Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, February 20, 1867, Image 4

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    The Horse.
We have received the following in
teresting and beautiful composition on
the noble and beautiful auinial too
horse—from a youthful contributor in
our public schools; 'also on dogs 1 J he
terseness of the paragraphs is remaik
able: , . .
'The horse is a noble animal, also be
can trot, run. pace—some horses are
black, gray, also some are white
some horses cars are longer than gome
horses ears —also there are some bob
tail horses—also they can pull a cart,
wagon, buggy.
The are very many dogs— some dogs
are white, some black, also some dogs
are gray —there are bull dogs, some
rat terriers, some poodles, also some
dogs tails are longer than some dogs
tails —also some dogs can run faster
than some dogs, some stumped tailed
dogs cannot walk a log.'
iR, S O X F> JB S _
Toasted Cheese. —Mix three ounces
grated cheese, four ounces grated bread
crumbs, two and a half ounces fresh
butter, yolks of two eggs, well-beaten,
tablespoon of cream, teaspoon of mus
tard, salt and pepper to taste. Put
into a sauce pan and stir over the fire
till heated, then lay it upon toast and
brown it.
Webster Cake. —s* cups flour, 2$ cups
brown sugar, 1 cup milk, 1 cup of but
ter, 2 eggs and one small teaspoon of
baking soda. Flavor with nearly one
nutmeg and bake until done.
Mrs. Truaxs Dovghnufs. —Quickly
made and very nice. £ teacup of brown
sugar, 4 teacup of sour milk, 5 table
spoons of melted lard, one egg, and
one teaspoon of soda dissolved in wa
ter. Flavor with nutmeg and mix with
enough flour to roll out.
Plain Rice Pad dent/. —1 small cup of
rice to three quarts of milk, 6 table
spoons of sugar, 4 tablespoons of peach
water, a small piece of butter.
S. A. CGYLE & CO.,
Produce & Commission Mer
(>ls Market Street, Philadelphia.
S. A. COYLE, sep26-6m J. W. LAUGHLIN.
Manufacturing Confectioners,
SSf Molasses Candy and Cocoanut Work.
VJ <. SI. Swigart, respectfully in
forms the citizens of Mifflin county, that he is prepa
red at all time* to do surveying on short notice.
Deeds, Mortgages. Bonds, and other legal writings,
drawn with neatness and dj.spuuh. Address.
nov7-6m McVeytown, Mifflin county, Pa
It is used t v cuoing into small shavings and dis
solving i;i hot water. then :11c the clothes five to ten
minutes, anil a little iiand rubbing ill make them n#
clean as hours of hard machine rubbing would do,
with ordinary soa r . and the most delicate fabrics re
ceive no injury. WV can refer t„ thousands of fami
lies who an- using it, and who could not be persuaded
to do williout y
Manufactured onlybf thr ° Uhout the Stute '
107 South Fifth Street,
oct3l-8m Philadelphia. j
Dobbins' Electric Soap is for sale by
F. J. Hoffman and D. Grove.
Brown's Mills.
nniiE undersigned are prepared to
buv all kinds of Produce for cash, or receive on 1
store at Brown's Mills, Reedsville, Pa. We will have '
on hand
We intend keeping the mill constantly running, and !
have 1
■fiiEJiL fiijj,
for sale at the lowest Market rates, at all times.
.#S-The public are requested to give us a call.
Lewistown Mills.
or received it on storage, at the option of those
having it for the market.
They hope, by giving due and personal at
tention to business, to merit a liberal share of
public patronage.
SALT and Limeburners
COAL always on hand
Lewistown, Jan. 1, 18G5.-tf
BIRD CAGES! A tine assortment at
Why Shiver With Cold,
When you can Buy
Kuit Undershirts and Drawers
jun3o At BKISBIN'S.
[Near the Jail,]
\\7ILL SELL from now till the Ist of
YY March the following GOODS at
Greatly Reduced Prices:
iWtt MWT
Of Receipts iiiitl Expenditures
of YlifHtn County.
Charles IF. Oibhs. Esq., Treasurer of Mifflin
County,in Account with said County Jrom Janu
ary 8, 1&66, to January 16, 1567.
To outstanding tax for iB6O sl9l 33
" - 1862 13 27
•< • 1864 224 33
fall Assessment " 6 75
outstanding tax for 1865 5331 96
additional interest on outstanding
tax for 1865 119 32
fall assessments ISCS 90 03
State. County aud Boro' tax for '66 31,891 09
amount received on lands and inte
rest orders issued by County Com
missioners 13,592 29
amount tax rce'd on lands 56 70
fall assessment for 1866 , 45 20
$51,862 27
By outstanding tax of IS6O 191 33
percentage of co lectors 1862 12 73
" " 1864 132 84
rtitstanding tax of 1864 9 44
percentage of collectors 1865 1,792 92
exonerations of •' 1865 . 459 12
commissions for prompt payment to
collectors 1865 17 00
exonerations of collectors 1866 .110 89
percentage of " 1866 221 89
commission for prompt payment to
collectors 1866 1,117 54
outstaudiug tax of 1866 5,827 79
amount appropriated to Poor House 7,406 05
• " paid for gas bills 13 S5
•i " road views 93 0o
>■ ii f,;x soalpg 173 15
" State tax paid for 1866 1,447 10
" of percentage on State tax 14 61
a County orders lifted 21,732 21
" relief " " 616 00
" paid East. State Penitentiary 148 61
Treasurer's commis-ions 763 63
amount County b'nds lifted 7,070 83
•* citizens' rote lifted 1,178 17
By balance due County l,3Uf 48
51 862 27
Treasurer in Account icith the Commonwealth.
To amount of State tux f>r 1866 $1,342 63
•• J mill '• " 196 10
1,538 73
By amount allowed Collectors 76 93
" of treasurer's commission 14 61
" paid Stale Treasurer 1,447 19
1,538 73
Tavern Licenses.
To amount of said licenses 345 00
By cash paid State treasurer 188 84
treasurer's percentage 17 25
balance due Commonwealth. 138 91
$345 00
Eating Uouse Licenses.
To amount of said licenses 100 00
By treasurer's percentage 5 00
balance due Commonwealth 95 00
Distillers' and Brewers' Licenses.
To amount of said licenses 10 00
By treasurer's percentage £0
Balance due Commonwealth 9 5o
- - $lO 00
Liquor Dealers' Licenses.
To amount of said licenses 50 00
By treasurer's percentage 2 50
Balance due Commonwealth 47 50
SSO 00
Retailers' Licenses.
To amount of said licenses 927 50
By cash paid State Treasurer 842 31
" " advertizing list 27 60
treasurer's percentage 46 37
Balance due Commonwealth 11 22
$927 50
Billiard and Bagatelle Licenses.
To amount of said licenses 90 00
By amount of S. B. Marks' license, sued
and judgment rendered against Com
monwealth 30 00
treasurer's percentage, g 00
Balance due Commonwealth, 57 00
S9O 00
Patent Medicine License*.
To amount of said licenses 5 00
By treasurer's percentage 25
Balance due Commonwealth 4 75
Militia Taxes.
To outstanding tax of 1861 ~ fta
" 1882 29 79
CR. * 43 87
By outstanding tax 1861 l 4 ft o
" 1862 19 00
exonerations of collectors of 1862 40 79
$43 87
We the undersigned Auditors of Mifflin county
having met at the Court House, in the borough of
Lewistown, according to law, and carefully exam
toed and settled the accounts of Charles W. tiibbs
Esq., Treasurer, with the Commonwealth and the'
County, do certify that said Charles Gibbs is in
debted to the County of Mifflin aforesaid, in the
sum of thirteen hundred and six dollars and forty
eight cents, [51306 48] and that said accounts as
here stated are correct. In testimony whereof we
have hereunto set our hands this 22d day of Jan
uary. A. D. 1867.
SAMUEL H. McCOY, ' f Auditors.
Attest: JOSEPH S. WAIIKAK, Clerk.
State, Couty and Bounty Taxes for 1866.
Amount . I * . L c o. _• |
Fall Gross Amount
COLLECTORS. ot < °§-&o i I B .2
Ass't. Amount. Paid. S '- -5 "" a> : § =
! _ Tax. _ w O w 'o g & 0
I A". G. Gibboney, Union township i 4112 12 ; 27 70 4139 82j 3749 4 1 j 70 59 150 91' 102 91
James B. Grove. McVeytown Bor. 094 "3 094 73| 533 50| I 21 36 139 8<
'Samuel Browcr,• Decatur township 1525 83 1525 83 j 1004 81 | 40 67 i 480 35
Wm. Cunningham, Perry " 3088 05 3088 60! 2505 27 | 131 52: 1051 86
Win B. Lukens, Wayne •' 1923 88 17 50 1941 38; 1769 74 30 15 70 98 70 511
Wm. J. Fleming, JVlenno " 3013 25 3013 25 2370 12 j 124 68; 512 45
John Hayes, jr , Brown " 3229 34 3229 34 2517 32 ' 121 65 590 37
ij. K. Rhodes, N. Hamilton Bor. 306 96l 306 90 61 15 3 20 ! 242 61
John McKee, Oliver township 2330 89 2330 89 1802 03, j 85 10 443 76
James Wallis, Lewietown Bor. 3262 121 32-2 12 2221 27 4 15 106 56| 930 14
Thomas Roup, Bratton township j 1305 191 1305 19i 1079 89 43 26 182 04
Joseph Burns, Granville " 2448 70 J 2448 70; 1790 91 80 891 570 90
John M. Bell, Armagh " 4049 48 1 4049 48) 3246 76| 125 23 677 44
Total ™ J"31,891 09 1 45 20' 81,936 29 ! 24.658 18' 110 89 221 89' 1117 Si' 5827 79
Wm. Conningham has paid since settle
tlement, $843 45.
Tax Statement for 1865.
Amount Into- Fall Großs Colleetors | 2 S U |
COLLECTORS. Amount per § '3 c ~ ~
Duo. rest. Aw'm't Bue _ celltage . = - J = 5 §. >.
i I I I I I I
Michael Rager, Decatur township 228 91: 5 48 ! 4 50: 288 89, 107 12' 109 68 22 09 j
Samuel Bratton, Oliver " 850 93| 7 40 11 80 '370 19 154 10 108 74! 53 35!
.Tames B. Alexander, Armagh * " 1894 43 33 81 23 00 1951 24 280 57 1002 62 88 0.5 :
Jacob Rothrock, Derrv " 373 32 16 0o 20 08 ! 410 00 251 51: 109 82 81 67 17 00
Jacob Ort, Granville " 434 17 5 52 8 00 447 69; 157 57! 209 07 21 05
Robert E. Wills, Menno " 154 95 154 95; 154 95!
John W. Wilson, Union " 374 89 j 01 5 25 380 75 205 051 41 72 73 98 j
Levi KaufFman, Bratton " 252 60: 3 84 250 44 79 80! 109 64 67 00;
! Joseph Hart, Wayne " 240 85 23. 59 264 44 j 132 07 j 93 04 39 33!
!Charles Cuugh ling, N. Hamilton Bor. 124 69; 1 14 6 00 131 83' 20 64 83 34 27 85'
James Brisbin, Brown township 896 22 21 87 10 80 928 89; 209 54 j 684 60 34 75 j
Total, 5,331 96 i 119 32| 90 03 5,541 31 1 1,792 92| 3,272 27 1 459 12| 17 00
Outstanding Taxes for 1860.
J. J. Cottle, collector, Armagh-
Amount due sl9l 33
Outstanding Taxes for 1862.
Geo. W. Me Bride, col. McVeytown—
Amount due sl3 27
" percentage 12 73
" paid 54 13 27
Outstanding Taxe3 for 1864-
Jos. Stewart, col., Berry—
Amount due 2 64
Reuben Hook, col. Decatur —
Amount due 32 95
" paid 29 00
" outstanding 3 95
John Glasgow, col. Wayne—
Amount due 9 00
" paid 9 oo
Samuel H. Swigart, col. Oliver-
Amount due 176 89
" ten day list 6 75 —183 64
44 per centage 132 84
44 cash 50 80 183 64
D. F. Stevens, col. N. Hamilton-
Amount due 2 85
List of orders issued by Commissioners'
from January 1,1866, to January 1,1867.
| Davis Henry, amount overpaid
treasurer,refunded 3 15 30
| Henry Zerbe, interest 106 32
j John Evans " 59 82
do painting CourtHouse Roof,
I glazing, Ac. 46 20
Geo. W. Thomas, sessions Docket
i and stationery 00 62
; Constables' pay for returns 36 10
! John Morrison, esq., fees hold'g in
quest on body of J. Murphy 5 42
i Jurors' fees, same eases 6 00
| Tipstaves' pay 116 00
| Jurors' pay 1735 92
j D. Over, printing blanks 28 50
I os. H. Morrison, Assessor, lists, Ac. 4 63
Elijah Morrison, in full as member of
Relief Board 25 00 !
James Turner,in full as member of
Relief Board 20 00
John Taylor, Comm'r, in full salary
to Nov. 1865 59 69 j
Moses Miller, Comm'r,in full salary to
Nov. 1565 " 114 37
J. B. Selheimer,repairs at C. H. and
sundries 29 33
John Evans, in full for paint'g C. H. 375 00
D. w. Woods, " services as att'y 25 00
Assessors pay for 1866 * 535 42
John Robb, Assessor, lists, Ac. 2 37
Jacob Stine, " " 6 59
Ira Thompson, " " 579
Wm. Morrison, cleaning snow at C.H. 300
David Snook, amt. refunded fur error
in duplicate 1862 26 12
Pay of Inspect' rs&Cl'ks Spring elect' n 84 00
JudgesA return Jud's " 39 87
David ll"stetler, adv'g elect'n, Ac. 440
Joseph dinger, " " 200
.lac l Stine, serving notices, Ac. 3 90
(i. \V. Hoover, M. D.,attendance at
Jail and medicines 42 50
Robt. E. Wills, ani't reftm'd overp'd
Treasurer 78 50
Amos Hoot, am't refunded 10.3 41
Geo. Miller, Cor. fees inq't Jno. Carney 5 00
Jurors' fees, inq't on " " * 600
Witness" " " " 75
Geo. Miller,Cor.feesinq'tcolor'd infant 5 12
Jurors' fees, inquest on " 44 600
D. M. Contner, Jail
expens.and repairs S 157 06
D M Con trier, Sheriffs
lees, <tc. 552 24
D. M. Contner, Jail fees 1010 00
1719 30
Less tinesAfees collected 257 50
. 1461 80
Sam'l W Barr, index'gdeed books 42 25
J. J. Dahlen.profes'l ser. at jail 6 00
Joseph Haflly, interest 31 00
Joss Waream, extra duplicate 25 00
John W. Shaw, money on loan 1000 00
N. C. Wilson, Pro., in full
for fees 384 84
I.ess verdict fees 32 00
A Riden, labor at Court House 3 75
John Coke, repairs at Jail 5 00
Wm Vorrisson, repairs at jail 2 00
Geo W. Wiley, auditing State accts. 6 00
B W Harvey,hauling at Court House 230
Jacob Coon, hauling at CourtHouse
and jail 3 50
Powell Harvey,labor at Court House 582
Jos. II Wagner,certi. of indebtedness 55 06
Amos Hoot,ain't due him at settle
ment 2342 77
Loss am't rec'd of R. W. Pat ton
not charges in act. 196 01
Less ain't for Corn
at Poor Houses 35 00
2111 76
Add percentage 3 11
Interest l'rom Jan. 8,'66 45 82
H. J Walters for transcript, seals,<t
transcribing judgement docket 412 50
Richard Gallaher,money on loans 115 00
Wjn C Vines, " * " '• 500 00
Pay for scrub. A clean. Court House 18 50
Lewistown Water Company 25 (X)
Alex. Eisenbise, paint, jail roof 46 00
Win. McKee, limes for Court House 2 50
Jurors' fees, " " 6(0
T. A. Worral, M. D., prof serv. at jail 425
( has. Price, for coal for Court House Ajail 161 13
Pay lor clerks*inspect's at gen. elect" 11 88 50
Pay for return Clerks 8 00
Pay l'or Judges * ret urn Judges 86 89
Pay of Assessors for lists *e. 47 47
Sam'l Tiee, hauling brick Ac 1 25
Henry Comfort, lime and gravel 1 80
Michael Miney, for 2 dockets 39 50
Button Madden, road damages 75 00
John Morrison.fees inqusit'n body of
N. B. Griffith * 4 88
Jurors' fees,for same 6 oo
Jos. S. Waream,<>n act.of sal'v asclerk2so 00
Enoch Swain, painting at CourtHouse 420 73
John Taylor, in full ofsal'y as Com
missioner to Nov. i860" 150 00
James C. Dysart, in full of salary as
Comm'r to Nov. 1866 " 150 00
Moses Miller, on account of salary 35 00
Jimps Wallis, tax refund.terror in percent. 20 52
Weber ,fc Bon. spittoons for jury rooms 3 3J
Keese.SlagleAFoust,Stoves, Cylinders <t
Cellar Grates ] 1 60
Gee. *Frysinger, Relief orders lifted 33 00
Geo. Miller,cor. fees inr/. on Wesley McCoy 825
Jurors' fees do do 6 00
Geo. Miller, cor. fees itiq, on Enoch Meyers 8 50
H. Frysinsror, in fail for adv'g f0r1866 200 00
O. Frysinger A Bon, " " 200 00
Daniel Print*. briek at C. 11. 4 So
Abrntn Kitting, repairing chairs 1 35
Henry Withoff, for pruning trees 2 00
Peter Glum, repairs at Jail 3 00
Geo W. Kearns, house for holding elections 9 00
W W. Bratton, Prothonotary's fees, Ac. 118 72
11. Fry-singer, in full for printing blanks 38 50
Samuel Comfort, coal for Jail 4 C. 11. 1865 103 44
Relief orders issued 611 00
F. J. Hoffman, medicine, stationery, Ac. 29 75
Henry Fiver, court crier and cloanicg 109 97
N. Comfort, Just. Peace fees
John Bitger, " " 3 35
John Morrison," " 7 85
N. J. Rudisill, " " 3 55
G. W. Thomas, " " 22 85
I) G. I.antz, ■' " 450
J. 8. Wareaoa, " " 13 85
G. W. M'Bride," " 5 50
Eli Price. Constable " 10 82
J. M. Stevens " " 34 67
Alpheus Pincin, *' " 7 61
J. Hambright, " " 7 40
Isaac Ward, " " 19 45
J. L Porter, " " 13 55
J. K. McNear, " " 8 42
John Fultz, " " 16 60
Jacob Hook, " " 11 53
Jonat'n Price, " " 5 04
Geo. Miller, " " g 71
Forest Swyers, " " 1 g6
Henry Strunk, " " 2 22
A. Wagner, " ii 2 46
11. M'Luugblin ii i! 2 94
Simon Gro if ff 3 g6
W. I. Vanzandt f. ii
John D. Taylor, interest 120 00
Robert Taylor do 180 00
W. S. Bolt do 120 00
John Alexander do 60 00
John C. Sigler do 240 00
Jatnes Turner do 60 00
Jacob Peachy do 30 00
W. C. Vinos do 60 00
0. P. Smith, guard'n do 60 00
S. Maclay do 180 00
Joseph Hartzler do 60 00
John Peachy do 187 77
Eliza Butler do 60 00
Win. Creighton do 120 00
E. J. Jacob . do 120 00
T. G. Bell do 60 00
Michael Ruble do 120 00
T. M. Uttley, dist. att'ys fees 114 00
Cashier Mifflin Co. B'k, money on loan 4000 00
Jos. S. Waream, Incidental expenses, re
pairs at C. 11., postage, shov'g snow,
cleaning, Ac. 21 88
Witness fees Commonwealth suits 118 35
Costs in contested election cases 70 04
Geo. Miller, repairs at Jail and C. H. 37 35
W. T. Burns, money on loan 830 00
L. J. Elberty, assessor, making lists, Ac, 10 66
James Burns, damages widening Grand st. 50 00
James Smithers 44 44 same 7 00
E. C. Hamilton " •' same 1 00
F.J. Hoffman " " same 14 00
County Indebtedness.
Amount of bonds outstanding,
January 1, 1867, 36,500 00
Orders on relie fund outstand
ing, Januaryfl, 1867, 2,025 34
Old indebtedness outstanding,
January, 1, 1867, 917 82
Interest orders, 1,445 00
40,888 16
Less am't in hands of Treas. 1,306 48
$39,581 68
Chat. W. Gihbs, esq., Treasurer, in acct.
with John Taylor, Jas. C. Dysart, and
John II". Kectrm, esqsDirectors 0/ the
Poor and of the House of Employment
jor the County of Mifflin, from Jan. 8,
1866, to Jan. 16, 1867.
To cash from John Taylor 15 00
do do do 40 00
do Moses Miller 25 00
Anit. of County funds appropriated
to pay orders of Directors of Poor 7406 05
7486 05
By amt. of orders of the Directors of
the Po ir lifted 7411 94
By Treas. commission 74 11
We the undersigned. Auditors of Mifllin
County, elected and sworn according to law,
having examined the accounts and vouchers
of Clins. W. GiLbs, Tieasurer <>f the Direc
tors of the Poor and of the House of Km
ployuieut fur the County of Mifflin, from
January 8, 1866, to Januarv 16, 1867, <i<>
certify that we find the account balances, and
that we have cancelled the orders paid by the
said Treasurer. Given under our hands, at
Lewistown, Januarv 16, 1867.
SA.M'L II MeCOY, [ Auditors.
Attest: Jos. S. WAREAM, Clerk.
Diehard Gallagher, Steward, in account
with John Taylor, J. ('. Dysart and J.
IF. Kearns. ]■%<[*., Directors of (he Poor
and the House of Employment for the
county of Mifflin, from April Ist, 1566,
to January Ist, 1867.
To amount of orders on Treasurer, $155 50
from Jack Baker, 22 00
" William Hamilton. 35 00
" V. Baker for beet hides, 37 85
" D. Madden for eight bushels oats 3 18
" balance due, 247 80
$5Ol 33
By cash paid Moses Sample for pickle stands, 150
'• for use of kraut knife, 20
" 2 apple butter stands* hoopingbbls, 3 65
" one hundred lbs. buckwheat 6 00
" for bringing paupers to and sending
from poor house. " 39 93
" freight on goods of M. J. Weiser, 550
" harvest hands. 45 75
" for altering stock, 4 95
" pruning orchard, 600
" tomato plants. 1 20
" white washing, 4 95
" lime, 90
" cabbage plants, 3 6C
" bottom in bucket, 25
" potatoes, 1 50
" blackberries, 1 gi,
'■ sharpening saws. 75
" four hundred pickles, 3 Ou
" ashes. 60
" three cider barrels 3 00
" one bushel turnips, 50
" sweeping chimneys, 7 00
" Jack Baker. 2 00
" forty bushels rye, 40 00
" cutting a making clothing forpoor. 18 75
" three quarters salary as steward, 300 00
$5Ol 33
Balance due R. Gallaher, $247 80
Steward raisrd on farm —425 bushels wheat. 200 bus.
oats. 2060 bushels ears corn and made 27 loads of hay.
Steward rausid 011 truck patch —32o bushels potatoes,
1000 heads cabbage. 11 bushels beans, 15 bushels to
matoes and sufficient green corn for use.
Steward killed —o beeves weighing 3661 pounds, and
16 hogs weighing 3830 pounds.
Stock on farm —s horsgs, 2 colts, 16 head horned cat
tle. 1 breeding sow and 20 shoats.
Farming utensils—', four horse wagon and bed. 1 two
horse wagon and bed. 1 truck wagon, 2 old sets hav
ladders. 4 plows. 2 harrows. 2 corn cultivators, 1 wheel
barrow. 4 shaking forks, 3 dung forks. 4 pitch forks. 1
sled. 2 double sets plow gears. 1 double set tug har
ness. 1 single set harness. 1 corn shelter, 1 grain drill,
1 cutting box. 1 bay rake. 1 old threshing machine and
1 old windmill.
b ork done at Poor House for Pnupos —ls haps quilt
ed. 26 skirts made, 7 pair drawers. 5 sun bonnets. 9
under shirts. 19 pair stockings, 14 pair stockings fo< t
ed. 42 shirts, 44 chemise, 29 aprons,29 sheets, 21 pair
pillow slips. 67 dresses. 7 bedticks, 13 caps. 36 pair
pants. 4 night gowns. 12 barrels soap made, 3 barrels
sour kraut, 8 barrels cider made into apple butter and
4 barrels for vinegar.
Number in Poor House January 1.1566, 41
Admitted through the year ou orders, 35
Bom in house during year, 3
Whole number of inmates for 1866, 79
Died in the house, 3
Bound out 2
Discharged, 29 34
Number in Poor house January 1,1867, 45
Out door paupers through the year, 108
died 4
" discharged 44
" taken to house 5 53
Out-door paupers Jan. 1,1867, supported in
part by the county 55
Whole number of paupers Jan. 1,18C7 IXIO
We have also five insane persons in the Penna Lu
natic Hospital, viz- Alda Sellers Robert Starks,Sarah
Gibboney. Susan Charters and Mary J. Mitchell.
In addition to the above there have been 250 tran
sient paupers surported for a short time (mostly over
night) without order or entry on the register.
We the undersigned Auditors of Miffiin county,
elected and sworn according to law. having examin
ed the accounts of Richard Gallaher. Steward ot the
Poor House, from April 1, LS66. to January 1,1867,
do certify that we find a balance due t<> the said Rich
ard Galiaher. from the Directors of the Poor on the
books, of two hundred and forty seven dollars and
eighty cents ($247 80). Given under our hands, at
Lewistown, January 1(5,1807.
SAMUEL H. MCOY, >Auditors.
Attest : Joseph S. Warkam, Clerk.
List of Orders issued from Jan. 8, 1566,
till Jan. 1,1,8(57, for the support of Poor
at the Poor House.
Jos. Swyers, rr.ed. t attend, on llhoda Pearson 20 00
Jane Ferguson, cooking 4 50
John Barger. Esq., fees on orders of relief 1 60
N. Comfort, Esq., do 4 80
Jos. Haffiv, Esq., do 5 60
Geo. W. Thomas, Esq., do 12 60
N. J. Rudisill, Esq., do A hats 6 40
same do 9 60
Aaron Elliott, Esq., do 4 40
Levi Glass. Esq.. do 4 40
J. S. Waream, Esq., do 5 60
A. Felix, merchandize 30 15
John Taylor, Esq., in fullofservice till N0v.26,
1806—2 years 100 00
James C. Dysart, in full of services till Nov. 26,
1866 50 00
Moses Miller, Esq.. on account of salary 75 00
John Taylor, expenses in removing H. M.
Lenahen to Illinois 91 00
J. L. Griffith, in full for Larbering to Aug.l6, '66 39 00
Frank, Geise A Co., merchandize 152 31
John Kennedy do 28 18
Henry Zerbe " do 35 61 j
Pratt, Law A Pratt do 46 IS
H. MAR. Pratt do 125 00
Nathan Kennedy do 102 98
John B. Selheimer do 86 46
W. H. Weber A Sou do 82 05
F. J. Hoffman do 66 90
Geo. Blymyer A Son do 22 95
Rittenhouse A Mayes do 85 90
James Parker A Sons do 18 53
S. J Brisbin ACo do 10 53
Dr. G. W. Hoover, professional services in full 150 00
John Davis, saddlery and repairs 48 48 j
James MeCatferty, blauksmithing 8 03 |
William Willis, coal 7 41 |
Geo. Miller, repairs 8 60 I
Powell Harvey, do 1 39 i
John Feeney, do 875 !
John M. Ealey, do 11 75 !
Reese, Slagle A Foust, repairs and plow points 535 -
Peter Cltim, repairs 3 75 j
Abram Shull, do 2 SO i
A- Eisenbise. repairs and tinware jg (l 5 \
William Mo.Kee, repairs j 1
Freebum A Spaugler, meat o nc j
Alfred Hull, do 1
Matthews A Griminger, do 21 '
John Zigler, do 90 as
B.J. Sills, do
Andrew H. Treaster. fifty bundles straw 5 no
W illiaiu Miucheart, one barrel vinegar 10 00
Isaac Stull, wood. 6 rr ;
D. Madden, do ,7, AV
J. I-. Hamaker, bal. on account for work 2 86 '
Lewistown P. u„ box rent Ac 2 40
William R. Graham, Lumber 12 63 !
£' ' * ees ? n orders of relief 160
G. W.Mcßride " "Ac 365
IsaM \V ard, bringing Cath. Bonn to House 1 25 i
P. F. Loop, shoes 23 SX
W. C. Thoraburg, " j
Richard Gallaher, freight paid on Mr*. Weiser'a
E. I ry singer, tobacco and pipes J! „
Jos. Swyers, curing itch in House 7"
Charles Prire. for coal iv-
John Alexander, beef cat.
Jrhn Taylor. - - ®j
W. H. MeAtee, 2 bushels seed wheat %
J.C. Blymyer A Co., plaster
Henry Comfort, lime
Joha'Tavlor, bringing poor to house, fare t'c 1 S
James C. Dvsart. '• " !
E. Criswell. 4 pairs blankets <*.
A Troxell, hats
Mary Jane Weiser. cooking
John W. Shaw, salary as clerk
For Out Door Poor.
Casper Dull, boarding John Perris lhs years 97 o.
Directors of Poor of Huntingdon Co, wr sup
port of Mary Messerrnan jj <n
Directors of Poor of Gregg twp.. for support of
John Duck
J. Brenneman. 1 mos. board E B. Rrown 19 go
Marg't K. Giles, support of self and children 33 iji
Joseph Jenkins. •• Ezra Jenkins "Hon
Win Mabin. - GW. Ferguson 10 wks 15 00
Sarah Buchanan, " Maria Berryman
L. Buchanan. " "
.1 \V. Kobison, " J. Ho'libough's wife - , M ,
BK Price. " liis hrotiier -
Christian Peachy, ? T. McLean and family 'i nn
Wm. Brothers, for boarding David Forester " pOO
Mary Larimer forsapport of Wm. Lindsay ( )
Anne Limes. " Mary E. Limes in ny
Casper Duli, '• John Perris 53 yo
John Olden, " Sarah ulden 32 yj
Lewis Owens, " David Owens 20 uo
A. Felix, for coffins 15 00
Dr. S. F. Wehr. for professional services
F. S. Kohler. - " -c,
A. Harshbarger, " " gi
It. Rothrock. " "
G. V. Mitchell, 25 yy
J. A. bnnrtz, " " 17 yj
James Mahon, " " 25
John Taylor, expenses removing paupcrs 12 gy
.1. C. Dysart. " j
John Mc.Nitt, rent of house for J. Ort ]y yy
Jos. Strode, mer. for Mrs. Caasell a children m ,53
D. Withrow A Co, wheat and mer. for Mrs.
Mowry 14 jo
Wm Hardy, clothing for John Perris 39 32
Joseph Rhodes. mer. for Meliuda Owens 2' 17
McCoy X Kohrer " pj yy
Jos. j" Mills, grain. Ac, for John H. Allison 13 90
A.G. Gihboney, drugs for Mrs. Aley 3
John Snook. hoarding, coffin. Ac, for So yy
S. G. Sands, prov's Ac., for G. Weaver's family 27 09
George Say lor, flour. Ac, for Jacob Bearer. ' j; 33
James l'h. mpson, cash for Ann Striugfellow 3 50
Graif A Thompson, mer. *• • -
James Thompson A Sons. "
G. VV . MclSride, meat for W. Thompson A mother 7 M
William Hardy, mechandise for Y\ m. Lindsay in 15
Jos. Bell, provisions for Mrs. Cornelius Achild'n 1" r
Joiin Webb. " " " 25 So
John Fuson, " G. Weaver A family 1; 4,
A. Kaley. " M. Messerrnan A fly 30 yy
Kohler A Murphy, mer. for John Lovingcd 77"
John B. Miller, exp's of Ann Kemp, at coufiue't 25 00
Mary Iloyer. nursing " syy
Henry Zeibc, mer. (or O. D. P. 44 35
A Felix, u u y jy
J. C. Blymyer A Co, flour and eoal forO.D. P. 27 y55
Butenhouse A Mayes, merchandise '• ui M
W. H. Weber A Son, •' 7!
Frank. Gcise A Co., " < 19 h
Geo. Blymver A Son, " "14 0(1
Kohler xMurphy. " a ;
Pratt. J.aw A Pratt, " 4 yj
W. B. MeAtee, flour " <ti
P. M Ort. w'd 3 y
J. L. Himes, " " 89 2;
Samuel Yocum, " u j $j
William Slump, " 24 75
W. C. ThornbTg, shoes " "3
Amount of orders for O. D. P, Iv*j3 li
" for poor at House, 25512
or, 4485 11
Jos. Browcr. for salary 254 5S
Penn'a Lunatic Hospital fill 1;
George White, fees in suit 10
John L. Brower. in full for labor 100 y(
Cookson Green, on acc't of " ln7 y
Paul Gibboney, '• " jjj y
John Peachy, interest yy y
Richard Gallaher, on acc't of salary 100 y
do do to pay h'v'st h'ds 50 y
John Taylor, taxes on fiohr's and Eenneagv's
property 9 o
M. K. Moser, for harrow y ■
William Noble, for 2 pumps 2u 0(
Samuel \S orley, for making corn plow 14 If
Oross amount orders issued $6143 1;
E. & 11. T. ANTHONY &. CO.,
Manufacturers of Photographic Materials,
501 Broadway, Ji. Y.
In addition to our main business of PHOTOGP.APH
IC MA 1 ERIALS, we are headquarters for the follow
inc. viz:
Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views,
Of American and Foreign Cities anil Landscapes,
Groups, Statuary, Ac.
Stereoscopic Views of the War,
From negatives made in the various campaignsand
forming a complete Photographic history of the con
Stereoscopic Views on Glass,
Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or stereo
scope. Our catalogue will be sent to an v address on
receipt of stamp.
Photographic Albums.
We manufacture more largely than any other house,
about 200 varieties from 50 cents to S6O each. Onr Al
bums have the reputation ol being superior in beau
ty and durability to any others.
Card Photographs of Generals, Statesmen,
Actors, etc., etc.
Our catalogue embraces over FIVE TEOUBAND
different subjects, including reproductions of the
moat celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues. Ac-
Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp.
Photographers and others ordering goods C. 0. D,
will please remit 25 per cent of the amount with their
order. fa, The prices and quality of our goods csa
not fail to satisfy. jelo ly
Pigeon-Wing Self-Rake,
Lncistoicn, Mifflin Couufy, Pa-
Y\7 E are now manufacturing Ball's Ohio Reaper an!
l Mower, with Pigeon-wing Self rake, which we of
fer for the season of 1886. as a perfect Mower, a per
fect Reaper and a perfect Self-Raker. As a Mower ij
has no superior, and as a Reaper and Self-Raker 1 '
has no equal. Perfect Side Delivers has no a:""
draft; two driving wheels; hinged bar. adapts itself to
the unevenness of the ground in mowing and reap
ing. The self-rake does not interfere with the dri
ver's seat. The driver can regulate the height"'
stubble while the machine is in motion. ._
We also manufacture SEIDLKS' PATENT
HAI It IKE, Haines' celebrated Horse Power
and Threshing Machine. Agency for Geiser's paten'
Self-Regulating Grain Thresher," Separator. Cleaner
and Bagger.
„A" kinds of Machine work made and fitted up f"-'
Mills. Factories, Furnaces and Forges. Also, Rosa
and Reaction Water Wheels.
All orders will receive prompt attention, hv addres
a _ „ Lewistown, Mifflin Co.. P*-
a. Benner, General Agent. fl'6s my 23
PF. LOOP is receiving new goods every week, dj
,• reet from the eastern factory, and is prepared t
sell Boots cheaper than the cheapest, having a Inrg"
assortment of all sizes and styles.
Men's Boots from $3 50 to 5 00
Boys' i 50 to 3
do 2 00 to 2 M-
Children's 1 25 to 2 00.
A good assortment of homemade work on hand,
and constantly making to order all the latest styles-
are now creating a great excitement, and all who wi£"
to have a pair of those pleasant boots can be acc-o" 1 "
tnodated at short notice.
Call at the old stand. P. F. LOOP-
Soaps! Soaps!
A LARGE assortment of Soaps.
special attention to the CELEBRATE
OLINE; this is one of the rery best on
cheapest Soaps in use. For sale at
jan3o F. J. HOFFMAN'S-