Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, March 06, 1867, Image 1

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    & (Bo mo mwwmsmKmj
Wide No. 2910.
Poor House Business.
fho I)i;-!'.'tors '<f the Poor meet at the Poor
{Joust on the 24 Fuesditj of each month.
( .-.ni l i<.*iiit!;<nie<i pr-onptiy ninth*.
i;:!< -t all lived "111 time deposit#. jm>23-Iv.
'°iTirjr tT"r* Tilfß
Viß*V. t > e Jii J
Attorney at Law,
ufiice Market Square, Lewiatown, will at
lend to business in .Vlitilin. Centre and Hunting
ton counties mv2fi
.7 "TT.'CSi 13 fp >*'■ 1T
m+i • • i.- br c£T¥ rfc? *
Attorney at Law,
aKFKKS In-; profv'ssi'tnal -ervtees o> the citizens of
I) MMi!i li r.unity. Office with D. W. Wood-, esq..
Mi:n - -t. b'-l-'iV Laliotml Hotel. n,yj
Mutual Insurance Company.
Capital, $2,JJ00.000.
THI- ' ?•• '• i11 n1 1•.- t• > i s<•:• ■ i!i -i-s <t* Insur
!'■ niiii tnd lYr.-ni.;d Property, in Town
• l ~v. it; or mutual i aio
JAJIES ItAXKIX, President.
>ul" •" Lewisfoicn, Pa.
Practicing Physician,
iteUeville, Viitnin County, Ha.
T"ii. DAHLLN Ims been appointed an Examining
lltutrj i I'o. Pen-ion-. Soldiers requiring' exutn
, -nHiil tied him at hi- o!ti.-<- in Helleville.
Utaii-rill August 22, Iswi.-y
RE- IT' IT- i'LLY inform tli • citizens of I.ewi-town
tnd vicimtv. (a few door# from the Town Halt, in
[ M.-m-ir-'-! :M. r lie i-prepared to do all kind of work
..•■ hi- proles-ion in the most scicntijic weoi
•r— n U-1 ile S Pat ted Set-, or Single I ecth ill
-?rt'toui> I sjjver. er VulepniteJAa-e. iti an elegant
aw .Mil i" milliner. on the uio-t reasona-
L teia.-. He guarantees In- work, or no pay.
K i ir attention paid tothe extracting and filling
of i t.. in tie- most approved manner. novT-t'in
Teeth Extracted Without Pain!
By M. R, Thompson, D. D. S ,
:. without the use of Chloro
us" \'x form. Etner. or Nitrous >x
* \ ido. and is attended l.y no
fe - j* ~Y danger or had effect.-.
ft ■ . / Oliieo we-t Market street.
If | V" V near Eisenhlsti's hotel.
*here !,•• can lie found for profe-sioitnl consultation
!ro:n the fir-r Mondav of en-It month until the fourth
Mend ty. when he will be absent on professional bn-i
--ae-s oiie week. . #<*j>lo-lt
Li/lEui v£?o '±2l*ll:l^3%
hl'KEl;- iii- profe-sionßl servieea to the citizen- <•<
U i..-w>Ki..wti .id vicinity. All in want of good, lieal
kv.dl do well t • give mm a call.
Ib may he ft.mid ai all limes at his office, three
dour- > a-t tjf 11. M. TV ii. Pi,ill's store. Valley street,
- i Nl'l'llnftS oXIDE or
I. nig g Gas. Teeth inserted •n all
* i T r tlte ddlerent styles of buses. Teeth
iin the tno-t approv-d manner. Spei ial atten
•i: g;v i to di.-e.tse.| Lunts. All work war ranted
Terms reasonable.
; ' at Eni- opai Parsonage, Corner of .Main and
Water -iiret-id. jylk
The stih-ert'oer ha- iut ie< - r.-d and will
Kg I keep on hand a -eleet -• .. of Me:T- Bovs'
fK ami Youth's Boot-. Ladies'. Misse- and Chil
Boots and Shoe - ~f vatiotis knnls and
- vies, to which lie til i invite the attention of hi
fri-.-udsand the publicgcticraily As it :s hi- intention
■ any dealer in tin* county, those in need of winter
ioei- or -hoe- are inv.teif to call an-i e {amine the
x'—jv•• spx-k, which will he sdhl at very small profits,
i • for cash only, at the sign of the Btu Siiot. next
tit F.J. Hoffman's store.
West >lark t si., Lrwi&towii,
l.Al'lE- A- '. ENTLEM EN'- r I K.NI-HING HOoDS.
> i : ,k. Hals. It anets, Ladies Fine DlliitiS
Wi iitSand Trimmings,
l'ltterns of latest styles always on hand.
Millinery and Dress-Making
executed in <!n* most approved style.
Lewi -town, April Is, lS'Si.tt"
J. A. & W. K. MoKiiE
HAVE rem >ved their Leather St .re to (MM Fel
lows' Hall, w 1 ere they will ■ en-taiiuy keep
Oil l.uid, - lie Leather. Harm- . —kilting mid I J per
KM... trtcrp aa nii Prvt>oi> < 'ul f -Sk \ rfr . Mo
t - ••. I.tniii.s and Bindings, and a general ass .rt
t-i at -iie I- indi ag win :li they will s.-l! cheap tor
■ II -t marl ■ t price paid 1U cash for Hides,
' aif {jkiiia and .-iieep Skins.
f- - f|N -*S,- r—V 6} r\
We ted, for which the highest market price will be
paid in Cash. apdtf
Tailoring Establishment
Wo Bmmzs*
1J LIP'IIA N r TAIL' K. ha- removed his shop to the
- 1 .ihhn f n m*-,known a- ;!e- "green house,"
*t t. . int.-r- ctii a of Valley and Mill street.adjoining
" M. A|; in : ,tt - -tore, where he cordially .nute-all
w| io a,-, .j anything in hi- line (cod- and Trim
-1,1 :• - turn.-! . d and gentlemen's clothing made, in
"" >!e.-t styles, on short notice, and at reasonable
pt. v.-. " apll-tf
hits now open
Cloths, Cassimeres
V E S T 8 r J c s,
ich will be made up to order in the neat
and must fashionable styles. apl9
which will be placed npnn trial with any other now
in use. He invites cotnpetioti. It can be tested
with unv other machine to enable purchers to choose
Give him a call. [sepl2-Am] \VM. I.IND.
Dreiv * s Pat en t
S vjtfiißiiiif nainan
rpilE gr-'utc-.-t improvement of tlicage. in tliis line
j A of ttade. 1-;. It does away with the wrinkles mi
the tnsiep. also, with the welted >: le -enni wh.cii has
itijitred many feet no i ankle-. *_M. It make.-lite
ea.-,.'-t sitting mid Ic-t fitting t.t ever worn. Tliis
boot i- now rmttinfuc! c.ieii by P. I- Loop, who bold
the right of use for the conn *,.snd i- prepared to
furnish all who i-h {o wear tin- boot. A liberal dis
count to d. ale's who wi-h to ih ,1 in tho-e tioots. t i
--- !*s fibed a' short ti"ti -e I'rices L:I I atly r duced on
all goods at P. K. Loop's Shoe Store. fchfi
Haines' Patent
The Best and Most Effectual in Use.
VUMKROI'-S patent- have been i-si ed and vat ions
iv improvements made on Safety Bridles, hut here
j is nothing mvi uoti- in sa) iug that the invention p it -
I tented by J pb (' ILnties ot this p'ttce 1- snpeMoi
; to any yet offered. e..mt uing l. ;itu:■■ s of -unplii i'y
| and power in guiding and sin gsng hoi-c or horse
! wiiicli no other possesses. The --ential feature of
| tin- patent is in I'rovehng the driving rein with sluft
! nig bearing-, which form til • poo.t- of attachment
li—tween the rein and bit rings, mid tons net upon tlie
bit directly, wnew ea-v and steady driving will con
trol the atittn il. but' when it !*■ quirt— a more eiere
application of the bit. said bearings leave t! •• bit rings
and give way to the snaps \., which they may U- at
tached. Tliis I- all done by the rcgulnr ditving hue.
no extra one being p q'fired !•:<•! caght to .-ati.-fy
every person of tin- great -uj" rierity <i this inven
tion to any other.
The following certificates from well known gentle
men. some ef wlto have i ol m , i. • xjlet'ieime w ell
horses will show the c-slitr.aGou in which this bridle
i- held :
LKWIST U> V. Aug. 21. Ist rt.
Having ocea-ton t try the ateiy i rldle mv. i ied
by J n.-epli C. Haines, ot this town. tipou my ruuav.m*
111 ire, til" result lul- pruv.-u to Oil entire satlsfaetloll
tout any le rso etui le prt vet *• u fr un running off or
kicking' Mr. 11 M. !'r:t. whose hu _■ c exp-nenee
with horse- inun a-U me to etui upon liim to unvc my
mare and t--: tlie safety bridle, concurs in the opio
id that " 1- the best hrift'c [bat lias lor its <.i jeet tlie
entire control of a horse in harm— or under tiie sad
dle. G •>. VV. HoLB.
Lr.wt-Tuv. N. Aug. 21. 1 So 6.
fo-cpli C. Haiti l>.-:!* >:i : Alter ha\ iug fnllv tri
ed vour Bridle on o.\ ttattaiiicd eon.- i tind
that your invent.on e i - ai: that is tlesnabh in
a bridle, lis -uii*>.e coa-.ru i .in and n.iap:a . nto
any cointitou t>ride.* and a..i : -in. cannot bo: neo.e
il-,. to.ii-l. Tht- ■ ■'■'!! ' at"' .
jitsted to a soft or hai : unn;;bed bus i-.im xeelu nt
feature, renee.-ri ;g i:- use a-elf.-:-: ni m • tiling
running or k icktng as any other pate tit bridle or u-.n
and as easy on the mouth a- the <-. mmei I : no la
it is always i. ad \at the ei it, -a I ui"i ."nt •in not I ait
recommend itself to all wio w ::*> -t imk at it.
Respectfully yours. \ HAMILTOX, M. Lh
LCWISTOW x, Deee uiti r 1 va;
I have been driving hois' s since i .now anything
about them, ami have drove some cry v.. e u-iior-e-.
and colts. In driving stieb witii a eouirnoii i.rtdic. 1
never feel e.v-y :: >r comfortaS ie to enjoy the ride. It
i- more aiiun;.ing. however, when you have persons
with you and j■ u • n t.■. by t. -.r countenance t 1 at
tliey don't en iy tie fid ' from far ol your horse
running a lit tie. <>i on a rutinum aw i have -o ways
t.iouglit tier • might tie a hi iti or t/u so cmi-irueieu
that you could drive ami '."ld lugs*- with perfect
I • a-" "and safety. I iie tir.-t of tin- Until I iutppi ued
to sue was Dr. 'iartmnu"-. Ith uig it it was very good.
In the meant-ate it on: red to io • tiiat the way the
lines w ifked "u the bri tie tail ■ .ul.l i.ot draw* the hit
and let ii drop .|u;.-U euoitgii on your ti r-'-s. dome
horses i . i e.-.'t- when you -ui'. e tbeiu tightly atul
cannot slack tun bin s piieklv. will lank and t.aek
very ugiy I etioc sa*.v M. l'hn-ts and stamen's
pai nt .v.tii the elastic ■* <|> woiK.eg on about the
same pntvip as Dr. H.-irtu a"-. ?.!r. Ehri-t then
gave lies a brtd'e* to try on toy il'Tse i bad t tie same
otjeetioii I-, it 1 had to Ir. ll.iKtna i's My altention
was next called to Mf. Jo- I Haiti' s p,.;, t ,t. of our
town. My aiteut. n was arrested mini diately with
the appearance it I : ee l eeti u-ing it t>r some
two w .-k'qui! • suee. -'-f illy. ' have irove along tlie
ran toad uiiu other ugly places, fecung quite r.il'e. J
think it etnl races .all ■. <.mg,i• ut ol .. i rail •. If
the pilbl. • once g- ttos> •• this hi i.iie. tle v can't help
but understand : . - simplicity, durability and effective
ness. ami 'naeii together, cannot help n commending
itself. Railroads are made and being made througli
the country in every direction, crn—mg our pub ic
road- four or five times in a- many utile- sometime-,
rtesc crossings oft Mi occur nt iciy ucly place. Ail
parlies are Ut> l'C or less afiaul of me. t tig the trams
when they are traveling for fear their horses willtuke
fright, and not be atn to tmiu tbein. Tlusc iiiiimni
ty reirieim er-how -i't: ni.|y In . 1-aoe Rotlirock. of
-livdcf county, was In. tat" tii" ci .--:..g. at the new
Timnery. I:i-t May. He i- utjd lie could not hold lu
horse and then got on: of lu- buggy, and the Icrse
tore him around lia llv. ft. M. ICEEYEK.
LKWISTOWN. Pa . \ugu-t 21, IStit}.
This eotiunttnily i- well aware <u tie'fact that in
the midst of an ext n-ive pra nee. Dr. t,. \V. Hoover
l wis almost killed by the tunning off of his mare. 1
i drov this mare in singe !. i c--- by using the Safety
| Ot i lie itivei -il I'y .If'-.*j I. If Haiiie-. m i I found that
t she wa- entire!, under my control 1 believe tin*
! s.d'et VHi ml is all that can be desired for the secnrity
of life, hmb. and vehicle whet# used either upon
• docile or vicious horse. H. M. PRATT.
' Or- Any pet sons having fractions la.r—- are invited
! to bring t u-iii to the undersigned or liuring hi- ab
! scnee to Mr. Pratt, and they ■ m readily l>e satisfied
i ttiat any horse can not only bo prevenle 1 Iroin kick
-1 ing but from runt.ing at ay. ,
f have named the bridle "The Eureka." signifying
"I have found " Jt'SKPr. C. HAINES.
Lewistown December ltsiti.
ti L 3 _2 s-Ei-k? AXD w
\ you can be cured uermatr utly and at a trilling cost
The astonishing success w .rut has attended this
i invaluable medicine lor Phy-ica! and Nervous w euk
! uess, General lMithty ami Prostration. I.oss of Mus
j cular Energy. Iniputency.or any of th ' conaequencea
j of youthful i.idiscretiori. renders it the most valuable
preparation ever discovered. *
| ' It will remove all tierv.e.i- affections, depression,
i excitement, ineapaci'y to study or business, loss of
' iri< tnorv. confusion, thought sof self destruction, fears
i o insanity, ftc. It will ta store the appetite, renew the
! hea Hi of tho-c who have destroyed it by sensual ex
i ce-> or evil practices.
Young Men. be humbugged no more by'•Quack
I motors" and ignorant practitioner.-, but send without
noisy for the Elixir.and be at ottce restored to health
and happiness. A Perfect ( uie is Guaranteed in eve
ry instance. Pi ice. sl. or four bottles to one address. s•'(.
One bottle is sufficient to effect a cure in all ordina
ry cases
speed v and permanent cure of Gonort hea.Gleet. I re
tinal Di-charges, Gravel. Stricture, and all affections
ot Lie Kidneys and Bladder. Lures effected in from
one to five days. They are prepared from vegetable
I extracts that are harmless mi tlte system, and never
n 'Usenb lite stomach or impregnate the breath. No
change of diet is neee-sary while u-ing them, nor does
: their action in any manner interfere with business
l pursuits. Price, f 1 per l>ox.
i Either of the abic."-mentioned articles will be sent
' to any address, ehtsely sealed, and post-panj. by mail
' or express, on receipt of pi tee. Address all orders to
BERGEK, SHE I TS Jc 0o„ Chemists,
feb6-ly No '285 River Street. Troy, N. Y.
I* lA A O FOIt T E
499 Broadway, New York.
T'HE attention of the Public and tiie trade is invited
5 to Ni w Scald 7 < ICTAVE KOrf Vm -'DO I>PI A NO
FOB riv?, Wliich for volume and pttnty of tone are
unrivalled by any hitherto offered in this market.—
I hey contain all the modern improvements, French
Grand Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frame, Overstrung
Ba-s. etc... and each instrument being made under
| the personal supervision of Mr. J. ILGKOTESTEEN, wiio
has had a practical experience of over 35 years in
their manufacture, is fully warranted in every partic
The " GJiO I'EtiTEEX I'lA SO FOli'i ES' received the
Award uf Merit orer ad others at the Celebrated
World's pair.
| Where were exhibited instrument* from the best ma
kers o, London. Paris. Germany. Philadelphia. Balti
more, Boston and New York: liud also at the Ameri
can Institute for five successive years, tin. gold and
-■lvet* iniulais from both of which can tic seen ill our
v ai e-rooin.
By the introduction of improvements we make a
stil r i.re perfect Piano Forte, and by iiiauufaciuriug
large.v. with a striet'v casli system, are enabled to ot
ter loose instruments uta price which will preclude
ail competition.
Terms :—Set Cash in Cturrent Funds.
"Descriptive Circulars Bent Free. octKKirn
K. & 11. T. ANTHON Y & CO.,
Manufacturers of Phofisrajhic Materi Is,
501 Uroadvvay, N". T.
In ad In ion to our m-in tiiisinessol' PHOTOGK \PH
i It.' MA I EKIALS, ue are headquai'tera for the follow
ing. VIZ:
stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views.
of American and Foreign Cities and Landscapes,
Groups, Statuary, &c.
Stereoscopic Views oi tlte YVar,
From negatives ni-nte in the vari'niscampaignsand
forming a complete Piiotogiaphic history of the con
Mtereo-copic Views on Glass,
Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or stereo
scope. i nir catalogue will be sent to any aid re— on
receipt of stamp.
F!ioto£rapliic Albums.
We manufacture more largely than any other house,
about 200 varieties front 50 cents to i>so cacti. Our Al
bum- have the reputation ol being superior in beau
ty and durability to any other-.
Card Uholographs of Get erals, Statesmen,
Actors, etc.. etc.
<>ur catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND
different -nhjeo s. including I productions of the
, most eel''Sited Engravings, Paintings, Statues, ic.
i (.' ital >gi;e- -ent on receipt of stamp.
Piiotograniiers and others ordering goods C. O. P.,
will please remit 25 per cent ot the amount.with their
order CH-Tiic priors and quality of our goods can
not fail to satisfy. jel3 ly
•IS the only \rttcle u.-cil b\ Fir .t Clans Holcls,
i Lauin'ries, and Ttiou-arid- oi Fami
: Hes.
It gives a beauriful polish, making tlie iron pass
' smoothly over tlie clotli, saving mil -ii time and la
hor. Goods done up with it keep clean much longer,
eon-vap lent ly vull not wear out so soon.
It makes O'd Linen look tike Sew.
011 11 1 M i' Eitl A L ii LU E
Is the Bert in the World.
It i- soluble in hard a- well as sof; water. It is put
up m the safest, neatest, and most convenient form
• f any ottered to the public.
Ii t?J U irrantod nut to Streak the Clothes.
Agents wanteil everywhere, to whom we offer ex
truordinany inducements. Address,
octlO 6m No. 218 Fuit' n St., New York.
:: The Best Oabinot Orgaiis 3 "
American In-titute, New Yelk, October, 1565.
Being pronounced superior in (REALITY, POWER, and
YAKH.IV "F 1 OXE, and in liuuila r of comtiitutiions.
•• V tlie best instruments of America were -here
contending, whichever won that battle would have
nothing let io conquer " — A si. .1 rt Journal, (edited by
| a well-known inusi-al critic.)
Tic-y have also taken the first premium wherever
i exhibited this -ea-on.
PEDAL u|(ii i\s, one. hvo. and three banks of
keys-—ax size-—sJs(t to JLSoO. Without pedals,single
and double bank, in great variety. 535 to t-t'x). These
I Organ-, with their smooth pipe like quality of tone,
beautiful solo strips, strength of chorus, unequalled
pe l tls, and getter il organ-like effects, are superior
for Ciiurcitea, Halls, Parlors, niid Schools.
They are put up in cases of SOLID WALNUT, fancy ven
; ecred Wa.nnt, (new and unique stylos) and ('U-gant
Rosewood, of splendid designs and lim-h. and oi' the
lost workmanship.'—it being intended that each in
st n neiit -tiall lie a model of its class. All instru
ments, down to a five octave portable Melodeon. have
the beautiful fremolaute stop, without extra charge.
| A large assortment constantlv-on hand atourGEN
| b-iniiv, iv.
Our Illustrated Circular and Price Lists, with our
| now siy les. are now ready. Send for a Circular.
fJO .Manuf'kCtuters,B4l Broadway,N. Y.
Arc superior to all others for
Contain all the latest improvements: are speedy;
noi-eless: durable: and easy to work.
Illustrated Circulars free! Agents wanted. Liberal
disount allowed No consignments made.
I Address EMPIRE S. M. CO., 61ti Broadway. New
j Y'ork. seps'6S-ly
Lowistov/n Coach Manufactory,
Junction 3d & Valley street.
red together for the Jittrpose of
manufacturing '''iriu. Carria-
N'T-, '* Bufflier. SuHars. Spring BVi-
•SsKs*'kins. Ac., invite the putilie to
give them a eall and examine specimens of their
work, which will be found equal to any in or out of
the cities. All kinds of repairing promptly attended
to. decl2-]y
ITUATE in Wayne township, Mifflin
county, on turnpike road, within \ of
a mile of Atkinson's Mills, store, school,
blacksmith, <fee., and within 2A miles of
Penna. R. R., about 70 acres cleared and
the balance in excellent timber, prime
oak, &c. This property will be sold very
1w and to suit purchaser. Persons wish
insr to examine tlie premises will call on
J. Glasgow, esq., or C. N. Atkinson, near
premises, and for price and terms see or
address A.J.ATKINSON,
I oct24tf Lewistown, Pa.
Auburn, Golden, Flaxen and Silken Curls,
- ' MIL "I-VEIL'V One application warranted
to url the MAST straight and stubborn hair of either
sex uuo wavy ringlet-, OR heavy massive, curls. Has
been used by the fitsiiionnblfts of P., rig and London!
,U . O""' B'rattfytng resdits. Does no injury to
ttto hair. PIA-e by tnad. sealed and POSTPAID SI,
S.II RRS & ( 0.. I hemtsfs. 50. 28 Ilivcrst.,Trov. N. Y.
Sole Agents for the United Staves. febft-ly
'T'OKI ED to grow upon T lie smooth) -t FACE in front
I three to LIVE vvek- t, V using Dr. SKVIGNE .S UEB
- RA lEL I, CA PI LEA I RE, tite most wonderful dis
covery in modern science, acting upon tlie Beard and
Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It has been
used by tin- elite of Pari- and London with the most
nattering .-tteeess. Names of all persons w ill he reg
istered, and it entire sa:i-faetion is not given in everv
install. -e.the money will be ehe-rfullv refunded Price
by mail, sealed and postpaid. SI. D eriptive eir"n
larsand testimonials mmicd (tec. Address REIiGER,
>lll TTS UI H. ( heintsts. No. 285 River street, Troy.
N. Y ~ Sole agents for the United State.-. I'eb6-ly
Oh ! SHE was beautiful and fair,
YVith starry I yes, an I radiant hair,
J) hose, curling tendril- soft, cutvvtued.
Enchained ttic very heart and ntind.^
F"r Curling thc lLi>r of either Sex info
Ii ovy and Glossy Ringlets or
IC-try J Massive Cutis.
BY using tins article Ladies and Gentlemen can beau
tify thorn selves A thousand fold, ft is the only ar
ticle in the world that will curl straight -hair. and at the
-aine time g ve .r U beautiful, glos-v appearance The
( risper Coma nor only curls the inur, but invigorates,
beautifies and cleanses it: is highly and delightfully
perfumed, and i- tin- irto-t complete article of t'-E
kind ever offered to the American public. The Lris
per Lorna will be sent to any address, sealed and post
paid lor sl. Address ALL order- to
W.L. ULAUIv J* CO, Chemists,
feb3-1y No. 3. West Fayette St.. Syracuse, N. Y".
For Removing Superfluous Hair.
•Tl' > THE ladies C-PO.-I dlv. this invaluable depilatory
*■ recotntnends itself as being an almost ind'spen.si
b!e article to (amnio beauty, is easily apphe I. doe- NOT
burn or injure tic skin, but NETS direct (y ON the roots.
It is warranted to remove sunerfinou-- liuir front low
forcii'-ads, or from any part of the body, completely,
totally and radically extirpating the same, leavingthe
-kin soft, smooth and natural. Tins is tlie only article
used by the French, and is the only real effectual de
pilatory in existence. Price 75 cents per package,
sent post-paid, T" nnv addjess. ON receipt of an order,
by BERGER. SBUTTS 4 R Cheim-ts.
feb6-ly 285 River street, Troy, N. V.
Throw- A WAY V o*tr false friz z.es. your : witches, your wig—
*•>.) r.-i IJI" HI your VE IL 'iixuriaut hair.
Coine agei', come youthful, come tig.'y and fair.
And rejoice in your own luxuriant hair.
restoring hair upon bald heads front whatever
cause it may l.nv ■ fallen out) and forcing a growth
of I in: r upon the face it has unequal. It will force the
heard to grow upon the smoothest lace in from five to
eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to
three months. A few ignorant praetiff UP rs have as
serted that there i- nothing that will force or hasten
the growth of the haii" "r heard Their assertions are
nlse. as thou-a nils of living wit nesses (from their own
experience) pan hear witness. But many will say.how
are we to di-fttigtiish the genuine from the spmiotls?
It certainly is difficult, as nine-tenths of the different
Preparations advertised for the hair and Itoard arc en
tirely worthless, -and you tit ty have already thrown
awa v larue amount- in their purchase. To such we
would sav. try the Ueparator Lapilh; it will cost you
not hi tig unless it fu'l> come- up to ,ur representations.
If your druggist d >e- not keep it, send us one dollar
and we will forward it postpaid, together with a receipt
tor the money, which will he returned you on applica
tion providing entire satisfaction is not given. Address
\V. L. CLARK A CO , Chemists,
f bil ly No. 3 West Fayette st., Syracuse, N. Y.
There eomefh gla I tidings of joy to all,
To young and to old. to great and to small:
The beauty which once was so precious and rare,
IS free for all and all may be fair.
By the use of
For Improving an I BenuMfving the Complexion.
rn-IK TII->-t valuable and perfect preparation IN use,
A for giving the skin a bvautiful peari-fiko tint ttiat
is only found in youth. It quickly romov sTan. Freck
les, Pimples. Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallowncss.
Eruptions, and all impurities of the skin, kindly heal
ing the same, leavingffhe skin white and clear as ala
ba-tt-r. Its use can not be detected by the closest
scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation I- per
fectly harmless. It is Lhe only article of the kind used
by the Frett'-h, and is considered bv the Parisian as
indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 3U.000
bottles were sold during tlie pa-t year, a sufficient
guarantee of its efficacy. Price only 75 cents. Sent by
mail, post-paid, on receipt "f an otder, by
BERGER, SHETTS & CO.. Chemists,
fefi-L V 285 Rfver St., Troy, N. Y.
A i If J] 0 i D U 1 ,
The World Astonished
SHE reveals secrets I o mortal ever knew. She re
stores to happiness tlio.se who, from doleful event.-,
catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and
friends, loss of money. Ac., have become despondent.
She brings together those long separated, gives infor
mation concerning absent friends or lovers, re-tores
lost or stolen property, tells you the business you are
best qualified to pursue and in what you " ill be most
successful, causes speedy marriages and tellsyou the
very day you w ill marry, gives you the name, likeness
and characteristic of the person. Kite reads your vety
thoughts, and by her nlmest supernatural powers un
veils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future.—
From the stars we see in the* nrmaiient — the malefic
stars that overcome or predominate in the eonfigura
tion — from the aspects and positions of the planets
and the fixed stars in tlie heavens at the time of birth,
she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to
consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs you
but a tntie. and you may never again have SO favorable
an opportunity. Consultation fee. with likeness and
all desired information, TFL. Parties livi rig at. A d istance
can eonsultthe Madame ! y mail with equal -afe'y and
satisfaction to themselves, as if iri person. A full and
explicit charfe written out, with all inquiries answered
and likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price
above mentioned. The strictest secrecy will be main
tained. and all co' respondenee returned or destroyed.
References of the highest order furnished those de
siring them. Write plainly the day ot the montliand
year in which you were born, enclosing A small lock
of hair. Address MADAME II. A. PERRIGO.
jebO-ly P. O. DRAWER 2JO, BUFFALO, N. Y".
"ORUSUfiS ut llufltuunV.
CEDAR-WARE at Hoffman's.
CORDAGE at Hoffman's.
SHOE FINDINGS at Hoffman's.
SOLE LEATHER at Hoffman's.
POCKET CUTLERY at Hoffman's.
TABLE CUTLERY at Hoffman's.
IE? O IE T IR. "Y -
Ileuutitul Se'ntiuient.
There's many agent unpolished
And many a star unknown—
Many a bright bud perished,
Neglected and alone —
YVhen had a word been spoken,
In a kindly, gentle tone.
The bud had bloomed unbroken,
The gent had graced a throne.
Then G! scorn not the lowly,
Nor do tiieni any wrong, *
Lest thou crush an impulse holy,
Or blight a soul of song.
The Facant Seal.
I look around my class to-day,
■Sad face- there I meet,
Whose tearful glances often turn
To one stiil vacant seat.
1 look within my heart to-day,
Oppressed with bitter care".
Its saddened beating- seem to say,
.4 place is vacant there.
I ntiss the pressure of a hand,
The glistening of an eye,
For otic, the youngest of our band,
(Lis not too youny to die.
And yet there's gladness in my heart
Banishing distrust;
For she, so willing to depart,
Was not too,young to rrust.
She trusted in the Saviour's blood;
She worshiped t his feet:
I know, I feel, that near iter God
She itas a joyful seab
And as I look to heaven to-day,
1 look with trusting prayer."
While answering echoes seem to say,
Her seat's not vacant there.
—Sundax/ School Times.
fiOV. JOH.Y W. GE.4RI',
On Assuming the Duties of President of
the State Temperance Convention.
Governor Geary on accepting the posi
tion of Temporary President of the Tem
perance Convention, held at Harrisburg,
<m Tuesday of last week, delivered tlie fol
lowing well timed address:
Ladiesand gentlemen of the Convention:
Fellow citizens: I rise not for tlie purpose
of addressing you at length on this occa
sion. J will not insult the distinguished
and brilliant minds around me, by at
tempting to address you unprepared.' But
as you have seen proper to select me as
your temporary presiding officer, I rise
more to thank you titan make a speech.
When I look upon this assemblage and
contemplate its object, many thoughts
rush upon my mind. I see here minis
ters of the Gospe 1 , mem iters of tlie legal
profession, intellectual men—tutors ol the
popular mind, from every section of the
State, and I am happy to greet you. Shull
we inquire why you have come here? It
lias certainly been for no selfish object.—
Some noble impulse has doubtless guided
you, and I feel that our cause is a truly
noble one.
You come not with arms and martial
weapons. You come in time of peace to
seta grand example for the young men of
the country. You come in the cause of
temperance. (Applause.) You do not
propose to gain your object by forcible
means, but io snatch our brethren from
the dangers that surround them ; and that
by reason and example.
Why, my friends, we have just passed
through live years of war. Several hund
red thousand of our friends have laid down
i heir lives, and hundreds of thousands are
maimed for life. They met the foe in the
field and conquered him, and we now per
ceive a vast army engaged in another war
fire. More than half a million of our fel
low-countrymen are engaged in it., and
the enemies they are lighting are them
selves. Now, we have come here to-day
to rescue them from so baleful a fight—to
aid and assist them against the fell de
stroyer, King Alcohol. (Applause.)—
Wlicfci we see so many of our fellow citi
zens daiiy going down to a grave as igno
ble as it is horrible, it is a noble impulse
which prompts us to rescue them from
We are daily doing our duty to our
maimed and crippled braves and devising
plans for their maintenance and comfort,
but those gallant men would gladly see
their friends and protectors distributing a
portion of their sympathies and attentions
among the millions who are injuring
their health, prospects and reputation by
the excessive use of liquor.
What is it that tills our asylums! What
is it that tills our prisons? Our alms
houses? Intemperance! Three-fourths
of the inmates of our institutions for fee
ble-minded children owe their sad condi
tion to inebriate parents, thus verifying
the Divine sentence, saying that tlie sins
of the father shall be visited upon the
For my part, I do not deserve much
credit for being a temperance man. I have
been temperate from my youth up. (Ap
plause.) In all nty life I think I have
never used, medicine or otherwise, a quart
in all, of spirituous liquors. (Cheers.) —
Whgn a boy I saw the effects of drunken
ness. At seven years I resolved that I
never would hea drunkard, and I never
have been one. I never acquired an ap
petite for drinking; but I have a heart
full of sympathy and compassion for those
who do drink.
I will tell you more: Having passed
through very exciting scenes and periods
in my life, 1 have been abletogo through
an extended experience without even an
apparent necessity for an alcoholic stimu
lus. (Applause.) Called to govern a large
atul wild district upon the Pacific coast, I
found no necessity there for the use of ar
dent spirits. I passed through the warof
Mexico and of t lie Rebellion without it.
I was nominated (and you will pardon me
for this personal digression) to fill the gu
bernatorial chair of the Keystone State;
but 1 did not, thank Cod! buy my nomi
nation by giving men that which destroys
the body and soul. (Cheers.) Though
the canvass was exciting it was conducted
on temperance principles, strict and pure,
and at my inauguration, I am happy to
say no whiskey was used. (Cheers.) A
new administration has just commenced,
and I promise you that I can and will per-
Vol. LVII. No. 10-
lonn uiy duties without the use of intox
icating drink. (Cheer*.
Let us go forward, encouraging ami pro
tecting the weak, to breakdown the dom
ination of strong drink in our State. We
are encouraged by voices fmni the oani
til of the nation. To-day I have the glo
rious news to announce that (.ten. Ulysses
S. Grant is about to become a Son of Tem
perance. (Cheer upon cheer.) With a
full knowledge of the activity and useful
ness of that Order, and observing so many
of its representatives in my presence, I
deem it a pleasure to tender to you a hear
ty welcome to this convention at the cap
ital of our State, and to say to you in the
language of your beautiful ritual, "Hail
Sons of Temperance, and be that name
thy Glory and thy Shield." Let us go
forward in the good cause. You have the
Congress of the United States, and tho
State administration with you. Let all
the people join in the glad chorus of a re
deemed Commonwealth and nation. Let
our course he upward and onward, until
all the people shall rejoice, " the morning
stars sing together, and the sons of God
shout for joy." (1 miueuse applause.)
Rev. Dr. Torreuce arose and said: For
the inauguration of a Governor of Penn
sylvania without the use of rum, I pro
pose three c heers. (Given with a will.)
A I'rcNeiiiation Speecli.
On Friday, February 22d, the anniver
sary of the birth of Gen. Washington, the
State authorities formally presented to the
city of Philadelphia the " Deelaration-of-
Imlependenee-Table" and the " Hancock
Chair," tobeplaced in Independence Hall.
The presentation speech was made by
Hon. L. W. Hall, and the reception speech
by Mayor MeMicliael. Other speeches
were made, but we have only room for the
Honored and respected Sirs, Mayor of
Philadelphia, Gentlemen of the Select
and Gammon Council of the Corpora
tion of Philadelphia :
I have been requested by the General
Assembly of Pennsylvania, acting thro'
a committee appointed by the Senate and
House of Representatives, to present the
Corporation of the city of Philadelphia
the eliair in which John Hancock sat, and
the hilde on which our venerated fathers
so many years ago signed our Declaration
of Independence. The object of this pre
sentation on the part of the Legislature of
Pennsylvania, is that these venerated and
holy relics may be deposited for safe keep
ing in old Independence Hall.
It is not necessary, sirs, that I should
refer to their history; it is not necessary
that I should more than refer to the fact
that these relics were temporarily loaned
by the Provincial Assembly of Pennsyl
vania to the Continental Congress when
they were holding their deliberations in
Philadelphia; that the Provincial Assem
bly resumed their possession when Con
gress removed to New York. When the
capital of the State was removed to Har
risburg these articles were taken along.—
There they have been from that time
down to this. That chair has been the
seat, almost all the time, of the Speaker
of the House of Representatives; and this
table has occupied a conspicuous place in
the public library of the Slate. The Leg
islature of Pennsylvania thought it was
tit and proper that on this day, the anni
versary of the birth of the Father of our
country, in this place, in this sacred room
—this room more loved by Americans
than any one spot on the habitable globe
—this room, with all its happy associa
tions of the past, with all its holy associa
tions of the present —that here and now,
in J ndependence Hall,thesearticlesshould
he placed in trust to remain forever.
Isit necessary, Mr. Mayor, that I should
refer to the band of patriots who stood
around John Hancock, aud whosataround
this table? Is it necessary that I should
refer to the Declaration they enacted and
adopted? Is it necessary that I should
refer to the struggle that followed—that
struggle that tried men's souls, that strug
gle that ended in making America free?
[Applause.] Hancock, the allluent citi
zen, the accomplished statesman and ora
tor, and popular idol, as with bold hand
he signed his name to that venerable doc
ument! His name alone is sulHcient to
recall to us his services to his country.—
Then a nation was horn, and the influ
ence of that nation has been most happy
from .that day down to this. [Applause. J
Philadelphia should have these holy
relies; she should preserve them well; so
! that in the future lovers of liberty coining
here may come as pilgrims to a sacred
I shrine to pay homage to this holy place.
May we not hope that as these relics
are preserved, the principles they repre
sent —the principles of religious and civil
liberty—may he preserved and our nation
ality made perpetual ? The city of Phila
delphia! fitting home for Independence
llall; fitting place to put such relics as
these! What city in the United States
has so honored herself and so aided in pre
serving this land as the city of Philadel
phia? [Applause.] What city, and what
public and private citizens of what city
have contributed so largely of their means,
and have raised so many regiments and
supported them when in the field, as did
Philadelphia during the trying time of
the republic? [Applause.] What city
so kind to the soldiers in the field ? What
city established such places for their com
fort as they passed to and from the battle
fields of the rebellion 1 Proud is the State
of lier city, as she is proud of this hall.—
On behalf of the Legislature, in trust, we
deposit these relics, well satisfied that this
is the time and this is the place they
should be thus deposited. [Applause.]
Parsing Extraordinary . —The follow
ing is said to have occurred in a school
not a hundred miles from London:
Teacher: 14 What part of speech is egg?"
Boy (hesitating) 44 Noun, sir."
Teacher: 44 Is it masculine, feminine or
neuter'. 1 ' Boy (looking sharp:) 44 Can't
say. sir, till its hatched." Teacher:—
44 Well then, my lad, can you tell me the
case?" Boy (quickly:) 44 Oh, ves, its the
shell, sir."