Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, February 20, 1867, Image 1

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    (go & (go 280 Ifria'iTiSIESS'JHJ&IBa ZFOTS^fflSilfclfiSfc
Wnoie No. 2903.
Poor House Business.
The Directors of the Poor meet tit the Poor
House on the 24 Tuesday of each mouth.
030. W. 3LBE?*,
Attorney at Law,
Office Mat bet Square, Lewistown, will a!>
tend to business in Mltflin. Centre and Hunting
don counties mv!2G
-r mc^^yr
mm • a ma* m m*m W— > J
Attorney at Law,
rvFFERS his professional services to the citizens of j
' / Mifflin county. < btiee wiih I). W. Woods-esq., I
Mam street, below ".'.itiorial Hotel. tny'J I
Practicing Physician,
Ht-lleville, >1 illlin County, Pa.
-ryr. DtHI.EV has been appointed an Examining
1) S irg- 'II tor Pensions. Soldiers requiring fcXion
iu,n hi tind him at hi* odn-e m Heileviile
litfil' Viile, August 22, 1tU56.-y
J. 3 nfl I T H
a* f'~IM '"fl-'I'LLY tnf uan the piti/.en* of Lew :*tovrn
It ; vi. uiity. a few doors from the T"\vn Hall, in
M ~'. -no* i that lie t* prepared to do all kind of work
'. n<- of hi* profession in the snri-tifie uan
n Whole Sets. Partial Sets. < r Single I'Veth in
se ed on tiold. Silver.or VulPMßite Hase.in an elegant
u ratnatilike manner, ar.d on the most leasona
i , terms He guarantees his work, or no pay.
p , -o- ution paid tothc t-straef.ngund filling
a: the most approved manner. nnvT-tiin
Teeth Extracted Without Pain !
By M. R. Thompson, D. D. S ,
, without the use of Chi ro
form. Ether, or NitrmtsOx
_ .Ja ide. and is attended by no
H .f'iT,. T"~~ t f 1 Office west Market street,
3 ** near Eisetii'ise's iiotel.
where he can 1? found for professional consultation
ti ath tir-t Mondav of ea-di month until the h'urth
M '. I. 1 when he will be absent on profession;.! biioi
new one week.
nFFF.R* his professional services to the citizen* ot
Lewtstown and vieuiity. All in waul of good, neat
work will >1" well to give him a call.
H>- may be found at at) times at hia ontce. uiree
doer* ea*t of H. M. & R. Pratt's store. Valley street.
j~£._ TVL_ !KIEIEj"N7"IEJYW 3
tSLM hy the use of NITROUS OXIDE or
Laughing Oa. Teetli in-erted on all
T T the different styles of bases, 'leelli
filled in the moat approved manner. Special atteti
tion given to iliseased gums. All work wairanted.
Term* reasonable. ... ,
office at Episcopal Parsonage.Corner of Main and
Water directs. lY*"
~ T), e snhseriher has just received and will
fs] keep on hand a select stock of Men's. Bovs'
fit .uid Youth's Boot*. Ladies'. Mi**e* and ( hit
ireri's Boots and Shoe* of various kinds and
stvles. to which he would invite the attention of ru*
friends and the public generally As it is his intention
by auv dealer in the county, those in need of winter
boots "or shoes are invited to call and examine the
above stock, which will be sold at very sin ill profits,
but for ea*h only, at the sign of the Bio SHOE, next
dooM., F. J- Hoffman's store.
West Market st., Lewistown,
Sacks, cloak*. Hals. Bonnets, Ladies Fine I)IIESS
GOODS and Trimmings.
Patterns of latest styles always on hand.
Millinery and Dress-Making
executed in the most approved ftyte.
Lewistown, April 18,18t6.tf
J. A. & W. R. McKEE
HAVE removed their Leather Store to Odil Fel
lows' Hall, wher" thev will constantly keep
on band. Sole Leather. Harness. Skirting and Upper
1 it her. Kip*. American and French Calfskin*. Mo
rocee* Linings and Bindings, and a general assort
ment of Shoe Findings, which they will *•!! cheap lor
rash. Highest market price paid in cash for Hides,
Uaif Skin* and Sheep Skins.
Sco aaaaas mmx
wanted, for which the highest market price will !>e
pa.d m Cash. T°
mllE undersigned has a large stock of both
1 Home-made and Eastern manufactured Boots and
Shoes, which he offers at prices lower than he has
aotd for four years : m .
Men's thick. .1, Boots, warranted, from *-.,5 to 0.00.
;; p'ff U extra iMtoa.OO.
o 1.00 to 3.00.
Meif s thick Brogans, double-soled, 2.00 to 2.50.
Men's split '• warranted very bad, 1.10.
Boys' Shoes, price ranging from • •
As the taxes are to be reduced again on the hist .lay
of August, it also enables us to reduce our prices.
lIO.HE-.HADE WORK of all kinds made to
order at reduced prices. So come on boys and girls
and examine for yourselves.
Trunks, Valises and Carpet Baffs
kept on hand. Gentlemen will bear in mind that no
goods will be given out unless paid for. and " re
turned in good order, the money will be returned, it
requested. Bat when goods have been soiled or
worn, they will not be taken back—please bear this
in min i—as some folks think that wearing tor a
short time don't injure tlie sale of them
augl . tf J BILLY JOHNSON.
20.000 MAJORITY!
To the Voters of Central Penna-
ELECTION IS over an<l ithabeen decided By about
3>.000 majority that the Tobacco and Cigars sold
at Krysinger's Tobacco and Segar Store cannot be
surpassed, either in Quality or Price.
Look at the Prices, get someof the goods,and com
pare with all others, and you will be satisfied chat you
get, the worth of your money at Ffysinger's.
Prvsinge.r's Spun Roll only SI.OO per pound.
Fry singer's Navy " " " "
Fry si tiger's Congress " u u '
Krysinger's Fiolinder " " "
Willed Navy " " " "
Orunoko Twist a " " " ~
And other Plug Tobacco at 4 and SO cts. per lb.
Cut and Dry. 40 <nd 50 cts. Granulated Tobaccos at
50 Cts.. 00 cts , 80 cts.. SI.OO, $l.'JO. and $1,50 per lb.
Fine-Cut chewing, at $1.40 and $1.'20.
Cigars at 1,12, 3. 5 and 10 cts. each.
Pipes in great variety; also Cigar Cases. Tobacco
Pouches and Boxes, Match Safes, and all articles
usually kept in ft first-class Tobacco and Cigar Store.
To Merchants, 1 offer the above goods at prices that
will enable them to retail at the same prices that 1
do and realize a fair profit.
Ocl-liy. . £. FR\SINGER.
Sash Stopper and Lock,
Rapports Either Sasli at any Point.
Srcnr.' Lrrk Whenever Your Sas'i is Closed!!
IT IS FAR superior to weights mid pulley* and don't
I cost one-fift!ia* trmeli. It pan bo spplieil t.mnv win
dow. It will rifvpr vrorir out, nor got out of.order.
Citizens of I.iovi-town nod vi •initv <an refer t > Wm
('. Vine*. iC.-irpenr r I Individiitil Dalits unit com
pk tp I'iftoinjr for Mile by
decs-tf Mtmno P. 0., Mifflin 00., Pa
IS t!r only Article usod Lv Firttt Class Hotels,
I • I*auiiclrifK, and T!iou-an<ls of FaiaU
It gives a beautiful in iking the iron pa*<
.-monthly over the <'lth. >avinE much lime an i la
bor. Goods done up with it keep <•!• an much longer,
consequently will.not wear out m>*ooii.
It mokes O'd Linen took like Xeu>,
OUR I M I' Kl!f A 1. HUIE
Ih the Best in the World.
It i- 1 soluble in I ard as well as soft water. It is put
up in the neate-f. : ind most convenient form
of any offered to the public.
It is Wnrran'eii not to Streak the Clothes.
Atronts wanted everywhere. to wlioin we offer ex
traordmany indueeineiits. Address,
oetio Cm No. 2IS Fulton St, New York.
499 Broadway, New Yotk.
Til F, attention of t'lP Public and the trad" i* invifp.l
t.> our Nf w Scale 7 'nT A Y K R< iSEWOi I > I*l \N< >
FORTES, which for volutin and piniiv of tone hip
unrivalled l>y any hitherto oil. red in tin.* mario I. —
They contain ill! ilio modern improvements. French
Grand Aotion. Harp I' Iron Frmie. Overstrung
H*—. etp-imd each instrument I• inmade under
the person:,! supprvi*ion of Mr. J. " GaovF.sTi:rN who
ha* had a pr :• tieal experience ot over 35 year* in
their manufacture, is fully warranted in even partic
! ular.
| i| word of Merit over n't other* at the Celebrated
llVm'd'x Fair.
I Where were exhibited instrument* from the host liia
-1 kit* of London. I' ii i*. i ••■t in to\. p;.i'adelphia. Haiti
> more. I"> ston and New York : and also at llie Ani-v.
! nan Institute for live -up... —iy<> ye 'is. the gold and
; silver medals from iotli of >vlii.-li i-an lie set a at our
e ai p-rootn.
I'.v the intrude Ton of improvement* we make a
-til t.'ore perfect Piano Forte, and by maiml'aeim in"
large y. with a strietlv e.t-h sy*tem. re enabled to of
for these instruments at a price which will preclude
all competition.
Terms :-Xf t Cash in Current I'limls,
Kxf I lose npti v e Circulars Sent Free'. octlo-3m
Haines' Patent
The Best and Most Effectual in Use.
NUMEROUS patent* Lave been issued and variou*
improvements made on Safety Bridies, but bere
is nothing invidious in saying that the invention \ a
tented by Joseph C. Haines o; this pa -e i* superior
to any yet offered, e'-m'aning teatur, * of simple i:y
and liower in guiding and surging a horse or horse*
which n-> other possesses. 1 'i •-* esscn'ial h mir-"1
tins patent is in providing the driv inir nin with -li 1 ft- j
ins hearings, winch form th? point* nf attachment i
between the rein and fit rings, and thus net upon the J
I.it directly, nhen easv ana steady driving will con
trol t.'ie nmni'il. hilt when it requires u more severe
application of the I it. said bearings leave the bit i ings
am! give way to the strap* to which they may tie at
tached. This is nil done by the regular driving line,
no extra one heing r- quired. which ought to satisfy
every person of the great superiority ot this inven
tion to un\ otlo I'.
The following certificates from well known gentle
men. some of whom have loot much experience with
horses will show the estimation in which this bridle
is held :
Having occasion tv try tlie Safety Bridle invented 1
hv Joseph Haines, ot this town, upon my runnwav !
iiiare, the result has proven to my entire satisfaction |
that any horse can he prevented from running ort or j
kicking. Mr. 11 M. I'rait. whose large experience j
with horses induced me to e.a'l upon him to .li ne my !
mare and test the safett bridle, concurs in the opin I
ion that it is the best bridle that lias lor its object the !
entire control of a horse in harness or under the sad- j
, J J,. GEO. W. HOOTEB. j
LEWISTOWS. Aug. 21. 1860.
Joseph C. H-vnes Dear Kir: After having fully tri- !
ed vour Safety Bridle on my uutraim d colts. I find
that v'-nr invention embraces all that is desirable in
a iiridle. Its simple construction, and adaptation to
anv eoinnion bridle ami any rein, cannot but make
its" ue universal. The ease with which it can be ad
justed to ,t soft or liard mouthed horse ;* an excellent
feature, r u l i ng lis use its effectual in preventing
running or kicking as any other patent hi idle or rein
and as~easy on tlie mouth as the common bit-and as
it is always rea.lv at tlie ei iiical moment it can not but
recommen I itself to all w ho wiii try oi look at it.
Respectfully yours, A. T. HAMILTON, M. Lb J
LKWISTOWX. December s. lKfifi. i
1 have been driving horses since I know anything |
about them, and have drove some very viciousie-rsos j
,nd colts. In driving stleh with a common bridle. I
never feel easy nor eomfortal it: to enjoy the ride. Ii j
is more nnnot ing. however, w hen you have persons
with y> u and you can tell by their countenance ti at
tney don't enjoy the ride from fear of vour horse
running a little, <> r even runningaway i have always
tli.Higtit ti ere might be a bridle or bit so constructed
tlu.t von could drive ami hold horses with perfect
. use "and safety. The first of this kind I happened
to see was 1 r. Mart man'a. 1 thought it was vtry good.
In' tl e meantime it occurred to tne that the way the
lines' worked on tlie bridle you could not draw the bit
and let it drop quick enough on your horses. Some
horses and colts when you surge them tightly and
cannot slack the lines quickly, will balk and back
very uglv 1 once saw Mr. Christs and Stamen's
patent with the elastic strap, working on shout the
same principle a* l>r. Harlman's. Mr.Uhnst then;
gave me a bridle to try on my horse 1 had the same
objection to it I had to L>r. llartman s. My attention
was next called to Mr. Jos. C. Humes patent, ot our
tow n M v attention was arrested immediately with
the appearance of it. 1 have been using it tor some
two weeks quite successfully. 1 have drove along the
railroad and other uglv places, tee ling quite sate. I
think it embraces all you can get out ot a bridle. It
the public once get to see this bridle, thev can t help
but understand its simplicity, durability and effective
ness. and taken together, cannot help recommending
itself Railroads are made and being made through
the country in every direction, crossing our pubuc
road.s four or five times in as many miles sometimes.
These crossings often occur at very uyiy place. A
parlies are more or less afraid of meeting the trains
when they are traveling for fear their horses will take
t'ri dit and not be able to hoi a them. 1 huscommunt
tv remember* how seriously Dr. Isaac Kothrock, of
snvder county, was hurt at the crossing, at the new
Tannuiv la*t May. He found he eou.d not hold his
horse and then git out of bis buggy, and the .horse
tore him arouni badlv. •
LEWISTOWH, Pa., August 21, 1806.
This community is well aware of the fact that in
the midst of an extensive practice, Di. G.W. Hoover
was almost kille d by the running oft of hiaiware. I
drove tins mare in single harness by using the Safety
Bridle invented by Joseph U. Haines, and I foundl that
she was entirely under my control, I be
Safety Bridle is all that can be .iesired for thcscca ruy
of life, limb, and vehicle when used
docile or vicious horse. "■ 1 " '
Any persons having fractious horses are invited
to bring them to the undersigned, or during his ab
sence to Mr. I'ratt, and they can readily be satisfied
that any horse can not only be prevented trom KlCK
iug but from running away.
I have named the bridle'-The Eureka, signifying
"I have found." • JOSEPH C. HAINES.
Lewistowa December a66.
1) E A U T Y.
Auburn, Golden, Flaxen and Silken Curls-
I)Ror.|T< Ki, I.y the USO of Prof MEBTtEUX' Fill
i SER LF, CH EVEUX One application warranted
i > curl the mo*t straight and stubborn Iwtrof cither
s'X into wavy ringlet*, or heavy massive eiKls. Has
been u*ed bv the fashionable* of Pari* and London,
with the most- gratifying results. Doe* no injury to
t ic hair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid St. lie
scrip'i'ir< 'liar* mailed free. A Idress HERGEI!
dill'PT-t.t ( i),. Chemist* N0.28 River St., Troy. N. Y.
Sole Agent* for the United States. febl ly
TjtORCED to g ow upon tl e smoothest faee in from
I thrc,. to fiv neek* tiv n- ing Dr. SEYIGNE'S RES-
I \l R Vi'EUR t'APILI.AII E, the most wonderful di*-
eoy.-rv in inud< rn seieneo. : cling upon the Heard and
Hair in an a'mupt- urni 'ii'oil* in.innor. It has been
c 1 i.y the elite of I'jr : * and London with the most
flattering Names . f all persons will be reg
i-tei "d. and if entire -a'i-1 ir iion is not given in eVerv
install"" theinoncj wblbceh fully refunded l'rie'e
J v mail sealed and postpaid. #l. Descriptive eifii
. au,' lestiniop , s mailed free. Ad< ressBERGKR.
SM' II * CO.. I I e:n;st* No. 285 River street. Troy.
N. Y.. Sole agents for the United State.-. febS-ly
H'i! was In nuHful an I fair,
with sr.una ,-v. s, an I r.i I' nit liair,
\l 11 <> *" curling ten ir' I * soft, i-ntw ined,
Enchalncil the verv heart and iulnd-3
bur Curling th" Hit of eithev Sex info
Hntiy iin/f Clous// 12iui/'rts or
ITr >v/ Massive Cm Is.
I > V using this article Ladies and Gentlemen can beatt-
I'tify t hem *e I v.* a thousand fold. It t* i in* only ar
ticle in the world that willousl straight hair.aDd at the
same time give it n I" atitiful glossy appearance The
• "rispcr Co r-a not only curls tii" h ' r. but invigorates,
beantißes and cleanses it: is highly and deiightfatly
perfumed, and i* the nio.-t eomplew article of the
i;ind ever o'fbred to the American piibliu The Uris-
P ft" a a will he -,* nt to aiiv address, sealed and post
p iid Ru fl. AI Ir -* ad "rih r* to
W L. CLARK & CO., Chemists.
R-b' -ly No. 3, West Fayette St.. .Syracuse, N. Y.
For Removing Superflurns Hair.
tTI' ' I'll E lad i s e*j -t dlv. this ill valuable depilatory
*• r - • mil ends iteelf as being an almost indiapenst
l lc article to f.imnle beauty, i* easily applied, floe* ii"!
l-urn or injur- tli" *!cin. hut at* direetlv on the root*.
I i- warranted to remove superfluous hair from low
f .roll,- ii* ..r from any part of the body, completely,
totally and radically exttrpn'ing the same, l-m ingtlit*
skin -..ft, sin 'Oth and natural. This is the only article
u*ed i.y tin* French and i* the only real • fl " tictl <1"
pikilory in existence. l' ; :ee 7" cents per package,
s *nt post-paid, to any address, "it receipt of an order,
by BF.RljrF.il. SIIUTTS A Uliemi-ts.
i'ebO-ly 255 River street, Troy. N. Y.
Throw away your false frizzes, vour switches, yotir wig—
An I rejoice in your cwii hixuriaitt hair,
foi'ie agef, c line youthful, colli" ugly and tair.
An I rejoice in your own luxuriant hair.
LX>R restoring hair tin >n bald heads ffrom wJiatever
I cause it may have fallen ont) and forcing agrowtli
of hair upon the face it has no equal. It will force the
beard to grow upon the smoothest lace in from five to
e glit week*, or hair upon bald heads in from two to
t' ree months. A few ignorant praetiti ,tiers have a*-
serted that there '.* nothing that will force or hasten
t c growth of the hair or beard Their assertion* are
.'.!*". a* thousands of living witnesses < from their on n
experience) can bear witness. But many will say. how
are we to distinguish the genuine from the spin ion* ?
I' certainly is difficult, as nine-tenths of tiie different
IV.-pat-aliens a-lvi rise I for the hair and lieard are en
tirely worthless, mid V"U may have already thrown
nw v large amounts in their purchase. To"such we
would say. try the IP parat> r Capilh; it will cost you
nothing unless it fu'ly comes up to our representations.
If your druggist does not keep it, send us one dollar
and we will forward it postpaid, together w itli a receipt
tor th" money, which will be returned you onapplien
ti >n providitigentire sadsfaet' nis not given. Address
W.L.CLARK & CD , Chemists,
t -bf.-ly No. 3 West Fayette st., Syracuse. N. Y.
n mi proviumgentirc •.a isirc-:' o ■* nor given, aucircss
W. L. CLARK & CO , Chemists,
fcb6-ly No. 3 West Fayette st., Syracuse, N. Y.
There cometh glad tidings of joy to all.
To young and to old. to great and to small;
The beauty which once was so precious and rare.
Is free for all and all may be for.
By the use of
For Improving and Beautifying the Complexion.
rjlH E most valuable and perfcci preparation in use,
A for giving the skin a beautiful pearl-like tint that
is only found inyoutlt. Itquickly removes Tan. Freck
le-. lhmples. Blotches. Moth Patches. Sallowness.
Eruption*, and all impurities of the skin, kindly heal
ing the - one. leavingjhe skin white and clear as ala
h.i-ter. Its use can not he detected by the closest
*-rutiny. and being a vegetable preparation i* per
fectly harmless. It is the only article ofthe kind used
by the French, and is considered bv the Parisian as
indispensable to a perfect Unlet. Upwards of 30.U00
bottles were sola (luring the past year, a sufficient
guarantee of its efficacy. Price only 7a cents. Kent by
mail, post-paid, on receipt of ,-m order, by
BERGER, SHI'TTS A CO.. Chemists,
feG-ly 255 River St., Troy, N. Y.
A ISui Difliil,
The World Astonished
SHE reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. Khe re
stores to happiness those who, from doleful events,
catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and
friends, loss of money. Ac.. Imve become despondent.
She brings together those long separated, gives infor
mation concerning absent friends or lovers, restores
|o.*t or stolen property, tells you the business you are
best qualified to pursue and in what you will be most
successful, causes speedy marriages and tells you the
very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness
and" characteristic of the person. She reads your very
thoughts, and by her almost- supernatural powers un
veils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future.—
From tiie stars we see in tlie timuuient—the malefic
stars that overcome or predominate in the eoufigura
tion—from the aspects and positions of the planets
and the fixed stars iu the heavensat the time of biith.
she deduces the future destiny of tnau. Fail not to
consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs you
but a tritle. and you may never again have so favorable
an opportunity. Consultation fee. with likeness and
all desired information. $1- Parties living at.a distance
can consult the MadameJ y mail with equal safe'y and
satisfaction to themselves, a* if in person. A full and
explicit chart, written out, with all inquiriesariswered
and likeness enclosed,sent by mail on receipt of price
above mentioned. The strictest secrecy will be main
tained. and all correspondence returned or destroyed.
References of the highest order furnished those de
siring them. Write plainly tlie day of the monthaud
year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock
of hair. Address MADAME H. A. PERRIGO,
jebo-ly P- O. DRAWEE 293. BUFFALO, N. Y.
jQ&CSHSS at Hoffman's.
CEDAR-WARE at Hoffman's.
CORDAGE at Hoffman's.
SHOE FINDINGS at Hoffman's.
SOLE LEATHER at Hoffman's.
POCKET CUTLERY at Hoffman's.
TABLE CUTLERY at Hoffman's.
g, .Sj j4t. VWiy %£ sj
r E't I> liblitution, formerly the ]>roper
-1 ty of S. Zr Sharp, and lately
e I hy aI. Mohler, Co. Sujit. of Slilrlitt e<>.,
ha* been thoronirhly renovated and reftir
ni*!te i. The water pipe.* have been relaid
to the huildinfr, and other improvements
made, so as to make it one of the most
desirable Institutions in the country. A
teacher.*' class will he formed at the open
ing the session and will he continued
The suturner session opens on Wednes
day, April If th, 1-567, and continues
twenty weeks.
TERMS; —Tuition, hoarding, light and
furnished rooms, per session, $90.00.
Those desi ring admittance should apply
early. For further particulars, address
Lewi*to\vn, Pa., until March 20th.
f'i after which at Kisiiaeotjuilias P. O.
Drcw *s Pa tent
crjT-mTS- BOOTS:
SIDE S E IXd: s.
rpilF. grentest impiovement of the age. in th - line
Aof trade. I*l. It ,|rw\* wuy \ri, h the wiinkle* -n
th- instep, also, with tic- welted side seam which has
injured so many feet and ankles. 21. It make* Hi.
-•a- -st sitting tin I best fitting boot ever worn. Th>
I."- t i* now myiiftfufture.) by p. F. Loop, who h'-l 1*
the righr of use f.-r the county, and is prepared to
furnish a'l who wi*ii to wear this boot. A liberal dis
count to doalei * who u l*h to deal m these lioot*. <•:
ih-r* filled at short notice. Prices greatly reduced on
till good* a; P. F. Loop s shoe Store. ' febfi
! which will he placed upon trial with any other now
in use. lie invites c-ompetion. It ran ha tested
*L-> oa & & m a !ii
I with any other machine to enable pitrchers to choose
| Give him a call. [sepl2-Gm] WM. LIND.
5 00,000
White Pine, Lap 6l Joint Shingles.
For sale by GRAFF & THOMPSON.
nov2l-6m* Milroy. Mifflin co . Pa.
Are superior to all others f-r
' Contain all the lab -t improvements; are speedy:
I ii"!-e!"**; durable; and easy to work.
Illustrated Circulars free. Agents wanted. Liberal
disonnt allowed No consignments made.
Address EMPIRE S. M. CO., 010 Broadwav. New
York. seps'6C-ly
Lewistown Coach Manufactory.
Junction 3d & Valley street.
(°d together fur tho purpose <>f
Sulku -. llVj
sSssSjons. invite the public to
give them a call ami examine specimens of their
work, which will be found equal to any in or out of
the cities. All kinds of repairing promptly attended
to. decl2-ly
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.Etna, Fire of Hartford, 84.083,000
Putnam, " 500,000
Home, New York 3,500,000
Germania, " 700,000
Home, New Ilaven, 1,000,000
North America, Philadelphia, 1,75u,000
Enterprise, " 400,000
Lycoming, Penna., 2,500,000
Farmers, York, Pa., 500,000
American Life, Philadelphia, 1,000,000
N Y. Accidental, New York, 250,000
Horse Thief Ins. Co. \ ork Pa., 50,000
This agency is prepared to insure against Fire. 1 tenth
or Accident," in any part of Mifflin county. Horses
are insured against theft. All business pertaining to
insutanee promptly attended to.
janlti r t>7 JOHN HAMILTON, Agent.
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RERGER, SHUTTB 4c Do., Chemists,
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One evening four German students j
at a university were enjoying them
selves in tin upper room ot'a little hotel.
They had four instruments, and were
employing themselves in making music
alter the hard labors of the day. There
was a pause in their music, but no
sooner had they ceased playing they ;
heard an old man playing a voiiin be
neath their window in the street. They
went to the window and looked out,
watching him until he had ceased play
ing. One of them threw out a little
piece of money, and said to him, laugh
ing: 'Here, poor Peter, this is'3ll we
have for you now ; come again some
other time.'
•Yes,' said another, 'come again in a
year from now.'
' Then we will give 3011 a little house
for a present,' said the third.
'Yes, in the middle of a garden,'said
the fourth.
The old man was struck with won
der at such tt promise. His long white
hair shone brightly in the light of the
lanterns which h ing out at a neigh
holing restaurant. He looked up to
the window and said, after a moment's
reflection : 'Young people are you in
earnest in what 3011 say to me? 1
hope you are not making light of an
old man.'
'lndeed we are in earnest,' repl ed
Ernest, with excited voice; and his
three companions called upon God to
witness their seriousness.
'Farewell, then,' replied theold man,
I take 103' leave of you. One 3" ear
from to day, at this same hoar, expect
me to come and pla\- a tune beneath
this window. Farewell, may the Al
mighty One, whose name you have
called upon, bless you in 3 0111' kind
The old man went off after invoking
this blessing upon them. The students
closed the window, took their instru
ments again in their hands, anil after
playing three jr four lively tunes
seemed to forget all that had occurred.
Ernest said to them, however, after
the space of about half an hour, '3*oll
seem to he very quiet, 1 cannot he, for
1 have made a promise that L would
give something which I have hot got.'
•What promise?' answered one of his
light hearted companions.
•The promise of a house and garden.'
A loud hii'gh was tlio response that
he met with, and the students separa
ted. They met again on the following
evening, and during their interview
Ernest called to mind the promise ot
the night before. They made light of
him, and told him that he was foolish
to pay any more attention to it. Then
said he: 'L don't see where your con
sciences are, if you can make a promise
and break your word.'
'How can we fulfill an}* promise of
that kind?' said Christopher. 'Our
parents are all poor, and have no more
than they can do to send us to the uni
versity. How then can they help us
to buy a house and garden for a fool
ish old man ? Good night, comrades,
I wish you as pleasant asleep as.l shall
But this kind of argument did not
affect Ernest much, for he could not
help thinking that he was compelled
to keep his bargain. He was the
poorest one of the group, for his moth
er was a plain widow, and she made
her living by washing. The promise
he had made deeply affected him, and
he left the university for a week, so
that he might go homo and tell his
mother the pledge that he had made
to the old musician. After ho had
told her, she replied :
'Keep it, my son, keep it, if it costs
you your life.'
'That is what I'll try to do, .mother,
and I hope I shall have your prayers.'
Ernest returned to the university
and told his friends that they must
seriously think of buying tho old man
a house and garden. lie went to a
neighboring village one day, and found
that he could get a neat little cottage
and garden for two thousand guldeifr.
That was a large sum for those poor
students to think of paying, but
through the influence of Ernest the
other three gradually became con
vinced that it was their duty to keep
their promise. The four resolved that
in one year frolu. the time the pledge
was made tho old man should have his
house and garden, if it was in their
power to get it for him.
They must leave the university—a
proceeding for them. They came to
the conclusion to go through the coun
try and give little concerts, for really
this appeared to them to be the only
way possible to gain any money. Even
by pursuing this course there appeared
to be a poor prospect to get a large
sum. Still they resolved to do their
best. They closed their books, put
their instruments in the little bags and
set out on foot to give concerts in the
villages through which they might
Vol. LVII. No. 8.
pass. Krnost before leaving exacted
a promise of the man who owned tho
bouse and lot which he had looked at,
that he would not sell it under six
months to anybody; and that if he
would take it at the end of that time
he might have it, though the money
need not he paid under a year. Week
alter week passed by, and the students
slow !y proceeded on their way. '1 heir
expenses were not heavy, but their in
come was certainly small too. NiDe
months, and a half passed by, and still
they had but little above seven hun
dicd guldens It was a great question
with them how the remaining thirteen
hundred could he raised. They were
spending one day lit a country town,
and a nobleman living in a large castle
a few miies distant, was seeking mu
sicians to attend the wedding of his
| Jaughter who was to he married in
three or lour days. Fortunately
enough for the students, the nobleman
I employed them for the occasion. The
marriage ceremonies took place, and
by and by iw was time for the music to
begin. The students had trained them-
I selves very carefully for that evening
and their selections were certainly of
a very high order. During the course
of the festivities it was noticed that
; the nobleman became very sad. His
face wore a melancholy appearance,
and those who stood nearest to him
{saw him weeping. What could have
; caused him to he melancholy at such
a time as that? One of the pieces
that these musicians had played was
his mother's favorite melody She had
often sung it to him many years ago,
and he had not heard it since, until the
students played it. It was enough to
make him sorrowful, and it drew these
students to his heart in such away that
1 he could not express his feelings. They
had recalled to his memory a piece of
music which he had never been able to
j find in any music store, and which it
was worth a fortune for him to hear.
1 must now make my story short.
The noblemen kept the four students
in his castle two weeks, became ac
quainted with them very fully, and
learned their object in leaving the uni.
versity to give concerts Ho supplied
them with three thousand guldens, and
told them he would pay their expenses
at the university for four years, and
that they might have the privilege of
making drafts on him at any time.
Their fortune was better than they
had reason to expect. Ernest had
already written to the owner of the
house "and garden that he might ex
pect them to take it, so that it was now
The students returned to the uni
versity and reached there just a few
weeks before the end of the }*ear when
the house must be ready for the own
er. On the evening of the day when
the old man promised to appear, he
stood below the window in the bright
winter moonlight playing on his violin,
lie was true to his word, and expected
the promise to be kept. The young
men went down and invited hint up,
and told him all that they had done.
They showed him the deed for the
place and gave it to him. On the fol
lowing day he formally took possession
of it, and they supplied it with furni
ture and groceries for housekeeping.
The young men felt that they were
amply repaid for their faithfulness to
their word, by the gratitude and joy
of the old man. But they were not
repaid in feelings, they were more
than repaid even in money.
Fourteen years after that time, that
place came into their possession : for
the old man had died and bequeathed
it to them in his will. That part of
the town rose suddenly in value.—
Many things contributed to increase
its value which I will not enumerate.
It is enough to say, that in seventeon
years from the tiino the four students
gave the deed of that house and gar
den to the old musician, the same prop
erty which had cost two thousand
guldens was worth eighty thousand.
The students therefore were not
merely repaid in heart, but also in
money. They kept their word, and
tlio memory of being faithful to their
word, even to the poor old man who
had no power to compel them to be
true to it, was a pleasant memory as
long as they lived.
ffiag"" A new stove has been invented
for the comfort of travellers. It is to
he put under the feet, with a mustard
plaster on the hoad, which draws the
heat through the whole system.
A philosopher who had married
a vulgar but amiable girl, used to call
her brown sugar, because he said, she
was sweet but unrefined.
A chap named Marble has been
humbugging the London theatre-going
folks by palming himself off as Booth.
Conversion without conviction
is no better than conviction without
Mite Society's Festival, Feb. 27th.