If a 3 a A 2_3jfjf3 LOCAL AFFAIRS. WANTED— About $5 worth of Corn Fod der. Apply at this office. FOK SALE—A due bill for $53.33 to wards the purchase of a $l6O Organ or Melodeon of Peloubet, Pelton & Co. A duf bill for SIOO towards payment of a $350 Grovesteen & Co. Piano—no better made. WANTED— An agent to sell the canvass roofing, roofing paint, pitch, tarred felt, Colphones cement, black metalic varnish, 4c. ol the New York Mica Roofing Com pany, or the exclusive right to use these articles in this and adjoining counties will be sold. Apply at this office. mh27 Dan Rice's Great Show, —The popular wit and clever gentleman, Dan Rice, an nounces iu our advertising columns to day, that he will pitch his tent among us on Saturday, the 27th inst., and aided by many of the greatest "Stars" of the arena, and his really wonderful School of Sacred and Trained Animals, give a fareweil en tertainment. He positively promises to signalize his last appearance by assuming for tbe first time in several years, his un approachable role of Clown. This is sug gestive of an oratorical and mirtli pro voking treat that needs no aid of ours to irresistabiy attract. Mr. Rice will exhibit arid lecture U|H)U his beautiful and rare herd of Sacred Cattle—the only ones of their interesting species iu the civilized world. He will also introduce his mar vel of equine sagacity—tbe blind talking i.orse Excelsior, Jr.; the magnificent tuorobre I trick horse Stephen A. Doug las, the immensely funny clown mules Pete and Barney, and a whole troupe of equestrian monkeys. We are assured that nothing in the least improper, or offensive 1 > the most sensitive, will be tolerated, and ii#ok to see the great representative of American humor receive a hearty greeting. Hog 3, &c. —We notice bills posted up by the High Constable requiring hogs, horses, mules, and sheep to be penned up by the 20th April. Our streets generally are in good condition, hut a number of alleys never were in worse. Of these the one leading from Main to Brown streets is almost impassable to vehicles, it being in some places completely blockaded with coal ashes, manure, rubbish, the trim mings of rose bushes, Ac. No notice of removal ought to be given in such cases, out the ordinances at once enforced, pre cisely in the same way as if a street would be obstructed. Money Lost or Stolen. —N. J. Rudisill Inst week lost or was robbed of about §IOO on the ears between Philadelphia and Down ingtown. He had been purchasing some good*, and on returning very injudicious ly counted what money he had left while seated in the curs. Although he supposes no one saw him, there is little doubt one of the numerous pickpockets always 011 the lookout saw it in his possession some where, and made a "spec." Moral—Never eount in public or show any considerable sum of money away from home. The Gcllectorship.—Johnson still contin ues the farce of nominating candidates for the colieetorship of this district —( Jen. John Boss having last week been nomi nated and rejected, and since then Edward Roberts has been brought on the carpet for senatorial examination. There was no reason in the first place for removing .Mr. Rover, a faithful, resjwmsible and ef ficient officer, and as the Senate is now assert ing its undoubted prerogative of i - ing a part of the ap|>oiiiting j>o\ver, we trust it will reject all the time-serving politicians who may now lie offered un til he is restored, or leave the office in statu quo. The Childien's Jubiiee, held in the Presby terian church on Sunday afternoon last, was the largest gathering of the kind ever assembled in Lewistown. Not less than seven hundred Sunday School scholars made the edifice resound with merry peals of song, going up like the shout of a great army inarching to victory, which was taken up by a veteran corps of officers, teachers, and friends of the cause, num bering several hundred more. Rev. Ed win M. Long, of Philadelphia, delivered a children's sermon on Hiding Places, il lustrated by large paintings. After other interesting exercises the audience dispers ed, satisfied more fully than before per haps, that such fraternity is promotive of much good to the work of love in which they arc engaged. Who Would Not be Beautiful''—All may possess a clear, unblemished skin, of ala baster whiteness, hv the use of CHASTEL LAR'S WHITE LiqriD E.VAMKI,. It is the most perfect article in use, for removing all impurities of the skin, and unlike all other cosmetics, contains nothing that will injure the cuticle-; being vegetable, it is perfetly harmless. For sale, Wholesale, and Retail, by BURGER, SHBTTS & Co,, Chemists, Troy, N. Y. See their adver tisements in auother column in this pa !er. It LEWISTOWN. April 18, 1817. The ladies of the A. M. E. Church held a Festival for the benefit of their minister, and would tender their thanks to the la dies of Lewistown, for kindness in pre senting cakes, &c., and also to those who contributed money to bear the expenses of the same. Proceeds almve expenses, SB4 94. EUZABGTH PALMER, MAKY Itouisox, JANE BROWN, ELIZA GIBBS, NANCY ADAMS, Committee. GET A BARTLETT —The Bartlett Sewing 1 Machine advertised in this paper, is a decid ed success. It is a low-p.ice article, but does the work as well as the ss.j machines, and is in c\ery respect equal to tiemi. It can be seen at the Agricultural and Household Im plement Agency of H. FKYSINGKK, who is sole Agent for this part of tho State. Only §2o lor a good Family .Sewing Machine ! Surely every body 7 can now buy one. Jewelry and other Gifts. —We have long since refused to publish advertisements from New York and other cities, offering extraordinary inducements forsmall risks; and we would impress it upon our read ers to set down all concerns professing to furnish millions worth of jewelry or other articles for hundreds of thousands, as humbugs and swindlers. Temperance Meeting. —The Independents will hold their next temperance meeting i in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, 18tli inst. The public, and especially the ladies, are invited to attend. Ablespeak ers have been invited. The Weather, Crops, &c. —We have had i some weeks of very pleasant weather, and the fanners generally have been making up for lost time in March. On Tuesday morning a warm rain set in, which has given a strong forward growth to vegeta- j tion of all kinds, and if not followed by frosts gives promise of an abundant yield. The grain crop looks remarkably well. ACCIDENT ON THE RAILROAD.— On the evening of the 4th Mr. William Extine, I of Patterson, was fatally injured by being thrown from a hand car. The Mitliin town Sentinel says that Mr. Extine, in company with two or three others, was returning from his work on a hand ear and while in the act of adjusting an oil can to keep it from falling off, was caught by the crank or lever and thrown in front of the ear, which run on to him, doubling hi in up under it and causing internal in juries, from which he died on Saturday night. ANOTHER. —On Monday a week an old i man, name unknown, was run over and killed in tiie Narrows above Patterson, by one of tbe trains passing along. He had in his possession a goose, picked aud cleaned ready for cooking, and it is sup {>osed he was traveling and foraging as he went along. Scene at the Supper Table. —One Scene, i Characters —portly Father and fatidious Son. Curtain rises and father and son seen eating in a hearty manner. Son. —Father, what is the reason the bread and rolls are good for once? rather.—Why I ordered a lot of Self rnisimr flour Iroin Grove's last week, and this is the result. Son.— l hope when this is all you will order more, for 'tis cheap and good. The Poor House Farm.—The following is ii copy of the act authorizing the sale of the Poor House property and purchase of another on which to erect suitable buildings: An Act to authorize the sale of the Boor House and Farm in MilHin County. Section t. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia in General Assembly met. and it is hereby ©naeted by the authority of the same. That John C. Siller, John Atkinson, and A. F. Gibboney.are hereby ap pointed Commission,-rs to sell at public sale either on the premises or at the Court House in Lewistown. the Boor House ami Farm in and lielonging to the county of Mitilin, on such terms as they or a majority of theiii in i> iltein best—notice of the "time and place of sale to be published in the LewisUuvn Gazette and True liemocraf for at lea-t four weeks prior to said sale, m l by at least twenty printed handbills, put up in the most public places ui .he county, for twenty days pri or to the time of sale. And the said Commissioners ire hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the pur -haser or purchasers a deed in fee-simple for said property. Section 2. The said Commissioners are hereby
  • . McKinney, 44 and Saloon. Horton Lever, 44 David Moore, 44 James Purdue, 44 Dentist Office and Post Ollice. Hir m Griffin, 44 W. V . McKin iey, 44 Ito ert Elder, two Tenant Houses. Jos. Giner n, Dwelling. Mis. Neil, MARRIED On Thursday, February 28th, at the Lu theran Parsonage, by Rev. J. B. Reimen snyder, WILLIAM A. FKTZER, of Lew istown, and Miss SARAH ELIZABETH THOMAS, of Snyder county, Pa. On the 11th inst., at the Lutheran Par sonage, by tlje same, WILSON* E.vxis, of Marbletown, N. Y.,and Miss MARY ELLA SIPE, of Decatur township, Pa. On the 11th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, by the same, PARKER W. WILEY and Miss CARRIE H. MOORE, both of Lewistown. Special Jfotires. Brandreth's Pills. These Pills ure sule and sure. They are prepared by a process which secures all the best qual ities of theberbs of which they are composed, without anv of their bad. Xhey benefit in all cases, and do barm In none. See B Brandretb is In white letters on the Government stamp. aprl7-lru. The Puzzle of the Age ! The sharpest observers give it tip. People who are proverbial for their critical perceptions, are utterly at fault. NO LIVING EYE can detect any difference between the richest blacks and browns tbut Nature has bestowed upon the hair, and the superb artificial tints conferred upon (trey, red or sandy bair, bv the Incomparable vegetable agent, CRISTA DO HAIR DYE. With the color It Imparls lusire. and does not diminish the flexibility of the fibres. Manufactured by J. CP.ISTA- DjKA, 6 Astor House, New York. Applied by all Hair Dressers. apr!7-lm. CHILDREN'S LIVES SAVED FOR 50 CENTS. fnHOUSANDS OF CHILDREN DIE ANNUALLY OF < iwup. Now, mothers. If you woaM spend 60 cents, ami alwa\ s have a hottle of Br. Tobias' Venetian Liniment in V"r house, you never need fear losing yonr little one when attached with this complaint. It is now 19 years j!t " Lave put up my Linituent, and never heard of a > i.iid dying of Croup when mr Liniment was used; but hundreds of cases of cures have been reported to me, and tnany state if it was $lO per bottle they would not be with out it. Besides which, it is a certain cure for Cuts, Burns, Headache. Toothache, Sore Throats, Swellings. Mumps, Colic. Diarrhtea, Dysentery, Spasms, Old Sores, and pains in the back and chest. No one once tries it who is ever without it. it is warranted perfectly safe to take inter* naily. fun Directions with every bottle. Sold by the Druggists. Depot. 56 Cortiandt Street. N. Y. mar2o-7w Know Thy Destiny ! MADAME E. F. THORNTON, the great Lnglish -Virologist, Clairvoyant and D&uychometrlclan, who hasjastouished the scientific classes of the Old World, has now locuted herself at Hudson, N, Y. Mad. Thornton possesses such wonderftl poweis of second sight, as to enable her to impart knowledge of the greatest import auee to the single or married of either sex. While In a state oi trance, she delineates the very features of the person you ure to marry, and by the aid of an Instrument 01 intense power, known as the Psychomotrope. guaran tees to produce a life-like picture ol the future husband or wife oi the applicant, together with date of marriage, position in lite, leading traits of character, Ac. This is no humbug, as thousands of testimonials can assert. She will send when desired a certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the picture Is what It purports to be. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating place of birth, age. disposition and complexion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will re ceive the picture and desired information by return mail. AH communications sacredly confidential. Address in confidence. MADAMS L. F. THORNTON, P. O. Box 213, Hud son, X. Y, ffity 80L. A \oUNG LADY returning to her country home, after a sojourn of a few months in the city, was hardly recognised by herfriencls. In place of a coarse rustic, hushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of al most marble smoothness, and instead of twenty-three she really appeared but eighteen. Upori Inquiry a> to the cause of so great a change, she plainly told them she used the CAKCASSIAN BALM, and considered it an invaluable ac quisition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or lien tie man can improve their personal appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in its combination,as Nature herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing impurities from, also, healing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and complexion. By its direct action on the cut icle it draws from it all its impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving ttie surface as Nature intended it should be. Clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price ?1. sen by Mail or Express, 011 receipt of an order by M. L. CLAKK A CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Favctte street, Syracuse, N. Y. I*6-ly The only American Agents for the sale of same. Free to Everybody. A large 6 pp. Circular, of the greatest Importance to the young of both Hexes. It teaches how the hduiely may become beautiful, the despise.l respected, and the forsaken loved. No young lady or gentleman should fall to send their Address, and receive a copy post-paid, fcv return mall. Address P. O. Drawer, 21, feb6-6ni Troy. S. Y. Wonderful but True MADAME REMINGTON, the world renowned Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while lu a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an In strument ot intense power, known as the Psycho mo trope, guarantees to produce u perfect and life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of mar riage, occupation, leading traits of character, ic. This is no Imposition, as testimonials without number can assert. By slating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and hair, and enclosing lifty- cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture by re turn mall, together with desired information, Sfff" Address V: confidence, MADAME GERTRUDE KEMIXG TOX. 1\ 0. Box 2y~, West Trov, X. Y. fljly TT O T I O IE _ The beautiful Piano Fortes of GROVESTEEX A Co. are deemed by all good judges to be the Ultima Thule of instruments of the kind. We cannot suggest what is wanting to make a mu sical instrument more perfect, although we are slow to admit that the limit of improvement can ever be attained. Before they had brought their Pianos to their pre sent excellence, they had submitted them to compe tition with instruments of the best makers of this country and Europe, and received the reward of mer it, over all others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It is but justice to say tnat the judgment thus pronounced has not been overruled by the musical world. Still, by the improvements lately applied by them to their Pianos, it is admitted that a more perfect in strument has been made. They have accordingly achieved the paradox of making excellence more excellent. Surely, after this, they are entitled to the motto "Excelsior." novl4-ly ITCH ! ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT WILL CURE TIIE ITCH IN 4S IIOIRS. Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS, CHILBLAIN'S and all ERUPTIONS OF TH E SKIN. Price 50 cents! lor sale by all druggists. By sending sixty cents to Weeks A; Potter, Sole Agents. 170 Washington street Boston, it sill tie forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. seps's6-ly Ayer's Sarsaparilla i , / I ® a concentrate*! extract of ////// wit!l "tlier substances of still water alterative power as to I'Jrlift) r]R/ ' Ul effectual anltdotcfor diseases Sarsaparilla is repu ted to cure. Such a remedy - w ' u> j ,u ! t, ' r from Strumous wlilt'h will accomplish tlielr dieted feh<7w- clUzeus, ' How completely this compound will do it, has been proven by experiment on many ot the worst cases to be found In the following com plat ts:— Scrofula. Scrofulous Swellings and Sores. Skin Diseases, Pimples, Pustules. Blotches. Eruptions, St. Anthony's Fire, Hose or Erysipelas, Tetter or Salt Khcum, Scald Head, Ringworm, ,tc. Syphilis or Venereal Disease is expelled from the svstcm by the prolonged use of this SARSAPARILLA, and the pa tient Is left in comparative health. Female Di-eases are caused by Scrofula in the blood, and are often soon cured by this Extract of Sarsaparilla Do not reject this Invaluable medicine, hecause you have bpon imposed upon bv something pretending to beSarsa parilla, while it was not. When you have used AYEK'S— then, and not till then, will you know the virtues of Sar sapurilia. For minute particulars of the diseases it cures, we refer you to Avers American Almanac, which the agent, below named will furnish gratis to ail who call for it. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILES,for the cure of Costlve neas. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Headache. Piles, Rheumatism, Heartburn aris ing from Disordered Stomach, Pain or Morbid Inaction of the Rowels. Flatulency .Loss of Appetite, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, and as a Dinner Pill, are unequalled. They are sugar coated, so that the most sensitive can take theui itli pleasure, and they are the best Aperient \ In the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Prepared by DR. J. 0 aYeK out last September, two old Ewes. Any person owning the above, will eome forward, prove property, pay charges, and take them away: otherwise they will be disposed of according to law. aprlo-4t HENRY ORT. A MEETING of the Stockholders of the Mifflin & Centre Railroad Com pany, will be held in Reedsville, on Satur day, the 20th day of April, at 1 o'clock, p. m., to act on the proposition of the P. R. R. Co. for the completion of the Road to Milioy. By order of the Board of Directors, apio S. T. THOMPSON, Sec'y. C^mE^BEST! The World's Reaper & Mower, MANUFACTURED BY E. BALL & Company, I'anton, Ohio. This is a New and Improved Machine, made by tiie inventor of the well-known Ball's Ohio Reaper. It has many points of superiority, which every Farmer will see at a glance. H FRYSING-ER Lewistowii, Pa. Ayent for Mifflin and Juniata Counties. Lewistown, March 27, 1867. r IMIE Franklin Fire Insurance Company L of Philadelphia, having withdrawn their Agency in charge of Henry J. Waiters, at Lewistown.give no tice that applications may be made direct to the Com pany in Philaieip'ia, and will receive prompt attention. marl3-2ni* C. N. BANGKER, President. 628. HCCP SXIB.IS. 628 NEW SPRING STYLES, "Our Owu Make." embracing every New and Desirable size, style and Stiape of Plain and Trail Hoop SKIRTS, —2, 21 4. 2'4, 2 3-4. 3. 3 1-4. 3 1-2, 3 3-4 and 4 yards, round every length and size Waist; in every respect FIRST QUALITY, ami especially adapted to meet the wants of FIRST CLASS and most fashionable TRADE. •OCROWS MAKE." of Hoop Skirts, are lighter, more elastic, more durable, and REALLY CHEAPER than any other make of either Single or Double Spring Skirt in tiie American Market. They are WARRANTED in every respect, and wherever introduced give uniyei sal satisfaction. They are now being extensively sold by retailers, and every lady should try them Ask for "Hopkin s Own Make." and see that each Skirt is Stamped "W. T HOPKINS MANUFACTUR ER, 62S ARCH Street, I'll i LADELPHIA." So others are Genuine. A Catalogue containing Style, Size and Retail Prices, sent to any address. A Uniform and Liberal Discount allowed to Dealers. Orders by mail or otherwise, promptly and carefully filled. Whole sale and Retail, at Manufactory aud Sales-rooms, No. 628 Arch Street. Philadelphia. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. TERMS, NET CASH ONE PRICE ONLY. uiar2o-10m WM. T HOPKINS. DKMORKSrS MONTH LYMagazTne, universally acknowledged the Mode! Parlor Mag azine of America; devoted to Original Stories. Poem.-, Sketches. Architecture and Model Cottages, House hold Matters. Gems of Thought. Personal and Liter ary Gossip special departments on Fash ions,) Instructions on Health. Gymnastic. Equestrian Exercises. Music, Amusements, etc.: costly Engra vmgs (.full size,) useful and reliable Patterns, Embroid eries, Jewelry, and a constant succession of artistic novelties, with other useful and entertaining litera ture. No person of refinement, ecomonica! housewife,or lady of tesie can ali'ord to do without the Model Monthly. Single copies, 30 cents; back numbers, as specimens, 10 cent.-: either mailed free. Yearly. $3, with a valuable premium; two copiesss.6o; three copies #l2. and splendid premiums for clubs at each, with the first premiums to each subscriber Address. W. JE N NINGS DEM O U EST, No. 473 Broadway. N. Y. Demorest's Monthly and Young America, together, #4, with the premiums lor each. inar2o JUST RLCEIVED. At GEO. BLYMYER & SON'S, •7,000 pieces latest style WALL PAPER, From New York. Arrival of NEW GOODS mar2o- 2m APBIL IST. FAKMEfS lOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! BALL'S OHIO ItKAl'tll AMI MIR, WITH Pigeon-Wing Self-Rake, MANUFACTURED BY REESE & SLAGLE, Leu-istoicn, Mifflin County, Pa. \F E are now manufacturing Ball's Ohio Reaper and \) Mower, with Pigeon-wing Self rake, which we of fer for the season of ISI6 as a perfect Mower, a per fect Reaper and a perfect Sclf-Raker. As a Mower it has no superior, and as a Reaper and Self-Raker it has no equal. Perfect Side Delivery: has no side draft; two driving wheels: hinged bar. adapts itself to the unevenness of the ground in mowing and reap ing. The self-rake does not interfere with the dri ver's seat. The driver can regulate the height of stubble while the machine is in motion. We also manufacture SEIDIaES' PATEST HAY RAKE, Haines' celebrated Horse Power and Threshing Machine. Agency forGeiser's patent Self-Regulating Grain Thresher, Separator, Cleaner and Bagger. All kinds of Machine work made and fitted UD for Milis, Factories, Furnaces and Forges. Also, Rose and Reaction Water Wheels. All orders will receive prompt attention, by addres sing REESE & SLAGLE. Lewistown. Mifflin Co.. Pa. S. Benner, General Agent. fl'es my23'b6 SELLING OFF! HMI3 & 3D33 ARE DISPOSING OF The Entire Stock OF NOW ON THEIR SHELVES, AT COST. IN CLOSING OUT OUR BUSINESS, Bargains can be bad, such as are not often offered JSafOall soon and make choice. LewistowD, April 3, 1867. tf FRESH stock of the best Mackerel and Herring, in all-sized kits, on hand at A. FELIX'S TIT ."Fl- For Draining Wet Lauds. Pipes for Cellar Drains, Wattr Pipe for Con 2 ? J- IRVIN WALLIS. TIN WARE. IF you want Good TIN WARE, home man. ufacture, buy of J. B. SELHEIEER.