Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 10, 1867, Image 3

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WANTED—A boutSo worth of Com Fod
der. Apply at this oftioe.
For Sai.k—A duo bill for $53.33 to
wards the purchase of a $l6O Organ or
Melodeon of Pelnubct, Pelhti & Co.
A due hill for SIOO towards payment of
a $350 Grovesteen A Co. Piano—no better
WANTED —An agent to sell the canvass
roofing, roofing jmint, pitch, tarred felt,
Colphoues cement, black metalic varnish,
Ac. of the New \ ork Mica Roofing Com
pany, or tiie exclusive right to use these
articles in this and adjoining counties will
be sold. Apply at this otfice. mh27
Sunday School Jubilee. —Rev. Edwin M.
Long, the children's preacher, will deliver
his sermon, "Little Things that are not
Little," illustrated by paintings, to the
Sunday Schools of this place, in the Pres
byterian church, on Sunday afternoon
next, at half jast 2 o'clock. The differ
ent schools will meet in the Presbyterian
lecture room this (Wednesday) evening
at 6 o'clock, to practice music for the oc
Tora Legal Tender and National Notes. —
It does not seem to he generally known
tliat these notes, when torn, are not re
deemed in full. The scale adopted divides
the note into 2!) parts, consequently if
one-twentieth is torn from a $5 note the
loss to the holder would be 50 cents,
and so with all other denominations.
We saw two one dollar notes the other
i iy, one of which was worth only eighty
five cents, and the other ninety. The
same rule applies to postal currency.
Strange Spectacle. —The mountain on the
south side of the Juniata, a few miles be
low town, on Wednesday evening last
presented the singular spectacle of being
two-thirds covered with snow while the
timber was on fire. It originated at the
water station at Bixler's Gap, where
freight trains are in the habit of empty
ing their asli pans, a proceeding which
ought to be executed with more care or a
watchman stationed there to guard against
such conflagrations. We have often seen
ties burning near that spot, and should
not be surprised some day to chronicle an
accident to a passenger train from such
•cause. The question may also arise
whether the Ilailroad is not liable for all
injury sustained from these fires, several
of which, originating at that spot, have
wept over thousands of acress of wood
land. It is certainly the business of some
officer connected with the road to see to
this matter, and ordinary prudence it
seems to us would dictate a remedy.
Appointing a Day of General Thanksgiving 1 .
WtrtREAS, the R. W. Grand Lodge of
the United States, of the Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows, at its fate .September
Session, 1 Keo, in grateful * recognition of
the unerring hand of God In rescuing the
.genius of Odd Fellowship from the ruin
which desolated so many of the benevo
lent and charitable Institutions of our
■common Country, as the indispensable
effects of the civil war—and of the unmis
takable prosperity which has crowned its
labors during the year which has just
passed,' did, by unanimous vote, direct
the M. W. Grand Sire to issue his Procla
mation appointing a Day of Thanksgiv
ing for these and other countless blessings
vouchsafed to our beloved order:
Now, Therefore, I, JAMES P. SAN
DERS. M. W. Grand Sire, do hereby fra
ternal iv direet that the T W E N T Y
served by the Members of our Order
throughout the general jurisdiction, as a
Bay of Thanksgiving and Prayer, and
that they do assemble on said day in such
manner and ibrui of organization, with
their families, as the appropriate authori
ties in their respective State Jurisdictions
may prescribe, to render thanks to the
ever-living God, for his manifest favor
und protection to that Institution which
we so much love and cherish, and especi
ally lor the preservation of its unbroken
unity, through trials and perils of unpar
alleled severity.
Done at the City of Baltimore, this first
day of November, A. D. 18(H), and of our
Order the forty-eighth.
M. W. Grand Sire.
W HEB.EAS. the Grand Lodge of the State
of Pennsylvania has directed that that
portion of the Order under her jurisdiction
observe and comply with the request of
tlie aforesaid Proclamation, therefore
Resolved, That Lewistown Lodge No.
97, of L O. of O. F. in hereby directed to
<>ierve the 28th day of April, 1867, as a
-lay of Thanksgiving and Prayer.
Resolved, That we cordially invite all
members of Sister Lodges sojourning
among us. the different Associations and
i >rguuixations, together with the citizens
generally of our town to unite with us in
the services of the day.
Resolved, That at least two meetings for
Heiigious Worship shall be held during
r ie day, oueof vrliieh shall he held in the
Lutheran Church at 10 o'clock A. M., ser
um by the Rev. J. B. Reimensnyder,
and one in the M. E. Church at 7i oclock
v. M., sermon by the Pastor, Rev. Mon
Resolved, That the meinUers of the Or
der meet at the Lodge room, corner of
Market and Dorcas St. at 9 o'clock A. 31.,
and 6i o'clock p. M., and proceed in a body
io the place of worship in full Regalia.
Resolved, That we cordially invite the
Daughters of Rebeckah to meet with us
and take u part in tile procession.
Retained, That P. G., J. Hamilton act
as Marshal in the morning and P. G., I.
W. MeCord as Marshal in the evening.
Resolved, That the Grand Sires Procla
mation and the Proceedings of this Lodge
•>e published in the different milters of the
town. E. C. HAMILTON,
John li. Porter has been appointed an
Assistant Assessor temporariiy.
I tec. H. Baker, formerly Pastor of the
Lutheran church at til is place, goes to Al
Dry Times—No Liquor to be Had— The
action of the court in postponing the li
cense applications to the 7th May, has
closed all the liquor establishments in the
county, and any one now selling that ar
ticle, or lurnishing it to persons of intem
perate habits, will do it at the peril of the
law. 1 hose disposed to make a trial
\> hether they can dispense with the arti
cle, and thus keep sober, have now a fair
opportunity of doing so, the " Maine law''
to all intents and purposes being in full
force for the time being. Well, as it is
hard to he got, let every toper go to work,
and the moment lie begins to feel dry
drink a tumbler ot water and eat a cracker
or biscuit with it. He can repeat this
dose as often as he chooses, and by bed
time still feel "bully." No drink, no
drunk! No liquor, no lickher! Kein
lager, kein beer, der Teufel isht liier! I
Its an orful state of things, and on all
sides we hear Shakspeare's exclamation—
ftiieh things b**
And not crcatt? our special wwoiier
Jte§'*'The following comprises the ses
sions business transacted in Court last
Com. vs Henry Walters—lnd. assault
and battery. True hill. Guilty, and sen
tenced to pay $5 line and costs."
Com. vs J. Irvin Brought— lnd. assault
and battery. True hill. Guilty and sen
tenced to pay $2 fine and costs."
Com. vs \\ in. fcjwyers, Miles Davidson,
Stewart Garrett, Samuel Price, Daniel
Womer, Edward Cummingß, John Good
fellow, and Lewis Yonce—{.Joseph Col
lius not arrested.) Ind. riot ami assault
and battery. True hill. Edward Cum
mings not guilty. Win. Swyers, Stewart
Garrett, Samuel Price, Daniel Womer,
and Lewis Yoneeeaeh to pay a fineof $lO,
and Miles Davidson and John Goodfellow
each a fine of sls, and all jointly to pay
costs. This was the riot case at Yeager
town, about which a great deal of feolltnr
was exhibited. Those who heard the tes
timony cannot understand how William
Swyers was found guilty. There was also
but little against young Womer.
Com. vs John Itoss. Bound over in
his own recognizance to appear at next
Com. vs Simon Yeager. Ind. selling
liquor to minors.* True bill. Guilty. To
the charge of selling liquor on Sunday he
plead guiitv. Sentence in both cases de
ferred by the Associate Judges.
Com. vs John Goughenour. Ind. For
nication and bastardy. Guilty, and usual
Com. vs Samuel Yoeum. Ind. cutting
timber tr,-es. True bill. Not guilty, and
David Hough, prosecutor, to pay costs.
Com. vs Homer Miller. Ind. assault
and battery. Not a true bill, and J. Irvin
Brought to pay costs.
Com. vs H. Philips. Leave granted to
enter nol pros, on payment of costs.
Com. to Goodfi llow. Same action.
Coin, vs Geo. W. Bowman. I ml. cutting
timber trees. True bill. Defendant not
guilty and prosecutor, Casper Dull, to pay
Com. vs James Thomas. Ind. assault
and battery. True bill. Not guilty and
prosecutrix, Mary Brooks, to pay costs.
This cas • arose from the defendant whip
ping a boy, perhaps severely, but some
say justly. They are a class which, un
less under strong provocation, ought never
to he brought into court.
Com. vs. Fred. B. Smelker. Ind. as
sault and battery. True bill. Not guilty,
and prosecutor. Win. Ewing, to pay costs.
Com. vs. Wm. Ewing, Sen. Ind. keep
ing a bawdy house and disorderly house.
True bill. Guilty of first count —not guil
ty on second. Sentenced to pay a line of
§lO, costs of prosecution, and one month
to jail.
Com. vs. John Dipple. Ind. selling li
quor to men of intemperate habits and in
toxicated jiersons. True bill.
Com. vs. Samuel Morrison. Ind. steal
ing plums. True bill. Not guilty, and
prosecutor, John Klinefelter, to pay costs.
Com. vs. John Kays and Wm. Corneli
us Feely. Ind. assault and battery with
intent to kill. True bill. Guilty of as
sault and battery. Sentenced to a fine of
§5 each, costs jointly, and six weeks to
Com. vs. Simon Yeager. Ind. keeping
a gambling house. Not a true bill, and
John Yonse, prosecutor, to pay costs. —
l'his was certainly one of the most extra
ordinary decisions of a grand jury on rec
ord in this county.
Com. vs. it. E. Wills. Ind. fornication
and bastardy. True bill.
Com. vs. Fred. B. Smelker and L. T.
Hollingsworth. Ind. malicious mischief.
True bill.
Com. vs. W. C. Feely. Ind. assault
and battery with intent to kitty cutting,
stabbing, &o. True hill.
Com. vs Charles Philips. Ind. assault
and battery. Not a true bill, and John
Kays, prosecutur, to pay costs.
Com. vs David Hough. Ind. assault
and battery. Not a true bill, and Samuel
Yoeum, prosecutor, to pay costs.
Com. vs Mary Bloom. Ind. assault
and battery. Not a true bill, and the
prosecutrix, Mary Shearer, to pay costs.
Com. vs Andrew B. Mullen. Ind. as
sault and battery. Not a true bill, and
the prosecutrix, Susan Mullen, to pay
Com. vs Peter Johnson. Ind. selling
liquor on Sunday, to minors and keeping
a disorderly house. True bill.
Com. vs George Smith. Ind. selling
liquor to minors and keeping a disorderly
house. True bill.
The Court adjourned to the Tth May, at
which time petitions for and remonstran
ces against licensing taverns will be heard.
Remonstrances must be against individu
al houses, not general.
of sundry persons against the Pennsylvn
' nia Railroad Company, for comjensation
for damages resulting from the fall of the
depot platform at Johnstown on the 14th
September last, was arbitrated in Johns
town two weeks ago. Messrs. John Scott,
of Huntingdon, and C. L. Pershing, of
Johnstown, represented the Railroad Co.,
and Messrs, R. L. Johnston, of Ebetis
burg, A. Kopelin and I). M'Laughlin, of
Johnstown, the plaintiffs. The arbitra
tors were Messrs. G. W. Osborne, of
Johnstown, J. A. Blair and H. Kinkead,
of Ebensburg. The hearing the case oc
cupied from Tuesday till Friday. TheAl
leghanian says the arbitrators awarded
Mr. Daniel M'Pike $4,300 damages, and
I Mr. Pius King SB,OOO.
B*sL.The Cincinnatiexpresseast), which
left Pittsburgh at eleven a. ni., on Sunday,
was thrown from the track near Wall Sta
tion, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The
engine, tender, express, and two baggage
cars were badly wrecked. Martin Brock
en, of Pittsburgh, brakeman, had his thigh
severely fractured, and was also injured
internally. His recovery is doubtful. Pe
ter McCauly, of Latrobe, Pa., was injured
i.i tiie foot. Robert H. Kerr, of Latrobe,
the engineer of the train, was scalded and
internally injured. Win. Wilhelm, of
Philadelphia, baggage master, was some
what injured. Xone of the passengers
were hurt. The wreck was (caused by
live cross-ties and a rail being placed
across the track. A suspicious looking
man was seen in a meadow near by, and
was arrested, when lie confessed to hav
ing placed the obstructions on the track,
but declines to answer any questions, or
to give his name.
The unusual sight of a wood train car
rying cord wood to Freedom Iron Works
is now occasionally seen. The wood we
lielieve is procured in the neighborhood
of Anderson's Station, and will be con
verted into charcoal at the works.
Rouse's Theatrical Company gave three
exhibitions in the Town Hall last week,
the last night to a full house. Banchard
and bis performing dogs have been lately
added to this establishment, and elicited
repeated applause in their several parts.
Our readers will regret to learn that
Henry and Win. T. M'Kinney, sons of
Major McKinney, late of Reedsville, now
of Lewistown, lost nearly their entire
stock of dry goods, Ac., by a disastrous
tire at Earlville, Lasalle county, Illinois,
a few weeks ago. Twenty-nine stores and
dwellings, comprising the business por
tion of the town, were destroyed.
&5U Grove has received a lot of Mack
erel, White Fish, Lake and Labrador
Herring, &e., &c., which lie will sell very
cheap or takeeountryproducein exchange.
For Shoulders, Hams and Sides he will
pay the highest cash price. He has the
cheapest Sugar and Cotfee in town. Also,
a fresh lot of Dates and Garden Seeds.
Country merchants furnished with Cream
of Tartar lower than city rates. You can
not fail to buy cheap of Grove.
Cigar Boxes.— As many business men
are subjecting themselves to a heavy pen
alty by their ignorant violation of the
thirty-second section of the revenue law
passed at the close of the Thirty-ninth
Congress, it is stated, for the information
of all concerned, that the section in ques
tion enacts —
" That any person who shall sell, give
away or otherwise dispose of any cigar
box or boxes which have Been stamped,
without lirst defacing or destroying such
stamp, shall, on conviction of either of
fense, be liable to a penalty of one hun
dred dollars or to imprisonment not ex
ceeding sixty days, or both, in the discre
tion of the court, with the, costs of the tri
al ; and it shall bo lawful for any cigar in
spector or revenue officer to destroy any
empty cigar box upou which a cigar stamp
may be found.
fis?"Daniels & Stone are sellingout their
winter stock at very low prices. Shoes
from 60 to 2.40; hoots from 1.00 to 3.75; a
large stock of hosiery, notions, millinery,
gents' hats and caps; now is the time to
buy; never such bargains offered before;
remember the place, opposite Express Of
£B?s** Destroyed by fire—Stitier's Hotel
at Canoe creek. Also, the house and barn
of Mr. Ruber, residing near Centrevilie,
Snyder county.
The Apache Indians had attacked
the men in charge of the Mowrv mail,
killing one and wounding several. Oscar
Buekalew, a nephew of Senator Bucka
lew, of Pennsylvania, was dangerously
wounded. Five indians were killed. The
savages are well armed with guns and ri
fles. .... v
For the Gazette.
V. P. R. ROAD, March 21st, 1867,
PI.UM CRF.EK, Nebraska.
MESSRS. EDlTOßS —Thinking of you
this evening, I thought I might while
away an hour or so in scribbling a few
lines in regard to this country. I left old
Mifflin March sth, and in company with
two others, reached this place by Sunday
night, ten o'clock ; stuck one night and
day in a snow bank, but fortune favored
us—we were near a wood pile, which we
sawed in tiie cars, and having rations
along did not sutler in the least. The
train following us from Omaha was snow
ed up seven days, and some of the passen
gers were frozen to death. It was noth
ing strange to see snow-banks higher than
the tops of the cars. There is twenty
miles of this road between Lone Tree and
Grand Island that will take two hundred
men two or three days to clear up. The
country about here is not worth much for
farming purposes; on account of alkali
nothing will grow. Game is plenty, such
as buffalo, antelope, wolves, prairie dogs,
and last but not least, Indians, mostly
Sioux. There is trouble expected along
this route in the spring, as they have
threatened to stop this railroad from go
ing through their hunting grounds.
We are about ten miles from the over
land trail to Denver. The train from
North Platte arrived here Tuesday, 19th,
übout three o'eloek, and before the pas
sengers all had dinner they were snowed
up, and did not get away until the 21st.
This station is 230 miles west of Omaha,
and 60 miles east of North Platte. Our
station can boast of an eating-house, tick
et, telegraph, and Wells, Fargo A Co.'s
express offices, all under same roofing,
and run by an enterprising young man
from little Mifflin county. The Co. in
tend reaching Denver by branch road, be
ing 80 miles from main line. They are
making every preparation to commence
grading by Ist of April.
Wages are good, from 3 dollars per day
to SSO j>er month and board. Rates of
fare ten cents per mile. Freight is very
high. There is a heavy travel expected
over this route to Colorado, Montana, and
other gold regions when spring opens.
g. M\ o.
n m imiii
constantly on hand at
Lewistown, March 27, 18G7— 3m.
Wanted Immediately.
L|Tl\ L HUNDRED MEN, to act as
1 salesmen for COBBIN'S ILLUS-
ptismg upwards of 1,500 crown quarto
pages; a Commentary of 17,000 Notes from
<1 liferent Commentators; 700 Engravings;
iramily Photograph Department; Extend
ed Concordance; Maps, Biblical Historv,
Chronological Fables,&c.,&c. Abookthat
always sells. Our average sales are 500
copies per day. As a standard Bible for
Families, Teachers, Ministers, and all
•overs of the word of God, it has no com
petitor. For particulars, address
uaar2o-Gt Harrisburg, Pa. j
Logan Academy.
Bells Mills, Blair County, Penna.
HR\ way a first class Institution—
1J affording the best facilities to those
preparing for college, business, or teach
ing. \\ iiole expense for summer term
of live monthsslls.so. No extra charges.
Next term begins May 6th. Send for a
Rev. ORR LAV/SON, Prin'l.
mar6-2m* Antistown, Pa.
niHIS Institution, formerly the proper
ly ty of S. Z. Siiarp, and lately purchas
ed by M. Mohler, Co. Supt. of Mifflin eo.,
has been thoroughly renovated and refur
nished. The water pipes have been relaid
to the building, and other improvements
made, so as to make it one of the most
desirable Institutions in the country. A
teachers class will be formed attheopen
ilig ol the session and will be continued
The summer session opens on Wednes
day, April 10th, 1867, and continues
twenty weeks.
TERMS: —Tuition, boarding, light and
furnished rooms, per session, $90.00.
Those desiring admittance should apply
early. For further particulars, address
Lewistown, Pa., until March 20th,
j f0 after which at Kishacoquillas P. O.
I>T JS -W"
Meat Establisment.
j r rilE undersigned has fitted up the build
! 1 '-ntf in Brown street, above Frank's store, fbr a.
i meal shop where Fresh Beef. Pork, Mutton, Veal Ac.
can be had at all times, an ice house for the preserva
tion of meat being connected with the establishment.
The public are invited to call.
I <"■'- The room will be opened for the first time on
j SATU RDAY MORNING. 16th inst
Lewistown, March 13,1867—tf
CHINE, one of the l-'astest and. most Com
plete sewers in tine world, for S6O?
latest .style, for S4O ?
for S2O ?
If yon do, oalt at the
Agricultural and Household Implement Depot,
Adjoining the True TanocrtU Ojfict.
Lewistown, April 3, 1*0".
DEEDS in Recorder's Office.—
A large number of Deeds which have
been recorded are aail have been.for some
years accumulating in the Recorder's
office. Owners are requested to call and
lift them as soon as convenient, as they
are occupying more room .than is desira
ble. M. HiNEY.
nih27.4t Reg. & Recorder of Mifflin co.
DISSOIiUHOA of Partnership.
The undersigned hereby give notice
that the partnership heretofore existing
between them in the mercantile business,
was dissolved on the Ist day of April, 1567,
by mutual eonseut. All persons indebted
to the firm are requested to call, on or tie
fore tliefirstof May, and make settlement.
The booksare i n the hands of S. A. Louder,
who will continue the business at the old
stand, adjacent,to the Lock.
McVeytown, April 3, 1867-3t?
INSTATE of Abncr Thompson.
'J dee'd. Notice is liereby. given that
letters of administration on*the estate of
ARNEJt THOMPSON, late of the Bor
ough of Lewistown, Mifflin county, de
ceased, have been granted to the under
signed, residing in said Borough. All
persons indebted to said estate are notifi
ed to make payment immediately, and
those having claims to present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
nsar2o-6U Administratrix.
ESTATE or Catharine Kauir
man, dee'd. —Notice is hereby given
that letters of administration on the es
tate of Catharine Kauffinan, late of Brat
ton township, Mifflin county, dee'd, have
been granted to the undersigned,residing
in sa'd township, and county. All per
sons indebted to the said estate, are here
by notified to make payment immediately,
and those having claims to-present them,
duly authenticated for settlement.
rnarl3-6t* Administrator.
INSTATE of John T. Hamilton,
A deceased.—Notice is hereby given that
letters of administration on the estate of
John U. Hamilton, late of Newton Ham
ilton, Mifflin county, deceased, have been
grunted to the undersigned, residing in
same place. All persons indebted to the
said estate are hereby notified to make
immediate payment, and those having
claims, to present them duly authentica
ted for settlement.
mar!3-6t* Administrator.
FOR 25 cents you can procure what will
make 2U gallons GOOD SOAP, at
mar2otf DR. R. MARTIN'S.
For Draining Wet Lands. Pipes for Cellar
Drains, Water Pipe for Conducting Water
from Springs,
manufactured from the best material and for sale in
anv quantity desired. Also a pood stock of EARTH
ENWARE on hand. Orders promptly attended to.
octl"-6m Belleville MitHin county, Pa.
Arc superior to all others for
Contain all the latest improvements; are speedy;
noiseless; durable; and easy to work.
Illustrated Circulars free. Agents wanted. Liberal
disount allowed. No consignments made.
Address EMPIRE S. M. CO., 616 Broadway, New
York. seps'ti6-ly
Jk R. O
Or a Sliver Medal tA.
By the N. 11. State Asrricultnrftl Society, at
it. Pair holderi in XaskuA. Sept.2o, 1866.
Vegetable Hair Restorative
Ktore Gray Hair to it natural color. Pro-
the jrmwth ot tho Hair- CLan;re the
-Jk root* to their original orjratiu notion. Eradi-
cute# ]>an<lrnn and Humors. Prevent*
lift!r taller fr out. Is a Superior Dressing.
It contains no iujuriou* intrredtcnu.
and in the most popular r.nd leli
nble article throughout the -
fc-usi, West, North and W
South. St.
w 0"*"
J. R. BARRETT 4 CO., Proprietor*,
Sold by Druggists generally. mar27-6m*
r |MIE most complete assortment and cheap-
X est lot of llouse furnishing Goods we
have ever offered before to housekeepers and
new beginners, to which wo inyite special at
tention, since we are prepared to give a bar
gain to all, The following is a partial list of
the above mentioned Goods :
Floor Oil Cloth, new pattern, all widths.
Table 44 44 designs, 44
Stair u very pretty and good.
Oil Window Shades, rustic style, $2 per pair.
Paper 44 44 unusually low.
| Green Gum Oil Cloth for Shades.
Buff Liner 44 44 44
Door Rugs and Table Mats.
Picture Cord and Tassels.
| Window Shade Fixtures.
44 44 Cord and Tassels.
Dusting and Scrub Brushes.
| Shoe and Sweeping 44
Crumb and White-wash 44 -
Com Wisps and Brooms.
Spain's patent barrel Churns.
Cedar Tubs and Buckets.
Painted 44 44 44
"| Washing Machines, sink and wood.
4 * 44 Pollar's new style.
! Clothes and Market Baskets,
j Sewing and Fancy 44
Clothes Pins and Lines.
" Horses and Wringers, latest and best.
Rolling Pins and Potato Masbers.
Butter Prints, Paddles and Spoons.
Bread Toasters, and Wire Gridirons.
Coal, Tongs and Knife Boxes.
Coffee and Sugar Boxes.
" and Tea-Gaoisters.
Spice Boxes, wood and tin.
Sad or Smoothing Irons.
Sad and Coffee Pot Stands-
Match Safes, 7 different kinds.
Mouse and Bat Traps.
Dinner and Tea Bells.
Step Ladders and Garden Tools.
Coal Sieves and Buckets.
" Shovels. Tongs and Pokers.
Paste Jaggers, Pie Crimpers and Trimmers.
Coffee Mills and Pounders, 3 kinds,
Egg Whips and Slicers.
Soup Ladles and Basting Spoons.
Flesh Forks and Vegetable Skimmers.
Pat'd Cake Turners and Nutmeg Graters.
Mop Handles and Knife Boxes.
Tack Hammers and Hatchets.
Carpet Tacks and Stair Rods.
WafHe Irons and Iron Bake Pans.
Brass, Porcelain, Tin'd Iron Kettles and
Sance Pans.
Iron Toa Kettles and Pots.
Butter Bowls and Towel Rollers.
Fane}' Toilet and Chamber Ware,
Flour Steves and Clothes Line Reels.
Scissors, Snuffers and Nurse Laigps.
Slaw Cutters and Lanterns.
We take pleasure in announcing the follow
ing list of Goods, as they are exceedingly
Ivory Handle Tea & Dinner Knives,
Bone " " " •'
Ebony " " " " 4 Forks.
Bone " " " " "
Coco " ** ° " "
Horn " " " " "
Butcher and Carving Knives.
Slaugb and Mincing "
Bread and Kitchen "
.Meat and Wood Saws.
Nickel Silver Forks, new article—cheap.
" " " Tea and Table Spoons.
Albatta Tea and Table Spoons.
Brittania " " "
Mttalic " " "
Tin " • "
A' splendid lot of
very low.
We have on hand 133 different articles of
TIN ~W .A. IR, E ,
but we mention none save our new style
Tea and Coffee Pots,
And lust, hut not least, is our
Combination Gas Burner Cook
which we warrant to be the best baking
stove in the county, or refund the money.
/TOOD TEAS at reduced prices, SI.OO,
\T Sl.&O and 11. SO cents per pound at
roarl3 A. FELIX'S.
The Great
Will Care Cats.
Will Cure Sprains.
Will Cure Bruises.
Will Cure Wounds.
Will Cure Poll Evil.
. Will Cure Scratches.
Will Cure Frosted Feet.
Will Cure Rheumatism.
Thousands have used " PARKER'S
KING OF OIL" and can testify to its
Everybody should have " PARKER'S
knowledged by all to be the BEST iu the
Prepared by
Apr 3.
Rittenhouse & McKinney's
IS the place to buy goods cheaper than the
cheapest. We are Belling off our Fall Sc
at the lowest CASII HATES the market affords,
also, that we have received an additional
stock of
&c., &c., &c.
Brown Muslins, 14 to 25
White " 15 to 30
Canton Flannels.
Shirting. * 40 to 65
Factory Blankets,
Tatie ltiaper, 50 to 60
Crash, 18, 20, 22, and 25
Cassimeres, Cassinetts,
Ken Jean,
All Wool Delaines,
All Wool Merinos, 1 25
Calicoes, 12} to 20
Delaines, 25 to 30
Ginghams, 25 to 30
Woolen Under Shirts at cost,
Shirts and Drawers, at 1.50
Ready Made Clothing,
Best White Sugars, 16 @ 16}
Best Brown Sugar, 15
Second Quality, 14
Third " 13
Fourth " 10
Best Loveriog Syrup, gal., 1.20
Second Quality, " 1.00
Sugarhouse Molasses, u 60
Prime Rio Coffee, 30
Second Quality, 28
Rice, . 13
Crackers, 18
Cheese, 25
Candles, 20
Best Navy Tobacco, 90
" Congress Tobacco, 1.00
" Spun Roll " 1.00
Queensware, a good assortment.
0 different kinds of Washing Soaps, at
10, 12, 15, 18, @ 20
Thankful for past favors, and hoping a
continuance of the same, we cordially invite
all to call and examine our stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
prices paid for all kinds of
Respectfully, Ac.,
Lewistown, March 6, 1867.
Who Stiuck Billy Patterson?
Almost ; C- llisioo at the Store of
WHERE they invite the attention of
Men and BoystotheirspringstylesOf
which they will sell at the lowest living
prices. All wool Cassimeres from SI.OO to
3.00 per yard. Whole suits got up to or
der. Also, a new arrival of the latest
style HOOP SKIRTS, which we are sel
ling very low, with a variety of other
uoods, too numerous to mention. Call
and examine before purchasing elsewhere,
tor we fed confident we cannot fail to
please all who may give us a call. Thank
ful for past favors, and hoping a continu
ance of the same, we remain,
Very RespeetsuflV,
Lewistown, March 20, 1867-4t.