Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 10, 1867, Image 1

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    & <&o ESo
whole No. 2915.
Poor House Business.
The Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor
Joase on the 2d Tuesday of each month.
BEITEDICrT & dO.. ""
Collection.* and remittances promptly made.
Interest allowed on time deposits. jan23-ly.
Attorney at Law,
Office Market Square, Lewistown, will at
tad to business in Mlrtiin. Centre and Hunting
on counties cnv2t>
Attorney at Law,
tFFFUS his professional services to the citizens of
fSiifliin county. office in Northeast corner of the
-.amend. nest to Hotfman's store. my'i
Mutual Insurance Company.
Capital, $2,&00.00 U.
I'HIS Company continues to issue Policies of Insnr-
I .-.in Buildings and Personal Property, in Town
-luuniry, at cash or mutual rates
JAMBS RANKIN, President.
sinlti 07 Lewistown, Pa.
Practicing Physician,
Belleville, >lllll in County, Pa.
hi;. DAIILKN has been appointed au Examining
jlsiirgeon for Pensions. Soldiers requiring exum
.: .w II find him at his ortice til Belleville.
oellt'Vllie. August 22, 186ti.-y
J. S EVS i T H
1) ESP EOT FULLY inform the citizens of Lewistown
II and vicinity, (a few doors from the Town Hall, in
'Gin street that he is prepared to do all kind of work
; tin- lire- of his profession in tho most scientific man
'-_:n Whole Sets, partial Sets, or Single Teeth tn
• !•■■! >u Gold silver, or Vulcanite Base.in an elegant
: iv..rknmulike manner, and on the most reasuua
,..rn, He guarantees his work, or no pay.
rar.eiil.tr attention paid to the extracting ami filling
teeth in the most approved manner. nov"-6u>
Teeth Extracted Without Pain!
By M. R. Thompson. D. D. S 3
f ■ without the use of Chloro
'form. Ether, or Nitrous Ox
ide. and is attended by no
f.-. - -b 4 x-'-A' IF Office ttc-t Market street,
Jr near Eisenbise's hotel,
'.erv he can be found for professional consultation
>m the first Monday of each month until the fourth
'! i'iv. when he will be absent on professional busi
— i week. seplO-lf
AFFERs his professional services to the citizens of
IJ l. -town and vicinity. All in want of good, neat
> rk v. ill do well to give him a call.
He niav be found at all times at his office, three
Hour- "_t of H. M. A K. Pratt's store. Valley street.
, , -j. TEETH Extracted WITHOUT PAIN
by the use of NITROUS OXIDE or
Lau-'hing Gas. Teeth iti-erted on all
Tl7 the "different styles of bases. Teeth
' - n the tno-t- approved manner. Special atten
u given to diseased gums. All work warranted.
Terms reasonable. „ .
Ofli- e at Episcopal Parsonage, Corner of Mam and
Water Streets. D' lß
The subscriber has just received and will
$&! keep ..n hand a select Mock of Men's. Boys'
rSJ Old Youth's Boots, Ladies. Misses and Chil
' WL,i r , n ' s Hoots and Shoes ot various kinds and
.. t<> which he would invite the attention of his
■ ! .- nds aud the public generally As itis his intention
. IV dealer in the county, those in need of winter
;„,.'„r |„,ei are invited to call and eta untie the
e stock, which will be sold at very small profits,
t--.lt f>r cash only, at the sign of the Bio SmoK, next
-toF. j. Hoffman's store. johjj clarkb>
Sta faxtctj STOKE,
9JC Wrsl Market st M Ltwistown,
-■ Cloaks, Huts. Bonnets, Laihes Fine DRESS
bOODSand Trimmings.
Patterns of latest styles always on hand.
millinery and Dress-Making
executed in the most approved style.
LeWistowu, April 18,
J A. & W. R. McKEE
II \YK removed their Leather Store to Odd Fel
! I lows' Hall, where they will constantly keep
, I and. Bole Leather. 11 anicss. Skirting nd Up^er
: .tti.-r, Kip*. American anil 1' retich ( lf ok M. Mo
Linings and Bindings, and a general assort
: -,.t of Shoe Findings, which they will selL .
r-i i, Highest market price paid in cash tor i.ides,
< uf Skins utid Sheep Skius.
wanted, for which the highest market price will be
pa.d in Cash. _ _ "P 4 "
Tailoring Establishment
(BTpjAifOtiiaffl Wo
MERCHANT TAILOR, has removed his shop to the
buildihg formerly known as the "green house."
mu-r-ectioii of Valley and Mill street,adjoining
il M. x K. Pratt's store, wtiere he cordially invites all
s i , need anything in ilia line. Goods and Trilli
ngs furnished and gentlemen's clothing made, in
i latest stvles, on short notice, and at reasonable
j- i--cs. apll-tf
hits now open
Cloths, Cassimeres
which will be made up to order in the neat
est and moat fashionable styles. ap!9
mm im mdjjm,
* 18(551 are manufacturing under Letters Patent the
Lest Article of Composition Roofing ever Offered to
the Public. It is adapterl toeverv style of Roof,steep
or bat, and can he readily applied by any one.
The U.S Government, after a thorough test of its
utility, have adapted its use in the Navy Yards, and
upon Pnblic Buildings.
The Roofing is put up in rolls, and lias only to be
nailed to the Roof to make a
Durable Fire and Water-Proof Covering.
We particularly recommend its use upon
Buildings. Mores, Churches, Factories. Machine
Shops, steamboat Becks, &c.
For coating TIN, IRON-, or SUINGLK ROOFS. It forms a
Body Equal to Three Chats of Ordinary Paint.
No Roof can rust underit. and old leaky Roofs may be
made permanently water-proof and durable by its use.
The Paint requires NO MIXING, but is ready to he ap
plied with the ordinary paint brush. J'rict'S l per gal
lon, which will cover two hundred square teet.
Also manufacturers of
Black Lustre Varnish,
Tarred Felt and Roofing Pitch.
Discount to the Trade. Circulars and Price List fur
nished. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address
194 Rroadway t N. Y.
Frank Humphreys, 61 Royal St.. N. Cb: Sehofield
Williams .4 Co., Augusta. Ga.; Baldwin H. Woods
Montgomery. Alag Ihos. S. Coates. Raleigh, N. Cg F.
A. Tucker Richmond, Va.; Henry Wilson, Petersburg,
Va., Agents. jau23
Teas for the People. No more Enormous
Profits for Consumers to Pop.
Fifty Cents to One Hollar per Pound Sav
ed by Buying your Teas direct
from the Importers.
T. V. KELLKY k CO., Importers of Tea*, in connection
with their large wholesale business, have drternitned to
introduce their Teas directly to consumers at importer**'
prices. thus effecting a saving to the consumer o: 40 to 60
per cent. Families can now club together tor any kind or
qualities <f Teas, in packages of one pound and upwards,
and we will send them a superior article of lea t 5 per
cent, above the cost of importation. Let aoine encrgeilc
lady or other person In each neighborhood call upon her
acquaintances and take their orders for any of the folio -
lug named Teas, and when a club of ten. twenty, or more
1- obtained, send to us and we will send the Teas put up in
separate packages, with th uaitte of each person marked
on it. all enclosed in one box. As a HHTHKR INDUCEMENT
to the per-on getting up the club we will send for his or
her services, an extra complimentary package on all or
ders to S3O and upward. It is perhaps not w.-U understood
WHY we can sell teas M> very low ; but when It I* tak**n
Into const;!* ration that besides the original cost of Impor
tation, the broker. Speculator, Jobber. Wholesale Dealer
and Retailer, has each to reap a large pro tit and the innu
merable Cartages, Cooperages, Insurances. Storages. Ac ,
h have top—s through before they reach the
consumer, will readily explain this. We propose to do
away with seven-eights of these pm tits and expenses, and
it now remains with the PEOPLE to say whether they shall
sari- 3d cents to SI.UO per pound on every pound of Tea
thev purchase, or compelled to give their earnings to a
host of useless go-betweens.
HZDL\RS ami SKALL DEALERS wishing Teas to sell again,
can be acccmmoduled with HIIIUU packages to suit their
trade, but no reduction can be made, as these are our
wholesale prices.
Oolong, (Blaek) 70. 81. i>o, J! 00, SI 10. best $1 25. per pound.
English Breakfast. (lllatk 1 80. 'JO. SI 00, best SI 25, per lb.
Young Hyson. (Green) 85, 95, SI.OO, extra SI 25. superior
$1 50, per pound.
Mtxeil. flireen and Black 1 70. 80. HO. best SI <JO, per pound.
Imperial. IGreel)] Sljn. best per pound.
Japan. SI.OO, SI. 10, SI 25. best per pound.
Gunpowder, (Green) $1 30. best St GO per pound.
We liave lately added a Coffee Department to our estab
lisbinent. and although we cannot promise the consumer
as itre.it a saeliut as we can on Teas, (the margin for protit
on Coffees being very small.) yet we can sell Coffees fully
25 per cent, cheaper than retailers charge, llur Coffees
come direct from the Custom House and we roast and
grind them perfectly pure, put up in i or more pound
packages, at an advance of 2 cents pel pound.
Our Wholesale Price—Ground Ooflo s—Pure ltto, 25. 30
rents per pound. Best Old Uovcrinuent Java, *) cts. Best
Cevlon, 40 eta.
SENDING MON BY.—PartiesSending orders tor K ss than
S3O for Teas or Coffees should send with their order a P. 11.
Draft or the money, to save the expense of collecting by
Depress, lint large orders we will forward by Express and
collect on delivery.
We shall be liappy at all times to receive call at our
Warehouse from persons visiting the city, whether deal
er* or not. _
Late Kellev k Vouglit,
Jati23 3m 56 VJSSKY ST It LET. NEW YORK.
Or e tr's Patent
raioi'i fiiiiiiiiPiia®
THE greatest improvement of the age, in this line
of trade. Ist. It does aivay with the wrinkles on
the instep, also, with the welted side seam which has
injured so inauv feet and ankles. 2d. It makes the
easiest sitting and best fitting hoot ever worn. This
lioot is now mini.itnctiued t.y P. F. Hoop, who holds
the right of u>e for the county, and is prepared to
furnish all who wish to wear this boot. A liberal dis
count to dealers who wish to deal in these hoots. Or
ders filled at short uotiee. Prices greatly reduced ou
all goods at P. F. Loop's Shoe Store. febO
20,000 MAJORITY!
To the Voters of Central Penna
ELECTION IS over and it has been decided by about
20,000 majority that the Tobacco and Cigars sold
at Fry singer s Tobacco and Segar Store cannot be
surpassed, either in Quality or Price.
Look at the Prices, get some of the goods, and com
pare with all others, and you will be satisfied that you
get the worth of your money at Fry singer's,
r lysiuger's Spun Roll only SI.OO per pound.
Frysinger's Navy
Frysinger's Congress " " " "
Frysinger's Flounder " " " "
Wi'llett Navy " " " "
Oronoko Twist *' " " "
And other Plug Tobacco at 4o and 60 cts. per lb.
Cut and Dry, 40 ind 50 cts. Granulated 1 obaccos at
50 cts., 00 cts, 80 cts.. SI.OO, sl-20. and $1.50 per lb.
Fine-Cut chewing, at $1.40 and $1.20.
Cigars at 1, 2, 3. 5 aud 10 cts. each.
pi PAS iu GREAT variety; also Cigar Cast'S, 1 ODACCO
Poaches and Boxes. Mutch Sales, and all articles
usually kept iu a first-class Tobacco and ( igar Store.
To Merchants, I offer the above goods a: prices that
will enable them to retail at the same puces that 1
d octit. ealiZO 41 FAIR PROTU ' E - FRYSINGER.
Why Shiver With Cold,
When you enn Buy
Knit Undershirts and Drawers
QITUATE in Wayne township, Mifflin
O county, on turnpike road, within J of
a mile of Atkinson's Mills, store, school,
i blacksmith, &<_*., and within 24 miles of
Penna. Jt. It., about 70 acres cleared and
the balance in excellent timber, prime
oak, &c. This property will lie sold very
low and to suit purchaser. Persons wish
ing to examine the premises will call on
J. Glasgow, esq., or C. N. Atkinson, near
premises, and for price and terms see or
address A. J. ATKINSON,
oct24tf Lewis town, Pa.
Auburn, Golden, Flaxen and Silken Curls,
DRUDUCED by the use of Prof. DEBREUX' FRJ
-1 SER LE CHEVEUX. One application warranted
to curl the most straight and stubborn hair of either
sex into wavy ringlets, or heavy massive curls. Has
been used by the fashionables of Paris and London,
with the most gratifying results. Docs no injury to
the hair. Price T.y mail, sealed and postpaid sl. De
scriptive Circulars mailed free. Aadress BERGER,
SHU ITS A CO, Chemists, No.'Jft. Riverst.,Troy. N. Y.
Sole Agents for the United States. febtj-ly
1?0 ROED to grow upon the smoothest face in from
three to five weeks by using Dr. SEVIGNE'S RES-
T.\ I' HATEDK CAPILLAIR E. the most wonderful dis
covery in modern science, acting upon the Beard and
Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It has been
used by the elife of Paris and London with the most
flattering success. Names of all persons will be reg
istered. and if entire satisfaetion is not given in every
instance.the money will t>e cheerfully refunded. Price
by mail, sealed and postpaid, fl. Descriptive circu
lars and testimonials mailed free. Address BERGER,
SH PTTS A CO.. Chemists. No. 285 River street, Troy,
N. Y., Sole agents for the United States. feb6-ly
Oh ' she was beautiful and fair,
Wit li starry eyes, an ! radiant hair,
Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined,
Enchained the very heart unit mind.
For Curling the 'll<nr of either Sex into
H </vy and Glossy Ringlets or
He ivy Massive Cutis.
BY using this article Ladies and Gentlemen can beau
tify themselves a thousand fold. It is the only ar
ticle in the world that will curl straight hair, and at the
satne time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance The
Crisper Coma not only curls the hair, hut invigorates,
beautifies ami cleanses it; is highly and delightfully
pertained, and is the most complete article of the
kind ever ottered to the American public. The Cris
per Coma will bo sent to any address, sealed and post
paid for sl. Address all orders to
W.L.CLARK & CO.. Chemists,
febC-ly No. 3, West Fayette St., .Syracuse, N. Y.
For Removing Superfluous Hair.
TO THE ladies especially, this invaluable depilatory
recommends itself as being an almost indispensi
tile article to fatnale beauty, is easily applied.does not
burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots.
It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low
foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely,
totally an.l radically extirpa'ing the satne, leavingthe
skin soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article
used by the French, and is the only real effectual de
pilatory in existence. Price 75 cents per package,
sent post-paid, to any address, on receipt of an order,
by BERGER. SHUT I S A Co., Chemists,
febft-ly 255 River street, Troy, N. Y.
Throw awsv your false frizzes, your switches, your wig—
And rejoice hi your own luxuriant l.air.
Come seed, come youthful, come ugly and fair.
And rejoice in your own luxuriant i.atr.
150R restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever
P cause it may have fallen out) and forcing a growth
of hair upon the. face it hasnoequal. It w ill force the
beard to grow upon the smoothest lace in from five to
eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to
three months. A few ignorant practitioners have as
serted that there is nothing that will force or hasten
the growth of the hair or beard Their assertions are
false, as thousands of living witnesses (from their own
experience) can bear witness. But many will say. how
are we to distinguish the genuine from the spurious!
It certainly is difficult, as nine-tenths of the different
Preparations advertised for the hair and beard are en
tirely worthless, anil you tnay have already thrown
away large amounts in their purchase. To such wo
would say, try the Reparator Capilli; it will cost you
nothing unless it fully comes up to our re presentations.
If your druggist does not keep it, send us one dollar
and we will forward it postpaid, together with a receipt
tor the inonev. which will V,e returned you on applica
tion providing e.ntir* satisfaction is not given. Address
W.L.CLARK A CO,Chemists,
lfebti-ly No. 3 West Fayette st., Syracuse, N. Y.
There cpmeth glad tidings of joy to all.
To young and to old, to great utid to email;
The beauty which once was so preciu#s aud rare,
Is free for all aud all may be fair.
By the use of
For Improving and Beautifying the Complexion.
THE ino-t valuable and perfect preparation in use,
for giving the skin a beautiful pearl-like tint that
is only found in vouth. Itqnickly removes Tan, Freck
les. l'imples. Blotches, Moth Patches, Sal I own ess.
Eruptions, and all impurities of the skin, kindly heal
ing the same. 1,-aving.tlie skin white and clear as ala
baster. Its use can not be detected by the closest
scrutiny, and Vicing a vegetable preparation is per
fectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used
hv the French, and is considered bv the Parisian as
indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30.WX)
bottles were sold during the past year, a sufficient
guarantee of its efficacy. Price only < 5 cents. Sent by
mail, post-paid, on receipt of an order, by
fefi-ly 285 River St., Troy. N. Y.
The World Astonished
SHE reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She re
stores to happiness those who. from doleful events,
catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and
friends, loss ol money. Ac., have become despondent.
She brings together those long separated, gives infor
mation concerning absent friends or lovers, restores
lost or stolen property, tells you the business you are
best qualified to pursue and in what you will be most
successful, causes speedy marriages and tells you the
very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness
and characteristic of the person. She reads your very
thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers un
veils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future.—
From the stars we see in the lirmauont —the malefic
stars that overcome or predominate in the eoutigura
lion —from the aspects ami positions of the planets
and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth,
she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to
consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. Itcostsyou
hut a tntte. and you may never again have so favorable
an opportunity. Consultation foe. with likeness and
all desircdinformation,#!. Parties livingat a distance
can con-ult the Madame by mail with equal safety and
satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and
explicit chart, written out, with all tnquiriesanswered
and likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price
above mentioned. The strictest secrecy will be main
tained. and all correspondence returned or destroyed.
References of the highest order furnished those de
siring them. Write plainly the day of the month and
year in which you were liorn. enclosing a small lock
of hair. Address MADAME H. A. PERRIGO,
jebti-ly P- O. DRAWER 293. BUFFALO, N. Y.
at Hoffman's.
CEDAR-WARE at Hoffman's.
CORDAGE at Hoffman's.
SHOE FINDINGS at Hoffman's.
SOLE LEATHER at Hoffman's.
POCIvET CUTLERY at Hoffman's.
TABLE CUTLERY at Hoffman's.
Ladies 1 Vests and Drawers,
jan3o.] At BRISBIN'S.
For the Gazette.
The census reports show that in 1800,
Sorghtlm was cultivated in nearly ov- j
cry State and Territory of the Union, I
the yield that year being 7,235,025 gal- !
lons. Since then a larger experience j
in cultivating and constantly improv
ing machinery in manufacturing havo
tended to increase the breadth plant
ed every year. Although the newspa
pers and the agricultural reports of the
patent office at Washington called at
tention to it about ten years ago, yet,
I believe, no Sorghum molasses was
manufactured in Mifflin county before
the fall of '64:. Will it pay, was, of
course, tho first question. The eropof
1565 answered that question satisfacto
rily in tho affirmative for many of our
farmers. Last summer was unfavora
ble to tho crop owing to the unusually
early occurrence of dry weather, which
prevented the plants from getting a
fair and early start. Sorghum is a
hardy plant. With moisture enough
to give the roots of the plant a fair
start a good crop may be expected even
in a dry season because tho roots ex
tend very deep into the ground. Much
of the cane was damaged last fall for
want of care in cutting and setting up
in the dry soon after tho appearance
of heavy frost. Some farmers tied the
cane in bundles while wet and green,
then packed it into a wagon or even
in piles out in the field, and kept it
thus a week or two until it was halt
rotten; then, of course, the manufactu
rer refused the job or made a dark,
stringy, ill flavored article, as was to
be expected. Others cut the cano
when dryland set it up loose in the
dry, and were rewarded, notwithstand
ing the unfavorable season, by a fair
quality and quantity of syrup.
For productiveness and mildness of
flavor tho regular Sorghum stands sec
ond to none; the Liberian would be as
desirable were it not a few weeks la
tor in ripening. The White Imphee
does not yield quite so well. The lied
Imphee is a few weeks earlier than the
Sorghum and is about as well-flavored.
Sorghum will grow where corn will,
but the best flavored and highest col
ored syrups are made from cane rais
ed on high, dry, and rather loose soil.
It should bo planted as soon in the
spring as the soil becomes warm
enough to cause the seeds to germi
nate. Plant in hills about twenty in
ches apart dropping about eight seeds
to a hill; or, it can be most easily kept
free from grass and weeds by "chock
ering" it like corn. When the hills are
as far apart, as corn-hills about fifteen
seeds may be dropped in a hill; if they
all grow, which is not likely, pull up
four or five stalks. The seeds should
never he covered more than half an
inch deep, and grass and weeds must
be kept down until tho plants arc about
two feol high.
Now lot us come back to the ques
tion, Will it pay? Let us see. One
hundred and twenty gallons is a very
common 3'ield per acre; as high as two
hundred gallons.were raised by sevor
al farmers in Kishacoquillas Valley in
1865. Suppose you plant half an acre;
if properly cultivated and harvested
you may confidently expect sixty gal
lons, and if your soil is good and the
season favorable you may have eighty
or one hundred. But suppose you get
only forty-eight gallons and pay one
third for manufacturing; you still have
thirty-two gallons left, and at seventy
five cents per gallon you havo twenty
four dollars worth of syrup off half an
acre of land. But I have made tho fig
ures very low. On good soil, with
proper care in cultivating and harvest
ing, you will be just as likely to net
fort}' or fifty dollars worth of syrup off
your half acre. I have done it on more
than one-half acre.
Can sugar bo made from Sorghuin ?
Numerous attempts have been made;
a few partially successful, others fail
ed. But Mr. Wm. Clough, editor ol
the Sorgo Journal, has at length dis
covered a process which, according to
the published reports, is full of promise
to the Sorghum enterprise. A corres
pondent of the Independent speaks as
follows of his invention as exhibited
before the Ohio State Surgo Associa
tion, at its lato meeting:
" But the most interesting feature of the conven
tion was the exhibition by Mr. Win. Clough, editor of
the Sorgo Journal, of his new deodorixing and clari
fying process. This is one of the most important
discoveries of the 19th century.
"Upon his gas-stove, in the presenceof theaudience,
he treated the most miserable syrups which could be
found in the collection of samples, and also those
which had been clarified by the use of liine; and all
were astonished at the enormous deposit ol impuri
ties, rendering syrups which were before opaqueand
of uauseating taste transparent and of the most deli
cious sweei—in fact, pure simple syrup. Syrups thus
treated crystalize readily, so that the convention felt
as if great progress had realty been made, and the
success of Sorgo culture fully established. In view
of this discovery, and in fact that nearly every mem
ber present had made more or less Sorgo syrup last
year—large specimens of which were on exhibition—
the convention passed unanimously the following
" Unsolved, That the success of tho past year in
manufacturing sugar froui the northern cane gives
unmistakable evideuee that it can be done ultimately
with equal paying advantage with that of making syr
When our people once produce their
own sugar and molasses a decided step
wormsmimSj, SCHIKHMSS <s®OTyuT 8 ipigsrsa
will have been taken, not only in indi
vidual but also in national economy
and prosperity, for notwithstanding
the large quantities of sugar and mo
lasses produced in the United States
a large amount is obtained from abroad
In 1859 the sum paid for imported su
gars exceeded 831,000,000, and in the
same season 30,000,000 of gallons of
molasses were imported, iPenc© tho
culture of the northern cane may be
advocated from national as well as
from individual and local considera
Opening of tlie Great Universal
PARIS, April I.—Tho great Paris
Universal Exposition was formally
opened this morning. The day was
observed as a holiday by the entire
population of the city. The morning
dawned cloudily, but tho sky cleared
at an early hour, and by ten o'clock in
the forenoon the weather was most
beautiful, like that enjoyed on a fine
day of May in New York. The state
of the weather may be taken indeed as
typical of the exhibition building,
which is now in great confusion, but
when fully completed will be one of
the wonders of the world.
Viewed at a distance the building
resembles a mammoth gasometer dress
ed' wi*3h flags, but when entered it is
found 5 to be in every way convenient.
At eleven o'clock a. m., the doors
were opened, and by the time of the
Panpcror's arrival there were five thou
sand persons inside. Outside, along
the banks of the river Seine, and on all
the hills and roads for miles around
Paris, at least one hundred thousand
people bad assembled There were
eight thousand policemen on duty, and
the order was excellent. Every car
riage in Paris seems to beemplo) r cd in
journeys to and from the building.
The grounds of and around the ex
position building are in a lamentable
state of confusion. Wagons and work
men were busy carting away the rub
bish when the Emperor arrived. Heaps
of dirt and straw and packing-cases lay
around or were temporarily thrown
into the unfinished arbors and fancy
cottages. Inside the building was the
same scone, everywhere debris; not
one tenth of the- goods opened or ar
ranged, but the French department, of
course, in the best order; next to that
the Russian, and third tho English ; all
the other departments not ready.
Tho American department is one of
the most incomplete, and the commis
sioners, exhibitors, and Americans gen
erally in the city are much dissatisfied
with Commissioner Beck with, who ap
pears totally inefficient. Tho only de
partment in operation is the restau
rants, but even here the Americans are
behindhand. The only goods which
have been damaged on the voyage are
At one o'clock the invited guests as
sembled in the art gallery, where
America made a fine show, man} 7 fine
pictures being exhibited and well hung,
but tho English display was much
greater. When the guests gathered,
however, the superiority of the Amer
ican ladies was conceded. They were
the belles of the day.
A brilliant company blazing with
diamonds and opbirs tilled the central
hall to welcome the Emperor and Em
press, who came precisely at two o'-
clock in the afternoon. The crowd
outside the building was good natured
but not demonstrative toward them.
No cheers greeted the imperial party.
They drove up a long avenue covered
with a velvet canopy of green and gold,
decorated with flags aud lined with
soldiers. They alighted at a splendid
pavilion specially built for the Empe
The Emperor immediately reappear
ed, and gave his arm to the Empress,
and proceeded on foot to the main
door. During the imperial progress
full bands played the national airs.—
The cheering now grew louder, the
Americans and English present lead
ing with hearty " hurrahs," and Jap
anese, Turks, Italians, Prussians, Ger
mans, and French joining in the dif
ferent styles peculiar to their several
The Emperor and Empress bowed
repeatedly to the crowd as they as
cended the platform whioh runs around
tho machine gallery. The Einperor
wore a plain evening dress, with a
scarf of tho Legiou of Honor, and car
ried a heavy oane. He looked smiling,
but pale and fatigued. The Empress
was robed in black silk, and looked in
fine health. The Prince Imperial and
Prince Napoleon were not present. r l he
Princess (Jlothildo wore a brown vel
vet dross, powdered with gold.
A distinguished party of senators
and ministers formed an eseort for the
imperial party.
Prince Lcuchtenburg represented
Tho members of tho diplomatic corps
accredited to tho French court, cloth
ed in uniform, had special seats re
served for them at the opening scone,
Vol. LVII, Ko. 15
but they were completely bidden from
Preceded by the chamberlain, the
party passed round the entire gallery,
nearly a mile long. The different na
tional commissions stood on a platform
over the sections allotted to their
countries. Turks, Japanese, Russians,
Moors, Tunisians, antl Persians wore
their full national costumes.
The Emperor spoko a few words to
oaeh commission, but at the American
department ho stopped with the Em
press and bowed to the crowd, who
were cheering heartily. Half an hour
was consumed in this tour. Then the
cortege descended and passed through
the art and a few other galleries, and
at three o'clock returned to the palace.
The exposition will not be ready till
May. One-half of all the space is allot
ted to France, and that is not com
plete. The English are very strong
in machinery, beating the Americans
in that department. England being
near Paris accounts in a great meas
ure for this.
There is nothing like so many stran
gers here as were expected. The
number ot Americans is not much
greater than usual every season.
Prices have gOne up fearfully. The
hotels raise their prices fifty per cent,
after this week, it is useless to come
to see the exposition before May.
Intemperance a Social Evil.
It reaches abroad to others—invades
the family and social circle-and spread#
woe and sorrow all around. It cuts
down youth in its vigor—manhood in
its strength—and age in its weakness.
It breaks the father's heart —bereaves
the doting mother—extinguishes nat
ural affection —erases conjugal affec
tion—blots out filial attachment—
blights parental hope—brings down
mourning age in sorrow to the grave.
It produces weakness, not strength;
sickness, not health; death, not life. It
makes wives widows—children or
phans—fathers fiends—and all of them
paupers and beggars. It hails fevera
feeds rheumatism—nurses gout—
welcomes epidemics—invites cholera—
imparts pestilence, and embraces con
sumption. It covers the land with
idleness, poverty, disease and crime.
It fills your jails—supplies your alms
houses, and demands your asylums.
It engenders controversies—fosters
quarrels and cherishes riots. It con
demns law —spurns order—and loves
mobs. It crowds your Penitentiaries,
and furnishes victims for your scaf
folds. It is the life blood of the gam
bler—the ailment of the counterfeiter
—the prop of the highwayman—and
the support of the midnight incendiary.
It countenances the liar; respects the
thief, and esteems the blasphemer. It
violates obligations; reverences fraud,
and honors infamy. It defames benev
olence; hates love; scorns virtue; and
slanders innocence. It incites the
father against his offspring; helps the
husband to massacre bis wife; and aids
the child to grind the parricidal axe.
It burns up man; consumes woman;
detests life; curses God, and despises
Heaven. It suborns witnesses; nurses
perjury; defiles the jury box; and stains
the judicial ermine. It bribes votes;
disqualifies votors; corrupts elections;
pollutes our institutions;andendangers
our government. It degrades the cit
izens; debases the legislator, dishonors
the statesman; and disarms the patriot.
It brings shame, not honor; terror, not
safety; despair not hope; misery, not
happiness And now, with the malev
olence of a fiend, it calmly surveys its
desolations, and insatiate with havoo,
poisons felicity; kills peace; ruina
morals; blights confidence; slays rep
utation ; and wipes out national honor;
then curses the world, and smiles at its
What's in a Nawe? —A certain Mr.
Coffin once being blessed by the birth
of a son, a friend offered one hundred
dollars for the privilege of naming
hiiu. The offer was however declined,
when it was proposed to christen the
child Mahogany.
Slight changes make great dif
ferences. Dinner far nothing is very
good fun; but you can't say as much
of nothing far dinner.
®o£" We sometimes congratulate our
selves at the moment of waking from
a troubled dream; it may be so the
moment after death.
JWajjr-" Setting a man trap" is the ti
tle given to the picture of a pretty
young Jady arranging her curls in a
IO <>. 11. SwiKUrt, respectfully in
forms the citizens of Miffi.ii county, that he is prep*.
red at all time* to do surveying on short notice.
Heeds, Mortgages, Bonds, and other leg*) -yr.itlAg*,
drawn with ncatuoss and dispatch. Address. ■ '
t G. H. Ml,
nov7-€m McVeytown, ijjmiu county, Pa,
TjMIESH stock of the td&t Mackerel and
X Herring, in ali-siaed kite, on hand at A.FELIX'S.