Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, March 06, 1867, Image 5

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    ?iaa aaa3 Ms a
The Union League, A —Will meet at
the Juniata Engine House, Valley street,
on Saturday Evening, 9th March, at 7
o'clock. By order,
M. Hiney, Secretary.
The Republicans of -Lew is to ton are
invited to attend a meeting of that party
at the Town Hall, on Tuesday Evening,
12th March, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose
of nominating candidates for Borough
jas>" Rouse's Star Combination Troupe
performed Uncle Tom's Cabin in the
Town Hall on Monday evening, and last
evening Ten Nights in a Barroom, to de
lighted audiences. There was at first a
disposition to hold back on the part of la
dies and others, but as all arc now satis
lied that this is no merecompany of strol
ling players, but well-behaved persons
and withal creditable performers on the
stage, crowded houses have followed their
first exhibition. Papers in towns where
they lately appeared speak highly of their
performances, as will be seen from the
following which we copy from the last
Bellefonte Press.
"Mr. House who, with his Combination Company,
has for some time past been ministering to the pleas
ure of our citizens, left on the early train '.ll Monday
last, for Hollidaysbttrg. where tie proposes to remain
for a time He met with such flattering success while
here, that he lias concluded to revisit "its during the
April Court, when under his supervision will take
place tii dedicatory services of Bush's new hall, now
almost completed. "He was well patronized here; and
in ret-Uin gave general satisfaction. The community
was very favorably impressed with the entire troupe,
its members being sober and gentlemanly without an
exception; and for this reason we hope that in Holli
daysourg they may meet with the success they de
serve. The audiences winch greeted them at this
place, were invariably large and respectable, and yet,
>. might be expected, there were—indeed a very fevw
who protested against it. and bemoaned what they
e-teemed tho demoralized condition of society. Their
were not urged ouly against this particular
troupe, but against theatre-going at any time 01- place,
in most cases the parties objecting were those who
knew practically next to nothing about theatres and
ii follows that their opinions should not he taken to
the exclusion of those whose observation has led
them to another conclusion. Still every man lias a
right to entertain an opinion for himself, and that
.•pinion, when honeftly indulged 111. is entitled to re
spect. It is said that we are to judge of the tree by
its fruits; and if this is so, what estimate shall we place
on the doings of this troupe! The tendencies of their
plays were in the right direction, since their object
was tiie inculcation ol sound morals, by showing that
punishment was sure to follow a vicious course of life
while on the other hand was portrayed the reward of
integrity, and the happiness attendant upon an up
right life. "Truth" we are told, "is stranger than
fiction," and lest some may think tiiat the benefits re
sulting to the community by the presence of this
troupe, were purely imaginary, we would beg leave to
eail their attention to the fact, that during the nine
the fompntiy was in town, there was less riotous eon
•iuct, and fewer exhibitions of drunkenness to be
seen, than iu any other two weeks of the past year.—
The play occupied the Attention until after U o'clock,
when it was too late to commence drinking, and con
sequently when the audience dispersed the people
went soberly home, as became good citizens, while in
the case of many otherwise disposed to drink, the
next day was spent in earning the price of admission
to the next play. The presence of the company was
ruinous tu the owners of billiard tables and saloons
Indeed we were informed by one saloon keeper in
town, that their stay cost him about fifty dollars; as
ordinarily lie took in from five to ten dollars each
evening while after their arrival he made nothing,
and in order to nave gas and fuel, closed his saloon
and attended the play. In short the troupe proved
itself a powerful ally of the Good Templar organiza
tion. and this being the case, who would not wish it
GENERAL ROW. —A series of distur
bances, comprising smashups, fights, as
saults, &e., took place at Yeagertown on
Saturday night and Sunhay morning a
week, which will result in several suits,
such as gambling, selling liquor to minors,
riot, assault and battery, &c. Dike all
similar cases liquor was at the bottom of
the whole affair, affording another strong
argument for adopting some plan by
which the traffic can be restricted within
such limits as to preclude evasion of the
law. In the western end of town we also
hear of serious complaints made against
parties who were but recently before court
and escaped with lenient sentences, but
who, if these reports are true, have not
abated one jot or tittle of their former
practices or changed the character of their
visitors. We think the court would do
well, in all such eases in future, by chang
ing its practice of giving aininiipum sen
tence into the extent of the law , and per
haps a heavier raid on their jiockets an<l
a longer term in jail would bring those
who thus defy and contemn the law to
their senses.
Two or three light snows have fallen |
since our last.
The Examinations at Kishacoquillas
Seminary will take place on Monday and
Tuesday, March 11th and 12th. The pub- ;
lie are invited to attend.
The Henderson H. H. <fc L. Company
on Thursday last thanked Mrs. E. C. j
Hamilton, Mrs. E. Murphy and others, |
for their services in securing to the com- j
pany the elegant Silver Speaking Trum- j
pet at the late festival, and also the j
Mite Society.
The Apprentices' Literary Society, at
their meeting on Saturday last, adopted
resolutions thanking the ladies who gave
personal assistance, ail persons who con
tributed substantial aid, as well as those
who patronized their recent festival.
The teachers of Granville township will
hold an Institute at School Room No- <">, j
(Strode's run,! on Friday evening, March
loth. Exercises—Lecture by Levi Garver,
subject Education and Labor; Lecture by
J. I. Brought, subject Elocution ; Lec
ture by E. W. Rupert, subject Govern
ment. The county Superintendent is also
expected to be present.
The temperance petitions thus far for
warded to the Legislature, including a few
signed by "minors, sons and daughters of
citizens of Mifflin county," number from
1200 to 1500 names. The Good Templars
in this county now have seven Lodges,
and probably a thousand members, many
of whom are regaining health, strength,
and home peace and happiness.
Scarcely a week elapses in which some
letter, circular, or newspaper, addressed
"Press," Lewistown, Pa., does not come
to hand. The Press was discontinued
several years ago, and there are but two
papers published in this county, namely,
the Gazette and Democrat.
teS" To convince all that we have the
cheapest lot of Goods in this market,
we will be pleased to show them to any
w ho may drop in to see us, whether they
wish to buy or not of
J. Invix Wai,l t s,
At the Big Coffee Pot Sign.
Grovk has greatly reduced his
Groceries. lie has coffee from 28 toßo cts.,
sugar from 10 to 16 cts. per lb., and syrup
from 10 to 30 cts. per quart. His fresh
mackerel and shad can't be beat; but the
latest and best, is his new Olive Chemi
cal washing soap, the best in market.
Fish.—The preservation of fish in our
rivers and streams is drawing public at
tention, and as it is in the spring, when
the majority of fish ascend streams for
the purpose of spawning, that their de
struction is accomplished, we would again
suggest the formation of a county associa
tion to enforce the laws. From this time
forward we may look for frequent viola
tions of the trout law, which cannot le
gally be fished for in any stream until
after the Ist April, and in the Kishaco
quillas until the loth April; and its posses
sion of such fish is evidence sufficient to
convict, violators can readily be punished.
It is also illegal to fish with a seine or set
or use any kind of a net in any of the
ereelcs of this county at any time, an act
which, if carried out for a few years,
would stock every creek, and again ren
der fish more plentiful in the river. Col.
Worrall, the Fish Commissioner, in
speaking of this subject, well says :
"Our law is, as far as I can see, suffi
ciently explicit in its provisions; but if
you want fish, those provisions must be
enforced, and their enforcement depends
upon the people. Piratical fishing must
be stopped. You can't "have your eake
and eat it," as the saying is.
If after the fish get up through our
fisttways, and deposit their spawn above
dams, and when the poor little shad fry
are making their way toLheseathey shall
be caught in fish baskets and sold by the
bushel, how are we ever to get shad back
into the river? Our law is sufficient to
prevent this now, if the people living
along the river will take the thing in hand
and prevent this wholesale murder.
Every justice of the peace has the pamph
let laws, and the law on the subject, ap
proved 80th of March, A. D. 1860, can be
referred to at any time.
If only' piratical fishing be stopped we
will eventually have our fish back —and
that can be stopped if our people will be
vigilant and do away with the murderous
fish baskets —which they can do under
our present law. Now I will give the
people due and timely notice that much
depends on themselves, if the plans we
have adopted prove such as to admit the
fish above Columbia."
The remarks relative to piratical fishing
will apply as well to trout, pike and other
fish in our smaller streams as to shad,
salmon, rock, perch, &c\, in the .Susque
hanna and Juniata.
John Rubleof Granville township, late
ly killed two hogs weighing 1148 pounds.
Rev. Gwynn, Owen Ownesand Thom
as McConl, Sr., addressed a Temperance
Meeting in Gruber Chapel, on Friday
evening; and another on Saturday even
ing at Ebenezer Church, was addressed
by Rev. Mr. Gwynn. Granville town
ship is awakening to the importance of
the temperance movement.
BQTDaniels &, Stone are selling out their
winter stock at very low prices. Shoes
from 60 to 2.40; boots from 1.00 to 3.75; a
large stock of hosiery, notions, millinery,
gents' hats and caps; now is the time to
buy; never such bargains offered before;
remember the place, opposite Express Of
fice. febl3tf
The store of P. Bosserman, in Newport,
was entered on Sunday nightaweek, and
the money drawer robbed of about $lO.
A German employed by Michael Det
weiler, near Annville, Lebanon county,
attempted to murder a hired girl a few
weeks ago. lie was arrested in Berks
Daniel Bowersox and Susan Brunei* of
Centre township, Snyder county, were
recently arrested for livingtogetheras man
and wife. He it seems was with the wrong
wife and she with the wrong husband.
A correspondent of the Bedford Inquir
er under date of February IS, gives an
account of the circumstances attending
the death by drowning of Mr. John Har
rison Typer, of Hopewell, Bedford co.,
formerly of Marlinsburg, Blair county.
Joseph Matthews, of Shirley township,
who on the 23d of October last, burnt down
the barn of Wm. P. Goshorn, in Tel!
township, and shot and killed his two
horses and one colt, was arrested in Indi
ana county and brought to Huntingdon
jail last week.
Wm. A. McCormiek has resigned his
pos'tion as Passenger Agent at Hunting
don, and will leave for Williamsburg,
Blair county, on Fiiday next, where he
has accepted a situation as clerk. Sam.
Martin has been appointed to till the po
Policeman Fowler yesterday arrested
Hugh W. Riddle, alius, Marion Lowell,
on suspicion of having stolen a horse
which he sold to one of our citizens for
$25. He was taken before Esquire Batch
eler, who committed him for further
hearing. He gave his name as Lowell,
but a diary on his person proved him to
be H W. Riddle, who some months ago
broke out of the Bellefonte jail where he
was confined for forgery. A reward of
SSO was at that time ottered by the sheriff
for his apprehension.— Lock Haven Re
publican, Feb. 27.
The Brookville Republican of the 20th
says : Tuesday night, in the vicinity of
Itockdale Mills, one of the most shocking
murders was perpetrated that it has been
our duty to chronicle. Two youml men,
hailing from Oil City, and known as
Winton and Graves, murdered an aged
lady, Mrs. McDonald, at her home, for
her money. The murder was discovered
Wednesday evening, when measures were
immediately taken to capture the perpe
trators of this fiendish deed. Winton
was arrested Wednesday night, at Brock
way ville, and is now occupying a cell in
our jail.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Coughs, Lhlds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump
tion, and for the relief of Consumptive
Patients in advanced stages of the dis
ysss // //// ' 3 u* e field °f as
!t /////// usefulness and so numer
tflxspw - , /VV / "us are Its cures, that in al-
JscsfSS! 5 l(Cs'Wt / / most every section of coun
\...j-f*• \ rfev '' known, who have been re
stored by it from alarming
NfIFE 'MjU eVetl desperate diseases
- of the luugs. When once
JB Hied, its superiority over
—' Ja every other expectorant 'a
vation, ami where its virtues
t -"-Siy, are known, the public no
looser hesitate what amu.iote to employ for the distres
sing and dangerous £ flections of tin- pulmonary organ*
Incident to our climate. While many Inferior remedies
thrust upon the community leave failed and been discard
ed. tills lias sained friends by every trial, conferred hene
lits on the afflicted they can never forget, and produced
cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten.
We call assure the puldic. that Its quality is carefully
kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be
relied Oil to do for their relief ail that It has ever done.
Ureal numbers of Clergymen, Physicians", Statesmen,
and 'diier eminent personages, have lent their names to
cert it v the unparalleled usefulness of our remedies, but
space here will not permit the insertion of thetu. The
Agents below mimed furnish gratis our American Alma
nac In which they are given ; with also full descriptions of
the complaints our remedies cure.
Those who require an alterative medicine to purify the
blood w ill tind Ayer's Comp. Ext. Sarsapartlla the one to
use. 'fry it once, au l you will concede its value.
Prepared by I>K. .1. C. AVER A Co.. Lowell, Mass., and
sold by Charles Ritz and ail Druggists and dealers in med
icine everywhere. Jan.23-2m.
3500 CORDS
Delivered at the Tannery of
J. SPAHCGLE & ac.,
For which the highest market price will be
paid in CASH.
Lewistown, nmrl-4-ly
REGULAR BAR IRON at 4 3 4. s
rnHE undersigned, desirous of closing
I business, are ottering their stock, eon
isting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots
and Shoes, Ac., at cost, for cash only.
Persons desirous of obtaining bargains
will find it to their advantage to call and
examine our stock.
feb27-4t* W. L. OWENS & CO.
\\7A\TI;D -for a year or more —by a
▼ V responsible party, from s,©O© to
I©,CO© dollars, lor which ample secu
rity will he given. For further informa
tion, apply to
Real Estate Agent.
Lewistown, Feb. 27, 1566.-3t*
r|ll lI\FIKE ELEl'TlOS.—Notice
A. is hereby given to the stockholders of
the Eewistown & Kishaeoquillas Turn
pike Road Company that an election will
lie held at the National Hotel, Lewis
town, on Tuesday, March 12, 1867, at 2 o'-
clock, p. m., foroue President, six Mana
gers and a Treasurer. \VM. MANN,
fe27-2t. President.
NOTICE. —A special meeting of the
Stockholders of the Mifflin & Centre
County 1 tail road Company will he held
at Reedsville, on FRIDAY, the Stli day
of March next, at 1! o'clock, p. m., for the
purpose of considering a proposition from
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for
completing the Railroad to Milroy. A
meeting of the Board of Directors will be
held at 1 o'clock on the same day.
fe27. President M. AC. C. R. it. Co.
All persons who pay their
State. County and Bounty Taxes for the
year 1867 on or before the ist day of April
next, will be allowed an abatement of five
per cent, on tin- amount.
By order of the Commissioners,
Lewistown, Feb. 20, tapl.
I.ISTR IV \OTI( i:. —Came to the
1 J residence of the subscriber, in Armagh
township, on or about the 14tli of Jan., a
dark brown Mare, about 13 hands high,
and supposed to be about 9 years old. She
is blind of both eyes and has a white star
oil her forehead. The owner is requested
to come forward, prove property, pay
charges and take her away, otherwise she
will be disposed of according to law.
4 l !)i !OK S NOTICE. —The un
..Y dersigned, Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, to dis
tribute the balance in the hands of John
C. Sigler, administrator of the estate of
GEO. W. GIBSON, dee'd, will meet parties
interested at bis office in Lewistown,
Mondav, March 18th.
feb27-4t Auditor.
4 I I*l roll's NOTICE.—The un
AV dersigned, Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, to dis
tribute the fund in the hands of William
Creighton, administrator of the estate of
DANIEL BESHORE, dee'd, will attend to
tire duties of his appointment on .Satur
day, March 16th, at his office in Lewis
town. Persons having claims will pre
sent them or be barred from a share of
the fund. H. J. CULBERTSON,
feb27-4t Auditor.
~4~I TUTOR'S NOTICE.— The un-
JA flersigned, Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, to dis
tribute the fund in the hands of William
Wharton, Executor of SAM'L WHARTON,
late of Wayne township, deceased, will
attend to the duties of the appointment
at the Register's office, in Lewistown, on
Friday, the 22d day of March next, at 10
o'clock, a. m. Those interested are re
quested to attend.
feb27 W. P. ELLIOTT, Auditor.
JA dersigned, Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, to dis
tribute the fund in the hands of GEORGE
L. CALDKRWOOH, adm'r of the Estate of
ADAM BRIMMER, late of McVeytown,
deceased, will attend to the duties of the
appointment at the Register's office in
Lewistown, on Friday the 15th day of
March next, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Claims
not presented at that time will IK I barred
from coming in on said fund.
feb2o-4t W. P. ELLIOTT, Auditor.
Paper y &c.
ON HAND, a fine assortment of Cap,
Letter and Note Paper. Also, Fancy
Colored Paper and Envelopes in variety, at
jan 30 F. J HOFFMAN'S.
piBLIC SALE. —WiII be sold at pub
-f- 110 sale, by the subscriber, at his resi
dence, in Lewistown, on
Thursday, March 1, 1567,
T?TT Rowing personal property, to wit:
BILLIARD TABLE, Bagatelle Table,
r> * man y °Gicr articles belonging to a
Restaurant. Groceries—consisting of Su
gars, 'leas, Coffees, Ac.; a tine lot of Con
lectionery; also, a general assortment of
Household and Kitchen Furniture, such
yafr Bedsteads, Bedding, Chairs, Ta
bies, Stoves, and many other articles
too numerous to mention. Also, a
1 ract of Land, situate in Oliver town
sV,!p ' r 3O ACRES, more or less, will be
ottered to tlie highest bidder. Saletocom
ni Mi l( i e at o'clock, a. m., when terms
will he made known.
feb2o-ts SAMUEL B. MARKS.
1 )t ESI. 14 SALE.—WiII be sold at pub-
A. lie sale at tlie residence of the subscri
ber, in 1 nion township, near A. F. Gib
boney's factory on
Wednesday, .March 13. IJS6T,
the following personal property, viz:—7
head Hogs, 3 Milch Cows, 2 with Calves,
35 bushels Potatoes. Also, Household
aut * Kitchen Furniture, em-
A I bracing 1 Hathaway Cook
Stove with cooking utensils
and pipe, Coal Stove, Bu
reau, Settee, set of Cane Bottomed Chairs
and other Chairs, Corner Cupboard, Sink,
Stand, Meat \ essels, Tubs, Apple Butter,
Meat by tin; pound, 3 Tables, Bedsteads,
Bags, Cider Barrels, Vinegar, Sausage
Grinder, Grind Stone, Wash Kettle,
Wheelbarrow, Forks, Shovels, Garden
Tools, Corn Fodder, Rifle, Riding Bridle,
and a variety of other articles too numer
ous to mention.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m.,
when terms will he made known.
The undersigned will ofl'er at publie
sale, at his residence in Derry township,
near Freedom Forge, on
Thursday, March 14, ISG7,
tlie following personal property, to wit:
4 head of VYork Horses, ineluding2Mares
with foal; 3 Colts, 1 two-year old and 2
Yearlings; 5 Cows, 2 of them fresh; 10
head of Young Cattle; 2 Hogs; 2 four
horse Wagons, broad wheeled; 1 one-horse
and 1 two-horse Wagon; Cart; two-horse
Carriage; 2 Wagon beds; pair Hay
'ft Ladders, 2 Sleds; large Corn Sheller;
Clover Huller; Fanning Mill; Plows-
Harrows: Cultivator; Log Chain; Fifth
Chain; Cow Chains, 2 sets Hind Gears,
Plow Gears, Halters, Hathaway Cook
Stove, Ac-., with a variety of other articles.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m.,
when terms will be made known.
feb2ots* ISAAC PRICE.
I )1 Iti.il SALE.—' Will be sold at pub-
I lie sale, at tlie residence of the under
signed in Oliver township, on
Friday, March 15, ISO?,
tlie following personal property, to wit:
3 Head of Work Horses, t one being a Mare
with foal) 5 Milch Cows, 0 Young Cattle,
4 Shouts, 4 Sheep, Spring Wagon, two
horse Wagon, Wagon lied, Hay Ladders,
Stone's Grain Drill, Horse Rake, Wind
mill, Threshing Machine, Horse Power
and Shaker, St raptor Machine, Plows,
tan Cultivators and Harrows, 500 feet dry
finch) Pine Boards, l r >oo feet Paling,
and some Railing, Hay and Corn Fodder,
almut 30 acres of Grain in the Ground,
with a great variety of Household and
Kitchen Furniture too numerous to men
tion. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a.
m., when terms will he made known.
fel.L'O-ts WM. POWELL.
I)SItE!< SALE.— WiII be sold at
1 public sale, at the residence of the un
dersigned, in Brown township, on
Saturday, March Hi, ISO?,
the following personal property, to wit:
m l < X)WS, - sets of Harness,
light Trotting Buggy, one
horse Spring Wagon, &e. —
Also, some household and
kitchen furniture, consisting of Chairs,
Bedsteads, Cupboards, ten-plate Stove,
Parlor Stove, Cook Stove, Dishes and
a variety of other articles too numerous
to mention. Side to commence at 10
o'clock, a. m., when terms will be made
1 )8 65 S. i S 41.E. —Will be sold at pub
. li r sale, at the residence of tlie sub
scriber, on Williamson McNitt's farm,
about two miles from Milroy, in Armagh
township, on
Tuesday, March 19th, IST,
the following personal property, to wit:
J7x___ Two head of Work Horses, 2-year
vtitA. old Colt, Breeding Sow, Shoats, 2
Cows. Young Bull, 6 head of Young Cat
tle, Threshing Machine, Plows, Harrows,
1 two-horse Cultivator and 2 one-horse
ditto, Patent Hay Fork, Broad wheel Wa
gon, Hay Ladders, Spring Wagon, Hay
Rake, Horse Gears, Rakes, Forks, and a
variety of other Farming Utensils. Sale
to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m., when
terms will be made known.
I >s SSB.SV SALE Will be sold at
Public Sale, by the undersigned, in
Wayne township, on
Wednesday, March *2O, 1861,
the following property, viz:
~WL Work Horses, 2 Colts 2 years
jtirA lIi I® Head Fresh Cows and
\ 7 Springers, 10Head Young Cat
■BfcTiiiSaCgj tie, 40 Head Sheep and Lambs,
8 Head Shoats, lot of Timothy Hay, lot of
Corn in the Ear, 50 Bushels Potatoes, 1
Extra Buggy, 1 Extra Wagon (iron ax
les,) 1 Spring Wagon (three springs),
Plows, Harrows, Harness, and Farming
Tools, lot of Lumber, 50 Locust Posts
(morticed), White Pine Railing, a large
lot of CHICKENS, Houscholdand Kitch
en Furniture, 3 Good Stoves, Bureaus,
Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, and many oth
er articles too numerous to mention.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said
day when terms will be made known by
C. CAUGHLING Auctioneer. fe27-3t
War Against High Prices.
GO to F. J. HOFFMAN'S for
jan3o NAILS, &C,
Soaps! Soaps!
A LARGE assortment of Soaps. We call
special attention to the CELEBRA TED
OLINE; this is one of the very best and
cheapest Soaps in use. For sale at
jau3o F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
Ladies' Vests and Drawers,
jan3o.] At BRISBIN'S.
S. A. COYLE & CO.,
Produce & Commission Mer
<>l.l Market Street, Philadelphia.
S. A. COYLE, siepiKMJin J. W. LAUGHI.IN.
Manufacturing Confectioners,
We&~ Molasses Candy and Cocoanut Work.
<i. 11. Swisart, respectfully in
forms the citizens of Mifflin county, that lie is'rrepa
red at all times to do surveying on short notice
Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, and other legal writings,
drawn with neatness and dispatch. Address,
nov7-8m McVeytown, Mifflin county, Pa.
Steam Engine and
With fixings. Engine 30 horse power;
lloilers 40 horse power. Will be sold very
cheap. Address
jan.2-3m. Milroy, Pa.
Cords of Wood,
to consist of
'to be delivered along the canal. For fur
ther information apply to
febl3-3m Lewistown, Pa.
VO. I.—RECEIPT' to keep your horses
1.1 clear of Hots, Worms and Colic, and
in good thriving order.
X<>. 2. RECEIPT to cure all wounds, and
to take away the pain of same.
No. 3. Receipt to cure pole evil and
Price —Singly, 50 cents for each receipt;
25 copies for $5 ; or 100 copies for SlO, with
all the necessary instructions for using
the same. Address
Box 160, Lewistown,
febl3.4t* Mifflin county, Pa.
White Pine, Lap & Joint Shingles.
nov'2l-6m* Milroy, Mifflin co., PR.
Rittenhouse & McKinney's,
Best Rio Coffee 30 cts, per lb.
Lewistown, Feb. 27, 1867.
Weber & Son,
HAVE the largest assortment and best
. selected stock of
in this section of country.
Brown Sugars from 10 to 15 cts
White Sugar 16 "
Pulverized, Granulated and Broken Loaf
Lovering's Syrup, $1 20 per Gallon,
Other Syrups, 2-5 anil 28 cts. per quart.
Baking Molasses.
Extra Prime Coffee, 30 cts.
Prime Coffee, 28 "
Also, a large stock of
Ground Alum, and Ashton's Refined
Dairy Salt.
Sliephard's Pittsburg Crackers always
on hand. feb6.
[Near the Jail,]
YY r ILL SELL from now till the Ist of
IT March the following GOODS at
Greatly Reduced Prices:
INSTATE ol John E. Ilyler, dec'd.
Id Notice is hereby given that letters
testamentary on the estate of JOHN L.
BYLER, late of Union township, Mifflin
county, deceased, have been granted to
the undersigned, residing in Menno tp.,
said county. All persons indebted to the
above estate are hereby notified to make
payment without delay, and those hav
ing claims to present them, duly authen
ticated, for settlement.
febl3.6t* Executor.
INSTATE of Jenkins 11. Smith,
J deceased. —Notice is hereby given
that letters of administration on the estate
of JENKINS B. SMITH, late of Union
township, Mifflin county, deceased, have
i been granted to the undersigned, residing
in the Borough'of Lewistown, in said
county. All persons indebted to said es
tate are hereby notified to make payment
without delay, and those having claims
to present them, duly authenticated, for
settlement. SAM'L J. BRIBBIN,
febl3.Bt* Administrator.
AT THE 810
HE most complete assortment and cheap* .
X est lot of House furnishing Goods we
bave ever offered before to housekeepers and
new beginners, to which we invite special at*
tention, since we are prepared to give a bar
gain to all. The following is a partial list of
the above mentioned Goods :
Hoor Oil Cloth, new pattern, all widths,
rable •' " designs, "
Oil Window Shades, rustic style, $2 per pair.
Paper " " unusually low.
Green Gum Oil Cloth for Shades.
Buff Liner •' " "
Door Rugs and Table Mats.
Piiture Cord and Tassels.
Window Shade Fixtures.
" " Cord and Tassels.
Dusting and Scrub Brushes.
Shoe and Sweeping "
Crumb and White-wash "
Corn Wisps and Brooms.
Spain's patent barrel Churns.
Cedar Tubs and Buckets.
Painted " " "
Washing Machines, zink and wood.
" " Pollar's new style.
Clothes and Market Baskets.
Sewing and Fancy "
Clothes Pins and Lines.
" Horses and Wringers, latest and best*
Rolling Pins and Potato Mashers.
Butter Prints, Paddles and Spoons.
Bread Toasters, and Wire Gridirons.
Coal, Tongs and Knife Boxes.
Coffee and Sugar Boxes.
" and Tea Canisters.
Spice Boxes, wood and tin.
Sad or Smoothing Irons.
Sad and Coffee Pot Stands-
Match Safes, 7 different kinds.
Mouse and Rat Traps.
Dinner and Tea Bells.
Step Ladders and Garden Tools.
Coal Sieves and Buckets.
" Shovels, Toi g and Pokers.
Paste Jaggers, Pie Crimpers and Trimmer*.
Coffee Mills and Beef Pounders, 3 kinds,
Egg Whips and Slicers.
Soup Ladles and Basting Spoons.
Flesh Forks and Vegetable Skimmers.
Pat'd Cake Turners and Nutmeg Graters.
Mop Handles and Knife Boxes.
Tack Hammers and Hatchets.
Carpet Tacks and Stair Rods.
Waffle Irons and Iron Bake Pans.
Brass, Porcelain, Tin'd Iron Kettle* and
Sance Pans.
Iron Tea Kettles and Pots.
Butter Bowls and Towel Rollers.
| Fancy Toilet and Chamber Ware.
1 Flour Sieves and Clothes Line Reels.
Scissors, Snuffers and Nurse Lamps.
Slaw Cutters and Lanterns.
We take pleasure in announcing the follow
ing list of Goods, as they are exceedingly
I low.
Ivory Handle Tea & Dinner Knives,
Bone " " " "
Ebony " " " " Sc Fork*.
; Butcher and Carving Knives.
Slaugh and Mincing "
, Bread and Kitchen "
Meat and Wood Saws.
! Nickel Silver Forks, new article—cheap.
•' " Tea and Table Spoons.
| Albatta Tea and Table Spoons.
| Brittania "
; Metalic "
Tin *
A splendid lot of
very low.
We have on hand 133 different articles of
TIN W -A- R E ,
but we mention none save onr new style
Tea and Coffee Pots,
And last, but not least, is our
Combination Gas Burner Cook
which we warrant to be the best baking
stove in the county, or refund the money.
rnniS Institution, formerly the proper
-1 ty of S. Z. Sharp, and lately purchas
ed by M. Mohler, Co. Supt. of Mifflin co.,
has been thoroughly renovated and refur
nished. The water pipes have been relaid
to the building, and other improvements
made, so as to make it one of the mo9t
desirable Institutions in the country. A
teachers' class will La? formed at the open
ing of the session and will be continued
The summer session opens on Wednes
day, April 10th, 1867, and continues
twenty weeks.
TERMS: —Tuition, boarding, light and
furnished rooms, per session, $90.00.
Those desiring admittance should apply
early. For further particulars, address
Lewistown, Pa., until March 20th,
f6 after which at Kishacoquillas P. O.
THE following Fire. Life, and Accidental Companies
are represented by the undersigned :
iEtna, Fire of Hartford, §4,083,000
Putnam, " 500,000
Home, New Yoik 3,500,000
Germania, " 700,000
Home, New Haven, 1,000,000
North America, Philadelphia, 1,750,000
Enterprise, " 400,000
Lycoming, Penna., 2,500,000
Farmers, York, Pa., 500,000
American Life, Philadelphia, 1,000,000
N. Y. Accidental, New York, 250,000
Horse Thief Ins. Co. York Pa., 50,000
This agency is prepared to insure against Fire. Death
or Accident, in any part of Mifflin county. Horses
are insured against theft. All business pertaining to
insurance promptly attended to.
janlft 'B7 JOHN HAMILTON, Agent.
BIRD CAGES! A fios assortment at