©o & <&o lEo Whole No 2917. Poor llouss Business. The Directors of the P'or meet at the Poor Hour"- "o the '2-1 Tui->lny of each month. si+S - * sxJ mi maa ts/ \&P • a BANKERS, LEWKSTOWaX, PA., Collecti-n--- .'iii-J r- ni'-.m . 5 promptly made. loteivsi allow ed ou jaa-3-lv. CrSO. W. ELDER, Attorney at Law, Office Market Square, Lewistow n, wili at tend t business in M It'iin. Centre and Hunting don cotinties tv2fi wte •G V Ji • r em UAI Attorney at Law, LEWISTOWN. PA OFFERS hi- profcsKi--nal services to tiie citirens -,f Mill! n 1 *\ •'> Northeast corner of the n -,-, id lext t - Holb.iKti's store. :ny2 j.v i'omim; CBI N n ." Lutuai Insurance Company. Capital, S-2 fT _t Ooa pauy uliii'R .- hi -s.-ue fuhrt** 'T Insur : -on Building * an* i Peisoiial Pn-pei'ty, in 1 •• r > t.itrv. -r nrtial rates JAMI'.N RAYKIS. Prftidoit. tilt" A BOWMAN. Secret si ry. JOHN HAMILTON. Agent. jaaiet: I•• a.u. iv ■. ~f tjb Yf V S f • I p Practicing Physician, Isenevi!!e. Mitlliii Cumuij, Fa. Tv t DAULFN '..is b*-en ar-piint .1 ati Examining 1/Surge in t Pensions So! her* requiring < x-mi ins ion will find Inin .-.i hi* - n •' m Beiie.iiie LeUerille, August -'2, I s " ' ■>' jj T3 x•< Main street - that Ins i- nv-p-'-j-l t-• 1 s in tke lino of bis prote.-si > in th • • o w-i • ~ - . • - VV S *-. p-$ ■ " Snip " I wUi n --terteH On OoM Silver.. r Vulcanite Base iaanafegant ir i workmanlike inatmer. .old oil tiie itnt ren&ona b'e terms. II -gunrante - his work or no psv. Partienlar attention }• ' i totbeextr ict tignnd ft - tig cft< th ia the most approved mantier. nov.-Cin Teeth Extracted Without Paia! By R. Thompson, D. D. b . B> a Nld\V PROCESS, , e without too us- of Chb-t >- . vs. lorin, Eto-r. or Nitrous Ox e'r Jt~f" > N ~|o-. Rod - attended l-y no / Uangi i or t-.ui effects. ,t- .* f Ortiee we.-t Market street, I ;v r Lt-eiibisc s hotel. • "S LEWISTOWN, where he can bo four- • for pi,d\—i-u.r.l .vuisuh.di m 1 rotn the tir't M:. -fea u m -uth nil - -he fo-i.,1. Mundsv. when, he v. I absent on profew-iona. bus' ness one week. sept * -v cVj \ * /•* ' DENTIST. < Fl'*Eß> 'lit ;i fo-si services to the citizens of I i.. A • an lv" 'D'v \!1 iii want of good, nt" at v - vo ni a fail. . mrfe fowl at all tun-* at hi* office, thr** dcDrs east of 11. M. A >■ Pratt's store. \ abey -treei. : plfl-ly* DENTAL CARD JR. TVE_ ZESVER, 5 l lib KO A DENTIST. Ti khi Extract -d wirnor r pain f i.s ;- os : Nint'T- "Xll'F or • Lang -'lra-. Teeth 111-' "led •al a -Vs.l XJ T ti... d ivrent sttles of ! as.--, 1 fit ud iu titu most approved manner. Spec,a! at ten : n given to diseased gums. All work warranted, i rms reasonable. hi. • ■ Episcopal Parsonage, Corner o. Mai', an-l W iter eireets. NEW STOCK. 1 be nriber has jus* receive.! and will . - BoVu'"i 1 VfcLdn - B. - tnd I " : styles, to wiiteh be vmH trite the attention of 11® frlOßtUap t; ioput.l. -geueraUy A.*.u- b.s intent...n NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD bv rmv dealer in th- county, those in need ano r bcots'ar hrn ere invited to ceil *ef * t the sign of the BIG hitot m-xt " " pld F J ' ll !I,Ua ' Jtili N CLARKE. MRS. M. E. STEWART, PAITCTJ Wfsl V.arkrt si., Li wistown, i UdES k GEN i LEMEN ocURNL-HING gGGDS. Sack su Cloak a. flats. Bonoeis, Ladies Fiue DR&SS G'OOP.S Trinunin^s. Patu rijH of latfrft sty 1* s always on hnui. Millinery and Dress-Klaking executed in the me-t approved style. Lcwistown, April IS, ISOv.-.l REMOVED. J A. &L W. R. McKEE . . „ vd their Store to til Slieep Skins. * " * a":• Tj *f- v *"-<* T. **utcd. f r which t a highest market price w;i! be "aid in t a b apltf Tailoring Establishment MER( HA NT TAILOU. his shi>pto the h f'jiiii■* v known n- nm houae," at th- int r'•••.-• • u if Y.'l • ■ii*-T ' • . H. M. K K. lT;*c * M>if. wii'.'D :e fjU ai!y all vcho nb'i| 'iiiiiT' .u his lint? ah i Trim ming< ft:rni?l nnd s f'.otlnnj tiade. m th* jritost 011 Aort notice, and at rensonaHe prices'. Hpll—if WILLIAM LINO, h;ts now open A NEW STOCK F Cloths, Oassimeres A N l> VESTS ft C S, which wili Be made up to order in the neat est and most fashionable stales. ap!9 kii'iß'i im isdms, THE Nrw Vosk Mica Roofing Company, (established lv'-5• are manufactur i-.g under Letters Patent the it st Article of Composition Hi nting ever Offered to the Public- it is adapt-d to every style of Roof, steep or fiat, and can be readily applied bv any one. Th - I'. S Governin-nt. after a thorough test of its llttli'v !mve adapt- I its use in the Navy Yards, atid upon Public Itu Iditigs. The Rooting i- put up in rolls, and has only to be nailed to th- Roof to make a Durable Sfire and Water-I*roof Covering. Wa< particularly recommend its u>e upon liiiiitiitigs. Stores, Marches, Factories. Maehint Slioj s, stenmboat Decks, ic. MICA RGOFIWC PAINT, For coating Tin. Iron, or Suing lk Roors. It forms a ZJcxii/ Equ-.l to T-ree Cents of 'Wiinary Paint. No K- can rust ui. i rit. and old ir-aky Roofs maybe made permanently water-proof and durable by its use. The Paint requires no mixing. • -u: ready to be aj)- plied with th- tirditiary paint brti-ti Price. 51 per gal lon. which wo: i- : ltd hundred -finaro leet. Also nianiifs Hirers of Black Lustre Varnish, Tarrtil Felt and lioojing Fitch. Discount to the Trade. Circulars and Price List fur nished. Rights for couiui-s sold at low rates. Address THE M1 I 'A ilOClKlXti COMPANY. lit! TirnaJiraj,, _Y. I*. Frank Humphrey*, tl Jtayal st.. N.OrSchofield Wilii-tins c: t . A i'usta. fiat Baldwin H Woods Montgomery. Ala.; 'lnoa.S.Coates Raleigh,lf. Ci, F. A Tucker. Uichmoud. Va.; ilenry Wilson.Petersburg, Va., Agents. jan23 TEAS! Tea# foe th People. So more Fnormou# Profits for Consumers to Pay. Fifty Cod# to On I foliar per Pound Sav ed l>y isityinrj your Tea# direct jrom Hie J/jiporlerr. T Y. KELLKY r . CO.. tmi"rters of Tea*, in connection with tli—fr i; -•* wl; !r<,t c have dettrmine.l t<- I is Ii *vtl3 to ccmsavii??* at I>ricr.s, tiius •ri a >.-viK t'.c c"'isuiuer o? 40 U fi? pev ••iif. F ni..'- cm !: dub' - th dor :ny .in! r • jua (s of Teas. | -i.-kj|R - ••; w.-r a:rtatiori. - me energetic • Iv ptrstf: in v+ U urichb -hoo*! call upon her acis i::!ancen an J i ? e ir or-ler* lr any ! ten. twenty, or uionr is ol.t ilocii, s, ||< J to IIS an 1 Wc A ill send the V-a* | Ut Up if: .Hnpara*•• pafka-*-* with the nante I" each person >n \l. aii t-n - • i til otic hux V> a FfKTHEE INMTt EM£>" f the pvr-ou np t.v caib wp will for or iitr > ' ci!>, an cd npi!retitary package on a.i <>; au*l upward, il per'-i;.> not nH! mnivrstoiwt WHY w - L .1-. M'iJ teS SO VTV Bf.V ; b'J( wilen It faketi | Info< :• t! s i:,;,, cost of ::ip.r the Mrok . 4peculAtor, Jobber, Wholesale Dealer ntiii K latter, h s each to reap a irjje profll an.' th* Innn* • er • Ca tax vs. Cooperates, la ora nc s. s?tora i! \ c , H li'uh ta> Irivp tn oefore they r'*ach t!i .:iw nner, a::', -< ; ly x, ;An ti-i:-.. Wp propose to !<• awn "• •• rhts of tl • : otfis and expenses, ami it • o rem in® m th tiie pe?is to *ay whether the* shall ive 50 cents to SI.OO ; imt '*t every pound of Tea they pure)! m ■ tiive thetr earnings to \rj<: t;5- PSDLARS • ' Il \LKRS wishing Teas to .-*!! again can he jwcctnnn* •' with "■ . a kagesto suit theli tr-i-!—. it re ucliLii can be as these arc oui wholesale prices. PRICE IIST • Intone. I Black 170.80. SO, $1 Oh. SI I", best $1 25. per pound I boirlish Breakfast. (Blacl 18U. SO SI 00, best tIXS, per lb. I Yi•'. Hy- ! -ii • -.i, 95, SI.OU, extra $125, snpcrioi M 5-i. "-r : nun.' I Mix-t Dreen and Blurk 70. Sh9o Ix-st SIOO, per JMMiitti II ~ - it. <■ 51 '' . ' -- , I .lapjti. SI do,SI ii', SI 25,1 - .-r iwemd. ! (Juu.H. >. .ler. •; -ti, 5130.> si SI fro per poun COFFEE DEPARTMENT. W ,-1. e r lv.l ' II- .: t'cffre irtinent t our -.-ah :,,tllil, it, ,VI I it.— lit!: IV :; . w- -an on Tas,(the marttin for neOalfrcabrlti;; very small.) yi-I w,- can KtlCalH-iwfliltj A< p.-r cent ch-uper than retailors chaige. "or Peflwi conic dirts. t f ft lilt: t usti: :i ii - and wc ri'.ist all grind tlieni | o''V r* , ' r ''- put up in i or more pouiß pacii.i? - .1:1 .1 -vaui" -if 2 cent ■ -r poun i 1 inr Wl il - ■ • 1 -**icc —OvMmi I '■ flees—Pure Ri0,25.9 cents;- r p-nir. 1. Ib-t Old Gov.-rnin -pt Java, Sic's 8.-t f.'e v!,> I 40 ft - SKMUX'G 5] tV'-y.—p rt -n line orders fur less tda' S3' • ■ 1 eas ahoul i sen • uMb tlipir order aP. 0 in-att or th, i • .to nave tu- expense of collecting !>. i',\- e*. But large orde swe wtUforward by lixpßnaia iv.- shall lie Imppv at all tiniest- receiver, call at ou Warei- use froti: ;• r>-:.~ visit ir.g the ciiy, whether deal era ->r nol. T Y. KELbKY & CO, i Lat' Kellev £ Vouch?, ! 1 an 23 3m .Vt VKjSEY STREET, NEW YORK, /> /• rw ' s / J a tent FOli CTJvMTiT3- 'Ji'lilD ii'i OR &IJDJE: SEAMS TH E great.--; mprowmcnt of the age, in thin line of trade. Ist. 1; doe- away with the wrinkles on the instep, also, with the • ted side sei.ni which has injured so ina :> feet \GR at lluiTman'B. S'!llE MXII\GS at Hofftnan'e. SOLE LEATHER at Hoffman'.. POCKET CUTLERY at Hofi'mati'fl. I 1 A BLE CUTLER Y t Hoffman's. BUILDING HARDWARE at Hofimp , - Ladies' Vests and Drawers, jan3o. ] At BRISBIN'S. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1867. B E A U T Y. Auburn, Golden. Flaxen and Silken Curls, pttOriOCED l v the 11 f Prot DKBKKL'.V FRI- L SIUI LE OHEVEI'X One upp! ation warranted to earl the moststraight and stub! rn hairof either x into wavy ringlets, or heavy massive ur's. Has I—q used by the fashionables of Paris and London, wtti the moist gratifying results. Does noinjury t® the h tir. IViee by niai. sealed and postpaid SI I 1"- seripuve Cireulars mailed free. Addre MERGER. SH i rrs ii CO-, Cliemi -is. N0.28 River st.. I"r- y. N. V. Sole Agents for the f'nited States. f-LbO ly vrHisxans ANI> I?.'ItCED to grmv tip ii the smooth -t fat ein ft■■■. u 1 three to five wee as by using Or. SEVIfINE'S RF"-. T A CRATEI'R CA PI LL AIB F„ them -i uiderfu;dis covery in modern seit-n tie ting upon the Beard and Hu.r in an ahiiost niiraeti'ou-manner. It lias been ii i ! y tiie elite of Paris and London with tie: '.nest Battenng rterew. Names of ?! rsoit* wilt be reg i-t r d. and if enure sati-faction -s not given m every instnnce.tiie money will I - eh-rfullv refunded Price by mail, sealed and postpaid.si. Descriptivecircu lar- and testimonials mailed ■. re. Address BERBER, SH"TT.'s i CO., i i -mists > River street. Troy, N V., Sole agents f<>r the Fibred States. feb6-ly CRISPER COMA. ofc >lit was beautiful an r of either Sex into Wavy aw/ (i/us*// Rinqlrts or II- -ry Massive t'urls. | > Y uing this article Ladies and fJentb snen can beau- J ) tifv iheuis ives a thousand fold It is the only ar te-! • in the world that wii! < arl straight hair,and at the same time give it a I autiftil. gl-.-.y appear .net- The 'Tisp -r Coma n->t only rurli tiie ha r. but invigorates, bt-a-ilili -* and elt ansef it: is highly ar.d delightfully p-itum-d. an I is the most cor e - te article of t' e km ! ever offered to tfc- American public Ihe t."ns per Coma will be sent to any uWress. seated end pai i for .1, Addr.-ss ail order.- to W.L.CLARK A CL. Chemists, fcbf-ly No. 3. West Fayctt- -t.. >y racuc. N. Y. EXCEPTOR! !! iI Am EXTERMINATOR For Removing Superfluous Hair. •Tl- > THE hi lies e*| eei !lv is invalu ible depilatory A recommends ilsell a being aii almost mdispensi lilo article to fnmale 1 city. is en-dy applte i d- es n-t burn ->r injure the skin, but acts directly oil the roots. It is warranted iu remove superfluous hair from low foreheads or from any part ->f the body, completely, totally ind r • ie-sllv xtirpa itig the same, leavlitg skin soft, smooth ad natural. Thisisthewilvarticle used by the Freach nu w the only real effectual d •- pilatory in existence. Price 70 ----its per package, sent post-paid, t ■ any address, on receipt lan order, by BERG Ett. BH FTTS A Co- Cliemi-ts. f. "--ly 255 River street, i'roy. X. V. REPARATOR CAPILLI. Throw -iwav vour fal.-e ti z/-.. your switches, your wig— An d rejoice h, -•■ ur < s-i: uxurlaut hair. Come a i, <■ imr Toothful en. ugly and fair, An I rrpilce in your own luxuriant hair. 1- >R re.-tot ing hair up i bald h. ej- from whatever 1 cause it may have talien outi tot-l forcings growth of hair upon the face ii hasnoeqtia!. It will foreethe beard h> grow upon the siuootb- st lace in from five to eight weeks. -*r Ii • r upon bal l heads in from two to t. ree months. A f--w ignorant practitioners have as serted that there i- nothing th .t w i:l force or hasten the growth of the hor or heard Their assertions are fa!--?. ;ts thousands -•!' liv.ng witnesses'from their own expere n-e i can bear witne.— Ilu* many wtlisav. how i ar - we to distinguish t!i genuine from the spurious? It eertainlv is difficult, as tiiiie-ten'hs of the different Prcparauiitis advertise i for the hutrand beurd are >■ n tireiv w-.rthless. and you may have already thrown a., iv large animinh in their purchase. To such we would snv. try the Kepanit r Capeh; it will cost you nothing unless it fully -oni upt-ioqrn pr< - -t,tat ions. If your druggist dues not keep i - , send us one dollar an-'t w— will t >rwarditp -•t-e I together witbnreceipt ior the money, which will be returned you on apiilu-a tion providing entire ti isiiot gtveu. Address W.L. CLARK A (' 1 >,Chemists. fcbS-1 v No. 3 West Kayette st . Syracuse, X. V. There cometh glad tidings of joy to all, 'i . j ;i,g and to old. to {treat and to small; The beauty which onto- was so precious and rare. Is free for all and all may be f:vr. By the use of CHASTELLAirS WHITE LIQUID EITA2C2L, For Improving and Beautifying the Complexion. THE most valuable and perfect preps-ation in use. for giving the kin a beautiful pearl-like tint that is onlv found in vouth. Itquteklv r- u. v---T in. Freck le*. I'im pi es, ItliLe:iM ■ Patches. Hailowties*. Eruption®, and all impurities of tlie skin, kindly heal ing the same, leav-ng.the skin white and clear as ala b..-t-r It* use urn teat he detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation is per- j f cly harmless It ;* the only arti le of ,h- kind used I by tlie French, atid is considered bv the Parisian as in tispeusahle to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30.000 | bottles were -old during the past vonr. a sufficient i guarantee of its eßicaev. Priee only '75 •cuts. Sentby j mail, post-paid, on receipt fan order, by BERBER. sHUTTS £ CO.. Chemists, j fe6-ly -So River St., Troy. N. Y. ! i\ 3 S Ji I) i !) 3 I, The World Astonished VI THE WONDERFUL V. EV EL ATI ON" 8 MADAME H A. PERRIGO. SHE reveals secrets no mortal ever kn w She re- 1 stores to happiness those who. from doleful events. > catastrophes crosses jn lore, loss of relations and f friend a. lon of money £••. hsfe bwoihe dMpondnl.: She brings I-gather ti-.0.-e long separated, gives infer- j tn ilion concerning ab-cnt fi tend® ot lover*, restores j lost or -tolen property, tells y HI the business you are j best qualified to pursue and in what you will be most ; suce.essful, causes speeriy marriage* and tolls von the i very day you wiil marry, give* you the name, likeness and' characteristic of tiic person. She reads your very thoughts, and l.y her almost supernatural powers un veils the dark and bidden mysteries of the future From the stars we sec 111 the firmaneiit —the malefic stars that overcome or predominate in the configura tion—from the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars 1 u the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to ! consult the greatest \-trologist on earth It costsyou ! but a trifle, and you may never again have so favorable 1 an opportunity. Consultation fee. with liken--** and j all di's.red information. £1 Parties living at a distance 1 can eon-ult the Madame by mail with equal safety and satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and j explicit chart, written out. with all tnqiiiriesnnswered and likeness enclosed, sent by inati <>n receipt of price > above mentioned The strictest seerecv will be main- j tained. and ail correspondence returned orilestroyed. i References of the highest order furnished those de- , siring them. Write plainly the day of the month and 1 year in which you were born, enduing a small lock i of hair. Address Madame 11. A. PERRIGO. jeb6-ly P. <1- Drawer 293. Buffalo, N. Y. GOOD NEWS TO HOUSEKEEPERS !~! " The Latent and Most Valuable Discovery of the Aye! W 1 S I) O \V S C 1. E A \ bI) Without Soap or Water, Time or Labor, by using ; W O O I> SU AI * S linrlantaucousi Hiiuiuw Polish. j T DOES away with soap suds or hot water, thus ' 1 avoiding the slops upon the floor or adjoining paint, and the disagreeable sensation of the water running down on the anus, under the sleeves, and wettiug them to the shoulders. It leaves no lint upon the glass, and gives it a more transparent and clearer ap pearance trian ••a:i be got with ten times the amount of labor and time m washing. For polishing Mirrors, or any kind of stiver, Brass or Tin-ware, it has no equal. The polish i- warranted to contain no acids- nor anything of a poisonous or injurious char acter but i.~ perfectly harmless in every respect For sale bv J. A. £ W. it. Met EE. Odd Fellows' Hall Building, opposite Black Bear Hotel, l.ewistown, Pa. novlA-tf Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By. LORD: l hear the showers of blessing Tiiuu art scattering, full and free— Showers the thirsty land refreshing; Let some droppings fall on me— Eveu me. Pass me not, O trod, our Fattier! _ _ sinful though my heart may be: Thou mighst lead me, but the rattier Let thy tnerey light on me— Even me. Pass me not. O gracious Saviour! Let me live and chug to Thee; I am longing for Thy favor, Whilst l'hou'rt calling, oh ! call me— Even me. Pass me not, O mighty spirit! Thou canst make the blind to see; Witnessing of Jesus' mem, Speak some word of power to me— Even me. Have I long in sin been sleeping— Long been slighting, grieving thee! Has tiie world my heart been keeping? Oh, forgive and rescue me! Even me. Love of God, s ■ pure and changeless; Blood of Christ, so rich and tree; Grace o! God. s stroDg and boundless. Magnify it all to nie? Even me. Pa=s me not! Thy lost one bringing. Bind my heart, O Lord, to Thee. Whilst the streams of life are springing. Blessing others, oh, bless me! Even me. —Dublin IT mm Book. YY GOOD STORY. TO LET-INQUIRE WITHIN. Two young damsels and a spinster aunt came in, and after a lengthy in spection of the premises, came to a state council in the parlor. • I like the house ver3* much,' said the spinster aunt solemnl}*, 'and with a few alterations I will engage it for O O my brother's family.' ' Very good, madam,' said Nahum, rubbing his hands, and scenting a speedy termination of his trial 'Name 'em.' • The door handles must all be gild ed, and I should like the house newly papered in velvet and gold, and re painted, and the partition between the parlors taken down and replaced by an arch, and an extensive dining room IJUiit on behind, and a bay ET3*le of range in the kite! en and a dumb wait er put in, and new bronzed chandeliers throughout, and another furnace in the sub cellar, and—' 'Hold on, ma'am—just hold 011 one minute,' said Xahum, feebly gasping for breath. 'Wouldn't you like the old house earned away, and a new one put in its place? i think it would be rather less trouble than to make the titling alterations you suggest.' 'Sir!' said the spinster loftily*. ' 1 don't think we can agree ma'am.' • Very well—very well—come girls.' With prim dignity the lady mar shaled her two charges out. mattering something about ' tiie extortionate ideas of landlords now-a-days.' Xahum wildly rumpling his iron grey hair with both hands, soliloquiz ed : ' Well, if Job had been alive and had a house to let there never would have been any book of Job written. — There goes that everlasting bell again: I'll haul it out by the roots if this thing goes on much longer. I'll tear down the heil and put the place up at auc tion.' Another lady; but quite different from the other —a slender, little, cast down lady with a head that drooped like a lily of the valley, and a dress of brown silk that had been mended and darned and turned and retrimmed, and even Xahum Briggs, man and bachelor as he was, could see how very shabby it was. Yet she was pretty, with big blue eyes and shining brown hair, and cheeks tinged with fair, fleeting color, bloomed in vivid carmine. And a gold en haired little lassie clung to her dress, as like her tiny iilly buds to a bloom chime of flower bells. As Nahatn Briggs stood looking at her, there came back to him the sun shine days of youth a field ot bloom ing clover crimsoned the June like waves of and a blue eyed girl loaning over the fence, with her bright hair barred with lovely sunset gold, and he knew he was standing face to face with Barbara Wylie, the girl he had quarrelled with years and years ago, and whose blue eyes had kept him an old bachelor all his life long. 4 This house is to bo let, I believe?' she asked timidly, with a little quiver in her lips. 4 1 believe it is Barbara Wylie.' She looked up startled with a sud den flush of recognition ; and then Bar bara turned very pale and began to cry. with the golden haired girl cling ing to her skirts and wailing — 1 Mamma —mamma, what's the mat ter, mamma?' • Nothing, now,' said 3arbara, reso lutely brushing away the tears. •It you please Mr. Briggs I will look at the house 1 am a poor widow now, very poor, and—and I think ot keep ing a boarding house to earn my daily bread. I hope the rent is not very high ?' 'We'll talk about the rent afterward/ said Nahum, fiercely swallowing down scmj^iLnsr a big lump in his throat that threaten ed to choke him; ' come here little girl and kiss me. i used to know your mamma when she wasn't much bigger than you are.' Barbara, with her blue eyes still drooping, went all over the house with out finding a word of fault, and Xa hum Briggs walked at her side, won dering it' it was really fifteen years since the June sunshine lay so brightly on the clover fields. ' I think the house is beautiful, said meek Barbara, ' will you rent it to me Nahum?' ' Well yes,' said Xahum thoughtful ly ; I'll let you have my house, if you want it, Barbara.' ' With the privilege of keeping a few boarders ?' ' No ma'am !' Barbara stopped and looked wistful ly at him. 1 But I don't think you understand how very poor I am, Mr. Briggs.' ' Yes, 1 do.' 'And that I cannot afford to take the house without the privilege of tak ing boarders.' I'll tell you what, Barbara,' said Mr. Briggs, ' I'll give you the privilege of keepingjust one board er, and him you will have to keep all your Jrfe long, ifyou once take him.' ' I don't think I quite understand 3*ou, Nahum Briggs,' but she blushed very becomingly, and weare rather in clined to think she told a naughty lit. tie fib. ' W hat do \*ou say to rao for a board er. Barbara V said the old bachelor, taking both the widow's hands in his. ' Barbara we were young fools once, but there is no reason why we should be old fools now. I like you as well as I ever did, and I'll do my best to be a good husband to 3*ou, and a good father to your little girl, if 3*ou will be my i wife.' | Barbara blushed again, and hesita | ted; Nahum was not to be eluded thus. •Shall I take down the 'To Let,' t Barbara ?' 'Yes,' she murmured, almost under her breath. So Nahum went deliberately out and ! COOII3' tore down the bill to the great ' astonishment and disappointment of a part 3* of rapid house hunters who were just ascending the steps. ' And when shall we be married, Bar bara,' be demanded. | 'ln the summer, perhaps,' said Mrs. Barbara shyly. ' To-morrow,' said Nahum decisively ; —and to-morrow it was ; 'Upon 1113* word, Barbara,'said Xa -1 hum 011 the first da 3* of May, as he watched his wife's blooming lace be hind the coffee urn, ' 3-ou can't think how much jollier it is with you tor a housekeeper, than that hag, Mrs. Par ley.' Barbara only laughed and said ' he was a dear, good old stupid.' So the probabilities are that neither Mr. Nahum Briggs nor his brown stone t house will be in market again as—' To i Let—inquire Within.' . MISCELLANY. Freaks ol Fortune. A Cambria county paper notices the death of James Boss. who died a few weeks Bince in the Poor House of that county, and says that his career chal lenges a more than common obituary notice. In early life, some titty years since, ho married a Miss Brown of Mif flin county, and upon the death of his father-in law, administered upon his estate. Among the papers found were a number of unloeated land warrants. With these in his possession, in 1835 Mr. Boss moved to Cambria county, and for a time settled at Muneter. — While here he became impressed with the idea that there was sufficient va cant land along the Cleartield Creek, in the northeastern part of Cambria county, to fill his warrants. Acting upon this impulse, in 1837 and 1838, he procured Mr. Jacob Lev ergood, the then Deputy Surveyor of Cambria county, to locate a large num ber of these warrants, which were re turned to the I nd Office, and accept ed. He afterwards removed to these lands, took possession, built saw-mills, and sold toothers; and continued to exercise ownership without molesta tion until 1844. It seemed from the sequel that these lands had already been appropriated by a body of warrants known as the Barton warrants, and that the title had become vested in William A. Bayard and Henry Barclay ; an ejectment to try the title was commenced in 1844, for the interest of Henry Barclay—Mr. Bayard having previously died. In this action the plaintiff succeed ed, and the ease went to the Supreme Court, where the judgment was affirm ed. Then the action was brought for the whole bod}', and the title was thus litigated until about 1861, when the last case was finally decided. During this period thore were some seven or eight verdicts —it was thrice in theSu- Vol. LVII, No. 17. preino Court—tried once in the Uni ted States Circuit Court, and was re moved to the Supreme Court, where, however, it was not tried. During all this litigation, Mr. Ross bore himself with singular constancy. Indeed his sole existence seemed to be centered in this land. Though he had able and eminent counsel, he procurod the necessary papers, bad the survey ing done and attended the details of the preparation in person. lie had im pressed great numbers of intelligent men, including even lawyers, with tho feasibility of his title, and at one time a jury could scarce!}' have been found in Cambria county to render a verdict against him. An old man when the litigation ex pired, his mind was somewhat impair ed. Poverty, too, followed, until finally he became an inmate of the Poor House. Vet he never, to his dying day —in prosperity or adversity—in suc cess or defeat—whether sane or insane, for a moment doubted his right to the land which had been the subject of lit igation. His expectations and their results show tlie vanity of human undertak ings. Litigating for some twenty years the title to townships of land, he died without enough for his grave. At tho time of his death he was in his eightieth year. .Mixing llabies. An Alliance correspondent of the | Canton (Ohio) Repository relates the following : Some days ago there was a dancing party given for the benefit of the Fenians, 011 the outskirts of the town, and several of the ladies present had little babies, whose noisy perver >-ity required too much attention to al low their ma's to enjoy the ' hop.' A number of gallant young men volun teered to guard the infantry while the ladies engaged in the 'break-down.' j No sooner bad the mothers left their cherubs in the hands of the mischiev ous wretches, than they stripped the darlings, changed their clothes, giving the apparel of one to another. The dance over, the mothers each took, as she thought, her own baby, and hur riedly left the scene of gaieties and started lor their homes several miles apart, being far on the way before the ' peep-o -day.' On tho following day t here was a tremendous row in the set tlement. Mothers discovered that & single night had changed the sex of their babies, and then commenced some of the tallest female jpedestrian ism. Living miles apart, it required two days to unmix the littio cherubs, aud will require as many weeks to re store the mothers to their natural sweet disposition. Yankee Courtship. —One evening, as I was sitting by liattie, and had worked rayself up to the point of popping the question, sez I: Hattie, if a fellow was to ask you to marry him, what I would you say V Then she laughed, and sez she : 'That would depend on who asked me.' Then sez I, 'suppose it was Ned Wil lis?' Sez she, 'l'd tell Ned Willis, but not you.' That kinder staggered me, but I was too cute to lose the opportunity, and so sez I again: 'Suppose it was me?' And then you ought to see her pout her lips, and sez she, 'I don't take supposes?' Well, now, you see there was noth ing for me to do but touch the trigger and let the gun go off. So bang it 1 wont. Sez I, 'Lor, Hattie, it's me. Won't you say yes?' and then there was a hellabaloo in my head, I don't know 'zactly what tuk place, but I thought I heard a 'Yes' whispered somewhere'out in the skrimage. young lady, the other day, in the course of a lecture, said : "Get married young man, and be quick about it too Don't wait for the Mil lennium, hoping that the girls may turn to angels before you trust your self with one of them. A pretty thing you'd be alongside an angel, wouldn't you—you brute ?" In a tract distributed by the Mormon preachers, the following ques tion ami answer occur : "What shall be the re war 1 of those who have for saken their wives for righteousness' sal'o? A hundredfold of wives here, and wives everlasting hereafter!" The human voice has nine per fect tones, but these cau be combined 17.592,010.114 different sounds. A re markaole scientific tact, which proba bly accounly for the amount of discord there is in the world. unwashed street boy being asked what made him so dirty, his reply was, 'I was made, they tell ine, ot the ground, and I reckon it is juat working out.' 4 'Tis false,' as the girl said, when her lover told her she had beati tilul hair.