Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 03, 1867, Image 1

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    ©3 & ©0 So SP^&IK&ISISIBBs
Whole No. 2914.
Poor House Business.
The Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor
House on the 2d Tuesday of caeh month.
BSSbdxot & GC.,
Collections and remittances promptly made.
Interest allowed on time deposits. jau23-ly.
Attorney at Law,
Office Market Square, Lewistown, will at.
tend to business in Mlßlin. Centre and Hunting
don counties ua\26
Attorney at Law,
OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of
Mililin county. Office with D. W. Woods, esq.,
Main street, below National Hotel. iny2
Mutual Insurance Company.
Capital, $2 ~100,000.
THIS Company continues to issue P -licies of Insur
ance on Buildings and Personal Property, in Town
or Country, at cash or mutual rates.
JAMES KAA'KI-V, President.
janl6'67 Lewistown. Pa.
Practicing Physician,
Belleville, Mifflin County, Pa.
DR. DAHLKN has been appointed an Examining
Surgeon for Pensions. Soldiers requiring exam
ination will find him at his otlice in Belleville.
Belleville, August 22,1866.-y
KESPECT FULLY inform the citizens of Lewistown
and vicinity, a few doors from the Town Hall, in
Main street) that he is prepared todo all kind of work
in the line of bis profession in the most snentihr nian
jier—in Whole Sets. Partial -Sets, ur Mngle I eeth in
serted on Gold. Silver,or Vulcanite Base, in an elegant
and workmanlike manner, and on the most reasona
ble terms. He guarantees his work, or no P a > -
Particular attention paid to the extracting and fining
of teeth in the most approved manner. nov7-l>m
Teeth Extracted. Without Pain!
By M. R. Thompson, D. D. S ,
> without the use of Chloro
form, Ether, or Nitrous Ox
i by no
near Eisenbise's hotel,
where he can be found for professional consultation
lrom the first Monday of each month until the fourth
Monday, when he will be absent on professional busi
ness one week. s. pl-j-tt^
OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of
Lewistown and vicinity. Ail in want of good, neat
work will do well to him a call. three
He tnay be found at all tunes at
doors east of H. M. s R. Pratt's store, \ alley street.
- TEETH Extracted WIT HOT 1 P TIN
bv the use of NITROUS OXIDE or
(ITTOMWNi Laughing Gas. Teeth in-erted on all
I Tir {tie different styles of bases. Teeth
filled in the most approved manner. Special
tion given to diseased gutns. All work warranted.
Office at Episcopal Parsonage, Corner of Main and
Water Streets.
St. The subscriber has just received and will
fal keep on hand a select stock of Men s,.Boys
rll and Youth's Boots. Ladies , Misses.and hil
;ren's Hoots and Shoes of various kinds and
styles, to which he would invite thrattentionofhis
friends and the public generally. As it is his intention
by any dealer in the county. those
boots or -hoes are invited to call and c xanmie. tne
above stock which will be sold at very small profits,
but for cash only, at the sign of the BIG ..HOE, next
door to F. J. Hoffman's store. CLARKE.
West Market si., Lewistown,
Sacks, Cloaks. Hats, Bonnets, Ladies Tine DRESS
GOODS ami Trimmings,
patterns of latest styles always on hand.
Millinery and Dress-Making
executed in the most approved style.
Lewistown, April 18, l&OO.tt
J. A. & W. R. MoKEE
TTAVtr removed their Leather Store to Odd Kcl-
H lows' Hall, where they will constantly keep
and B
Highest cash for tildes,
Calf Skin's and Sheep Skins.
wanted, for which the highest market price will be
paid in Cash. * '
Tailoring Establishment
f g >. CG->' r yC^CSi-ic>
Wo (^hobh3SS)
MFRCRANT TAILOR, has removed his shop to the
ImildihK formerly known as the "green house,
at the intersection of Valley and Mill street, adjoining
ii M k R prtt' store, where he cordiall> inTite. all
ti- w. iv. i ™ Goods and Trim-
EX£?ui. , g hor lo ..ic,.d..r.„bl.
has now open
Cloths, Cassimeres
which will be made up to order in the neat
est and most fashionable styles, apl J
1865) are manufacturing under Letters Patent the j
Best Article of Composition Roofing ever Offered to i
the Public. It is adapted to every style of Roof, steep i
or flat, and can be readily applied by any one.
The U. S. Government, after a thorough test of its
utility, have adapted its use in the Navy Yards, and i
upon Public Buildings.
The Roofing is put up in rolls, and has only to bo j
nailed to the Roof to make a
Durable Fire and Water-Proof Covering.
We particularly recommend its use upon
Buildings, Stores, Churches, Faetorics. Machine
Shoj s, Steamboat Decks, &e.
For coating TIN, IKON, or SHINGLE ROOFS. It forms a <
Hody Equal to Three Coots of Ordinary Paint.
Xo Roof can rust under it, and old leaky Roofs may be j
made permanently water-proof and durable hy its use. j
The Paint requires NO MIXING, but is ready to be up- ;
plied with the ordinary paint brush. Prict. 81 per gal- I
lon. which will cover two hundred square leet.
Also manufacturers of
Black Lustre Varnish,
Tarred Felt and Roofing Pitch.
Discount-to the Trade. Circulars and Price List fur
nished. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address
104 Broadway, N. Y.
Frank Humphreys, 61 Royal st., N. O.; Schofield
Williams k Co., Augusta, Ga.; Baldwin H. Woods
Montgomery. Ala.; i hos. S. Coates. Raleigh, N. C.; F.
A. Tucker. Richmond, Va.; Henry Wilson, Petersburg,
Va., Agents. jan23
Teas for the People. -Yo more Enormous
Profits for Consumers to Pay.
Fifty Cents to One Dollar per Pound Sav
ed by Buying your Teas direct
from the Importers.
T. T. KELLEY & CO., Importers of Teas. In connection
with tlirir large wholesale business, have determined to
introduce their Teas directly to consumers at importers'
prices, thus effecting a saving to the consumer o! 40 to 60
per cent. Families can now club together tor any kind or
qualities of Teas, in packages ol one pound and upwards,
and we will send them a superior article of Tea at 5 per
cent, above the cost of importation. 1-et some energetic
lady or other person in each neighborhood call upon her
acquaintances and take their orders for any of the folio
ing named Teas, and when a cluh of ten. twenty, or more
is obtained, send to lis and we will send the Teas put up in
separate packages, with the name of each person marked
on It. all enclosed in one box. As a plimhkr tNnucEMEjrr
to the person getting up the club we will send for his or
her services, an extra complimentary package on all or
ders of S3O and upward. )t is perhaps not well understood
wht we can sell teas so very low ; but when it Is taken
into consideration that besides the original cost of impor
tation, the Broker, Speculator, Jobber, Wholesale Dealer
ami Retailer, lias each to reap a large proilt ami the innu
merable Cartages, Cooperages, Insurances. Storages. Ac.,
which teas have to pass through before they reach the
consumer, will readily explain this. We propose to do
awav with seven-eights of these proiits arid expenses,and
it now remains with ihe PEOPLE to say whether they shall
save 50 cents to SI.OO per pound on every pound of Tea
they purchase, or he compelled to give their earnings to a
host of useless go-betweens.
I'xoLAits and Small Dkmjcrs wishing Teas to sell again,
can be accommodated with small packages to suit their
trade, but no reduction can be made, as these are our
wholesale prices.
Oolong, (Black) 70, SO. 90, SI.OO, $1 10. best $1 25. per pound.
English Breakfast. (Black SO. 90. $1 00. best $| 25, per lb.
Young Hyson. (Green) 85, 95, SI,OO, extra $1.25, superior
$1 50, per pound.
Mixed, [Green and Black] 70. 80, SO, best SI.OO, per pound,
imperial, [Green] $1.30, best per pound.
Japan, $1 sl.lO, $1 25. best per pound.
Gunpowder. (Green) $1.30, best $1 60 per pound.
We have lately added a Coffee Department to our estab
lishment, and although we cannot promise the consumer
as great a saving as we can on Teas.(the margin lor profit
on Coffees being very small,) yet we can sell Coffees fully
25 per cent, cheaper than retailers charge. Our Coffees
come direct from the Custom House and we roast and
grind them perfectly pure, put up in I or more pound
packages, at an advance of 2 cents per pound.
Our Wholesale Price—Ground Coffees—Pure Itio, 25, 30
cents per pound. Best Old Government Java, 40 cts. Best
Cevlon, 40 cts.
SENDING MONEY.—Parties sending orders for less than
S3O for Teas or Coffees should send with their order a P. O.
Draft or the money, to save the expense of collecting by
Express. But large orders we will forward by Express and
collect on delivery.
We shall he happy at all times to receive a call at our
Warehouse front persons visiting the city, whether deal
ers or not.
Late Kellev k Yought.
I) re iv' s I-* a tent
THE greatest improvement of the age. in this line
of trade. Ist. It does away with the wrinkles on
the instep, also, with the welted side seam which has
injured so many feet and ankles. 2d. It makes the
easiest sitting and best fitting hoot ever worn. This
hoot is now inanaftictnred by P. I*. Loop, who holds
the right of use for the county, and is prepared to
fumi-ii all who wish to wear this boot. A liberal dis
count to dealers who wish to deal in these boots. Or
ders filled at short notice. Prices greatly reduced on
all goods at P. F. Loop's Shoe Store. feb6
20,000 MAJORITY!
To the Voters of Central Penna
ELECTION is over and it has been decided by about
20,000 majority that the Tobacco and C igars sold
at Frysinger's Tobacco and Segar Store cannot be
surpassed, either in Quality or Price.
Look at the Prices, get some of the goods, and com
pare with all others, and you will be satisfied that you
get the worth of your money at Frysinger s.
try singer's Spun Roll only i 1.00 per pound.
Frysinger's Navy
Frysinger's Congress " "
Frysinger's Flounder " " J
Wi'llett Navy
Oronoko Twist " ' ~
And other Plug Tobacco at 40 and 0 cts. per lb.
Cut and Dry, 40 nd 50 cts. Granulated Tobaccos at
60 cts.. tiO Cts , 80 cts.. SI.OO, $1220. and $1.50 per lb.
Fine-Cut chewing, at $1 40 and $1.20.
Cigars at 1, 2. 3. 5 and 10 cts. each,
Pip-s in great variety; also Cigar Cases, Tobacco
Pouches and Boxes, Match Safes, and all articles
usually kept in a first-class Tobacco and Cigar Store.
To Merchants. I offer the abovegoods at pneesthat
will enable them to retail at the same prices that 1
doand fealize a fair profit. FRYSINGER.
Why Shiver With Cold,
When you can Buy
Knit Undershirts and Drawers
jan3o At BIIISBIN'S.
SITUATE in Wayne township, Mifflin
county, on turnpike road, within \ of
a mile of Atkinson's Mills, store, school
blacksmith, &c., and within miles of
Penna. It. It., about <0 acres cleared and
the balance in excellent timber, prime
oak, &c. This property will he sold very
low and to suit purchaser. Persons wish
ins; to examine the premises will eau on
J. Glasgow, esq., or C. N. Atkinson, near
premises, and for price and terms see or
address A. J. ATK IN. O- ,
oct24tf Lewistown, Pa.
Auburn, Golden, Flaxen and Silken Curls.
1) RODUCED by the use of Prof. PEBREUX' FRI
- SER EE CHEVEUX One application warranted
to curl the most straight and stubborn hair of either
sex into wavy ringlety or heavy massive curls. Has
been used by the fashionables of Paris and London,
with the most gratifying results. Does no injury to
the tiair. Price oy mail, sealed and postpaid sl. De
scriptive Circulars mailed free. Address BERGER,
SHU rrs & CO., Chemists, No. 28: River St., Troy, >'. Y.
Sole Agents for the United States. feb6-ly
T FORCED to grow upon the smoothest face in from
three to five weeks bv using Dr. SEVIGNE'S RES
TAURATEUR CAPILLAIRE. the most wonderful dis
covery in modern science, acting upon the Beard and
Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It has been
used by the elite of Paris and London with the most
flattering success. Names of all persons will be reg
istered, and if entire satisfaction is not given in every
instance,the money will be cheerfully refunded. Price
by mail, sealed and postpaid, sl. Descriptive circu
lars and testimonials mailed tree. Address BERGER,
BHUTTB A CO., Chemists. No. 285 River street, Troy,
N. Y., Sole agents for the United States. feb6-ly
Oh ! she was beautiful and fair.
With starry eyes, and radtant hair.
Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined,
Enchained the very heart and ntlnd.
For Curling the, Ilair of either Sex into
Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or
Heavy Massive Curls.
BY using this article Ladies anil Gentlemen can beau
tify themselves a thousand fold. It is the only ar
ticle in the world that will curl straight hair, and at the
same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance The
Crisper Coma not only curls the hair, but invigorates,
beautifies and cleanses it; is highly and delightfully
perfumed, and is the most complete article of the
kind ever offered to the American public. The Cris
per Coma will be sent to any address, sealed and post
paid for Jl. Address ail orders to
W.L.CLARK A CO., Chemists,
febfi-ly No. 3, West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y.
For Removing Superfluous Hair.
TO THE ladies especially, this invaluable depilatory
recommends itself as being an almost indispensa
ble article to fumale beauty, is easily applied.Woes not
burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots.
It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low
foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely,
totally and radically extirpating the same, leavingtlie
skin soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article
used by the French, and is the only real effectual de
pilatory in existence. Price 75 cents per package,
sent post-paid, to any address, on receipt of an order,
by BERGER. SHUTTS A Co., Chemists,
feb6-ly 285 River street, Troy, N. Y.
Throw away your false frizzes, your switches, your wig—
And rejoice In your cwn luxuriant hair.
Come aged, come youthful, come ugly and fair,
And rejoice in your own luxuriant hair.
FOR restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever
cause it may have fallen out) and forcing a growth
of hair upon the face it hasnoequal. It will force the
beard to grow upon the smoothest iace in from five to
eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to
three months. A few ignorant practitioners have as
serted that there is nothing that will force or hasten
the growth of the hair or beard Their assertions are
false, as thousands of living witnesses(from their own
experience) can bear witness. But many will say, how
are we to distinguish the genuine from the spurious?
It certainly is difficult, as nine-tenths of the different
Preparations advertised for the hair and beard are en
tirety worthless, and you may have already thrown
away large amounts in their purchase. To such wo
would say, try the Reparator Capilli; it will cost you
nothing unless it fully comes up to our representations.
If your druggist does not keep it, send us one dollar
and we will forward it postpaid, together with a receipt
lor the money, which will be returned you on applica
tion providing entire saiisfaotion is not given. Address
W.L.CLARK &. CO,Chemists,
feb6-ly No. 3 West Fayette st., Syracuse, N. Y.
There cometh glad tidings of joy to all.
To young and to old, to great and to small;
The beauty which once was so precious and rare,
Is free for all and all may be fair.
By the use of
For Improving and Beautifying the Complexion.
THE most valuable and perfect preparation in use,
for giving the skin a beautiful pearl-hke tint that
is only found in youth. It quickly removes Tan. Freck
les, Pimples. Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallowness,
Eruptions, and ail impurities of the skin, kindly heal
ing the same, leavingjthe skin white and clear as ala
baster. Its use can not be detected by the closest
scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation is per
fectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used
by the French, and is considered by the Parisian as
indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30,000
bottles were sold during the past year, a sufficient
guarantee of its efficacy. Price only .5 cents. Sent by
mail, post-paid, on receipt of an order, by
BERGER, SHCTTS & CO., Chemists,
f c s.ly 285 River St., Troy, N. Y.
The World Astonished
SHE reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She re"
stores to happiness those who, from doleful events,
catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations ami
friends, Toss of money. &c., have become despondent.
She brings together those long separated, gives infor
mation concerning absent friends or lovers, restores
lost or stolen property, tells you the business you are
best qualified to pursue and in what you will be most
successful, causes speedy marriages and tells you the
very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness
and characteristic of the person. She reads your very
thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers un
veils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future—
From the stars we see in the firmanent —the malefic
stars that overcome or predominate in the configura
"ti oll from the aspects and positions of the planets
and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth,
she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to
consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs you
but a trifle, and you may neveragain have so favorable
an opportunity. Consultation fee. with likeness and
all desired information,sl. Parties livingat'adistance
can consultthe Madame by mail with equal safety and
satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and
explicit chart, written out, with all inquiriesanswered
and likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price
above mentioned. The strictest secrecv will be main
tained. and all correspondence returned or destroyed.
References of the highest order famished those de
siring them. Write plainly the day of the monlhand
year in which you were bom. enclosing a small lock
of hair. Address MADAME H. A. PERRIGO,
jebfi-ly P. O. DRAWER 293, BCFPALO, N. Y.
RUSHES at Hoffman's.
CEDAR-WARE at Hoffman's,
CORDAGE at Hoffman's.
SHOE FINDINGS at Hoffman's.
SOLE LEATHER at Hoffman's.
POCKET CUTLERY at Hoffman's.
TABLE CUTLERY at Hoffman's.
O E T KL "Y .
The ISurial of Mrs. Judson.
Mourtifuily, tenderly, bear on the dead;
Where the warrior hath lain* let the Christian belaid;
No place more befitting. O rock of the sea,
Never such treasure was hidden in thee!
Never such treasure was hidden in thee!
Mournfully, tenderly, solemn and slow!
Tears are bedewing the path as ye go-
Strangers and kindred are mourners to-day—
Gently, so gently, O bear her away 1
Mournfully, tenderly, gaze on that brow—
Beautiful is it iu quietude now;
One look, and then settle the lov'd to her rest,
The ocean beneath her, the turl to her breast.
So have ye buried her;—up and depart.
To life and to duty, with undismayed heart;
Fear not, for the love of the stranger will keep
The casket that lies in the rock ot the deep.
•Mrs. J. was buried on the Isle of St. Helena, where
Bonaparte died.
IIOX. I.oris U. HALL,
In favor of a Free Railroad Law, and against the
amendments made to the bill by the Railroad Com
mittee of the Senate.
Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, I did not intend, when I
made a few remarks on this bill the other day, to oc
cupy the attention of theSenateany further in regard
to it. When repeated votes showed from eighteen to
twenty in favor of it, and from eleven to sixteen against
it, I supposed thatthe minds of Senators were made
up. and that we would not be warranted in taking up
time to the exclusion of other matters of legislation
And I should not now, had it not been for the remarks
ofinv friend,the Senator from Bradford [Mr. Landonj
I do'not rise to reflect upon any railroad corporation
—certainly not upon the Pennsylvania railroad. 1
have had quite as inueh to do with that corporatior
as the Senator from Bradford, and am quite as fami)
iar with the region of country traversed I>V that grea
railroad. lam well aware that it has greatly enrichec
Central Pennsylvania—that its value has been increas
ed to ten times, yes twenty times, what it was befori
that road was constructed. I have never lent mysell
either directly or indirectly, to any effort that wa
calculated to crush this railroad or impair its useful
ncss I have never opposed or sought to thwart anj
legislation calculated to strengthen and encourage it
when such legislation tended to the public welfare.—
But with all due deference to my brother Senators,
must say that any one who knows the popular senti
ment must know that the people of Pennsylvania are
determined to have a free railroad law. But the peo
ple do not want a railroad law so loaded down and
clogged with restrictions that it will be impracticable
even to construct a railroad under it. Let the Sena
tor go to his constituents, and I think he will find that
they, as well as my constituents, are in favor of a tree
railroad law. But they do not desire such a law as
will be practically inoperative and a nullity. I hold in
my hand the inaugural of General Geary, and the las t
message of Governor Curt in, in which they say the
people demand a free railroad law. Such I found to
be the unmistakable sentiment of the people of Brad
ford county, where I addressed a portion of them last
fall, aud 111 no part of the State did I find a more de
termined and earnest feeling in favor of the move
ment than in Northern Pennsylvania, where the peo
ple gave their majorities by" thousands for General
Geary. Believing, as 1 do, that such is the general
sentiment, and that the wants of the people must be
heeded by their chosen representatives, in view. too.
of the speech just made by the Senator from Brad
iord. 1 challenge the supporters of this so-called free
railroad bill, who so imperatively demand its passage,
without a single alteration, to discuss its merits. I
opposed the free railroad bill which was introduced
last winter by my distinguished friend, the Senator
from Erie [Mr. LowryJ, and I gave satisfactory rea
sons, the other day. for my opposition thereto. It is
not necessary to repeat those reasons now. What I
demand, in the name of the people, is a liberal rail
road law; not one in name, simply, but in reality. Is
it not deluding and cheating the people to call that a
free railroad law which requires fifteen thousand dol
lars of capital stock for every mile of road to be sub
scribed and paid in before anything can be done? —
Senators know that this clause will have the effect to
embarrass railroad companies, and to retard and pre
vent the development of the country by internal im
provements ; in short, that no railroad would ever be
built under such a law? At least I fear not, aud is it
not better to strike out such provisions?
You have also interpolated into this bill a most on
erous condition in the shape of an individual liability
clause, which is intended to intimidate persons and
prevent them from taking stock. The Pennsylvania
railroad, that opened up and developed Central Penn
sylvania, and to which the State is indebted in such
large measure for its wealth and prosperity, and which
is admitted to be the greatest and best managed road
in the United States, has a special charter. It con
tains no individual liability clause, and why should
such a provision be embraced in this bill? When it
was proposed to pass a law similar to that of Ohio and
New Y'ork, it was voted down, and no sufficient rea
son has been or can be advanced to warrant such ac
tion. And now when an amendment is offered to this
bill, which would tend to promote and encourage the
building of railroads, the arguments advanced against
it by its opponents are equally futile and empty. And
when it is proposed to add a section, in the New \ ork
law. simply allowing corporations to connect their
roads, and to embrace in this bill the provisions of a
law voted for by the Senator from Bradford in 1861,
we are told it is wrong to do this—but why ? Simply
because nineteen Senators say the bill shall not be
changed. A convincing reason.
Let a law be passed allowing people to build rail-
roads wherever they choose, provided they pay for
them as they go, subject to reasonable restraints, and
these are contained, as far as 1 think it necessary to
go, in the provisions of the act of 1849. A liberal rail
road law is not demanded by the people of Pittsburg
alone, but by the people of the entire .State. A law so
liberal that charters can be obtained, that capital will
be invested anil railroads constructed under it with
out the corporators being obliged to come tothe Leg
islature. it is plain to me that a majority of the Sen
ate differ with me in my views, My votes on the bill
in committee of the whole as well as in the Senate,
have uniformly been ior what I thought was the most
liberal policy. We of the minority have briefly aud
explicitly as possible stated the reason for our votes.
We see and ktiow that one-third cannot vote down
two-thirds. Aud when the bill, clothed in the precise
language that it came from the Railroad Committee,
not changed m letter, word or line, is about to pass,
we are taunted that we have been able to give no good
reason for our votes, and that our efforts to amend the
bill, as it came irom the Railroad Committee, have
only added increased strength to the majority and
added a renewed determination on their part that the
bill shall pass unamended aud unchanged, either in
the sections voted on or in those which are to follow.
The Senator from Bradford [Mr. Landonj desires that
the issue shall be made, so that the people shall un
derstand it. The Senator is clever as well as bold;
and as he thus declares that the bill as reported by the
Railroad Committee is perfect as it can be made, per
mit me to point out what I think are striking defects
in it. ... i
Kirst. I think the amount of capital stock per mile
required is too large, and that it may tend to discour
age the construction of railways. I can see no reason
why the amount should be larger than is now required
in the generul law under which railroad comjianies
are organized in Pennsylvania. If there is any good
reason. 1 would be glad to hear it.
Second. Whilst 1 think it is very possible there
should be some individual liability clause, for the pro
tection of laborers and mechanics, I apprehend the
stringent wording of tho section might restrain the
construction of railroads. I am aware that under
the general railroad law of New Vork stockholders are
liable to the amount of their stock not paid in, and
also for the wages of labor, for a period not exceed
ing thirty days. This provision of tho New i ork law
was offered as an amendment to the section as it now
stands in the bill, by the Senator from Indiana [Mr.
White.] And although I voted lor it, it was voted
down bv a decided majority, the Senator (rom Brad
ford [Mr. Landonj being one of that majority. 1 here
is no individual liability clause in the charter of any
railroad now iu existence in Pennsylvania, that 1 know
of. And I respectfully submit to the Senate, it is
neither liberal or wise, in this beginning of a new sys
tem, to test that system by sections so stringent in
their character. There is nothing of the kind in tho
act incorporating the Pennsylvania railroad company.
And I have heard no reason in favor of it now. save
that the bill must pass as it came from the Railroad
Committee, without the erasure of a word or the ob
literation of a line. Aud this is the hat as well in the
sections that are to be voted on as in those on which
the Senate has acted. I cannot think, Mr. Speaker,
with all deference to the views of my brother Sena
tors, that this is liberal, or that it will full} meet tho
wishes of the people whom we represent.
Third. 1 believe the time allowed for surteys and
filing maps is too short. The survey is to be com
menced within thirty days, aud to be completed with
in six months. This is too snort- The history ot the
railroad litigation of the State shows this. Ana yet
the majority decline to change it.
aiswnsTOWSTa smrcmss' ipssysjo
Fourth. The power which the Legislature reserves
(in section thirteen), by special of general act, "to
amend, change, modify or repeal the charter ot aD>
corporation organized under tins act as the same was
provided for iti the thirteenth section o* the act reg
ulating the construction of lateral railroads, approved
the sth day of May, 1832," is. in my judgment, botn
unwise and unconstitutional. Unwise, because, I tear '
it will discourage investments. Unconstitutional, be
cause the present Constitut on of Pennsylvania, as
amended and adopted in 1838. six years after the pas
sage of the lateral railroad law referred to, expressly
declares that the Legislature shall only have the pow
er to alter, revoke or annul any charter of incorpora
tion hereafter conferred, by or under any special or
general law, in such manner that no injustice shall
be done to the corporation ! Will the capitalists of
Pennsylvania and of the country subscribe their mo
ney to build railroads under this bill, with this provis
ion hanging over their heads? Would the Senator
from Philadelphia [Mr. Ridgway], who is a man of
means and a successful manager of one of the best
passenger railroads in the State, invest his money in
building a railroad under a lawgiving any such power
to subsequent Legislatures?
Mr. RIDGWAY. Certainly. I have the utmost con
fidence in tins Legislature" and would be willing to
invest my money, with that clause hanging over it.
Mr. HALL. Well, it is really strange that the Sen
ator, who has been here several years, never had any
thing of the kind inserted in any railroad bill before.
Mr. RIDGWAY. I was never requested to do so.
Mr. HALL. Surely not, and why? Because it takes
money to build railroads, and men generally are not
such fools as to invest when the Legislature may re
peal the law. and they thereby lose the whole or a
part of their investment.
1 also olaect to other clauses in the Vail as it came
from the Railroad Committee, which it is not neces
sary for me new to refer to. The people understand
this question. They can neither be deceived nor tri
fled with. If I have chauged my views, it is because
I desire to vote in accordance with the will of my con
stituents. aDd in accordance with what I believe tube
the wishes of nine-tenths of the people of Pennsylva
nia. I have voted, and shall continue to vote to make
this law as liberal as I can get it. I trust the Senate
may yet strike out some ot these objectionable claus
es. If not, and the bill passes both branches ol the
Legislature, as it came from the Committee on Rail
roads, that it may be amended by subsequent Legis
latures. and thatthe system of making and construct
ing railroads in Pennsylvania may be as broad and
liberal as in any other Stale in the Union.
New Jersey has lately, through her Legislature,
adopted a free railway system. New York and Ohio,
on our north and west, have liberal general railroad
laws, and although it is true that Maryland refuses to
permit trade and travel to pass through her borders,
even to go to our National Capital, untaxed, yet this
great ana growing State will surely not wait for Mary
land to act.
I have nothing more to add, Mr. Speaker. I favor
a tree railroad law because the people expect and de
mand it, and because I trust it may aid in the further
development of our great aud grand old State.
Dc.itli of Dr. Livingstone.
News lias been received in England
of the murder by savages, in South
Africa, of Dr. David Livingstone, one
of the most famous of African explor
ers. The extraordinary length of the
period which had elapsed without news
of him gave rise some time since to
fears for his fate, and this final intelli
gence is the first that has made its way
to Europe since. Wo are puzzled to
know what can have stirred up the
natives to this butchery of a man from
whom they never had anything but
just and kind treatment, and who had
alwavs before had eminent success in
his dealings with them.
David Livingstone was the son of a
Scotch small farmer, and was himself
born on his patrimonial acres, a fow
miles out of Glasgow, in 1815. Ho
was bred to be a cotton spinner, but
with the indomitable pluck common
to the Scotch peasantry ho educated
himself before the ago of nineteen, so
that he was able to at that time to
sink the shop and attend at the Uni
versity at Glasgow the lectures in
medicine and divinity, with the idea
of going afterwards to China as a med
ical missionary. His project was
spoiled by the outbreak of a war be
tween Great Britain aud the flowery
kingdom by the time that ho was pre
pared with the necessary degree of
licentiate of the faculty, but his idea
of travel was only diverted, not des
troyed, and he pitched next upon the
south of Africa, which has been the
theatre of his exploits since, and with
the history of the exploration of which
his name is linked as indissolubly as
that of Mungo Park with the central
deserts of that oldest, and yet worst
known, of the grand division of the
globe. There was, indeed, a singular
series of coincidences in the career of
the two. Both were Scotchmen, of
the sons of tho Lowland tenantry,
both left their country immediately
for Africa, on the completion of the
university curriculum; both made sig
nal contributions to our knowledge,
and now we are forced to add that both
met the same fate, though tho interval
was sixty years, from a population
which they had always before managed
with successful address.
Dr. Livingstone was more fortunate
than Park at the outset of his labor,
for in the year 1841, just after his ar
rival in Africa, that is, he succeeded
in domesticating himself among the
Bechuanas, one of the most benighted
of the southern tribes, and for six
years he labored thore in his double
vocation of physician and priest. In
June, 1849, he set out on his first ex
ploring expedition, and tho ensuing
August reached Lako Ngami, as un
known then as it since has been made
familiar. In 1851, after several more
expeditions of less importance, he made
one in which ho reached tho Zambesi.
In 1852 he had a casual glimpse of civ
ilization again for, the first time in
twelve years, on a trip to Capetown,
undertaken for the purpose of sending
his wife to England. Mrs Livingstone,
bo it said, was the daughter of a mis
sionary in Africa] her husband had
met and married hor in Africa, and it
was there that she mot her death some
two years since, after a participation
in nearly all the hardships of his life.
In January, 1853, Dr. Livingstone
loft Capetown on the journey out of
which he made his first book and the
Vol. LVII. No. 14-
fame therefrom accruing. In this
journey he went through with very
notable pluck as many difficulties and
discomforts as would have sufficed to'
discourage a dozen ordinary men. and
ho ended it in May, 185(5, four years
after he started, at Quilimane, on the
Indian Ocean, having traversed the
continent from ocean to ocean, a dis
tance of nearly nine thousand miles,
with (and without) all conceivable
kinds of conveyance. He found a
British gunboat at Quilimane,and made
the passage in her to the Mauritius
and so homo by the overland route.^ —
He arrived homo in Decemer, 1856,
i and was, of course, made a lion of.
Numerous public meetings were held
in his honor, at which he found that his
! long absence and the disuse ot his
mother tongue had made him so un
skilled in it that he was unable to ex
press himself in it to the satisfaction
lof himself or his audiences. His book
came out in 1857, carrying his popu
larity throughout Great Britain and
Dr. Livingstone turned his back on
iiis successes, and sailed for the second
time in March, 1857. The government
had given him the consulate at Quili
mane, and he made this place the point
d'appui for his next important expedi
tion, in which he was accompanied by
a party of savans. The course taken
was up the river Zambesi, and the re
sults of this voyage are recorded in
his second book, which he returned to
England again in 1862 to put into
shape and publish, and which is in
everybody's library. Last year he
returned the third time to Africa, and
the last heard of him was atN'Doude,
at the confluence of the iiovuma and
Xeudo. Here he met with kindness,
hut found the land desolate by the slave
traders supplying the market of Zan
zibar. We have information that lie
proceeded further west to 'Mataka,' a
Miao chief, who gave presents of cat
tle and food. At this point the Indian
i Sepoys remained behind, and have
since returned to Zanzibar. From
Mataka to Alake was eight days' march.
, On crossing a wide water in Canves,
they followed the border of the lako
for several days, and then struck in
land. They were suddenly attacked
in a bush country, about nine a. m., by
a band of Mavite. Dr. L. killed the
most forward of the attacking party,
but was surrounded and cut down by
ono blow of a battle axe, which cut
half through his neck. Beyond this
wo have no dotails, for those who re
turned were the first to flee. Almost
all who stood near Dr. L. were killed,
■ although they seem to have done con
: siderable with their rifles. This hap
pened about October 25, 1866.
Of Dr. Livingstone's qualities as an
explorer, the bare recital of what he
has done tells enough; and it only re
mains to say that in his private capac
ity ho has always been reputed the
model of a citizen and a Christian mis
Why the Grain Business is ReYived at Mc-
Coy's Old Stand.
IT HE undersigned, having rented the large
and commodious Warehouses formerly
occupied by Frank McCoy, esq., is now pre
pared to purchase or receive and forward
All Kinds of Grain,
for which he will pay market prices. Also,
he will keep for sale, Salt, Plaster, Coal &
He returns thanks to all his old customers
for their former patronage, and shall feel
grateful for a renewal of past business rela
{ tions.
.Merchants will find it to their advantage
to give him a call.
marl4-y WM. WILLIS.
Brown's Mills.
rpHE undersigned aro prepared to
; buy all kinds of Produce for cash, or receive on
j store at Brown's Mills, Reedsville, Pa. We will have
on hand
i We intend keeping the mill constantly running, and
ifiiaaa, ilia,
tor sale at the lowest Market rates, at all times.
tftf-The public are requested to give us a call.
se P 27tf H. STRUNK & HOFFMAN'S.
Paper, &c.
ON HAND, a fine assortment of Cap,
Letter and Note Paper. Also, Fancy
i Colored Paper and Envelopes in variety, at
jan 30 F. J HOFFMAN'S.
[Near the Jail,]
"ITT ILL SELL from now till the Ist of
V T March the following GOODS at
Greatly Reduced Prices:
001) TEAS at reduced prices, §I.OO,
T $1.50 and SI.BO cents per pound at
marts A. FELIX'S,