THE GAZETTE. ti. r-.r' p '-s 11 X murkPfi on il will D-! it-r.ts . - 'bs.-rijiiion is due on which u I" t'p iade. Cask ivutet of Advertising. Business Curd- 7 or less) 1 rear 6.00 Administration ot hxtvuior's Notices 2 So Auditor's do 2 00 ; Estray Notice, four tim■■■. 2 00 I Can tion or othtu -ho, ? v >■ cos, 1 50 ; Tavern Licenses I oo , If more than m . c•. h 50 i Register's Notice* of A-'. ... nt*. each 60 1 One inch con-;;;,itc- .. -.juare, and a!l advertisini; j not otherwise con-. ; for, or enumerated above, j will hereafter b- • ... -u 1 '• cents por square for each I insertion. Job Work. Eighth sheet ' 'i- siie our con- : •lition respecting anthraciteoal, shou d they at short notice eonelude to clofe ! the canal next fall for the purpose of : enlarging it'.' -With limited stock and increasing demand; any one can figure j out the remit from past experience. The emerg racy may not arise, but as it j is calculated to show that the entire com munity is placed at the meay of a new cor poration, the necessity of constructing the ; Middle (.reck Railroad enforces itself in i the strongest possible manner. With that road in operation we would be independ- j ent of all other means of transjjortation j so far as coal and lumber are concerned, i unless it too wcurld !>e managed to dis criminate against us. We see but little at present that indicates its speedy construe- j tion, it becoming more apparent every day i that nothing ohwrt of continued personal effort will effect that much-desired object. The Elc( lions. The democracy has had a crumb of comfort in the Connecticut election, a thing so unusual during the past seven or eight years that they have got it into their heads that three members of Con gress anda half-abolition, half-democratic Governor, are worth more than three votes ever counted before. The republi can majority there last year was only ■sou, and as the cop per heat is succeeded only by pandering to the eight hours working men's associations (whom they will cheat on the first opportunity,) and as the Legislature is republican, they mav crow to their hearts' content, as we know tfoat email favors are thankfully received by that part}'. Rhode Island however affords them little consolation, the republicans having left scarcely a grease spot of copperhead ism. In Michigan, the republican tri umph is also great, while the charter elections in Columbus, Cincinnati, and other cities in Ohio, show large gains for the republicans. True Democracy. The New York Day Book of April G, in an article on the situation, says: "Abolition is madness, and Abolition ists the most fatal and monstrous mad men that the world ever saw, and the 'ab olition of slavery' is the greatest crime against God and human society ever com mitted in the history of mankind." "The Springfield Sentinel, a leading organ of the Democracy of Illinois, says: Had we known as we now know, us doubtless thousands of other Democrat feel, the.' 1 niou' armies would have been smaller, and the Confederate larger." On the other hand the New York World, which the Pennsylvania papers endorse as democratic, in its efforts to cajole the (Southern negroes into voting copperhead tickets, speaks of them as a better class of citizens than the lower grade* of whites. Hear it: "As a race, the negroes of New York considered from a police point of view are a BKT-TRU CI.ASS of citizens than the loiver grade* of white.*. As just remarked a negro or ncgress is brought liefore the courts occasionally for theft; .occasionally a black man is arraigned Tor outrage; and Buf !Tv V e. for ' . runlie,,ness °r murder! But, as a class, the negroes give the m>- liee comparatively little trouble. This i the almost universal testimony alike of patrolmen, sergeants, captains and super intendents; and we publish it as at IL-t an approximation to the truth " A new supplement to the common school law, contains a provision, which vas adopted by the House hv a vote of -f.j yeas to So nays, that prohibit* county su pernuendents from granting certificates to teachers who are in the habit of using intoxicating drink- as a beverage. We do not know * bother it has passed the Sen- tSar* The bidding tor the new State loan the proposals for which were opened at ThI r I S r g M T°* k ' was quite spirited, ini 1 ' unt of bonds proposed to be isr W 1 J"? 1"i tWent y-tbree millions of dol were received for thirty-two miliums, ah of which, with the exception The WilS f - r lulUl at 6 cent. I interest. I lie premiums offered varie.l at from one-sixteenth of one per cent vm to two per cent ™ U P j A Sew Era in the South. The correspondent of the Press gives the following account of Gen. Wilson's visit to Petersburg, Ya., last week. Hud he gone there in the days of democratic copperbeadism, pistols, bowie knives, tar and feathers,%mobe and mob law would have ruled. Now freedom of speech and freedom of opinion prevail, through the laws of that Congress which carried out what democracy used to profess but never practiced: "On Thursday morning Gen. Wilson started for Petersburg, and when he reach ed there was called upon by the Mayor of lise city and a committee of Councilmen, who addressed him as a citizen of the United States and a Senator from the great State of Massachusetts, and invited iiitu to speak to the people on the duties and responsibilities of the hour. This committee was followed by a delegation of colored men, who tend red him their congratulations, and extended to him the same invitation, and tin • again by a com mittee ot Radical white, en, who endors ed what had been said •.\ lite others. At eight o'clock in the owning lie spoke in tront of the hotel to ...i immense throng, stand ug upon thesa spot where Judge Douglas stood, in 1- ., when he traveled Suutn to warn the --out-horn .Democrats ot the plots ot tiic .-ceeders, *led by Davis an i Breckinridge, the Mayor of the city presided at tiie meeting, assisted bv a number of leading citizens, including one of the judges of the courts. General \\ ilson spoke for more than an hour. He I announced himself as a Radical of theex tremest school, and declared his intention j to speak to them as frankly as if he ad- ! dressed his own constituents in Massa chusetts. He came to speak in no spirit of bitterness or revenge. To the white people he said, in trusting to the Copper heads of the North you liave trusted to faithless politicians. They promised that if secession ended in war they would de- i tend you; if necessary, to make a rampart ! of their could tempt you into another rebellion.— I You trusted Andrew Johnson, and helms deceived you as he has everybody else, and now some of you are looking to the ! •Supreme Court ol the United States where j you will be more disappointed than in the ' other two instances. I will tell you where you can place full and constant reliance. ! I mean upon tire great Radical Republi- j can party of the United States—that party | which has never deceived anybody— | which pledged freedom to the slave and ' won it, and then pledged them their 1 rights and has secured them. It extends ! 'rom Maine to Mexico, and whatever may ' l>e said or hoped, it is liound to continue I to maintain its present position. Ret the i men of that party see that you mean in i good faith to abide by the Taw, and the j removal of all your disabilities will be I magnanimously and promptly proffered. General Wilson then addressed the color ed race l>efore him. He told them lie did not intend to speak to them in a patroni zing way. That day had gone by. He had for thirty years prayed for their de liverance from slavery, and belonged to a party that had made their elevation and liberation a subject of constant solicitude. He implored them to do nothing in an ger, or violence, or revenge. He invoked them to elevate themselves, but not to seek to pull others down. Let them al ways vote for liberty and for the friends ot liberty. Let them remember that the day oi the plantation had gone and the day of the school-house had come. Let them see to it that when they are taxed it shall be for universal education. Such is a rough sketch of General Wilson's re marks at the Petersburg meeting. We learn that it is bis intention, at an eariv dav, to accept the invitation that has been sent him to sjieuk in other parts of the South, and we have no doubt that many other leading Republicans will be glad to do likewise. Quite a number of meetings have been held through the South, and rebels, cop perheads, and conservatives are vieing with each other who can flatter the ne gro most, who can out-Herod Herod in kissing " nigger" babies, saluting women, and shaking hands and walking arm in arm with Sambo, Cuffee, &c. 8S&- 1 be New York Tribune's Wash ington correspondent says the Inman line of steamers has gratuitously placed at the disjK)sal of ThaddeusStevens the Captain's state-room of one of their steamers for a trip to Europe and return, but the feeble health of Mr. Stevens, which is daily be ing more impaired, has induced him to decline the otter. A secret detective of the Govern ment has recently arrested thirty-eight persons who are charged with buying and selling counterfeit currency and treasury notes. The numerous prosecutions for similar offenses have been so frequently followed by a speedy pardon, that the President has heretofore more than neu tralized the vigilance and activity of the detectives. fifeif" Gen. Bailey, who extricated the fleet of gunboats and transports from their perilous position on the Bed river during Gen. Banks' expedition, was murdered and robled of about SI,OOO, in Vernon county, Missouri, a few days since, by Lewis and Perry Pixley. A reward of sG,o<)o is offered for the apprehension of of the assassins. Gcu. Bailev was sheriff of Vernon eouuty. Mr. Paul M. Disliong, of the clas sical township of Belfast, in Fulton coun '' bis lovely Mary Ann, certainly a fruitful and for aught we can see a faith ful wife, mutually agreed in writing that the said lovely Mary Ann should be sold to Mr. James Wilson, "which is the churn poller for the sum of seventeen dollars ° r a PPf° ved country produce, and .1 wif ' i Ol antl bis newly purchas lst of AnrTl l g ° a Y ay ° n ° r l * fore the best wiv tii ""M to get away the fwi * y ( " in ' and said pedler is further empowered to wallop the chil dren and exercise generally the rights and prerogatives of the first husband.^ Times, after allu ding to the copperhead rejoicing at the North over the Connecticut election gives the fallowing advice to its refers ' 1 he people of the South would act unwisely, we think, if they were to jump to the conclusion that the result in Con* "^cutreallymdicatesthedisintegration ot the Radical party. 11 is a mere straw a theenng sign—a patch of blue kv unud dark and menacing clouds and jlOthUju, it wm'i"," way or affect the character of the b ortieth Congress. Until after the next Presidential election t|mt body will eon. trol the purse and the sword, and its lead era will be Hfeveps and Butler BOOK NOTICKS. The second volume of Ticknor & Fields' Diamond Edition of Dickens contains the whole of OUR MUTUAL FRIEND, with sixteen illustrations by 8. Ey tine, express ly designed for this neat and compact series. Our Mutual Friend is one of Dickens' later productions, full of inci dents true to life, and embodying traits of character which can be paralleled in almost any community. As we before stated, the entire series will t>e issued in about 13 volumes, uniform in type, binding, &c., at 8=1.50 per volume, or $1.25 {>er volume without the illustrations. They are is sued monthly, and thus afford an oppor tunity for procuring these sterling works of Action at a comparatively trifling out lay once in four or five weeks. The work I can be had at the bookstores, or a remit ! talie to Ticknor & Fields, Boston, Mass., will command the work by mail, jxwtage i free. Beadle's Base Ball Player, price 10 ets., contains all the necessary information for forming clubs, government, and rules of playing. Beadle's Dime Dialogues, No. o, de- ; signed for teachers and scholars, contains seventeen dialogues suitable for public or school exhibitions. Price only 10 cents, at bookstores, or by mail. Address Beadle & Co., New York. BThe murder of Soldiers at Fort Bu fort is doubted. E@=.Hayti has been undergoing a revo lution, in consequence of which President Geffrard has resigned. B®, Mrs. Elizabeth Miller of TTiion county, had her thigh and left leg-broken last week by falling from a spring wagon. gtaf- Luzerne county has 1 >eeii the scene of considerable rioting, in consequence of strikes amongJhe jobitiers. Mrs. Gideon Arnig, residing about a mile from SeHnsgrove, was seriously hurt while accompanying a flitting. {She iiad her head and legs badly cut. The Beli 11 sgrove Times says Dan iel Mulliner of Port Trevorton caught, on an outline he iiad set for fisii, a wild duck and a loon. The loon weighed 1U lbs. JSjgrThe Miffliatown Register says our Mifflintown paek of week before last did not reach there. Of that we know noth ing, hut we do know it was deposited in the post, office here at the usual time. tea?-The Borough election in Hunting don a week or two ago turned on the question "Town Bull'' or ".No Town Bull. The Bull we believe parried the day, and is of course a democratic victory ! KOL. The Philadelphia Prison Agent re ports that "of the 19,468 commitments last year, 14,361 were on account of offen ces directly or indirectly traceable to the use of intoxicating liquors." Kansas City, the second city in importance in Missouri, elected the radi cal ticket for the first time at her munici pal election on Monday. The oops have heretofore carried the town, By an order of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Major General Robert B. Potter was appointed Receiver of the Atlantic and Great Western Railway in Pennsylvania. Saulsbury, the democratic Senator from Delaware, last week again appeared on the Senate floor so drunk that he had to be carried out. He ought to have been expelled years ago. g-sgfOae of the leading ex-rebels de clares that the worst misfortune that lias happened to the South since Andrew Johnson left the Radicals was the Cop perhead victory in Connecticut. KaT" A letter purporting to have been addressed to Gov. Geary by Messrs. Cook and Stewart, which is going the rounds of copperhead ism to discredit the milita ry agency at Washington, is a forgery. The Middleburg Tribune says Liz zie, a little four year old daughter of Enos Gross, of a\ est Beaver township, Snyder county,accidentally ate some poison which had been prepared for rats. She suflered much, but is out of danger. B&The M*yor of Harrisburg, in his message to the Councils on Saturday, says that out of .3597 arrests made at Harris burg during the past year 1588 were for being drunk and disorderly, and 876 as vagrants. the consideration of the appropriation bill, Mr. Fisher moved an extra appropri ation to James Burns, for " extra services" during the session, which created much merriment, but was declared out of order. IgL. Gen. Sheridan tias removed Mayor Monroe and several other rebels from of fice in New Orleans, The little hod car rier and ditch digger is making his mark as he did in the Shenandoah. Go it Phil —you're a boy after Union hearts, demo crat as you are! ftaT 1 Two of the Mississippi disfranchis ed rebels are trying to bring the question of the constitutionality of the Military Reconstruction Bill before the Supreme Court. The court, as it has done in sev eral cases years ago, will no doubt decide it has no jurisdiction. Should it be other wise, however, then Congress will pass a general confiscation act against all lead ing reliels, and thus make them pay a portion of the debt their rebellion cre ated. These leaders, with a few northern copperheads, are now the only real ene mies of the South, and but for them all would settle down quietly and submit to laws far more lenient than they expected when the rebellion collapsed in the down fall of Lee and Johnston. Tribute or Respect. BALTIMORE, March Ist, 1867. At the Preachers' Meeting, held this morning, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, It has moved the Father to remove JULIA, the beloved wife of our brother, Kev. J. S. McMurray, from the Church below to the Church above, there fore, Resolved, That in the death of sister McMurray her husband has lost a fond and devoted companion, her children an affectionate and kind mother, and the Church a worthy example of Christian patience and devotion. Resolved , That we deeply sympathize with Brother McMurray in his sorrow, and sincerely pray the Great Head of the Church to comfort and sustain him in his sad bereavement. Resolved, That the Secretary of this meeting be directed to transmit a copy of these resolutions to the bereaved. W. M. FRYSINOER, Sec'v. j&pecial JRotirfs. CRILDBENS LIVES SAVED FOB 50 CENTS. miUISAXDS OF CHILDREN DIE ANNUALLY OF -t-Cruup. Now, mothers. If you would speud SO cents, and always have a bottle of Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment in your bouse, you never need fear losing your little oue when attacked with this complaint. It is now 19 years since I have put up mv Liniment, and never heard of a child dying of Croup when my Liniment wits used; but hundreds of cases of cures have been reported to tne, and many slate if it was $lO per imttie they would not be with out it. Besides which, it is a certain cure for Cuts, Burns, Headache. Toothache, Sore Throats, Swelling*. Mumps, Coile, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Spasms. Old Sores, and pains in the back and chest. No oue once tries it who is ever without it. It is warranted perfectly safe to take inter* "ally. Full Directions with every bottle. Sold by the Drm.yj.ts. Depot. 36 Cortlaudt Street. N. Y. marJo-7w A Canvass of the Union proves that the niont successful candidate for general fa vor ever placed before The People, is that pure and salubrious vegetable beautifler, CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE, .ar and wide, throughout the restored republic. In detlance of rivalry aud competition, it appeals TO THE POLLS! of all who design to clothe the same with the magniheent black or brown hues a-hlch nature has denied, or age stolen away. Manufactured by J.CKISTADOKO, 6 Astor House. N. Y Sold by Druggists everywhere. Applied by All Hair Dresser*. martO-lm Allcock's Porous Plasters. A Hen town. Pens., April-4 IS6S. Messrs. T. ALieocx It Cod Dear Sirs ;—My daughter used one of your Porous Pias ters. She had a very bad pain to her side, and It cured her In one week. Yours truly, JOHN V. HUNTER. 11 e refer to Forty TbouMUid Druggists. who sell our Piasters, as to their high sterling character. ALLCOCJI A CO. Agency, lfrauoreth House, New York- Sold bv all Druggists. marSO-lra Know Thy Destiny ! Majdame E. F. Thornton, the great English Astro loglst. Clairvoyant and Psaychouietrlcian. who has astonished the scientific classes of the Old World, has now located herself at Hudson, N, Y. Wad. Thornton possesses such woinlerft! powe.a of secotid sight, as to enable her to impart knowledge of the greatest import anee to the single or married ( either sex. While in a state ot trance, she delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of tntense power, known as re— Psychouio trope, guaran tee to produce a life-tike picture ot the future husband or wtfe of the applicant, together with .late of marriage, position in life, leading traits of character. 4c. This is no humbug, as thousands of testimonials can assert. She will send when desired a certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the picture is what ]t purports to be. Itv encloslng a small Jock of hair, and stating place of btrtb, age, disposition and eoaipiexion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will re ceive the picture and desired information by return mail. Ail communications sacredly confidential. Address in confidence, Madahk K. F. Thorkton, P. O. Box 213. Hud son, N. Y. ic[y A lot'NO Lady returning to her country home, after a sojourn of a few mouths In the city, was hardly recognized by her.friends. In place of a coarse rustic, flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of al most marble smoothness, and instead of twenty-three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to thecause of so great a change, she plainly told them she used the CARCASSIAN BALM, and considered it an invaluable ac quisition to any Lady's toilet. By Us use any Lady or Gentleman can improve their personal appearance an hundred fold. It ]s simple in Its combination, as Nature herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing impurities from, also, healing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and complexion. By Its direct action on the cut icle it draws from It all its Impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Nature intended it should be. clear, soft, smooth and beautlftU. Price SL, sen by Mail or Express, on receipt of an order by W . L.CLARK & CO.. Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette street, Syracuse, N. Y. tB-Iy The only American Agents for the sale of same. Free to Everybody. A large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest Importance to the young of both sexes. It teaches how the homely may become beautiful, the despised respected, and the forsaken loved No young lady or gentleman should fail to send their Address, aud receive a copy post-paid, by return mail. Address P. 0. Drawer, 21. feb€-Gm Troy. N Y Wonderful but True. MADAML REMINGTON, the world renowned Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while In a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features' of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an in strument or intense power,known as the Psychomotrope, guarantees to produce a perfect and life-like picture of !He future husband or wife of the applicant, with date o' mar riage, occupation. leading traits of character, Ac. This Is no imposition, as testimonials without number can assert. By stating place of birth, age. disposition, color of eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture by re turn mail, together with desired information, HiT Address in confidence. MADAMS GERTRUDE RMCTNG TO*. P. O. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y. (6ly NOTICE. The beautiful Piano Fortes of GHOVKSTEBN & Co. are deemed by all good judges to be the Ultima Tl.u e of instruments of the kind. We cannot suggest what is wanting to make a mu sical instrument more perfect, although we are slow to admit that the limit of improvement can ever be attained. Before they had brought their Pianos to their pre sent excellence, they had submitted them to compe tition with instruments of the best makers of this country and Europe, and received the reward of mer it, over ail others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It is butjustice to say that thejudgment thus pronounced has not been overruled by the musical world. Still, by the improvements lately applied by them to their Pianos, it is admitted that a more perfect in strument has been made. They have accordingly achieved the paradox of making excellence more excellent. Surely, after this, they are entitled to the motto "Excelsior." novl4-ly Ayer's Sarsaparilla if// / root 1 to ex,ract of (fowMF -yrt (j/j. '// . Krerterrfer U^SUnC '^° li; 1""' tSSKSsSt 81/YSWOT' ~ . ratlve power a. to A®§P§L ? rd e "<-'Ual t.itUotefor th?" es "Hernia la repu ted to cure. Such a retneclV AEt ~ u sure!v wanted bv thosk *V who *uer from SlrumtSt -* alld that ott ca re must p^ve^'thi^hM "nmense service ii ? rce class °f our af. dieted teliow-cltizens u,,„. completely this com pound will do It, has been proven experiment on many of the worst cases to be found lu the following complai ts:— lu lQe Scrofula SCrofiilous Swellings and Sores. Skin Disease. Pimples, Pustules. Blotches. Eruptions.St. AnthonvV Kfee' Bfetwonn.Tc"" 1 " 8 - T " ter ° rLu Kheum? 1 ® Syphilis or Venereal Disease Is expelled from the system by the prolonged use of this SAKSAPARILLA and t i.'lv! tlent la left In comparative health. rA " ,LI ' A-an''thepa „'l! ale UK "" 8 *" are caused by Scrofula In the blood and are often aoou cured by this Extract or Sarsapari lla d - }*° " ot r< sl*ct this Invaluable medicine, because you have uarllliu un P ° n 7 son >"hlng pretending tobe Sa?!- p ilia, while it was not. When you have used VVRli's then, and not till then, will you know the virtues of sapariila. >..r minute particulars of the diseases It™, we refer you to AyerV American Almauae which S* - ATu'*\inTC^ U pl Ll'^'^yr'tl 0 *" for "•^h y e?ffi- Khe^'ui' the A'pp^Ue'^feer^ tXZfi&r"- UOUt ' L, D&ra n r l e a^'tLrw^h*%^; a e n V^eV^^e l^ni^ Can ■ftreai v,'r "i'g' ITCH ! ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT WILL CI'HE THE! ITCH IS 48 HOCRS.. Alsocures SALT RHEUM. ULCEBB. CHILBLAIN'S, and all ERUPTU XS OF TH K SKIN. Prkt 50 cents. For sale bv all druggisLs. By sending sixty ceiws to Weeks 4 Potter, Sole Agents. 170 Washington street, Boston, it sill be forivarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United State's. aepeto-ly MARRIED On Thursday, March 2ath, at tlie resi dence of W. Davis, by Rev. J. B. Reimen snyder, WILLIAM BEAVER of Mifflin Ca, ami Mrs. LIZZIE A. Wooi>S of Lewis town, l'a. On Thursday, April 4d, at the residence | of David Hough, by Rev. J. B. Reimen • snyder, GEORGE W. CRAIG of Mantua, N. J., and Miss Maggie C. HOUGH of ! Lewistown. ! On the 14 March, by Rev. L. Etmon, 1 JOSEPH W. SHI BY of Adamsburg, Sny- I der county, and Miss SARAH BAKER, of j Derry township, this county. DIED. On the 27th ult,., at Kishacoquillas Sem inary, HORACE, son of Solomon Z. and Salome Z. Sharp, aged 5 months and 27 days. Mb MARKETS. LEWISTOWN, April 10, 1807 Wheat, red, per bushel ?2 75 " white " • 280 Corn, old, 90 Oats " 50 Eggs per dozen 20 Butter per lb 30 Flcur is retailing at the following prices: Lewistown Extra Family per cwt. 7 50 Superfine 6 50 Extra Family per bbl 14 00 Superfine J2 00 Buckwheat per cwt. 500 : Philadelphia Markets. Cloverseed wanted at sl2 in firsthand*; it is held at sl3a 13.50 in second hands. The demand for Flour is entirely for home consumption—extra, $12a14; Penna. and Ohio, 512.50a14.50v Wheat —receipts of good wheat trifling and in demand at full prices. Sales 15,000 bushels red at $3.20*- 3.30. Corn scarce ami higher—yellow ; $1.50. Oats looking up—prime 75 cents, j \\ hisky—contraband at $1.25a1.35. Grewr excitement in the gold market, caused by | a reported panic in Europe—gold advanced to $1.36. head of Beef Cattle sold at from j J „ aplo-6w 724 Ciiestnut St., Philadelphia,"' Pn. Steam Engine & Boiler For Sale. ONE first class 12-horse power Engine With a Boiler with two good fia** * Scot 10ng ...e whole as good as new—will be oirf> cheap, as the property of the Mifflin County Oii Company Apply iL- i C *' MA V KLiN - " r l) M .NfceVevtowa ' A great bargain can be had. McYeytowu, April 10, ISG7—3t O EXTO.\ WAM E> aaf the Metho- KJ dist Church. Apply scon to u I>. E- ROBESON. A for >lonej at It<^ - 1 rest.—ThcCommisjsioners win meet at their office in Lenistftvn, on Eritlay, April i! 6, 186.-, between the hours of 9 "a. m., and 4 p. m., for the purpose of exon erating moneys assessed at interest which have been lifted since said assessment ap l'™' _ _ JC ! S - S " War EAM, Clerk. QTR.4I SHEEP.—Came to theprem kJ ises of the undersigned, in Berry township, about last September, two old .Lwes. Any person owning the above, will come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take them away : otherwise they will be disposed of according to law aprltMt H EN KYOKT. A c°L t * le Stockholders of the Mifflin & Centre Railroad Com pany, will be held in Reedsville, on Satur day, the 20th day of April, at 1 o'clock p. o *YT° aet 011 t,ie proposition of the P. R Milroy the completiou of the Road to Ry order of the Roard of Bireetor* aplO S. T. THOMPSON, Sec'y. r PIIL Franklin Fire Insurance Company S having withdrawn their Agency bef mT f>f , H,!nr >' J " Walters, at Lewiatown. give£i- Mnnnpffff' 0119 m f- v V e ,nade d > r *''t to the Com '^s^j^sssisrssar 628. SOCP SKIF.TS. 628 NEW SPRING STYLES, "Our (j wn embracing every New and Desirable size. stvle and ?' and Trail Hoop SKIRTS.— 2, 21 '4 2V.' •> 3-4, J. 3 1-4. 3 1-2, 3 3-4 and 4 yards, round everv length and size Waist; in every respect FIRST Qcautt. and especially adapted to meet the wauts of FIRST CLASS and most fashionable TRAM um -OUR own MAKE." of Hoop Skirts, arc lighter, more elastic, more durable, ana REALLY CHEAPER than nnr other make of either Single or Double Spring Skirt in the American Market. They are WARRANTED j" every respect, and wherever introduced give univer sal satisfaction. They are now being extensively sold by rtailers,and every ladv should try them Ask . pkin s Own Make." and see that each Bkiri is Stampea 4 "W. T. HOPKIN*S M AXUFACTrR EE, 62* ARCH Street, PHILADELPHIA " Kj, jfi Urn."*' A Cat| ilogue containing Slyle, Size and *? U u to ? ny address, a Cniform and Libeial Discount allowed to L>ealers. Orders bv mail or otherwise, promptly and carefully filled. \Vhole ™e.anf ff** 1 " at Manufactory and Sales-rooms, No. n T Street. Philadelphia. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. ' TERMS, NET CABII. ONE PRICE ONLY. mar2o-10tn WM. T. HOPKINS. DEMOHKST'S MONTHLY' Magazine, universally acknowledged the Mode! Parlor Mag aaine of America; devoted to Original Stories. Poems, Sketches, Architecture and Model Cottages, Housed hold Matters. Items of Thought. Personal and Liter ary Gossip (including special department* on Kn*h ions,) Instructions on Health, Gymnastic. Equestrian Exercises, Music, Amusements, etc.: costly En era rings (full size, * useful and reliable Patterns, Embroid eries, Jewelry, and a constant succession of artistic, novelties, with other useful and entertaining liters No person of refinement, ecomonical housewife or y .?[ < ! l an afiord to do without the Model Monthly. Single copies, 3o cents; back numbers, as specimens, 10 cents; either muled free Yearly- £3. with a valuable premium; two copies Ji.Ui; three copied *l2, and splendid premiums for clubs at $3 each, with the first premiums to each subscriber Address. W'. JEN NIN GS DEM (lit EST, No. 473 Broadway, N. Y. •a s Monthl >' and Young America, together, W, with the premiums for each. m , r ~ HOOP SKIRTS. A FULL line of LADIES' Missue- CHILDIihN'S HOOPSKlUfeIUfe • an^ ceived from New V„rk. Thev are viW 6 ' and will be sold I Very Cheap Ladies call and see them at BRLSBiV'c near the Jail. - New Calico From 12$ up. Bleached or Unbleached V lin very cheap at - BKISBLV* A Fresh Supply OF those cheap Prunes, Peaches P.*. , Corn, Ac, at BRISBIW apr 3. • BRTSBTN Has Men's Buck Gloves at $1 £5 " n" * 1 50 Gauntlets t 1 " " Mitts j Men's Wool, Cotton and Berlin GLO XV<* '.IS" J BRISBIN, [Near the Jail,] : W rf,m n<,w till the Ktftf ; H March the following GOODS (it &reatiy Reduced Prices • I LADIES' SHAWLS. BU. E \ K FA ST U A PES and MISSES WOOLEN HOOlw ; FRENCH MERINOS and WOOL PLAIiiV Corn Planter. 'rHE ROUGH and KKAIIT Corn p|„f lte , _t for sale by 4 H SELMEWfcK. ' I AM selling Rims. Spoke*, llubbs. Sprir,r, A.le*, <&(;., very low. A LARGE STOCK *P rS t SELF! ELMER'S SHOEftSAK£RS T r rTTE best qualities f SOLE LEATHER I KIP. UPPER and CALFSKINS P hand ; also, ail kinds of LIN IN OS. TOOLS, Ac, Ac , which I selling low. a P r3 J B. SELBSXMER. TIN WARE. IF yea want Good TLX WAKE, hnnw, m!W . nfajetare, hey of 4. B SELHSHEER. ITS ITERS AL CLOTHES WRINGER r FHE ios convenient, most dar.thie and A therefore the cheapest ever made Bits >aiw?n mare firs* premiums State and Leneial Fairs, and G aeed hv ta< i* people thaij all other Wringer* together Fu -8,816 J B. SELHIJ.MER. The Union C'httrn. I HAVE! procured the exclusive sa,'* o fthe UNION CHURN, and will warrant it to give earisfiKMi, n r no 6ale - d. B SF.LHOMEK Hardware. Everybody *>* selheimer He iis the CHEAPEST AND BEST HARDWARE in TOWN. That's su. And fa a- them by ibe Wagon Loa ao3<> F. J. HOFFMAN'S. War Against High Prices. GO to F. J. HOFFMAN'S fbr DRUGS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE, J an3(> NAILS, 4c, JUST RECEIVED, At BEO. BLYMYER & EON'S. *7,000 pieces latest style WALL PAPER, From New York. Arrival ol NEW GOODS mar2o-2m -VIPIFtI JL, IST FAMIBS LOOK Tft YOUR INTERESTS! BALL'S OHIO REAPER A.\D ML WITH Pigeon-Wing Self-Rake* MANUFACTURED BY REESE & SLAGIJE,. Leicistourn, Mifflin Cotiufjy, P<*- WE are now manufacturing Ball's Ohio Reaper Mower, with Pigeon-wing Self rak* wbica * e °c fer for the season of 1566. a- prferv Mower feet Reaper and a perfect Self-leaker. .V ■' M-'"' l -• has no superior, and ss a Reaper an J ; -sa>c' r .' has no equal. Perlect Side Deliver*: h* draft; two driving wheels; hinged bar adapts J'*,Ml the uncvenaesa of the ground in nejwmg **?' ing. The self-rake does not interfere wttS " :e h , ver's scat. The driver can regulase the beg" l stubbie while the machine is in rn.vnen .. We also manufacture SEIDLESf n rr HAY RAKE, Haines' celebrated He 1' f' and Threshing Machine. Agency for fteiser s P*' Self-Regulating Grain Thresher, Separator, t .•* • and Bagger. All kinds of Machine work made aad fitted up Mills, Factories, Furnaces and Forges- Also, tw and Reaction Water Wheels. -Mree- All orders will receive prompt attention.■'Y sing REESE A SLtbhr- LewisU'wa. Mifflin 8. Benner. General Ageut. fl'64 my--'