Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 03, 1867, Image 3

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    ?iaa a&aawa*
WANTED— A bout $5 worth of Corn Fod
der. Apply at this office.
FOR SALE—A due bill for $53.33 to
wards the purchase of a $l6O Organ or
Melodeon of Peloubet, Pelton & Co.
A due hill for SIOO towards payment of
a $3-50 Groves teen Co. Piano —no better
WANTED— An agent to sell the canvass
rooting, roofing paint, pitch, tarred felt,
Colphoncs cement, black metalic varnish,
Ac. of the New York Mica Roofing Com
pany, or the exclusive right to use these
articles in this and adjoining counties will
tie sold. Apply at this office. mh27
My Compliments.—Friends, it is with
pleasure I hereby return my hearty
thanks, not only for your kind attention,
to what I have had to say, but also for
your liberal patronage, and hoping our
dealings may yet be more extended and
prove mutually advantageous. 1 assure
you and all others who may call at the
Big Coffee Pot Sign the very best atten
tion, with untiring effort to buy for your
interest as well as selling for my own.
®@"H. Frysinger is opening an Agricul
tural and Household Implement Uepot,
adjoining the True Democrat office, and
will sell all sorts of implements at manu
facturers' prices.
Agricultural Land Scrip-—-As many per
sons do not seem to comprehend the ad
vertisement published for some weeks in
the Gazette relative to the proposals for
Land Scrip, it may not be out of place to
say that this presents an unusual oppor
tunity for procuring public or government
lands. Proposals will be received for a
quarter section (160 acres.) half or whole
section, or ten, twenty, fifty or more quar
ter, half or whole sections. This scrip
can l>e located on any public lands sub
ject to entry, in the United States, and
can no doubt be procured much cheaper
than it can IK* purchased from the govern
ment. The highest bids at the last sale
were 00 cents per acre, the lowest 55cents,
the latter probably for large tracts. The
proposals must l*i forwarded to the Sur
veyor General by Wednesday next.
Tire.— The large brick barn ou the farm
lately owned by John Brought, now the
property of Thomas Mayes, about a mile
west of town, was discovered to be on fire
on Monday morning, between four and
five o'clock. The live stock belonging to
Mr. Brought was still in the stables and
was with some difficulty got out safe, but
a quantity of hay, straw and corn, to
gether with a new spring wagon owned
by Robert H. Shaw of this place, were
consumed. The alarm in town was not
given until nearly five o'clock, and al
though a large number of jiereons repaired
to the spot, the file had done its work.
The morning fortunately was calm, with
showers of rain, or the house would
also have shared the fate of the barn. Mr.
Brought had removed a great part of his
personal property, as well as his son who
was lately, stabbed with a knife, and in
tended to leave finally on that day. The
hour at which it caught, with some other
circumstances, point strongly to incendi
arism. The barn was insured for $2500
in the Kensington Company, which will
cover the loss.
Rouse About Again. ROUSE'S HTAH
successful season at liarrisburg, will re
turn here to-morrow, and give new and
attractive performances in the Town Hall
for THREE NIGHTS only, namely, TUyrs
day, Friday and Saturday evenings.—
Among other new features Mr. Edwin
Klanchard, with his acting dogs, Nero
and Carlo, will appear each evening in
i heir wonderful performances. Of course
the play-going folks will be on the tip-toe
of expectation, and crowded houses may
l.e looked for, as although many object to
anything in the shape of u theatre, there
is much in the legitimate drama
" To wake the tioui by tender strokes of art.
To ruiee the genius and to mend the heart."
Sucker Pishing.— During the past win
ter an immense number of suckers were
• aught with hook and line in the Kisha
< oquillas dams, the fresh waters of which
make them an excellent pan fish. This
mode of fishing in the winter, although*
well known to old fishermen, was hut lit
tle praticed lately until again successfully
revived by Mr. Leper, whose unaccounta
ble "luck" stirred up a battalion of o'^
nd young in pursuit of the finny tribe.
' . .eat exertion was made to ascertain the
Cie "hexerei" he used, and the apotheca
ries sold lots of assafcetida, oil of rhodium,
■;! of amber, &c. to mix with the worms
Vxed for bait. Like ail other fishermen
"one Mere successful, others not. As
s pring came on fishing was transferred to
'be river, and thousands of suckers have
b en caught during the past two or three
\eeks, though mostly those known as
white suckers, a bony and much poorer
i di than those more closely allied to the
Ho for Milroj. —Our readers in the val
i y will be pleased to learn that the Penn
sylvania Railroad lias agreed to take some
'toek in the Mifflin and Centre Railroad,
•hich with sundry subscriptions, will
' "liplete the road to Milroy this summer.
v .'i adjourned meeting of the stockhold
* will be held at Iteedsville 011 Su Urn lay
xt, when the arrangement will no
''Ubt be perfected.
Something Else—We have on sale this
week a large stock of Fancy German Trays
and Waiters at one-half the usual price.
Also, a lot of stamped, japaned and toilet
ware, such as foot tubs, slop jars, water
carriers, chamber buckets, wash bowls
and pitcher, spittoons, teaand coffee canis
ters, &c., Ac., at the Big Coffee Pot Sign.
Have You Heard It!— Twenty-six good
recipes lor baking bread, cake 9, dough
nuts, potpies, puddings, &c., accompany
each box of the Azumea Powder, for sale
at Grove's. It is the table-talk in fami
lies where it has been tried. Put up in
different sized boxes. While in his es
tablishment, purchase one of those nice
Mackerel, Herring, or White Fish. He
has Coffee, too, from 25 to 30 cents. Re
duction in prices of Groceries generally.
trrij Daniels & Stone are sellingout their
winter stock at very low prices. Shoes
from 60 to 2.40; boots from 1.00 to 3.75; a
large stock of hosiery, notions, millinery,
gents' hats and caps; now is the time to
buy; never such bargains offered before;
remember the place, opposite Express Of
INSTRUCTION given by C. W. Walters
on the piano, organ, flute or cornet, based
on the thorough musical education of his
pupils. The standard classical system
adopted makes music intelligible to even
the youngest scholar.
Spring Work is Coming on in the Field,
Orchard, ard Harden, and in the grounds
about the house as well as in the house.
The best information about the most
pleasant and profitable method of per
forming this work is, of course, to be
tound in that large, reliable and cheap
journal, the American Agriculturist. Wc
have received the April number, ami it
fully carries out the publisher's promise
to always keep 011 making every number
better than the previous one. This, like
every other issue thus far this year, has
eight large pages extra. Thissingle num
ber contains between forty and fifty pleas
ing and instructive engravings, one of
them a full page, and several others very
large and beautiful. A full three-page
calender of Work to be Done will furnish
many useful hints for the farm, garden
and household. A slashing article on
Humbugs exposes by name a large num
ber of the swindlers of country people.
There are, besides, more than a hundred
articles and items full of instruction to
every cultivator of a garden plot, or a
farm. More than 150,000 j>eople now en
joy the advantages offered by the Agri
culturist, and everybody else, and his wife
(and children also,) should have it. Its
beautiful pictures are alone worth many
times its cost, which is only $1.50 a year,
or four copies for SO. Take our advice
and try the Agriculturist this year, and
we will gaurantee satisfaction. OKA NO E
J UDD & Co., 41 Park I tow, New York
City, are the publishers.
JG(a?" During the month of March the
range of our thermometer was as follows:
morn'g noon, even'g
March 1, 40 46 44
2, 42 54 42
3, 25 32 31
4, 28 40 35
5, 32 40 38
6, 31 39 32
7, 33 40 40
8, 32 43 38
9, 35 39 40
10, 37 41 39
11, 39 50 47
12, 39 41 44
13, 40 44 41
14, 19 24 25
15, 17 33 30
16, 30 31 30
17, 28 34 28
18, 14 27 3o
19, 17 36 33
20, 27 40 40
21, 32 40 37
22, 33 37 35
23, 35 40 38
24, 36 42 37
25, 36 49 35
26, 28 4-5 37
27, 34 39 37
28, 32 39 36
29, 31 44 38
30, 36 50 49
31, 42 64 49
Sunday last was a remarkably pleasant
H. J. Culbertson, Esq., lias removed
his law office to the room lately occupied
by J. Swan.
Rev. Mr. Monroe, who took pastoral
charge of the M. E. Church 011 Sunday
last, made a very favorable impression on
hi> hearers both morning and evening.
Joseph Porter, who has been connected
with Glamorgan Iron Works for some
years, we hear is to take charge of a farm
of lUOO acres near Lynchburg, Ya., the
property of I>. T. Watteon, Esq.
April court opeheo 011 Monday with the
fullest attendance we have seen for many
years. Wheeler & West vs. Winn lias
been postponed, so that Gen. John still
retains possession of his ten miles of do
main, including the deer park. We shall
give a synopsis of tlie proceeding in our
The olfices in this district continue in
statu quo. David Caldwell was nomina
ted for U. Collector a few weeks ago
and for twenty-four hours copperhead ism
was all aglow at his reported confirmation,
but it ought to have read rejected instead
of confirmed, whereuiwm jaws fell and
countenances elongated to their original
length. Mr. Hildebrand was nominated
for P. M. at Huntingdon and rejected, and
since then F. B. Wallace has shared the
same fate.
Another company of 96 U. S. sol
diers has been butchered by the Indians.
It occurred at Fort Bufort. Our Indian
policy under Johnson has been miserably
Serial JJotirrs.
ACroup. Now, mothers, if you would spend 40 cents, ami
always have a bottle of Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment in
your house, you never need fear losing your little one
when attacked with this complaint. It Is now 19 rears
since I have put up my Liniment, and never heard of a
child dying of Croup when my Liniment was used; but
huudreds 01 cases of cures have beeu reported to me, and
ninny state If it was $lO per bottle they would not be with
out It. Besides which, It is a certain cure for Cuts, Burns,
Headache, Toothache, Sore Throats, Swellings, Mumps,
Colic, Diarrhtea, Dysentery, Spasms, Old Sores, and pains
"in the back and chest. No one once tries it who is ever
without It. It is warranted perfectly safe to take inter*
iially. Full Directions with every bottle. Sold by the
Jlruggists. Depot. 50 Cortlaudi Street. N. Y. mar2o-"w
A Canvass of the Union
proves that the most successful candidate for general fa
vor ever placed before
Tlie People,
Is that pure and salubrious vegetable be&utlfler,
far and wide, throughout the restored republic, lu defiance
of rivalry aud competition. It appeals
ot al! who design to clothe the same with the magnificent
black or brown hues which nature hasdenied,or age stolen
uwav. Manufactured by J. CRISTADOIIO, 6 Astor House,
N. Y Sold by Druggists everywhere. Applied by all
Hair Dressers. maraO-lm
AUcock's Porous Piasters.
Allentown, Penn., April 4.1365.
Messrs. T. ALLCOCK & Co.:
Dear Sirs:—My daughter used one of your Porous Plas
ters. She had a very bad pain in her side, and it cured her
In one week.
Yours truly,
We refer to
Forty Thousand Druggists.
who sell our Plasters, as to their high sterling character.
ALLCOCK & CO., Agcucy, Brandreth House, New York-
Sold bv all Druggists. inarHMm
Know Thy Destiny !
MADAME E. F. THORNTON, the great
English Astrologist, Clairvoyant and Psaychomctrlclan,
who has astonished the sclent! tic classes of the Old World,
has now located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Mad. Thornton
possesses such wouderftl poweis of second sight, as to
enable her to impart knowledge of the greatest import
ance to the single or married of either sex. While in a
state of trance, she delineates the very features of the
person you arc to marry, and by the aid of an Instrument
of intense power, known as the Psychomotrope, guaran
tees to produce a life-like picture ot the future husband
or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage,
position In life, leading traits of character, Ac. This Is no
humbug, as thousands of testimonials can assert. She
will send when desired a certified certiilcate, or written
guarantee, that the picture is what it purports to be. Ity
enclosing a small lock of lialr, and stating place of birth,
age, disposition and complexion, and enclosing fifty cents
and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will re
ceive the picture and desired information by return mail.
All communications sacredly confidential. Address In
confidence, Madame E. F. Tiiobntox, P. 0. Box 213, Hud
son, N. Y. filly
A YOUNG LADY returning to her
country home, after a sojourn of a few months in the city,
was hardly recognized by her.frlcuds. ) u place of a coarse
rustic, riuvhed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of al
most marble smoothness, and instead of twenty-three she
realty appeared hut eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause
of so great a change, she plainly told them she used the
CARCASSIAN BALM, aud considered it an invaluable ac
quisition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or
(ientleman can improve their personal appearance an
hundred fold. It Is simple in its combination,as -Nature
herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing
impurities from, also, healing, cleansing and beautlfyiug
the skin and complexion. By its direct action ou the cut
icle it draws from It all lis Impurities, kindly healing
the same, and leaving the surface as Nature intended It
should he, clear, soft, smooth aud beautiful. Price sl, sen
by Mail or Express, on receipt of an order by
W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists,
No. 3 West Fayette street, Syracuse, N. Y.
fo-ly The only American Agents for the gale of same.
Free to Everybody.
A large 6 pp. Circular, giving Information of tbe greatest
Importance to the young of both sexes.
It teaches how tbe homely may become beautiful, the
desplseil respected, and the forsaken loved.
No young lady or gentleman should fail to send their
Address, and receive a copy post-paid, by return mail.
Address I*. O. Drawer, 2J,
feb6-6m Troy. N. Y.
Wonderful but True-
renowned Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant,
while In a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features
of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an in
strument of intense power, known as the Psychomotrope,
guarantees to produce a perfect and llfe-Uke picture ortbe
future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of mar
riage, occupation, leading traits of character, Ac. This Is
no Imposition, as testimonials without number can assert.
By stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes
and hair, and enclosing flay cents, and stamped envelope
addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture by re
turn mail, together with desired Information,
ttif" Address in confidence, MADAME GERTRUDE REMIXO
TO>". P. 0. Box 2D7, West Troy, If. Y. fljly
The beautiful Piano Fortes of GROVESTEEN A Co. are
deemed by all good judges to be the Ultima Thulc of
instruments of the kind.
We cannot suggest whsit is wanting to make a mu
sical instrument more pertect, although we are slow
to admit that the limit of improvement can ever be
Before they had brought their Pianos to their pre
sent excellence, thov had submitted them to compe
tition with instruments of the best makers of this
country and Europe, and received the reward of mer
it, over all others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It
is butjusticeto say tnatthejudgment thus pronounced
lias not been overruled by the musical world.
Still, by the improvements lately applied by them
to their Pianos, it is admitted that a more perfect in
strument has been made. They have accordingly
aclweved the paradox of making excellence more
excellent. Surely, after this, they are entitled to the
motto "Excelsior." novl4-ly
I- Ayer's Sarsaparilla
N "A\\y&L'// / / ' / '. 8 a concentrated extract of
,/'/ /.
core must prove, as this lias
dieted fellow-citizens, How
completely this compound will do it, has been proven by
experiment on many of the worst cases to be fount! in the
following cotnphii ts:—
Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings ant! Sores, Skin Diseases
Pimples, Pustules, Blotches. Eruptions, St. Anthony's Eire!
Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter or Salt Rheum, Scab! Head,
Ringworm, &c.
Syphilis or Venereal Ptsease Is expelled front the system
by the prolonged use of this SARSAPARILLA, and the pa
tient is left in comparative health.
Female Diseases are caused by Scrofula in the blood, aud
arc ofteu soon cured by this Extract of Sarsaparilla.
Do not reject this invaluable medicine, because you have
been Imposed upon by something pretending to he Sarsa
parilla, while it was not. When you have used AYER'S—
then, and not till then, will you know the virtues of Sar
saparilla. For minute particulars of the diseases it cures,
we refer you to Ayer s American Almanac, which the
agent below named will furnish gratis to all who call for it.
AYER'S CATHARTIC PILES, for the cure of Costlve
ness. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dvseritery, Foul
Stomach. Headache. Piles, Rheumatism, Heartburn aris
ing from Disordered Stomach, Pain or Molbid inaction of
the Bowels. Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, Liver Complaint,
Dropsy, Worms, flourt, Neuralgia, and a* a Dinner I'iU. are
They are sugar coated, so that the most sensitive can
take them willi pleasure, and they are the best Aperient
In the world for all the purposes of a tamllv physic.
Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER A CO., Lowell, Mass., and
sold by all Druggists and dealers In medicine everywhere.
anil all LRI PTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price 50 cents.
*or by all druggists. By seuding sixty cents to
weeks & I otter, Sole Agents. 170 Wellington street,
noston. it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage,
to any part of the United States. aepj'6tMy
In Mount Joy, Pa., on the 26th ult., at
the residence ot the bride's parents, by
I Rev. J. p. Miller, MICHAEL HINEY, of
Lewistown, and Miss MARY A. KREINEU,
of Mount Joy.
By the above it will be seen that our
Register and Recorder, to whom be long
lile and happiness, has taken an assistant.
In Lewistown, on the 20th of March,
1867, Mrs. NANCY VINES, aged about 82
1 he deceased emigrated to this country
with her parents probably in 1706. She
became pious when quite young, and was
tor many years a member of the Presby
terian church. After removing to this
place in 1841, she connected herself with
the Methodist congregation, of which she
had been since that time, a zealous and
efficient member. For several years she
was unable, from increasing infirmity, to
attend church, but was always punctual
and taithful in the discharge of her pri
vate religious duties. Her Master's sum
mons came to her suddenly at last, and
she died, giving bright evidence that she
has gone to be forever with the Lord.
On (lie 23d March, in Mechanicsville,
DASIE, daughter of Joseph and Rachel
Potts, aged 7 years, 3 months and 19 days.
Dear little Dasie has gone to rest. After
long hut patient sullering, death is over
and never will our loved one sutler more.
No, no; comforting thought in our sore
bereavement, her cherub face may now
forever wear asmile. But alas! how sadly
we shall miss our dear little sister from
our home-circle. We can scarcely realize
the pakiful truth that her place is vacant
there —that her angel voice will no more
mingle with ours in singing those infant
songs which she loved to hear and delight
ed to sing—that she will come no more
witli her little hands reverently clasped to
kneel at mother's knee to lisp her evening
prayer. Oil! how sadly we shall miss her,
only oar aching hearts can know. Her
sweet disposition endeared her to ;dl her
playmates, while to father, mother and
sisters she was a treasure of untold value.
Our lave was almost idolatry—and God in
his wise though mysterious way saw best
to remove our darling from us—to trans
plant our little ilower in the bright fields
of Paradise, where our Dasie is now a
perfect flower, of celestial fragrance, des
tined to immortal bloom.
LS-WISTOW.N, April 3, 1867.
Wheat, red, per bushel $2 08
" white " 2 70
Corn, old r 90
Gate 50
Eggs per dozen 20
Butter per lb 30
Flour is retailing at the following prices:
Lewistown Extra Family per cwt. 7 00
Superfine 6 00
Extra Family per bbl 14 00
Superfine 12 00
Buckwheat per cwt. 5 00
Pliiiadclpliiiß Markets*
Sa?es of 6,000 bbls, Flour iucluding su
perfine at $8.26a9; extras at $9.50a10.50;
Northwest extra family at $12a13.50; Pa.
and Ohio extra family at SI 1.75u13.50;
California at slo.soal6,*aiul fancy at $15.-
oOalS—the latter rate for St. Louis.
Sales of 7,000 bus. prime and choice
Pennsylvania red Wheat at $2.75a3.20
an advance; 2,OiK) bus. No. 2 spring at
$2.60a2.05, and 7,000 bus; California at
53.20a325. live has been in steady re
quest; sales of 6,000 bus. at 51.48a1.52 for
Pennsylvania, $1.48 for New York, and
$1.42a1.48 for Western. Sales of 76,000
bus. new yellow Corn at $1.0Ga1.12, and
$1.08a1.13 afloat, closing at $1.13, including
white at sLoßal/09 in the cars, and $1.12
afloat. Oats have been quiet; sales of
13,000 bus. Pennsylvania at 67a68c. Bar
ley is unchanged; sales of 800 bus. at
$ 1.20a 1.25. 5,000 bus. Barley Malt sold at
$1.30u1.40 per bushel.
About 1,200 head Beeves sold at from
17alS cents for extra Penna. and Western,
15alG* cents for fair to good, and 14a14i
cents per lb. for common.
Sheep were in demand at an advance;
6,000 head sold at from 9a9A per lb. gross,
as to conditiou.
Cows were in fair demand; 200 head sold
at $50a75 for springers, and $60a90 per
head for cow and calf.
pieces latest style
From New York.
Arrival of
raar2o.2w APRIL IST.
INSTATE ol" (ailiarinr haufi-
J man, dec'd.—Notice is hereby given
that letters of administration on the es
tate of Catharine Kauft'man, late of Brat
ton township, M itltin county, dec'd, have
been granted to the undersigned, residing
in said township, and county. All per
sons indebted to the said estate, are here
by notified to make payment immediately,
and those having claims to present them,
duly authenticated for settlement.
marl3-6t* Administrator.
INSTATE of Joint I'. Hamilton.
J deceased.—Notice is hereby given that
letters of administration on the estate of
John U. Hamilton, late of Newton Ham
ilton, Mifflin county, deceased, have been
granted to the undersigned, residing in
same place. All j>ersons indebted to the
said estate are hereby notified to make
immediate payment, and those having
claims, to present them duly authentica
ted for settlement.
marl3-6t- Administrator.
TIIE most complete assortment and cheap
est lot of House furnishing Goods we
have ever offered before to housekeepers and
new beginners, to which we invite special at
tention, since we are prepared to give a bar
gain to all. The following is a partial list of
the above mentioned Goods : .
Floor Oil Cloth, new pattern, all widths.
Table " " designs, "
Stair " very pretty and good.
Oil Window Shades, rustic style, $2 per pair.
Paper ** " unusually low.
Green Gum Oil Cloth for Shades.
Buff Liner "* " "
Door Rugs and Table Mats.
Picture Cord and Tassels.
Window Shade Fixtures.
° " Cord and Tassels.
Dusting and Scrub Brushes.
Shoe and Sweeping "
Crumb and White-wash "
Corn Wisps and Brooms.
Spain's patent barrel Churns.
Cedar Tubs and Buckets.
Painted " " "
Washing Machines, zink and wood.
" " Pollar's new style.
Clothes and Market Baskets.
Sewing and Fancy "
Clothes Pins and Lines.
" Horses and Wringers, latest and best.
Rolling Pins and Potato Mashers.
Butter Prints, Paddles and Spoons.
Bread Toasters, and Wire Gridirons.
Coal, Tongs and Knife Boxes.
Coffee and Sugar Boxes.
" and Tea Canisters,
Spice Boxes, wood and tin.
Sad or Smoothing Irons.
Sad and Coffee Pot Stands.
Match Safes, 7 different kinds.
Mouse and Rat Traps.
Dinner and Tea Bells.
Step Ladders and Garden Tools.
Coal Sieves and Buckets.
" Shovels. Tongs and Pokers.
Paste daggers* Pie Crimpers and Trimmers.
Coffee Mills and Beef Pounders, 3 kinds,
Egg Whips and Slicers.
Soup Ladles and Basting Spoons.
Flesh Forks and Vegetable Skimmers.
Pat'd Cake Turners and Nutmeg Graters.
Mop Handles and Knife Boxes.
Tack Hammers and Ilatchets.
Carpet Tacks and Stair Rods.
Waffle Irons and Iron Bake Pans.
Brass, Porcelain, Tin'd Iron Kettles and
Sance Pans.
Iron Tea Kettles and Pots.
Butter Bowls and Towel Rollers.
Fancy Toilet and Chamber Ware.
Flour Sieves and Clothes Line Reels.
Scissors, Snuffers and Nurse Lamps.
Slaw Cutters and Lanterns.
We take pleasure in announcing the follow
ing list of Goods, as the}' are exceedingly
Ivory Handle Tea & Dinner Knives,
Done " " " "
Ebony " " " " & Forks.
Done " " " " "
Coco ' " " " "
Horn " " " " "
Butcher and Carving Knives.
Slaugh and Mincing "
Bread and Kitchen "
Meat and Wood Saws.
Nickel Silver Forks, new article—cheap.
" Tea and Table Spoons.
Albatta Tea and Table Spoons.
Brittania " " "
Metalic " " "
Tin " " "
A splendid lot of
very low.
We have on hand 133 different articles of
T I IST "W A. IR E 3
but wo mention none save our new style
Tea and Coffee Pots,
And last, but not least, is our
Combination Gas Burner Cook
which we warrant to be the best baking
stove in the county, or refund the money.
A- K. Q
* Of a Silver Medal wk
By the X. H. State Agricultural Society, at
its Fair holden iu Nashua, Sept. 20,1866.
Vegetable Hair Restorative
Restores Gray Hair to its natural color. Pro
motes the gf<*rth of the llair. Changes the
roots to their original oreunic action. Eracii-
cates Duudrun and Humors. Proventa
Hair tailing out. Is a Superior Dressing.
It contaviis no injurious ingredients, JLJ
VxJk and is the most popular and reli-
able article throughout the . .
East, West, North and m
J. R. BARRETT & CO., Proprietor*,
Sold by Druggists generally. mar27-Gm*
INSTATE of Aimer Tlionipson,
J dee'd. Notice is hereby given that
letters of administration on* the estate of
AJINER THOMPSON, late of the Bor
ough of Lewistown, Mifflin county, de
ceased, have been granted to the under
signed, residing in said Borough. All
persons indebted to siiid estate are notifi
ed to make payment immediately, and
those having claims to present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
mar2o-6t Administratrix.
For Draining Wet Lands. Pipes for Cellar
Drains, Water Pipe for Conducting Water
from Springs,
manufactured from the host material and for sale in
desired - A!so * good stock of EARTH
EN \\ ARE on hand. Orders promptly attended to
... a J("EL ZOOK,
octl,-6m Belleville, Mifflin county,
Rittenhouse & McKinney's
IS the place to buy goods cheaper tha the
cheapest. We are selling off our Fall A
at the lowest CASH RATES the market affortfa.
also, that we have received an additional
stock of
&c., Ac., Ac.
Brown Muslma, lPto 25
White " 15 to 30
Canton Flannels.
Shirting, 40 to 65
Factory Blankets,
Table Diaper, 50 to 60
Crash, 18, 20, 22, and 25
Cassimeres, Cassinetts,
Ken. Jean,
All Wool Delaines,
All Wool Merinos, 1.25
Calicoes, 12$ to 20
Delaines, 25 to 30
Ginghams, 25 to 30
Woolen Dnder Shirts at cost,
Shirts and Drawers, at 1.50
Ready Made Clothing,
Best White Sugars, 16 (a& 16$
Best Brown Sugar, 15
Second Quality, 14
Third " 13
Fourth " 10
Best LoveriDg Syrup, gal., 1.20
Secoud Quality, " 1.00
Sugarhouse Molasses, " 60
Prime Rio Coffee, 30
Second Quality, 28
Rice. 13
Crackers, 18
Cheese, 25
Candles, 20
Best Navy Tobacco, 90
" Congress Tobacco, 1.00
" Spun Roll 44 1.00
Queensware, a good assortment.
6 different kinds of Washing Soaps, at
10, 12, 15, 18, (Si 20
Thankful for past favors, and hoping a
continuance of the same, we cordially invite
nil to call and examine our stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
8*%., Highest prices paid for all kinds of
Respectfully, <fcc.,
Lewistown, March 6, 1867.
Are superior to all others for
Contain all the latest improvements; are speedy;
noiseless; durable; and easy to work.
Illustrated Circulars free. Agents wanted. Liberal
disount allowed. No consignments made.
_ Address EMPIRE S. M. CO., CIS Broadway, New
ork. sepo'o6-ly
rPHE P ranklin Fire Insurance Company
JL of Philadelphia, having withdrawn their Agency
in charge o! Henry J. Walters, at Lewistown, give no
tice thai applications may be made direct to the Com
pany in Phifadelp'ia, and will receive prompt attention.
marl3-2ni* C. N. BANCKEK, President.
628. HOCP SKIK.TS. 628
SEW SPRING STYLES, "lltir Own Make."
embracing every New and Desirable size, style and
Shape of Plain and Trail HOOP SKIRTS.— 2, 21 i, I\L 2
3-4, 3, 3 1-4. 8 1-2,3 3-4 and 4 yards, round every length
and size Waist; in every respect FIRST QUALITY, and
especially adapted to meet the wants of FIRST CLASS
and most fashionable TRADE.
"OUR OWN MAKE," of Hoop Skirts, are lighter, more
elastic, more durable, and KEALLT CHEAPER than any
other make of either Single or Double Spring Skirt
in the American Market. They are WARRANTED in
every respect, and wherever introduced give uniyer
sal satisfaction. They are now being extensively sold
by retailers, and every lady should try them.
Ask for "Hopkin's Own Make." aud see that each
Skirt isStamped "W. T. HOPKIN'S MANUFACTUR
ED, 628 ARCH Street, PHILADELPHIA." No other
ore Genuine. A Catalogue containing Style, Size and
Retail Prices, sent to any address. A Uniform and
Liberal Discount allowed to Dealers. Orders by mail
or otherwise, promptly and carefully filled. Whole
sale and Retail, at Manufactory and Sales-room*, No.
628 Arch Street. Philadelphia. Skirts made to order,
altered and repaired.
niar2o—lom YVM. T. HOPKINS.
3NT -E W
Meat Establisment.
THE undersigned has fitted up the build
ing in Brown street, above Frank's store, for a
meat shop where Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Ac.
ean be had at all times, an ice house for the preserva
tion of meat being connected with the establishment.
The public are invited to call.
#3. The room will be opened for the first time ou
Lewistown, March 13,1867—tf.
universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Mag
azine of America; devoted to Original Stories, Poems,
Sketches. Architecture and Model Cottages, House
hold Matters, Gems of Thought, Personal and Liter
ary Gossip (including special departments on Fash
ions,) Instructions on Health, Gymnastic, Equestrian
Exercises, Music, Amusements, etc.: costly Engra
vings (full size,) useful and reliable Patterns, Embroid
eries. Jewelry, and a constant succession of artistic
novelties, with other useful and entertaining litera
No persou of refinement, ecomonieal housewife, or
ladv of taste ean afford to do without the Model
Monthly. Single copies. 30 cents; back numbers, as
specimens, 1(1 cents; either mailed free. Yearly, 83,
with a valuable premium; two copies $5.40; three copies
sl2. and splendid premiums for clubs at $3 each, with
the first premiums to each subscriber Address,
No. 473 Broadway, N. Y.
Demorest's Monthly and Young America, together,
$4, with the premiums for each. mar2o
you ean be cured permanently and at a trilling coat
The astonishing success which has attended this
invaluable medicine lor Physical and Nervous Weak
ness, General Debility and Prostration, Loss of Mus
cular Energy, Impotency, or any of the consequences,
of youthful indiscretion, renders it the most valuable
preparation ever discovered.
It will remove all nervous affection", depression,
i excitement, incapacity to study or business, loss of
memoiy, confusion, thoughts of self destruction, fears
ol i nsaniiy, Ac. Itwiif restore the appetite, renew the
health of those who have destroyed it by sensual ex
cess or evil practices.
Young Men, bo humbugged no more by "Quack
I'o tors'" and ignorant practitioners, butsend without
delay for the Elixir,and bo at once restored to health
and happiness. A Perfect Cure is Guaranteed in eve
ry instance. Price, $!. or four bottles to oneaddross, 3a,
One bottle is sufficient to effect a cure in all ordina
ry < as is.
speedy and permanent cure of Gonorrhea, Gleet, Ure
thral Discharges, Gravel, Stricture, and all affections
of the Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected in from
one to five days. They are prepared from vegetable
oxtraots that are harmless on the systaxn, and never
nauseate the stomach or impregnate the breath. No
change of diet is necessary while using them, nor doe*
their anion in any manner interfere with business
pursuit*. 1 rice, per box.
Either of the above-mentioned articles will be senn
to any address, closely sealed, and post-paid, by mail
or express, on receipt ofpriee. Address all orders to
foVa_i„ ®kk(*Eß, BHLTTS A Co., Chemists,
fer>6-ly No gbi River Street, Troy, N. Y.
FOR 2O cents you can procure what will
make 20 gallons GOOD SOAP at
mar2otf DR. R. MARTIN'S.