Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, February 20, 1867, Image 2

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a. & a. n. frtsisoeb, Bailor.-
Wednesday. February 20. 1867.
The GAZETTE i- puM -hed every \Vwine-lay
the old -tau J, at *l->. .iiadvnet), or Uie end
of 3 months.
rec-iving papers with a X marked on
it wiii understand ::at -■ - iption . due on wlm-h
a remittance ought to marie.
Cash Rate 3 of Advertising.
Business cards (7 iin-s or less; 1 year fi 00
Administration or Executor's Notices 2 o"
Auditor's do *■
Est ray Notice, f <ur urn---. -
Caution or other short Notices,
Tavern Licenses, single. 1 jp
If more than one, each
Register's Notices of Account*, each s®
One inch eooatttates .. ajuxre, and *ll advertising
not otherwise contracted for, or enumerated aDove,
will hereafter be charged i> > cents p *r square for each
Job Work.
Eighth sheet hills, s!>• for 16 <t less; fourth sheet
bills & for •£> or I—-: i> .If sh.-et bill. :1 f. r '-•> or I—-
Aiotlces of .\tw Advertisements.
.See Real Estate Register on next page.
Reduction in price of Bar J ion at 1 toll
5 per cent. abat< inent on taxes to Ist
of April. *
Peloubet, Pel ton & Go., manufacturers
of Organs, Ac., New York, invite atten
tion to their advertisement.
Auditor's Notice.
Several sale- of personal property.
Shl< * of i'crhoiittl Property.
J. M. Allen, Ferguson'.- Valley, Feb. lo
\V. K. Graham, near Lewistown, " :ii
Rebecca Barefoot, Milrov, " I'l
J. Beatty <v IJr< . Arniagli, '* ii<!
W. C. Crisman, Mil.- >y, * " Mi
Baniuel Hidcn, 1) Try, "
Martin Mohler, Berry, " :>
Jno. Li. Byler, dec'd, Union, Feb. iS
J. B. McDowell, Armagh, March 1
8. Mutthersbough, Becartur, March 5
Isaac Shilling, u-.-ar Milroy, •*
Samuel Roland. Granville, "
If. J. Romig, Union, " (>
Sam'l B. .Maikv, Lewistown, " 7
Robert Sterrett, near Locke's, " 7
Jos. Hostetfer, Menno, " 8
John Barefoot, Berrv, " s
Samuel Kisenbise, Berry, " !)
John V. King, Menno, " ]_
Isaac Price, Berry, " 14
Wm. Powell, Oliver, " 1",
Tlic Slalc E.oun.
The Democrat copies an article editori
ally from the Uarrisburg Patriot am!
Union conveying tin- impression that lie
pro{M>sed State loan i* a new debt, than
which nothing could be further from the
truth. The bill simply authorizes a loan
ol §-!•>,bOo,t)<HJ for the r<<l> nt ji f ntn of ali
Bonds against the Commonwealth that
are now overdue. The Governor, Audi
tor-General and State Treasurer, are au
thorized to make the loan, in the folio w
manner: Five million of dollars payable
at any time after five years an i within ten
years; eight millions at any fine after ten
years, and within fifteen years, and ten
millions at any time after fifteen years,
and within twenty-five years. Tin-r
bonds are exempt from taxation for slate,
municipal and local purposes, and hear
interest not exceeding six per cent., pa\ -
able semi-annually, on the Ist February
and the Ist of August. It is a.--cited that
by this law, the State wiil save at lea.-t
one million of dollars. The same hill ex
empts all bonds against theeommon wealth
from taxation. Capitalists will find thi
loan a profitable and safe investment.—
Such papers like the I'atriotand Fnion
and Philadelphia Age, as organs for a
party, are a shame and disgrace to it.
The Charges of Itribery.
The Investigating Committee appoint
ed on the Senatorial Election has made its
report and aver they have not been able
to discover any evidence which implicates
any one with using improper influence,
notwithstandingall the persons who made
frequent charges of bribery and corrup
tion, were invited to appear before it, and
many were compelled hv the strong arm
of the law to testify; but their evidence
did not implicate any one in the least.
The testimony itself is an amusing docu
ment. I hose who were foremost in mak
ing charges either at once acknowledged
they knew nothing at all, or else gave as
their authority bar-room reports and ru
mors. One thought he had found a hat
full of eggs, but afterwards discovered
that it was a mare's nest not having the
remotest connection with the candidates
for Senator.
A paragraph is going the rounds of the
papers stating that a number of farmers
from Mifflin county intend removing to
Virginia inthesprin This is a mistake
calculated to mislead. Several parties
have purchased lands, but we know of
but < ne who purposes to remove and Il
ls going into a Tanker settlement, of
which persuasion he is a member. Good
lands there are cheap enough, esjieciallv
in large tructs, but the unsettled state of
8 >eiety, the immense destruction of tim
ber and fences by both rebel and Union
armies during the war, and the conse
quent high prices of lumber, labor, and
mechanical hold out little in
ducement for any one to emigraie there
at this time. Even in Martinsburg, West
Virginia, lumber cannot be had for less
than ?3o per thousand, and thousands of
acres in its immediate neighborhood, al
though nearly two years have elapsed
since the close of the war, are at this day
without a panel of fence.
- *®T T J u ' '■ s - Senate was kept in ses
sion all Saturday night by Sauls/airy Da
vis, and other copperheads faetiously fo
k, l n ?. U| ! TV." 1 S , tavin - passage f
a bill which they knew would finally pass
It is a new bill lor the government and
reconstruction of the rebel States, and em
bodies some of the provisions of Mr. Ste
vens' bill.
Munificent I>ona!ion.
George Pea body, the eminent London
banker, who has returned to his native
eountry in his old age, has given to Hon.
Robert C. Winthrop, John H. Clifford
and George Peabody Russell, of Mass.;
Hamilton Fish, William M. Everts and
.Samuel Wetmore, of New "iork; liishop
Mellvane of Ohio; General Grant. L". S.
Army; Wm. C. Rives, ofVa.; Wm. Aiken,
of S. C.; Wm. A. Graham, of N. C.; Clias.
Macalester, of i'a.; George W. ltiggs, of
Washington; A. Bradford, of La., ami
George N. Baton, of Md., two millions of
dollars, one million in money, and one
million one hundred thousand dollars in
Mississippi State bonds, issued to the Plan
ters' Bank) to be held in trust by them
and their successors, "and the income
thereof used and applied in their discre
tion, for the promotion and encourage
ment of intellectual, moral and industrial
education among the more destitute por
tions of the Southern and Southwestern
Suites of our I'uion —my (his / purj>ose
being that the benefit intended, -hall be
distributed among the entire population,
without other distinction than their need
and the opportunities of usefulness to
W*L,The march of democracy -till con
tinuum onward in the defence and justifi
cation of treason. The latest is the dec
laration of the Philadelphia Age that the
"conscience" of its editors is free from the
stain of spilling southern blood, and a
general democratic attack on Gen. Sheri
dan for refusing to let the Texan traitors
pay civic and military honors to Gen.
Johnson of the rebel army. The Belle
foute Watchman, after calling Sheridan
tool, coward, and everything else, declare
that the least bone in the dead body of
the rebel general contains more manliness
and courage than a pile of Phil Sheridans
as big as the Allegheny mountains.
A meeting of the Directors of the
Middloercek Railroad Company was held
at Northumberland last week, at which
Andrew Reed wa- clmsen Treasurer, Jno.
A. MeKee Secretary, and A. C. Simpson
attorney. About >'70,009 subscript ions are
still required, and as Sunbury has appar
ently failed in raising sufficient induce
ments to make that point the terminus,
Northumberland will proba' ly se cure it
an i thus connect with the Lackawanna
and Bloom.-burgiit once, form inga through
route to New York and other point-.
A large railroad meeting was held at
Ikilefonte on the 7th, Moses Thompson
presiding, at which Dr. S. Maclay gave a
statement of the condition of the Miillin
and Centre It. it. Co., and a committee
also made a reportadvoeatingit- construc
tion to R<•llefonte. Committee- were ap
pointed to procure subscriptions, and a
resolution adopted making them binding
when sloO/wHi are put down. We recog
nize among the names many of the lead
ing men of that county.
T2ac T>'DifM'raucc Cause.
I he Grand Lodge of the Independent
Order of Good Templars, which has its
headquarters at Altoona, Pa., has issued
a call for a convention, to he held in the
Court House, at Harrisburg, on Tuesday,
tiie 2*it 1 1 inst., for the purpose of devising
means to overcome the growing evil of
intemperance. A very large attendance
may be expected, as delegates will he pre
sent from all parts of the State. The pro
ject is one that cannot be too highly com
£>.y Nineteen States have thus far rati
fied, and three rejected the Constitu
tional Amendment.
fiCL H•• who pokes his nose in every
where will sometimes poke it between' a
thumb and forefinger.
'The House of Representatives at
V. n-liington has passed the bounty hill,
Parker and some other republicans" with
the nniss of copper J leads, voting against it.
t&uf" V. m. 11. Snyder, aged 17 vears,
son of John Snyder, of Huntingdon, was
killed by the accidental explosion of an
engine, at ltenovo, on the Pliil'a & Erie
Railroad on Monday a week.
Democracy is still gradually veer
ing around towards negro suffrage, and
in a few years it will be nothing unusual
to see a whitedemocratlinkingarnis with
an Ethiopian, and begging him to vole
the democratic ticket.
E*sL>The barn belonging to Henry
Aughey, in Juniata county, was, with its
contents, entirely destroyed by fire, on
Sunday a week. It contained twenty
two head of cattle, nearly all last year's
crop and about twenty "tons of 1 lay.—
The large hank burn belonging to Rnn
i d llebtr, about one and a half miles
southeast of Mifflinburg, Union county,
was destroyed by fire about 3 o'clock in
the morning a few weeks ago. The fire
it is supposed originated from a sled load
ed with lime that had been left in the
shed. It was insured.
h 1 lie Juniata Register in a two and
ahalf columnarticle wants to know where
Crown and \\ barton where when a bill
changing sundry venues from Juniata to
• N 1 the Legislature. Thev
were probably in their seats, and likely as
not voted for the change. *
Affairs iu the South are evidently
daily growing worse, murders, assassina
tions, broils, robbery, becoming more
and more frequent. I n Tennessee Senator
Case, a leading Lnion man, was lately
assassinated, and it is now said the rebel's
are< dlennghigh rewards for killing I Jnion
men. SSOOO is offered for killing Colon'
Stokes. Will Andrew Johnson never
wake iip to realize the terrible condition
in which he is placing our country ?
Whenever one out of the thousands
of ministers in the United States is guilt v
of a crime of any kind the whole pack of
copperheads attack and denounce him
and with him all preachers who were
loyal during the war, with the avidity oi
bloodhounds. Ministers, like other men
ate but human, and he who supposes them
angels is either a fool or a knave; but the
acts of one no more disproves their calling
than the words and deeds of a copperhead
uniform! 01 yUI eVeU if he worfc tt lo >' aI
Godey's Lady's Book for March, filled
with all kinds of good things for the la
dies, is already upon our table.
The Blair County Whig recommends
Judge Taylor for Judge of the Supreme
Captain J. W. Dougherty, of Holidays
burg, who was called 011 tua-si>t a consta
ble in arresting a man named Matthew
Farren, was stabbed in the abdomen and
will probably die.
quart; tincture lobelia, one thiid ounce;
tincture cautharides, one lluid drachm.
Bathe the hair with the mixture once a
day and it will gradually turn gray hair
to its original color—the best of all appli
K3L, The Senate of Pennsylvania lias
instructed the Judiciary Committee to
inquire whether the Commonwealth has
power to regulate the passenger fares and
freight tolls on the railroads and canals of
the State to secure the interests of the
general public. This committee consists
of Messrs. Shoemaker, of Luzerne, Big
ham of Alleghany, MeConaughy of
Adams, Wallace of Clearfield, ami iSchal 1
of Lehigh, and has been given power to
cempel the attendance of witnessess, and
to.-emi for papers. Any individuals, firms,
or corporations desiring to appear before
this committee and make complaint of
exorbitant rates charged by any railroad
company or canal on anthracite coal, iron,
or any other kind of freight, can commu
nicate with any member of the committee
at Harrisburg.
For the Gazette.
PrHscription lAeitqiiified.
The list of Collectors lately published
by the Commissioners is for the first time
within my recollection a one-sided politi
cal affair, not a single republican, so faras
I know, being on it. Heretofore no board
followed t.hi.- pro.-eripti vecourse, t liecom
missioners generally appointing one of
those returned unless p' raoual <>b}ctionts
made. In those returned, this could
not have been the ease, for if I am cor
rectly informed John Musserand George
W. Wiley, two old and respected citizens
were returned for Lewistown; George
Settle and I-.tae Winter in Bratton; Da
vid Stevens and Win. G. Henderson in
Wayne; and In other districts equally re-
spectable men, all of whose nayies I did
not learn, yet they were without excep
tion arbitrarily set aside and men of op
posite politic* sonic of t hem not over-pop
uiareven with the democracy) put in their
places. Several of those so appointed were
men too who have no need for seeking
-ucii petty offices. If changes had to be
made, why not hunt out some worthy
D : or men of their own party or honora
bly discharged -oldiers, of whom there are
numbers in both parties? Are there none
s'.ich in Wayne, Bratton, Lewistown,
Derry, A.C., or i* it a sin to have server! too
faithfully the cause of the Union against
the rebellion? Soldier- can answer for
themselves. J do not send you this,
Messrs. Editors, for the purpose of com
plaining. but to show how utterly pro
-'•i iptive tiit party is whenever in power.
With me at least it will hereafter form a
precedent when I am solicited to aid men
of the oppositejjarty to office, in pointing
ing to the course of the commissioners.—
i was heretofore what is called a moder
ate party man, hut now A RADICAL.
For the Gazelle.
Railroad Stent.
Farmer-, eountry merchantsami trades
men of 1\ i-hacoquillas valley, awake from
your slumbers and look to your interests.
Let us live like others and l>eof some use
to the rising generation and ourselves.
Let us all unite and have a railroad
through the valley. Many farmers have
oftere i ton dollars for every acre of land
they own, toward a road from Keed-ville
to intersect with Pennsylvania Railroad
at Milloreek. And this will be youronly
wise plan for you ever to succeed in getting
a railroad. This you will consider hut a
t rill - after you once see the great benefits
to he derived from its construction.—
Again, every acre of land you po-sess will
be worth ten or fifteen dollars per acre
more, after the road is made. Why do
you then hesitate to invest money in such
a grand enterprise. Jt certainly will pay
one hundred per cent, better than oil stock.
On February 13th, 1807, by Rev. W.
Downs, Stki'HLN 11. Millkii and Miss
Sarah JiritKHoninm, both of Decatur
township, Mifflin county.
On February 17th, 1807, by Rev. \V.
Downs, Win Li am R. Junks, of Lewis
town, and Miss Mauv K. Comkort, of
Granville township, Mifflin county.
AT the Lutheran Parsonage, in Holli
davsburg, on the 26th December, 1866, by
Rev. C. L. Ehrenfelt, Ai stix K. Buoy
and Miss Rachel AxnieGahdxeh, both
of Hollidaysburg.
On the 12th inst., at the M. E. Parson
age, in MeVeytown, bv Rev. W. Gwynn,
Mr. James A. Rosexbkky and Miss El
i.kx A. Joiixstox, both of Wayne town
On the 9th inst., in Belleville, NETTIE,
daughter of Wilson and Margaret Utts,
aged 9 years, 6 months ami 10 clays.
Nettie was a dear child—her engaging
manners and sweet tempered disposition
won the affections all who knew her.
J)eur to her parents, brothers, and >isters,
she was dearer still to the Saviour, and he
came and took her thus early to a home
in glory, ami she is now an angel sister
among the celestial choir above. The
opening tlower has been transplanted in
to the paradise of God, where it shall
bloom forever, safe from the wintry blasts
of earth. Sorrowing friends, you shall
meet your darling Nettie again, in that
blessed place where there are no partings
and the broken links of affection shall be
riveted again, never more to be severed, s.
[Huntingdon papers please copy ]
At Altoona, February 14th, 1867, Mrs.
FLIZAHRTH WILEY, relict of Isaac Wilev
deceased, of this place, and mother of
Rev. Dr. I. W. Wiley, of Cincinnati, aged
i't years. For 36 years of her life Mrs. \V.
was a worthy member of the M. e!
( I lurch. Her end was peaceful ami tri
. Altoona, on the night of the 17th
inst., Mrs. Julia McMubkay, wife of
\ ev -,.**• H. McMurray. She was a most
excellent christian lady, and iias gone to
her reward. w. r>.
I n Oliver township, on the 28thof Jan
uary, ISO7, J amks P< illock, aged 56 years.
In Oliver township, on the 27th Janua
ry, 1867, Henky Stkunk, aged 36 years.
In Yeagertown, on Friday evening,
February Bth, 1867, Miss RHODA WIL
LIAMS, aged about 14 years and 7 months.
Special Notices.
Important equalities.
Brandreth a Mils s< stimulate all l!ii' Interior power* n {
the Kvstem that every poison or Impurity Is forced from
the blood Into the bowels, and thns passes off. Kecent ca
ses of sickness will often be cured by the effect of 6or 8
Itrandreth s Pills, which, when the opcratlo , Is full and
lompleic, leave the blood asfreefroin poisonous and un
healthy mutter as that of a new-born Kibe. I..colds, in
tiaiuiiiatory diseases, and even in cholera, their use re
stores to health sooner than all other remedies, because
tiicj take lrom the blood aad bowels those matters upon
whlih pains, cramps, and aches depen I for coutinuauce.
Obptaln Isaac Muitli, of Btog Stag. S.i S. thirty of llran
dreth's Pills, taken according to directions, cured him of a
Vcrj severe bronchial affection after Other means had fail
ed, and lie wishes his numerous friends to know the fact.
ltrandreth s Pills, Principal Offlce, Itrandreth House, N.
\. bold by all Drucyists. See my nameouGovernment
stamp, u iibout hicb the pills art- spurious.
: '- M LM B. B&IK^KR&.
So say the ladies of their beauty, when the mirror sli >ws
them their once jet or gtddeu ringlets streaked with grey.
Hut never was there a more
Though tlie hair be as white as lime's own forelock, or
worse still, as red as a fiery meteor
ic R E S T O !
it Is Invested in a moment with the most magnificent black
or brown by the agency of
a periectly wholesome and purely vegetable preparation.
Manufactured by J. CKISTADoHO, 6 Astor House, N Y
Sold by I);uggists, Applied by all Hair Dressers. k3>lm
Free to Everybody,
A large 6 pp. Circular, giving Information of the greatest
importance to the young of both sexes.
it teaches hour the homely may become beautiful, the
despised respected, and the forsaken loved.
No young lady or gentleman should fall to send
Address, and receive a copy post-paid, by return mail.
Address I*. O. Drawer, 21.
feb>6oi Troy. N. Y*
Know Thy Destiny !
MADAME E. F. THORNTON, the grout
Kngli-i, Atrok*£M f Clalrvoyar.t an<l Psnychonu'trtciun,
who hah astonished theientific claes.s of UicOM World,
has now io<_atcd htrnclf at liu*loii, N, V. Mad. Thornton
possesses such wonderfil pouets of second sUlit, a* to
enable her to impatt knowledge of the gr .itest import
ance to the si'igie or married of either s-x. While in a
state o trance, hi e delineates the very features of th*
person you are to marry, and by the aid or an tiiatruoi-Tit
of intense | '>wer, known as the Psycho mot rope, guaran
ty t produce a life-like picture of the future husband
or wii i : the applicant, tog ther u itdate of marriage,
po-it:oir ;:i in ;. le.i dog traits of character, Ac. This is no
humbug, as thou,-..mis of testimonials <an assert. >he
w.,S >rfi J when desired a ccrliJl J certificate, or wi itten
ii 'arantee, that the picture is what it purports to be. Jly
enclosing a small iock of hair, and stating place of birth,
a/e, disposition and complexion, and enclosing fifty cents
and stamped envelope a Idressed to yourself, you will re
reive the picture and desired information by return lual!.
Ail communications sacredly confidential. Address in
conn-lent E, MAI NJII K. F. THORXTO>, I*. 0. Box 213, Hud
son, N.Y, flily
A YOUNG LADY' returning to her
country home, after a - Jouru of a few mouth* In the city,
" as hardly recognized by her.friends. 1 n place of a coarse
rustic, flu-hol fjc-. she had as. ft ruby complexion of al
most marble smoutlim ss. and instead of twi nty-tbrec .-lie
r ai y appeared bcteicbteen. U'pon inquiry as to the cause
of -o great a cluioge, she plainly tol l tiiein she use.l the
CARt'ASSIAN HALM, and consbb rej it an invaluable ac
quisition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or
Gentleman can improve tlieir personal appearance an
hundred fold. It is simple in its combination.as Nature
herself Is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing
tmpurit: s from, also, healing, cleansing and beautifying
the skiri and complexion. Hy its direct action on the cut
icle it draws from it ail its impurities, kindly healing
the sam , and leaving the surface us Nature intended it
should be. clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price f l.sen
by Mail or Express, on receipt of an order by
IV. I..CLAHK A CO., Chemists,
No. 3 West Fayette street. Syracuse, N. Y.
f6-ly The only American Agents for the sale of same.
Wonderful but True-
renowned Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant,
while in a clairvoyant state, defalcates ttie very features
of the person you ere to marry, and by the aid of an in
strument of Intense power,known as the I'syi botnotrope,
guarantees to produce a perfect and life-like phuire o! the
future husband or wife of the applicant, w Ith date of mar
riage, occupation, leading traits of character, Ac. This is
no imposition, as testimonials without number can assert.
By stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes
and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelops
a ldressed to yourself, you w ill receive the picture by re
turn mail, together with desired information.
He' A'Uress In confidence, MADAMS GERTRUDE JtEMiNC
TO.V, P. 0. Bos 297, West Troy, X. Y. flSly
1 THOUSANDS ofhorsvs <lie yearly from Colic. This iieed
. not be. I)r. Tobias' Venetian Ilorse Liniment-will pot
itively cure every case, if given when first taken. The
cost is only one dollar. Every owner of u horse should
have a bottle in his stable, ready for use. It is warranted
superior to anything else for the cure of Cuts, Wind flails.
Swellings, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Old Sores, Ac.—
This Liniment is no new remedy. It has been used and
approved of for 19 years by the first horsemen in the coun
try. Oiven to an over-driven horse, it acts like magic.
Order* are constantly received from the racing stables of
England for it. The celebrated Hiram Woodruff, of trot
ting fame, has used it for years, and says it is far superior
to any other he has tried. He kindly permits me to refer
to him. His address Is East New York, Long Island. Itec
ollect, Ir Tobias' Venetian Horse Liniment is put tip in
pint bottles. Take no other. Sold by the Druggists and
Saddlers, Depot, 53 Cor'tiandt Street. Xcw York. Jan23-7w
LEWISTOWN, February 20, 1867
Wheat, red, per bushel $2 05
" white •• 2 70
Corn, old, 90
Oats " 45
Eggs per dozen 20
Butler per lb 30
Flour is retailing at the following prices:
Lewistown Extra Family per owt. 7 00
Superfine 6 00
Extra Family per bbl 14 00
Superfine 12 00
Buckwheat per ewt. 5 00
Plriln<l.-l]iliia Markets.
The Flour market continues dull; sales
of Superfine at sßa>.7o; Extras at 59a9.5<);
Northwest Extra Family at $1!a12.50;
Pennn. tit $11; Illinois winter wheat at
$13.50. Rye Flour at $7a7.25. Wheat is
in demand. Sales of red at $2.65a3; white
at $3.10a3.35. Rye at $1.36. Corn, new
yellow, at 98a99e. Oats fit 56a57c. CTo
verseed at $8.25a8.75. Timothy at $3.70a4.
Flaxseed is wanted at $3a3.15.
The very best offerings of Beeves sold
at I7a18c; prime retailed freely at 15al6}c;
common 6al4c per lb. according to quali
ty. Cows and Calves are quoted at s6oa
90; Springers at $50a70. Sheep were dull
with sales at 6a7sc per lb. Hogs were
disposed of at $10a11.25 per 100 lbs. net.
O ITI ATE in Wayne township, Mifflin
O county, on turnpike road, within I of
a mile of Atkinson's Mills, store, school,
blacksmith, &e., and within 2£ miles of
Penna. It. It., about 70 acres cleared and
the balance in excellent timber, prime
oak, &e. This property will be sold very
low and to suit purchaser. Persons wish-
to examine the premises will call on
J. Glasgow, esq. or C. N. Atkinson, near
premises, and for price and terms see or
address A. J. ATKINSON,
oct24tf Lewistown, Pa.
Ti? r s 1?. idTs \ i'r?i W tS
js2 i!ss vii> ±g w ao t
!: Ths Best Cabinet Organs."
American In-litute, New York. October, 1805.
Being pronounced nperiorin Qsum, Povra,and
Viiuii or Ton, and ia number of cocabinnaown.
"As tlie beet iti-truni.-ut- of America were there
contending, whichever won that i.attle would have
nothing let to r "— Am. Art J'. unuiL by
H well-known musical critic.,
They have a !-o taken the fir.-t premium wherever
exhibited this season.
PEDAL OROANS. one. two. and three banks of
keys- —IX sires—Sgso toflgioo. V. tb tu ped ngU*
and double l.aiik. in great variety. SO6 to SA-U. These
Organ*, with their smooth pipe i:u- .juaiity of tone,
beautiful solo stops. siitingtli -if choruo, due|o*ll i
pedals, and gener.il organ like effects. are ri- r
for ( Uurehes, Halls, I'arlur#, anil Schools.
They are put up in eases of .SOLID wvmcr. fancy ven
eered Walnut, new and unique styies and elegant
Rosewood of splendid design- and timh. and of tie
best workmanships!— it being intended to at -aeli in
strument shall he a model of it* class. All instru
ments. d' \vn to a five octave portable Melodeon, have
the le-auufu! Trernoiatue stop, w-th -nt extra ' ha.' ge.
A large assortment eonstantlv on han i atourOEN
Our Illustrated Circular and Price Lists, with our
new shies. are now ready. Send for a Circular.
fJU Manufacturers,B4l Broadway,N. V
REGULAR BAR IRON at 4 3 4...
All persons who pay their
State, County and Bounty Taxes for the
year Da? on or before the i"t day of April
next, will be allowed an abatement of five
per cent, on the amount.
By order of the Commissioners,
Lewistown, Feb. 20, tapl.
\ ( Dl iUSC S AO'MC E.—The un
wiV dersigned, Au liter, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Mitliin county, to dis
tribuie the fund in the hands ofGuoueiE
L. CALDKRWOOD, adm'r of the Estate of
ADAM BRIMMER, late of McVevtown,
dece;L-cd, will attend to the duties of the
apjiointinent at the Register's oflice in
Lewistown, on Friday the loth day of
March next, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Claims
not presentee! at that time will be barred
from coining in on said fui d.
feh2H-4t W. P. ELLIOTT, Auditor.
pi UKIC S IKK.—Will be sold at pub-
L lie sale at the residence of the subscri
ber, ia Decutur township, on
Monday, March 4, istjt.
the following personal property, to wit:
3 Work IIOILSE.S; 1 Colts; 4 Cows, one
fresh and the others springers;
■ * head of Young Cattle; 12
yGit a ntiiuber of Sboats;
jghj) j-hor-e Wagon; Spring Wa-
gon; Fodder Cutter: Flow and
Harrow; 2 sots Breeehbamis; Buggv Har
ness; Collars and Bridles; and var'ous
other articles. Also, a lot of Timothy
Hay. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a.
rn., when terms will l>e made known,
A T E\!HE.
> Will be sold at public sale, by the
subscriber, at his residence, in Union
township, on
Wednesday, March <5. IS6?,
the following personal property, to wit:
TWO HORSES, 3 Colts, 3 Cows, a lot of
\oung Cattle, 6 Shoats, 2 Breeding Sows,
1 good lat Beef, four-horse Wagon, two
horseW agon, Rockaway, Fanning Mill,
Bled, Plows, Harrows. Cultivators',
Corn Plow, 2 sets of Tug Harness,
■JBESCollars, Bridles. Sale Saddle, &c.,
Also, a Dining Table, set of good Chairs,
and a variety of other articles too numer
ous to mention. Also, One-half interest
in ill acres of Grain in the Ground. Sale
to commence at 10 o'clock a. in., when
terms will be made known.
feb2o-3t* HEXHY J. ItOMIG.
I )l ISB.EC S4l,E.—Will he sold at pul -
X. lie sale, by the subscriber, at his resi
dence, in Lewistown, on
Thursday, March t. ls#>"?.
the following personal propertv, to wit:
BILLIARD TABLE. Bagatelle Table,
and many other articles belonging to a-
Restaurant. Groceries—consisting of Su
gars. Teas, Coffees, <kc.; a line lot of Con
fectionery; also, a general assortment of
Household and Kitchen Furniture, such
as Bedsteads, Bedding, Chairs, Ta
bles, Stoves, and many other articles
too numerous to mention. Also, a
Tract of Land, situate in Oliver town
ship, 230 ACRES, more or less, will he
ottered totlie highest bidder. Bale to com
mence at 9 o'clock, a. in., when terms
will be made known.
fef2o-ts SAMUEL B. MARKS.
\ The undersigned will offer at public
sale, at his residence in Derry township,
near Freedom Forge, on
Thursday, March S3, ISO?,
the following personal property, to wit:
4 head of Work Horses, including 2 Mares
with foal; 3 Colts, 1 two-year old and 2
Yearlings; 5 Cows, 2 of them fresh; 10
head of Young Cattle; 2 Hogs; 2 four
horse Wagons, broad wheeled; 1 one-liorse
and 1 two-horse Wagon; Cart; two-horse
A. Carriage; 2 Wagon beds; pair Hay
Ladders, 2 Sleds; large Corn Sheller;
<-lover Holler; Fanning Mill; Plows';
Harrows; Cultivator; Log Chain; Fifth
Chain; Cow Chains, 2 sets Hind Gears,
Plow Gears, Halters, Hathaway Cook
Stove, &e., with a variety of other articles.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m.,
when terms will be made known.
feb2oto* ISAAC PRICE.
1 )I 1t1.14 S4I.IL—Will be sold at pub-
L lie sale, at the residence of the under
signed in Oliver township, on
Friday, March 15, IS6),
the following personal property, to wit:
3 Head of Work Horses, (one being a Mare
with foal) 5 Milch Cows, 6 Young Cattle,
4 Shoats, 4 Sheep, Spring Wagon, two- :
horse Wagon, Wagon Bed, Hay Ladders, j
Stone's Grain Drill, Horse Rake, Wind
mill, Threshing Machine, Horse Power
and Shaker, Strap for Machine, Plows
k&aCultivators and Harrows, 600 feet dry
Pine Boards, 1600 feet Paling
and some Railing, Hay and Corn Fodder'
about 30 acres of Grain in the Ground
with a great variety of Household ami
Kitchen Furniture too numerous to men
tion. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a
m., when terms will be made known.'
feb2o-ts WM. POWELL.
Bar Iron !!
B L nniv S11S j you can buy K°o<l Kar
II ou l a celebra
ted Horse bhoes. Nail Rods, Steel for Calks
&c., at low prices, at F. J. lIOFfMAN's) '
-L Will be offered at public sale, bv the
subscriber, residing near Locke's Su , e
Mifflin county, on - Ai u s ,
Tuesday, February 'ic,. is<;
the following personal propertv, to wit.
Four head good Work lit )|> - id
,d£2LA two of which are Mares, with '
■') head Milch COSTS, 2 Hogs, two-J
Wagon, Spring Wagon, Thre*hin
chine and IlorsePower, drain Drill V T
Sleigh, Fanning Mill, Cider Mill, str'ni'
Cutter, Horse Gears, 3 sets of Sing! H J
neas, - Ladies' Side Saddles, Forks, Rakea"
and other farming utensils too
to mention. Also, Household and K;;,
en Furniture. Sale to commence at
o'clock a. m. when terms will i... >
known. e
J_ Will be sold at public sale bv the
subscriber, residing on tiie R. C. Ja. •oh'*
farm, on
Wedtie*day, February f}, { S|; .
the following personal propertv, to wit •'
F I V E \V OR K il OliS Es ,
1 Colt, 4 Milch Cows, 3of them fresh- 1
young Durham Bull, Young Cattle'i
Breeding Sow, a lot of Shouts, 1 four
horse Wagon, 1 two-horse Wagon, i j ;n ~
proved McCormiek Reaper, 1 Raritaii
Mower. Hay Ladders on Wagon R.-,j
Hay Rake, Corn Planter, Corn Plow, p, M jl
der (.'utter, Plows and Harrows, Thresh
ing Machine and Horse Power. Cultiva
tors, 2 Log Chains, 1 Fifth Chain. r,, w ~
Chains, Horse Gears, Single and Don .
tree-:, i pair Spreaders, Rakes and F<> k
-1 Fanning Mill, (drain Cradles, and a\g
riety of other articles too numerous to
mention. ALSO, One-half inten >t in o"
Acres of Wheal in the ground. -
eommenceat 10o'clock, a. in., when terms
will IHi made known.
1 The undersigned will offer at pub
lic sale, at his residence, on the farm of (
C. Hoover, in Dry Valley, on
Thursday, February 28, 1867,
the following jwr-onal property, viz.-
l-'our head good Work Horses, 1 Mare
with foal, 3 Colts, 2 two-vear old .-md ]
yearling, 6 Cows, 1 Heifer, (1 fresli and
4 springers, 2head fat ( att!.-
•I r i young Devon Bull. m\-iI
sHO ATS. 1 Breeding Sow
Buckeye Reajier and Mower!
Threshing Machine and Horse Power
Grain Drill. Hay Rake, Hay Fork, Fork*!
Rakes. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators. Corn
Plow, Log Chains. Fifth Chain, Wagon
and Plow Gears, Halters, Cow Chain-,
and a variety of other articles. Also, i
Hathaway Cook Stove, 2 Parlor Stoves
Bedsteads, and Dining Table.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m.
when terms will be made known.
\ Will be ottered at public vendue la
the subscriber, on the Langton farm', in
•Granville townslii], on
the following personal property, viz
."A— > Four HORSES, including! Mare
with foal, 2 Colts, 2 Cows that will
shortly le fresh. 10 head of Young Cattle
12 Sheep, 2 Shoats, four-horse Wagon'
Roekaway Carriage, a pair of Yankee
Hay Ladders, Improved Hussey Heaper,
an excellent Mower and Reaper, 1 Drill*
nearly new. Hay Fork, with rope and
pulleys, in good order, and a num!>er of
other articles, too numerous to mention.
Also, a Pet Deer. Sale to commence at
10 o'clock, a. m.. when terms will be made
known. [fel3-3t] SAM'L ROLAND.
M ill be ottered at public sale
by the subscriber, residing about 1 mile
from \\ hite Hall, in Menno township,on
Friday, March Bth, 1867,
the following personal property, viz;
Horses, Cows, Young Cattle, Sheep and
Hogs, Horse Gears, Broad-wheel and
Narrow-wheel Wagon, Plows and Har
rows. Threshing Machine and Horse Pow
er, Self-raking Reaper, Corn Sheller, Fan
ning Mill, Drill, Grind Stone, Wheel
Barrow, Hay by the ton, Corn and Pota
toes by the bushel, Hay Hoister, Coal
,-gSS®; fstove. Cook Stove, Drawers,
( ART. Chairs, 2 Sleds, Wild
Cherry and Walnut Furniture
; Boards, and other articles, too numerous
jto mention. Also, a one year old Colt.
Sale to commence at I*l o'clock, a. m.,
; when terms will be made known.
febl3-3t* JOS. HOSTETLER.
V/ virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Mifflin county, the undersigned,
administrator of the Estate of George B.
l'ennepacker, late of Granville town-hip,
dee'd, will sell at public sale, on the prem
ises, on
Till USDAY, March "Stla. IS6T,
the undivided half part of all that certain
Tract ot I.and situate in Granville town
ship, Mifflin county, adjoining lands of
Lewis Owens, Mrs. Wertz, Enoch .Myers'
heirs, Joshua Morrison and others,'eou-
I taining One Hundred and Thirty-two
| Acresand one hundred and fifty-six perch
| es, neat measure, whereon is erected a
Two Story Frame House, a good New
Bank Barn with a Corn-Crib and Wagon
Shed attached, and other outbuildings.—
There is also a fine Young Orchard of
; choice fruit on it, a well of good water at
the door, and a fine stream of running
water and two good springs on the place.
The farm is in good order and is a desira
ble situation.
Sale to commence at 11 o'clock a. in.,
when terms will be made known.
SAMUEL H. McCOY, Adni'r.
• the same time and place, the under
signed will sell the other undivided half
part of the above desirable tract of land so
as to enable the purchaser to obtain a title
for the whole tract.
• Jj - 1 outer, Auctioneer. jau3o
At Hoffman's,
f I Fine \oung Hyson at IGO
A Extra Imperial at 160 to 200
" Oolong at 100 to 160
aUGARS. Brown, Good, at 11 and 12
do Best, at - 14
White at 16
SYRUPS, very fine, at 100
Also, Loveriug's Extra Syrup. jan3o
Men's Buck Gloves at ?1 25
1 50
" Gauntlets 1 25
__ , " " Mitts . 137
Men s Wool, Cotton and Berlin GLOVES for
sale cheap. jan3o.