IFt IE O I ZF :e s _ TEA CAKES.—Rub fine four ounces of butter into eight ounces of flour, mix eight ounces of currants and six ounces of fine Lisbon sugar, two yolks and one white of eggs, and a spoonful of brandy; roll the paste the thickness of an Oliver biscuit, and cut with a wine glass. You may beat the white i and wash over them, and either dust sugar or not, as preferred. WINE Ror.i. —Soak a penny French roll in rui-in wine till it will hold no more, put it in the dish, and pour round it a custard or cream, sugar and lemon juice. Just before it is served sprinkle over it some nonpariel comfits, or stick a few blanched slit almonds into it Springe biscuits may be used instead of the roll, if preferred. LEMON CREAM —Take a pint of thick cream and put it to the yolks of two eggs well beaten, four ounces of fine sugar, ai d the thin rind of a lernon; boil it up; then stir it till almost cold; put the juice of a lemon in a dish or j bowl, and put the c-rcam upon it, stir- j ring it till quite cold. ORANGE Br ITER —Boil six eggs hard, ! beat them in a mortar witli two ounces : of fine sugar, three ounces of butter and two ounces of blanched almonds j beaten to a paste. Moisten with or j ange flonur w.;tc*r, and when all is mixed rub it through a collander on j the dish, and serve sweet biscuits be j tween. LEMON HONEYCOMB—Sweeten the I juice of a lemon to taste, and pour it j into the d -!i you serve it in; mix the I white "I an egg that is beaten with a i pint of rich cream and a little sugar; whisk 1 1, and us the froth rises put it on the lemon juice. Do it the day be fore you wish to use it. CONSERVE OF LEMONS OR ORANGES Grate the rind of a lemon or an orange into a saucer, squeeze the juice of the i fruit over, and mix it well together 1 with a spoon; then boil pome sugar | very high, mix it in, and when of a due consistency pour it into the j moulds. SPICE FOR CHOPS AND GRAVY.— Three drachma of ginger, ditto black pepper, ditto cinnamon, seven cloves, half an ounce of mace, one-fourth ounce cayenne, one ounce nutmeg (grated,) one and one-fourth ounce white pepper. Mix well, bottle, and keep dry. SNOW CREAM —Rut to a quart of cream the whites of three eggs well beaten, lour spoonfuls of sweet wine, sugar to taste, and a bit of lemon peel; whip it to a froth, remove the peel, and serve in a dish. INSURANCE AGENCY. THE following Fire. I.ife, and Accidental Companies are represented by the undersigned : CAPITAL. JEtna, Fire of Hartford, 84,083,000 Putnam, " 500,000 Home, New York 3,500,000 Gertnania, " 700,000 Home, New Havtn, 1,000,000 North America, Philadelphia, 1,750,000 Enterprise, " 400,000 Lycoming, Penna., 2,500,000 Farmers, York, Pa., 500,000 American Life, Philadelphia, 1,000,000 N. V. Accidental, New York, 250,000 Horse Thief IDS. CO. Fork Pa., 50,000 This agency is prepared (o insure against Fire. Death or Accident, in any part of Mifflin county. Horses are insured against theft. All business pertaining to insurance promptly attended to. janlti '67 JOHN HAMILTON, Agent. Weber & Son, HAVE the largest assortment and best - selected stock of GROCERIES in this section of country. Brown Sugars from 10 to 15 cts White Sugar jy | Pulverized, Granulated and Broken Loaf I Sugar. SYRUPS. Lovering's Syrup, 81 -0 per Gallon, Other Syrups, 25 and 28 cts. per quart. Baking Molasses. COFFEES. Extra Prime Coffee, 30 cts Prime Coffee, 28 " Also, a large stock of MACKEREL and HERRING. Ground Alum, and Ashton's Refined Dairy Salt. PRIME FACTORY CHEESE. Shephard s Pittsburg Crackers always onjiand. feb6 / War Against High Prices. GO to F. J. HOFFMAN'S for DRUGS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Jan3o NAILS, &c, GOOD CHEESE, Crackers, Groceries, Dried Fruit and Honey at *A. FELIX'S THE REST IN THE WORLD! I|UIE UNDERSIGNED IS AGENT FOR THE IMPROVED SINGER SEWING MACHINE, which will be placed upon trial with any other now in use. He invites competion. It can he tested sLJ sa New Yurk and phia, the most extensiveJPjjjyL 1 stock and complete assort • merit of ever exhibited in this place, which will be dis- . posed of at such prices as to defy competition, i and which be invites everybody to call and examine, as he is satisfied that his stock can not fail to please. For the Ornish he has constantly on hand, or will make to order, hats to their taste of any required size or brim, at prices which cannot fail be satisfactory. Country Merchants will find it to their ad vantage to give him a call, as a liberal deduc- : tion will be made to wholesale purchasers. Don't forget the place, next door to John Kennedy's Store and nearly opposite the ; Odd Fe iows' Hall. may ROBERT W. PATTON^ SOI TH SIDE OF If ARRET STREET, LEWISTOWN, PA. H AS just received and opened at his es tablishment a new supply of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Articles, &e., which he will dispose of at reasonable prices. He invites all to give him a call and examine his stock, which embraces all articles in his line, and is sufficiently large to enable all to make selections who desire to purchase. Hair REPAIRING neatly and expeditiously attended to. and all work warranted. Thankful for the patronage heretofore re ceived, he respectfully asks a continuance of the same, and will endeavor to please all who may favor him with their custom. feb2 3500 CORDS CHESTNUT OAK AND HEMLOCK BARK, Delivered at the Tannery of J. SPAITCCrLE & aC. 5 LEWIKTOWN, For which the highest market price will be paid in CASH. Lewistown, marl4-ly A. J. NOIITH, WITH S. A. COYLS & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Produce & Commission Mer chants, Gl. Market Street. Philadelphia. S. A. COYLE, sep26-6m J. W. LAUGHLIN. SHINGLES ! SHINGLES ! 100,000 White Pine, Lap & Joint Shingles. ALSO, PLASTERING LATHS & PALING, For sale by GRAFF A THOMPSON. nov2l-Cm* Milroy, Mittlm eo., Pa. "\7V A-JNTTEID ! so o Cords of Wood, to consist of POPLAR, LINDEN & WHITE PINE. to be delivered along the canal. For fur ther information apply to J. HIM MEL WRIGHT, febl3-3m Lewistown, Pa. S. S. CAMPBELL & CO. Manufacturing Confectioners, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IX FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS,&C. No. 303, HACK STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ALSO, MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF Molasses Candy and Cocoanut Work. septl2'66-ly. Lewistown Coach Manufactory, Junction 3d & Valley street. MOSER cSc ZMLA/YES fSfig* _ HAVING ASSOC lA a?tf j. ~ ted together for the purpose ot manufacturing Coacnts, Carria- Jrvi/ Buggies, Sulkies, Spring HVI- BmHKBMKSCk;.. i>. Ac., invite the public to give them a call and examine specimens of their work, which will he found equal to any in or out of the eities. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to. decl2-ly At Hoffman's, r rEAS. Fine Young Ilyson at 160 -L " Extra Imperial at 160 to 200 rn adc n 0010D S at 100 to 160 SUGARS. Brown, Good, at 11 and 12 do Best, at 14 White at 16 SYRUPS, very fine, at 100 Also, Lovering's Extra Syrup. jan3o BIRD CAGES! A fine assortment at F. J. HOFFMAN'S. GREAT FALL! REGULAR BAR IRON at 4 3-4,, nt P. J. HOFFMAN'S. Soaps ! Soaps! A LARGE assortment of Soaps. Weeal special attention to the CELEBRATED OLINL; this is one of the very best and cheapest Soaps in use. For sale at J aß 3o F. J. UOFFiMAN'S. BRISBIN lias Men's Buck Gloves at $1 25 1 50 " Gauntlets 1 25 vt " Mitts 137 Men's Wool, Cotton and Berlin GLOVES for sale cheap. j an3o I Pennsylvania Railroad* Trains leave Stations in this county as follows : LEAVE WESTWARD. Bait- Phil's Fast Emi- ! Ex. Ex. Mail. Line, grant, i a. m. a. m. p. m. p. in. a. rn. j Lewistown, 4.31 5.35 4.09 6.30 10.27 Granville, 4.14 10.37 Anderson, 4.20 10.47 MeVeytown, 5.04 4.37 11.08 Manayuuk, 4.49 11.26 N. Hamilton, 5.04 11.43 ! LEAVE EASTWARD. Phil'a Fast Day Cin. Ex. Line. Ex. Way. Ex. a. in. a. m. a. m. a. m. p. m. Lewistown, 12.17 6.37 11.06 10.15 6.18 N. Hamilton, 9.15 Manyunk, 9.30 MeVeytown, 9.42 Anderson's, 10.00 Granville, 10.08 Fare to Harrtsbnrg $210; to Philadelphia 5 £5: to Altoona 2 60; to Pittsburgh 6 60; to Baltimore a 20 • to York 3 20. *S£-The ticket office will be open 20 minutes before the arrival of each passenger train. D. E. ROBESON, Agent. Galbrailh A Conner's ommbusses connect with ail the passenger trains, and take up and set down pas sengers at all points within the borough. Orders are requested to be left at the National House. EXCELSIOR Photograph and Art Gallery. LATE HL'KKHOLDER'S. McEWKNS can now furnish the pub lie with Likenesses, from the tiniest (rent to a Portrait or life size Photograph. We have the only .Solar Camera at work in the Juniata Valley, and desire the pub lie to call and examine what Mr. Burk holder (an accomplished and well known artist) and others have pronounced u a success." Look at the array : Gems, j Albatypes or Ivory- Ferrotvpes, ! types, Melainolypes, j Photo-Miniatures Ambrotypes, j Cabinet Photos., & Card Photographs 1 Portrait or Life size Vignettes, j Photographs— Photographs for i plain or in colors, oval frames, j &c., &c., Ac. Our work is executed in the best style, plain or in colors, and at the lowest rates. Call at McEWENS. N. B.- instructions to studeftts given at fair ap4tf TO THE LADIES, THE CIR4GE FR.4. MCA IS, OR I FRFMCII IIRESSIMG for Ladies and Children's Boots and Shoes that have become red, or rusty and rough by wear ing. They are restored to a'perfect and permanent black, with as much lustre as when new, leaving the leather soft and pliable, and what is of great importance to the ladies it will not rub off when wet and soil the skirts. Traveling bags, kid gloves, trunks, carriage tops, and line harness are made to look tis good as new. Ladies and Children can dress their own boots and shoes without soiling their hands. Try one bottle, and you will nev er be without a supply in the house. For sale by, J. A. & W. It. McKEE, in Odd Fellows' flail, cor. Market and Dorcas sts., Lewistown. octl7tf Looking Glasses and Picture Frames j rpHE undersigned, thankful for past fa j JL vors, would inform the public that he still manufactures Frames of every de scription, as cheap as they can be made elsewhere. Looking Glasses of every de scription, wholesale and retail, at reduced jirices. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. All persons who have left pictures to frame or frames to be tilled, are requested to call for them. myl6tf JAMES CRUTCHLEY. Great Excitement at the Post Office, ON accouni of the new arrival of Boots and Shoes, at greatly reduced prices. The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that he has just arrived from the eastern cities with a large assortment ol BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, consisting of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Wear, which he has purchased at "come down" pri ces. He is now prepared to sell cheaper than the cheapest, for cash. Also, constantly on hand a large assortment of home-made work, which is manufac tured under his own supervision, and of the best ma terial and workmanship. Boots and Shoes made to order at short notice. Repairing done in the neatest manner. Call at the Post Office, and examine for yourselves. \V. C. THORNBURG. Lewistown, May 23, 1866-y. Experience Proves there axe only Two VALUABLE Machine Stitches: m fiMra & mm ELASTIC STITCH AND THE SHUTTLE OR LOCK STITCII, THE Grover A Baker Elastic-Stitch Sewing Machines are superior to all others for the following reasons: 1. They sew direct from the spools, and require no rewinding of thread. 2. They are more easily understood and used, and less liable to derangement than other machines 3. They are capable of executing perfectly, without change of adjustment, a much greater variety of work than other machines. 4. 'i he stitch made by these machines is much more firm, elastic, and durable, especially upon articles which require to be washed aud ironed, than anv other stitch. 5. This stitch, owing to the manner in which the under thread is inwrought, is much the most plump and beautiful in use, and retains this plumpness and beauty even upon articles frequently washed and ironed until they are worn out. 6. The structure of the seam is such that though it be cut or broken at intervals of only a few stitches it will neither open, run, or ravel, but remains firm and durable. 7. Unlike other machines, these fasten both ends of the seam by their own operation. 8. With these machines, white silk is used upon the right or face side of the seam, cotton may be used upon the other side without lessening the strength or durability of the seam. This can be done on nootbet machine, and is a great saving upon ail articles stitch ed or made up with silk. 9. These machines, in addition to their superior merits as instruments for sewing, by a change of ad justment, easily learned and practiced, execute the most beautiful and permanent embroidery and orna mental work. Call at P. F, LOOP'S AGENCY. A GOOD ASSOTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. Lewistown, February 6, 1867. 00ME AITD SEE the Great REDUCTION in the Price of jan3o at BRISBIN'S, [near the Jail.] CROVESTEEN & CO., PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 499 Broadway, New York. THE attention of the Puhlic and the trade is invited to our Niw SCALE 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PI ANO FORTES, which for volume and purity of tone are tin rival Icd by any hitherto offered in this market.— They contain all the modern improvements, French Grand Action. Harp Pedal. Iron Frame, Overstrung Bass, etc- and each instrument being made under the personal supervision of Mr. J. H.GROVESTEBN. who has had a practical experience ot over 36 years in their manufacture, is fully warranted in every partic ular. The " GROVESTEEX PIA.XO FORiES" received Ike Awanl of Merit over nil others at the Celebrated World's Fair, Where were exhibited instruments from the best ma kers of London, Paris, Germany, Philadelphia, Balti more. Boston and New York; and also at the Ameri can Institute for five successive years, the gold and silver medals from both of which can be seen at our ware-room. By the introduction of improvements we make a stil n:ore perfect Piano Forte, and by manufacturing large y, with a strictly cash system, are enabled to of fer these instruments at a price which will preclude all competition. Term* :—Net Cash In Current Funds. tiS-Descnptive Circulars Sent Free. octlo-3m PHOTOGRAPHIC- E. A 11. T. ANTHONY A CO., Manufacturers of Photograj hie Materials, WHOLE.SAL* AMI RETAIL, 501 Broadway, N. Y. In additiontoour main businessof PHOTOGRAPH IC M \ I ERIALS, we are headquarters for the follow ing, viz: Stereoscopes and stereoscopic Views. Of American and Foreign Cities and Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, Ac. Stereoscopic Views of the War, From negatives made in the various campaigns and forming a complete Photographic history of the con test. Stereoscopic Views on Glass, Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or stereo scope. Our catalogue will be sent to anv address on receipt of stamp. Photographic Albums. We manufacture mure largely than any other house, about 200 varieties from 50 cents to SSO each. Our Al bums have tiie reputation ol being superior in beau ty and durability to any others. Card Photographs ot Generals, Statesmen, Actors, etc.. etc. Our catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings. Statues. Ac. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. D., will t.b-ii-e remit 25 per cent ot the amount with their order. fc"%.The prices and quality of our goods can not fail to satisfy. jel3 ly OUR STARCH GLOSS TS the only Article used by First Class Hotels, Laundries, and Thousand.* of Fami lies. It gives a beautiful polish, making tne iron pass smoothly over the cloth, saving much time and la ljr. Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, consequently will not wear out so soon. It makes Old Linen look like Few. 0U R IMVE RI A L BLUE Is the Best in the World. It is soluble i:i hard as well as soft water. It is put tip in the safest, neatest, and most convenient form of any offered to the public. It is Warranted not to Streak the Clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, to whem we offer ex traordinany inducements. Address, NEW YORK STARCH GI.OSS CO., octlO-Cm No. 21s Fulton St., New York. PELOUBET ORGANS AND UNANIMOUSLY' AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE, A GOLD MEDAL, AS " The Best Cabinet Organs," American Institute, New Y'ork, October, 1865. Being p.ronounced superior in QCALITT. POWER, and VARIETY or TOME, and in number of combinations. "As the best instruments of America were there contending, whichever won that battle would have nothing left to conquer " — Am. Art Journal, (edited by a well-known musical critic.; Tliev have also taken the first premium wherever exhibited this season. PEDAL ORGANS, one. two. and three hanks of keys—six sizes—s2so to $1,500. Without pedals, single and double bank, in great variety. s>s to GSO. These Organs, with their smooth pipe-like quality of tone, beautiful solo stops, strength of chorus, unequalled pedals, and general organ-like effects, are superior for Churches, Halls. Parlors, and Schools. They arc put up in cases of SoLin WALNUT, fancy ven eered Walnut, new and unique styles) and elegant Rosewood, of splendid designs and "finish, and of the best workmanship,!—it being intended that each in strument shall be a model of its class. All instru ments, down to a five octave portable Melodeon, have the beautiful Tremolante stop, without extra charge. A large assortment constantly on hand atourGEN FRAL WHOLESALE A RETAIL WAREROOMS, 841 BRADWAT. Our Illustrated Circular and Price Lists, with our new siyles. are now ready. Send for a Circular. PELOUBET, PELTON & CO., f2O Manufacturers, B4l Broadway, N. Y. LOOK STIS3H stum; BICBIMS. HIGHEST PREMIUM, C$3 3 18SS. mm w mi ¥Dm Great Simplicity ! GREAT CAPACITY ! Celebrated Reversible Feed Movement- Uniform Self-Adjusting Tension. Four Separate Distinct Stitches. Will Gather and Sew a Ruffle at once. JAS. PARKER & SONS, Bepl2 Agents, Lewistown, Pa. NEW ARRIVALS. T) F. LOOP is receiving new goods every week, di • £ ec ' ! rofn the eastern factory, and is prepared to sell Boots cheaper than the cheapest, having a large assortment of all sizes and styles. Men's Boots from $3 50 to 5 00 Boys' 2 50 to 3 50. Jjo , 2 00 to 2 50. Children's 1 25 to 2 00. A good assortment of homemade work on hand, and constantly making to order all the latest styles. THE PATENT BOOTS are now creating a great excitement, and all who wish to have a pair of those pleasant boots can be accom modated at short notice. Call at the old stand. p. F. LOOP. PRICES DOWN ONCE MORE. fPHE undersigned has a large stock of both A Home-made and Eastern manufactured Boots aud Shoes, which ho otters at prices lower than he has sold for four years : i Men's thick, d. Boots, warranted, from $2.75 to 5.00. " Kip. " - " 4.00 to 6.00. " Calf, u " extra 4.50 to 6.00. Boys' Boots, 1.00 to 3.00. Men's thick Brogans. double-soled, 2.00 to 2.50. Men's split •' warranted very bad, 1-10. Boys' Shoes, price ranging from * 1225 to 2.26. As the taxes are to be reduced again on the first day of August- it also enables us to reduce our prices. HOME-MADE WORK of all kinds made to j order at reduced prices. So come on boys and girls and examine for yourselves. Trunks, Valises and Carpet Hags kept on hand. Gentlemen will bear in mind that uo goods will be given out unless paid for. and if re- | turned in good order, the money will be returned, if requested. But when goods have teen soiled or j worn, they will not be taken back—please bear this in mind—as some folks think that wearing for a short time don't injure the sale of them afterwards, augl-tf BILLY JOHNSON. HARETTAaE, mn m m ami, LEU hIO\V\, ri. JOIIX B. SELIIEIMER offers his sincere thanks to the friends and well-wishers "1 j | his establishment, for the steady arid rapid ; I growth of his business hitherto, and solicits | j a continuation of the patronage of the com ! munity. With increased facilities, and devo. ; i ting strict personal attention to the details of I his business, he is confident that all orders I he may be favored with during the present j year, will be executed to the entire satisfac- J tion of these giving them. ! His stock of Hardware, Wood work, Leather, Saddlery. Coach Trimmings, Linings, Shoe Findings, Paints, Oils. Glass, Stoves, Naiis, Horse and Mule Shoes, Nails and Nail Ituds, tfce., &c., &c., i is heavy and well-selected, and is offered at | prices as low as can possibly be sold. His Tl \ IV IRE i is of his own manufacture, nn-de in a good j and workmanlike manner, bv full hands, un der his own supervision, and is offered whole sale or retail, as superior to any in the market Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers, House keepers and Dealers ger erally may rely upon getting any article in his line with an aseu ranee of fair dealing and promptness, wheth er in person or by order. Hooting, Spouting, Repairing, Gas Fitting and all kinds of Job Work done at shortest [ notice. Liberal discount given to the Trade and ; Wholesale Dealers. J. R SELIIEIMER. Lewistown, Jan., 1866—1y FRANK H. WENTZ, AT HIS JlfiDT a SilifS dTfJili, WEST MARKET ST., LEWIS TOW N, Opposite the lied Lion Hole), continues to keep on hand a large as i |W\ sonment of boots and shoes ot all I kinds, both of city and home make.— ©* *WiS>His stoek of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers is extensive and well selected, and he still manufac tures to order at short notice all kinds for ladies and gentlemen's wear. His prices compare tavorably with the cheapest. He would especially call the at tention of the ladies to his stock of Morocco and Kid Polish, and Lasting Gaiters of all stvles of home and city manufacture. Call and examine his stock. His work is put up iu the best manner. decl9-ly [ GOOD NEWS TO HOUSEEEEPEBS !! The Latest and Most Valuable Discovery of the. Age! W I NI)O YY S CI, E A \ E1) Without Soap or Water. Time or Labor, by using WOODS IT M ' S Instantaneous Window Polish. IT DOES away with soap suds or hot water, thus avoiding the slops upon the floor or adjoining paint, j and Hie disagreeable sensation ot" the water running I down on the arm. under the sleeves, and wetting j them to the shoulders. It leaves no lint upon the i glass, and gives it a more transparent and clearer ap ! pearance than can be got with ten times the amount of labor and time in washing. For polishing Mirrors, or any kind of Stiver, Brass or Tin-ware, it has no equal. The polish is warranted to contain no acids, nor anything of a poisonous or injurious char acter, but is perfectly harmless in every respect. For sale by j. A. a \V. K. Mc-KEE, Odd Fellows' Hall Building, opposite Black Bear Hotel, Lewistown. Pa. novli-tf FOI! Tim HUM!! In addition to an extensive stock of GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, MEDALIONS, BREAST PINS, RINGS, and other J - E "W IE Xj JR , AT establishment, will be found a beautiful as sortment of imm* Maaina, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, ALSO, of all the prominent ißiiyj didmicL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and hundreds of other articles. 11. W. JUN KIN. Lewistown, May 24, 1865. ANOTHER NEW ARRIVAL AT Rittenhouse & McKinney's, OF MUSLINS AND CALICOES, AT REDUCED PRICES. Best Rio Coffee 30 cts. per lb. Lewistown, Feb. 27, 1867. Lewistown Mills. TIIE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR WHEAT, AND ALL KINDS OF GRAIN, or received it on storage, at the option of those having it for the market. They hope, by giving due and personal at tention to business, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. Hog" PLASTER, SALT and Limeburners COAL always on hand WM. B McATEE A SON. Lewistown, Jan. 1, 1865.-tf HFtE-A-I. ESTATE REGISTER. WASTED —A small improved farm of from 50 to 100 acres, either to pur chase or to rent. If not too high in price, will purchase. I have on register for sale the following real estate: A tract ol Land containing l.io Acres, more or less, situate on the line of Oliver and Wayne townships, midway between McVeytown and Newton Ham ilton, on the new road between those pla ces. This land is limestone and flint of the best quality, and has frequently pro duced sis heavy crops as farms costing double the money asked for this. About 30 acres are in timber. The improvements consist of a two story frame House, good Barn with new wagon shed and corn crib attached —an old orchard and another of young trees just beginning to hear, it is atioiit one and a half miles from Vineyard Station, and convenient to mill and school. Possession can be had as may be desired. The owner is desirous of removing, and will take S6OOO if soon applied for. A Farm of IBR Acres, in Wayne township, but a short distance from At kinson's Mills, on road leading to Newton Hamilton, lib acres of which are cleared and under cultivation, fenced and divided ' into convenient fields —remainder timber. | The improvementsconsist of a Log House, i weatiierlioarded, new Bank Barn and oth ; er outbuildings, excellent Orchard, Jcc.~ i There is a line meadow on the premise-, i with running water, and a well at the door. Price, SfiOOO -2nuo cash, balance ' in two annual payments, with interest, i Possession will be given on Ist April, if desired. This is a cheap farm, and wiil i prove a bargain to any purchaser. ALSO, DO Acres of Lund, situate in Gran | ville township, on the Pennsylvania < a i nal, about 5 miles west of Lewistown, -2 ! acres cleared, well fenced, and in good or- I der, and 8 acres in timber. Theimprove { ments consist of a two story Log House, I weatherboarded, good Bunk Barn. Corn . Crib, Smoke House, Hog Pens, Blaok ! smith Shop, &c. This land is all arable, i has an abundance of limestone or. it. and j a landing on the canal, so that coal can i be procured with little trouble. It is only | half a mile from a railroad station post | office and store. Most of the fencing is | |>ost and rail —the posts locust—and about j 500 locust posts could now be cut on the premises. There are three good springs I on the place, two of them near the dwel ling and some good fruit. .".■ Dollars per Acre. This is a line property for a | farmer, and has been noted for raising j good crops. A i-so, A Farm of ITO Acres. 21 miles west of McVeytown, the pike running through it, 150 acres cleared, well enclosed, water in every lield, and 20ac-ies in good timber. Good Stone House, Bank Barn 5o by so. Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Hog Pens, Wash j House with never failing stream flowing through it. Spring House, Smoke House, large Apple Orchard of choice grafted fruit, (worth its much on an annual aver age as the interest of the entire purcliasc money, j as well as pear, cherry, peach and plum trees. Price SI O per acre —one-half cash, and remainder in one, two and three i years, if desired, with interest—purchaser to pay one-half cost of surveying and ma king deed. This is a desirable property, and I believe the cheapest farm now for sale in Mifflin county. The land is all patented, and title indisputable. ALSO, Mt. Rock Mills, situate near Lewis town, with 22 acres of Land, machinery and fixtures all in good order, and noted for making as good flour as is manufac tured in the county. Price, SIO.OOO. part of which (say S3000,) can be arruuged on a mortgage. This mill is now under rent at a sum which pays all the taxes and fully 8 per cent, on the price asked. The time for its saie is limited. Also, A Tract of SO teres, situate in Wayne township, about 5 miles from Mc- Veytown, from HO to 25 acres cleared ami under cultivation. The soil is principally gravel and produces well. It is well watered, and has a line patch of young timber on it. Price SIOOO. Another Tract of 30 Acres, sep arated from the above by the road from McV eytown to Newton Hamilton, all cleared and tolerably well fenced, ami in a good state of cultivation. It has on it a good two story Log House, plastered in side and weatherboarded and painted out side, together with Barn, Apple Orchard, ten years old. well at the door, two springs not far from the house, and other advan tages. Price SISOO. Possession given Ist Nov., 1867. These tracts will be sold separately or together. If separate, one-half in hand, and balance in two equal yearly payments with inte rest, or in one yearly payment without interest. If together, half cash, and bal ance in two equal payments with inte rest, or if all paid cash, the half will !>e discounted at 6 per cent. These proper ties would make a desirable little farm, aud are situate in a very pleasant neigh borhood. Also, A Tract of Land in Derry town ship, one and a quarter miles from Lew istown, on the canal, with the old pike running through it, containing about 200 acres, 45 cleared and mostly fenced, with a two story Stone House, Bank Barn, an Old Orchard, and a number of young trees planted some years ago, consisting of ap ple, pear and cherry. The remainder of the tract is covered with pine, chestnut and oak, from which a large quantity of firewood could be cut, and as it can 1* easily hauled presents a strong induce ment to an industrious man with a small capital. One corner of this tract strikes Jack's creek between the Edmiston and old saw mill tract, thus giving access to it by two roads. Price 83000—$1000 cash, balance in such payments as may he agreed on. For further information inquire of GEOHGE FRY6INGKR, Licensed Agent for sale of Real Estate. Lewistown, March 20, 1867. SCRITFAIIR &, SURVEYOR, ti. 11. Swig-art, respectfully in forms the citizens of Mifflin county, that he is prepa red at all times to do surveying on short notice. Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, and other legal writing*, drawn with neatness and dispatch. Address. G. H. SWIGABT, nor7-6rn McV"eytown, Mifflin county, *• L 1 RESII stock of the best Mackerel and X Herring, in ail-sized kits, on hand at A. FELI-X a * BEST brands Cigars, and good Tobacco, •t b ' sd. fbysi.ngEß.3