Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 01, 1867, Image 1

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    (&a (S3 ©o lEo
Whole No. 2918.
Poor House Business.
The Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor
House on the 2>l Tuesday of each month.
"BSjjsridT & ~aa7~
Collections and remittances promptly made.
Interest allowed on time deposits. jan'23-ly.
Attorney at Law,
Office Market Square, I.ewistown, will at
tend to business in Mltliin.Centre and Hunting
don counties mv2b"
Attorney at Law,
OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of
Mifflin county. Office in Northeast corner of the
Dig rond. next to Hoffman's store. im 2
Mutual Insurance Company.
Capital, s-'i,500,000.
THIS Company continues to issue Policies of insur
anee t>n Building* and Personal Property, in Town
or Country, at cash or nintnal rates.
JAMES RANKIN, President.
janlG'67 Loivi.-tow n, Pa.
Practicing Physician,
Heileville, Mifflin County, Pa.
DR. DAHLKN has been appointed an Examining
Surgeon for Pensions. Soldiers requiring exam
ination will find him at in* office in Belleville
Belleviile, August 22, ISS6.-y
D E .
TJ ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Lewtstown
I\ and vicinity, (a few doors from tiie Town Hail, in
Main street) that he is prepared to do ail kind of work
in tiie lin" of his profession in -ho most scientific tnan
net —in Whole Sets. Partial Sets, or Single Teeth in
serted on Gold. Silver, or Vulcanite Base, in an elegant
and workmanlike manner, and on the most reasona
ble terms. He guarantees his work, or no pay.
Particular atlen'ion paid tothe extracting and filling
of teeth in the most approved maimer. nov7-Gm
Teeth Extracted Without Paiu !
By M. R. Thompson, D. D. S ,
form. Ether, or Nitrous©*-
's?Office west Market.street,
J l-f>vij/y near Eisenbise's hotel,
where he can be found for professional consultation
from the first Monday of eacii month until the fourth
Monday, when he will be absent on professional busi
ness one week. seplO-tl
MSb ©0 SBSfo&tsrSHEallSJs
GFFERS his professional services to the citizens of
Lewistown and vicmitv. All in want of good, neat
work wilt do well to give him a call.
He tnav he found at all times at his office, three
dcors east of H. M. A R. Piatt's store. Valley street.
qpia-Iy* p
by the use of NITROUS OXIDE or
L T?r(Sift Laughing Gas. Teetli m-erted on all
~s-I iTT i the different styles of bases. Teeth
filled in the most approved manner. Special atten
tion given to diseased gums. AH work warranted.
Terms reasonable.
Office at Episcopal Parsonage, Comer of Main anu
Water Streets. IT 18
._ The subscriber has just received and will
KBl keep on hand a select stock of Men's. Bnvs'
V 11 and Youth's Boot.. Ladies'. Misses and Cliil
* VW dren s Hoots and Shoes of various kinds and
stvles. to winch he would invite the attention of his
friends and the public generally. As it is his intention
bv nnr dealer in the county, those in need of winter
boots or shoos invited to call fuii cianunp the
above stock, which will be sold at very am all profits,
but for cash only, at the sigu of the BIG riuox, next
dcorto K.J. Hoffman* B store.
j'AXTCrj SIOP-3,
Wrst Market St., Lewistown,
backs. Cloak-. Hat-. Bonnets, Ladies Fine DHESS
GOODH and Trimmings.
Patterns of latest styles always on hand.
Millinery and Dress-Making
executed in the most approved style.
Lewi x town, April 18, lSdC.if
J. A. & W. R. McKEE
HAVE removed their Leather Store to Odd Fel
low*' Hall, wher. they will constantly keep
ca band. - Leather. Harness. Skirting and Upper
Leattier. Kips. American and French Calf Skins. Mo
roccos. Linings and Bindings, aud general assort
ment of Shoe Findings, which they will sell cheap for
cash. Highest market price paid in-cash for tiidas,
Galf Skins and .Sheep Skins.
wanted, for winch tho higl. eat market price will be
paid iu C"h. apftf
Tailoring Establishment
LLJL 3:X£l<E>'3r<as>dQ< a
MERf'H i.\T TAILOR, baa removed his shop to the
buil'ltbg f irmerly known as the "green house."
at the ititer .•< lion of Valley and Mill -trert. adjoining
11. M. A it Pratt's store, where he cordially invites ail
who need anything in his line. Goods and Trim
mings furnished and gentlemen's clothing made, in
the iatest styles, oil short notice, aud at reasonable
prices. apli-tf
ha? now open
,5-U. OF
Cloths, Cassimeres
which will ho made up to order iu the neat
est and moat fashionable atylee. ap!9
Mvisra siiiM MDijiia,
r P H EN z w Yonx Mica Roohng Oompsxt. (established
A 1565) are manufacturing under Letters Patent the
B 'st Article of Composition Roofing ever Offered to
the Public. It is adapted to every style of Roof, steep
or flfit, and can he readily applied by any one.
.1 h.e U. 8. Government, after a thorough test of its
utility, have adapted its use in the Navy Yards, and
upon Public Buildings.
The Roofing is put up in rolls, and has only to be
nailed to the Roof to make a
Durable fire and Water-Proof Covering*
We particularly recommend its use upon
Buildings. Stores, Cliurehes, Factories, Machine
Shoj s, Steamboat Decks, &e.
For coating Ti>, Irox, or Shingle Hoofs. It forms a
Bcxly to Three Coats of Ordinary Paint.
N'o Roof can rust under it, and old leaky Roofs tnav be
made permanently water-proof and durable by its iise.
The Paint requires .vo mixing, but is ready to be ap
plied with the ordinary paint brush. Price.. $1 per yal
lon, which will cover two hundred square feet.
Alio manufacturers of
Black Lustre Varnish,
Tarred Felt and Hoofing Pitch.
Discount to the Trade. Circulars and Price List fur
nished. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address
194 Broadway, N. Y.
Frank Humphreys, Ct Royal at.. N. Ou Schofield
Williams & Co, Augusta, Ga.; Baldwin H. Woods
Montgomery. Ala ; Thus. S. Contes, Raleigh, X. C.; K.
A. Tucker. Richmond, Yu.; Henry Wilson, Petersburg,
Va., Agents. jan23
Teas for the People. Ao more Enormous*
Profits for Consumers to Pay.
Fifty Cents to One Dollar per Pound Sav
ed by Buying your Teas direct
from the Importers.
T. Y. KELLEY A CO., Importers of Teas, In connection
with their large wholesale business, have determined to
introduce their Teas directly to consumers at importer*'
prices, thus effecting a saving to the consumer oi 10 to 60
per cent. V unities can now club together for any kind or
qualities of Teas, iti packages of one pound and upwards,
and we will send them a superior article ol Tea at 5 per
cent, above the cost of importation. Let some energetic
lady or oilier person in each neighborhood call upon her
acquaintances an i take their order* for any of the folio • -
ing named Teas, and when a club of ten. twenty, or more
is obtained, send to us and we will send the Teas put up in
separate packages wit!*t'ie name of each person marked
on it. all enclosed in one b ix. As a further inducement
to the person getting up the club we will send for his or
her services, an exira complimentary package on all or
ders ol S3O and upward. 11 is perhaps not well understood
WHY we can sell teas so very low ; but when it. Is taken
Into consideration that besides the original cost of impor
tation. tiie llroker, Speculator, Jobber, Wholesale D<-aier
and Retailer, has each lo reap a huge profit and the Innu
merable Cartages, Cooperages, Insurances. Storages. Ac ,
which teas have Lo pass through before they reach the
consumer, will readily explain this. We propose to do
away witli seven-eights of these profits and expenses, and
it now remains with the PEnPLK j,, sa y whether they shall
save SO cents to sl.of> per pound on every pound of Tea
they purchase, or I— compelled to give their earnings to a
host of useless go-bct wreens.
I'eplars and Small Dealers wishing Teas to sell again,
can be nccrmntodatrd with.small packages to suit their
trade, but tin reduction can lie made, as these are our
wholesale prices.
Oolong, (Black) 70, S", VO. ?1 <>o, $1 !•. host $1 25. per pound.
Ktiniiaii Break la . (Black ) ,K. 90. $1 00. b*l $1 25. per lb.
Young Itjraon. (Green) 85,95, SI,OO, extra $1.25, superior
$i 50, per pound.
Mixed. an i Black] 70. 80. 90. best $1 00, per pound.
Imperial. [Green] $1 30, best per pound.
•bipait. $t 00, $1 10, f \ 25. best per pound.
Gunpowder, (Green) $1 30, best $1 00 per pound.
We have lately added a Coffee Department to our estab
lishment, and although we cannot promise the consumer
as great a saving s we can on Teas, (the margin for profit
on Coffees being very small.) yet we call sell Codecs tuliv
25 per cent, cheaper than r -lailers charge. Our Co tiers
come direct from the Custom House and we roast and
grind them perfectly pure, put up in t or more pound
packages, at an advance of 2 cents per pound.
Our Wholesale Iflce—Ground Coffees—Pure Rio, 85. 30
cents per pound. Best Old Government Java, 10 cts. Best
Ceylon, 4u i ts.
SENDING MON KY. —Parties sending orders for less than
S3O tor Teas or Cotlees should send with their order a P. O.
Dr.dt or the money, to save the expense of collecting by
Express. But large orders we w ill forward by Express and
collect on delivery.
We shall lie happy at all times to recelv? a call at our
Warehouse from pi-r.-;uus visiting the city, whether deal
ers or uot.
Late Keller A Vonght,
Dr e iv' s Patent
ynifiioipj mamxifl
THE greatest improvement of the age, in this line
of trade. Ist. It does away with the wrinkles on
the instep, also, with the welted side seam which has
injured so many feet and ankles. 2d. It makes the
easiest sitting and best fitting boot ever worn. This
boot is now manufactured by P. F. Loop, who holds
the right of ue for the county, and is prepared to
furnish all who wish to wear tiiis boot. A liberal dis
count to dealers who wish to deai in these boots. Or
ders filled nt short notice. Prices greatly reduced on
all goods at P. F. Loop's Shoe Store. febfi
20.000 MAJORITY!
To the Voters of Central Penna.
ELECTION' is over and illiasbeen decided by about
20.000 majority that the Tobacco and Cigars sold
at Frysinger's Tobacco and Segar Store cannot be
surpassed, either in Quality or Price.
Look at the Prices, get some of the goods, and com
pare with all others, and you will be satisfied thatyou
get the worth of your money at Frysinger's.
Frysinger's Spun Roll only sl.ooper pound.
Frysinger's Navy •• " "
Frysinger's Congress " " " "
Frysinger's Flounder " " " K
Willeti Navy " •' " "
Orotioko t'wist " " " "
And other Ping Tobacco at 40 and 50 cts. per lb.
Cut and Dry, 4o .nd 50 cts. Granulated Tobaccos at
50 cts.. CO cts . 80 ets.. $4.00, $1.20. and $1.50 per lb.
Fine-Cut chewing, at $1.40 and $1.20.
Cigars at 1. 2. 5. 5 and 10 ets. each.
Pip"s in great variety; also Cigar Cases. Tobacco
Pouches and Boxes, Match Safes, and all articles
usually kept in a first-class Tobacco and Cigar Store.
To Merchants, t offer the above goods at prices that
will enable thern to retail at the same prices that I
do and realize a fair profit.
<jet.2-. E. FRYSINGER.
Why Shiver With Cold,
When you can Buy
Knit Undershirts and Drawers
jan3o At BKISBIN'B.
T)RUSHES at Hoffman's.
CEDAR-WARE at Hoffman's.
CORDAGE at Hoffman's.
SHOE FINDINGS at Hoffman's.
SOLE LEATHER at Hoffman's.
POCKET CUTLERY at Hoffman's.
TABLE CUTLERY at Hoffman's.
Ladies' Vests and Drawers,
jan3o.] At BRISBIN'S.
Auburn, Golden, Flaxen and Silken Curls,
PRODUCED by the use of Prof. DEBREUX' FBI
-BER LE CHEVEUX. One Application warranted
to curl the most straight and stubborn hair of either
•ex into wavy ringlets, or heavy massive curls. Has
been used by the fashionables of Paris and London,
with the most gratifying results. Does no injury to
the hair. Price by iruvl. sealed and postpaid sl. De
scriptive Circulars mailed free. Address HERGER,
SHU fTS A CO., Chemists, N0. '28 River St., Troy, N. Y.
Sole Agents for the United States. febti-ly
TjtORCED to grow upon the smoothest face in from
three to five weeks by using Dr.SEVIGNE'S RES-
I AU RA TEUR CAPILLAIRE. the most wonderful dis
covery in modern science, acting upon the Beard and
Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It has been
used by the elite of Paris and London with the most
nattering success. Names of ail persons will be reg
istered. and if entire satisfaction is not given in every
instance, the money will be cheerfully refunded. Price
bv mail, sealed and postpaid. sl. Descriptive eircu
'*rs ?nd testimonial mailed tree. Address MERGER,
SH U I l'S & CO., Chemists. No. 285 River street. Troy,
N. Y., Sole agents for the United States. feb6-ly
Oh! she was beMUtliul an<i fair.
With starry ryrs, an*! radiant hair,
\\ hose curling tendrils soft, untwined.
Enchained the very bean and mind.
For ( furling the. J fair of either Sex into
Matty and Glossy liinylcts or
Heavy Massive Curls.
BA using this article Ladie* anl Gentlemen can beau
tify themselves a thousand fold. It is the only nr
tieie in the world that will curl straight hair, and at the
same time give it a bountiful. jrto*sy appranee The
Cn-per Coma u<t only curls the hair, hut invigorates,
beautifies and cleanses it; is highly and delightfully
perfumed, and is the most complete article of t*e
kind ever offered to the American public. The Cris
per Coma will he sent to any address, sealed and post
paid for sl. Address all orders to
W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists.
febs-ly No. 3, West Fayette st.. Syracuse, N*. Y.
For Removing Superfluous Hair.
TO THE ladies especially, this invaluable depilatory
recommends itself s being an almost indispensi
ble article to famnle leauly. is easily applied. 'does not
lairn or injure the skin, biit acts directly on the roots.
It is warranted to remove supertluour'hair from low
foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely,
totally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the
skin soft, smooffi and natural. This is the only article
use,l by the French, and is the only real effectual de
pilatory in existence. Price 73 cents per package,
sent post-paid, to anv address, on receipt of an order,
by BERGEH. SHUTTB A Co.. Chemists,
febfi-iy 255 River street, Troy, N. Y.
Throw away your false frizzes, your switches, your wig—
And rejoir.- in your cwn Utxuriaiit liair.
Come aseil, come youthful come iigiv and fair.
An I rejoice in your own luxuriant hair.
FOR restoring liair upon bald lieads (from whatever
I cause it may l ave fallen out) and forcing a growth
of hair upon the face ii has no equal. It will force the
beard to grow upon the smoothest (ace in from five to
eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to
three months. A few ignorant practitioners have as
serted that there is nothing that will force or hasten
the growth of tiie hair or beard Their assertions are
false, as thousands of living witnesses (from their own
experience) can bear witness. But many will say. how
are we to distinguish the genuine from the spurious?
It certainly is difficult, as nine-tenths of the different
Preparations advertised for the liair and beard arc en
tirely worthless, and vou may have already thrown
away large amounts in their purchase. To" such we
would say. try the Rcparator Capillu it will cost you
nothing unless it fully comes up to our representations.
If your druggist does not keep it, send us one dollar
and we will forward it postpaid, together with a receipt
for theynoney, which will be returned you on applica
tion providing entire satisfaction is not given. Address
W. L. CLARK & CO , Chemists,
febfi-ly No. 3 West Fayette st., Syracuse, N. Y.
There cometh glad tidings of joy to all,
To young and to old. to great atid to small;
The beauty which once was so precious and rare,
Is free for all and all may be fair.
By the use of
For Improving and Beautifying the Complexion.
THE most valuable and perfect preparation in use.
for giving the sUiti a beautiful pearl-like tint that
| isoiilv found in vouth. It quickly reinovesTan. Freck
! les. Pimples, blotches, Moth Patches, Sallowness.
! Eruptions, and ail impurities of the skin, kindly heal
ing the same, leaving.!he skin white and clear as ala
baster. Its use can not he detected by the closest
scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation is per
fectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used
l,y the French, and is considered by the Parisian as
indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of fto.ooo
bottles were sold during the past year, a sufficient
guarantee of its efficacy. Price only 75 cents. Sentby
mail, post-paid, on receipt of an order, hv
feC-ly 285 River St., Troy, N. V.
The World Astonished
SnE reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. Slie re
stores to happiness those who. from doleful events,
j catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and
friends, loss ot money, Ac., have become despondent.
| She brings together those long separated, gives infor
| mation concerning absent friends or lovers, restores
lost or stolen property, tells you the business you are
best qualified to pursue aud in what you will be most
FueerfVsftil, causes speedy marriages and tells you the
very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness
and characteristic of the person. She reads your very
! thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers un
veils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future
i From the stars we see iu the tirmunent—the malefic
stars that overcome or predominate in the configura
tion—from the aspects and positions of the planets
and the fixed stars iu the heavens at the time of birth,
she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to
consult the greatest Astrologistou earth. It costs you
i but a trifle, and you may neveragain have so favorable
an opportunity. Consultation fee. with likeness and
all desired information.St. Parties livingatadistance
can conultthe Madame by mail with equal safety and
satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and
i explicit chart, written out, with all inquiriesanswered
and likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price
i above mentioned. The strictest secrecy will be main
i tamed, and all correspondence returned or destroyed.
References of the highest order furnished those" de
siring them. Write plainly the day of the month and
; year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock
of hair. Address MADAME 11. A. PERRIGO,
jeb6-ly P. 0. DRAWEE 233. BUFFALO, N. Y.
. The Latest aad Most Valuable Discovery of the Age!
Without Soap or Water, Time or Labor, by uing
Instantaneous Window Polish.
IT DOES away with soap suds or hot water, thus
avoiding the slops upon the floor or adjoining paint,
and the disagreeable sensation of the water running
down on the arms, under the sleeves, and wetting
them to the shoulders. It leaves no lint upon tiie
glass, and gives it a more transparent and clearer ap
pearance than can be got with ten times the amount
of labor and time in washing. For polishing Mirrors,
or any kind of Silver, Brass or Tiu-vvnre, it
has no equal. The polish is warranted to contain no
acids, uor anything of a poisonous or injurious char
acter, but is perfectly harmless in every respect.
For sale by J. A. A W. R. McKEE,
i Odd Fellows* Hall Building, opposite Black Bear
Hotel, Lewistown, Pa. novU-tf
I lovo to look on a scene like this
Ot wild ami careless play.
And persuade tnyself that" I am not old
And my locks are not yet gray ;
J'or it stirs tiie blood of an old man's heart,
And makes his pulses fly,
lo catch tho thrill of a happy voico
And the light of a pleasant eye.
I have walked the world for four score years,
And they say that I am old— -
1 hat my heart is ripe for the reaper Death,
And my years are well nigh told.
It is very true —it is very true —
I am old, and I "hide my time;"
1* 'j" V f W DI leap at a scene like thia,
And I half renew my prime.
Play on! play on! I am with* you there,
in the midst of your merrv ring,
I (fan feel the thrill ol the daring jump
And the rush of the breathless swing.
I hide with you iu the fragrant hay,
And I whoop the smothered call.
And my feet slip up on th seedy floor,
And 1 care not for the fall.
1 am willing to die when my time shall come,
An d I siial I be glad to go—
r or the world, at best, is a weary place,
And my pulse is getting low;
But the grave is dark, ami the heart will fail
In treading its gloomy way ;
ff wiles n>y breast from its dreariness
To see the young so gay.
On Sunday be serious,
Shun aiiglit deleterious.
Oil Monday, for working,
Don't business be shirking.
On Tuesday, continue.
With brain and with smew.
On Wednesday, still labor
To - distance" y >ur neighbor.
On Thursday, pursue it;
Show the world "how to do it."
On Friday don't weary;
Work on and be cheery.
On Saturday, financial.'
Get payment substantial.
A Remarkable Suicide.
In the Times of yesterday morning
appeared the melancholy announce
ment of the suicide of Mrs. Elizabeth
Haines, wife of Mr. Braxton S. Ilaines,
of Charles City county, which occur
red on Monday last. What could have
been the incentive which led to the
terrible deed is a profound mystery, as
her domestic relations were of the most
congenial character, and she had health
and everything of comfort around her.
Mrs. Ilaines had only been married a
few months. She was a Miss Goddin,
and was the niece of Mr. Wellington
Goddin, of this city. The particulars
of the distressing affair are as follows:
On Monday morning, after the family
had breakfasted, Mr. Haines repaired
to his sitting room for the purpose of
arranging some accounts, and shortly
afterwards called his wife to assist him
in so doing. She made no reply to the
request, but asked him where his pis
tol was. On being informed that it
was in a drawer, she took it out and
asked her husband to load it for her.
He declined, and inquired what she
wanted it loaded for. Her reply was
that she intended killing herself, and
if he wouldn't load the pistol for her
she would do it herself. Mr. Haines
paid no attention to this remark, and
continued making out accounts till he
was interrupted by his wife the second
time, who asked him to tell her why
the ball wouldn't go down the barrel
of the weapon. lie took it from her,
and finding that the bullet was too
large, trimmed it off so that it would
fit, and then handed it back to his wife.
Subsequently, upon her reiterating the
threat that she would kill herself, Mr.
Ilaines aske 1 her to give him the pis
tol, but she refused to do so, and it was
only after a struggle (hat he again se
cured it. This time Mr. Ilaines wont
to the porch, fired off the weapon and
returned it to the drawer where he
had been in the habit of keeping it.—
Soon after, his wife again got the pis
tol and sat down by him to load it, af
ter accomplishing which she handed it
to her husband and asked him to cap
it. Knowing that she bad frequently
indulged in pistol shooting, he thought
nothing of her saying she intended to
commit suicide, and accordingly put
the cap on the weapon and handed it
back to her. Mrs. Haines thee left
tho house, and her husband proceeded
with his accounts. Shortly afterwards
he heard tho report of the pistol, and
immediately ran to the door to see
what had happened, when the first
sight which caught his eye was Mrs.
Haines, with uplifted arms, running to
wards him and crying 'Save me.' He
caught her as she was about fainting
and bore her into tho houso, where she
lingered only about fifteen minutes be
fore she died. Previous to her death
she called lor water, but was unable to
swullow any, owing to profuse hemor
age from the lungs. Upon examina
tion it was ascertained that the fatal
missile had entered the right lung and
passed obliquely down towards the
spine. She assigned no reason for the
strange act, and her last words to her
husband were those of endearment and
importunities for him to save her.—
From a little son of Mr. Haines, who
was witness to the affair, it seems that
as soon as Mrs. Ilaines left the house
she went into the garden, and after
walking around tho pathways several
times with the pistol in her hand, she
then put it to her breast, and, bidding
tho child 'good-bye,' fired the fatal
shot.— Richmond April 20th.
Elopement In Life.
Some time ago a wealthy gentleman
of this city (who had once followed
the river for a profession, but had re
tired from active life on his wealth
and his laurels) employed some car
penters to repair his palatial residence.
Ho has (or rather had, for she now
isn't his'n)a beautiful and accomplished
daughter. She saw one of the hands
(we aro requested to suppress real
names for obvious reasons, and will
consequentlj 7 substitue fictitious in or
der to preserve the unities of our story)
who is a model of manly beauty. She
looked upon him and loved him. There
is a species of electricity between two
young hearts. When the attraction
begins it is neither centrifugal norcen
tripetal, but both, and a good deal of
each. She saw that lie was too modest
to make the first advance, and so she
broke the ice by inviting him into tho
dining room topartakeof refreshments.
She drew him into conversation, and
bacame satisfied lie was no fool. In
deed he possessed graces of person,
mind and character that might well
have been envied by man} - a scion of
aristocracy who would he offended if
a mechanic passed between them and
their nobility. She knew that her
lover (for ho acknowledged that he
returned her passion) would not be
allowed to enter the parental residence,
and so, when she met him on the street
sho not only recognized him, but ac
tually made appointments for him to
meet her on the street and accompany
her to a certain fashionable church, of
which sho was a member and constant
attendant. Thus it went on, in stolen
interviews, until last Tuesday night,
when she left her father's roof and
eloped with her mechanic lover. They
were traced to Jeffersonville yester
day morning, hut too lato to arrest
their flight They have gone to Cin
cinnati or some other point east, and
ere this have been joined in the holy
bonds of wedlock. Of course there
was a good deal of excitement and a
good deal of mortification in the fain
ii>'; hut we advise her parents to make
the best of that which cannot be helped.
Wo have taken some pains to inquire
into the young man's character, and
we assure them that they have secured
one of nature's noblemen for a sou in
law, even if ho is a mechanic.—Louis
ville Journal.
A King's Daughter.
Jloyal palaces are rarely the homes
of high virtue or true happiness, and
the daughters of Georgo 111 seemed
to have been impatient of the burdens
imposed by court-etiquette, if one rauy
judge from the following extract:
The daughters of George 111 were
often weary of court etiquette, and
used to got rid of it by spending their
mornings at Frogmore, near Windsor,
a small establishment, where they en
joyed rural pleasures, and were never
intruded on oy company. There they
had their dumb pets, and fed their own
chickens, ran out and in unattended,
and were entirely free from the tram
mels of royalty. 1 have been there
just after they had left the place, and
found their work and their books lying
around, and everything looking like
the home of a private family. The wife
of an officer in the army, who had
apartments in Windsor Castle, said
that the princesses would escape into
her room sometimes, and beg for a
glass of beer to quench their thirst,
alleging as a reason for their doing so,
that if they asked for it in their own
home, they must wait for a barrel to
be tapped, arid that would cause a new
office to be created, for serving beer
to them between meals, and that bar
rel would become the perquisite of
some one of the household, and a fresh
barrel of beer would be tapped every
time a glass of beer was called for. So
great was the discomfort of a royal
household in those days. The groat
good sense of Queen Victoria has al
tered many of these things for the bet
The Seymour, Indiana Times,
in extenuation of the recent exercise
of lynch law, by which two men, nam
ed Brooks and Tally, were summarily
taken from jail and executed for the
murder of Mrs. Cutler, a lone and par
tially insane woman, enumerates a list
of thirteen murders, recently perpetra
ted in Jackson county, without the
conviction of a single criminal, altho'
in most of the cases the guilty parties
were known. In only one instance
was a trial carried through to an issue,
and then the criminal was acquitted.
The courts afford the people of that
section absolutely no protection. Be
sides the cases instanced above, sever
al unsuccessful attempts at murder are
[The above county is strongly dem
ocratic, and was noted during the war
by that party's leaders aiding, abetting
and defending the rebellion.]
Vol. LVII, No. 18-
A Curious Lawsuit.
A Western paper says that in 1863,
at the time of the New York riots, au
old School Presbyterian minister,
named Richard Curran, formerly of
Huntingdon Co , went to the village
of Huntingdon, Indiana The old gen
tleman had long been noted as a very
ardent, ultra Democrat; in fact, a cop
perhead. He had refused to preach
under the stars and stripes, and was
generally considered disloyal. On this
occasion his daughter, who was with
him, went shopping in Wabash, and in
a dry-goods store met a lady, the wife
of a soldier who had just returned from
\ icksburg, Mississippi. Tho minis
ter's daughter wore a 'butternut' on
her watch chain, and, getting into an
altercation with the soldier's wife, told
her she was a 'butternut,' and she
'thanked God for it,' whereupon tho
former snatched the offensive emblem
from the chain, and in so doing, broke
it. The minister's daughter called
upon her father for assistance, when,
according to his statement, he was set
upon and beaten by the surrounding
crowd, and compelled to leave town
in a carriage to avoid further injury.
For this treatment, and loss of 8100
from his pocket during tho row, he
claimed 85,000 damages.
'The parties against whom this ac
tion was brought, admitted that the
soldier's wife did remove the 'butter
nut,' but denied that they in any way
ill-treated the old man or encourged
others to do so. The case came up in
Logansport, under a change of venue,
and on the trial the plaintiff was repre
sented by Milligan, of' Sons of Liberty*
notoriety, and Coffroth, late Democrat
ic candidate for Attorney General of
Indiana, while the defendants counsel
were Mr. Conner, of Wabash, and
Messrs. Pratt and Chamberlain, of
Logansport. Thejury were out thirty
six hours, and at last returned a ver
dict for the plaintiff to the amount of
8100, the amount of money lost, but
nothing for the pin or wounded digni
ty. The defendants have filed a mo
tion for a new trial.'
A Sad Mistake.
People not well posted in biblical
lore should be a little careful how they
quote from memory. "V ery grave mis*
takes have occurred belore now; but
the following, told by Mark Twain,
shows conclusively that different com
mandments refer to different things,
and that the captain unwittingly made
a confession :
'Why, Captain, you appear to have
a very bad cold.'
'Yes, madam,' said the captain, who
is fond of working in his garden early
in the morning, in his shirt sleeves, 'I
suppose I deserve it. I caught it while
breaking the Seventh Commandment,
lat Sunday.'
The party male and female started,
and looked blank; and then the lady
who had brought out the remark said,
as well as a choking fit of laughter
would let her,
'Well upon my word, captain, con
sidering the unusual circumstances of
the case, and your present surround
ings, it was hardly necessary for you
to enter so much into particulars!'
When the innocent captain got home,
he found, to his dismay, that the Sev
enth Commandment does not say,' R
emember the Sabbath day to keep it
Sketch of a Copperhead Leader.
The following sketch of Senator Sauls
bury is from a lady correspondent at
Washington: 'A portly, handsome
tnan, with curling, black hair, dark
eyes and handsome feature. A man
endowed by nature with generous im
pulses and a kind heart, yet a man
prejudiced, passionate and ungovern
ed, who loves caste and hates equality.
I have seen two pictures of him, never
to be forgotten. One, near the close
of last summer's session, when clothed
in handsome broadcloth in his right
mind, with a prayer book in his hand,
I met him with Mrs. Jefferson Davis
(who was clothed like an Empress,)
going to church. The other, not many
days ago, when he staggered down the
avenue the saddest of all sights, an in
toxicated man, tobaccojuice streaming
from h : 8 mouth, he importuning a black
man fc r more.'
B®, J udge , who is now a very
able Judge of the Supreme Court of
ono of the great States of this Union,
when he first 'came to the bar,' was a
very blundering speaker. Ou one oc
casion, when he was trying a case of
replevin, n volving the right of prop
erty to a lot of hogs, he addressed the
jury as follows :
'Gentlemen of the jury, there were
just twenty-four hogs in that drove
just twenty four, gentlemen, exactly
twice as many as there are in that jury
box !' The effect can be imagined.
f©- Punch Hays it is dreadful to hear
of a child only one month old, taHpg
to the bottle.