great variety. A large assortment of
>23 2A CE> fittest
always on hand.
We want to buy, for which we will pay the Highest
market price, any quantity of
and all other kinds of country produce.
Any person wishing to buy cheap should give him
a call, as he will not be undersold.
Remember the store is on Market street, between
Blymyers and Ritz s Stores.
Lewistown, May 1,1867. DAVID GROVE.
GOOD TEAS at reduced prices, $1 00
$1.60 and SI.BO cents per pound at
m * rW A. FELIX'S
nil a niv m. 53a?
Will be furnished in sums to suit, on
application to the nearest Bank or Bank
er; also by either of the undersigned.
E. W. CLARK & CO.,
ap24* Bankers, Philadelphia.
Internal Revenue
Huntingdon, April 22, 1567.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the an
li nual lists, valuations, and enumera
tions made and taken by the Assistant
Assessors of said District, Including taxes
on incomes for the year 1866; taxes on
carriages, billiard tables, plate, yachts and
watches, as of the first day of March,
1867; and special taxes assessed for one
year from the first day of May, 1867, in
pursuance of the Internal Revenue Laws
of the United States, may now be exam
ined at the offices of the Assessor and As
sistant Assessors, in said District.
And notice is hereby given that appeals
from the proceedings of said Assistant
Assessors will he received and determined
at the oflice of the undersigned, in Hunt
ingdon, Pa., on Monday, the 6th of May,
1867, or at any time previous thereto.
All appeals are required to be in writing
and must specify the particular cause,
matter or thing, respecting which adecis
ion is requested, ami also the ground or
principle of error complained of.
ap24-2t Assessor 17th Dist., Pa.
SALE.— The subscriber offersat pri
vate sale his FARM, situate in Wayne
township, Mifflin county, near Atkinson's
Mills, containing
270 ACRES,
a good part limestone, 130 of which are
under cultivation, well fenced, with run
ning water, balance in good timber. The
improvements consist of a
} JJ 1 A two story and basement Stone
sffil 11 Irak HOUSE, nearly new, Log
and other outbuildings;
an old and young Apple Orchard, cherries,
peaches, and pears. Neighborhood good
—\ of a mile from schoolhouse, 1 mile
from store and mill. The above is offer
ed cheap and on accommodating terms.
ap24-3m GEO. ROTHROCK.
Valuable Property
IN pursuance of an Act of Assembly
approved April 2d, 1867, the under
signed Commissioners appointed for that
purpose, will offer at public sale at the
Court House in the Borough of Lewis
town, on
TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1867,
at one o clock in the afternoon, the valu
able property known as The Mifflin Coun
ty Poor House Farm, containing
more or less, situate half a mile east of
Lewistown on a public road, and adjoin
ing lands of W. C. Porter on the north,
Robert Forsyth on the east, S. & J.
Mitchell on the southeast, and Graham
& Franciscus, R. F. Ellis and Kishaco-
Xe-gJL quillas creek on the south
! I & and west. The improvements
co,ls ' st °f a large two story
now. used as a Poor House, a two story
brick tenant house, large Frame Barn,
and various other outbuildings. Also a
Tenant House, stable, garden, &c., situ
ate about yards from the main building.
There is a thrifty young Orchard and va
rious fruit trees on the premises. The
greater part of the soil is naturally good,
and all of it is susceptible of the highest
state of improvement.
Any persons desirous of examining the
above property, are requested to call on
John C. Sigler, one of the Commissioners,
residing in Lewistown, or on Richard
Gallagher, on the premises, either of
whom will show the same.
The above property will first lie offered
as a whole, and then put up in two tracts,
about equally divided, the western how
ever embracing all the buildings, the
Commissioners reserviug the right to dis
pose of the same under either bidding.
lerins will be made known on day of
sale. JOHN C. BIGLEK."
Com missioners.
Auy person having a small property
from 50 to 100 acres for sale and suitable
to erect a Poor House on, can make it
known to any of the Commissioners.
Lewistown, April 17, 1867—ts
Logan Academy.
Bells Mills, Blair County, Penna.
Ij 1 VERY way a first class Institution—
J affording the best facilities to-those
preparing for college, business, or teach
ing. Whole expense for summer term
of five monthsslls.so. Noextracharges.
Next term begins May 6tli. Send for a
Rev. ORB LAWSON, Prin'l.
mar6-2m* Antistown, Pa-