Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, February 13, 1867, Image 3

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    ■iHi t ft„
THE FESTIVAL for the benefit of the
apprentices' Literary Society' of Lewis
town was hekl on Tuesday, Wednesday
ami Thursday evenings of last week, and
iv.i- throughout sii>leasent recreation, save
to those ladies who browned, roasted and
drained themselves over a hot cooking
stove. A beautiful velvet toilet and watch
( . :l se,contributed from Altoona,wasaward
(l,l to Willis MeCord; a No. 1 Afghan to
Mrs. Stewart of Altoona; a second to Jos.
s Warcatn; and the third to Gen. T. F.
McCoy: a fine doll to Jacob Murray; boxes
of cigars to Sheriff McEwen and James
Allison; a fancy cradle to Miss Pat tie
McKee; a beautiful wax cross to Miss
Mag-iie McKee; and a splendid cake was
voted to C. \V. Walters. The ring in the
cake was drawn by J. S. Wareant. The
proceeds netted something over 6200.
BAD I JOYS. —There are a number of
boys, evidently the ottseouriug of town,
who make it a practice of loafing about
the Town Hall whenever exhibitions are
given there, and not content with turning
off the gas below, running up and down
stairs, Ac., by their general conduct are
an annoyance and nuisance to the whole
neighborhood. An example is evidently
needed, and if the constables will some
night make a descent on the gang, and
give them a night's lodging in jail and
have them fined next morning, their par
tut- would perhaps get their eyes opened
to the fact that they are not training up
their children in the way they should go.
LAYING PICK. —The ground thrown up
on Third street in the beginning of win
ter for the purpose of laying pipe, and
which has formed an ugly ridge nil win
ter, ought to be attended to as soon as the
weather will permit, as such places are
extremely dangerous to horses as the frost
disappears out of the ground. The bor
ough authorities ought to regulate all dig
ging on the streets, whether by incorpor
ated companies or individuals, by ordi
nance. and compel the puddling of all
such places as soon as filled up.
h I-: GORGE. —The ice broke below the
Newton Dam during the thaw of last
week and gorged about two miles below
Mauayunk station. The cold snap which
sot in on Saturday night stopped its fur
ther progress, or there might have been a
serious time along the river, as the ice is
very heavy above the bridge at this place,
as well as in all the still waters and ed
dies above.
FOR SALE.— The Henderson Engine and
Hose Company of this place, with a view
of procuring a steam apparatus, offer for
sale an excellent Fire Engine and Hose
Carriage. Neighboring towns in want of
either, or both, can supply themselves
with these useful and much needed vehi
cles at low prices.
&■%, Mr. Roland having purchased a
small property near town, has determined
to dispose of his Pet Deer at the sale ot
his personal property on the I2th March.
It was caught on the Langton farm, a
few miles above town when a fawn, is
now more than half-grown, a beautiful
animal, and perfectly tame. For a city
park, or to a gentleman with a suitable
farm, it would be a rare addition.
and essential improvements are combined
in this Stove, and those in want of a per
fect baker, wil 1 please call ami examine it
At the Big Coffee l'ot Sign.
A TIN WEDDING. —The sth instant be
ing the tenth anniversary of the marriage
of the Rev. Mr. and .Mrs. Downs, a num
ber of the friends called in the evening at
the parsonage to celebrate the event, car
rying with them quite a supply of tin
presents, including a handsome chamber
>et. The evening passed oil* very pleas
WOOD BURNT.— We learn that a large
pile of wood, stacked along the railroad,
near Anderson's station, was destroyed
by lire on Wednesday night last, having
caught from a locomotive.
inyton\s Birthday Coining ! ! —'l lit* ladies
of the "Mite Society" of the M. K. church,
will give an ENTERTAINMENT on the
evenings of the 21 at and 'l'hl of February,
in the basement of tiie church, to increase
their funds. Supper each evening com
mencing at 5 o'clock. All kinds of Roasts
and their accompaniments. Tickets one
Dollar. Also, Confectionery, Ice Cream,
Oysters, and Fancy Table. The liberal
patronage of a generous public is earnest
ly solicited.
tesif"'Daniels Stone arc selling out their |
winter stock at very low prices. Shoes i
from <lO to 2.40; hoots from l.<>o to 3.75; a ;
large stock of hosiery, notions, millinery, |
gents' hats aud caps; now is the time to j
hay; never such bargains ottered before; j
remember the place, opposite Kxpress Of
fice. feblHtf
Hooks and Valentines in great
variety, and an inexplosive burning fluid
• an be had at (trove's (Grocery, Fancy and
Variety Store.
A meeting was held last evening,
in McVeytown, for the purpose of organ- |
izing a County Musical Association. We |
hope the movement will he successful. j
Monthly Calendar.
C 3 '
b * i "5 ~ j Sun | Sun
•c 2 ~ 3 - rises, i sets.
S 3 2 3 5 •? -5 j
ffi a Eh £ gS g |j
February "l 2: 7. 9 | 5.19
3 4 5 G 7 8 })! 7. 1 5.28
ID 11 111 13 14 15 16' G. 53 5.3G
17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 G. 43 ; 5.4-3
21 23 2G 27 28 !
New moon 4th, 1.15 evening. ~
First quarter 11th, 8.39 evening.
Full moon 18th, 2.40 evening.
Last quarter 2Gth, 6.81 morning.
The following is the range of our ther
mometer from the sth inst.
morn'g noon, even'g
Feb. G, 31 46 30
7, 20 44 40
8, 21 40 37
9, 36 42 43
10, 17 17 10
11, 10 2G 31
12, 25 42
The weather has again been extremely
variable during the past week, the ther
mometer and barometer both showing
great changes. From Thursday to Satur
day a considerable quantity of rain fell,
carrying off most of the snow, but on
Saturday night it again became cold and
stormy, with snow blusters.
COUNTY. —The Perry County Freeman of
last week says:
" We learn that on the3oth ult., Thom
as 15. Smith accidentally shot his brother,
Win. 15. Smith, with a hall and several
small shot, fired from a shot gun, in the
shoulder, ami that he died in a few min
utes afterwards. Mrs. Smith is a widow,
and she and her family live in a house
owned by Mr. James C. Parsons, in Watts
township, in this county. An inquest
was held on the dead body, and the jury
rendered a verdict of accidental homicide.
Thomas is aged about 18, and the deceas
ed was about 14 years. The circumstan
ces which led to the commission of the
lamentable accident, as we understand
them, are substantially as follows:
" The deceased asked Thomas if he did
not want to shoot a squirrel, stating that
there was one near on a tree. Thomas
picked up the gun standing loaded in a
corner of the dwelling house,and thetwo
boys went out in search of the squirrel;
but on coming to the tree where the ani
mal was supposed to be, it could not be
found, and in returning to the house, the
elder asked the younger brother " why lie
had fooled him," and throwing his gun
carelessly upon or over his shoulder, per
haps, already cocked, it was discharged,
and the contents went into the shoulder
of the younger brother who happened to
he within range of the fire."
Choice Co mind 2'u ms.
What lady is good to eat ? Sal Ladd.
What lady is good to eat with her?—
Olive Oil.
What lady is made to carry burdens? —
Ella Faut.
What lady preaches in the pulpit? Min
nie Stir.
What ladv does everybody desire? Ann
U. lty.
What lady is acquainted with surgery?
Ann Atouiy.
What lady Tved in Noah's time? Ann
T. Diluvium
What lady is fond of debate? Polly
What lady paints portraits? Minne
Tu re.
What lady paints comic ones? Carrie
K. Ture.
What lady is fond of giving? Jennie
What lady is inueh talked of ? Amelia
Special JJoticcs.
3>T O T I O E _
Ttie beautiful Piano Fortes of GKOVESTEEX & Co. are
tteeineil by all good judges to be tlie Ultima Thnleaof
iu-truiiients of the knew
We caunot suggest wbat is wanting to make a mu
sical instrument more perleet. although we are slow
to admit that the limit of improvement can ever be
J attained.
j Before they had brought their Pianos to their prc
! sent excellence, they had submitted them to com |>c
| titiou with instruments of the best makers of this
j eouutry and F.urojic. nd received the reward of mer
j it. over all others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It
| is but justice to say mat tl.ejtblgtneiii thus pronounced
i litis not been overruled by the musical world.
Still, by the improvements lately applied by tlietn
t-> their Pianos, it is admitted that a more perfect in
strument has been made. They have accordingly
achieved the paradox of making excellence more
excellent. Surely, after this, they aro entitled to the
motto '•Excelsior. - ' novl4-ly
New York. Nov. 23. 13'.9.
| T. Allcock A Co.—Uentlemeu : 1 lately suffered severely
from a weakness In my back, Having heard your plasters
much recommended tor cases of tills kind, I procured one,
and the result was all 1 could desire. A single plaster cur
ed me in a week. Yours respectfully,
J. (!. BKIIHiS, Proprietor of the Brnudreth Uouse.
1,5 ons, N. Y., July 4, 1862.
1 Messrs. Allcock ft Co.: Please send me a dollar's worth
■ of your plasters. They have cured me of a crick in my
j hack, which has troubled tne for some time, and now my
i father is going to try them fur difficulty about ids heart.
| Dr. Green, No. 863 Broadway. New York, informs us lie
| sold, on Monday. June 221, 1862, two plasters to a young
! woman suffering very severely from lumbago. On Thurs
' day she called to get two more lor a friend.and then stated
how the two she had purchased on Monday had relieved
her immediately after putting them on, and cured her in
two days of a most distressing pain 111 her back and loins.
Sold by all Druggists. jaii23-lm.
A YOUNG LADY returning to her
' country home. alter a sojourn of a lew mouths In the city,
was hardly recognised by her.frlemls. In place of a course
■ rustic, flushed luce, she had a soft ruby complexion of al
| most marble smoothness, and Instead of twenty-three she
I real y appeared but eighteen. Upon Inquiry as to the cause
| ijf so great a change, she plainly told them she used the
1 CAKCASSIAN ItALM, and considered it an invaluable ac
' qiiisition to any Lady's toilet. Ly its use any Lady or
Gentleman can improve their personal appearance an
hundred fold. It Is simple In Us combination.as Nature
herself Is simple, yet unsurpassed In Us efficacy In drawing
impurities from, also, healing, cleansing and beautifying
tie skin and complexion. By Its direct action on the cut
icle it draws from it all its Impurities, kindly healing
the same, and leaving the surface as Nature intended it
I should be. clear, soft, smooth aud beautiful. Price sl, sen
1 by Mail or Kxpress, on receipt of an order by
W. L. CLARK & CO.. Chemists,
No. 3 West Fayette street, Syracuse, N. Y.
| ft'-Iv The only American Agents for the sale of same.
Frightful Accident. —On Wednesday
morning of last week, while William
Glatfelter, aged about 18 years, son of wid
ow Glatfelter, residing in Seven Valley,
this county, was engaged in driving hor
ses when threshing with a machine, he
slipt and fell between the levers of the
horse-power, and being unable to extri- i
cute himself, he had one of his legs bro
ken in two places, and crushed in a hor
rible manner. — Hanover Citizen.
Free to Everybody.
A large 6 i>p. Circular, giving information of the greatest j
importance to.the young of both sexes.
It teaches how the homely may become beautiful, the j
Uespiseil respected, and the forsaken loved.
No young lady or gentleman should fail to semi their !
A duress. aud receive a copy post-paid, by return mail.
Address P. O. Drawer, 21,
febe-Sm Troy. N. Y.
Know Thy Destiny !
MADAME E. F. THORNTON, the great
Kugiish A>trolgist, Clalrvoyar.t ami l'baychometriciaii,
who has astonished the scientific classes of the Old World,
his now located herself at Hudson, N, Y. Mad. Thornton
possesses such wouderfi 1 poweis of second sight, as to
enable Iter to impart knowledge of the greatest Import
ance to the single or married of either sex. While in a
state of trance, she delineates the very features of the
person you ure to marry, and by the aid of an instrument
01 intense power, known as the I'sychoniotrope, guaran
tees to produce a life-like picture of the future husband
or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage,
position in life, leading traits of character, Ac. This is no
humbug, as thousands of testimonials can assert. She
will send when desired a certified certificate, or written
guarantee, that the picture Is what it purports to be. By
enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating place of birth,
a;\ disposition and complexion, and enclosing fifty cents
ami stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will re
ceive the picture and desired information by return mail.
All communications sacredly confidential. Address in
confidence, M VDA.ML K. F. THORNTON, 1\ O. BOX 213, Hud
sou, N. Y. 10 ly
Wonderful but True.
nu<jwii**| Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant
v* Idle in a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features
of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an in
struiiient of Int'-fise power, known as the Psycho mo trope,
guarantees to produce a perfect and life-like picture of the
f iture iiUsbaml or wife of the applicant, with date of mar
riage, occupation, leading traits of character, Ac. This is
no imposition, as testimonials without number can assert.
By stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes
and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope
addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture by re
turn mail, together with desired information,
&JT Address in confidence. MADAM:: GKRTIIUOE REMING
TON, P. O. Box 2i'7, West Troy, N. Y. f6ly
18 done upon thousands of grey heads, by endeavoring to
darken them with metallic dyes that
Scorch and Blast
tin? fibres from tip to root. £*>" Avoi<l these horrible
and nseonlv the great toilet staple of America.
which not only instantaneously produces all shades of
black and brown, hut also nourishes, strengthens and
hcauti-les the hair. Manufactured by J. CKISTADOHO, 6
Astor House, New York. Sold by Druggists. Applied by
aK Hair Dressers. Jan23-lui.
mini." SANDS of horses die yearly from Colic. This need
1 not be. Dr. Tobias' Venetian Horse Liniment will pos
itively cure every case, if given when tirst taken. The
cu.t Is only one dollar. Every owner of a horse should
have a bottle In his stable, realy for use. It Is warranted
superior lu anything else for the cure of Cuts, Wind Galls,
Swellings, Sore Throat, Sprains, llruises. Obi Sores, Ac.—
This Liniment Is no new remedy. It has been used and
approved of for 13 years by the lirst horsemen in the conn
t Given to an over-driven hor-e, it acts like magic.
Ur PT. are constantly received from the racing stables of
England tor it, The celebrated Hiram Woodruff, of trot
ting fame, lias used it for years, aud says it is far superior
to any other lie has trie 1, lie kindly permits me to refer
to hint.' His address is East New York, Long Island. Kec
ottect. Iff Tobias' Venetian Ilorse Liniment is put up in
pint bottles. Take no other. Sold by the Druggists and
Sa Idlers, Depot, sti Cortlandt Street, New York. jan23 7w
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Coughs, ('old*, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Croup, Jironchitis, Incipient Consump
tion, and for the re fief of Consumptive
Patii /its in advanced stages of the dis
_ jflks 11 //// Q<> Wide is the field of Its
/vufwj I I/// '/, FJ usefulness and so ttumer-
J-irt' /// {<< / are its cures, that In al
VlllNwr , •' ''very section of court
/y oJuSI sailwiS ,rv arc ferso ns publicly
. s'ySs f ' ,-yjri' known, who havi been re
s stored by it from alariiilitg
vfiU v®iv 'sßr* rt "'' ,v, ' i desperate diseases
T.-r. zJJ&r ol the luugs. Wlieu once
A— I tried, its superiority over
—~yV J| every other expectorant
— L t ,J " apparent to escape obser
vgS. JRlBj vation. and where its virtues
are known, the public no
l inger hesitate what anoidote to employ for the distres
sing and dangerous atf ciions of the pulmonary organs |
ill. blent to our climate. While many inferior remedies |
thrust upon the community have failed and been discard- i
e i. litis has gained friends by every trial, conferred bene- I
tits on the affiicted they can never lorgct, and produced !
cur. s too numerous ami too remarkable to be forgotten. j
We can assure the public, that, its quality is carefully
kept up In the best it ever lias been, and that it may be
r lie I .<n to do for their relief all that it lias eyer done.
<!-<-at numbers of Clergymen. Physicians. Statesmen,
and oilier ••miiieut personages. have lent their names to
certify the unparalleled usefulness of our remedies, but
space to re will not permit the insertion of them. The
Agents b low named furnish gratis our American Alma
nac in which tiiey arc given : with also full descriptions of
the complaints our remedies cure.
Those who require an alterative medicine to purify the
blin d wilt find Ayer's Comp. Ext. Sarsapariil.a the one to
use. 'fry It line-, and you will concede lis value.
Prepared by DK.J. C. AYKK A Co.. Lowell, Mass., and
sold (iy Charles Ititz and ail Druggists and dealers In med
icine everywhere. i in 23 2m.
and all ERUPTIONS OF TH E SKIN. Price 60 cents.
For sale I>y all druggists. By sending sixty cents to
Weeks .fc Potter, Sole Agents. 170 Washington street,
Boston, it will Lo forwarded by mail, free of postage,
to any part of the United States. aepo'66-ly
rpiii: ( istua: riu\< (is, on
1 FRE(i EI DKLSMVL for Ladies
itixl Children's Boots and Shoes that have
become red, or rusty and rough by wear
ing. They tire restored to ft perfect and
permanent black, with as much lustre its
when new, leaving the leather soft and
pliable, and what is of great importance
to the ladies it will not rub oil" when wet
and soil the skirts. Traveling hags, kid
gloves, trunks, carriage tops, and fine
harness are made to look as good as new.
Ladies and Children can dress their own
boots and shoes without soiling their
hands. Try one bottle, and you will nev
er he without a supply in the house.
For sale by,
J. A. & W. R. MeKEE,
in Odd Fellows' Hall, cor. Market and
Dorcas sts., Lewistown. octlTtf
Bar Iron!!
BLACKSMITH'S, you can buy good liar
IRON" at 5} and ss. Burden's celebra
ted Horse Shoos. Nail Rods, Steel for Calks,
&c., at low prices, at F. J. HOFFMAN'S,
Why Shiver With Cold,
When you can Buy
Knit Undershirts and Drawers
j a 3o At BRISBIN'S.
[Near the Jail.]
SF.LL from now till the Ist of
T T March the following GOODS at
Greatly Reduced Prices:
Ot !icc<i;ts and expenditures
of JlilHin County.
Charles It . CiLbs. Esq , Treasurer of Mifflin
County,in Account icith said County from Jantt
<iry 6, lbj>6, to January 1/5, 1867.
Ik I .
To outstanding tax for 1860 §l9l 33
1862 13 27
" •' ISR4 224 33
fall Assessment " 6 75
outstanding /ax for 1565 5331 96
additional interest on outstanding
Ui for 1865 119 32
fall assessments 1565 90 03
State, County and Boro' tax for'CO 31,891 09
amount received on lands and inte
rest orders issued by County Com
missioners 13.592 29
amount tax ree'd on unseated lands 60 70
fall assessment for 1866 46 20
$51,862 27
By outstanding tax of 1860 191 33
percentage of eo lectors 1862 12 73
1864 132 84
cutstanding lax of 1864 9 44
percentage of collectors 1865 1.792 92
exonerations of •' 1865 469 12
commissions for prompt payment to
collectors 1806 17 00
exonerations of collectors 1860 110 89
percentage of " 1860 221 S9
commission for prompt payment to
collectors 1566 1,117 54
outstanding tax of 1866 5,827 79
amount appropriated to Poor House 7,404 06
paid for gas bills 13 8.5
" " road views 93 00
" " fcx soalps 173 16
" State tax paid for 1860 1,447 19
" of percentage on State tax 14 61
" County orders lifted 21,732 21
" relief " " 616 00 1
'• paid East. State Penitentiary 148 61
Treasurer's commissions 768 63
amount County bonds lifted 7,070 83
" citizens' note lifted 1,178 17
By balance cue County 1,30f 48
51 862 27
Treasurer in Account tcith the Commonwealth.
To amount of State tax for 1866 $1,342 63
" A mill " " 196 10
1,538 73
By amount allowed Collectors 76 93
" of treasurer's commission 14 61
" paid State Treasurer 1,447 19
1,538 73
Tavern Licenses.
To amount of said licenses 345 00
Bv cask paid Slate treasurer 18S S4
treasurer's percentage 17 25
balance due Commonwealth. 138 91
$345 00
Eatin.y JJouse Licenses.
To amount of said licenses 100 00
By treasurer's percentage 5 00
balance due Commonwealth 95 00
Distillers' and lirewers' Licenses.
To amount of said licenses 10 00
By treasurer's percentage 50
Baluuco due Commonwealth 9 5q
$lO 00
Liquor Dealers' Licenses.
To amount of said licensts 50 00
By treasurer's percentage 2 50
Balance due Commonwealth ' 47 50
SSO 00
Retailers' Licenses.
j To amount of said licenses 927 50
; By cash paid State Treasurer 842 31
" advertizing list 27 60
treasurer's percentage 46 37
Balance due Commonwealth 11 22
$927 50
Billiard and Bagatelle Licensee.
To amount of said licenses 90 00
By amount of 8. B. Marks' license, sued
ami judgment rendered against Com
monwealth 30 00
treasurer's percentage, 3 00
Balance due Commonwealth, 57 00
S9O 00
Patent Medicine Licensee.
To amount of said licenses 5 00
By treasurer's percentage 25
Balance due Commonwealth 4 75
$5 00
Militia Taxes.
To outstanding tax of 1861 14 08
•< •• 1862 29 79
$43 87
By outstanding tax IS6I 14 08
•' 1862 19 00
exonerations of collectors of 1862 10 79
$43 87
AVe the undersigned Auditors of Mifflin county,
having met at the Court House, in the borough of
Lewistown, according to law, and carefully exatn
ined and settled the accounts of Charles AIT. Uibbs,
Esq., Treasurer, with the Commonwealth and the
County, do certify that said Charles Gibbs is in
debted to the County of Mifflin aforesaid, in the
sum of thirteen hundred and si* dollars and forty
eight cents, [51306 48] and that said aeoounts as
here stated are correct. In testimony whereof we
have hereunto set our hands this 22d day of Jan -
uary, A. I). 1567.
SAMUEL 11. MeCOY, V Auditors.
Attest: Joss ph S. WiREAs, Clerk.
State, Couty and Bounty Taxes for 1866.
Amount j ® §• i ag g
Fall Gross j Amount !Sw®^"-2o§i§M,"S
r, .r 'aagsss 2 £ ! 2 " £ COLLECTORS.
COLLECTORS. of _ j § o Ai 2. a a > -2 ■"
Ass't. Amount. Paid. | *"3 g § => S
Tax. !
A O. GibboneT;
James B. Grove, McVnytown Bor. 694 73: 694 Til 533 aO -136 o- 1 * Michael Rager, Decatur township
Samuel Brower, Decatur township 1525 83 1525 83; 1004 81 40 6/ 480 3a <S Samuel Bratton, Oliver "
Wm. Cunningham, Derry " 3688 65' 3688 651 250a 27 ■ 131 a- 10518b -g James B. Alexander, Armagh
Wm B. Lukons, Wayne " 1923 88,17 50; 1941 38 1769 74 30 15; <0 98, 70 oh - | Jacob ltothrock, Derry
Win. J. Fleming, Menno " 3013 25 i 3013 25 2376 12 *4 68, 5,2 45 g | Jacob Ort, Granville
John Ilayes, jr., Brown " 3229 34 I 3229 34 2a 17 32 - 121 to J9O 37 | Robert R. \\ ills. Menno
.J.K.Rhodes N. Hamilton Bor. 305 96 306 96 61 15 3 20 242 61 w John W. Wilson, n.on
JohnMcKee, Oliver township 2330 89 2330 89 1802 03; i 85 10; 443/6 g„ g Levi Kaufttnan, Bratton
■j.™ w.„i 32| Jgi *g! "! 'SfSi SAU3*S22®. m,,. S.'K.nton no,
.lc S 7JllaZ: Granville •• 28 7oj 2418 Toj 1790 91 , ; j 576 90 g| James Hrtebln, Brawn township
John M. Bell, Armsch " 4049 43 4019 4.'! 3216 .61 128 83 ®ZI_ 4 i £8 Totftl
Amount Into- Fall oloßs Collector, | g g |
Amount per o | a § g | g ,
Due. rest. Ass'm't Due . centage . | * K '-3 © g, | j
I I I ,
228 91 5 481 4 50 238 89 107 12 ! 109 68 22 09!
350 98 7 46 11 80 376 19 154 10 168 741 53 35 j
1894 43 33 81 23 00 1951 24 ; 260 57, 1602 62 88 05
373 32 16 00 20 68 410 00, 251 51 1 109 82 31 67! 17 00
434 17 5 52 8 00 ; 447 69: 157 57 269 07 21 05
154 95 154 95 I 154 95;
374 89 61 5 25 380 75 265 05 41 72 73 98
252 60 3 84 256 441 79 80! 109 64 67 00
240 85 23 59 261 44 132 07 93 04 39 33
124 69 111 6 00 131 83 20 64 83 34 27 85
890 22 21 87 10 80 928 S9j 209 54 684 60 34 75;
5,331 96 119 32 90 03 5,541 31 j 1,792 92 3,272 27 ! | 4-59 12[ 17 00
Outstanding Taxes for 1860.
J. J. Cottle, collector, Armagh-
Amount due sl9l 33
Outstanding Taxes for 1862.
Geo. W. Mcßride, col. McVeytown—
Amount due sl3 27
" per centage 12 73
" paid 54 13 27
Outstanding Taxes for 1864-
Jos. Stewart, col., Derry—
Amount due 2 64
Reuben Hook, col. Decatur—
Amount due 32 95
" paid 29 00
" outstanding 3 95
John Glasgow, col. Wayne—
Amount due 9 00
" paid 9 00
Samuel H. Swigart, col. Oliver-
Amount duo 176 89
" ten day list 6 75—183 64
" per centage 132 84
" cash 50 80 183 (>4
I). F. Stevens, col. N. Hamilton —
Amount due 2 85
List of orders issued by Commissioners'
f rom January 1,1866, to January 1,1867.
Davis Henry, amount overpaid
treasurer,refunded 8 15 30
Henry Zerbe, interest 106 32
John Evans " 59 82
do painting Court House Itoof,
glazing, etc. 46 20
Geo. AV. Thomas,sessionsDocket
and stationery 60 62
Constables' pay for returns 36 10
John Morrison, esq., fees hold'g in
quest on body of J. Murphy 5 42
Jurors' fees, same cases 6 00
Tipstaves' pay 116 00
Jurors' pay 1735 92
D. Over, printing blanks 28 50
os. H. Morrison, Assessor, lists,<!tc. 4 63
Elijah Morrison, in',full as member of
Relief Board 25 00
James Turner,in full as member of
Relief Board 20 00.
John Taylor, Coimn'r, in full salary
to Nov. 1865 59 69
Moses Miller, CoinnTr,infull salary to
Nov. 1665 114 37
J. B. Sellieiiuer,repairs at H. and
sundries 29
John Evans, in full for paint'g H. 375 00
i). W. Woods, " services as att'v 25 00
Assessors ply for 1666 535 42
John Robb, Assessor, lists, 4r. 2 37
Jacob Stine. " " 6 ®
Ira Thompson, " " 5 79
Win. Morrison, cleaning snow at f'.lf. 3 tH)
David Snook, unit, refunded for error
! in duplicate 1662 12
Pay of Inspect' rsatTks Spring elect'n 64 00
" JudgesAreturn Jud s '" 39 87
! David llostetler, adv'g elect'n, Ac. 4 49
Joseph ('linger, 44 * 44 290
! Jacob Stine, serving notices, Ac. 3 90
| G. YV. Hoover, M. I).,attendance at
Jail and medicines 42 50
! Robt. E. YY'ills, ain't refun'd overp'd
Treasurer 78 50
t Amos Hoot, ain't refunded 103 41
Geo. Miller, I'or. fees inq't Jno. Carney 5 00
.1 urors' fees, inq't on " " 0 00
; Witness" " " " 75
! Geo. Miller, Cor. foes inq't color* d infant 5 12
Jurors'fees, inquest on " " 600
i I). M. Contner, Jail
expens.aud nqtairs S 157 OG
1) M. Contner,Sheriffs
fees, ,tc. 552 24
I). M. Contner, Jail fees 1010 (X)
1719 30
Less tines Afees collected 257 50
Sam'l YY*. Barr, index'gdeed books 42 25
J. J. Dahlen,profes'l ser. at jail 6 00
Joseph Ilalliy, interest 31 00
Jos S Warcam, extra duplicate 25 00
John YY*. Shaw, money on loan 1000 00
N. C. YY'iison, Pro., in full
for fees ' 564 81
Less verdict fees 32 00
• 352 84
A. Riden, labor at Court House 3 75
John Coke, repairs at Jail 5 00
YY'm. Morrisson, repairs at jail 2 00
Geo. YY*. Wiley, auditing State accts. 6 00
B. >V. Harvey,hauling at Court House 230
Jacob Coon, hauling at Courtllouse
and jail 3 50
Powell Harvey,labor at Court House 582
Jos. 11. Wagner,eerti. of indebtedness 55 06
Amos Hoot,ain't due him at settle
ment 2342 77
Lessam't roe'dofß W. Patton
notcharges in act. 196 01
Less anft for Corn
at Poor Houses 35 00
2111 76
Add percentage 3 11
i Interest from Jan. B,'6C 45 82
H. J Walters for transcript, seals,a
transcribing judgement docket 412 50
' Richard Gallaher,money on loans 115 (X)
Win- 0. Vines, " " '• 500 (X)
Pay for scrub. fc clean. Court House 18 50
; Lewistown Water Company 25 00
: Alex. Eisenbise, paint. jail roof 46 00
YY'm. Mc.Kee, limes for Court House 2 50
; Jurors' fees, *" 44 6 00
T. A. YY'orral, M. 1)., prof. serv. at jail 425
Clias. Price,for coal for Court Houseijail 161 13
. Pay for clerksA inspects at gen. elect'n 88 50
Pay for return Clerks 8 00
| Pav for Judges A- return Judges 86 80
| Pay of Assessors for lists AC. 47 47
! Sam'l Tice, hauling brick etc 1 25
! Ilcnry Comfort, lime and gravel 1 80
i Michael Uiney, for 2 dockets 39 50
j Button Madden. road.damages 75 00
j John Morrison,tees inqusit'n body of
N. B. Griffith * 4 88
j Jurors' fees,tor same 600
Jos. S. Waream,on act.of sal'y as clerk2so (X)
Enoch Swain, painting at CourtHouse 420 73
Jolm Taylor, in full of sal'y as Com
missioner to Nov. 1860 150 00
James C. Dvsart, in full of salary as
Comm'r to Nov. 1866 150 00
I Moses Miller, on account of salary 35 00
] James YVallis, tax refund.&error in percent 20 52
! Weler & Bon, spittoons for jury rooms 3 30
| Iteese,SlagleA Foust,Stoves, Cylinders A
Cellar Grates 11 fiO
Geo. Fry singer, Relief orders lifted 33 00
Geo. Miller,eor. fees inq. on Wesley McCoy 8 25
Jurors' fees do do 6 00
Geo. Miller, cor. fees inq, on Enoch Meyers 8 50
11. Frysinger, in full for adv'g f0r1866 200 00
G. Frysinger A Son, " " 200 00
Daniel Prints, briek at C. 11. 4 80
Abrnm Kitting, repairing chairs 1 35
llenry Withoff, for pruning trees 2 00
Peter Clnin, repairs at Jail 3 00
Geo. W. Kearns, house for holding elections 9 00
W. W. Bratton, Prothonotary's fees, <f-e. 118 72
11. Frysinger, in full for printing blanks 38 50
Samuel Comfort, coal for Jail t C. H. 1865 103 41
Relief orders issued 611 00
F. J. Hoffman, medicine, stationery, 40. 29 75
Henry Farer, court crier and cleaning 109 97
N. Comfort, Just. Peace fees 3 CO
John Baiger, " " 3 35
John Morrison," " 7 85
N. J. Rudisill, " " 3 55
G. W, Thomas, " " 22 85
D. G. Lantz, " " 450
J. S. Wareain, " " 13 85
G. W. M'Bride," " 5 50
Eli Price. Constable " 10 82
J. M. Stevens " " 34 67
Alpheus Pincin," " 7 61
J. II ambright, " " 7 40
Isaac Ward, " " 19 45
J. L. Porter, " " 13 56
J. F. McNear, " " 8 42
John Fultz, " " 16 60
Jacob Hook,- " " 11 58
Jonat'n Price, " " 5 04
Geo. Miller, " " 8 71
Forest Swyers, " " 1 86
Henry Strunk, " " 2 22
A. Wagner, " if 2 46
11. M'Laughlin if if 2 94
Simon Gro if 'f 3 86
W. I. Vanzandt !. if 5 88
John D. Taylor, interest 120 00
Robert Taylor do 180 00
W. S. Bell do 120 00
Johu Alexander do 60 00
John C. Sigler do 240 00
James Turner do 69 00
Jacob Peachy do 30 00
W. C. Vines do 60 00
O. I*. Smith, guard'n do 60 00
S. Maclay do 180 00
Joseph llartzler do 60 00
John Peachy do 137 77
Eliza Butler do 60 00
Win. Creighton do 120 00
E. J. Jacob do 120 00
T. G. Bell do 60 00
Michael Ruble do 120 00
T. M. Uttley, dist. att'ys fees 114 00
Cashier Mifflin Co. B'k, money on loan 4000 00
Jos. S. Waream, Incidental expenses, re
pairs at C. 11., postage, shov'g snow,
cleaning, Ac. 21 88
Witness fees Commonwealth suits 118 35
Costs in contested election cases 70 04
Geo. Miller, repursat Jail and C. H. 37 35
W. T. Burns, money on loan 830 00
L. J. Elberty, assessor, making lists, Ac, 10 66
James Burns, damages widening Grand t. 50 00
James Smithers " " same 7 00
E. C. Hamilton " •• g ame 1 00
F.J.Hoffman " game 14 qq
County Indebtedness.
Amount of bonds outstanding
January 1, 1867, ' 36,500 00
Orders on relief fund outstand
ing, January 1, 1867, 2 025 34
Old indebtedness outstanding '
January, 1, 1867, ' 917 82
Interest orders, 1 445 qq
40 888 16
Less am't in hands of Treas. 1,306 48
$39,581 68