Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, February 13, 1867, Image 1

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    i; v&o Laid £222? IP'miL'SSmiiilEgj
Whole No 2807,
Poor House Business.
Th > Directors of the Poor meet at the Poor
House on the *2J rues.lay uf each niutith.
Attorney at Lav/,
Uffi e Nlarket Squnte, LtwiltoWß, will at
tend to hti-iness in MliEiri.Centre and Hunting
don counties oav26
... b . vrfl .
Attorney at Law,
AFFEES ' - | . --- i U services to th© cltlseos of
u Mifflin county. oih<-v with Ie W. VVoodr-. cmj..
Mam street, be I *HI #Tational Hotel. my 2
ur *■ 'W (J • can/ JL'm memm km mmi cL "< e
Practicing Physician,
Rgiieville, AlGilin County, Pa.
Till I'AHLKN i. is aj.j- nt. 1 in Fxaiiot.irig
|l ■ ft-: I' .-ion-. - odier- r,.|io rag exam
■_.r iiud him at his ottice in beil. ville.
Bt A . .gust 22, 18'. k.-v
KE-t . . i*" I'LL A ml irrn tlie eitaans <.f Lew:-: wn
• •y. a few dour.- from the Town Hall, in
>, i - - *.'...: Ii" i- pi pared to do all kind of work
• : - 1 r. to--i. ii in the most srUntitie nuin
> i.l s,,v. r Yulcanil * Ita-e, in an elrgaut ]
• luanm-r. and on the most reiisoua
• r nt -n pa Ito the extracting aud Siting
Teeth Extracted Without Pain !
By K. R. Thompson. D. D. S .
w:i ii i the use ~f Ctlloro-
V-, F.* r. .-r Nitrous Gx
ijf ' \ : le. an : - ait. nde.J bv tio
A-"-" . " -t - ' A
f O*: • i.M ;: k< *-met.
: -t MotS'iav ■ f ea 'ii month until the fourth
a.• k sepllktt
,1. £G9IEsj^tSr(B2EMLi?9
or; - - pi* • nal service- to the citizens of
' / A - a l v.. :n:iy. A!! :n want of good.neat
-.;K v. well I*", give him a call.
II : ind at all time- a: hi- office, three
: : li. M. X R. Fiatt's store. Valley -treet.
TY. 2vl_ KEEVER,
S I Rii F. OX 1> EX"TI S T .
—T T < '1... of i ,t-o-. Teeth
■ m-t a| r iv< ; miinn.-r. Bp-eial nit :.-
reo to dj-.-a-ed gum.-. All work warranted.
1 - ■: a! r.,rs. uage, Corner of Main an i
Aid: . iy 13
JL _ - . - : ih- r ha- i-t r- -ei '• -.i > I w
ftSl . . Men - B v
f£l "A - I io- a: ... .... : (•:. 1-
ren'a B - nd Shoe- of variouo kind* and
tu-i puhli. • generally. A.- it is his intention
> y ... r m the count v. those in need ~f winter
** -hoe- art- invited tr. call and eiaiiunc the
, > : > ■ at tie - ::i of tiie'Bni eiiio-. next
r . J. Hoflinan's store.
v'K! Wf*t IlarKrt sf.. Lfwislown,
b i'/I)S anu 'trimming-,
i'atlcrns >d iau -i .-tj - always on hand.
Millinery and Dress-Making
executed it. the most approved style.
L wistown,Apni is. 186b.tf
J A. & W. R. McKEE
HAVE rem >ved thnr Leather Store t.. Odd Fel
low-' flail, w- —f" they will . •Astat.'iy k>-. p
- •• I. .' her, Harr-.-s. skirt n: •. i I peer
I r. K • Am ri.-.,n and Fremiti Calf Skins. Mo
- I. an i L 'idtng-. aud H gen.-ra! as.-ort-
Fiii i whieli they w.ll-.-II ■ neap lor
I; .... .{ m.■:,.( ! pii e p...d .ii r.i-h !,r Hides.
: -and Sheep Skins.
r -1 w
; : which the highettl market price will be
TH; ;n i- r-igned ha- a large -took of both
i made and Ei-tern manufaftured 1!..0is and
whi. hho otters at prices lower than he has
r f • ir v. ars :
3 . b,d. Boots, warranted, from fg.T .to
. : .. •• •• " 4 'iol 6.00.
V .. - extra 4.50 to 6.00.
- I loots. 1.00 to 3.00.
- thi 'k Hrogans. .I. Hl!. ft-soled. 2.00 to 2.afi.
--phi ** warranted very bad, 1.10.
8 m ranging from 1.25 to 2.25.
- taxes aie t" !.■ reduce i again on the first day
• \ enabt, - us t>. reduce our prices.
r r -ed prices. So cotue on boys aud girls
- ' 1 .\ • lie fry- ir-elv- -.
Trunks, Valises and Carpet lla^s
hand '>enti**inen will bear in nrind that no
h ii be given out uulesa pai d foe, end if re
i ■ '• : ,(■•!*, tlie money will be returned, il
r- . }: ,• wlo-n good- have br.-U soiled or
M rii tl wi i not he taken hack —please i.s>ar tiiis
n • s m. t. ;k- think that wearing for a
20.000 MAJORITY!
To t'ae Vstars of Central Penna.
LI :* iN" .. nvei and it ba* been decided by about
m Krymnger's ft hrro and Ocgar store eanuot bt
. either iu (quality or Price.
I- .' the Pi! - -. gv* some of tiie g*>ods. and com
I <>: at, i \ ..II will be satisfied that vol:
fy ii laonev at Pry-ingei s.
-r.un ivoil on!y il.Onpc'r pound.
Fijunder " " * "
;\,. •' e
i'wist " " " "
1 ' ' Ping 1 oha.'-. oat 4 I find ■> l ots. per lb.
:• i Dry, 4 ,nd 50 ets. Granulated fobH.-cos a
-.'••• U . -) cts SI.OO, $1 20. and $1.50 per lb.
• w.ng.i.: $1 to nd i 1.20.
h - >r- ai I, g. 3. 5 iin cts. each.
, ii ui.-at variety: nl-. <"i^ir Ca-es. Tohaec
1 - e. i il.*xMatch S .'o s. ate! ail article
.. : a., I,i-i fohueco and t'.garSb.ri
-. i offer the abr.ve g-.d-ae priee-tlu
• ■ tiiem to tct.iil at the same price a that
■ and rei. ize a fair profit.
Sash Stopper and Lock,
Supports Either Sash at any Point.
Secure Ltck Wluucvtr Your Sas'r is Closed ! 1
{ T IS FAR superior t'> Wfiihts ,in>] pulleys an.l <i n't '
..it—filth a* much. It .-an beapnlte i t .any w,u.
!• ••* ■ It will never wvar out. it. •] "el out .>f order.
Citizens of Lewisrmvn and vir-initveau refer to Wm.
' \ ine*. (Carpenter.) Individual ritthts and com
plete rij.ffiug for .-ale bv
Geco-ti Men no P tMtfßin co.. Pa
ISt 1... only Art: -ie twd bv Flrat CUh Hoitli.
I La a:s tii io, all (I TUou-aiids of Fami
it giy.-s a beautiful polish, m iking the Iron pass
sni". v. i- the cloth. M.v.iig niui-it tune ami la
bor. Goods dote- up w 'th it keep clean niu h longer, t
con.-u-q .eiitly A til not Wear ...,11 sosiKin.
/.' h< ?O. t I.iii . Utjk i.. .\ew.
0V 11 I M]'Klt I A L 11 LV E
I- the E ' in the Word.
It is -*•!ubl'■ )i ■ si'-i i- >'' -..ft water. It is put
Up it. t - -aie-t. neate-t. and most eonvenient form !
o; any offered to the pubi.e.
It is Wirratitcd not to Streak the Clothes. j
Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we offer ex*
trutrd;riiiiiy lii-iuceiiients. Address,
octlO-bm No. 218 Fulton St , New York. '
409 Bri-.dwav, New York.
mil E attention of the Public and the trade i- invited
I : N : ■ T.WI; r;\\ <.. >i. FlA>■.
FORTH-, a : !. f.r v >luni.- atid i : > ~ft.ate
unrtv:. i-d i y any I.;: 1 ■ r: ■ off. .Ed ;n th - market.—
i hey e ( ,u- tin a.! the a. . ft . •> Improvement-. French
■.rai l Action, il irp i ■ iai Iron Frame. Overstrung
Ba--. <■; ..an; •' [ji . ii,.,. Ja uud. :
the p.-: - .in:! - .[>■' '. -en of Mr..l. II G;..u <tkc.n.Wl.O i
their m mtifa ture, - Pally war; toted in every j artic
The "OIiOrESTEEX P/AXO FOIt'jEST' win i '.!
_4ti ih ■ . rnii .1! -at th- < U'
Where v■ re exh'i hod n.-trun :ir- from t'.ebe-t ms- >
ni re. 1; ~i s:i■ i New A'.-rk : a. i : - Amen
silver medal* from huth of a,., -h eau he sen at our
v are-room.
By the introduction <." improvements we make a
-t:i i. ..re perf •> > 1 tano For*. and l.v inantif<• turi c
f-: li.es > ni-trum t-at a J iiee u.m h will preclude
allcotni etii.ou.
Terms s Net Cash i Current Funds.
■tUi-I'esenptive Ci. uiaj-is Sent Free. ocUO-Sm •
Haines' Patent
The Best and Most Effectual in Use.
"\rUMEROUS patent- have i.>•<•;. i.-ne.j and various :
l\tu>prov>m enw nmde on Safety Bridies, but here
t . any y. t otiv re I. ."*• .:1 1. i jug ieature- of simplicity '
.nd p..<i*er in ytioliiu: and su gmg a ie*r— or i. .r-.-.-
i. t. ..t: -r p.- - 1 • sset.i.ai ;• atuix of
tin-j item:- n providing llic driving r-.n with shift
ing win fo-m t!. ■ points of atta diluent i
h :w> •; t e. rein a- It It r.: and P. - a<-t up a the i
t a dire.-tiy. w *n ea.-v .-P■■ .y driving will eon- '
tr I tin? arum I. hut wh- nit re.iuiies a more severe j
applies "ii . : th- . -i, i D-. ring- leave the hit rings
a. J „-ve v t i too -'" .j- t > wmco they may he at
tached. T s ..it Ino 1 y tie-r. g i .ir hiving line, i
no extra . -R* being r- quired. witieh eigiit to satisfy .
. vtiy per.- * ft .•• gi - -at siipej. -rity ol tie-Inven
tion to ..riv othei.
Tie f.lloa ■ g eertifieat. - fi-.m well known gentle
men. some of whom have had much exper.v ne* with :
hoi- - w .1 show the estimation in which this bridle '
i- held :
I.'.WIST ••vv. Aug. *2l. ls, i
llavmg oeca- 1 u to try to. -..ft t> I.ri.il• tr. • *.• :
by Joseph C. ilaine-. ol this town, upon my runaway
n'.are. the result uas pi-.ven to my • ntire sutisia Mm
t .at any tier-. -.an he pi . . . nted i on running oil or
k -king. Mr. H. M. 1 rait, whose large exper.en e
w iin horses induced me t> .11 upon him t<> drive my
mare and tc-l the safely hrnll. . . oncurs iu tile opm
, 01 that it is lie- I -est hr: tie thai ha- for its object the
entile control ola h .h liartie.-- or utidei tie- sad- .
• lie. t*£o. At . iiOuVEB. i
LEWIS'! ... Aug. 21. I SUP.
Joseph C. Hi tn 1 tear F: : Alter I •ig fill y tri- i
ed your Safety Bridie oa my untrain, d eotta, I find •
that v■ ir invent: m ©mhrte-es ah that is .h-airah 1 - in
1 i.ridle. It- simple ctci-truetiou. and adaptation to 1
my eomni .n i.rid! • .-.ni any rein, cannot but make
its use II tn ve i - il. 1 • ease with which it-ean b-ad- i
pi-te i: . a —.ot or hard mouthed hi ; i-atiexcellent |
ft atnr *. r. .il nag it.- use as effectual in preteating
running oi ki- k .g a.- any other patent hridle or rem i
atni as easj >n ! a* mouth a- tiie . nmmon i.iuanda
it i- alwav- read, at tie- critical moment, it cannot hut
recommend is. t ail who will uy or iooa a', it.
It. -pi ctluliy j ..urs. A. T. II.VHJLTOS, M. I).
I.FivrisTr.w De. . mlier s. 18fi6. i
i have • n :vin_ h<.r> .- since I know anything
ah at t' •m. ..ml have 11 ■i. —one v. ry .; e.u- horse
i .-mo ts I n .iioiog -ii h with a common bridle, i
never feel e..-y nor iiiifoi Ltbie to i iijoy the ride, it
is ti. -re inliey in_. 1. .veveio when you have persons
with \o>i and you -an tell by th*r countenance that
tin , o.ut •. >y the rnie irom tear ol your horse
runt.: ig a lit:!.-. • r even ruuningan iy. 1 have always
tie ;g!P. t: e; - luigiit l a hrior l it so <■, nstrucu-d
liiat Vou eon!d Uuve and I. id lior-e- w ill perfect
ease "and -aietv. The fir.-t of this kind I happened
to was In il art man s. I tliought it was very good.
In tie meantime it irred to hie that the way the
--w •. k.'d on t i nrio.e >ui< on I not uraw Ihe bit
and lei * -.. p. ■ em ugh on your horse.-, s-oroe
hr : -es and c<" t.- wh-.-n you surge them tightly and
j ..-annot s'a k t:.. hi, - .p. i.ly. will ! ilk and hack
I very ugly. I once -aw Idr. I'iin.-ts and btatntn's
i pai.mt with gin e. .-tic. -trap, working on übout the
I -.. me j.r.i. nh .- I*r. H; .:man's. Mr. Christ then
gave mo aon lie to y on my lc.rse. I had the same
1 o .lection to it Iha i t<> 1 r. hi art m m'-. My aitviition
| wo- i, st ailed t ■ Mr. Jos. ( . Haiiie-'l'at". Nt, of our
town. M*. att. Nt n was airesi<-d immediately with
tin* pp. aranee of u. Jt • h.-en using it for some
two Ho.' u- ...ii.- -ij, , --hi. \ J : .vedrov. along the
rat road :. .'i .-ttu-r ugly pl.e -. ft.-eiing <june safe. I
* .inil it emh: -■' you 1 ...*i g* v "Ut "I a bndl *. 11
tin- j. : I . 'ii.*.* get -*o: ■.- -*i , : hey can I h-ip
' hut under-loud simplicity, durability Hmletfeetive
ues- and tak.-n together, . a:inot help reeoiiiiricndiue
it.-.lt. K :■ are mad. and being made through
the country in every direction, crossing our public
road.- four or five tin;- -m - many miles sometime.-.
1 he-o . ro-sing-often •• •■ i'.r at v.'ry ugly { ice. All
I panic- are nt. • or less ah aui of meeting the trams
when f• V ; iraveiing hu i.-ar tiiCtr horses will take
frigid, a: ■i. t .. •toh i . them. Tm.-c uimuui
ty remembers how seriously !r. 1.-su.v U..thr.K*U, of
rsnvder county, was liurt at tiie oro--ing. at the new
• Tannwrv I-i-t tfav. He found he cou.d not hold his
! horse and then get out of his buggy, and the horse
tore him around badiv. ft. M. kfc.i.\ Liv.
LswjsT' 5. August 21. isn't.
Thi- e-mimonitv is well aware ot the fact that in
the I, I-!..; in fj-BW practice. lr. G. Av Hoover
Was : most I i'.ed b\ All-running Otl of hi-mare. 1
dro* • - mao m s.'ngle harness by using the safety
i lii.i. ,iiVt*Dlt 'i Joseph Haines, and 1 found that
fjiit* w.t> eutireiv" untier mv control. 1 bei'cve the
• Safet\ Bridle i - all th.*t can do? ;red for the soetirity
of life. limb, and vuh. Ie vtbcu usvd either upou a
1 docile or vicious horse. H. M. FRATT.
i W \ny persons having fraction- hors*- s are inrited
bring i "Hi to the unders gned, or during ius ah
.-t ;i ••• to Mr. FralL, laid tlj- y can readily be .-ai >tied
\iiui any horsij can not un!y he prevented Irom kick
ing but Ironri running away. .
i have naincd the biiile "The rhirehii, * - gunv uig
"I have found." JuSKPH C. lIAINKS.
i Deceinl>er 12 I^o6.
B E XV U T Y .
Auburn, Golden, Flaxen and Silken Curls, !
|)K' 'l'l'CEl' by tiie it-e o'. Prof. DEBREEX' FBI- j
I SKU LE CHfeVEI'.K. I 'a ip •ation warranted J
t > cur! the mo-t -tra gi.t ir: I -tnii hair of either i
• x lit . wavy ringlet.-, or heavy'iia-.-ivo , |rls. Ha- ;
been used by the fa-month - : Pu -.nd ]. tidon. !
with th® ni .-t gratitymg results. IJ no ityory t>> j
to- hnr. Price by mail, sealed and podptidfl. De-
Bcrijpove Circulars mailed fr, . A (dress BERGER I
-ir ;"i.v < '.. iV' ;-t- N 2-; i:;v< rst.,Ti. v.n. a |
Sole Agents for the I'nited state-. fubC-ly
E'lßt'ED t • grow up .n the -'noothest face In f: ni '
1 thre tofi.o wo-ek-by u- ng Dr.FEVIGN'ES RE-- j
'J Al RATE! R r A PILL A IRE the nio-l woniierful di.— I
eovery in modern science, acting upon the Beard and !
i: or in an almost to rneulon- manner. It has been j
it-i by the elite of Pari- and London with the most ;
?. ittermg -u.'-cr—. Names of all p.-r- a-will he reg- ,
i-tered, and it entire -,- tl ,n it... . n in every |
111-t 111. the mo, ~y M IJ.. ~l,oorfuilv refunded. Fric-e I
■*> 'nil-1. scale i ami id.-f I. De-erip'ive eircn
'ai-s ''"dti .-tmioniats niati," 1 tree. A i ire.- - BERGER.
>11! 11- A< ' i.. < h.oio-:-. No. 2-' i h:v r street. Trov.
... A .. Sole agents for the United state-. feb",-lv
oil' she ftealiii.'ii! an i t.,:-.
AV all star! y an : rj.h mt hair,
w-i - . tig ten r ..- -.<. • nt
Lnclialned the \, ry ...... i ntiri..!.
For Curling (hr llur of rithrr Sex into\
Wavy anil Glossy liin<]lrt& or
lie 'vy Massive Curls.
I>V th:*- artielt- \. lit - nii*i Gent'e nen can Yeau- !
J ;s ' v Uichism I vi . ■ • .•. .!•; i. I• is the only .-
titJo j;. * tie Wi.j !-i t! lit u.i : -ri.iijl.t hair* and at t fie*
- tin • time £ive 'a i • -on ;E appear iti*e 'J'he
< rt>p r Coma n- ? . -j: i> tho hair. Cut 111 vmoratf-s.
hcaiUifi < an<i t!. ai;>t - ii; highly ttii.i dt ,i_;htfuliy
t" i aud i- thn rno>t Complete arti of t' "♦
ki ; i tev offered to the An)- r■ an pti t•. The Cris
•"• A ;• .. \\. i'f >etit t ■ aiiy r itires>• a:ed a:i i post
*V>" ?' ' LARK &. rO,ch.-i:i,>U,
febO-ly N >.3, West I a ette M.. >vra- use. \ V.
For Removing- Superfluous Hair.
T' 1 (HL ij.ii'-.- e.-p -.a. i,i . i .pi at or v
• recommends itself ®s being an almost indispensi
lO- Htt' ■to ;.!' 1 1.0 : ■ ;v . - c:i- ;!y apphed. d",.- :• .t
•-1 'tl ot .autre tit,- skin, but i. t- ■i i root Iy on th" roots,
it i- warrant* d t-_. ieinov t superfiu iit- 'ha i from low
: Tele id-, or fro a any part of tl.e body, eomplei. .y.
' 'tally and rah -ally "X.rprcing the-.one, le;n iigthe
-km -ott. -rn at, .u.i I j.ttt:: fi,'- .- the only article
II- d ! v the I reneli. and ■- the • oiy r- al effectual de
jula-'iry in ■ x.-t aec. Pr:• • • 75 cents per package,
.-••tit post-paid, *• 1 my lit—. .n r>- ;of an order. I
-V BERGEi! -ii t"TTr- i t... • liemt-t-.
ieb6-ly 2"> River street, Troy. N. Y. j
Th iw .'• y • i - r r--itches,vourwig—
•A 11 rejoice in . lire-' - -ixnthi-.t i-alr.
i >nip ..g' i,. me youthful cm- ug!;- and fair,
Ati-I r-j .<• •• }•• "v,n luxuriant hair.
1 f 11 i I l '.ng J :i p. ci .' o■. ; - fr •' iw ! itever
I cause it ni tj I ivi !.i i'ii out and ft' .ng a growth
. f ha. i upon tk. 1.,.-, it ha-noi .jual. It a I force the
• It.. - -v op n the siiioot;.--t la in from five to
. got weeks, or ha.r upon bal l heads in from two to
throe months. A few ignorant pra:i >ner- have n--
: .ed '.... it there ;- nothing t n.tt w • I force or hasten
the growth of the ha ror beard Their as-"rtionsare
, :-e. i- tlioii-nnds .f livttig witt:—.-"s m tin .Town
experience can bear vviure-s. But many will ,-av.how
we to distinguish the genuine from the spurious!
It eorta ily > d ffietilt. ana."-tenth- of the diffetetw
Prep .rati..!)- adreriiaed for the hair and beard are en
tirely worthless, and you may have ii ready thrown
.-way larg" amount- in their put ise. Tosuel; we
wouil -, y. try t"-.-- Ift-patator • T.s . h: itwi'leost you
■ -
1. ut gist d - - it •: k ep : , -• n i t,s one dollar
and we n ; t wai u:t jai-ipaid, together with a receipt J
tor the tr." ■y, wli h w :!! I returned you onappiiea
t: r J.J "I. entire . : .- : .t given. Address
W.I. (LARK i • ■ >. Chemists.
l'elk>l\ No. 3 West Fayette -t., -yrac-tt-e, N. Y.
There cons-tit glad tidings of joy to all.
T young and : • ■. i- to great a .id ft. email;
The IK ity w •!; one.- wi- so pro. ion- and rare, j
I- lice i d ail a..il al! may be for.
By the use of
Fir Improving an I Beautifving the Complexion,
rpii i; most valuabh and perfect preparation muse. .
• for giving the akin a beautiful peat i I ke tint that
is only feundln youth- Itquickly remevt s Tan, Freck
les Pimples, Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallnwness,
Eruptions, and s.il impurities uf the -km. kindly lieal
u.g the same. l"avii,g*ihe skin white and dear as ala
: atirty. arid lions a veg.-tal ie preparation is p* r
f'etiy i.'armless. It i- tlie only articft- of the kind used
by tie French, and eon.-idered by tie- Parisian as
t-t Iwpensahle t. a perl. et toilet, t'pwards of 3G.00■
butt!- - were uttrit-g the pa-t > • ar. u sufficient
g; ;■ .ate of it- eti. v. I'l ce only 75 .ants. Bent by
mail, post-paid, on receipt ol an order, i v
BERGER, SBETTS A t'i.)., t'hemi.-ts,
f 51V 2 W 5 River St., Troy, N. Y.
The World Astonished
QUE reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She re-
O stores t" happiness tho.-e who, from u h till events,
catastrophes, "i-oss.-s in love, ft.,-- of relations and
friend*. loss of m nev. A< „ havefcc-e.-.niedespondeui.
Bbe b:ings fegeth.-i tii"-.- long aeparated, give- infor
mation co cerumg absent friends or lovers, re-tores
lo—t or stolen property, tells you the bu-inos- you are
best jnalified to pur.-m and in what you v.ill be must
successful, cans- - spi edy marriages "and tell-yon the
very day y..u will marry, gives you the name, likeness
ir; I eharacleri-tic d the j.ei-ou. She rends your very
th light-, and by lc- almost supernatural power- un
veils the dark and hid.ten mysteries of the future.—
From the stars w< see in the firmanent—the malefic
s-ars that overcome or predominate in the configuta
t. ui—from the a-| ■■'- and po-it. n-id the planet®
and th fixed -tar- it) the heavens at the time of Inrth,
sue d".iuees th" future destiny of iron. Fail not to
consult tl.e greatest A-troloi..-ton eartii. it costs you
but a trttie. and you may neveraguin have so favorable
an opportunity. Consultation fee, with likeness and
all d -1 red information. sl. Parties living a!,a distance
ran consult the Madam.-! ytr ail with equal "safety and
- itistiietion to tlieni-elve-. as if i i jier-. n, A full and
explicit chart, written out. with al! inquiries answered
ani likeness enclose J. sent h\ mail on receipt of price
Hoove mentioned. The strictest s.. recy will he main
tained. aud all correspondence returned or destroyed.
References of the highest order furnished those de
siring them. Write plainly the day of the month and
year in which you were horn, enclosing a small lock
of ha.r. Address MADAHL H. A PERRIGO,
je-bC-Jy P. O. DRAWER 293. BITPALO, N. Y.
IMIUSIIES at Hoffman's.
CEDAR-WARE at Hoffman's.
CORDAGE at Hoffmau'a.
SHOE FINDINGS • at Hoffman's.
SOLE LEATHER at Hoffman's.
POCKET CUTLERY at Huffman's.
TABLE CUTLERY at Hoffman's.
*•"•"> >4# w sd
S3 i%/L x ]E=s_3r.
Ih-tituti'di, formerly the proper- j
. i Tv - oi s Larp, :tn<l lately pun-has- !
od bv M. Mohler, Co. Supt. of Nlitliin eo., i
has 1 it.-on tlioroutylily renovate*! :md n-fur
iii-hed. Ihe water pipes? have heen relaid !
to the Uuihiiiur, and other improvement!? !
made, as to make it one of the most
desirable Institutions in the eountry. A
teachers' class will be formed tit the ojK-n
--insr ol ilie session and will be continued
I Ite summer session open- on Wednes
day, April 10th, and continues j
twenty weeks.
TERMS; —Tuition, boarding-, ligrht and
furnished room-, per session, sto.Oo.
Those desiring admitUuiwsiiouid apply
early. For further particulars, ttddress
Le\vietown, Pa., until March 20th,
f6 after which at Kisluieoquillas p. O.
ii retv ' a Pat en >
T/Piiioi'i AUAFJAA
THIF greatest improvement of the age. in this line
of trade. I-t. Ii doc* awav witfi th*- wriubl* - oi!
t.'if tn-icp. at-.), with the wlted -:de scam which I a
injured no many feet and ankle®. 2d. It make® the
casic-t sitting and t fitting ! • ..t .-v.-r v. .rn. 'I h,.-
>-*t now man;."a-tur. ibyp. F. L""p. who I ids
t' - right of ti.-- for the county, and i- pri nar d t<>
h ■ -h ad who w :sh to wear t: - i A ' .'oral u--
■ itin- !...;■ -.'crs wi.- wish :• •(■ . ... tl. oj.
der® filled at short notice. Prices greatly reduced on
.-..1 goo is at P. K. L up - Suoe bo re. ' ft i-'i
which will he placed upon tri ii w (h any other now
ii U-". 11 >• invites conipoi.. n. Ii can be i -tcj
with any other machine : • enable pnrcher- to choose
Give him a call. [sepX2-Gmj WM. LIND.
White Pine, Lap &. Joint Shingles.
For -ale by GRA FF A TIP i.M I -< >N.
i)i>v2i-* ui* Milroy. Miiliin eo_ Pa.
Arc superi r to all oiiicrs fori
Contain nil th. latest improvements; arc speedy;
ri dura' ar. l < -y to work.
lllusirun d Cii o-ulars fr- • Agent-wanted. Liberal
ditoODt allowed. No oonsigmnonts made.
Addrc-s EMPIRE b. M. CO., 616 Broadway. New-
York. bcpi'oo-ly
Lewistown Coach Kanutactory.
Junction 3d & Vallej!" street-
r' rt • f
mam tilling (.... >■•... !'■■■. ,
Ma-j .'Aim "uySgyVft • ■ h
t ainltl—k . Ac., mv.-..- tiie pul :. to
give th-m a call and examine spo ;mcn- oi their
work, wlo h wo! he found equal to any in or out of
tin citic.- All kin i- f repairing promptly ate tid-d
to. decl2-ly
•11 HE following Fire, Life, and Accidental Companies
1 are represent- .1 by the undersigned :
.Etna, FTre of Hartford, 84.058.0u0
Putnaru, " 500,000
Home, New York 3,500,000
Germania, " 700,000
IJnme, New Haven, 1,000,000
North America, Philadelphia, 1,750,U0U
Enterprise, " 400,0U0
Lycoming, l'enna., 2,500,000
i Farmers, \ork, Pa , 500,000
J American Life, Philadelphia, 1,000,000
N Y. Accidental, New York, 250,000
Horse Thief Ins. Co. York Pa , 50,000
Thisagency is prepared to insure against Fire. Death
or Accident." in auj part of Mitlliu county. Horses
arc insured against theft. All business pertaining to
in-uianc: promptly attended to.
lanlO 'O7 " JOHN HAMILTON, Agent
■RN'2?* ify 5> •
ii*HEN hv the us-* of I.R. JOINVILLE * ELIXIR
ti you tn'i • tired permanently and at a trilling cost
Tiie astonisiimg success whii-ii ha.- tins
invalual medicine lor Physical and N- rvoii- Weak
ness, General Debility ajni i'rostr ta>n. L • d Mus
•niar Energy, Imp .tcney. r any of the c- • -• qif-n. > -
of youthful mdi- retion. render- it the nio-t valuable
pr> paraiion ever discovered.
It will remove all nervous arte.-tens, iepression.
exeiietnent. ineapaeity to study or bu-im --. loss of
memory, c* nfaeion,thought® ol self d struction, fears
en insanity. & ■■ It will n-store the appetite, renew the
health oi those who have destroyed it by sensual ex
cess or cv.l practices.
Young Men. he humbugged no m re by • 'marts
Doctors'" and ignorant practitioner-, but send without
dctav lor the Elixir,and he at ouee l cstored to health
and happiness. A Perfect Cure :-Guaranteed in evc
rv instance. Price, sl. or four bottles ft one address..
j " One bottle is sufficient to ettect a cure in all ordma
!?peei> and permanent cure of Gouorrheiis iileet, i re
tnral Discharge.-. Gravel, Stri tare, and all airecDons
j of the Kidneys and Bladder. Cure* effected m from
: one to five days. They are prepared from vegotaobe
extracts that "are harinless on the -y.-iein, ana never
' nauseate the stomach or impregnate tlie breath. No
change of diet is necessary while using ineon, nor does
: their action in any manner interfere with uusuness
; pursuits. Price, fi per box.
' Either of the above-mentioned articles Will be sent
to anv address, closely sealed, und rost-pa:o. bv mail
or express, on receipt of price. Address ai; orders to
BEBUEU, SfIUTTS & Chemists,
febS-ly No 285 River Street, Troy, Nr.
I have on register for bale the following
I real esttite:
About 51) Icreiof f-nittl. situate oll
both side- of road leading to Idlleysvillc,
only half a mile east of Lewistown, do
acres of which are in grass and under eul
tivaiion, tlie remainder thrifty young
timber. There is an excellent never-fail
ing spring on this tract, with a beautiful
building siteoverlo >kiug Lewistown and
the intermediate ground near it. Thi
}>roperty would make a line dairy farm.
It litis also probably iron ore on it. Price
IritJO per acre. This is ;i cheap traet, and
will hardly remain for sale long. Terms,
half cash, balance in payments.
4 Farm of (:£:{ Aciti, in Wayne
town- hip, but a -liort distance from At
kinson's Mills, on road leading to Newton
Hamilton, 110 acres of which are cleared
and under cultivation, fenced and divided
into convenient fields—remainder timber.
Theimprovemeni>consist of a Log House,
weatherboarded, new Rank Barn and oth
er outbuildings, excellent Orchard, Arc*.—
There is a fine meadow on the premises,
with running water, and a well at the
door. Price, Si-SOOO—2UOd cash, balance
ill two annual payments, with interest.
Possession will be given on Ist April, if
desired. This is a cheap farm, and will
prove a bargain to any purchaser.
4i res of" Land, .-ituate in Gran
ville township, on the Pennsylvania Ca
nal, about o miles west of Lewistowu, 82
acres cleared, well fenced, and in good or
der, and 8 acres iu timber. Tin* improve
ments consist of a two story Log House,
weatherboarded, good Bank Barn, Corn
Crib, MUuke House, Hog Pens, Black
smith Shop, Ac. This land is all arable,
has an abundance of limestone on it, and
a landing on the canal, so that coal can
be procured with little trouble. It is only
half a mile from a railroad station, post
office and store. Most of the fencing is
post and rail—the posts locust—ami about
Vi ) locust posts could now be cut 011 the
premises. There are three good springs
on the place, two of them near the dwel
ling and some good fruit. 55 E>t>!!ars
per Ac re. This is a fine property for a
farmer, and has been noted tor raising
good crops.
4 Farm wf HO it-rcs. 21 milt - west
of MeYeytown, the pike running through
it, 1">(> acres cleared, well enclosed, water
in every field, and 20acres in good timber.
Goo i Stone Hou-e, Bank Barb 50 by SO,
Wagon Shed, Corn < rib. Hog Pens, Wash
House with never failing stream flowing
through it. Spring House, Smoke House,
large Apple Orchard of choice grafted
fruit, worth a- much on an annual aver
age a> the interest of the entire purchase
money, as well as pear, cherry, peach and
plum trees. Price SO per acre —one-half
cash, and remainder in one, two and three
years, if desired, with interest —purchaser
"to pay one-half cost of survevingand ma
king deed. This i< a desirable property,
and I believe the cheapest farm now for
sale in Miffiin county. The land is all
patented, and title indisputable.
V Farm of 155 Acres, situate in
Wayne township, within j mile of rail
road, J mile from canal, and 1A miles from
Newton Hamilton, 120 acre- cleared, re
mainder good pine and ti r.~t class white
oak timber. The improvements consist
of a two story Log House, double Bank
Barn, Spring House, and other outbuild
ings, an old orchard, and another of young
trees just beginning to bear. There are
four never-failing springs on this farm,
I one a strong sulphur, and another best
limestone. Tlie land lays beautifully, is
within \ a mile of a mill, and a quarter
from a public school house. Soil good, an
abundance of easily quarried limestone on
the place, and in the hands of an enter
prising farmer would make a first class
farm in a short time. The owner desires
to -ell because he has as much land as he
desires to cultivate at his homestead. On
ly Si3o per acre. This place, from its
proximity to market, requiring so little
hauling that hor-es hardly need shoeing
in winter, its healthy neighborhood, and
other advantages, is undoubtedly a great
baig&tn. If not sold lv the loth Februa
ry it will lie FOR RENT.
Alt. Rock .Hills, situate near Lewis
' town, with 23 acres of Land, machinery
| and fixtures all in good order, and noted
for making as good flour as is manufac
tured in the county. Price, 810.000,
part of which say S3OOU, can be arranged
on a mortgage. This 111 iil is now under
rent at a sum which pays all the taxes and
fully 8 p>er cent, on the price asked. The
I time for its sale is limited.
1 Tract of" :£<> teres, situate in
| Wayne township, about 0 miles from Me-
Yeytown, from 20 to 25 acres cleared and
under cultivation. The soil is principally
gravel and produces well. It is weil
watered, and ha- a fine patch of young
timber on it. Price SSOOO.
knottier Tract of 30 Acres, sep
-1 arated from the above by the road from
MeYeytown to Newton Hamilton, all
cleared and tolerably well fenced, and in
a good state of cultivation. It has on it
a good two story Log House, plastered in
| side and weatherboarded and painted out
! side, together with Barn, Apple Orchard,
ten years old, well at the door, two springs
not far from the house, and other advan
tages. Price 81500.
Possession given Ist Nov., 1567. These
tracts will be sold separately or together.
If separate, one-half in hand, and balance
in two equal yearly payments with inte
rest, or in one yearly payment without
interest. If together, half cusli, and bal
ance in two equal payments with inte
rest, or if id I paid cash, the half will he
discounted at ft per cent. These proper
ties would make a desirable little farm,
; and are situate in a very pleasant neigh
• borliood.
Vol. LVII. No. 7.
1 Tr.:c: 01 in Derry town
i ship. one and a quarter miles from Lev
istown, on the canal, with the old pike
running through it, containing about 200
acre-, 4~> chared and mostly fenced, with
a two story Stone House, Bank Barn, an
! Old Orchard, and a number of young trees
planted some years ago, consisting of ap
pie. pear and cherry. The remainder of
| the tract is covered with pine, chestnut
and oak, from which a large quantity of
firewood could he cut, and as it can be
easily hauled presents a strong induce
ment to an industrious man with a small
I capital. One corner of this tract strikes
Jack's crock between the Edmiston and
old saw mill tract, thus giving access to it
by two road-, l'ricesolooo -loon cash,
balance in such payments as may be
; agreed on.
For further information inquire of
Incensed Agent for sale of Ileal Estate.
! Ecwbtown. February 6,1867.
virtue of an order of the Orphans'
I Court of Mifflin county, the undersigned,
; administrator of the Estate of George B.
| Pennepacker, late of Granville township,
dee'd, will -ell at public sale, on the nrern
| ises, on
TSll Itsitw, Mai't'lk •Sfli. istn,
the undivided half part of all that certain
! Tract ef Land situate in Granville town
i -hip, Miltiin county, adjoining lands of
; Lewis <)wens, Mrs. Wertz, Enoch Myers'
heirs, Joshua Morrison and others, eoo
taining One Hundred and Thirty-two
Acresandone hundred and fifty-six perch
es, near measure, whereon is erected a
Two Story Frame House, a good New
Bank Barn with a Corn-Crib and Wagon
sln-d attached, and other outbuildings.—
-There is also a tine Young Orchard of
choice fruit on it, a well of good water at
the door, and a fine stream of running
water and two good springs on the place.
J The farm is in good order and is a desira
ble situation.
Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, a. m.,
when terms will be made known.
SAMI'EL H. MeCOY, Adin'r.
At the same time and place, the under
signed will sell the other undivided half
part of the above desirable tract of land so
J is to enable the purchaser to obtain a title
for the whole tract.
J. L. POBTKK, Auctioneer. janoO
I )l ItELSi SAI.K.
JL The undersigned will offer at pub
lic sale, at his residence on the farm of
John Allen, sen., in Oliver township, on
FRIDAY, February loth, ls<<7,
the following personal property, to wit:
j 1 Mare with foal, last spring Colt. 2 Cows,
| ;> head of young Cattle. Id head Sheep, 10
! Shouts, Reaper and Mower, combined,
I No. 2 Separator, Giser's patent Thresher,
| Cleaner and Bagger, trotting Buggy, new
Spring Wagon, Hay Rake, Plows," Culti
vator, riding Saddle and Bridle, 2 sets of
tug Harness, 2 sets light Harness, Collars,
Bridles, Halters, Double and Singletrees,
Plow Gears, Screw Plates, Forks", Rakes,
) and other articles, too numerous to men-
I tion. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a.
I m., when terms will be made known.
L W ill be offered at public sale,
by the undersigned, residing on the Par
ker farm, just below Lewistown, on
THURSDAY, Feb. 21, 1867,
(he following personal property, to wit:
a lot of Shoals. Separator and Thresher,
Geiser's manufacture, large size; two
horse Tread Power and Threshing Ma
chine: .'1 two-horse wagons, thimbleskeins,
- entirely new; these wagons ironed in the
best possible manner; six-mule Wagon;
new spring Wagon; Plows and Harrows;
new top Buggy, new two-horse Carriage;
new Sleigh; with a variety of other arti
cles, too numerous to mention.
Sale to commence at 1- o'clock m. of
said day, when terms will be made known.
fe6 2t* WM. R. GRAHAM.
| )i Els.lt SALE.
; I Will be sold at public sale, by the
I subscriber, residing on the it. U. Jacob's
I farm, on
Wednesday, February "27. 1567,
the following personal property, to wit:
1 Colt, -1 Milch Cows, :> of them fresh; 1
young Durham Bull, Young Cattle, 1
Breeding Sow, a lot of Shoats, 1 four
horse Wagon. 1 two-horse Wagon, 1 im
proved McCormick Reaper, 1 Rarit&n
i Mower. Hay Ladders on Wagon Bed,
Hay Rake, Corn Planter, Corn Plow, Fod
der Cutter. Plows and Harrows, Thresh
: ing Machine and Horse Power, Cultiva
tors, - Log Chains, 1 Fifth Chain, Cow
! Chains, Horse Gears, Single and Double
trees, 1 pair Spreaders, Rakes and Forks,
1 Fanning Mill, Grain Cradles, and a va
riety of other articles too numerous to
mention. At .so, One-half interest in 52
Acres of Wheat in the ground. .Sale to
commence at 10o'clock, a. in., when terms
will be made known.
I .
> llus
Men's Buck Gloves at $1 25
1 50
" " Gauntlets 1 25
Mitts 1 37
Men's Wool, Cotton and Berlin GLOVES for
sale cheap. jan3o.
Mutual Insurance Company
Capital, $2,500,000.
THIS Company 'ontinues to issue Policies of Insur
ance on buildings and Personal Properly, in Town
I or Country, at cash or mutual rates.
JANES RASKIS, President,
I jantO C7 Lewistown, Pa.