lull tnc honey runs out and they set themselves to work to replenish it again. Whether they deposit this honey in their great general reservoir among the rocks to draw from it as oc casion may require or hold and use it as individual property wo are not in formed. Here is a curiosity that we believe has heretofore escaped the eyes and pens of our celebrated naturalists. RECIPES. Cocoanut Cuke. —Grate one large nut, j rub half a pound of butter, and half a j pound of sugar; with one pound of sifted flour, and three well-beaten eggs. Add the cocoanut by degrees, so as to make a stiff dough Flavor with rose water. Bake in a quick oven from five to ten minutes. Choc late Caramels —Take half a pound of chocolate, three cups of su- j gar, two cups of molasses, one cup of milk, and half a cup of butter. Boil out in buttered dishes, and cut in squares. Hickory Nut Cake. —One pound of sugar, half a pound of butter, four eggs, half a pound of raisins, half a pound of currants, one cup of sweet milk, one teaspoonful of soda, one gill of brandy, and five cups of flour; one quart of kernels, which will take about half a peek of nuts. Early Tomatoes. Tomatoes brought into market by tbo Fourth of July, arc worth ten times as much as those ready for delivery a month later This is a fact of which sonic of our market gardeners do not appear to be fully aware. But this, of course, does not'alter the fact. The prominent question with the tomato grower, should be, will it pay me to bring tomatoes to market two weeks earlier than my neighbors? I think it will, and if any of your readers feel disposed to try the experiment, here is the method : To have early tomatoes, do not set out the plants too early. This, doubt less, sounds "strangely to some, but the principlo is a good one. All observant tomato growers are aware of the fact that the first blossoms of the tomato, alter transplanting, usually drop oft' k and with them, of course, perishes the hopes ot earl}* fruit. To obviate this, let the plants remain in the hot-bed (for m\ r method presupposes a hot bed) until the fruit has set 011 them. Set out the plants 011 a wet day in May, and if necessarily near the end of the month, that fact need not ffiarm. To render the process still more certain, after the plants are, say, from eight to ten inches high, put them each in a flower pot, and let them have a vigor ous start before the final transplanting is done. \V lien ready to transplant from the pots to'the bed, the opera tion can be performed without injuring the fibrous roots, and if the plants have been gradually hardened by leaving the frames oft in mild weather, they will not wilt or suffer any drawback from a complete and full exposure to the open air in the beds.— llummouton Cullurist. List of Causes for Trial al April Term, isfi?. \ ?'*!>' L 7 hr v ® " Ahriel I.i' hr. "V Nov. | w&Xt'T V " ftJrar. 65 Jan. Ism. o. Wheelfr £ \Ve*t v Winn, ri7 Amr ir m 4. Joseph John Ross. 3, 6. George dheesley vs Jacob Stine, Zi V v 6. liogte's exrs vs McCnvetal 47 ' 7. Butler's admrv* Benedict 32 .\„i Ivr .- 5. John \\ Miller vs John Hobs 73 •• * . _ _ _ W. H HUATTON, Proth'v I rothonotary's Oilice, Lewifstown, iVfarch C, 1867.* UECiISTER'S XOTICE. AV The following accounts have lecn examined and passed by nie and re main filed on record at this office for in spection of heirs, legatees, creditors, and all others in any way interested, and will be presented to the Orphans' Court of Mifflin County, to be held in the Court House, at Lewistown, on MOND AY the ] st dav of April, lfi 7 , for allowance and confinnation nisi, „„i UII ] ( . SS oXwptions are hied witlnn four days thereafter will be confirmed absolutely; 4"5!4 msSw&skses oi wi *>£&s. RAG FFLSSKSSTSR shi|.. debased. ' ' f u ajn 0 tswn rte li.mi- non iif'johii JoVij'imLii' Ute of^v" ni,l,!, * rator ship. deceased. - " -i> ue town of_LcvviMown. deceased. ° Borough laie of Menno township.,j,,J, Hosteller, 8. Kinai aooount of JoscU. Ur.,u„i,. „ XZH! --<* " I d.!n ofw'T r ! ro ' I D:md dJceti:r rs " w - *•* £ 12. Final nro HDt of Thompson O Hell r UUi of thc &*%££££??tho'eMa'tfof 01 ,'", A late of the llorough of McKws 15. Final account of John r ~ 1 °f John Citrncv. late .ft. ranvilie towns hi p' lt>. filial account of Daniel D. Mutthcrshon.d. J' m.nHtrator ..f Mr* Sarah late of the ifc£ ou#n of Lewistown, deceased. lt Kiiml account of Samuel Mitchell, execntor of JuoobH.neUv, late of Dcrry township, deeelted w"iam wfkefiefl f,"' f' Wah " r< - of to ry Goods of ad kinds. ALSO, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Chocolate, Essences of Coffee, Oueensware. Stone ware. Hard ware and Cedarware, Shoul ders, Hams, Mackerel, Herring. Shad, Boots and Shoes, Gram Hags. Also, a fine lot of Whisky, B II A .\* T> Y , Wine and Gin, SALT, Ac., Ac., Ac, which will he sold very low. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods by N. KENNEDY. Lewsitown, October 11, 1860. YTit i:. All persons who pay their .State, County and Bounty Taxes for the year 1807 on or before the Ist day of April next, will be allowed an abatementof live per cent, on tin? amount. By order of the Commissioners JOS. S. WAREAM, Clk. Lewisfown, Feb. 20, tapl. 1 MM IOH S X OTIC E.—The un aA (lersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, to dis tribute the balance in the hands of John C. .Sigler, administrator of the estate of GEO. W. GIBSON, dee'd, will meet parties interested at his office in Lewistown, Monday, March 18th. H. J. CULBERTSOX, fel27-4t Auditor. \ I'IHTOR'S XOTIC E. —The un aY dersigned, Auditor, api>ointed hv the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, to dis tribute the fund in the hands of William Wharton, Executor of Sam'l, Whakton, late of Wayne township, deceased, will attend to the duties of the apjKiinttnent at the Register's office, in Lewistown, on Friday, the 2iid day of March next, at 10 o clock, a. m. 1 interested are re quested to attend, febib W. P. ELLIOTT, Auditor. 4 I DITOR'S iXOTIC'E.—The un- V dersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, to dis tribute the fund in the hands of GKOKGE L. Caldeiiwood, adni'r of the Estate of Adam Bkimmer, late of McVeytown, deceased, will attend to the duties of the appointment at the Register's office in Lewistown, on Friday the loth day of March next, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Claims not presented at that time will be barred lrom comm.- in on said fund. fchJMt \V. p. ELLIOTT, Auditor. INSTATE of John L. Kyler" dec'd tLtame?.^rv 3 Ue ff by giveu tl,at letters BY Vl °2 , l . Ue . of JOHX L. con ' t n sddc!!unu lg,lt \!l residing in Menno tn.° payment without delay, and thoseTav* ng claims to present them, duly Authen ticated, for settlement. 1 " feUtf?* ENJAMIN Hartz LEß, Executor. INSTATE °I Je„klns b7 Niailtl. -Li deceased.—Notice is hereby ,'iven that letters ot administration on the estate ot JENKINS B. SMITH, late of Unton township, Mifflin county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in the Boroutrh of Lewistown, in said county. All persons indebted to said es tate arehereby notified to'make payment without delay, and those having claims to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. fcJAM'L J. BRISBIN febl3.6t* Administrator. 1 ALLE LEUTE SOLLEN DIESEN Vorsets Lesen. Everybody Should Read This As people wilj buy where good goods jj/p sold cheap, and, as large sales at 6mall pro fits afford satisfactory pay for labor, time and attention, we have determined to sell our new stoeks of PRINTS, MUSLINS, &C., just received, at the VERY LOWEST LIVING PRICES, thus insuring the trade and good will of our friends, and offering inducements to all peo ple to trade with us, We have just opened the best and most beautiful styles of prints we have ever han died from 12J to 20 cents, Unbleached Muslin, from 15 upward, Bleached *•' " 16 " Our stock of FRENCH MERINOS, All Wool De Laiues, All-Wool Plaids, we will close out at COST. Our large stock of Flannels, will be run off at a very low figure. Large Stock of Balmorals A Hoop Skirts. Full assortment of ladies' Dress Trimmings, Buttons, Velvet Ribband, Rufflings, Tape, Trimmings, Jbc. 100 Breakfast Shawls worth $3.00 will be sold at $2 00. Gents' Goods. Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Jeans, Ac., will be closed out at the very lowest figures. Gents' Merino. Wool Shirts and Drawers from SI.OO to $4 00. Carpet Chain and Woolen Yam at lowest figures. Groceries. Sugar, from 10 to 16 cents, Coffeo, (Rio) from 28 to 33 " Syrup, (tip-top) 25 " Spices, Raisins, Dried Peaches, Currants, Apples, Cherries, Jcc., constantly on hand. TUBS, BASKETS, BUCKETS, BROOMS, BRUSHES &c., Ac. A full line of Queens-ware, at lowest cash prices. The Foilest Assortment of FANCY GOODS in the County. Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, Pocket Wallets, NICK-NACKS AND JIM-CRACKS, everything the gent, child may desire. Dobbins' and all other kinds of Soap. Kaighn's Cattle Powder Celebrated Throogh out the State. * A FULL, FRESH STOCK or NOTIONS AT WHOLESALE, to which the attention of Country Merchants is especially inyited. * Each buyer will be certain to get the worth of bis money. Store-room and ware'rooms on the corner af Valley and Mill streets, east of the Black Bear Hotel. PRATT, LAW & PRATT. Lewistown, January 30, 1867. r GOOD NEWS FOR ALL. 0 ID. GROVE ITTOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Lewis t town arnl .surrounding country that he n&s opened an euure my mmz sms for the to which he invites the attention of the public. The Stock is large and consists of ali kinds of cmsrr> cmcex rsarr> _ such as Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Syrup, Ac., Ac. Coarse Sf Fine Salt. Old Meat. Fish, Coal Oil, Ac. Spices—Butchers' Pep per, Cinnamon, Allspice, Cloves, Nutmegs, Ginger, Mace, Ac., Ac. Dried & Canned Fruits, Cranlierries, Bake Raisins, Figs, Citron, Apples, Cider, cider Vinegar, Ac, Ac. 3V U T S , Peanuts, Walnuts, Chestnuts, Filbc-ts, Almonds, Ac. CONFECTIONERIES, Candies of all kinds, Freneli and Common, Sugar Toys of all kinds, fresh and fine, very cheap. Toys for the Holidays, Tin, Wooden and China, Fancy Bonesand Baskets for Holiday presents. Dolls of all kinds, large and small, very cheap. Portmanteaus, large and small to suit all who need them. A large assortment of Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils, &c. CHEWING & SMOKING TOBACCO, and always on hand. Plenty of OYSTERS, The best Baltimore Oysters can tie had fresh at Grove's, very cheap. Give him a call and save monev. as he will sell cheap for cash. N. B.—All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods. dec 19 FIIUIEPS LOOK TO VOIR INTERESTS! BALL'S OHIO REAPER AMI MOWER, WITH Pigeon-Wing Self-Rake, MANUFACTURED BY REESE & SLAGLE, Lewistown, Mifflin County, Pa. U/E are now manufacturing Ball's Ohio Reaper and l > Mower, with Pigeon-wing Self rake, which we of fer for the season of 1866. as a perfect Mower, a per fect Reaper and a perfeet Self-Raker. As a Mower it has no superior, and as a Reaper and Self-Raker it has no equal. Pertect Side Delivery; has no side draft; two driving w heels: hinged bar. adapts itself to the unevenness of the -ground iu mowing and reap ing. The self-rake does not interfere with the dri ver's sent. The driver can regulate the height of stubble while the machine is in motion. We _also manufacture SENILES' PATENT 11 A \ It Atv K . Haines' celebrated Horse Power and 1 hreshing Machine. Agency for Geiser's patent Self-Regulating Grain Thresher," Separator, Cleaner and Bagger. All kinds of Machine work made and fitted up for Mills. Factories. Furnaces and Forges. Also, Itose and Reaction Water Wheels. All orders will receive prompt attention, by addres sing REESE A SLAGLE. Lewistown, Mifflin Co., Pa. S. Benner, General Agent. fl'66 my 23"66 DRAIN TILE. For Draining Wet Lands. Pipes for Cellar Drains, Water Pipe for Conducting Water from Springs, manufactured from the best material and for sale in SiWJSi?* desired. Also a good stock of EARTH bN \V ARL on hand. Orders prompt I v attended to. octl7-6m Belleville, Mifflin couu^^Pn. DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP SAVES TIME! SAVES MONEY! SAVES LABOR! SAVES CLOTHES! SAVES WOMEN! AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT. solving Shavings and dis minutes, and a little' hand "lothes five to tsn clean as hou™ of hard m b v' n * wI L' make them * with ordinary so&D and n! achm f "f? b| ng would do, ceive no iniurv &' J! .. . 8t ' lel 'cate fabrics re lies who are ii-m. it . i T to tliousa nds of fami ne do withont ' ° 001114 not Persuaded DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP, only by STocora throughout the S tit to. DOBBINS & LOVE WHOLESALE OFFICE: ' 101 South! Fifth Street r.Tiloto^'J'i) 0 . G°r„S ,P U fur *>' Pennsylvania Railroad. Trains leave Stations in tliis county as follows: LEAVE WESTWARD. Bait. Phil'a Fast Effii- Ex. Ex. Mail. Line, grant, a. m. a. m. p.m. p.m. a. m. Lewistown, 4.31 5.35 4.06 6.20 10.27 Granville, 4.14 . 10.37 Anderson, 4.20 10.47 MeVeytown, 5.04 4.37 11.08 Manayunk, 4.49 11.26 N. Hamilton, 5.04 11.43 LEAVE EASTWARD. Phil'a Fast Day Oio. Ex. Line. Ex. Way. Ex. a. in. a. m. a. in. a. m. p. in. Lewistown, 12.17 6.37 11.06 10.15 6.18 N. Hamilton, 9.15 Manyuuli, 9.30 MeVeytown, 9.42 Anderson's, 10.00 Granville, 10.08 Fare to Hamsborg $210; to Philadelphia 5 35; to Altoona 2 50; to Pittsburgh 6 60; to Baltimore 6 20; to York 3 20. tW-The ticket office will be open 20 minutes before the arrival of each passenger tram. D. E. ROBESON, Agent Galbraith A Conner's omriibusses connect w;th all the passenger trains, and take up and set down pas sengers at all points within the borough. Orders are requested to be left at the National House. EXCELSIOR Photograph and Art Gallery. LATE 81/itKHOLDER'S. MeEWENS can now furnish the pub lic with Likenesses, from the tiniest n to it Portrait or life size Photograph. We have the only .Solar Camera at work in the Juniata Valley, and desire the pub lic to call and examine what Mr. Burk holder (an accomplished and well known artist) and others have pronounced "a success." Look at the array: Gems, I Albatypes or Ivory- Ferrotypes, ( types, Melaiiiotypes, j Photo-Miniatures Ambrotypes, ! Cabinet Photos., A Card Photographs j Portrait or Life size Vignettes, j Photographs— Photographs for plain or in colors, oval frames, | &c., &c\, &c\ Our work is executed in the best style, plain or in colors, and at the lowest rates. Call at MeEWENS. N. B.- instructions to students given at fair ap4tf TO THE LADIES. THE GRACE FRA\CAIS, OR FREAX'If DRESMGC for Ladies and Children's Boots audShoeslhat have become red, or rusty and rough by wear ing. They are restored to a perfect and permanent black, with as much lustre as when new, leaving the leather soft and pliable, and what is of great importance to the ladies i( will not rub off when wet and soil the skirts. Traveling bags, kid gloves, trunks, carriage tops, and line harness are made to look as good as new. Ladies and Children can dress their own boots and shoes without soiling their hands. Try one bottle, and you will nev er be without a supply in the house. For sale by, J. A. & W. R. McKEE, in Odd Fellows' Hall, cor. Market and Dorcas sts., Lewistow n. oetl 7tf Looking Glasses and Picture Frames THE undersigned, thankful for past fa vors, would inform the public that he still manufactures Frames of every de scription, as cheap as they can be made elsewhere. Looking Glasses of every de scription, wholesale and retail, at reduced prices. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. Aif persons who have left pictures to frame or frames to be filled are requested to call for them. myl6tf JAMES CKUTCHLEY. Great Excitement at the Post Office, ON account of the new arrival of Boots and Shoe*. at greatly reduced prices. The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that he has just arrived from the eastern cities with a large assortment o( BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, consisting of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Wear, which he has purchased at "come down" pri ces. He is now prepared to sell cheaper than the cheapest, for cash. Also, constantly on hand a large assortment of home-made work, which is manufac tured under his own supervision, and of the be*t ma terial and workmanship. Boots and Shoes made to order at short notice. Repairing done in the neatest manner. Call at the Post Office, and examine for yourselves. W. c. THORN BURG. Lewistown, May 23,1566-V. Experience Proves there are only- Two VALUABLE Machine Stitches: IM3 fiiliMß h JJiliJi'Ji ELASTIC STITCH AND TIIE SHUTTLE OR LOCK STITCII. KssKaas." ™w* 1 nihil ' lrf \" ,( ' re easi| y understood and used, and S Ji? ble to derangement than other machines „ K ' capable of executing perfectly, without tfimShermSes.''" ™ UCh work _ 4. the stitch made by these machines is much more firm, elastic, and durable, especially upon articles other *° bC Washed and lroned - than any T, "t stit f h ' owin K th manner in which the na tL th , r f ad 18 uiwrought, is much the most plump and beautiful tn use, ana retains this plumpness and boatuy even upon articles frequently wished and ironed until they are worn out. h!. U L tUre .' jf UU ' S , eam is Bnch that though it be cut or broken at intervals of only a few stitches it durable ° Pen ' rU "' ° r rave1 ' but renmiua firm and 7. Unlike other machines, these fasten both cuds of Q e?"i bv their own operation. neht or fi ,^l e a maC r hi ? eS - Wh,t * silk is upon the mmlti 7 L e seam ' cotton may be used dfmahil ?V , 0 * S, l ? t 'evening the strength or Seam ", Thlß CHn * done on noothei KMX WIRAK BAV ' D 8 UP °" *" 9LTCH wachlnes, in Addition to their superior merits as instrument* for sewing, by a change of ad most*beau tl hi I * n'rl V" ° d and The Cental work Permanent embroidery and orna- Call at P. F, LOOP'S AGENCY. A GOOD ASSOTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. Lewistown, February 6, 1867. COME AMD SEE the Great REDUCTION in the Price of jan3o at BRISBIN'S, [near the Jail. J I BEAL ESTATE REGISTER, WASTED— A small improve*l farm of from 50 to 100 acres, either to pur chase or to rent. If not too high in price will purchase. I have on register for sale the following real estate: A Farm of 133 Acres, in Wayne township, but a short distance from At kinson's Mills, on road leading to Newt.>n Hamilton, 11U acres of which are cleared aitd under cultivation, fenced and divided into convenient fields —remainder tinll ~r. The improvements consist ofa LogH<, l!M / weatherboarded, new Bank Barn and oth er outbuildings, excellent Orchard, Ac.— There is a fine meadow on the premises with running water, and a well at the door.. Price, $4000— 2000 cash, balance in two annual payments, with interest. Possession vill be given on Ist April, if desired. This is a cheap farm, and w ill prove a bargain to any purchaser. ALSO, OO Acres of Land, situate in <;ran vilie township, on the Pennsylvania Ca nal, about 5 miles west of Lewistown, S2 acres cleared, well fenced, and in good or der, and 8 acres in timber. The improve ments consist of a two story Log House, weatherboarded, good Bank Barn, Com Crib, Smoke House, Hog Pens, 1 Mack smith Shop, &c. This land is all arable, has an abundance of limestone or it. ami a landing oil the canal, so that coal can be procured with little trouble. It is only half a mile from a railroad station p*t office and store. Most of the fencing is post and rail—the posts locust—and a Unit •500 locust j>osts could now be cut on the premises. There are three good springs on the place, two of them near the d\\ i ling and some good fruit. £.*> fi>oil:u s per Acre. Tin's is a fine property for a farmer, and has been noted lor raising good crops. ALSO, A Farm oflTO Acres, 21 miles west of MeVeytown, the pike running through it, 150 acres cleared, well enclosed, water in every field, and 20 acres in good timber. Good Stone House, Bank Barn 50 by vi, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Hog Pens. Wash House with never failing stream flowing through it, Spring House, Smoke House, large Apple Orchard of choice grafted fruit, (worth as much on an annual aver age as the interest of the entire purchase money,) as well as pear, cherry, jieaeh and plum trees. Price S4O per acre—one-half cash, and remainder in one, two and three years, if desired, with interest—purchaser to pay one-half cost of surveying and ma king deed. This is a desirable property, and I believe the cheapest farm now ♦.*,■- sale in Mifflin county. The land is ail patented, and title indisputable. ALSO, Mt. Rock Mills, situate near Lewis town, with 23 acres of Land, machinery and fixtures all in good order, and noteil for making as good Hour as is manufac tored in the county. Price, SIO,OOO, ]>art of which (say $3000,) can be arranged on a mortgage. This mill is now under rent at a sum which pays all the taxes and fully 8 per cent, on the"price asked. The time for its sale is limited. ALSO, A Tract of 30 Acres, situate in Wayne township, about 5 miles from Me- Veytown, from 2U to 25 acres cleared and under cultivation. The soil is prinoipallv gravel and produces well, it is weil watered, and has a fine patch of young timber on it. Price £IOOO. Another Tract of 30 Acres, sep arated from the above by the road from MeVeytown to Newton Hamilton, all cleared and tolerably well fenced, and in a good state of cultivation. It has on it a good two story Log House, plastered in side and weatherboarded and painted out side, together with Barn, Apple Orchard, ten years old, well at the door, two springs not far from the house, and other advan tages. Price Sir>oo. Possession given Ist Nov., 1867. These tracts will tie sold separately or together. If separate, one-half in hand, and balance in two equal yearly payments with inte rest, or in one yearly payment without interest. If together, half cash, and bal ance in two equal payments with inte rest, or if all paid cash, the half will be discounted at 6 per cent. These proper ties would make a desirable little farm, aud are situate iu a verv pleasant neigh borhood. ALSO, A Tract of Land in Derrv town ship, one and a quarter miles from Lew istown, on the canal, with the old pike, containing about 200 acres, 45 cleared anil mostly fenced with a two story .Stone House, Bank Barn, an Old Orchard, and a number of youmr trees plauted some years ago, consisting of ap ple, pear and cherry." The remainder of the tract is covered with pine, chestnut and oak, from whieli a large quantitv of firewood could be cut, and as it can l>e easily hauled presents a strong induce ment to an industrious man with a small capital. One corner of this tract strikes Jack's creek between the Edmiston ami old saw mill tract, thus giving access to it by two roads. Price s3ooo— B lot"> cash, balance iu such payments us may be agreed on. For further information inquire of GEORGE FRYSINGER, Licensed Agent for sale of Real Estate. Lewistown, February 6, 1867. AFFLICTED! suspimm s?® ITfHEN by the use of DR. JOINVILLE'S ELIXIR > you van be cured permanently arid at a tritiuii eot The astonishing success whieh has attend. d tins invaluable medicine lor Physical and Nerv. us Weak ness. t.enernl Debility and Prostration. Loss of Mas cular Energy, 1m potency. or anv of the consequent 1 of youthful indiscretion, renders it the most valuable preparation ever discovered. It will remove all nervous affections depre--< >n. cexcitement, incapacity to study or business. lo>s <>f memory, confusion, thoughtaol self destruction. f< irs oi insanity. Ac. It will restore the appetite. renew the health of those who have destroyed it by sensual ex cess or evil practices. Young Men. be humbugged no more byint ss pursuits. Price, per box. Either of the Above-mentioned article# will U ~'iit to any address, closely sealed, and post-pa d, hv uihi! or express, on receipt of price. Address all orJers to fol^-lV BtKlil: s> I'WTTS A Co., y River Street, Troy, V> • I) EST brands Cigars, and good Tobacco, at ED. FRYSINGEK.S