Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 17, 1867, Image 1

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    is <&a So fflE'ffSaiSysaißa IKCTgHMMgrTSIRR,
Whole No 2916.
Poor House Business.
The I>ireet<r of the Poor meet at the Poor
House on the 2d Tuesday of each mouth.
£31*22133? & 00"
Collections and remittances promptly made.
Interest allowed on time deposits. jani"i-ly.
Attorney at Law,
Office Market Square, l.ewistown, will at
tend to Business in Mltilin.Centre and Hunting
don counties mv 26
Attorney at Law,
OFFERS Ins professional services to the citizens of
Mifflin county Office tn Northeast corner <>f the
tJfar. oud. next to Hoffman s store. myJ
."/Lutual Insurance Company.
Capital. S'd.oOO.OOO.
Company continues to issue p.diej-s of. fnsur-
on Buildings and Personal Property, in Tov. n
titrv, at cash or mutual rates.
J tSIEt RASKIN, President.
HIl'A BOWMAN, Secretary.
janl6 '67 Lewistown. Pa.
2?.. JOHN S. DAEI-aW,
Practicing Physician,
Stelleville. Mifflin County. Pa.
T\A. DAHLEN has been appointed an Examining
l) Surgeon for Pensions. Soldiers requiring • x.im
inn'ion will find him at his orfiee in Belleville.
1 elleville, August 22. 1866.-JT
r ESPECTFULLY inform rite citizens oi Lewistown
H and vicinity, fa few doors lrom the I own Hall, in
Main street) that he is prepared todo all Kind of work
in the line of ht profession in th ri ft .-.■.. one man-
Iter—in Whole Sets. Paitial Sets, or Single leetn in
serted on (fold. Silver, or Vulcanite Rise, in an elegant
and workmanlike manner, and on the mo-t i.-asona
ble terms. He guarantee* his work, or no pay
Particular ;itt - uii>n j:i" It* the extr*ctiD|{ mi it niiiug
of teeth in the moal approved manner. nr,T7-Uuii
Teeth Extracted Without Pain!
By ffl. R. Thompson. D. D. S,
without the use of f'hloro
form. Ether, or Nitr-aisOx
{dEm&r -* id,., and i- attended By no
danger or Bad • ffi-.-t-.
" ■ J ' 'dice a. -i M itket-t
where he can he found for professional*consultation
from the first Moil lay . f each month until t!' - .. ! ,
Monday, when he will Be absent on professional BUM-
Bess one week. 1
Sa (t-a j v&SILf-LS'&
LFFKRS hi- professional .services to the citizens <•{
la'wistow n and vicinity. All in want of good, neat
work-will d.. w.ll !■> give r.irn a call.
He may >.e found •: ail times at his office, three
doors east of K. M. A K Piatt's stora. \ alley street.
npl9-l y *
fil ed m the manner. *'{*s
- given to diseased gums. All work warranted.
1 Jffi'-"it'Episcopal Parsonage, Corner of Main. and
Water -Street*.
- I hc siibsertlx'r has just received and win
f|l keep on baud a-eh-t stock Of Men s BOYS
fW and v..nth- B ■ •'.■ Ladle-'. Mis-es( l.tl
* fSi- Ireii - Boots an.i Shoes ot various kinds and
styles to which hew .old tovH-the attention of his
friends mi t the public generally Asiti. his intention
not to be undersold
only. 1 nt'the*'sign of' the VtoSH ci! ti-xt
d \° r r.Vo F " J ' " t0r "" JOB N CLARKE.
rn * vr*7 rr?
jBDEi J /i-Xt
Vrsl Market t., Lewislnwii,
I lilies t: GENTLEM EN'.-i r I'RNIStI ING GOODS,
kckl Cloaks. 11 ats, B nine,-. Ladle- Fine DJiKSS
always on hand.
Millinery and Dress-Making
executfd in i\w inns* approved style.
Lewistown, April lb, ISCO.ti
J. A. & vV. R. McKEE
S Higtotmarket price paid in cash tor Hides.
Calf Skins and Sheep Skins.
- " * tl- 7
wanted, fbr witch the highest market prim- will be
paid in Cash.
Tailoring Establishment
LSA -& tVA (2D ->
MERCHANT rULOR. has removed his shop to the
b.iil lil.g I .i incrU known as the -green house,
at th.- inter.- i tem Vmh-v and Mill street adjoining
H. M. -v K. Pi et - o-rs where he cordially invites a..
Vrho ne<d ami ,ug m his line Good- and If"! 1 '
inings furnis:.. i uti 1 griitleroen's clothing made, in
the iate-t style-, on -hort notice, and at reasonable
prices. apll-tf
his now op?n
Cloths, Gassimeres
An i
which will be mttde up to order in the neat
est and most fashionable styles. apl9
Auburn, Golden, Flaxen and Silken Curls.
pROIM'CF.n hv the use of Prof. DEBREL'X" KRI
- SMU LE (.'HEVEt'X One application warranted
to our! the most straight and stubborn hair of either
sex into wavy ringlets, or heavy massive curls. Has
been used by the fashionables of Paris and London
with the most gratifying results. Does no injury to
the hair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid si. De
scriptive Circulars mailed free. Address MERGER,
-it ITS & CO., Chemists. N0.28 River St., Troy. N. Y.
Sole Agents for the I'nited States. feb6-ly
IXiRCED to grow upon the smoothest face in from
three to five weeks bv using Dr.SEVIGNE'S RFS
IWERATEUR C.VPILLAIRE. th most wonderful dis
covery in modern science, acting upon the Beard and
Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It has been
i-t-d by the elite of Paris and London with the most
flattering success. Names of all persons will be reg
istered. and if entire satisfaction is not given in every
instanee.tbe money will be eheerfulb" refunded Price
by mail, sealed and postpaid. sl. Descriptive circu
lar- and testimonials mailed tree. Address MERGER.
SH I' ITS A CO.. Chemists. No. 255 River street. Troy.
N" V.. Sole agents for the I'nited States. feb6-iy
"crlsper coma.
Oh ! she w-.s beautiful and fair,
M'ith starry eyes, and radiant hair.
Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined.
Enchained the very hear! and mind.
For Curling the lln'r of either Sex into
Wavy >iml (Hussy Hinglets or
He 11/ Massive Cutis.
T>Y using this article Ladiesand Gentlemen can beau
! > tify themselves a thousand fold. It is the only ar
tiele in the world that will eur! straight hair, and at the
same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance The
Crisper Coma not only curls the hair, but invigorates,
beautifies and cleanses it; is highly and delightfully
perfumed, and is the most complete article of t'e
kind ever offered to the American public. The Cris
per C. .ma will be sent to any address, sealed and post
paid for sl. Address all orders to
W.L. CLARK k CO., Chemists.
feli6-ly No. 3. West Fayette St., Syracuse, X. Y.
For Removing Superfluous Hair.
TO THE ludiea especially, this'invaluabledepilatory
recommends it.-elf as being an almost indispensi
hle article to fumale beauty, is easily npplied.'does not
burn or injure the skin, but nets directly on the roots.
It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low
foreheads or from any part of the Body, completely,
totally and radii-ally extirpating the same, leavingthe
skip soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article
used by the French, and is the only real effectual de
pilatorv in existence. Price 76 cents per package,
-■cut post-paid, to HIIV address. ~n receipt of an order,
by MERGER. SH ("T l' 3 k Co., Chemists,
feb6-ly 286 River street, Troy, N. Y.
Throw away your false frizzes, yotir switches, your wig—
\r, : rejoice in y..ur r u 'tixuriaut hair.
Come agist, come youthful, ouie ugly and fair.
And rejoice In your own luxuriant hair.
poR restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever
I* cause it rndv l ave fallen out) and forcing a growth
of iiair upon the face it hasnoequal. It will force the
beard to grow upon the sjiiooihc*t lace in from live to
eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to
three months. A few ignorant practitioners have as
serted that there is nothing that will force or hasten
the growth of the hair or heard Their assertions are
false, as t house nds of living witnesses i froin I heir ou n
experience) can hoar witness. Bui many will sav. how
are we to distinguish the genuine from the spur ions?
it eertaiuiy is difficult, as nine-tenths of the different
Preparations advertised for the hair and beard are en
tirely worthless, and you may have already thrown
away large amounts in their purchase. To such we
would say. try the Reparator Capilli; it will co-t you
nothing unless it fully comes up to our representations.
If your druggist does not keep it, send us one dollar
and we will forward it postpaid, together with a receipt
|.,r the money, which will be returned you on applica
tion providing entire satisfaction is not given. Address
W.L.CLARK k CO,Chemists,
feb6-ly No. 3 West Fayette st, Syracuse, N. Y.
There cometh glad tidings of jov to all.
To young and to old, to great and to small;
The beauty which once was so precious and rare.
Is free for nil and all may be fair.
By the use of
For Improving and Beautifying the Complexion.
Til E ino-t valuable and perfect preparation in use,
for giving the akin a beautiful pearl-like tint that
is i.nlv found in vottth. Itquickly removes Tan. Freck
les, Pimples. Blotches. Moth Patches. Sallowness.
Eruptions, and ail iinpurtties of the skin, kindly heal
ing the same skin white and clear as ala
baster It- use ean "not he detected bv the closest
scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation is per
fectly harmless. It I- theonlv article of the kind used
bv the French, and is considered by the Parisian :i,
indispensable to a perfect toilet, t'pwards of 36.606
bottles were sold during the past year, a sufficient
guarantee of its efficacy. Price only .5 cents. Sen thy
mail, post paid, on receipt • f an order, by
BERGEK. SHUTTS & CO.. Chemists.
fe6-ly '2SS River St., Troy, N. Y.
A 311 IB ®iD 8 J,
The World Astonished
OHE reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She re-
O stores to happiness tht.se who, from doleful events.
' catastrophes, cms.-es in love, loss of relations and
j friends, loss of money. Ac., have become despondent.
1 She brings together tliose long separated, givesinfor
i million concerning absent friends or lovers, restores
lost or stolen property, tells you the business you are
best qualified to pursue and in what you will be most
successful, causes speedy marriages and tells you the
very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness
and* characteristic of the person. Stic reads your very
thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers un
vei!s~the ilark and hidden mysteries of the future
From the stars we sc.- tit the firmanenl—the malefic
stars that overcome or predominate in the conhgura
tion—from the aspects and positions ot the planets
and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth,
site deduces the future destiny of matt. Fail not to
consult the greatest Aslrologist on earth. It costs you
hut a trifle, and von may never again have so favorable
AM opportunity." Consultation fee. with likeness and
ail desired information. sl. Parties living at a distance
call consult the Madame by mail with equal safetynnj
satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A All tan.
explicit chart, written out, with all inquiricsunswered
untl likeness end. -ed. sent by mail on receipt of price
above mentioned. The sir iciest secrecy will be mam-
I tained. and all correspondencei returned or destroyed.
1 nefcren es of the highest order furnished those de
i lit me th-iu. Write plainly the day ot the month and
; year in which vu were born, enclosing small lock
■ of t!air Address JltwM H. A. PERRIGO,
j fcbGly * P. 0. DRAWER 263. BUFFALO. N. Y.
| JgRISIIES Hoffman's.
' CEDAR-WARE at Hoffman^.
1 SWK FINDINGS at Huffman's.
SOLE LEATHER at Hoffman's.
| POCKET CUTLERY at Huffman^.
TABLE CUTLERY at Hoffman's.
Ladies' Vests and Drawers,
janSO, ] Al BRISMN'S.
mm mfii\ issbdum,
1566) are manufacturing under Letters Latent the j
B-st Article of Composition Roofing ever Olfered to j
the Public. It is adapted to every style of Roof, steep !
or flat, and can be readily applied by any one.
The I' S Government, after a thorough test of its j
utility, have adapted its use in the Navy Yards, and
upon Public Buildings.
The Roofing is put up in rolls, and has only to be
nailed to the Roof to make n
Durable fire and Water-Proof Covering.
We particniarlv recommend its use upon
Buildings, Stores, rhurrhes, Fartorirs. Machine
Shot s, Steamboat Decks, if. •
For coating TIN. IROV, or SITISOTE ROOFS. It forms a
B'j'hj Equal to Three Coats of Ordinary Paint.
No Roof can rust undent, and old leaky Roofs may be
made permanently water proof and durable by its use.
The Paint requires NO MIXIMI. but is ready to be ap
plied with the ordinary paint brush. I Vict'}l per gal
lon, which will cover two hundred square feet.
Also manufacturers of
Black Lustre Varnish,
Tarred felt and Hoofing Pitch.
Discount to the Trade. Circulars and Price List fur
nished. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address
194 Brunt/teniy, iV. Y.
Frank Humphreys, 61 Itoyal st.. X. O.t Schofield
Williams .t Co, Augusta. Ua.; Baldwin H. Woods
Montgomery. Ala.: Thos. S. Coates. Raleigh, N. C.; F.
A. Tucker- Richmond. VagHenry Wilson, Petersburg,
Vn., Agents. ' jan23
Teas for the People. No more Enormous
Profits for Consumers to Pay.
Fifty Cents to One Dollar per Pound Sav
ed by Buying your Teas direct
from the Imjiortcrs.
T. Y. K KI.I.KY A CO., Importers of Teas, in connection
with their large wholesale business, have determined to
Introduce their Teas directly to consumers at Importers'
prices, thus effecting a saving to the consumer of 40 to 60
percent. F imllles can now chili together for any kind or
qualities of Teas, in packages of one pound and upwards,
and we will send them a superior article of Tea at 5 per
cent, above the cost of importation, bet some energetic
la 1 v or other person in each neighborhood rail upon her
nc iUatntances and take their orders for any of the follow
ing named Tea., and when a club of ten. twenty, or more
Is obtained, send to us an ! we w.l! send the Teas put up In
separate packages, with the name of each person marked
on 11. all enclosed in one box. As a FURTHER INDUCEMENT
to t'ae person getting up the club we will send for his or
her services, an extra complimentary package on ail or
icrs of S3O and upward, li is perhaps not w ell understood
win we can sell teas so very low; but when It Is taken
iiii. i consideration that besides the original cost of impor
tation, the Broker. .Speculator, Jobber, Wholesale Dealer
<-i 1 Retailer, hits each to reap a large profit and the innu
, hie Ca-rages, Cooperages, Insurances. Storages. Ac.,
which tea- have to p ass through before they reach the
consumer, siil readily explain this. We propose to do
away with seven-eights of these profits and expenses, and
it now remains with the rcopl.z to say whether they shall
save 50 cents to SI.OO per pound on every pound of Tea
they purchase, or lie compelled to give their earulugs to a
h<M of useless go-betweens.
IVucaas and .SMM.I, D- SLERS wishing Teas to sell again,
can be accommodated with small packages to suit their
tra le, but no reductiou can be made, as these are our
wholesale prices.
Oolong. (Black i 70,80.00. SI.OO, sl.lO. best $1 20. per pound.
English II , aklust. (Black I 80. SO. fl On. hest $1 25, per lb.
Young Hyson. (Green) 85,23, Si,OG, extra $1.25. superior
$1 fto, per pound.
Mixed, (tin--n and Black] 70, 80. 90. host SI.OO, per pound.
Imperial. [Green j $1 10. best (.or pound.
Japan. $1 00,51.10, $1 2ft. hest per pound.
Gun powder, (Green) $1.30, best $1.60 per pound.
We have lately added a Coflee Department to our estab
lishment, and allhuugii we cannot promise the consumer
as cieat as.v lug as we can on Teas,(the margin for profit
on Coifees bring very small.) yet we can sell Coffees fully
25 per cent, cheaper than retailers charge. Our Coffees
come direct from the Custom House arid we roast anil
grind them perfectly pure, put up In i or more pound
packages, at at advance ul'2 cents pel pound.
Our Wholesale I'rice—Ground Cotfees—l'ure Rio, 25. 30
cents per pound. Best Old Government Java, 40 cts. Best
Cos ion. 40 cts
S MXDI SU MON BY.— I'artles sending orders for less than
s*i fur Teas ~r Coffees should send with their order a P. O.
lirsit or the money, to save the expense of collecting by
Express lint large orders we will forward by Express and
collect on delivery.
We shall b: happy at all times to receives call at our
Warehouse from persons visiting the city, whether deal
ers or not.
Late Keiley k Vought,
Jan 23 3m 56 VtlaKY STREET, NEW YORK,
Drew ' s Pate nt
THE greatest improvement of the ago, in this line
of trade. Ist. It does away with the wrinkles on
the instep, also, with the welted side seam which has
injured so many feet and ankles. '2d. It makes the
■•a-iest sitting and host fitting hoot ever worn. This
boot i- now manafuotnrod hv P. F. Loop, who holds
the right of use for the county, and is prepared Jto
furnish all who wish to wear this boot. A liberal dis
count to dealers who wish to deal in these boots. Or
ders filled at short notice. Prices greatly reduced on
all goods at P. F. Loop's Shoe Store. febO
20.000 MAJORITY!
To the Voters of Central Penna
j," LECTION is over and ithas been decided bynbout
Hi >o.(jo majority that the T> baeco and Cigars sold
at Frvsi tiger's Tobacco and siegar Store cannot be
surpassed, either in Quality or Price.
Look at the Prices, get some of the goods, and com
pare with all others, and you will be satisfied that you
get the worth of your money at Frysinger's.
Fry.si tiger's Spun Roll only <I.OO per pound.
Fry si tiger's Navy
Fry si tiger's Congress " " "
Frysinger's Flounder " " " "
Willelt Navy
Orotioko l'wist •' " " "
And other Plug Tobacco at 40 and 50 cts. per lb.
Cut and Drv, 40 oid 50 cts. Granulated Tobaccos at 1
50 cts., 60 cts , 80 Cts.. SI.OO. $1.20. and $1.50 per lb.
Fine-Cut chewing, at $1.40 and $1.20.
Cigars at 1, 2. 3. 5 and lo et;,. each.
Ptps in great variety; also Cigar Cases. Tobacco
Pouches and Boxes, Match Safes. and all articles
usually kept in a first-class Tobacco and Cigar Store.
To Merchants, I offer the above goods at prices that
will enable them to retail at the same prices that I
a fuirpro.it. £ FRYSINGER^
Why Shiver With Cold,
When you can Buy
Knit Undershirts and Drawers
jan3o At. BltlSBI Vb.
SITUATE in Wayne township, Mifflin
county, on turnpike road, within I of
it mile of" Atkinson s Mills, store, school,
blacksmith, &c., and within 2i miles of
Penna. It. it., about 70 acres cleared and
the balance in excellent timber, prime
oak, &e. This property will be sold very
low and to suit purchaser. Persons wish
ing to examine the premises will call on
J. Glasgow, esq., or C. N. Atkinson, near
premises, and for price and terms see or
address A. J. ATKINSON,
oct24tf Lewistown, Pa.
'fj l * following hymns ar> familiar to most of our
readers. They were sung at the children's jubilee on
Sunday last:
Little drop- of water,
Little gr ns> of sand,
Make the nighty oeean.
And the 1 eauteous land.
And the little moments,
Humble thoueli thev be.
Make the mighty ages
Of eternity.
So our little errors
Lead the soul away
From the paths of virtue,
Oft in sin to stray.
Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Make our earth an Eden
Line the heaven atove.
Little seeds ol mercy.
Sown by youthful hands,
Grow to bless the nations
Far in heathen lands.
I want to be an angel.
And with lit#angels stand,
A crown upon my forehead,
A harp within my hand;
There right before my Saviour,
So glorious and so Gright,
I'd wake the sweetest music,
And praise him day and night.
I never should be weary,
Nor ever shed a tear,
Nor ever know a sorrow,
Nor ever feel a fear:
But, blessed, pure, and holy,
I'd dwell in Jesus' sight.
And with ten thousand thousands,
Praise him both day and nigbt.
I know I'm weak and sinful,
But Jesus will forgive.
For many little children
Have gone to heaven to live.
Dear Saviour, when I languish,
And lay me down to die.
Oh. send" a shining angel
To bear me to the sky.
Oh, there I'll bo an angel.
And with the angels -tand,
A crown upon my forehead,
A harp within my hand.
And there before my Saviour,
So glorious and so bright,
I'll join the heavenly music.
And praise him day and night.
There is a happy land
Far. far away.
Where saints In glory stand,
Bright, blight as day.
Oh. how they sweetly sine.
Worthy is f r Saviour, King,
Loud let his praises ring,
Praise, praise for aye!
Come to that happy land,
Come, come away.
Why will ye doubting stand,
Why still delay ?
Oh, we shall happy be,
When from sin and sorrow free,
Lord, we shall live with thee.
Blest, blest for aye.
Bright in that happy land,
Beams every eye,
Kept bv a Father's hand.
Love cannot die.
Oh, then, to glory run,
Be tt crown and Kingdom won,
And bright above the sun
We reign for aye.
Shall we gati er at the river
Where bright angei feet have trod ;
With its cry- al tide forever
Flowing by the throne of God t
Yes. we'll gather at the river,
The beautilul, the beautiful river,—
Gather with tite saints at the river,
That (lows by the throne of God.
On the margin of the river.
Washing up it* silver spray,
We will walk and worship ever,
All the happy, golden day.
Ere we reach the shining river,
Lay we every burden down ;
Grace our spirits will deliver.
And provide a robe and crown.
At the smiling of the river.
Mirror of the Saviour's face,
Saints whom death will never sever,
Litt their songs of saving grace.
Soon we'll reach the shining river,
Soon our pilgrimage will cease ;
Soon our happy hearts will quiver
With the melody of peace.
The Columbian, published at Blooms
burg, Columbia county, relates the fol
lowing singular case :
For some time past the citizens of
Williamsport have been in a state of
intense excitement, arising from what
seemed to be a well authenticated case
of supernatural visitation. We have
been at some pains to investigate the
subject, not only because of its singu
lar character, but because we have
known the young lady who is princi
pal in the affair, from her childhood.
M iss Bebocca Owens, about whom
all this excitement is raised, is the
daughter of Mordecai and Louisa
Owens, formerly of Berwick, in this
county, where she was born and raised.
We ri member her as a gay, laughing
girl, who apparently never saw a
trouble nor know a care. A few years
ago her father died, and she went to
live with an aunt who resides in Wil
liamsport, where she became a mem
ber of the Pine street Methodist Epis
copal church. Ilor ago is about fifteen
Not long since she observed that
wherever 6he went singular noises
followed her, or, if she remained stand
ing, sounds like rapping with the
knuckles were heard, and sometimes a
scraping or scratching on the wall.
At other times it would seem as if a
heavy substance was being dragged
over the floor. So frequent did those
alarming sounds become that the girl,
and finally the family, became alarmed,
and betook themselves to prayer, lo
increase their terror the spirit, it such
it be, began to call her in an audible
voice, using such expressions as' Becky,
come with us, we want you: 'Becky,
thev aro waiting tor you in hell Not
only was her name used, but that of
other persons.
lEAWnSHPffiwsja mmEPiMisj ©S'S'syrfM'j) iPiaasso
Oi) Saturday evening the pastor was
called for, and at first he thought there
must bo some collusion between the
girl and outside parties, but investiga
tion proved that she was not only in
nocent, but was really suffering on
account of these strange visitations.
The minister, after satisfying himself
on this point, called in another well
known clergyman, but the 'spirits'
wero not to be overcome by prayer,
and mocked the supplicants.
On Sunday morning the family took
the girl with them to church, where
the same noises wero heard and her
name was again called, whereupon she
got up and left. These sounds and
voices were heard by all in her vicini
ty. They followed her along the street,
rapping and talking from the fences,
from the ground, from board-walks in
the street, and from places inaccessible
to human beings. During her absence
from the house the same phenomena
were observed. At class meeting on
the same Sunday the same voices and
noises were heard.
One of the hymns commenced about
as follows:
" If you want to go to heaven,
You must be followers of the lord."
No sooner had this been sung than
the voice returned :
"You must be lovers of the Devil.
Or you can't go to hell when you die."
A pious old lady and gentleman took
her home with them to stay one night,
and Miss Owens slept with the lady,
while the gentleman kept watch at the
foot of the bed. About midnight the
ominous sounds were again heard, Miss
Owens being sound asleep, but in a
few moments a heavy crash at the head
of the bed awakened her. This was
succeeded by sounds of sweet music,
which apparently came from the walls,
and to which all three listened in
At one time, when the calls for
( Becky' were unusually strong, the
aunt said, ' You shall not have Becky;'
the voices returned 'We will have
Becky!' The aunt asked 'What do
you want with her?' The reply came
' We want her to go with us to hell.'
It is needless for us to recapitulate
all the incidents of this singular mat
ter. Hundreds of people visited Wil
liamsport to prove the truth of the
statements or rumors that were flying
abroad. Many efforts were also made
to detect imposture, but as yet the
mystery remains. Somo assert that a
gang of devil worshippers reside in
that city, while others say they are
only a band of spiritualists.
The effect on the girl was nearly to
dethrone her reason, and at one time
she was taken with a fit during which
many supposed her to be dead, and
straightened out her limbs and bound
up her jaws. However, she came to,
and last week accompanied her mother,
who had been sent for. to Wiikesbarre.
The mother believes her to be bewitch
ed. She has been offered enormous
sums to expose her daughter to the
view of the curious populace, but she
has refused.
We deeply sympathize with our
young friend, and sincerely trust this
mystery will be cleared up, and if she
has been mado the victim of heartless
scoundrels that they may be properly
A Snake in a Woman's Stomach.
The wife of Mr. Parker, who recent
ly purchased an interest in the Ana
mosa stone quarry, has been made cog
nizant of the terrible truth that she
has within her stomach a living snake
or lizard. For the past five years she
has suffered almost everything possi
ble for a human being, and was sup
posed to be gradually dying with con
sumption. Some two weeks since a
German physician om Lisbon, Linn
county, being in town, was requested
to make an examination into her case
and see if any remedy could be devised
to relieve her intense sufferings.
Tho physician visited her and bo
came at once satisfied that there was
a living animal within her stomach.—
On last Thursday tho starvation pro
cess was begun and continued for five
days, little or no nourishment being
taken. During this time the animal
repeatedly movedupward and into the
throat, producing terrible and almost
fatal strangulation, and making it ne
cessary to administer salt to drive it
downward. At such times the lower
part of the throat would be pressed
outward in a most perceptible manner.
On Monday last the attempt was
made to dislodge the loathsome crea
ture by placing a pan of heated milk
near tho patient's mouth and permit
ting her to inhale the steam.. A poul
tice of onions and garlic .was applied
to the stomach but, through misunder
standing, the onions were cooked and
their strength thereby mostly destroy
ed. Tho experiment, however, was
tried, but tho animal moved up only a
short distance, a green slime being
emitted from the mouth.
I The patient is greatly prostrated by
Vol. LVII. No. 16.
abstinence an<l terrible suffering, but
another effort will soon be made to re
lieve her. although it seems almost cer
tain that the animal, whatever it is,
has grown so large as to make its
egress through the throat impossible.
Wo understand that the patient believ
ed her tormentor to be a snake !
The case is attracting great interest,
and any new developments will be
carefully noted for the benefit of our
readers — Avamosa (Iowa) Eureka.
August last, a little girl, liv
ing near Oswego, left her home to pick
berries and never returned. On Thurs
day last five or six lads went out hunt
ing. and during the day come upou a
spot where a large number of snakes
were discovered and killed. Near this
they discovered an opening containing
a human skeleton, from which every
particle of fiosh had been taken, leav
ing the bones as white as ivory. There
can be no doubt these were tbe re
mains of the missing child, who prob
ably being tired, seated herself near
this horrid den, and was attacked by
the reptiles in large numbers and kill
ed. The discovery has shocked the
whole community.
The matiimonial market, re
j marks an exchange, about this time of
j year is pretty firm, but the different
| qualities of stock thrown upon the
market make the fluctuations frequent.
'Sweet sixteens' are active but not up
to the demand, and 'go off at previous
figures. Lasses of 'twenty,' 'brisk/
and sales more'lively.' Misses'of age'
weak and fully up to the demand. Un
married aunts on the decline. Old
maids are active and the market is
stocked Bachelors, in swallow tailed
coats, seedy and disconsolate. Spruce
bachelors, of thirty, steady, with a
prospect of few sales. Young and
fascinating 'swells' in good demand,
and sales are quoted at 'handsome
figures.' The market closes very brisk,
with heavy stocks on hand.
Scene at the Telegraph Office.- —Fond
Wife —fTo telegraph operator) —Oh,
sir ! I want to send a kiss to my bus
i hand in Liverpool. How can Ido it?
Obliging Operator—Easiest thing in
the world, ma'am. You've got to give
it to me with ten dollars, and I'll trans
mit it right away
Fond Wife—lf that's the case, the
directors ought to put much younger
and handsomer men in your position,
i (Operator's indignation is great.)
BgU'Can you do all sorts of casting
here? said a solemn looking chap at
j the iron works the other day.
'Yes,' said Frank, preparing to take
! his order; 'all sorts.'
'Well, then/ returned the solemn
| inquirer, 'I would like to have you cast
j a shadow.'
He was immediately cast out.
At what age do dogs end their
i existence ? Saus-age.
B®, The oldest business in the world
| —the nursery business.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Trains leave Stations in this county tm
Bait. Phil'a Fast Emi*
Ex. Ex. Mail. Line, grant,
a. m. a. m. p. m. p. in. a. m.
Lewistown, 4.31 5.35 4.06 6.20 10.27
Granville, 4.14 10.37
Anderson, 4.20 10.47
MeVeytown, 5.04 4.37 11.08
Manayunk, 4.49 11.26
N. Hamilton, 5.04 11.43
Phil'a Fast Day Cin.
Ex. Line. Ex. Way. Ex.
a. in. a. m. a. m. a. m. p. in.
Lewistown, 12.17 6.37 11.06 10.15 6.18
N.Hamilton, 9.15
Manyunk, 9.30
MeVeytown, 9.42
Anderson's, 10.00
Granville, 10.08
Fare to H&rrisburg $210; to Philadelphia 5 85; to
Altoona 2 50; to Pittsburgh 6 60; to Baltimore 5 20 ; to
York 3 20.
The ticket office will be open 20 minutes before
the arrival of each passenger train.
D. E. ROBESON, Agent.
Galbrailh & Conner's omnibusses connect with all
the passenger trains, and take up and set down pas
sengers at all points within the borough. Orders are
requested to be left at the National House.
Photograph and Art Gallery,
MCEWEN- 5 now furnish the pub
lic with Likenesses, from the tiniest
Gem to a Portrait or life size Photograph.
We have the only Solar Camera at work
in the Juniata Valley, and desire the pub
lic to call and examine what Mr. Burk
holder (an accomplished and well known
artist) and others have pronounced "a
success." Look at the array:
Gems, Albatypes or Ivory-
Ferrotypes, types,
Mel ai n< >types, Photo- M i n iatu res
Ambrotypes, Cabinet Photos., &
Card Photographs Portrait or Life size
Vignettes, Photographs-
Photographs for i plain or in colore,
oval frames, | Ac., Ac., Ac.
Our work is executed in the best ■ tyle,
plain or in colors, and at the lowest i a es.
Call at McEWKNH.
N. B.— instructions to students given
at fair atee. ap4tf