Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, March 27, 1867, Image 2

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. &. o. R. FRYSIXGER, Editor*.
Wednesday, March 27, 1867.
The GAZETTE >1 published every Wednesday
the old stand, at fl.sv in advance, or t .2.00 at the end
of 3 ranatUs.
Persons r*c< ivito* papers with n X marked on
it will underptan i that Inscription is due on which
H remittance Br be made.
Cash Bates of Advertising.
BuMneao Car Is (7 tinea or le* 1 year 6.00
Adminiptnvion or Executor's Notices 2 6-J
Auditor's do 2 00
ftstray Notice, four times, 2 Ou
Caution or other short Notices, I 00
Tavern Eicenpes. pintle, 1 X)
If mor-than one. each 50
Register'.- Notices • f Account**. each M
One inch eon-litotes a square, and all advertising
not otherwise contracted f, r . or enumerated above,
wiil hereafter be charge-i 0 > cents per square for each
Job Work.
Eighth sheet hills, s!..•■ for 25 or less : fourth sheet
bills }l tor i* or le.= -; li.tlfheel bill, it for 2b or less.
Notice* of Netv Advertisements.
Attention is re quested to the sale of H.
H. Wilson, on Friday next
The Fakir of Vishnu desires a partner.
.See local column.
Persons having deeds in the Recorders
Ofiice are requested to call and lift them.
Ground piaster, feed, extra family flour,
Ac., always on hand at Blymyer's steam !
Barrett's Hair Restorative, &o.
The Governor's Veto Message.
We publish on our outside to-day the
message of Governor < feary vetoing the
bill giving the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, or rather the directors, unusu
al power to issue mortgages, £c. The
views expressed are so sound and logical
- that there can hardiy be found aavdiffer
ence of opinion among our citizens as to
their propriety; yet a majority of the Sen
ate J Kissed the bill over the veto, and then f
most inconsistently entertained a bill re
pealing one of the leading objections! In
the House, an attempt was made to call
it u;, but failed; and subsequently a bill
was reported, meeting the objections of
the Governor in lite main, passed, sent to
the Suiitt *•. which :t also j aased, so that :
two bios, fur tile same jHirpos-.-. but vastly
di-siniiiar, were nearly laws at the same
time, the one nly wanting the* -ignature
or tlie Governor, the other the approba
t.JD OI tuiy-thirds of the House. Mr.
Hamt- voted against and Mr. Hall for
the veto.
Unariciai Measure for liesuni
ing Specie Payments.
Mr. MorreLl, our member of Congress,
last week introduced a bill which was
read twice and ordered to imprinted, Lav
ing in view a gradual return to specie pay
ments. Its provision? make it unlawful
for the .Secretary of the Treasury to sell or
otlv-rwi-e dispose of any gold or silver
coin now held by the Government of the
L uited States, or that may hereafter IK.*
received by it from duties on imports, as
now provided by law, until the balance of j
specie in the treasury shall amount to
v-dO,UOt),<XX), when it shall be the duty of
the Secretary of the Treasury to give pub
lic notice that all liabilities of the Govern
ment of the* I nited States, matured and j
to mature, will be paid in coin. It fur- j
ther provides that it shall be unlawful for j
any national bank to sell or otherwise 1
dispose of any gold received in payment
of interest or bonds held by tlie Treasurer
of the United .States as security for the re
demption of its notes while not redeeming
its notes in coin; and ail national banks
failing to so redeem their notes within
thirty days after the resumption of specie
payments by the Government shall for
feit their charters; that no furthe redemp
tion or contraction of the legal-tender
notes now outstanding shall be made by
the Secretary of the Treasury; that all
surplus revenues beyond a specie reserve
of $200,000,000 shall be applied to the re
demption of the public debt; thattheSec
retary be authorized and required to issue
notes payable in twenty years from date,
and bearing 7 3-10 per cent, interest, pay
able semi-aifhually, in currency, with
which notes he shall redeem all indebted
ness of the United States not otherwise
provided for by law, and which shall ma
ture within two years from the passage of
the act, reserving the right in the Gov
ernment to pay six per cent, in gold, in
lieu of the 7 3-10 per cent., from and after
the expiration of the said two years ; that
in case holders of any portion of the ma
turing debt shall decline to receive in puv
xnent thereof the said 7 3-10 notes, the said
notes, or so much thereof as shall he ne-j
cessarv for the purpose, shall from time to
time l>e sold by the Secretary of theTreas- '
ury, on due public notice, and the avails
thereof lie applied to the payment of the i
said maturing debt.
tear Hiram Woodruff, the celebrated
turf man, died suddenly at his residence
on Long Island, 011 Friday, March 15. '
®?k.The Gazetteand Lewishurg Chron
icle would wearesuremiss the editorof the
Selinsgrqve Times (should lie get into the '
penitentiary) a great deal more than any 1
darkey. Don't you think so, Mr Times?
'Hie supplementary reconstruction
bill was passed ou Saturday, over the
President's veto, by both branches of COll- \
gress. flie vote in the Senate was veas
3<, nays 7. In the House yeas 114, nays 25.
lion-all, of the Mifflintowu Regis
ter last week made a fool of himself by
neaping a column of abuse 011 the Gazette
for giving nearly the same account of the I
did* I'vter la by as the former paper
weep! Gen.
Hchofield, commandant of the Virginia
district, has abolished the whipping post
and thus perjietrated another outrage on
the Constitution and wiped out another
relic of barbarism! How can you stand
such tilings without howling? *
A .lew lAcense Law.
ther to regulate the granting of licenses
to hotels and eating bouses, approved
March thirty-first, one thousand eight
hundred and fifty-six.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate
and Home of lieprescntaftvex of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania in General
Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by
the authority of the same, That when an
application is made to any court of quar
ter sessions of this Commonwealth, for
license to sell intoxicating drinks, it shall
be lawful for said court to hear petitions,
in addition to that of the applicant, in
favor of, and remonstrances against the
application for such license, and in all
cases to refuse the same whenever, in the
opinion of said court, having due regard
to the number and character of the peti
tioners for and against such application,
such license is not necessary for the ac
commodation of the public and entertain
ment of strangers and travelers, and upou
sufficient cause being shown, the said
courts shall have jtower to revoke any
license granted by them, and all laws in
consistent with tiiis section are hereby
repealed : Provided , That the sureties in
the bond, required of tiie applicant for
license, shall be signed to his petition.
SEC. That applications for license to
keep an eating house, beer house or restau
rant, authorizing the sale of domestic j
wines, malt and brewed liquors, shall
hereafter be made in ✓the same manner j
and to the same authority as application j
for license to keep a hotel: Provided. ;
That the regulation in relation to bed !
rx>ms and beds shall not apply to appli- !
cants for an eating-house, beer-house and j
restaurant license, and the tenth section !
of the act of twentieth April, one thous
and eight hundred and fifty-eight, author- ;
izmg county treasurers to grant an eating '
house or retail brewery license, is hereby
aec. 3. Zs'o license to keep an eating
house, beer house or restaurant, under the
provisions of the second section of this
act, shall be granted in any incorporated
city for a less sum than fifty dollars, nor
elsewhere for a less sum than twenty
•VEC. 4. If any person, after the passage
of this act. shall sell spirituous and vinous
liquors, domestic wines, malted or brewed
liquors, without havingobtained a license
authorizing him so to do, such persons
shall, on conviction in the court of quar
ter sessions, be lined, for the tirst offense,
in any sum not less than fifty, nor more
than two hundred dollars; and for the
second, or any subsequent offense, such
person shall be fined not less than one
hundred dollars, and, in the discretion of
the said court, i>e imprisoned in thecounty
jail not less than thirty days, nor more
than ninety days: Provided, That noth
ing in this act shall he construed to re}>eal
the provisions of the act of Assembly
passed March thirty-first, one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-six, relating to
sale- by druggists and apothecaries.
SEC. 5. That the provisions of the first
section of this act .-hall not apply to the
city of Philadelphia or to the county of
Allegheny : Provided , That nothing in
this a< t shall authorize the granting of
licenses to hotel and inn keepers, to vend
vinous, spirituous and malt liquors, and
to license beer houses, eating houses and
restaurants in any locality where licens
ing of hotels, inns, beer houses, eating
houses or restaurants is now prohibited
by law.
1 he above bill has pa--e-l both Houses,
and has no doubt been signed by the Gov
ernor by this time. It is not what was
petitioned for from this county, but is still
an improvement on the old law, as it now
requires license for saloons, <fcc., the same
as taverns, and gives the judges discre
tionary power in granting licenses at all.
Whether our judges will exercise it will
become apparent at April court.
Political Apathy in the South.
The Richmond Times thinks "it is un
"fortunate for Virginia and the South that
"the profound political apathy which pre
"vails among our people stagnates all the
"energy of true and exalted statesman
ship.'' This "political apathy" says the
Philadelphia Inquirer, is a good sign for
the South, indicating, as it does, that the
masses of the people have little confidence
in their political leaders. Because they
refuse longer to follow the advise of Pry or,
and other fire-eaters, they are accused of
being in a state of apathy, much to the
chagrin of these malcontents. It is bet
ter for the South that such is the case. If
they would refuse to listen to the evil
counsels, and ignore the bombastic and
treasonable columns of the Richmond,
Augusta, Mobile, New Orleans and Mem
phis journals, and judgeaud act for them
selves, like independent men, they would
soon find among themselves that "true
and exalted statesmanship," the absence
of which they now so much deplore. Is
not the "political apathy" lamented by
the Times an evidence tliat the people are
beginning to read and think for them
selves, instead of blindly following, as of
old, the madmen who precipitated them
into a wicked war, and caused their homes
and land.~ to lie laid desolate? From this
"apathy" we may look for good to come,
and that right speedily.
How Manufacturers It one fit
Hon. D. J. Morrell has written a letter
in reply to the question what amount of
extern agricultural produce the Cambria
Iron Works, of which lie is superinten
dent, now make a market for. He esti
mates the number of tons of rails pro
duced by the Cambria works for the year
ending October 31, 1886, at 45,000, and the
amount expended in living by workmen
v "' , <>f this sum $1,050,730 were
paid to Western farmers, $319,050 to South
ern farmers, 5*371,800 to Pennsylvania and
Pastern, and to foreign farmers $175 500
Considerably more than half of the nearly
three millions of dollars which are paid
to the employees of this one manufactur
ing establishment go into the pockets of
American farmers, and more than two
thirds of the sum which is distributed
among the American farmers goes to the
farmers o the Wast, Had the rails made
by the Cambria Works been i mi >orted
from England, not one-fifth of the part of
the produce of Western farms for which
the Cambria Iron Workers paid more
than a million ofdollars, would have been
exported to England, and for that fifth
the farmers of the West would have re
ceived lower prices than were paid them
by American mechanics.
COLUMBIA, S. C., March 18.— One of
the most remarkable meetings ever held
in South Carolina took place to-day, the
occasion being a celebration by the ne
groes of the passage of the bill enfranchis
ing the black race. By invitation, Gen
eral Hampton, ex-Unfted States Senator;
W. F. Desaussere, Edward Arthur, Hon.
W. J. Talley, and James G. Gibbs ad
dressed the meeting; also, the Rev. Da
vid Pickett and Beverly Nash, both col
ored. Sentiments were expressed highly
honorable to both sides. The negroes are
gratified with the spirit of political affili
ation with which they have been met,
j and the citizens are equally pleased to find
; the colored men identified with the true
interest of the State. Should the conven
tion be called, the latter will probably
nominate and support the t>est men in the
country, and, as declared by Mr. Nash,
will urge Congress to repeal the disfran
chising clause. -
We said some time ago that the democ
racy would soon he cheek by jowl with
Sambo, and now we find the great demo
cratic ex-rebel Wade Hampton, at a pub
lic meeting in South Carolina, on the i
same stand with colored speakers and
addressing a crowd of colored men, alias
"niggers." Our neighbor of the Demo- '
crat, who is getting occasional fits of Ne- i
grophobia, had better not denounce them ;
too much, as it might be necessarv toem- 1
body in the next resolutions of the dem- :
oeratic county meeting speaking of Sam- !
bo. Cudjo, fcc.as "our.Southern brethren."
Pennsylvania Legislature.
In the House Mr. Brown presented a
petition from citizens of Mi rain county,
praying for a law to extend the term of
county treasurer in said county.
Referred to the Committee on the Judi
ciary Local.
Also, a remonstrance from citizens of
Mifflin county, against a law entitling the
superintendent to draw from the treasu
rer two hundred dollars annually for the
u.-e of the teachers' institute of said c-o.
Referred tothe Committee on Education.
Also, a petition of the citizens of Mif
flin county, praying for the passage of a
law authorizing the appropriation of two
hundred dollars annually out of the pub
lic funds for the use of the teachers' insti
tute in said county.
Referred to the Committee on Educa
Also, fifteen petitions from citizens of
Mifflin county, praying for a change in
the license law.
Referred to the Committee on Vice ami
B*?L.The following appointments were
made by the East Baltimore Conference,
at its last annual session, held in Freder
ick City, Md.:
Thomas Barn hart, P. E.
Altoona—J. S. McMurrav, G. Guyer,
Hollidaysburg—G. W. Heyde.
Wood berry—J. Moorhead. J. A. Wood
Williamsburg—W. Gwynn.
Birmingham—G. Warren, J. P. Moore.
Petersburg—James Brads.
Manor Hill —J. A. DeMoyer, one to be
Huntingdon—R. E. Wilson.
Cassville—J. F. Brown.
Mt. Union—S. M. Hartsock.
Shirleysburg—S. A. Creveling, one to
be supplied.
MeYeytown—M. L. Smith, R. Mallal
ien, W. H. Stevens, sup.
Lewistown—l). S. Monroe.
Lewistown Circuit —J. H. McGarrah.
Milroy—l). B. MeClosky.
McConnelstown —J. W. Leckie.
Saxton—J. C. Clarke, G. D. Penepacker
Bloody- Run —W. G. Ferguson, W. Case
Bedford—B. G. W. Reid.
Rainsburg —J. G. Craig.
Schellsburg—A. W. Decker.
McConnelsburg —J. R. King, one to be
The following have been assigned to
points in other Districts:
New Bloom field—F. Gearhart, G. W.
Newport—J. W. Cleaver. J. M. Aikers.
Concord—A. E. Taylor, W. Shriber.
Mifflin —E. W. Kirby.
Mifflin Circuit—J. B. Polsgrove, A. D.
Hanover and N. Oxford—J. A. Ross.
Price Chapel, Williamsport—\V. W.
Danville—J. McK. Reiley, J. H. Mc-
Ashland —A. M. Creightou.
Bloomsburg—J. A. Price.
Hazletou —E. T. Swartz.
Bellefonte—H. C. Pardoe.
Milesburg—J. B. Maun.
Port Matilda—E. Butler.
Howard G. Leidy.
"Warrior's Mark —J. W. Haugliawout.
Half Moon —T. F. McClure, E. Shoe
Peuns Valley—D. Castfeman.
Salona aud Flemington—J. Stine.
Dock Haven —Samuel Creighton.
Green Mt. Mission, Baltimore —J. P.
Jefferson street, Baltimore—W. Downs
Huntingdon Avenue, Baltimore —W.
M. Frysinger.
Shippensburg —W. A. Houek.
Frostburg Circuit' —Emory Buhrman,
W. Hirst' Reed.
Returned from Missouri. —The Juniata
iSeutinel informs us that on Saturday
morning a week ilr. Grouinger, accom
panied by the children of .Sir. David
Switzer, returned from his new home in
Missouri. As it was Mr. Grouinger who
indentified Sanders, one of the'tossassins
of Mr. Switzer, who was hung, it was not
safe for him to remain any longer, as
some of the gang of tnieves and murder
ers were oil the alert for him. It seems
hard that a man after buying a home ih
Missouri should lie comjielled to flee for
his life on account of these lawless, un
converted rebels and bushwhackers. The
Missourians, however, are making every
effort to procure their arrest, and if they
are caught, Judge Lynch will hang them.
The United States Senate has been
'' oat-hauling" the career of Philip p.
Thomas, Senator elect from Maryland,
concerning his rebel proclivities al>out the
time the " Southern heart was being
fired." We hope Philip enjoya it more
than the darkeys used to.
DIUKEXS' WORKS.— Messrs. Tick nor <fe
Fields, the leading publishing firm in this
country, lately commenced the publication
of a diamond edition of Dickens' Works,
which as a whole, stand at the head of
works of fiction of that peculiar style.—
The "Diamond Pickwick" is the first of
the series issued, is euibelished with il
lustrations, printed on tinted paper, and
bound in "green and gold," making an
elegant volume for the library or centre
table. The complete works of Dickens
will be comprised in twelve or thirteen
volumes, uniformly bound, to be issued
at the rate of one a month, at $1.50 per
volume for the illustrated edition,orsl.2s
for the plain—so that every head ofa fam
ily. every young man or lady, and even
hoys and girls can easily spare enough
monthly to acquire a vast fund of
reading matter which inculcates sound
moral and religious principles, at a trilling
cost. That the character of Dickens'
writings are duly appreciated, we need hut
state the fact that some months ago the
Emperor Napoleon presented his son—a
more boy—with a complete edition. The
books will be sent by mail free of cost on
receipt of price by the publishers, Tick
nor & 1 ields, Boston, Mass., or can be had
at all booksellers. The Boston Journal,
in referring to this edition of Pickwick,
"*ieiore its appearance, whoever warned to bur that
sUndara product of Dickens' genius had to efioose
i etvveon .-i -cheap i-duiou" <though not so cheap after
ai\ as this Diamond edition of inferior workmanship,
and a single i irger and cumbrous copv. or one in two
11 names, h .th of the latter quite costly. But in tbis
new edition we hare a hand? little b ok for the fire
side or window, tastefully bound. 0f46-5 double-column
pages, the type small, to be sure, but very clear and
readable, the paper go-ad and slightly tinted, an ex
cellent engraved head of Dickens prefacing the title
rage. and sixteen original illustrations by one of onr
be-: artist—the whole afforded at $1.50, or. without
tr. . i !u- rations, at 51.8.V At any ttme this would have
r een regarded as a decided achievement in book
ma.-, ng. but. in the mid-dof the present prices, it is
■ ertainly a- - irpr sing a-it is welcome. It is a bold
appea. to that portion of the reading pnbhr who have
been debarred from the enjoyment of Dickens by pe
■ur, ..rv considerations, tor of course, the wealthy will
continue to purchase the high co-t editions: and it
s.iow- that the public thus appealed to is very large,
lor c '..'ang hut a most extended sale would'reward
such an undertaking.
M e have a number of Magazines on our
tabic, notice of which is deferred.
\ ork nodi-tinctiou is made in color, black,
white, yellow, cream and copper colored
riding in stages, omnibusses, street cars
and other conveyances. I n Pennsylvania
it is a democratic sin.
Belmont, the chairman of the dem
ocratic National Committee last week
gave a dinner at which his ser\'ants were
dressed in the old English mode, to wit,
powdered wigs, yellow breeches, scarlet
coats, top boots, # et cetera.
The facility with which the Har
risburg Patriot and Union manufactures
falsehoods, is shown by the fact that it
classes Mr. Morrell from this district as
voting for the military reconstruction bill
passed by the last Congress, of which he
was not a member.
_ BS?*Gen. Joseph Markle.a well-known
citizen, died on the 12th, at his home in
\\ estmoreland county. He was a prom
inent old line whig, and was defeated for
governor by Francis R. Shunk. He was
in the war of 1812, and the Whisky In
surrection, and was in hisS2d vear.
For the Gazette.
MESSRS. EDITORS —Our court commen
ces on next Monday, the Ist day of April,
1867, I see the names of persons pub
lished in the Gazette praying the court to
grant tliem tavern licenses to sell spiritu
ous liquors. There never was a time in
the history of our country when it requir
ed our courts of justice to restrict the sale
of intoxicating drinks as it does at this
time. In the town of Newton Hamilton
I see the names of three |>ersons making
application to the court for license to keep
public houses and sell whiskey. About
eight year# ago the Odd Fellows built a
house intended to be kept as a tavern in
direct opposition to the old bouse. The
court inquired into the matter whether it
was necessary to increase the sale of spir
ituous liquors, and decided it was not, but
that one licensed house in the borough of
Newton Hamilton was plenty to accom
modate the traveling custom. This re
sulted in an attempt to break down the
old house by returning the keeper to two
different courts which cost our county up
wards of one hundred dollars. ; I have
been in the town of Newton Hamilton,
and have conversed with different ]>er
sons, who tell me that the travel to and
from that place don't average three per
sons per day during the whole year. I
cannot see how it is that the citizens of
Newton Hamilton can certify that it is
necessary to have three licensed houses in
the town to accommodate strangers and
entertain travelers, when it can be proven
that there is not custom sufficient to keep
up one. If the court would appoint a day
to hear testimony for and against grant
ing licenses, it would be proven that any
one house in Newton Hamilton would ac
commodate what traveling custom conies
to that place and five times as much. I
have been informed that the man who
now keeps the public house in Newton
Hamilton has done much to reform drunk
enness. It is said that there are some ill
disposed men in and about Newton Ham
ilton who proeure liquor at auother town
and of course get drunk, and created such
a state of affairs that the citizens got up a
petition to the court of Quarter Sessions
which will be presented to this court pray
ing to give the Roroughauthorities jiower
to build a lock-up house in the Town of
Newton Hamilton. With three taverns
what will it be then ?
By a temperance man
and visitor of Newton Hamilton.
Lewistown, March 27, 1867.
Wheat, red, per bushel $2 65
" white " 2 70
Corn, old, 90
Oats 50
fcggs per dozen 20
Butter per lb 25
Flour is retailing at the following prices:
Lewistown Extra Family per cwt. 7 00
Superfine g 00
Extra Family per bbl 14 00
Superfine 12 00
Buckwheat per cwt. 5 00
Philadelphia Markets.
Small sales of Northwestern extra fam
♦ 13 - 251 Pennsylvania and Ohio
t a t 59.40a10.00, superfine
at SS.JOaO. Rye flour $7.50. Wheat—
l 1?- ot common and choice red at
a r? d California at $3.25. Rye
COrU '
1,100 head Cattle sold at from 17al81c
Il4le I h i 6O f ° r fa ' r t0 good > and 13i
i f . for common. Sheep—s,ooo
head sold at from Ba9c per lb gross as to
condition. Cows—3oo head sold ats4oa6s
and Sf ngerß ' aUd per head for cow
£pcrial Jlotos.
A Croup. Now, mothers. If you would spend 40 cents, arid
a! a-ays have a bottle of Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment In
your bouse, you never need fear losing your little one
when attacked with this complaint. It is now 19 years
since 1 have put up my Liniment, and never hoard of a
child dying of Cronp when my Liniment was used; but
hundreds of cases of c,ures have been reported to me, and
many state if it was $lO per bottie they would not be with
out it. Besides which, it is a certain cure for Cuts, Burns,
Headache, Toothache, Sore Throats, Swellings, Mumps,
Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Spasms, Old Sores, and pains
in the back and chest. No one once tries It who Is ever
without it. It Is warranted perfectly safe to take inter
nally. Full Directions with every bottle. Sold by the
Druggists. Depot. 56 Cortlandt Street. N. Y, mar2u-7w
A Canvass of the Union
proves that the most successful caudidate for geueral fa- |
vor ever placed before
Tli© People,
Is that pure and salubrious vegetable beautiflcr,
far and wide, throughout the restored republican deiiance i
of rivalry and competition, it appeals
of all who design to clothe the same with the magnificent j
biack or brown hues which naturehasdenied, or age stolen j
awar. Manufactured by J.CRISTADORO, 6 Astor House,
V V Sold by Druggists everywhere. Applied by all j
Hair Dressers. marSHm ;
All cock's Porous Plasters,
Allentown, Penn„ April 4. 1563.
Messrs. T. ALLCOCS A Co.;
Dear Sirs:—My daughter used one of your Porous Plas
ters. She had a wry bad pain in her side, and it cured her
in one week.
Yours truly,
We refer to
Forty Thousand Druggists.
who sell our P asters, as to their high sterling character.
ALLOOC'K A CO., Agency, Braudreth House, New York-
Sold bv all Druggists. marSu lm
Know Thy Destiny !
MADAME E. F. THORNTON, the great
English Astroioglst, Clairvoyant and Psaychometrtcian,
who has astonished the scientific classes of the Old World,
has now located herself at Hudson, N", Y. Mad. Thornton
possesses such wonderfil poweis of second sight, as to
enable her to impart knowledge of the greatest Import
anee to the single or married of cither sex. While in a
state of trance, she delineates the very features of the
person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument
of intense power, known as the Psychomotrope, guaran
tees to produce a life-like picture ol the future husband
or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage,
position in life, leading traits of character, Ac. This Is no
humbug, as thousands of testimonials can assert. She
will send when desired a certified certificate, or written
guarantee, that the picture is what it purports to be. By
enclosing a small iock of hair, and stating place of birth,
age, disposition and complexion, and enclosing fifty cents
and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, yon will re
ceive the picture and desired information by return mail.
All communications sacredly confidential. Audr-ss In
confidence, MADAME E. F. THOEXIOX, P. 0. Box 213. Hud
son, X. Y, Sly
A You NO LADY returning to her
country home, after a sojourn of a few months in the city,
was hardly recognized by her .friends. In place of a coarse
rustic, flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of al
most marble smoothness, and instead of twenty-three she
realiy appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause
of so great a change, she plainly told them she used the
C A RCA SSI AN BALM, and considered it an invaiuahle ac
quisition to any Lady s toilet. By its use any Ladv or
Gentleman can improve their persona! appearance an
hundred foid. It is simpig In its combination.as Nature
iterse.f is simpie, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing
Impurities from, also, healing, cleansing and beautifying
the skin and complexion. By its direct action on the cut
icle it draws from it ail Its impurities, klndiy heailng
the same, and leaving the surface as Nature intended it
should be. clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price fl. sen
by Mail or Express, on receipt of an order by
W. L. CLARK A CO., Chemists.
No. 3 West Fayette street. Syracuse, X. Y.
f6-ly The only American Agents for the sale of same.
Free to Everybody.
A large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest
importance to the young of both sexes.
It teaches how the homely may become beautiful, the
despised respected, and the forsaken loved.
No young lady or gentleman should fail to send their
Address, and receive a copy post-paid, by return mail.
Address P. 0. Drawer, SI,
feb6-m Troy. N. Y.
Wonderful but True.
renowned Astroiogist and Somnambulistic Clairvovant.
while in a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features
of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an in
strument of intense power.known as the Psychomotrope,
guarantees to produce a perfect and life-like picture of the'
future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of mar
riage, occupation, leading traits of character, Ac. This Is
no Imposition, as testimonials without numbetcan assort.
By stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes
and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope
addressed to yourself you will receive the picture by re
turn mail, together with desired Information,
Address in confidence. MADAME GERrirpk RIMIXG
TON, P. 0. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y. F6IV
The beautiful Piano Fortes of GBOYESTKS A Co. are '
deemed by ai! good judges to be the Ultima Thule of !
instruments of the kind.
We cannot suggest what is wanting to make a mu
sical instrument more pertect. although we are slow
to admit that the limit of improvement can ever be
Before they had brought their Pianos to their pre
sent excellence, they had submitted them to compe
tition with instruments of the best makers of this
country and Europe, and received the reward of mer
it, over all others, at the celebrated World's Fair It
is butjustice to say that thejudgment thus pronounced i
has not been overruled by the musical world.
Still, by the improvements lately applied by them
| to their Pianos, it is admitted that a more perfect in- I
strument has been made. They-have accordingly 1
; achieved the paradox of making excellence more i
| excellent. Surely, after this, they are entitled to the
| motto -Excelsior." . novl4-l y I
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
I, J J, , "tract of j
J(tr j ////// root, so combined
iKwSy '////// * th ? r s ubsUnceof still
ijßFffiPu / '.'"t s " v< Powrras to
jmmL aatldotefor
rwiivfc iW diseases Sarsaparilla is renn
\:^urT e - j
u SUre} > wanted by those
TWjfeks 5k Tom ? U , ffer from Strumous
I Z- ~~m ~p L a n!s' nd that one
'M *hicb will accomplish their
ZSs-. curemust tfj|g ™ s r
YsHL immense service
to this large class of our af-
Hicted fellow-citizens How
completely this compound will do It. has been proven hv
experiment on many of the worst cases to be found In the
following complal ts:— nine
Scrofula. Scrofulous Swellings and Sores. Skin Diseases
Pimples, Pustules. Blotches. Eruptions. St. Anthonv's Fire
Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter or Salt Kheuui. Scald Head'
Ringworm, Ac. •
Syphilis or Venereal Disease is expelled from tha system
by the prolonged use of this SARSAPARILLA and the n
tient Is left In comparative health. ' an,lllJ epa-
Semale Diseases are caused bv Scrofula In the blood „d
are often soon cured by this Extract of Saraparllla *
Do not reject this invaluable medicine, because % on have
been imposed npon by something pretending to be Sarsat
parilla. while it was not. When vou have used AYkHN
then, and not till then, win you know the virtues ,7f „
sra//oru r
1 Rheunoatism", IZ
f^w e si?iar^c B r& , ;rpe^ t .
| tew o™'' 0 ™'' O ° Ul, Wn D t
They are sugar coated, so that the most sensitive can
lake them with pleasure, and they are the '
In the world for all the purposes of a family dh v sic
! Alsocnres SALT RHEUM. ULCERS chti ri .7k
For sale bv all druggists. By sending M x;v
, Vkeeks A Potter, Sole Agents. Waslmgtin
Boston, it a ,11 be forwarded by mail,
ito any part of the Uu.ted States. L 6 , e '
i stpa 66-]y
On the 20th inst., at the residence nf
the bride's father, by Jtev. c. Ri|X?° f
ROBERT B. HOOVER, of Lewistown p '
to Miss ELLA W. CLAKK, of Washino'
ton, Ohio.
DI'KIM I" Recorder's Office
A large numlier of Deeds which have
been recorded are and have been for some
years accumulating iu the Recorder's
office. Owners are requested to call ami
lift them as soon as convenient, as thev
are occupying more room than is desira
i b1 ?- M. HIXEY
! nih27.4t Reg. Recorder of Mifflin co.
M9S& MIIEf JiDli,
constantly on hind at
Lewistown March 27, 1867— 3tu.
DUBLfO S 4 I.E. —The undersigned
I. will sell at public sale, at liis residence
m Menno township, on
the following personal property, viz-
THR E E WO R K 11 ORSE .8 ,
[1 good family horse, brown, six years
old, 1 good brown six-vear-old mare 1
good breeding mare, 12 years old, heavv
with foal,] ] one-year-old horse
1 Haines' Threshing Machine, 1 Keeler
Drill, 1 Wire Horse Rake, 1 Roller 1
Harrow, 1 Cultivator, '
1 four-horse Wagon and Bed, 1 Fodder
( 'utter, Horse Gears, consisting of ° sets
Front and Plow Gears. Bridles Collars
Ac., together with a variety of other arti
cles too numerous too mention. Sale to
commence at 12 o'clock, m., of said dav
when terms will be made known, and
reasonable credit given.
D. M. CONTXER, Auctioneer. mar-It*
ft R A
Or a. Silver Medal
BY.TBE >'. H. Ag-irc -u! - >c:My. at IJ
la lur tu,, it-B m Nash -ffU.23, IgoS.
Vegetable Hair Restorative
Restores Gray Hair to • crtu-al color Pn>-
£? *" *** "-hinge, TIE
rack, to i r-~a- \r=di-.
Lla.: ;A.; I G 1, ,-. SUFCIOR FJRETT.UX.
Jtecntairi no ir'URI ,ir —OD '-U AW
J. R. BARRETT A CO., Proprietor*.
So]d Druggists generally. mar27-6m
31 eat Us tab I ism ent.
THE undersigned has fitted up the build
-1 inp in Brown street, above Frank'- store for a
can be'had at a. times. ri He house for the prese-v a .
sfftitv'ss&ssi?,?' -
Lewistown. March 13. ISC?*—tiP GALBRAITH -
r PTHE following Applications iorYl
i cense have been fifed for presentation
at April feessions, 1567.
Jacob Breneman. Tavern. E. W. Lewistown
Henry G. C'arr. - _ z-cwistawn.
Bear and Hamaker, * W. W
T>an;el Eiseabise. * L „
Jacob Bear ley, - „ u
John lfipple, u „
SK'"*'- r ■*—.
SSs*' :
William Brothers, - „ u
John A. Waream, •> Granville u-
Eiias B. hummel, - Decamr 0 1 8h,p '
George Settle, Brawon
Richard Bnndie, Belleville
Simon Yeager. ' l^rrv
A. S HaiMk ennedy ' Ll T l . lor Store ' i-ewistown.' P
W. H. BRATTON, Clerk
Clerk s Office. Lewistown, Mar. 13, Vr.
I S MONTH Li. Majraxine,
±J universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Mae
qt' D , e s A ®ene* devoted to Original Stones Poems
Sketches, Architecture and Model Cottages, House
hold Matters. Gems of Thought. Personal and Lit
arj Gossip including special departments on Fah-
Exer -.E 9TRU MS°B T HE *' TH * "JNMASUE. Equestrian
Exercises, Music. Amusements, etc.: costly Encra
enes JcwcGv ' an't " d reh * b,e Sterns. fimbruld
n . li. V a constant succession of art;sue
tare ° ,her UStful ENTERTAINING LITEN^
No person of refinement, ecomonical hdusewifc or
U>Sti ' °^ n afford to Jo without the Model
M S CEN^: , WVK "umbers. s
specimens, 10 cents, either mailed free. Yearlr. S3.
epremium; two copies $3.60; three copies
7h7. 1 -'"P leßd,d Premiums for clubs at S3 each with
the first premiums to each subscriber Addr£.
Demorest's Monthly and
f4. with the premmms lor each. Amenc *"
Wanted Immediately.
V N ? NDREI) MEN, to act as
prising upwards of 1,600 crown quarto
pages; a Commentary of 17,000 Notes from
uiilerent Commentators; 7I)0 Engmvings;
ramny Photograph Department; Extend
ed Concordance; Maps, Biblical History,
Chronological Tables, Ac., Ac. A book that
always sells. Our average sales are 500
copies per day. As a standard Bible for
families. Teachers, Ministers, and all
lovers of the word of God, it has no com
petitor. For particulars, address
mar2o-6t Harrishurg, Pa.
. 11. Swigart, restiectftilly in
forms the oitizens of Mifflin county, that he ia prepa
red at all time# to do surveying on short notice.
Ieeds. Mortgages. Bonds, and other lega! writing!,
drawn with neatness and dispatch. Address.
norTdiav McVev town, Mifflin county, Pa
THRESH stock of the best iMaekerel and
A Herring, in ail-eixed kits, on hand at A. FELIX'S.